path: root/dix/window.c
diff options
authorTiago Vignatti <>2010-10-20 17:54:58 -0200
committerTiago Vignatti <>2010-11-11 23:20:35 +0200
commitbfe9cdd11bcb60cf33dc48136ebee028001a737e (patch)
tree185c93be767da84d1413e84181cc9594802e61fc /dix/window.c
parent88cb61e1e55c54982b90e2a77465faaac6a0ba89 (diff)
dix: delete logo hack screen saver
Protocol doesn't mention about screen saver with logo being required and people are already using more intelligent ways to draw screen saver themes. So consider -logo as deprecated option, deleting its code. Signed-off-by: Tiago Vignatti <> Reviewed-by: Mikhail Gusarov <> Reviewed-by: Alan Coopersmith <> Reviewed-by: Daniel Stone <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dix/window.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/dix/window.c b/dix/window.c
index edb146e97..a2b1507e4 100644
--- a/dix/window.c
+++ b/dix/window.c
@@ -3087,13 +3087,6 @@ SendVisibilityNotify(WindowPtr pWin)
#define RANDOM_WIDTH 32
-static void DrawLogo(
- WindowPtr pWin
dixSaveScreens(ClientPtr client, int on, int mode)
@@ -3155,18 +3148,10 @@ dixSaveScreens(ClientPtr client, int on, int mode)
* for the root window, so miPaintWindow works
screenIsSaved = SCREEN_SAVER_OFF;
- if (logoScreenSaver)
- (*pWin->drawable.pScreen->ClearToBackground)(pWin, 0, 0, 0, 0, FALSE);
(short)(-(rand() % RANDOM_WIDTH)),
(short)(-(rand() % RANDOM_WIDTH)),
pWin->nextSib, VTMove);
- if (logoScreenSaver)
- DrawLogo(pWin);
screenIsSaved = SCREEN_SAVER_ON;
@@ -3324,10 +3309,6 @@ TileScreenSaver(ScreenPtr pScreen, int kind)
(*pWin->drawable.pScreen->ChangeWindowAttributes)(pWin, CWBackPixmap);
MapWindow(pWin, serverClient);
- if (kind == SCREEN_IS_TILED && logoScreenSaver)
- DrawLogo(pWin);
return TRUE;
@@ -3673,184 +3654,3 @@ WindowParentHasDeviceCursor(WindowPtr pWin,
return FALSE;
-static void
-DrawLogo(WindowPtr pWin)
- DrawablePtr pDraw;
- ScreenPtr pScreen;
- int x, y;
- unsigned int width, height, size;
- GC *pGC;
- int rc, thin, gap, d31;
- DDXPointRec poly[4];
- ChangeGCVal fore[2], back[2];
- xrgb rgb[2];
- BITS32 fmask, bmask;
- ColormapPtr cmap;
- pDraw = (DrawablePtr)pWin;
- pScreen = pDraw->pScreen;
- x = -pWin->origin.x;
- y = -pWin->origin.y;
- width = pScreen->width;
- height = pScreen->height;
- pGC = GetScratchGC(pScreen->rootDepth, pScreen);
- if (!pGC)
- return;
- if ((rand() % 100) <= 17) /* make the probability for white fairly low */
- fore[0].val = pScreen->whitePixel;
- else
- fore[0].val = pScreen->blackPixel;
- if (pWin->backgroundState == BackgroundPixel) {
- rc = dixLookupResourceByType((pointer *)&cmap, wColormap(pWin),
- RT_COLORMAP, serverClient, DixReadAccess);
- if (rc == Success) {
- Pixel querypixels[2];
- querypixels[0] = fore[0].val;
- querypixels[1] = pWin->background.pixel;
- QueryColors(cmap, 2, querypixels, rgb, serverClient);
- if ((rgb[0].red == rgb[1].red) &&
- (rgb[0].green == rgb[1].green) &&
- (rgb[0].blue == rgb[1].blue)) {
- if (fore[0].val == pScreen->blackPixel)
- fore[0].val = pScreen->whitePixel;
- else
- fore[0].val = pScreen->blackPixel;
- }
- }
- }
- fore[1].val = FillSolid;
- fmask = GCForeground|GCFillStyle;
- if (pWin->backgroundState == BackgroundPixel) {
- back[0].val = pWin->background.pixel;
- back[1].val = FillSolid;
- bmask = GCForeground|GCFillStyle;
- } else {
- back[0].val = 0;
- back[1].val = 0;
- ChangeGC(NullClient, pGC, GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin, back);
- back[0].val = FillTiled;
- back[1].ptr = pWin->background.pixmap;
- bmask = GCFillStyle|GCTile;
- }
- /* should be the same as the reference function XmuDrawLogo() */
- size = width;
- if (height < width)
- size = height;
- size = RANDOM_WIDTH + rand() % (size - RANDOM_WIDTH);
- size &= ~1;
- x += rand() % (width - size);
- y += rand() % (height - size);
- * Draw what will be the thin strokes.
