AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2011-05-06add cayman testHEADmasterDave Airlie1-0/+89
2011-05-06radeondemo : add detect + cayman supportDave Airlie14-156/+9438
2011-04-29add is accel check + GTT testDave Airlie1-2/+71
the GTT test fials
2011-04-29fix endian issues in the shaders,Dave Airlie3-42/+11
now my solid fill works.
2011-04-29cstest: set bo up so same size as my screen bo.Dave Airlie4-66/+108
This emits the exact same stream as my DDX, also the DDX renders fine. same vbo same consts wtf.
2011-04-29initialDave Airlie15-0/+10444