diff options
authorKeith Packard <>2010-04-06 14:17:47 -0700
committerKeith Packard <>2010-04-06 14:17:47 -0700
commit3dacd083fb30dc36f9aad059b9f90c94e3d77e72 (patch)
parent9e6c8e70f749e845c9aa9c7ca25eaa478a74fcf8 (diff)
parent0e5fa20f17cb7d7c7244ffbe1330f89c16e466c4 (diff)
Merge remote branch 'printproto/master'
-rw-r--r--printproto/specs/xp_proto.bookbin0 -> 22528 bytes
-rw-r--r--printproto/specs/xp_protoIX.docbin0 -> 34816 bytes
-rw-r--r--printproto/specs/xp_protoTOC.docbin0 -> 19456 bytes
16 files changed, 89704 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/printproto/.gitignore b/printproto/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3873307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/printproto/COPYING b/printproto/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69843ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+(c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company
+(c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp.
+(c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+(c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc.
+(c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corp.
+(c) Copyright 1996 Fujitsu Limited
+(c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi, Ltd.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+Except as contained in this notice, the names of the copyright holders shall
+not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from said
+copyright holders.
diff --git a/printproto/ b/printproto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b2e7c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+printdir = $(includedir)/X11/extensions
+print_HEADERS = \
+ Print.h \
+ Printstr.h
+pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
+pkgconfig_DATA = printproto.pc
+miscmandir = $(MISC_MAN_DIR)
+miscman_DATA = man/Xprint.$(MISC_MAN_SUFFIX)
+CLEANFILES = $(miscman_DATA)
+ man/ \
+ man/Xprint.sgml \
+ specs/ \
+ specs/xp_proto.mif \
+ specs/ \
+ specs/xp_protoIX.doc \
+ specs/xp_protoTOC.doc \
+ specs/xp_proto_cov.mif
+EXTRA_DIST += ChangeLog
+.PHONY: ChangeLog
+dist-hook: ChangeLog
+SED = sed
+# Strings to replace in man pages
+ XORGMANNAME = X Version 11
+ -e 's|__vendorversion__|"$(XORGRELSTRING)" "$(XORGMANNAME)"|' \
+ -e 's|__xorgversion__|"$(XORGRELSTRING)" "$(XORGMANNAME)"|' \
+ -e 's|__datadir__|$(datadir)|g' \
+ -e 's|__libdir__|$(libdir)|g' \
+ -e 's|__sysconfdir__|$(sysconfdir)|g' \
+ -e 's|__appmansuffix__|$(APP_MAN_SUFFIX)|g' \
+ -e 's|__libmansuffix__|$(LIB_MAN_SUFFIX)|g' \
+ -e 's|__miscmansuffix__|$(MISC_MAN_SUFFIX)|g'
+ $(MKDIR_P) man
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(SED) $(MAN_SUBSTS) < $< > $@
diff --git a/printproto/Print.h b/printproto/Print.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d45082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/Print.h
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+/* $Xorg: Print.h,v 1.3 2000/08/18 04:05:44 coskrey Exp $ */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ **
+ ** File: Print.h
+ **
+ ** Description: Definitions needed by the server, library, and
+ ** clients. Subportion restricted to library and
+ ** clients.
+ **
+ ** Server, Library, Client portion has:
+ ** o All sz_* defines
+ ** o Revision and Name defines
+ ** o Common defines and constants (e.g. Keywords, Masks)
+ ** o Extension version structure
+ **
+ ** Library and client subportion has:
+ ** o Convience Marcos
+ ** o Client side data structures
+ ** o Client side event structures (non wire)
+ ** o Library function prototypes
+ ** o some private stuff denoted with _whatever
+ **
+ ** Printstr.h for server and library, but NOT clients.
+ **
+ ******************************************************************************
+ **
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corp.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Fujitsu Limited
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi, Ltd.
+ **
+ ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ ** of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ ** in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ ** to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ ** copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ ** furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ **
+ ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ ** all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ **
+ **
+ ** Except as contained in this notice, the names of the copyright holders shall
+ ** not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+ ** dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from said
+ ** copyright holders.
+ **
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/Print.h,v 1.4 2000/01/25 18:37:31 dawes Exp $ */
+#ifndef _XpPrint_H_
+#define _XpPrint_H_
+#ifndef _XP_PRINT_SERVER_
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xresource.h>
+#include <X11/Xauth.h>
+#endif /* _XP_PRINT_SERVER_ */
+#include <X11/Xfuncproto.h>
+ *
+ * Definitions used by the server, library and client.
+ */
+ *
+ * Naming and versioning information.
+ */
+#define XP_PRINTNAME "XpExtension"
+ * Add a define below for each major extension release.
+ */
+#define XP_DONT_CHECK 0
+ * For each single entry above, create one major/minor pair.
+ */
+#define XP_PROTO_MAJOR 1
+#define XP_PROTO_MINOR 0
+ * Identify current version.
+ */
+ * Misc version defines.
+ */
+#define XP_ABSENT 0 /* Prior to XP Print support */
+#define XP_PRESENT 1 /* With XP Print support */
+ *
+ * Xp Print Error codes.
+ */
+#define XP_ERRORS 3 /* number of error types */
+#define XPBadContext 0 /* Print Context invalid or missing */
+#define XPBadSequence 1 /* Illegal sequence of XP operations */
+#define XPBadResourceID 2 /* X-resource not valid */
+ *
+ * Xp Print Event masks and codes.
+ *
+ */
+#define XP_EVENTS 2 /* number of event types */
+#define XPNoEventMask 0 /* not an event - just a null mask */
+#define XPPrintMask (1L<<0)
+#define XPAttributeMask (1L<<1)
+#define XPPrintNotify 0 /* contains "detail" - see below */
+#define XPAttributeNotify 1 /* contains "detail" - see below */
+#define XPStartJobNotify 0 /* value for "detail" in XPPrintNotify*/
+#define XPEndJobNotify 1
+#define XPStartDocNotify 2
+#define XPEndDocNotify 3
+#define XPStartPageNotify 4
+#define XPEndPageNotify 5
+ *
+ * Xp Print Attribute Object codes (subset of ISO DPA 10175). The
+ * Xp Server can get and set any of the values, while the Xp Library
+ * may only be able to set a subset of the attribute objects.
+ *
+ * note: the codes are also used as "detail" for XPAttributeNotify
+ *
+ * note: XPPageAttr is not defined in ISO DPA 10175. It is unique
+ * to Xp, and its attributes are a proper subset of XPDocAttr.
+ */
+typedef unsigned char XPAttributes; /* type of Xp*Attr codes */
+#define XP_ATTRIBUTES 5 /* those attrs currently supported */
+#define XPJobAttr 1 /* get/set */
+#define XPDocAttr 2 /* get/set */
+#define XPPageAttr 3 /* get/set - subset of XPDocAttr */
+#define XPPrinterAttr 4 /* get only (library) */
+#define XPServerAttr 5 /* get only (library), no
+ context needed */
+ * note: ISO DPA 10175 defines a number of "attribute objects", of
+ * which POSIX 1387.4 and the SI Xp will only support a
+ * subset.
