path: root/src/AntFr310XT.cpp
diff options
authorRALOVICH, Kristóf <>2013-03-02 17:00:45 +0100
committerRALOVICH, Kristóf <>2013-03-02 17:00:45 +0100
commit09b051c37f13ffa3941bac68272b0814b40707a9 (patch)
treea9de636c8267604091014829ef3858df6a1dfbe4 /src/AntFr310XT.cpp
parent984592513069187d2acb1b071b96996b74b1953e (diff)
import sources
Diffstat (limited to 'src/AntFr310XT.cpp')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/AntFr310XT.cpp b/src/AntFr310XT.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89b2b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/AntFr310XT.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+// -*- mode: c++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; coding: utf-8-unix -*-
+// ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+// Copyright (c) 2011-2013 RALOVICH, Kristóf //
+// //
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or //
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License //
+// version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. //
+// //
+// ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+#include "AntFr310XT.hpp"
+#include "SerialTty.hpp"
+#include "SerialUsb.hpp"
+#include "antdefs.hpp"
+#include "common.hpp"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <functional>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+#include <boost/thread/thread_time.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "stdintfwd.hpp"
+//#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
+//#include <boost/property_tree/ini_parser.hpp>
+const uchar net = 0x00;
+const uchar chan = 0x00;
+//const uint hostSN = 0x7c9101e0; // from Garmin ANT+ Agent
+//const uint64_t pairedKey = 0xd273f79a6f166fa5;
+const uint hostSN = 0x00000000;//0xbcdef012;
+//const uint64_t pairedKey = 0xa56f166f9af773d2;
+const ushort msgPeriod = 0x1000;
+const uchar chanSearchTimeout = 0xff;
+const uchar rfFreq = 0x32;
+const ushort waveform = 0x5300;
+const uchar fsFreq = 0x46; // other values seen: 0x46 0x50 0x0f
+const uchar beaconPer = 0x04;
+const uchar fsSearchTimeout = 0x03;
+uint maxFileDownloads = 1000;
+struct AntFr310XT2_EventLoop
+ void operator() (AntFr310XT2* arg)
+ {
+ //printf("msgFunc, arg: %p\n", arg); fflush(stdout);
+ if(!arg)
+ {
+ rv=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ AntFr310XT2* This = reinterpret_cast<AntFr310XT2*>(arg);
+ //printf("msgFunc, This: %p\n", This); fflush(stdout);
+ rv = This->th_eventLoop();
+ }
+ void* rv;
+AntFr310XT2::AntFr310XT2(bool eventLoopInBgTh)
+ : m_serial(new ANTPM_SERIAL_IMPL())
+ , m_antMessenger(new AntMessenger(eventLoopInBgTh))
+ , doPairing(false)
+ , aplc(getConfigFolder()+std::string("libantpm_")+getDateString()+".antparse.txt")
+ , clientSN(0)
+ , pairedKey(0)
+ , m_eventLoopInBgTh(eventLoopInBgTh)
+ //boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
+ //std::string confFile = getConfigFileName();
+ //boost::property_tree::ini_parser::read_ini(confFile.c_str(), pt);
+ //std::cout << pt.get<uint>("libantpm.MaxFileDownloads") << std::endl;
+ //std::cout << pt.get<std::string>("Section1.Value2") << std::endl;
+ //maxFileDownloads = pt.get<uint>("libantpm.MaxFileDownloads");
+ m_antMessenger->setHandler(m_serial.get());
+ m_antMessenger->setCallback(this);
+ state = ST_ANTFS_0;
+ m_eventThKill=0;
+ AntFr310XT2_EventLoop eventTh;
+ eventTh.rv=0;
+ m_eventTh = boost::thread(eventTh, this);
+ m_antMessenger->setCallback(0);
+ //m_antMessenger->setHandler(0);
+ m_eventThKill=1;
+ m_eventTh.join();
+ state = ST_ANTFS_0;
+ m_antMessenger.reset();
+ m_serial.reset();
+ fprintf(loggerc(), "%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ LOG_VAR2(mode, ModeOfOperation2Str(mode));
+AntFr310XT2::setModeDownloadSingleFile( const uint16_t fileIdx )
+ singleFileIdx = fileIdx;
