diff options
authorSiarhei Siamashka <>2011-05-15 21:55:05 +0300
committerSiarhei Siamashka <>2011-05-15 21:55:05 +0300
commitae80834f624b8c9d4f148c63a7894b2e6ab78e3b (patch)
Initial import of
-rw-r--r--tst_opaque.pngbin0 -> 5939 bytes
-rw-r--r--tst_transparent.pngbin0 -> 12493 bytes
6 files changed, 634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9443b7c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+This is explicitly placed in the public domain. Do whatever you want
+with it, however you want. It doesn't matter. This copy is now yours to do
+with as you please. No responsibility is accepted for it's use in any
+way or form.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6deb84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+SRCS = main.c
+FLGS = -g -I/usr/X11R6/include `imlib2-config --cflags`
+LIBS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lm -lX11 -lXext -lXrender `imlib2-config --libs`
+OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)
+render_bench: $(OBJS)
+ $(RM) $@
+ $(CC) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
+ $(CC) $(FLGS) -c $< -o $@
+ rm -rf render_bench *.CKP *.ln *.BAK *.bak *.o core errs ,* *~ *.a .emacs_* tags TAGS make.log MakeOut "#"*
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab9ccde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+#include "main.h"
+#define REPS 4096
+typedef struct _xrender_surf
+ int w, h;
+ int depth;
+ Visual *vis;
+ Drawable draw;
+ Picture pic;
+ int allocated : 1;
+} Xrender_Surf;
+double get_time(void);
+void time_test(char *description, void (*func) (void));
+Xrender_Surf *xrender_surf_new(Display *disp, Drawable draw, Visual *vis, int w, int h, int alpha);
+Xrender_Surf *xrender_surf_adopt(Display *disp, Drawable draw, Visual *vis, int w, int h);
+void xrender_surf_free(Display *disp, Xrender_Surf *rs);
+void xrender_surf_populate(Display *disp, Xrender_Surf *rs, int w, int h, int *img_data);
+void xrender_surf_blend(Display *disp, Xrender_Surf *src, Xrender_Surf *dst, int x, int y, int w, int h, int smooth);
+void populate_from_file(Display *disp, Xrender_Surf *rs, char *file);
+void main_loop(void);
+void setup_window(void);
+int win_w = 320;
+int win_h = 320;
+static Display *disp = NULL;
+static Window win;
+ struct timeval timev;
+ gettimeofday(&timev, NULL);
+ return (double)timev.tv_sec + (((double)timev.tv_usec) / 1000000);
+time_test(char *description, void (*func) (void))
+ double t1, t2, t;
+ int i;
+ printf("---------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ printf("Test: %s\n", description);
+ t1 = get_time();
+ for (i = 0; i < REPS; i++) func();
+ XSync(disp, False);
+ t2 = get_time();
+ t = t2 - t1;
+ printf("Time: %3.3f sec.\n", t);
+Xrender_Surf *
+xrender_surf_new(Display *disp, Drawable draw, Visual *vis, int w, int h, int alpha)
+ Xrender_Surf *rs;
+ XRenderPictFormat *fmt;
+ XRenderPictureAttributes att;
+ rs = calloc(1, sizeof(Xrender_Surf));
+ if (alpha)
+ fmt = XRenderFindStandardFormat(disp, PictStandardARGB32);
+ else
+ fmt = XRenderFindStandardFormat(disp, PictStandardRGB24);
+ rs->w = w;
+ rs->h = h;
+ rs->depth = fmt->depth;
+ rs->vis = vis;
+ rs->draw = XCreatePixmap(disp, draw, w, h, fmt->depth);
+ att.dither = 1;
+ att.component_alpha = 1;
+ att.repeat = 0;
+ rs->pic = XRenderCreatePicture(disp, rs->draw, fmt, CPRepeat | CPDither | CPComponentAlpha, &att);
+ rs->allocated = 1;
+ return rs;
+Xrender_Surf *
+xrender_surf_adopt(Display *disp, Drawable draw, Visual *vis, int w, int h)
+ Xrender_Surf *rs;
+ XRenderPictFormat *fmt;
+ XRenderPictureAttributes att;
+ rs = calloc(1, sizeof(Xrender_Surf));
+ fmt = XRenderFindVisualFormat(disp, vis);
+ rs->w = w;
+ rs->h = h;
+ rs->depth = fmt->depth;
+ rs->vis = vis;
+ rs->draw = draw;
+ att.dither = 1;
+ att.component_alpha = 1;
+ att.repeat = 0;