+ */
+#define XPMediumAttr 6 /* DPA-Object Medium */
+#define XPFontAttr 7 /* DPA-Object Font */
+#define XPResAttr 8 /* DPA-Object Resource */
+#define XPTransAttr 9 /* DPA-Object Transfer method */
+#define XPDelAttr 10 /* DPA-Object Delivery method */
+#define XPAuxSPkg 11 /* DPA-Object Auxiliary sheet package */
+#define XPAuxS 12 /* DPA-Object Auxiliary sheet */
+#define XPFinishAttr 13 /* DPA-Object Finishing */
+#define XPOutputAttr 14 /* DPA-Object Output method */
+#define XPImpAttr 15 /* DPA-Object Imposition */
+#define XPSchedAttr 16 /* DPA-Object Scheduler */
+#define XPIntJobAttr 17 /* DPA-Object Initial value job */
+#define XPIntDocAttr 18 /* DPA-Object Initial value document */
+#define XPResConAttr 19 /* DPA-Object Resource context */
+ * Replacement rules for XpSetAttributes
+ */
+typedef unsigned char XPAttrReplacement;
+#define XPAttrReplace 1
+#define XPAttrMerge 2
+ * Return codes for XpGetDocumentData
+ */
+typedef unsigned char XPGetDocStatus;
+#define XPGetDocFinished 0 /* normal termination */
+#define XPGetDocSecondConsumer 1 /* setup error */
+#define XPGetDocError 2 /* runtime error, see generated error */
+ * Save data types for XpStartJob.
+ */
+typedef unsigned char XPSaveData;
+#define XPSpool 1 /* Job data sent to spooler */
+#define XPGetData 2 /* Job data via XpGetDocumentData */
+ * Document types for XpStartDoc.
+ */
+typedef unsigned char XPDocumentType;
+#define XPDocNormal 1 /* Doc data handled by Xserver */
+#define XPDocRaw 2 /* Doc data passed through Xserver */
+ *
+ * Xp Print Property Names
+ */
+#ifndef _XP_PRINT_SERVER_
+ *
+ * Definitions used by the library and clients only.
+ */
+ *
+ * General API defines and such.
+ */
+ * Print Context for XpInitContext and related calls.
+ */
+typedef XID XPContext;
+ * Struct for XpGetPrinterList.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ char *name; /* name */
+ char *desc; /* localized description */
+} XPPrinterRec, *XPPrinterList;
+ * Typedefs for XpGetDocumentData
+ */
+typedef void (*XPSaveProc)( Display *display,
+ XPContext context,
+ unsigned char *data,
+ unsigned int data_len,
+ XPointer client_data);
+typedef void (*XPFinishProc)( Display *display,
+ XPContext context,
+ XPGetDocStatus status,
+ XPointer client_data);
+ * Typedefs for XpSetLocaleHinter and XpGetLocaleHinter
+ */
+typedef char * (*XPHinterProc)(void);
+#if 0
+ *
+ * Extension version structures.
+ *
+ **** this structure is now defined localy in the one file that uses it
+ **** in order to avoid clashes with its definition in XI.h
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ int present;
+ short major_version;
+ short minor_version;
+} XExtensionVersion;
+ *
+ * Event structs for clients.
+ *
+ * note: these events are relative to a print context, and
+ * not to a window as in core X.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ int type; /* base + XPPrintNotify */
+ unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
+ Bool send_event; /* true if from a SendEvent request */
+ Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
+ XPContext context; /* print context where operation was requested */
+ Bool cancel; /* was detailed event canceled */
+ int detail; /* XPStartJobNotify, XPEndJobNotify,
+ XPStartDocNotify, XPEndDocNotify,
+ XPStartPageNotify, XPEndPageNotify */
+} XPPrintEvent;
+typedef struct {
+ int type; /* base + XPAttributeNotify */
+ unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
+ Bool send_event; /* true if from a SendEvent request */
+ Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
+ XPContext context; /* print context where operation was requested */
+ int detail; /* XPJobAttr, XPDocAttr, XPPageAttr,
+ XPPrinterAttr, XPSpoolerAttr,
+ XPMediumAttr, XPServerAttr */
+} XPAttributeEvent;
+typedef struct {
+ int type; /* base + XPDataReadyNotify */
+ unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
+ Bool send_event; /* true if from a SendEvent request */
+ Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
+ XPContext context; /* print context where operation was requested */
+ unsigned long available; /* bytes available for retrieval */
+} XPDataReadyEvent;
+ *
+ * Function prototypes for library side.
+ */
+extern XPContext XpCreateContext (
+ Display *display,
+ char *printer_name
+extern void XpSetContext (
+ Display *display,
+ XPContext print_context
+extern XPContext XpGetContext (
+ Display *display
+extern void XpDestroyContext (
+ Display *display,
+ XPContext print_context
+extern Screen *XpGetScreenOfContext (
+ Display *display,
+ XPContext print_context
+extern Status XpGetPageDimensions (
+ Display *display,
+ XPContext print_context,
+ unsigned short *width, /* return value */
+ unsigned short *height, /* return value */
+ XRectangle *reproducible_area /* return value */
+extern void XpStartJob (
+ Display *display,
+ XPSaveData save_data
+extern void XpEndJob (
+ Display *display
+extern void XpCancelJob (
+ Display *display,
+ Bool discard
+extern void XpStartDoc (
+ Display *display,
+ XPDocumentType type
+extern void XpEndDoc (
+ Display *display
+extern void XpCancelDoc (
+ Display *display,
+ Bool discard
+extern void XpPutDocumentData (
+ Display *display,
+ Drawable drawable,
+ unsigned char *data,
+ int data_len,
+ char *doc_fmt,
+ char *options
+extern Status XpGetDocumentData (
+ Display *display,
+ XPContext context,
+ XPSaveProc save_proc,
+ XPFinishProc finish_proc,
+ XPointer client_data
+extern void XpStartPage (
+ Display *display,
+ Window window
+extern void XpEndPage (
+ Display *display
+extern void XpCancelPage (
+ Display *display,
+ Bool discard
+extern void XpSelectInput (
+ Display *display,
+ XPContext print_context,
+ unsigned long event_mask
+extern unsigned long XpInputSelected (
+ Display *display,
+ XPContext print_context,
+ unsigned long *all_events_mask
+extern Bool XpSetImageResolution (
+ Display *display,
+ XPContext print_context,
+ int image_res,
+ int *prev_res
+extern int XpGetImageResolution (
+ Display *display,
+ XPContext print_context
+extern char *XpGetAttributes (
+ Display *display,
+ XPContext print_context,
+ XPAttributes type
+extern void XpSetAttributes (
+ Display *display,
+ XPContext print_context,
+ XPAttributes type,
+ char *pool,
+ XPAttrReplacement replacement_rule
+extern char *XpGetOneAttribute (
+ Display *display,
+ XPContext print_context,
+ XPAttributes type,
+ char *attribute_name
+extern XPPrinterList XpGetPrinterList (
+ Display *display,
+ char *printer_name,
+ int *list_count /* return value */
+extern void XpFreePrinterList (
+ XPPrinterList printer_list
+extern void XpRehashPrinterList (
+ Display *display
+extern Status XpQueryVersion (
+ Display *display,
+ short *major_version, /* return value */
+ short *minor_version /* return value */
+extern Bool XpQueryExtension (
+ Display *display,
+ int *event_base_return, /* return value */
+ int *error_base_return /* return value */
+extern Screen **XpQueryScreens (
+ Display *display,
+ int *list_count /* return value */
+extern Status XpGetPdmStartParams (
+ Display *print_display,
+ Window print_window,
+ XPContext print_context,
+ Display *video_display,
+ Window video_window,
+ Display **selection_display, /* return value */
+ Atom *selection, /* return value */
+ Atom *type, /* return value */
+ int *format, /* return value */
+ unsigned char **data, /* return value */
+ int *nelements /* return value */
+extern Status XpGetAuthParams (
+ Display *print_display,
+ Display *video_display,
+ Display **selection_display, /* return value */
+ Atom *selection, /* return value */
+ Atom *target /* return value */
+extern Status XpSendAuth (
+ Display *display,
+ Window window
+extern Status XpSendOneTicket (
+ Display *display,
+ Window window,
+ Xauth *ticket,
+ Bool more
+extern void XpSetLocaleHinter (
+ XPHinterProc hinter_proc,
+ char *hinter_desc
+extern char *XpGetLocaleHinter (
+ XPHinterProc *hinter_proc
+extern char *XpGetLocaleNetString(void);
+extern char *XpNotifyPdm (
+ Display *print_display,
+ Window print_window,
+ XPContext print_context,
+ Display *video_display,
+ Window video_window,
+ Bool auth_flag
+#endif /* _XP_PRINT_SERVER_ */
+#endif /* _XpPrint_H_ */
diff --git a/printproto/Printstr.h b/printproto/Printstr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86fa001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/Printstr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+/* $Xorg: Printstr.h,v 1.3 2000/08/18 04:05:44 coskrey Exp $ */
+ ******************************************************************************
+ **
+ ** File: Printstr.h
+ **
+ ** Description: Definitions needed by the server and library, but
+ ** not clients.