+ LOG_VAR2(mode, ModeOfOperation2Str(mode));
+ LOG_VAR2(mode, ModeOfOperation2Str(mode));
+AntFr310XT2::setModeEraseSingleFile(const uint16_t fileIdx)
+ singleFileIdx = fileIdx;
+ LOG_VAR2(mode, ModeOfOperation2Str(mode));
+ LOG_VAR2(mode, ModeOfOperation2Str(mode));
+AntFr310XT2::onAntReceived(const AntMessage m)
+ postEvent(m);
+AntFr310XT2::onAntSent(const AntMessage m)
+ CHECK_RETURN(m_serial->open());
+ folder = getConfigFolder() + "/" + getDateString() + "/";
+ CHECK_RETURN(mkDir(folder.c_str()));
+ //m_antMessenger->addListener(boost::bind(&AntFr310XT2::listenerFunc2, this, _1));
+ //m_antMessenger->setCallback(&aplc);
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_START0);
+ if(!m_eventLoopInBgTh)
+ m_antMessenger->eventLoop();
+void AntFr310XT2::stop()
+ m_eventThKill = 1;
+ m_antMessenger->kill();
+ if(m_serial->isOpen())
+ {
+ if(state>ST_ANTFS_LINKING)
+ m_antMessenger->ANTFS_Disconnect(chan);
+ m_antMessenger->ANT_CloseChannel(chan);
+ m_antMessenger->ANT_ResetSystem();
+ }
+ m_serial->close();
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+const int
+AntFr310XT2::getSMState() const
+ return state;
+const char*
+AntFr310XT2::getSMStateStr() const
+ return StateFSWork2Str(state);
+AntFr310XT2::postEvent(const AntMessage& m)
+ m_evQue.push(m);
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if(m_eventThKill)
+ break;
+ //if(m_received)
+ //{
+ // m_received = 0;
+ // handleEvents();
+ //}
+ //else
+ //{
+ // sleepms(2);
+ //}
+ if(handleEvents())
+ {
+ //sleepms(2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_BAD);
+ sleepms(1000);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ //return true;
+ while(!m_evQue.empty())
+ {
+ AntMessage m;
+ m_evQue.pop(m);
+ if(m.getMsgId()==MESG_RESPONSE_EVENT_ID)
+ {
+ uint8_t chan=m.getPayloadRef()[0];
+ uint8_t msgId=m.getPayloadRef()[1];
+ if(msgId==MESG_EVENT_ID)
+ {
+ uint8_t msgCode = m.getPayloadRef()[2];
+ {
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_BAD);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // new state machine
+ if(state==ST_ANTFS_RESTART)
+ {
+ m_evQue.clear();
+ //m_antMessenger->clearRxQueue();
+ m_antMessenger->ANT_ResetSystem();
+ m_antMessenger->ANT_ResetSystem();
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_START0);
+ }
+ if(state==ST_ANTFS_START0)
+ {
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_ResetSystem());
+ //CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_RequestMessage(chan, MESG_CHANNEL_STATUS_ID));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_SetNetworkKey(net, ANTP_NETKEY));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_AssignChannel(chan,0,net));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_SetChannelMessagePeriod(chan, msgPeriod));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_SetChannelSearchTimeout(chan, chanSearchTimeout));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_SetChannelRadioFreq(chan, rfFreq));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_SetSearchWaveform(chan, waveform));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_SetChannelId(chan, 0, 0x01, 0x05));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_OpenChannel(chan));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_RequestMessage(chan, MESG_CHANNEL_STATUS_ID));
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LINKING);
+ }
+ else if(state==ST_ANTFS_LINKING)
+ {
+ AntMessage m;
+ //CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->waitForBroadcastDataAvail(chan, &m, 20000));//link beacon
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->waitForBroadcast(chan, &m, 20000));//link beacon
+ M_ANTFS_Beacon* beacon(reinterpret_cast<M_ANTFS_Beacon*>(&m.getPayloadRef()[1]));
+ // TODO:handle case of no available data
+ if(!beacon->dataAvail)
+ {