+ rs->pic = XRenderCreatePicture(disp, rs->draw, fmt, CPRepeat | CPDither | CPComponentAlpha, &att);
+ rs->allocated = 0;
+ return rs;
+xrender_surf_free(Display *disp, Xrender_Surf *rs)
+ if (rs->allocated) XFreePixmap(disp, rs->draw);
+ XRenderFreePicture(disp, rs->pic);
+ free(rs);
+xrender_surf_populate(Display *disp, Xrender_Surf *rs, int w, int h, int *img_data)
+ GC gc;
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ XImage *xim;
+ int x, y;
+ /* yes this isn't optimal - i know.. i just want some data for now */
+ gc = XCreateGC(disp, rs->draw, 0, &gcv);
+ xim = XCreateImage(disp, rs->vis, rs->depth, ZPixmap, 0, NULL, w, h, 32, 0);
+ xim->data = malloc(xim->bytes_per_line * xim->height);
+ for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
+ {
+ for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
+ {
+ int pixel;
+ int a, r, g, b;
+ pixel = img_data[(y * w) + x];
+ a = (pixel >> 24) & 0xff;
+ r = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff;
+ g = (pixel >> 8 ) & 0xff;
+ b = (pixel ) & 0xff;
+ r = (r * (a + 1)) / 256;
+ g = (g * (a + 1)) / 256;
+ b = (b * (a + 1)) / 256;
+ XPutPixel(xim, x, y, (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);
+ }
+ }
+ XPutImage(disp, rs->draw, gc, xim, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h);
+ free(xim->data);
+ xim->data = NULL;
+ XDestroyImage(xim);
+ XFreeGC(disp, gc);
+xrender_surf_blend(Display *disp, Xrender_Surf *src, Xrender_Surf *dst, int x, int y, int w, int h, int smooth)
+ XFilters *flt;
+ XTransform xf;
+ xf.matrix[0][0] = (65536 * src->w) / w; xf.matrix[0][1] = 0; xf.matrix[0][2] = 0;
+ xf.matrix[1][0] = 0; xf.matrix[1][1] = (65536 * src->h) / h; xf.matrix[1][2] = 0;
+ xf.matrix[2][0] = 0; xf.matrix[2][1] = 0; xf.matrix[2][2] = 65536;
+ if (smooth) XRenderSetPictureFilter(disp, src->pic, "bilinear", NULL, 0);
+ else XRenderSetPictureFilter(disp, src->pic, "nearest", NULL, 0);
+ XRenderSetPictureTransform(disp, src->pic, &xf);
+ XRenderComposite(disp, PictOpOver, src->pic, None, dst->pic, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y, w, h);
+populate_from_file(Display *disp, Xrender_Surf *rs, char *file)
+ Imlib_Image im;
+ DATA32 *pixels;
+ int w, h;
+ im = imlib_load_image(file);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im);
+ pixels = imlib_image_get_data_for_reading_only();
+ w = imlib_image_get_width();
+ h = imlib_image_get_height();
+ xrender_surf_populate(disp, rs, w, h, pixels);
+ imlib_image_put_back_data(pixels);
+ imlib_free_image_and_decache();
+Xrender_Surf *surf_win = NULL;
+Xrender_Surf *surf_off = NULL;
+Xrender_Surf *surf_img = NULL;
+Imlib_Image im_win = NULL;
+Imlib_Image im_img = NULL;
+ int x, y;
+ x = rand() % (surf_win->w - surf_img->w);
+ y = rand() % (surf_win->h - surf_img->h);
+ xrender_surf_blend(disp, surf_img, surf_win, x, y, surf_img->w, surf_img->h, 1);
+ int x, y;
+ x = rand() % (surf_off->w - surf_img->w);
+ y = rand() % (surf_off->h - surf_img->h);
+ xrender_surf_blend(disp, surf_img, surf_off, x, y, surf_img->w, surf_img->h, 1);
+ int x, y;
+ int w, h, ww, hh;
+ imlib_context_set_anti_alias(1);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ ww = imlib_image_get_width();
+ hh = imlib_image_get_height();
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_img);
+ w = imlib_image_get_width();
+ h = imlib_image_get_height();
+ x = rand() % (ww - w);
+ y = rand() % (hh - h);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ imlib_blend_image_onto_image(im_img, 0, 0, 0, w, h, x, y, w, h);
+ int x, y;
+ x = rand() % (surf_win->w - (surf_img->w / 2));
+ y = rand() % (surf_win->h - (surf_img->h / 2));
+ xrender_surf_blend(disp, surf_img, surf_win, x, y, surf_img->w / 2, surf_img->h / 2, 0);
+ int x, y;
+ x = rand() % (surf_off->w - (surf_img->w / 2));
+ y = rand() % (surf_off->h - (surf_img->h / 2));
