path: root/coregrind/m_errormgr.c
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1 files changed, 1309 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/coregrind/m_errormgr.c b/coregrind/m_errormgr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec4862a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/coregrind/m_errormgr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1309 @@
+/*--- Management of error messages. m_errormgr.c ---*/
+ This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
+ framework.
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Julian Seward
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ 02111-1307, USA.
+ The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
+#include "pub_core_basics.h"
+#include "pub_core_vki.h"
+#include "pub_core_threadstate.h" // For VG_N_THREADS
+#include "pub_core_debugger.h"
+#include "pub_core_debuginfo.h"
+#include "pub_core_errormgr.h"
+#include "pub_core_execontext.h"
+#include "pub_core_libcbase.h"
+#include "pub_core_libcassert.h"
+#include "pub_core_libcfile.h"
+#include "pub_core_libcprint.h"
+#include "pub_core_libcproc.h" // For VG_(getpid)()
+#include "pub_core_seqmatch.h"
+#include "pub_core_mallocfree.h"
+#include "pub_core_options.h"
+#include "pub_core_stacktrace.h"
+#include "pub_core_tooliface.h"
+#include "pub_core_translate.h" // for VG_(translate)()
+/*--- Globals ---*/
+/* After this many different unsuppressed errors have been observed,
+ be more conservative about collecting new ones. */
+/* After this many different unsuppressed errors have been observed,
+ stop collecting errors at all, and tell the user their program is
+ evidently a steaming pile of camel dung. */
+/* After this many total errors have been observed, stop collecting
+ errors at all. Counterpart to M_COLLECT_NO_ERRORS_AFTER_SHOWN. */
+/* The list of error contexts found, both suppressed and unsuppressed.
+ Initially empty, and grows as errors are detected. */
+static Error* errors = NULL;
+/* The list of suppression directives, as read from the specified
+ suppressions file. Note that the list gets rearranged as a result
+ of the searches done by is_suppressible_error(). */
+static Supp* suppressions = NULL;
+/* Running count of unsuppressed errors detected. */
+static UInt n_errs_found = 0;
+/* Running count of suppressed errors detected. */
+static UInt n_errs_suppressed = 0;
+/* forwards ... */
+static Supp* is_suppressible_error ( Error* err );
+static ThreadId last_tid_printed = 1;
+/* Stats: number of searches of the error list initiated. */
+static UWord em_errlist_searches = 0;
+/* Stats: number of comparisons done during error list
+ searching. */
+static UWord em_errlist_cmps = 0;
+/* Stats: number of searches of the suppression list initiated. */
+static UWord em_supplist_searches = 0;
+/* Stats: number of comparisons done during suppression list
+ searching. */
+static UWord em_supplist_cmps = 0;
+/*--- Error type ---*/
+/* Errors. Extensible (via the 'extra' field). Tools can use a normal
+ enum (with element values in the normal range (0..)) for 'ekind'.
+ Functions for getting/setting the tool-relevant fields are in
+ include/pub_tool_errormgr.h.
+ When errors are found and recorded with VG_(maybe_record_error)(), all
+ the tool must do is pass in the four parameters; core will
+ allocate/initialise the error record.
+struct _Error {
+ struct _Error* next;
+ // Unique tag. This gives the error a unique identity (handle) by
+ // which it can be referred to afterwords. Currently only used for
+ // XML printing.
+ UInt unique;
+ // NULL if unsuppressed; or ptr to suppression record.
+ Supp* supp;
+ Int count;
+ // The tool-specific part
+ ThreadId tid; // Initialised by core
+ ExeContext* where; // Initialised by core
+ ErrorKind ekind; // Used by ALL. Must be in the range (0..)
+ Addr addr; // Used frequently
+ Char* string; // Used frequently
+ void* extra; // For any tool-specific extras
+ExeContext* VG_(get_error_where) ( Error* err )
+ return err->where;
+ErrorKind VG_(get_error_kind) ( Error* err )
+ return err->ekind;
+Addr VG_(get_error_address) ( Error* err )
+ return err->addr;
+Char* VG_(get_error_string) ( Error* err )
+ return err->string;
+void* VG_(get_error_extra) ( Error* err )
+ return err->extra;
+UInt VG_(get_n_errs_found)( void )
+ return n_errs_found;
+/*--- Suppression type ---*/
+/* Note: it is imperative this doesn't overlap with (0..) at all, as tools
+ * effectively extend it by defining their own enums in the (0..) range. */
+ enum {
+ // Nb: thread errors are a relic of the time when Valgrind's core
+ // could detect them. This example is left commented-out as an
+ // example should new core errors ever be added.
+ ThreadSupp = -1, /* Matches ThreadErr */
+ }
+ CoreSuppKind;
+/* Max number of callers for context in a suppression. */
+/* For each caller specified for a suppression, record the nature of
+ the caller name. Not of interest to tools. */
+ enum {
+ NoName, /* Error case */
+ ObjName, /* Name is of an shared object file. */
+ FunName, /* Name is of a function. */
+ DotDotDot /* Frame-level wildcard */
+ }
+ SuppLocTy;
+ struct {
+ SuppLocTy ty;
+ Char* name; /* NULL for NoName and DotDotDot */
+ }
+ SuppLoc;
+/* Suppressions. Tools can get/set tool-relevant parts with functions
+ declared in include/pub_tool_errormgr.h. Extensible via the 'extra' field.