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_NODATA);
+ logger() << "\n\nNo data available from client!\n\n\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_RequestMessage(chan, MESG_CHANNEL_ID_ID));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANTFS_Link(chan, fsFreq, beaconPer, hostSN));
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_AUTH0_SN);
+ }
+ else if(state == ST_ANTFS_BAD)
+ {
+ m_antMessenger->ANT_CloseChannel(chan);
+ sleepms(800);
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_RESTART);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if(state == ST_ANTFS_AUTH0_SN)
+ {
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_SetChannelMessagePeriod(chan, msgPeriod));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_SetChannelSearchTimeout(chan, fsSearchTimeout));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->ANT_SetChannelRadioFreq(chan, fsFreq));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->waitForBroadcast(chan));//auth beacon
+ // R 105.996 40 MESG_RESPONSE_EVENT_ID chan=0x00 mId=MESG_EVENT_ID mCode=EVENT_RX_FAIL
+ //CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(m_antMessenger->waitForRxFail(chan));
+ //CHECK_RETURN_FALSE_LOG_OK(m_antMessenger->waitForBroadcast(chan));
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE_LOG_OK(m_antMessenger->ANTFS_RequestClientDeviceSerialNumber(chan, hostSN, clientSN, clientDevName));
+ logger() << "\n\nFound client \"" << clientDevName << "\" SN=0x" << toString<uint>(clientSN,8,'0') << " SN=" << clientSN << "\n\n\n";
+ readUInt64(clientSN, pairedKey);
+ LOG_VAR3(doPairing, toString<uint64_t>(pairedKey,16,'0'), clientSN);
+ if(doPairing || pairedKey==0)
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_AUTH1_PAIR);
+ else
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_AUTH1_PASS);
+ }
+ else if(state == ST_ANTFS_AUTH1_PAIR)
+ {
+ const std::string hostName("libantpm");
+ uint dummy;
+ if(!m_antMessenger->ANTFS_Pairing(chan, hostSN, hostName, dummy, pairedKey))
+ {
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+ return true;
+ }
+ writeUInt64(clientSN, pairedKey);
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE_LOG_OK(m_antMessenger->ANT_RequestMessage(chan, MESG_CHANNEL_STATUS_ID));
+ //changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_AUTH1_PASS);
+ }
+ else if(state == ST_ANTFS_AUTH1_PAIR)
+ {
+ //FIXME:
+ //m_antMessenger->ANTFS_Pairing(chan, hostSN, );
+ }
+ else if(state == ST_ANTFS_AUTH1_PASS)
+ {
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE_LOG_OK(m_antMessenger->ANT_RequestMessage(chan, MESG_CHANNEL_STATUS_ID));
+ if(!m_antMessenger->ANTFS_Authenticate(chan, hostSN, pairedKey))
+ {
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_RESTART);
+ return true;
+ }
+ logger() << "\n\nClient authenticated successfully!\n\n\n";
+ // channel status <>
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE_LOG_OK(m_antMessenger->ANT_RequestMessage(chan, MESG_CHANNEL_STATUS_ID));
+ else if(mode==MD_DOWNLOAD_SINGLE_FILE)
+ else if(mode==MD_ERASE_SINGLE_FILE)
+ else
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+ }
+ else if(state == ST_ANTFS_DL_DIRECTORY)
+ {
+ //ANTFS_Upload(); //command pipe
+ //ANTFS_UploadData();
+ std::vector<uchar> dir;
+ if(!m_antMessenger->ANTFS_Download(chan, 0x0000, dir))
+ {
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_RESTART);
+ return true;
+ }
+ logger() << "\n\nDownloaded directory file idx=0x0000\n\n\n";
+ AntFsFile file0;
+ file0.bytes=dir;
+ LOG_VAR(file0.checkCrc());
+ file0.saveToFile((folder+"").c_str());
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(fit.parseZeroFile(dir, zfc));
+ LOG_VAR(zfc.activityFiles.size());
+ LOG_VAR(zfc.courseFiles.size());
+ LOG_VAR(zfc.waypointsFiles.size());
+ // TODO: read bcast here?
