BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
cfgNot so stupid attempt to fix splitedgeVincent Lejeune11 years
codesize6R600: Relax some vector constraints on Dot4.Vincent Lejeune12 years
nativeR600: Improve texture handlingVincent Lejeune12 years
radeonsiR600: Generalize dot4 optimizations to cube instructionsVincent Lejeune11 years
radeonsi-backupR600/SI: Start working on a Scheduler for SI.Vincent Lejeune11 years
radeonsi-backup2R600/SI: Add support for new vector intrinsic related callbacksVincent Lejeune11 years
radeonsi-schedulingfixe for schedulerVincent Lejeune10 years
scheduling-backupR600: Recompute schedule graph non order dependencies.Vincent Lejeune11 years
texturesfix the trans bs tooVincent Lejeune11 years
vliw5Revert "R600: Recompute schedule graph non order dependencies."Vincent Lejeune11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2013-01-20cover bitcast when explodingcodesizeVincent Lejeune2-0/+10
2013-01-20radeon/llvm: switch instructions matching fmul and int_AMDGPU_mulVincent Lejeune3-7/+8
2013-01-20Initial work to foldVincent Lejeune2-3/+40
2013-01-19R600: improve inputs/interpolation handlingVadim Girlin10-251/+124
2013-01-18R600: add a intrinsicsVincent Lejeune3-2/+31
2013-01-18R600: simplify stream outputs intrinsicVincent Lejeune5-47/+13
2013-01-18R600: rework handling of the constantsVadim Girlin16-104/+483
2013-01-18R600: Add a CONST_ADDRESS node to model constant buf readVincent Lejeune3-1/+12
2013-01-18R600: Factorise VTX_WORD0 and VTX_WORD1 in tblgen defVincent Lejeune1-45/+65
2013-01-16R600/SI: Use unnormalized coordinates for sampling with the RECT target.Michel Dänzer2-0/+13