+ Tools can use a normal enum (with element values in the normal range
+ (0..)) for 'skind'. */
+struct _Supp {
+ struct _Supp* next;
+ Int count; // The number of times this error has been suppressed.
+ Char* sname; // The name by which the suppression is referred to.
+ // Length of 'callers'
+ Int n_callers;
+ // Array of callers, for matching stack traces. First one (name of fn
+ // where err occurs) is mandatory; rest are optional.
+ SuppLoc* callers;
+ /* The tool-specific part */
+ SuppKind skind; // What kind of suppression. Must use the range (0..).
+ Char* string; // String -- use is optional. NULL by default.
+ void* extra; // Anything else -- use is optional. NULL by default.
+SuppKind VG_(get_supp_kind) ( Supp* su )
+ return su->skind;
+Char* VG_(get_supp_string) ( Supp* su )
+ return su->string;
+void* VG_(get_supp_extra) ( Supp* su )
+ return su->extra;
+void VG_(set_supp_kind) ( Supp* su, SuppKind skind )
+ su->skind = skind;
+void VG_(set_supp_string) ( Supp* su, Char* string )
+ su->string = string;
+void VG_(set_supp_extra) ( Supp* su, void* extra )
+ su->extra = extra;
+/*--- Helper fns ---*/
+// Only show core errors if the tool wants to, we're not running with -q,
+// and were not outputting XML.
+Bool VG_(showing_core_errors)(void)
+ return VG_(needs).core_errors && VG_(clo_verbosity) >= 1 && !VG_(clo_xml);
+/* Compare errors, to detect duplicates. */
+static Bool eq_Error ( VgRes res, Error* e1, Error* e2 )
+ if (e1->ekind != e2->ekind)
+ return False;
+ if (!VG_(eq_ExeContext)(res, e1->where, e2->where))
+ return False;
+ switch (e1->ekind) {
+ //(example code, see comment on CoreSuppKind above)
+ //case ThreadErr:
+ // vg_assert(VG_(needs).core_errors);
+ // return <something>
+ default:
+ if (VG_(needs).tool_errors) {
+ return VG_TDICT_CALL(tool_eq_Error, res, e1, e2);
+ } else {
+ VG_(printf)("\nUnhandled error type: %u. VG_(needs).tool_errors\n"
+ "probably needs to be set.\n",
+ e1->ekind);
+ VG_(tool_panic)("unhandled error type");
+ }
+ }
+static void pp_Error ( Error* err )
+ if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
+ VG_UMSG("<error>");
+ VG_UMSG(" <unique>0x%x</unique>", err->unique);
+ VG_UMSG(" <tid>%d</tid>", err->tid);
+ }
+ if (!VG_(clo_xml)) {
+ if (VG_(tdict).tool_show_ThreadIDs_for_errors
+ && err->tid > 0 && err->tid != last_tid_printed) {
+ VG_UMSG("Thread %d:", err->tid );
+ last_tid_printed = err->tid;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (err->ekind) {
+ //(example code, see comment on CoreSuppKind above)
+ //case ThreadErr:
+ // vg_assert(VG_(needs).core_errors);
+ // VG_(tm_error_print)(err);
+ // break;
+ default:
+ if (VG_(needs).tool_errors)
+ VG_TDICT_CALL( tool_pp_Error, err );
+ else {
+ VG_(printf)("\nUnhandled error type: %u. VG_(needs).tool_errors\n"
+ "probably needs to be set?\n",
+ err->ekind);
+ VG_(tool_panic)("unhandled error type");
+ }
+ }
+ if (VG_(clo_xml))
+ VG_UMSG("</error>");
+/* Figure out if we want to perform a given action for this error, possibly
+ by asking the user. */
+Bool VG_(is_action_requested) ( Char* action, Bool* clo )
+ Char ch, ch2;
+ Int res;
+ if (*clo == False)
+ return False;
+ VG_UMSG("");
+ again:
+ VG_(printf)(
+ "==%d== "
+ "---- %s ? --- [Return/N/n/Y/y/C/c] ---- ",
+ VG_(getpid)(), action
+ );
+ res = VG_(read)(VG_(clo_input_fd), &ch, 1);
+ if (res != 1) goto ioerror;
+ /* res == 1 */
+ if (ch == '\n') return False;
