path: root/hw/dmx/dmxdnd.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2008-11-19Have DMX DnD support handle shaped windows properly.David Reveman1-29/+233
2008-11-07Improve selection handling.David Reveman1-14/+13
2008-10-30Handle top-level window changes properly in DND mode.David Reveman1-1/+34
2008-10-30Fix a few XDND issues.David Reveman1-13/+9
2008-10-30Initial back-end server DND target support.David Reveman1-88/+875
2008-10-30Add more appropriate system for dealing with pointer motion whenDavid Reveman1-47/+14
2008-10-30Call-back based async request handling.David Reveman1-221/+243
2008-10-30Generate pointer device events from position messages.David Reveman1-0/+49
2008-10-30Fix a number of DnD issues.David Reveman1-32/+132
2008-10-30Clean up and initial XDnD support.David Reveman1-0/+713