+ xrender_surf_blend(disp, surf_img, surf_off, x, y, surf_img->w / 2, surf_img->h / 2, 0);
+ int x, y;
+ int w, h, ww, hh;
+ imlib_context_set_anti_alias(0);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ ww = imlib_image_get_width();
+ hh = imlib_image_get_height();
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_img);
+ w = imlib_image_get_width();
+ h = imlib_image_get_height();
+ x = rand() % (ww - (w / 2));
+ y = rand() % (hh - (h / 2));
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ imlib_blend_image_onto_image(im_img, 0, 0, 0, w, h, x, y, w / 2, h / 2);
+ int x, y;
+ x = rand() % (surf_win->w - (surf_img->w * 2));
+ y = rand() % (surf_win->h - (surf_img->h * 2));
+ xrender_surf_blend(disp, surf_img, surf_win, x, y, surf_img->w * 2, surf_img->h * 2, 1);
+ int x, y;
+ x = rand() % (surf_off->w - (surf_img->w * 2));
+ y = rand() % (surf_off->h - (surf_img->h * 2));
+ xrender_surf_blend(disp, surf_img, surf_off, x, y, surf_img->w * 2, surf_img->h * 2, 1);
+ int x, y;
+ int w, h, ww, hh;
+ imlib_context_set_anti_alias(1);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ ww = imlib_image_get_width();
+ hh = imlib_image_get_height();
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_img);
+ w = imlib_image_get_width();
+ h = imlib_image_get_height();
+ x = rand() % (ww - (w * 2));
+ y = rand() % (hh - (h * 2));
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ imlib_blend_image_onto_image(im_img, 0, 0, 0, w, h, x, y, w * 2, h * 2);
+ int x, y;
+ x = rand() % (surf_win->w - (surf_img->w * 2));
+ y = rand() % (surf_win->h - (surf_img->h * 2));
+ xrender_surf_blend(disp, surf_img, surf_win, x, y, surf_img->w * 2, surf_img->h * 2, 0);
+ int x, y;
+ x = rand() % (surf_off->w - (surf_img->w * 2));
+ y = rand() % (surf_off->h - (surf_img->h * 2));
+ xrender_surf_blend(disp, surf_img, surf_off, x, y, surf_img->w * 2, surf_img->h * 2, 0);
+ int x, y;
+ int w, h, ww, hh;
+ imlib_context_set_anti_alias(0);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ ww = imlib_image_get_width();
+ hh = imlib_image_get_height();
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_img);
+ w = imlib_image_get_width();
+ h = imlib_image_get_height();
+ x = rand() % (ww - (w * 2));
+ y = rand() % (hh - (h * 2));
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ imlib_blend_image_onto_image(im_img, 0, 0, 0, w, h, x, y, w * 2, h * 2);
+int count = 0;
+ int w, h;
+ w = 1 + ((surf_img->w * count) / (REPS / 16));
+ h = 1 + ((surf_img->h * count) / (REPS / 16));
+ xrender_surf_blend(disp, surf_img, surf_win, 0, 0, w, h, 0);
+ count++;
+ int w, h;
+ w = 1 + ((surf_img->w * count) / (REPS / 16));
+ h = 1 + ((surf_img->h * count) / (REPS / 16));
+ xrender_surf_blend(disp, surf_img, surf_off, 0, 0, w, h, 0);
+ count++;
+ int w, h, ww, hh;
+ imlib_context_set_anti_alias(0);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ ww = imlib_image_get_width();
+ hh = imlib_image_get_height();
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_img);
+ w = imlib_image_get_width();
+ h = imlib_image_get_height();
+ ww = 1 + ((w * count) / (REPS / 16));
+ hh = 1 + ((h * count) / (REPS / 16));
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ imlib_blend_image_onto_image(im_img, 0, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, ww, hh);
+ count++;
+ int w, h;
+ w = 1 + ((surf_img->w * count) / (REPS / 16));
+ h = 1 + ((surf_img->h * count) / (REPS / 16));
+ xrender_surf_blend(disp, surf_img, surf_win, 0, 0, w, h, 1);
+ count++;
+ int w, h;
+ w = 1 + ((surf_img->w * count) / (REPS / 16));
+ h = 1 + ((surf_img->h * count) / (REPS / 16));
+ xrender_surf_blend(disp, surf_img, surf_off, 0, 0, w, h, 1);
+ count++;
+ int w, h, ww, hh;
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ ww = imlib_image_get_width();
+ hh = imlib_image_get_height();
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_img);