+ if (ch != 'N' && ch != 'n' && ch != 'Y' && ch != 'y'
+ && ch != 'C' && ch != 'c') goto again;
+ res = VG_(read)(VG_(clo_input_fd), &ch2, 1);
+ if (res != 1) goto ioerror;
+ if (ch2 != '\n') goto again;
+ /* No, don't want to do action. */
+ if (ch == 'n' || ch == 'N') return False;
+ /* Yes, want to do action. */
+ if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') return True;
+ /* No, don't want to do action, and don't ask again either. */
+ vg_assert(ch == 'c' || ch == 'C');
+ ioerror:
+ *clo = False;
+ return False;
+/* Construct an error */
+static __inline__
+void construct_error ( Error* err, ThreadId tid, ErrorKind ekind, Addr a,
+ Char* s, void* extra, ExeContext* where )
+ /* DO NOT MAKE unique_counter NON-STATIC */
+ static UInt unique_counter = 0;
+ tl_assert(tid < VG_N_THREADS);
+ /* Core-only parts */
+ err->unique = unique_counter++;
+ err->next = NULL;
+ err->supp = NULL;
+ err->count = 1;
+ err->tid = tid;
+ if (NULL == where)
+ err->where = VG_(record_ExeContext)( tid, 0 );
+ else
+ err->where = where;
+ /* Tool-relevant parts */
+ err->ekind = ekind;
+ err->addr = a;
+ err->extra = extra;
+ err->string = s;
+ /* sanity... */
+ vg_assert( tid < VG_N_THREADS );
+#define ERRTXT_LEN 4096
+static void printSuppForIp(UInt n, Addr ip)
+ static UChar buf[ERRTXT_LEN];
+ if ( VG_(get_fnname_no_cxx_demangle) (ip, buf, ERRTXT_LEN) ) {
+ VG_(printf)(" fun:%s\n", buf);
+ } else if ( VG_(get_objname)(ip, buf, ERRTXT_LEN) ) {
+ VG_(printf)(" obj:%s\n", buf);
+ } else {
+ VG_(printf)(" obj:*\n");
+ }
+static void gen_suppression(Error* err)
+ ExeContext* ec = VG_(get_error_where)(err);
+ Int stop_at = VG_(clo_backtrace_size);
+ /* At most VG_MAX_SUPP_CALLERS names */
+ if (stop_at > VG_MAX_SUPP_CALLERS) stop_at = VG_MAX_SUPP_CALLERS;
+ vg_assert(stop_at > 0);
+ //(example code, see comment on CoreSuppKind above)
+ if (0) {
+ //if (0) ThreadErr == err->ekind) {
+ // VG_(printf)("{\n");
+ // VG_(printf)(" <insert a suppression name here>\n");
+ // VG_(printf)(" core:Thread\n");
+ } else {
+ Char* name = VG_TDICT_CALL(tool_get_error_name, err);
+ if (NULL == name) {
+ VG_UMSG("(%s does not allow error to be suppressed)",
+ VG_(details).name);
+ return;
+ }
+ VG_(printf)("{\n");
+ VG_(printf)(" <insert a suppression name here>\n");
+ VG_(printf)(" %s:%s\n", VG_(details).name, name);
+ VG_TDICT_CALL(tool_print_extra_suppression_info, err);
+ }
+ // Print stack trace elements
+ VG_(apply_StackTrace)(printSuppForIp,
+ VG_(get_ExeContext_StackTrace)(ec), stop_at);
+ VG_(printf)("}\n");
+void do_actions_on_error(Error* err, Bool allow_db_attach)
+ Bool still_noisy = True;
+ /* Perhaps we want a debugger attach at this point? */
+ if (allow_db_attach &&
+ VG_(is_action_requested)( "Attach to debugger", & VG_(clo_db_attach) ))
+ {
+ if (0) VG_(printf)("starting debugger\n");
+ VG_(start_debugger)( err->tid );
+ }
+ /* Or maybe we want to generate the error's suppression? */
+ if (VG_(clo_gen_suppressions) == 2
+ || (VG_(clo_gen_suppressions) == 1
+ && VG_(is_action_requested)( "Print suppression", &still_noisy ))
+ ) {
+ gen_suppression(err);
+ }
+ if (VG_(clo_gen_suppressions) == 1 && !still_noisy)
+ VG_(clo_gen_suppressions) = 0;
+/* Shared between VG_(maybe_record_error)() and VG_(unique_error)(),
+ just for pretty printing purposes. */
+static Bool is_first_shown_context = True;
+static Int n_errs_shown = 0;
+/* Top-level entry point to the error management subsystem.