+ **
+ ** Print.h for server, library and clients.
+ **
+ ******************************************************************************
+ **
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Hewlett-Packard Company
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 International Business Machines Corp.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Novell, Inc.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Digital Equipment Corp.
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Fujitsu Limited
+ ** (c) Copyright 1996 Hitachi, Ltd.
+ **
+ ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ ** of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ ** in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ ** to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ ** copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ ** furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ **
+ ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ ** all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ **
+ **
+ ** Except as contained in this notice, the names of the copyright holders shall
+ ** not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
+ ** dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from said
+ ** copyright holders.
+ **
+ ******************************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************************/
+/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/Printstr.h,v 1.5 2001/08/01 00:44:35 tsi Exp $ */
+#ifndef _XpPrintstr_H_
+#define _XpPrintstr_H_
+ * NEED_EVENTS and NEED_REPLIES are hacks to limit the linker symbol-table
+ * size. When function prototypes are needed from Print.h, this sets up
+ * a cascading dependency on Printstr.h and eventually Xproto.h to provide
+ * the event and reply struct definitions.
+ */
+#ifndef NEED_EVENTS
+#define NEED_EVENTS
+#endif /* NEED_EVENTS */
+#include <X11/Xproto.h>
+#ifndef _XP_PRINT_SERVER_
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#endif /* _XP_PRINT_SERVER_ */
+ * Pull in other definitions. Print.h will hide some things if we're
+ * doing server side work.
+ */
+#include <X11/extensions/Print.h>
+#include <X11/Xfuncproto.h>
+ *
+ * Protocol requests constants and alignment values
+ *
+ * Note: Xlib macro's expect X_ABC where ABC is the name of the
+ * protocol request.
+ */
+#define X_PrintQueryVersion 0
+#define X_PrintGetPrinterList 1
+#define X_PrintCreateContext 2
+#define X_PrintSetContext 3
+#define X_PrintGetContext 4
+#define X_PrintDestroyContext 5
+#define X_PrintGetContextScreen 6
+#define X_PrintStartJob 7
+#define X_PrintEndJob 8
+#define X_PrintStartDoc 9
+#define X_PrintEndDoc 10
+#define X_PrintPutDocumentData 11
+#define X_PrintGetDocumentData 12
+#define X_PrintStartPage 13
+#define X_PrintEndPage 14
+#define X_PrintSelectInput 15
+#define X_PrintInputSelected 16
+#define X_PrintGetAttributes 17
+#define X_PrintSetAttributes 18
+#define X_PrintGetOneAttribute 19
+#define X_PrintRehashPrinterList 20
+#define X_PrintGetPageDimensions 21
+#define X_PrintQueryScreens 22
+#define X_PrintSetImageResolution 23
+#define X_PrintGetImageResolution 24
+ *
+ * Protocol data types
+ */
+#define PCONTEXT CARD32
+#define WINDOW CARD32
+#define DRAWABLE CARD32
+#define BITMASK CARD32
+ *
+ * Event wire struct definitions
+ *
+ * Note: Xlib macro's expect xABC struct names and sz_xABC size
+ * constants where ABC is the name of the protocol request.
+ */
+ *
+ * Events.
+ *
+ * See Print.h for the protocol "type" values.