+ w = imlib_image_get_width();
+ h = imlib_image_get_height();
+ ww = 1 + ((w * count) / (REPS / 16));
+ hh = 1 + ((h * count) / (REPS / 16));
+ if ((ww < w) && (hh < h))
+ imlib_context_set_anti_alias(0);
+ else
+ imlib_context_set_anti_alias(1);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ imlib_blend_image_onto_image(im_img, 0, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, ww, hh);
+ count++;
+ /* printf query filters */
+ printf("Available XRENDER filters:\n");
+ {
+ int i;
+ XFilters *flt;
+ flt = XRenderQueryFilters(disp, win);
+ for (i = 0; i < flt->nfilter; i++) printf("%s\n", flt->filter[i]);
+ }
+ printf("Setup...\n");
+ /* setup */
+ surf_win = xrender_surf_adopt(disp, win, DefaultVisual(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)), win_w, win_h);
+ surf_off = xrender_surf_new(disp, win, DefaultVisual(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)), 320, 320, 0);
+ surf_img = xrender_surf_new(disp, win, DefaultVisual(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)), 100, 100, 1);
+ populate_from_file(disp, surf_win, "tst_opaque.png");
+ populate_from_file(disp, surf_off, "tst_opaque.png");
+ populate_from_file(disp, surf_img, "tst_transparent.png");
+ im_win = imlib_load_image("tst_opaque.png");
+ im_img = imlib_load_image("tst_transparent.png");
+ printf("*** ROUND 1 ***\n");
+ srand(7);
+ time_test("Test Xrender doing non-scaled Over blends", test_over_x);
+ srand(7);
+ time_test("Test Xrender (offscreen) doing non-scaled Over blends", test_over_off_x);
+ srand(7);
+ time_test("Test Imlib2 doing non-scaled Over blends", test_over_imlib2);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ imlib_context_set_display(disp);
+ imlib_context_set_visual(DefaultVisual(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));
+ imlib_context_set_colormap(DefaultColormap(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));
+ imlib_context_set_drawable(win);
+ imlib_render_image_on_drawable(0, 0);
+ sleep(2);
+ printf("*** ROUND 2 ***\n");
+ srand(7);
+ time_test("Test Xrender doing 1/2 scaled Over blends", test_over_scale_half_x);
+ srand(7);
+ time_test("Test Xrender (offscreen) doing 1/2 scaled Over blends", test_over_off_scale_half_x);
+ srand(7);
+ time_test("Test Imlib2 doing 1/2 scaled Over blends", test_over_scale_half_imlib2);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ imlib_context_set_display(disp);
+ imlib_context_set_visual(DefaultVisual(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));
+ imlib_context_set_colormap(DefaultColormap(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));
+ imlib_context_set_drawable(win);
+ imlib_render_image_on_drawable(0, 0);
+ sleep(2);
+ printf("*** ROUND 3 ***\n");
+ srand(7);
+ time_test("Test Xrender doing 2* smooth scaled Over blends", test_over_scale_double_smooth_x);
+ srand(7);
+ time_test("Test Xrender (offscreen) doing 2* smooth scaled Over blends", test_over_off_scale_double_smooth_x);
+ srand(7);
+ time_test("Test Imlib2 doing 2* smooth scaled Over blends", test_over_scale_double_smooth_imlib2);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ imlib_context_set_display(disp);
+ imlib_context_set_visual(DefaultVisual(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));
+ imlib_context_set_colormap(DefaultColormap(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));
+ imlib_context_set_drawable(win);
+ imlib_render_image_on_drawable(0, 0);
+ sleep(2);
+ printf("*** ROUND 4 ***\n");
+ srand(7);
+ time_test("Test Xrender doing 2* nearest scaled Over blends", test_over_scale_double_nearest_x);
+ srand(7);
+ time_test("Test Xrender (offscreen) doing 2* nearest scaled Over blends", test_over_off_scale_double_nearest_x);
+ srand(7);
+ time_test("Test Imlib2 doing 2* nearest scaled Over blends", test_over_scale_double_nearest_imlib2);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ imlib_context_set_display(disp);