+ All detected errors are notified here; this routine decides if/when the
+ user should see the error. */
+void VG_(maybe_record_error) ( ThreadId tid,
+ ErrorKind ekind, Addr a, Char* s, void* extra )
+ Error err;
+ Error* p;
+ Error* p_prev;
+ UInt extra_size;
+ VgRes exe_res = Vg_MedRes;
+ static Bool stopping_message = False;
+ static Bool slowdown_message = False;
+ /* After M_COLLECT_NO_ERRORS_AFTER_SHOWN different errors have
+ been found, or M_COLLECT_NO_ERRORS_AFTER_FOUND total errors
+ have been found, just refuse to collect any more. This stops
+ the burden of the error-management system becoming excessive in
+ extremely buggy programs, although it does make it pretty
+ pointless to continue the Valgrind run after this point. */
+ if (VG_(clo_error_limit)
+ && (n_errs_shown >= M_COLLECT_NO_ERRORS_AFTER_SHOWN
+ || n_errs_found >= M_COLLECT_NO_ERRORS_AFTER_FOUND)
+ && !VG_(clo_xml)) {
+ if (!stopping_message) {
+ VG_UMSG("");
+ if (n_errs_shown >= M_COLLECT_NO_ERRORS_AFTER_SHOWN) {
+ "More than %d different errors detected. "
+ "I'm not reporting any more.",
+ } else {
+ "More than %d total errors detected. "
+ "I'm not reporting any more.",
+ }
+ VG_UMSG("Final error counts will be inaccurate. Go fix your program!");
+ VG_UMSG("Rerun with --error-limit=no to disable this cutoff. Note");
+ VG_UMSG("that errors may occur in your program without prior warning from");
+ VG_UMSG("Valgrind, because errors are no longer being displayed.");
+ VG_UMSG("");
+ stopping_message = True;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* After M_COLLECT_ERRORS_SLOWLY_AFTER different errors have
+ been found, be much more conservative about collecting new
+ ones. */
+ if (n_errs_shown >= M_COLLECT_ERRORS_SLOWLY_AFTER
+ && !VG_(clo_xml)) {
+ exe_res = Vg_LowRes;
+ if (!slowdown_message) {
+ VG_UMSG("");
+ VG_UMSG("More than %d errors detected. Subsequent errors",
+ VG_UMSG("will still be recorded, but in less detail than before.");
+ slowdown_message = True;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Build ourselves the error */
+ construct_error ( &err, tid, ekind, a, s, extra, NULL );
+ /* First, see if we've got an error record matching this one. */
+ em_errlist_searches++;
+ p = errors;
+ p_prev = NULL;
+ while (p != NULL) {
+ em_errlist_cmps++;
+ if (eq_Error(exe_res, p, &err)) {
+ /* Found it. */
+ p->count++;
+ if (p->supp != NULL) {
+ /* Deal correctly with suppressed errors. */
+ p->supp->count++;
+ n_errs_suppressed++;
+ } else {
+ n_errs_found++;
+ }
+ /* Move p to the front of the list so that future searches
+ for it are faster. */
+ if (p_prev != NULL) {
+ vg_assert(p_prev->next == p);
+ p_prev->next = p->next;
+ p->next = errors;
+ errors = p;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ p_prev = p;
+ p = p->next;
+ }
+ /* Didn't see it. Copy and add. */
+ /* OK, we're really going to collect it. The context is on the stack and
+ will disappear shortly, so we must copy it. First do the main
+ (non-'extra') part.
+ Then VG_(tdict).tool_update_extra can update the 'extra' part. This
+ is for when there are more details to fill in which take time to work
+ out but don't affect our earlier decision to include the error -- by
+ postponing those details until now, we avoid the extra work in the
+ case where we ignore the error. Ugly.
+ Then, if there is an 'extra' part, copy it too, using the size that
+ VG_(tdict).tool_update_extra returned. Also allow for people using
+ the void* extra field for a scalar value like an integer.
+ */
+ /* copy main part */
+ p = VG_(arena_malloc)(VG_AR_ERRORS, "errormgr.mre.1", sizeof(Error));
+ *p = err;
+ /* update 'extra' */
+ switch (ekind) {
+ //(example code, see comment on CoreSuppKind above)
+ //case ThreadErr:
+ // vg_assert(VG_(needs).core_errors);
+ // extra_size = <something>
+ // break;
+ default:
+ vg_assert(VG_(needs).tool_errors);
+ extra_size = VG_TDICT_CALL(tool_update_extra, p);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* copy block pointed to by 'extra', if there is one */
+ if (NULL != p->extra && 0 != extra_size) {
+ void* new_extra = VG_(malloc)("errormgr.mre.2", extra_size);
+ VG_(memcpy)(new_extra, p->extra, extra_size);
+ p->extra = new_extra;
+ }
+ p->next = errors;
+ p->supp = is_suppressible_error(&err);
+ errors = p;
+ if (p->supp == NULL) {
+ n_errs_found++;
+ if (!is_first_shown_context)
+ VG_UMSG("");
+ pp_Error(p);
+ is_first_shown_context = False;
+ n_errs_shown++;
+ do_actions_on_error(p, /*allow_db_attach*/True);
+ } else {
+ n_errs_suppressed++;
+ p->supp->count++;
+ }
+/* Second top-level entry point to the error management subsystem, for
+ errors that the tool wants to report immediately, eg. because they're
+ guaranteed to only happen once. This avoids all the recording and
+ comparing stuff. But they can be suppressed; returns True if it is
+ suppressed. Bool 'print_error' dictates whether to print the error.
+ Bool 'count_error' dictates whether to count the error in n_errs_found.
+Bool VG_(unique_error) ( ThreadId tid, ErrorKind ekind, Addr a, Char* s,
+ void* extra, ExeContext* where, Bool print_error,
+ Bool allow_db_attach, Bool count_error )
+ Error err;
+ Supp *su;
+ /* Build ourselves the error */
+ construct_error ( &err, tid, ekind, a, s, extra, where );
+ /* Unless it's suppressed, we're going to show it. Don't need to make
+ a copy, because it's only temporary anyway.