+ */
+typedef struct _xPrintPrintEvent {
+ BYTE type; /* XPPrintNotify + extEntry->eventBase */
+ BYTE detail; /* XPStartJobNotify, XPEndJobNotify,
+ XPStartDocNotify, XPEndDocNotify,
+ XPStartPageNotify, XPEndPageNotify */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+ BOOL cancel; /* canceled flag */
+ CARD8 pad1; /* rest is unused */
+ CARD16 pad2 B16;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ CARD32 pad4 B32;
+ CARD32 pad5 B32;
+ CARD32 pad6 B32;
+ CARD32 pad7 B32;
+} xPrintPrintEvent;
+#define sz_xPrintPrintEvent 32;
+typedef struct _xPrintAttributeEvent {
+ BYTE type; /* XPAttributeNotify + extEntry->eventBase */
+ BYTE detail; /* XPJobAttr, XPDocAttr, XPPageAttr,
+ XPPrinterAttr, XPSpoolerAttr,
+ XPMediumAttr, XPServerAttr */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+ CARD32 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ CARD32 pad4 B32;
+ CARD32 pad5 B32;
+ CARD32 pad6 B32;
+} xPrintAttributeEvent;
+#define sz_xPrintAttributeEvent 32;
+ *
+ * Requests
+ */
+typedef struct _PrintQueryVersion {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintQueryVersion */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+} xPrintQueryVersionReq;
+#define sz_xPrintQueryVersionReq 4
+typedef struct {
+ BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
+ CARD8 unused; /* not used */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ CARD32 length B32;
+ CARD16 majorVersion B16; /* major version of Xp protocol */
+ CARD16 minorVersion B16; /* minor version of Xp protocol */
+ CARD32 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ CARD32 pad4 B32;
+ CARD32 pad5 B32;
+} xPrintQueryVersionReply;
+#define sz_xPrintQueryVersionReply 32
+typedef struct _PrintGetPrinterList {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintGetPrinterList */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ CARD32 printerNameLen B32; /* length of printer name */
+ CARD32 localeLen B32; /* length of locale string */
+ /* variable portion *****************************************
+ STRING8 printerName; * printer name *
+ BYTE pad(printerNameLen) * unused *
+ STRING8 locale; * locale *
+ BYTE pad(localeLen) * unused *
+ ************************************************************/
+} xPrintGetPrinterListReq;
+#define sz_xPrintGetPrinterListReq 12
+typedef struct {
+ BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
+ CARD8 unused; /* not used */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ CARD32 length B32;
+ CARD32 listCount B32; /* of PRINTER recs below */
+ CARD32 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ CARD32 pad4 B32;
+ CARD32 pad5 B32;
+ /* variable portion *****************************************
+ CARD32 nameLen B32; * length of name in bytes *
+ STRING8 name; * name *
+ BYTE pad(nameLen) * unused *
+ CARD32 descLen B32; * length of desc in bytes *
+ STRING8 desc; * localized description *
+ BYTE pad(descLen) * unused *
+ ************************************************************/
+} xPrintGetPrinterListReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetPrinterListReply 32
+typedef struct _PrintRehashPrinterList {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintRehashPrinterList */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+} xPrintRehashPrinterListReq;
+#define sz_xPrintRehashPrinterListReq 4
+typedef struct _PrintCreateContext {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintInitSetContext */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ CARD32 contextID B32; /* ID for context */
+ CARD32 printerNameLen B32; /* length of printerName in bytes */
+ CARD32 localeLen B32; /* length of locale in bytes */
+ /* variable portion *****************************************
+ STRING8 printerName * printer name *
+ BYTE pad(printerNameLen) * unused *
+ STRING8 locale * locale *
+ BYTE pad(locale) * unused *
+ ************************************************************/
+} xPrintCreateContextReq;
+#define sz_xPrintCreateContextReq 16
+typedef struct _PrintSetContext {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintSetContext */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+} xPrintSetContextReq;
+#define sz_xPrintSetContextReq 8
+typedef struct _PrintGetContext {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintGetContext */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+} xPrintGetContextReq;
+#define sz_xPrintGetContextReq 4
+typedef struct {
+ BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
+ CARD8 unused; /* not used */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ CARD32 length B32;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+ CARD32 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ CARD32 pad4 B32;
+ CARD32 pad5 B32;
+} xPrintGetContextReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetContextReply 32
+typedef struct _PrintDestroyContext {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintDestroyContext */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+} xPrintDestroyContextReq;
+#define sz_xPrintDestroyContextReq 8
+typedef struct _PrintGetContextScreen {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintGetContextScreen */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+} xPrintGetContextScreenReq;
+#define sz_xPrintGetContextScreenReq 8
+typedef struct {
+ BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
+ CARD8 unused; /* not used */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ CARD32 length B32;
+ WINDOW rootWindow; /* screenPtr represented as rootWin */
+ CARD32 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ CARD32 pad4 B32;
+ CARD32 pad5 B32;
+} xPrintGetContextScreenReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetContextScreenReply 32
+typedef struct _PrintStartJob {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintStartJob */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ CARD8 saveData; /* save data boolean */
+ CARD8 pad1;
+ CARD16 pad2 B16;
+} xPrintStartJobReq;
+#define sz_xPrintStartJobReq 8
+typedef struct _PrintEndJob {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintEndJob */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ BOOL cancel; /* cancel boolean */
+ CARD8 pad1;
+ CARD16 pad2 B16;
+} xPrintEndJobReq;
+#define sz_xPrintEndJobReq 8
+typedef struct _PrintStartDoc {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintStartDoc */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ CARD8 type; /* type for document */
+ CARD8 pad1;
+ CARD16 pad2 B16;
+} xPrintStartDocReq;
+#define sz_xPrintStartDocReq 8
+typedef struct _PrintEndDoc {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintEndDoc */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ BOOL cancel; /* cancel boolean */
+ CARD8 pad1;
+ CARD16 pad2 B16;
+} xPrintEndDocReq;
+#define sz_xPrintEndDocReq 8
+typedef struct _PrintPutDocumentData {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintPutDocumentData */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ DRAWABLE drawable B32; /* target drawable */
+ CARD32 len_data B32; /* big len in bytes */
+ CARD16 len_fmt; /* len in bytes */
+ CARD16 len_options; /* len in bytes */
+ /* variable portion *****************************************
+ LISTofBYTE data; * data *
+ BYTE pad(len_data) * unused *
+ STRING8 doc_fmt; * ISO compliant desc of data type *
+ BYTE pad(len_fmt) * unused *
+ STRING8 options; * additional device-dependent desc *
+ BYTE pad(len_options) * unused *
+ ************************************************************/
+} xPrintPutDocumentDataReq;
+#define sz_xPrintPutDocumentDataReq 16
+typedef struct _PrintGetDocumentData {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintGetDocumentData */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+ CARD32 maxBufferSize B32; /* maximum buffer size requested */
+} xPrintGetDocumentDataReq;
+#define sz_xPrintGetDocumentDataReq 12
+typedef struct {
+ BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
+ CARD8 unused; /* not used */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ CARD32 length B32;
+ CARD32 statusCode B32; /* status code for reply */
+ CARD32 finishedFlag B32; /* is this the last reply */
+ CARD32 dataLen B32; /* data length */
+ CARD32 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ /* variable portion *****************************************
+ LISTofBYTE data; * data *
+ BYTE pad(count) * unused *
+ ************************************************************/
+} xPrintGetDocumentDataReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetDocumentDataReply 32
+typedef struct _PrintStartPage {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintStartPage */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ WINDOW window B32; /* window */
+} xPrintStartPageReq;
+#define sz_xPrintStartPageReq 8
+typedef struct _PrintEndPage {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintEndPage */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ BOOL cancel; /* cancel boolean */
+ CARD8 pad1;
+ CARD16 pad2 B16;
+} xPrintEndPageReq;
+#define sz_xPrintEndPageReq 8