+ // channel status <>
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+ else
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_DL_FILES);
+ }
+ else if(state==ST_ANTFS_DL_FILES)
+ {
+ // dl waypoint files
+ // dl activity files
+ // dl course files
+ uint fileCnt=0;
+ for(size_t i=0; i<zfc.waypointsFiles.size() && fileCnt<maxFileDownloads; i++, fileCnt++)
+ {
+ LOG_VAR3(fileCnt, maxFileDownloads, zfc.waypointsFiles.size());
+ ushort fileIdx = zfc.waypointsFiles[i];
+ logger() << "# Transfer waypoints file 0x" << hex << fileIdx << "\n";
+ std::vector<uchar> data;
+ if(!m_antMessenger->ANTFS_Download(chan, fileIdx, data))
+ {
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+ return true;
+ }
+ logger() << "\n\nDownloaded file idx=" << toString<ushort>(fileIdx,4,'0') << "\n\n\n";
+ AntFsFile file0; file0.bytes=data; file0.saveToFile((folder+toString(fileIdx, 4, '0')+".fit").c_str());
+ LOG_VAR(file0.checkCrc());
+ fit.parse(data, gpx);
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<zfc.activityFiles.size() && fileCnt<maxFileDownloads; i++, fileCnt++)
+ {
+ LOG_VAR3(fileCnt, maxFileDownloads, zfc.activityFiles.size());
+ ushort fileIdx = zfc.activityFiles[i];
+ logger() << "# Transfer activity file 0x" << hex << fileIdx << "\n";
+ std::vector<uchar> data;
+ if(!m_antMessenger->ANTFS_Download(chan, fileIdx, data))
+ {
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+ return true;
+ }
+ logger() << "\n\nDownloaded file idx=" << toString<ushort>(fileIdx,4,'0') << "\n\n\n";
+ AntFsFile file0; file0.bytes=data; file0.saveToFile((folder+toString(fileIdx, 4, '0')+".fit").c_str());
+ fit.parse(data, gpx);
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<zfc.courseFiles.size() && fileCnt<maxFileDownloads; i++, fileCnt++)
+ {
+ LOG_VAR3(fileCnt, maxFileDownloads, zfc.courseFiles.size());
+ ushort fileIdx = zfc.courseFiles[i];
+ logger() << "# Transfer course file 0x" << hex << fileIdx << "\n";
+ std::vector<uchar> data;
+ if(!m_antMessenger->ANTFS_Download(chan, fileIdx, data))
+ {
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+ return true;
+ }
+ logger() << "\n\nDownloaded file idx=" << toString<ushort>(fileIdx,4,'0') << "\n\n\n";
+ AntFsFile file0; file0.bytes=data; file0.saveToFile((folder+toString(fileIdx, 4, '0')+".fit").c_str());
+ fit.parse(data, gpx);
+ }
+ std::string gpxFile=folder+"libantpm.gpx";
+ logger() << "# Writing output to '" << gpxFile << "'\n";
+ gpx.writeToFile(gpxFile);
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+ }
+ else if(state==ST_ANTFS_DL_SINGLE_FILE)
+ {
+ logger() << "# Transfer of file 0x" << hex << singleFileIdx << dec << "\n";
+ std::vector<uchar> data;
+ if(!m_antMessenger->ANTFS_Download(chan, singleFileIdx, data))
+ {
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+ return true;
+ }
+ logger() << "\n\nDownloaded file idx=" << toString<ushort>(singleFileIdx,4,'0') << "\n\n\n";
+ AntFsFile file0; file0.bytes=data; file0.saveToFile((folder+toString(singleFileIdx, 4, '0')+".fit").c_str());//...might not be a fit file
+ LOG_VAR(file0.checkCrc());
+ fit.parse(data, gpx);
+ std::string gpxFile=folder+"libantpm.gpx";
+ logger() << "# Writing output to '" << gpxFile << "'\n";
+ gpx.writeToFile(gpxFile);
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+ }
+ else if(state==ST_ANTFS_ERASE_SINGLE_FILE)
+ {
+ CHECK_RETURN_FALSE_LOG_OK(m_antMessenger->ANTFS_Erase(chan, singleFileIdx));
+ logger() << "\n\nErased file idx=" << toString<ushort>(singleFileIdx,4,'0') << "\n\n\n";
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+ }
+ else if(state==ST_ANTFS_NODATA)
+ {
+ changeState(ST_ANTFS_LAST);
+ }
+ else if(state==ST_ANTFS_LAST)
+ {
+ stop();
+ }
+ return true;
+AntFr310XT2::changeState(const int newState)
+ int oldState = this->state;
+ this->state = newState;
+ logger() << "\nSTATE: " << std::dec << oldState << " => " << newState
+ << "\t " << StateFSWork2Str(oldState) << " => " << StateFSWork2Str(newState)
+ << "\n\n";
+ return oldState;
+AntFr310XT2::changeFSState(const AntFr310XT2::StateANTFS newState)
+ StateANTFS oldState = this->clientState;
+ this->clientState = newState;
+ logger() << "\nFS: " << std::dec << oldState << " => " << newState << "\n\n";
+ return oldState;