+ Then update the 'extra' part with VG_(tdict).tool_update_extra),
+ because that can have an affect on whether it's suppressed. Ignore
+ the size return value of VG_(tdict).tool_update_extra, because we're
+ not copying 'extra'. */
+ (void)VG_TDICT_CALL(tool_update_extra, &err);
+ su = is_suppressible_error(&err);
+ if (NULL == su) {
+ if (count_error)
+ n_errs_found++;
+ if (print_error) {
+ if (!is_first_shown_context)
+ VG_UMSG("");
+ pp_Error(&err);
+ is_first_shown_context = False;
+ n_errs_shown++;
+ do_actions_on_error(&err, allow_db_attach);
+ }
+ return False;
+ } else {
+ n_errs_suppressed++;
+ su->count++;
+ return True;
+ }
+/*--- Exported fns ---*/
+/* Show the used suppressions. Returns False if no suppression
+ got used. */
+static Bool show_used_suppressions ( void )
+ Supp *su;
+ Bool any_supp;
+ if (VG_(clo_xml))
+ VG_UMSG("<suppcounts>");
+ any_supp = False;
+ for (su = suppressions; su != NULL; su = su->next) {
+ if (su->count <= 0)
+ continue;
+ any_supp = True;
+ if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
+ VG_(message_no_f_c)(Vg_DebugMsg,
+ " <pair>\n"
+ " <count>%d</count>\n"
+ " <name>%t</name>\n"
+ " </pair>",
+ su->count, su->sname);
+ } else {
+ VG_DMSG("supp: %6d %s", su->count, su->sname);
+ }
+ }
+ if (VG_(clo_xml))
+ VG_UMSG("</suppcounts>");
+ return any_supp;
+/* Show all the errors that occurred, and possibly also the
+ suppressions used. */
+void VG_(show_all_errors) ( void )
+ Int i, n_min;
+ Int n_err_contexts, n_supp_contexts;
+ Error *p, *p_min;
+ Supp *su;
+ Bool any_supp;
+ if (VG_(clo_verbosity) == 0)
+ return;
+ n_err_contexts = 0;
+ for (p = errors; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+ if (p->supp == NULL)
+ n_err_contexts++;
+ }
+ n_supp_contexts = 0;
+ for (su = suppressions; su != NULL; su = su->next) {
+ if (su->count > 0)
+ n_supp_contexts++;
+ }
+ /* If we're printing XML, just show the suppressions and stop.
+ */
+ if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
+ (void)show_used_suppressions();
+ return;
+ }
+ /* We only get here if not printing XML. */
+ "%d errors from %d contexts (suppressed: %d from %d)",
+ n_errs_found, n_err_contexts,
+ n_errs_suppressed, n_supp_contexts );
+ if (VG_(clo_verbosity) <= 1)
+ return;
+ /* Print the contexts in order of increasing error count. */
+ for (i = 0; i < n_err_contexts; i++) {
+ n_min = (1 << 30) - 1;
+ p_min = NULL;
+ for (p = errors; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+ if (p->supp != NULL) continue;
+ if (p->count < n_min) {
+ n_min = p->count;
+ p_min = p;
+ }
+ }
+ if (p_min == NULL) VG_(tool_panic)("show_all_errors()");
+ VG_UMSG("");
+ VG_UMSG("%d errors in context %d of %d:",
+ p_min->count, i+1, n_err_contexts);
+ pp_Error( p_min );
+ if ((i+1 == VG_(clo_dump_error))) {
+ StackTrace ips = VG_(get_ExeContext_StackTrace)(p_min->where);
+ VG_(translate) ( 0 /* dummy ThreadId; irrelevant due to debugging*/,
+ ips[0], /*debugging*/True, 0xFE/*verbosity*/,
+ /*bbs_done*/0,
+ /*allow redir?*/True);
+ }
+ p_min->count = 1 << 30;
+ }
+ if (n_supp_contexts > 0)
+ VG_UMSG( "");
+ any_supp = show_used_suppressions();
+ if (n_err_contexts > 0) {
+ if (any_supp)
+ VG_UMSG("");
+ "%d errors from %d contexts (suppressed: %d from %d)",
+ n_errs_found, n_err_contexts, n_errs_suppressed,
+ n_supp_contexts );
+ VG_UMSG("");
+ }
+/* Show occurrence counts of all errors, in XML form. */
+void VG_(show_error_counts_as_XML) ( void )
+ Error* err;
+ VG_UMSG("<errorcounts>");
+ for (err = errors; err != NULL; err = err->next) {
+ if (err->supp != NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (err->count <= 0)
+ continue;
+ VG_UMSG(" <pair>");
+ VG_UMSG(" <count>%d</count>", err->count);
+ VG_UMSG(" <unique>0x%x</unique>", err->unique);
+ VG_UMSG(" </pair>");
+ }
+ VG_UMSG("</errorcounts>");
+/*--- Suppression parsing ---*/
+/* Get the next char from fd into *out_buf. Returns 1 if success,
+ 0 if eof or < 0 if error. */
+static Int get_char ( Int fd, Char* out_buf )
+ Int r;
+ static Char buf[256];
+ static Int buf_size = 0;
+ static Int buf_used = 0;
+ vg_assert(buf_size >= 0 && buf_size <= 256);
+ vg_assert(buf_used >= 0 && buf_used <= buf_size);
+ if (buf_used == buf_size) {
+ r = VG_(read)(fd, buf, 256);
+ if (r < 0) return r; /* read failed */
+ vg_assert(r >= 0 && r <= 256);
+ buf_size = r;
+ buf_used = 0;
+ }
+ if (buf_size == 0)
+ return 0; /* eof */
+ vg_assert(buf_size >= 0 && buf_size <= 256);
+ vg_assert(buf_used >= 0 && buf_used < buf_size);
+ *out_buf = buf[buf_used];
+ buf_used++;
+ return 1;
+/* Get a non-blank, non-comment line of at most nBuf chars from fd.