+typedef struct _PrintSelectInput {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintSelectInput */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+ BITMASK eventMask B32;
+} xPrintSelectInputReq;
+#define sz_xPrintSelectInputReq 12
+typedef struct _PrintInputSelected {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintInputSelected */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+} xPrintInputSelectedReq;
+#define sz_xPrintInputSelectedReq 8
+typedef struct {
+ BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
+ CARD8 unused; /* not used */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ CARD32 length B32;
+ BITMASK eventMask B32; /* your event mask */
+ BITMASK allEventsMask B32; /* all event mask */
+ CARD32 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ CARD32 pad4 B32;
+} xPrintInputSelectedReply;
+#define sz_xPrintInputSelectedReply 32
+typedef struct _PrintGetAttributes {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintGetAttributes */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+ CARD8 type; /* type */
+ CARD8 pad1; /* unused */
+ CARD16 pad2 B16; /* unused */
+} xPrintGetAttributesReq;
+#define sz_xPrintGetAttributesReq 12
+typedef struct {
+ BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
+ CARD8 unused; /* not used */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ CARD32 length B32;
+ CARD32 stringLen B32; /* length of xrm db string */
+ CARD32 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ CARD32 pad4 B32;
+ CARD32 pad5 B32;
+ /* variable portion *****************************************
+ STRING8 string; * xrm db as a string *
+ BYTE pad(stringLen) * unused *
+ ************************************************************/
+} xPrintGetAttributesReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetAttributesReply 32
+typedef struct _PrintSetAttributes {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintSetAttributes */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+ CARD32 stringLen B32; /* length of xrm db string */
+ CARD8 type; /* type */
+ CARD8 rule; /* replacement rule */
+ CARD16 pad1 B16; /* unused */
+ /* variable portion *****************************************
+ STRING8 string; * xrm db as a string *
+ BYTE pad(stringLen) * unused *
+ ************************************************************/
+} xPrintSetAttributesReq;
+#define sz_xPrintSetAttributesReq 16
+typedef struct _PrintGetOneAttribute {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintGetOneAttribute */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+ CARD32 nameLen; /* length of name string */
+ CARD8 type; /* type */
+ CARD8 pad1; /* unused */
+ CARD16 pad2 B16; /* unused */
+ /* variable portion *****************************************
+ STRING8 name; * name as a string *
+ BYTE pad(name) * unused *
+ ************************************************************/
+} xPrintGetOneAttributeReq;
+#define sz_xPrintGetOneAttributeReq 16
+typedef struct {
+ BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
+ CARD8 unused; /* not used */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ CARD32 length B32;
+ CARD32 valueLen B32; /* length of value string */
+ CARD32 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ CARD32 pad4 B32;
+ CARD32 pad5 B32;
+ /* variable portion *****************************************
+ STRING8 value; * value as a string *
+ BYTE pad(value) * unused *
+ ************************************************************/
+} xPrintGetOneAttributeReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetOneAttributeReply 32
+typedef struct _PrintGetPageDimensions {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintGetPageDimensions */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+} xPrintGetPageDimensionsReq;
+#define sz_xPrintGetPageDimensionsReq 8
+typedef struct {
+ BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
+ CARD8 unused; /* not used */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ CARD32 length B32;
+ CARD16 width; /* total pixel width */
+ CARD16 height; /* total pixel height */
+ CARD16 rx; /* reproducable x pixel offset */
+ CARD16 ry; /* reproducable y pixel offset */
+ CARD16 rwidth; /* reproducable x pixel width */
+ CARD16 rheight; /* reproducable y pixel width */
+ CARD32 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+} xPrintGetPageDimensionsReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetPageDimensionsReply 32
+typedef struct _PrintQueryScreens {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintQueryScreens */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+} xPrintQueryScreensReq;
+#define sz_xPrintQueryScreensReq 4
+typedef struct {
+ BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
+ CARD8 unused; /* not used */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ CARD32 length B32;
+ CARD32 listCount; /* number of screens following */
+ CARD32 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ CARD32 pad4 B32;
+ CARD32 pad5 B32;
+ /* variable portion *****************************************
+ WINDOW rootWindow; * root window of screen *
+ ************************************************************/
+} xPrintQueryScreensReply;
+#define sz_xPrintQueryScreensReply 32
+typedef struct _PrintSetImageResolution {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintSetImageResolution */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+ CARD16 imageRes B16; /* image resolution */
+ CARD16 pad1 B16;
+} xPrintSetImageResolutionReq;
+#define sz_xPrintSetImageResolutionReq 12
+typedef struct {
+ BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
+ BOOL status; /* accepted or not */
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ CARD32 length B32;
+ CARD16 prevRes B16; /* previous resolution */
+ CARD16 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ CARD32 pad4 B32;
+ CARD32 pad5 B32;
+ CARD32 pad6 B32;
+} xPrintSetImageResolutionReply;
+#define sz_xPrintSetImageResolutionReply 32
+typedef struct _PrintGetImageResolution {
+ CARD8 reqType; /* always PrintReqCode */
+ CARD8 printReqType; /* always X_PrintGetImageResolution */
+ CARD16 length B16;
+ PCONTEXT printContext B32; /* print context */
+} xPrintGetImageResolutionReq;
+#define sz_xPrintGetImageResolutionReq 8
+typedef struct {
+ BYTE type; /* X_Reply */
+ CARD8 unused;
+ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16;
+ CARD32 length B32;
+ CARD16 imageRes B16; /* image resolution */
+ CARD16 pad1 B32;
+ CARD32 pad2 B32;
+ CARD32 pad3 B32;
+ CARD32 pad4 B32;
+ CARD32 pad5 B32;
+ CARD32 pad6 B32;
+} xPrintGetImageResolutionReply;
+#define sz_xPrintGetImageResolutionReply 32
+#ifndef _XP_PRINT_SERVER_
+ *
+ * Library-only definitions.
+ */
+extern XPHinterProc _xp_hinter_proc;
+extern char *_xp_hinter_desc;
+extern int _xp_hinter_init;
+#else /* _XP_PRINT_SERVER_ */
+ *
+ * Server-only definitions shared between the extension and DDX layers.
+ *
+ */
+ * Internal return code used to indicate that the requesting
+ * client has been suspended.
+ */
+#define Suspended 84
+struct _XpContext;
+extern void XpRegisterPrinterScreen(
+ ScreenPtr pScreen,
+ int (*CreateContext)(struct _XpContext *));
+typedef struct _xpprintFuncs {
+ int (*StartJob)(
+ struct _XpContext * /* pContext */,
+ Bool /* sendClientData */,
+ ClientPtr /* client */);
+ int (*EndJob)(struct _XpContext *, int);
+ int (*StartDoc)(
+ struct _XpContext * /* pContext */,
+ XPDocumentType /* type */);
+ int (*EndDoc)(struct _XpContext *, int);
+ int (*StartPage)(
+ struct _XpContext * /* pContext */,
+ WindowPtr /* pWin */);
+ int (*EndPage)(
+ struct _XpContext * /* pContext */,
+ WindowPtr /* pWin */);
+ int (*PutDocumentData)(
+ struct _XpContext * /* pContext */,
+ DrawablePtr /* pDraw */,
+ char * /* pData */,
+ int /* len_data */,
+ char * /* pDoc_fmt */,
+ int /* len_fmt */,
+ char * /* pOptions */,
+ int /* len_options */,
+ ClientPtr /* client */);
+ int (*GetDocumentData)(
+ struct _XpContext * /* pContext */,
+ ClientPtr /* client */,
+ int /* maxBufferSize */);
+ int (*DestroyContext)(
+ struct _XpContext *); /* pContext */
+ char *(*GetAttributes)(
+ struct _XpContext *,
+ XPAttributes /* pool */);
+ char *(*GetOneAttribute)(
+ struct _XpContext * /* pContext */,
+ XPAttributes /* pool */,
+ char * /* attrs */);
+ int (*SetAttributes)(
+ struct _XpContext * /* pContext */,
+ XPAttributes /* pool */,
+ char * /* attrs */);
+ int (*AugmentAttributes)(
+ struct _XpContext * /* pContext */,
+ XPAttributes /* pool */,
+ char * /* attrs */);
+ int (*GetMediumDimensions)(
+ struct _XpContext * /* pPrintContext */,
+ CARD16 * /* pWidth */,
+ CARD16 * /* pHeight */);
+ int (*GetReproducibleArea)(
+ struct _XpContext * /* pPrintContext */,
+ xRectangle * /* pRect */);
+ int (*SetImageResolution)(
+ struct _XpContext * /* pPrintContext */,
+ int /* imageRes */,
+ Bool * /* pStatus */);
+} XpDriverFuncs, *XpDriverFuncsPtr;
+ * Each print context is represented by one of the following structs
+ * associated with a resource ID of type RTcontext . A pointer to
+ * the context is placed in the Xp extension's devPrivates
+ * element in each client * which establishes a context via
+ * either initContext or setContext.