- *
- * -----
- * / /
- * / /
- * / /
- * / /
- * /____/
- * d
- *
- * Point d is 9/44 (~1/5) of the way across.
- */
- thin = (size / 11);
- if (thin < 1) thin = 1;
- gap = (thin+3) / 4;
- d31 = thin + thin + gap;
- poly[0].x = x + size; poly[0].y = y;
- poly[1].x = x + size-d31; poly[1].y = y;
- poly[2].x = x + 0; poly[2].y = y + size;
- poly[3].x = x + d31; poly[3].y = y + size;
- ChangeGC(NullClient, pGC, fmask, fore);
- ValidateGC(pDraw, pGC);
- (*pGC->ops->FillPolygon)(pDraw, pGC, Convex, CoordModeOrigin, 4, poly);
- * Erase area not needed for lower thin stroke.
- *
- * ------
- * / /
- * / __ /
- * / / /
- * / / /
- * /__/__/
- */
- poly[0].x = x + d31/2; poly[0].y = y + size;
- poly[1].x = x + size / 2; poly[1].y = y + size/2;
- poly[2].x = x + (size/2)+(d31-(d31/2)); poly[2].y = y + size/2;
- poly[3].x = x + d31; poly[3].y = y + size;
- ChangeGC(NullClient, pGC, bmask, back);
- ValidateGC(pDraw, pGC);
- (*pGC->ops->FillPolygon)(pDraw, pGC, Convex, CoordModeOrigin, 4, poly);
- * Erase area not needed for upper thin stroke.
- *
- * ------
- * / / /
- * /--/ /
- * / /
- * / /
- * /_____/
- */
- poly[0].x = x + size - d31/2; poly[0].y = y;
- poly[1].x = x + size / 2; poly[1].y = y + size/2;
- poly[2].x = x + (size/2)-(d31-(d31/2)); poly[2].y = y + size/2;
- poly[3].x = x + size - d31; poly[3].y = y;
- ValidateGC(pDraw, pGC);
- (*pGC->ops->FillPolygon)(pDraw, pGC, Convex, CoordModeOrigin, 4, poly);
- * Draw thick stroke.
- * Point b is 1/4 of the way across.
- *
- * b
- * -----
- * \ \
- * \ \
- * \ \
- * \ \
- * \____\
- */
- poly[0].x = x; poly[0].y = y;
- poly[1].x = x + size/4; poly[1].y = y;
- poly[2].x = x + size; poly[2].y = y + size;
- poly[3].x = x + size - size/4; poly[3].y = y + size;
- ChangeGC(NullClient, pGC, fmask, fore);
- ValidateGC(pDraw, pGC);
- (*pGC->ops->FillPolygon)(pDraw, pGC, Convex, CoordModeOrigin, 4, poly);
- * Erase to create gap.
- *
- * /
- * /
- * /
- * /
- * /
- */
- poly[0].x = x + size- thin; poly[0].y = y;
- poly[1].x = x + size-( thin+gap); poly[1].y = y;
- poly[2].x = x + thin; poly[2].y = y + size;
- poly[3].x = x + thin + gap; poly[3].y = y + size;
- ChangeGC(NullClient, pGC, bmask, back);
- ValidateGC(pDraw, pGC);
- (*pGC->ops->FillPolygon)(pDraw, pGC, Convex, CoordModeOrigin, 4, poly);
- FreeScratchGC(pGC);