+ Skips leading spaces on the line. Return True if EOF was hit instead.
+Bool VG_(get_line) ( Int fd, Char* buf, Int nBuf )
+ Char ch;
+ Int n, i;
+ while (True) {
+ /* First, read until a non-blank char appears. */
+ while (True) {
+ n = get_char(fd, &ch);
+ if (n == 1 && !VG_(isspace)(ch)) break;
+ if (n <= 0) return True;
+ }
+ /* Now, read the line into buf. */
+ i = 0;
+ buf[i++] = ch; buf[i] = 0;
+ while (True) {
+ n = get_char(fd, &ch);
+ if (n <= 0) return False; /* the next call will return True */
+ if (ch == '\n') break;
+ if (i > 0 && i == nBuf-1) i--;
+ buf[i++] = ch; buf[i] = 0;
+ }
+ while (i > 1 && VG_(isspace)(buf[i-1])) {
+ i--; buf[i] = 0;
+ };
+ /* VG_(printf)("The line is '%s'\n", buf); */
+ /* Ok, we have a line. If a non-comment line, return.
+ If a comment line, start all over again. */
+ if (buf[0] != '#') return False;
+ }
+/* *p_caller contains the raw name of a caller, supposedly either
+ fun:some_function_name or
+ obj:some_object_name.
+ Set *p_ty accordingly and advance *p_caller over the descriptor
+ (fun: or obj:) part.
+ Returns False if failed.
+static Bool setLocationTy ( SuppLoc* p )
+ if (VG_(strncmp)(p->name, "fun:", 4) == 0) {
+ p->name += 4;
+ p->ty = FunName;
+ return True;
+ }
+ if (VG_(strncmp)(p->name, "obj:", 4) == 0) {
+ p->name += 4;
+ p->ty = ObjName;
+ return True;
+ }
+ if (VG_(strcmp)(p->name, "...") == 0) {
+ p->name = NULL;
+ p->ty = DotDotDot;
+ return True;
+ }
+ VG_(printf)("location should be \"...\", or should start "
+ "with \"fun:\" or \"obj:\"\n");
+ return False;
+/* Look for "tool" in a string like "tool1,tool2,tool3" */
+static Bool tool_name_present(Char *name, Char *names)
+ Bool found;
+ Char *s = NULL; /* Shut gcc up */
+ Int len = VG_(strlen)(name);
+ found = (NULL != (s = VG_(strstr)(names, name)) &&
+ (s == names || *(s-1) == ',') &&
+ (*(s+len) == ',' || *(s+len) == '\0')
+ );
+ return found;
+/* Read suppressions from the file specified in VG_(clo_suppressions)
+ and place them in the suppressions list. If there's any difficulty
+ doing this, just give up -- there's no point in trying to recover.
+static void load_one_suppressions_file ( Char* filename )
+# define N_BUF 200
+ SysRes sres;
+ Int fd, i, j, lineno = 0;
+ Bool eof;
+ Char buf[N_BUF+1];
+ Char* tool_names;
+ Char* supp_name;
+ Char* err_str = NULL;
+ SuppLoc tmp_callers[VG_MAX_SUPP_CALLERS];
+ sres = VG_(open)( filename, VKI_O_RDONLY, 0 );
+ if (sres.isError) {
+ if (VG_(clo_xml))
+ VG_UMSG("</valgrindoutput>\n");
+ VG_UMSG("FATAL: can't open suppressions file \"%s\"", filename );
+ VG_(exit)(1);
+ }
+ fd = sres.res;
+# define BOMB(S) { err_str = S; goto syntax_error; }
+ while (True) {
+ /* Assign and initialise the two suppression halves (core and tool) */
+ Supp* supp;
+ supp = VG_(arena_malloc)(VG_AR_CORE, "errormgr.losf.1",
+ sizeof(Supp));
+ supp->count = 0;
+ // Initialise temporary reading-in buffer.