+ * The context pointer is also placed in the struct indicated by the
+ * RTpage resource associated with each StartPage'd window.
+ */
+typedef struct _XpContext {
+ XID contextID;
+ char *printerName;
+ int screenNum; /* screen containing the printer */
+ struct _XpClient *clientHead; /* list of clients */
+ CARD32 state;
+ VisualID pageWin;
+ PrivateRec *devPrivates;
+ XpDriverFuncs funcs;
+ ClientPtr clientSlept;
+ int imageRes;
+} XpContextRec, *XpContextPtr;
+#include <X11/fonts/fontstruct.h> /* FontResolutionPtr */
+extern FontResolutionPtr XpGetClientResolutions(ClientPtr, int *);
+extern XpContextPtr XpContextOfClient(ClientPtr);
+extern XpContextPtr XpGetPrintContext(ClientPtr);
+extern int XpRehashPrinterList(void);
+extern void XpSetFontResFunc(ClientPtr);
+extern void XpUnsetFontResFunc(ClientPtr);
+extern void XpRegisterInitFunc(ScreenPtr, char *, int (*)(struct _XpContext *));
+#endif /* _XP_PRINT_SERVER_ */
+#endif /* _XpPrintstr_H_ */
diff --git a/printproto/ b/printproto/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..904cd67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+srcdir=`dirname $0`
+test -z "$srcdir" && srcdir=.
+cd $srcdir
+autoreconf -v --install || exit 1
+cd $ORIGDIR || exit $?
+$srcdir/configure --enable-maintainer-mode "$@"
diff --git a/printproto/ b/printproto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b369d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+AC_INIT([PrintProto], [1.0.4], [])
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign dist-bzip2])
+# Require xorg-macros 1.3 or later: XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS
+ [m4_fatal([must install xorg-macros 1.3 or later before running autoconf/autogen])])
+ printproto.pc])
diff --git a/printproto/man/ b/printproto/man/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39b0ccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/man/
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+.\" -*- coding: us-ascii -*-
+.TH Xprint __miscmansuffix__ "8 October 2004"
+Xprint \- The "X print service" - a portable, network-transparent printing system based on the X11 protocol
+Xprint is a very flexible, extensible, scaleable, client/server
+print system based on ISO 10175 (and some other specs) and the X11
+rendering protocol.
+Using Xprint an application can search, query and use devices like
+printers, FAX machines or create documents in formats like PDF.
+In particular, an application can seek a printer, query supported
+attributes (like paper size, trays, fonts etc.), configure the printer
+device to match it\(cqs needs and print on it like on any other X device
+reusing parts of the code which is used for the video card Xserver.
+The "X Print Service" technology allows X rendering to devices such as
+printers and fax. Most of the service is available in the X11
+technology stack as Xp, with the remainder in single toolkit stacks (e.g. DtPrint for CDE).
+Modifications have also been made to the LessTif/Motif/Qt technology
+stacks to support Xprint.
+The Xp portion consists of:
+.TP 0.2i
+Xp Extension for the X-Server (included in the X-Server Xprt)
+.TP 0.2i
+Xp Extension API for the client side (libXp/libXprintUtils)
+.TP 0.2i
+PCL ddx driver that converts core X to native PCL
+.TP 0.2i
+PDF ddx driver that converts core X to native PDF
+.TP 0.2i
+PostScript ddx driver that converts core X to native PostScript
+.TP 0.2i
+Raster ddx driver that generates xwd rasters which can be converted to PCL, PDF or PostScript rasters
+From an X clients perspective, it can attach to one of two nearly
+identical X-Servers, a "Video" X-Server, and a "Print" X-Server
+which has the additional Xp capability but otherwise looks and
+behaves the same.
+The X Print Service expands on the traditional X-Server and Xlib world
+in four ways.
+.TP 0.4i
+Most obvious is the use of "print ddx drivers" instead of
+"video ddx drivers". While a video ddx driver modifies pixels
+in a video frame buffer, a print ddx driver generates "page
+description language (PDL)" output (such as PCL, PDF or PostScript)
+or sends the print rendering instructions to a platform-specific
+print API (like Win32/GDI).
+Once a print ddx driver generates PDL output, it can be sent to
+a spooler such as \fBlp\fR(1)
+or retrieved by the client (to implement functionality like "print-to-file").
+Though not currently done, a single X-Server can support both
+print and video ddx drivers.
+.TP 0.4i
+Since printers support "paged" output, unlike video, a portion
+of the Xp Extension supports APIs to delineate printed output.
+For example, XpStartPage and XpEndPage tell the X-Server where
+a physical page starts and ends in an otherwise continuous
+stream of X rendering primitives. Likewise, XpStartJob and
+XpEndJob determine when a collection of pages starts and ends.
+XpEndJob typically causes the generated PDL to be submitted to
+a spooler, such as \fBlp\fR(1).
+.TP 0.4i
+Since printers have extensive capabilities, another portion of
+the Xp Extension supports APIs to manipulate "print contexts".
+Once a printer is selected using the Xp Extension API, a print
+context to represent it can be created. A print context
+embodies the printer selected - it contains the printer's
+default capabilities, selectable range of capabilities,
+printer state, and generated output. Some "attributes" within
+the print context can be modified by the user, and the
+X-Server and print ddx driver will react accordingly. For
+example, the attribute "content-orientation" can be set to
+"landscape" or "portrait" (if the printer supports these
+values - which can be queried using the Xprint API as well).
+.TP 0.4i
+Since printers can have "built in" fonts, the Xp Extension in
+the X-Server works with the print ddx drivers to make
+available (for printing only) additional fonts on a per print
+context basis.
+When a print context is created and set for a given printer,
+the X font calls may be able to access additional printer
+fonts. To do this (typically), the X-Server must have access
+to "printer metric files" (.pmf) that describe at minimum the
+metrics of the built in fonts.
+There are three tasks to start the X Print Service:
+.TP 0.4i
+configuring the X Print Server,
+.TP 0.4i
+starting the X Print Service
+.TP 0.4i
+configuring the user session so that clients can find the running X Print Service
+The tasks are described in detail below.
+The X Print Server (Xprt) can read a number of configuration files which
+control its behavior and support for printers. Each vendor platform has
+a default location for this information. Xprt can also read the
+environment variable \fBXPCONFIGDIR\fR to locate alternate configuration
+directories. Common settings include:
+export XPCONFIGDIR=/X11/lib/X11/XpConfig/
+export XPCONFIGDIR=/proj/x11/xc/programs/Xserver/XpConfig/
+Xprt has many built-in defaults, and lacking any configuration files,
+will immediately try to support all printers visible via \fBlpstat\fR(1).
