diff options
authorSøren Sandmann Pedersen <>2014-06-01 18:50:23 -0400
committerSøren Sandmann Pedersen <>2014-06-28 19:24:27 -0400
commit5a2edb3f2c2cfde6b25ac614e2004a9f78583d74 (patch)
parent9cd283b2eb8279824406bfd47b020d21fc00cf82 (diff)
test: Rearrange tests in order of increasing runtime
Making short tests run first is convenient to catch obvious bugs early.
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/test/Makefile.sources b/test/Makefile.sources
index c7f1657..c20c34b 100644
--- a/test/Makefile.sources
+++ b/test/Makefile.sources
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
# Tests (sorted by expected completion time)
- prng-test \
- a1-trap-test \
- radial-invalid \
- pdf-op-test \
- region-test \
- region-translate-test \
- combiner-test \
- pixel-test \
- fetch-test \
- rotate-test \
- oob-test \
- infinite-loop \
- trap-crasher \
- alpha-loop \
- thread-test \
- scaling-crash-test \
- scaling-helpers-test \
- gradient-crash-test \
- region-contains-test \
- alphamap \
- matrix-test \
- stress-test \
- composite-traps-test \
- blitters-test \
- glyph-test \
- scaling-test \
- affine-test \
- composite \
- tolerance-test \
+ oob-test \
+ infinite-loop \
+ trap-crasher \
+ region-translate-test \
+ fetch-test \
+ a1-trap-test \
+ prng-test \
+ radial-invalid \
+ pdf-op-test \
+ region-test \
+ combiner-test \
+ scaling-crash-test \
+ alpha-loop \
+ scaling-helpers-test \
+ thread-test \
+ rotate-test \
+ alphamap \
+ gradient-crash-test \
+ pixel-test \
+ matrix-test \
+ composite-traps-test \
+ region-contains-test \
+ glyph-test \
+ stress-test \
+ blitters-test \
+ affine-test \
+ scaling-test \
+ composite \
+ tolerance-test \
# Other programs