+ for (i = 0; i < VG_MAX_SUPP_CALLERS; i++) {
+ tmp_callers[i].ty = NoName;
+ tmp_callers[i].name = NULL;
+ }
+ supp->string = supp->extra = NULL;
+ eof = VG_(get_line) ( fd, buf, N_BUF );
+ lineno++;
+ if (eof) break;
+ if (!VG_STREQ(buf, "{")) BOMB("expected '{' or end-of-file");
+ eof = VG_(get_line) ( fd, buf, N_BUF );
+ lineno++;
+ if (eof || VG_STREQ(buf, "}")) BOMB("unexpected '}'");
+ supp->sname = VG_(arena_strdup)(VG_AR_CORE, "errormgr.losf.2", buf);
+ eof = VG_(get_line) ( fd, buf, N_BUF );
+ lineno++;
+ if (eof) BOMB("unexpected end-of-file");
+ /* Check it has the "tool1,tool2,...:supp" form (look for ':') */
+ i = 0;
+ while (True) {
+ if (buf[i] == ':') break;
+ if (buf[i] == '\0') BOMB("malformed 'tool1,tool2,...:supp' line");
+ i++;
+ }
+ buf[i] = '\0'; /* Replace ':', splitting into two strings */
+ tool_names = & buf[0];
+ supp_name = & buf[i+1];
+ if (VG_(needs).core_errors && tool_name_present("core", tool_names))
+ {
+ // A core suppression
+ //(example code, see comment on CoreSuppKind above)
+ //if (VG_STREQ(supp_name, "Thread"))
+ // supp->skind = ThreadSupp;
+ //else
+ BOMB("unknown core suppression type");
+ }
+ else if (VG_(needs).tool_errors &&
+ tool_name_present(VG_(details).name, tool_names))
+ {
+ // A tool suppression
+ if (VG_TDICT_CALL(tool_recognised_suppression, supp_name, supp)) {
+ /* Do nothing, function fills in supp->skind */
+ } else {
+ BOMB("unknown tool suppression type");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Ignore rest of suppression
+ while (True) {
+ eof = VG_(get_line) ( fd, buf, N_BUF );
+ lineno++;
+ if (eof) BOMB("unexpected end-of-file");
+ if (VG_STREQ(buf, "}"))
+ break;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (VG_(needs).tool_errors &&
+ !VG_TDICT_CALL(tool_read_extra_suppression_info,
+ fd, buf, N_BUF, supp))
+ {
+ BOMB("bad or missing extra suppression info");
+ }
+ /* the main frame-descriptor reading loop */
+ i = 0;
+ while (True) {
+ eof = VG_(get_line) ( fd, buf, N_BUF );
+ lineno++;
+ if (eof)
+ BOMB("unexpected end-of-file");
+ if (VG_STREQ(buf, "}")) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ BOMB("missing stack trace");
+ }
+ }
+ BOMB("too many callers in stack trace");
+ if (i > 0 && i >= VG_(clo_backtrace_size))
+ break;
+ tmp_callers[i].name = VG_(arena_strdup)(VG_AR_CORE,
+ "errormgr.losf.3", buf);
+ if (!setLocationTy(&(tmp_callers[i])))
+ BOMB("location should be \"...\", or should start "
+ "with \"fun:\" or \"obj:\"");
+ i++;
+ }
+ // If the num callers is >= VG_(clo_backtrace_size), ignore any extra
+ // lines and grab the '}'.
+ if (!VG_STREQ(buf, "}")) {
+ do {
+ eof = VG_(get_line) ( fd, buf, N_BUF );
+ lineno++;
+ } while (!eof && !VG_STREQ(buf, "}"));
+ }
+ // Reject entries which are entirely composed of frame
+ // level wildcards.
+ vg_assert(i > 0); // guaranteed by frame-descriptor reading loop
+ for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ if (tmp_callers[j].ty == FunName || tmp_callers[j].ty == ObjName)
+ break;
+ vg_assert(tmp_callers[j].ty == DotDotDot);
+ }
+ vg_assert(j >= 0 && j <= i);
+ if (j == i) {
+ // we didn't find any non-"..." entries
+ BOMB("suppression must contain at least one location "
+ "line which is not \"...\"");
+ }
+ // Copy tmp_callers[] into supp->callers[]
+ supp->n_callers = i;
+ supp->callers = VG_(arena_malloc)(VG_AR_CORE, "errormgr.losf.4",
+ i*sizeof(SuppLoc));
+ for (i = 0; i < supp->n_callers; i++) {
+ supp->callers[i] = tmp_callers[i];
+ }
+ supp->next = suppressions;
+ suppressions = supp;
+ }
+ VG_(close)(fd);
+ return;
+ syntax_error:
+ if (VG_(clo_xml))
+ VG_UMSG("</valgrindoutput>\n");
+ VG_UMSG("FATAL: in suppressions file \"%s\" near line %d:",
+ filename, lineno );
+ VG_UMSG(" %s", err_str );
+ VG_(close)(fd);
+ VG_UMSG("exiting now.");
+ VG_(exit)(1);
+# undef BOMB
+# undef N_BUF
+void VG_(load_suppressions) ( void )
+ Int i;
+ suppressions = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < VG_(clo_n_suppressions); i++) {
+ if (VG_(clo_verbosity) > 1) {
+ VG_DMSG("Reading suppressions file: %s", VG_(clo_suppressions)[i] );
+ }
+ load_one_suppressions_file( VG_(clo_suppressions)[i] );
+ }
+/*--- Matching errors to suppressions ---*/
+/* Parameterising functions for the use of VG_(generic_match) in
+ suppression-vs-error matching. The suppression frames (SuppLoc)
+ play the role of 'pattern'-element, and the error frames (IPs,
+ hence simply Addrs) play the role of 'input'. In short then, we're
+ matching a sequence of Addrs against a pattern composed of a
+ sequence of SuppLocs.