+In order of importance for configuration by a system administrator, the
+configuration files for a "C" locale are as follows (see \fBXprt\fR(__appmansuffix__) for more
+details (including support for non-"C" locales)):
+\&'Xprinters' is the top most configuration file. It tells
+Xprt which specific printer names (e.g. mylaser) should
+be supported, and whether \fBlpstat\fR(1) or other commands
+should be used to automatically supplement the list of
+The 'printer' file maps printer names to model
+configurations (see 'model-config' below). For example,
+"mylaser" could be mapped to a "HPDJ1600C", and all other
+arbitrary printers could be mapped to a default, such as
+"HPLJ4SI". When depending on \fBlpstat\fR(1) in the Xprinters
+file, setting up defaults in 'printer' becomes all the
+more important.
+The 'document' file specifies the initial document values
+for any print jobs. For example, which paper tray to
+use, what default resolution, etc.
+The 'job' file specifies the initial job values for any
+print jobs. For example, "notification-profile" can be
+set so that when a print job is successfully sent to a
+printer, e-mail is sent to the user.
+\fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/models/PSdefault/model\-config\fR, \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/models/PSdefault/fonts/fonts.dir\fR, \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/models/PSdefault/fonts/9nb00051.pmf\fR, \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/models/PSdefault/fonts/9nb00093.pmf\fR
+The 'model-config' file has attributes that describe the
+printer model\(cqs capabilities and default settings.
+Printer model fonts may also be present. The model-config
+file also identifies the print ddx driver to be used.
+For each printer model supported, a complete hierarchy of
+files should exist. In most cases, these files do not
+need to be modified.
+\fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/ddx\-config/raster/pcl\fR, \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/ddx\-config/raster/pdf\fR, \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/ddx\-config/raster/postscript\fR
+The print ddx drivers can have highly specific
+configuration files to control their behavior. In most
+cases, these files do not need to be modified.
+More information in how to configure and customize the X print server can be found in the
+manual page.
+The summary checklist for starting the X Print Service is as follows:
+.TP 0.4i
+Choose an execution model for the X Print Service. The X
+Print Service can be run on a per-user session basis, per
+machine basis, or can be run on a few machines globally
+available to a number of users.
+.TP 0.4i
+If print jobs are to be submitted to a spooler (almost always
+the case), make sure all needed printers are available to the
+spooler subsystem (most often \fBlp\fR(1))
+on the same machine running the X Print Service.
+.TP 0.4i
+Configure the X Print Server. See ``X Print Server
+.TP 0.4i
+Depending on #1, start the X Print Server process "Xprt", and
+then the toolkit-specific Print Dialog Manager Daemon process
+(such as CDEnext's "dtpdmd") at the appropriate times.
+Note that libXprintUtils-based applications/toolkits do not need
+a Print Dialog Manager Daemon process to use Xprint.
+The details are described below.
+Because the X Print Service is based on X, it can be easily distributed.
+The most significant factors in which execution model to choose will be
+driven by:
+.TP 0.2i
+how many printers will be accessable through the printer
+subsystem on any given machine. A system administrator may
+choose to cluster printers on a few given machines, or
+scatter them across an organization and possibly make
+extensive use of remote spoolers to make them globally
+.TP 0.2i
+how many machines will need a copy of the X Print Server
+configuration files. The files have been architected so
+that one super-set version of them can be maintained and
+distributed (e.g. via NFS), and a per-machine or per-user
+version of the `Xprinters' is all that is needed to have the
+appropriate information in them utilized or ignored.
+.TP 0.2i
+how many users can demand services from a given X Print
+With the above in mind, some obvious execution models include:
+.TP 0.2i
+Global - in this model, the system administrator is choosing
+to run the X Print Service on a *few* select machines with
+appropriate printers configured, and allow clients access to
+the global resource. This can centralize the administration
+of printers and configuration files, but may have to be
+monitored for performance loading.
+Startup would likely be done by boot-up scripts (such as \fB/etc/init.d/xprint\fR).
+.TP 0.2i
+Per-machine - every machine with potential X Print Service
+users would run the service. Printer and configuration file
+administration is decentralized, and usage would be limited
+to the users on the machine.
+Startup would likely be done by boot-up scripts (such as \fB/etc/init.d/xprint\fR).
+.TP 0.2i
+Per-user session - every user would run an entire X Print
+Service for themselves. In the future, the Video X Server
+normally started may contain Print X Server capability, so
+this model becomes very natural.
+Startup would likely be done at session login or by
+launching actions or processes manually once the user
+logs in. Note: Deamons like "dtpdmd" must be started after Xprt.
+Starting of the processes is straight forward. In strict order (example is for manually starting the X print server for CDEnext usage):
+.TP 0.4i
+[machineA] % Xprt [\-XpFile <Xprinters file>] [:dispNum] &
+Note that Xprt will look for configuration files in either
+a default location or where \fBXPCONFIGDIR\fR points.
+\fB\-XpFile\fR specifies an alternate `Xprinters' file, rather
+than the default one or `\fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/Xprinters\fR'.
+.TP 0.4i
+[machineA] % dtpdmd \-d machineA[:dispNum] [\-l /tmp/dtpdmd.log] &
+The dtpdmd will maintain an X-Selection on the X-Server,
+and will start dtpdm's as required to service requests.
+In all but the per-user session model, the machine running the dtpdmd
+(thus dtpdm's) will need display authorization to the users video
+Once a X Print Server and dtpdmd have been started -- many of them
+in some cases -- clients will need to find and use them. There are
+two mechanisms that allow clients to discover X Print Servers and
+.TP 0.2i
+"X Print Specifier" - assuming usage of the DtPrint/XprintUtils-based print
+applications, the following notation is understood:
+For example:
+In the above example, the X Print Server running at `printhub:2'
+is assumed to support the printer named `colorlj7'.
+.TP 0.2i
+\fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR - assuming usage of the DtPrint print dialogs,
+the environment variable \fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR can contain a list
+of X Print Servers. For example:
+XPSERVERLIST="printhub:2 printhub:3 otherdept:0"
+Then in the dialogs, only a printer name needs to be entered.
+The dialog will then search the X Print Servers in \fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR
+for a server than supports the printer, and then establish
+From most CDEnext applications, printing is accomplished by bringing
+down the <File> menu and selecting <Print...>. This will result in
+the DtPrintSetupBox dialog, which will request the name of a printer,
+and offer limited capability to configure print options (e.g. number
+of copies). If the user wishes, they can select <Setup...>, which
+will start a dtpdm capable of modifying additional print options.
+Finally, the user should select <Print>.
+This environment variable points to the root
+of the Xprint server configuration directory hierarchy.
+If the variable is not defined, the default
+path is be assumed. The default path may be
+\fB/usr/share/Xprint/xserver/\fR or
+\fB/usr/openwin/server/etc/XpConfig\fR, depending on the
+system, and may be configured in \fB/etc/init.d/xprint\fR.
+This environment variable selects the locale settings used by the Xprint server.
+Xprt allows language-specific settings (stored in \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/${LANG}/print/\fR)
+which will override the default settings (stored in \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/\fR).
+If \fB${LANG}\fR is not set "C" is assumed.