+ imlib_context_set_visual(DefaultVisual(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));
+ imlib_context_set_colormap(DefaultColormap(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));
+ imlib_context_set_drawable(win);
+ imlib_render_image_on_drawable(0, 0);
+ printf("*** ROUND 6 ***\n");
+ count = 0;
+ time_test("Test Xrender doing general nearest scaled Over blends", test_over_scale_general_nearest_x);
+ count = 0;
+ time_test("Test Xrender (offscreen) doing general nearest scaled Over blends", test_over_off_scale_general_nearest_x);
+ count = 0;
+ time_test("Test Imlib2 doing general nearest scaled Over blends", test_over_scale_general_nearest_imlib2);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ imlib_context_set_display(disp);
+ imlib_context_set_visual(DefaultVisual(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));
+ imlib_context_set_colormap(DefaultColormap(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));
+ imlib_context_set_drawable(win);
+ imlib_render_image_on_drawable(0, 0);
+ sleep(2);
+ printf("*** ROUND 7 ***\n");
+ count = 0;
+ time_test("Test Xrender doing general smooth scaled Over blends", test_over_scale_general_smooth_x);
+ count = 0;
+ time_test("Test Xrender (offscreen) doing general smooth scaled Over blends", test_over_off_scale_general_smooth_x);
+ count = 0;
+ time_test("Test Imlib2 doing general smooth scaled Over blends", test_over_scale_general_smooth_imlib2);
+ imlib_context_set_image(im_win);
+ imlib_context_set_display(disp);
+ imlib_context_set_visual(DefaultVisual(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));
+ imlib_context_set_colormap(DefaultColormap(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)));
+ imlib_context_set_drawable(win);
+ imlib_render_image_on_drawable(0, 0);
+ sleep(2);
+ XSync(disp, False);
+ XSetWindowAttributes att;
+ XClassHint *xch;
+ att.background_pixmap = None;
+ att.colormap = DefaultColormap(disp, DefaultScreen(disp));
+ att.border_pixel = 0;
+ att.event_mask =
+ ButtonPressMask |
+ ButtonReleaseMask |
+ EnterWindowMask |
+ LeaveWindowMask |
+ PointerMotionMask |
+ ExposureMask |
+ StructureNotifyMask |
+ KeyPressMask |
+ KeyReleaseMask;
+ win = XCreateWindow(disp,
+ RootWindow(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)),
+ 0, 0, win_w, win_h, 0,
+ DefaultDepth(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)),
+ InputOutput,
+ DefaultVisual(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)),
+ CWColormap | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask | CWBackPixmap,
+ &att);
+ XStoreName(disp, win, "Render Test Program");
+ xch = XAllocClassHint();
+ xch->res_name = "Main";
+ xch->res_class = "Render_Demo";
+ XSetClassHint(disp, win, xch);
+ XFree(xch);
+ XMapWindow(disp, win);
+ XSync(disp, False);
+ usleep(200000);
+ XSync(disp, False);
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+ disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
+ if (!disp)
+ {
+ printf("ERROR: Cannot connect to display!\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ setup_window();
+ main_loop();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/main.h b/main.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6429fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#ifndef MAIN_H
+#define MAIN_H
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <Imlib2.h>
diff --git a/tst_opaque.png b/tst_opaque.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecc6a07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tst_opaque.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tst_transparent.png b/tst_transparent.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..355b672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tst_transparent.png
Binary files differ