+static Bool supploc_IsStar ( void* supplocV )
+ SuppLoc* supploc = (SuppLoc*)supplocV;
+ return supploc->ty == DotDotDot;
+static Bool supploc_IsQuery ( void* supplocV )
+ return False; /* there's no '?' equivalent in the supp syntax */
+static Bool supp_pattEQinp ( void* supplocV, void* addrV )
+ SuppLoc* supploc = (SuppLoc*)supplocV; /* PATTERN */
+ Addr ip = *(Addr*)addrV; /* INPUT */
+ Char caller_name[ERRTXT_LEN];
+ caller_name[0] = 0;
+ /* So, does this IP address match this suppression-line? */
+ switch (supploc->ty) {
+ case DotDotDot:
+ /* supp_pattEQinp is a callback from VG_(generic_match). As
+ per the spec thereof (see include/pub_tool_seqmatch.h), we
+ should never get called with a pattern value for which the
+ _IsStar or _IsQuery function would return True. Hence
+ this can't happen. */
+ vg_assert(0);
+ case ObjName:
+ /* Get the object name into 'caller_name', or "???"
+ if unknown. */
+ if (!VG_(get_objname)(ip, caller_name, ERRTXT_LEN))
+ VG_(strcpy)(caller_name, "???");
+ break;
+ case FunName:
+ /* Get the function name into 'caller_name', or "???"
+ if unknown. */
+ // Nb: C++-mangled names are used in suppressions. Do, though,
+ // Z-demangle them, since otherwise it's possible to wind
+ // up comparing "malloc" in the suppression against
+ // "_vgrZU_libcZdsoZa_malloc" in the backtrace, and the
+ // two of them need to be made to match.
+ if (!VG_(get_fnname_no_cxx_demangle)(ip, caller_name, ERRTXT_LEN))
+ VG_(strcpy)(caller_name, "???");
+ break;
+ default:
+ vg_assert(0);
+ }
+ /* So now we have the function or object name in caller_name, and
+ the pattern (at the character level) to match against is in
+ supploc->name. Hence (and leading to a re-entrant call of
+ VG_(generic_match)): */
+ return VG_(string_match)(supploc->name, caller_name);
+static Bool supp_matches_callers(Error* err, Supp* su)
+ /* Unwrap the args and set up the correct parameterisation of
+ VG_(generic_match), using supploc_IsStar, supploc_IsQuery and
+ supp_pattEQinp. */
+ /* note, StackTrace === Addr* */
+ StackTrace ips = VG_(get_ExeContext_StackTrace)(err->where);
+ UWord n_ips = VG_(get_ExeContext_n_ips)(err->where);
+ SuppLoc* supps = su->callers;
+ UWord n_supps = su->n_callers;
+ UWord szbPatt = sizeof(SuppLoc);
+ UWord szbInput = sizeof(Addr);
+ Bool matchAll = False; /* we just want to match a prefix */
+ return
+ VG_(generic_match)(
+ matchAll,
+ /*PATT*/supps, szbPatt, n_supps, 0/*initial Ix*/,
+ /*INPUT*/ips, szbInput, n_ips, 0/*initial Ix*/,
+ supploc_IsStar, supploc_IsQuery, supp_pattEQinp
+ );
+Bool supp_matches_error(Supp* su, Error* err)
+ switch (su->skind) {
+ //(example code, see comment on CoreSuppKind above)
+ //case ThreadSupp:
+ // return (err->ekind == ThreadErr);
+ default:
+ if (VG_(needs).tool_errors) {
+ return VG_TDICT_CALL(tool_error_matches_suppression, err, su);
+ } else {
+ VG_(printf)(
+ "\nUnhandled suppression type: %u. VG_(needs).tool_errors\n"
+ "probably needs to be set.\n",
+ err->ekind);
+ VG_(tool_panic)("unhandled suppression type");
+ }
+ }
+/* Does an error context match a suppression? ie is this a suppressible
+ error? If so, return a pointer to the Supp record, otherwise NULL.
+ Tries to minimise the number of symbol searches since they are expensive.
+static Supp* is_suppressible_error ( Error* err )
+ Supp* su;
+ Supp* su_prev;
+ /* stats gathering */
+ em_supplist_searches++;
+ /* See if the error context matches any suppression. */
+ su_prev = NULL;
+ for (su = suppressions; su != NULL; su = su->next) {
+ em_supplist_cmps++;
+ if (supp_matches_error(su, err) && supp_matches_callers(err, su)) {
+ /* got a match. Move this entry to the head of the list
+ in the hope of making future searches cheaper. */
+ if (su_prev) {
+ vg_assert(su_prev->next == su);
+ su_prev->next = su->next;
+ su->next = suppressions;
+ suppressions = su;
+ }
+ return su;
+ }
+ su_prev = su;
+ }
+ return NULL; /* no matches */
+/* Show accumulated error-list and suppression-list search stats.
+void VG_(print_errormgr_stats) ( void )
+ " errormgr: %'lu supplist searches, %'lu comparisons during search",
+ em_supplist_searches, em_supplist_cmps
+ );
+ " errormgr: %'lu errlist searches, %'lu comparisons during search",
+ em_errlist_searches, em_errlist_cmps
+ );
+/*--- end ---*/