+The environment variable \fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR contains a list
+of display identifiers (separated by whitespace) which tell an
+application where it can find the Xprint servers. Usually
+\fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR is set by the profile startup scripts (e.g.
+\fB/etc/profile\fR or \fB/etc/profile.d/\fR) using the output of
+\fB/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist\fR.
+ export XPSERVERLIST="`/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist`"
+Alternatively \fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR can be set
+manually. Example:
+ export XPSERVERLIST="littlecat:80 bitdog:72"
+instructs an application to find an Xprint server at display
+80 on the machine "littlecat" and at display 72 on the
+machine bigdog.
+The environment variable \fB${XPRINTER}\fR
+defines the default printer used by print
+applications. The syntax is either
+\fIprintername\fR or
+tells an application to look for the
+first printer named "ps003" on all Xprint
+tells an application to use the printer "hplaser19"
+on the Xprint server at display
+If \fB${XPRINTER}\fR is not set the applications
+will examine the values of the \fB${PDPRINTER}\fR,
+\fB${LPDEST}\fR, and
+\fB${PRINTER}\fR environment variables (in that order).
+\fBX11\fR(__miscmansuffix__), \fBxplsprinters\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBxprehashprinterlist\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBxphelloworld\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBxpxmhelloworld\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBxpawhelloworld\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBxpxthelloworld\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBxpsimplehelloworld\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBXserver\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBXprt\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBlibXp\fR(__libmansuffix__), \fBlibXprintUtils\fR(__libmansuffix__), \fBlibXprintAppUtils\fR(__libmansuffix__), \fBXmPrintShell\fR(__libmansuffix__), \fBXawPrintShell\fR(__libmansuffix__), Xprint FAQ (, Xprint main site (
+This manual page was written by
+Roland Mainz <> based on the original X11R6.6
diff --git a/printproto/man/Xprint.sgml b/printproto/man/Xprint.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f7e0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/man/Xprint.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN" ''>
+<!-- Process this file with docbook-to-man to generate an nroff manual
+ page: 'docbook-to-man manpage.sgml > manpage.1'. You may view
+ the manual page with: 'docbook-to-man manpage.sgml | nroff -man | less'.
+ A typical entry in a Makefile or is:
+manpage.1: manpage.sgml
+ docbook-to-man $< > $@
+HTML generation can be done like this:
+% xsltproc ==docbook /usr/share/sgml/docbook/docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.60.1/html/docbook.xsl Xprint.sgml >Xprint.html
+ -->
+<refentry id="Xprint">
+ <refmeta>
+ <refentrytitle>Xprint</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>__miscmansuffix__</manvolnum>
+ </refmeta>
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>Xprint</refname>
+ <refpurpose>The "X print service" - a portable, network-transparent printing system based on the X11 protocol</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <para>Xprint is a very flexible, extensible, scaleable, client/server
+ print system based on ISO 10175 (and some other specs) and the X11
+ rendering protocol.
+ Using Xprint an application can search, query and use devices like
+ printers, FAX machines or create documents in formats like PDF.
+ In particular, an application can seek a printer, query supported
+ attributes (like paper size, trays, fonts etc.), configure the printer
+ device to match it&rsquo;s needs and print on it like on any other X device
+ reusing parts of the code which is used for the video card Xserver.
+ </para>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>OVERVIEW</title>
+ <para>
+ The "X Print Service" technology allows X rendering to devices such as
+ printers and fax. Most of the service is available in the X11
+ technology stack as Xp, with the remainder in single toolkit stacks (e.g. DtPrint for CDE).
+ Modifications have also been made to the LessTif/Motif/Qt technology
+ stacks to support Xprint.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The Xp portion consists of:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>Xp Extension for the X-Server (included in the X-Server Xprt)</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Xp Extension API for the client side (libXp/libXprintUtils)</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>PCL ddx driver that converts core X to native PCL</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>PDF ddx driver that converts core X to native PDF</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>PostScript ddx driver that converts core X to native PostScript</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Raster ddx driver that generates xwd rasters which can be converted to PCL, PDF or PostScript rasters</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ From an X clients perspective, it can attach to one of two nearly
+ identical X-Servers, a "Video" X-Server, and a "Print" X-Server
+ which has the additional Xp capability but otherwise looks and
+ behaves the same.
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <para>
+ The X Print Service expands on the traditional X-Server and Xlib world
+ in four ways.
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Most obvious is the use of "print ddx drivers" instead of
+ "video ddx drivers". While a video ddx driver modifies pixels
+ in a video frame buffer, a print ddx driver generates "page
+ description language (PDL)" output (such as PCL, PDF or PostScript)
+ or sends the print rendering instructions to a platform-specific
+ print API (like Win32/GDI).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Once a print ddx driver generates PDL output, it can be sent to
+ a spooler such as <citerefentry><refentrytitle>lp</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ or retrieved by the client (to implement functionality like "print-to-file").
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Though not currently done, a single X-Server can support both
+ print and video ddx drivers.
+ <!-- FIXME: IBM/AIX people have integrated Xprt into their main Xserver (currently experimental) ... -->
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Since printers support "paged" output, unlike video, a portion
+ of the Xp Extension supports APIs to delineate printed output.
+ For example, <function>XpStartPage</function> and <function>XpEndPage</function> tell the X-Server where
+ a physical page starts and ends in an otherwise continuous
+ stream of X rendering primitives. Likewise, <function>XpStartJob</function> and
+ <function>XpEndJob</function> determine when a collection of pages starts and ends.
+ <function>XpEndJob</function> typically causes the generated PDL to be submitted to
+ a spooler, such as <citerefentry><refentrytitle>lp</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Since printers have extensive capabilities, another portion of
+ the Xp Extension supports APIs to manipulate "print contexts".
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Once a printer is selected using the Xp Extension API, a print
+ context to represent it can be created. A print context
+ embodies the printer selected - it contains the printer's
+ default capabilities, selectable range of capabilities,
+ printer state, and generated output. Some "attributes" within
+ the print context can be modified by the user, and the
+ X-Server and print ddx driver will react accordingly. For
+ example, the attribute "content-orientation" can be set to
+ "landscape" or "portrait" (if the printer supports these
+ values - which can be queried using the Xprint API as well).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Since printers can have "built in" fonts, the Xp Extension in
+ the X-Server works with the print ddx drivers to make
+ available (for printing only) additional fonts on a per print
+ context basis.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When a print context is created and set for a given printer,
+ the X font calls may be able to access additional printer
+ fonts. To do this (typically), the X-Server must have access
+ to "printer metric files" (.pmf) that describe at minimum the
+ metrics of the built in fonts.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>USAGE</title>
+ <para>
+ There are three tasks to start the X Print Service:
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem><para>configuring the X Print Server,</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>starting the X Print Service</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>configuring the user session so that clients can find the running X Print Service</para></listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The tasks are described in detail below.
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <para>
+ The X Print Server (Xprt) can read a number of configuration files which
+ control its behavior and support for printers. Each vendor platform has
+ a default location for this information. Xprt can also read the
+ environment variable <envar>XPCONFIGDIR</envar> to locate alternate configuration
+ directories. Common settings include:
+ <simplelist type="vert">
+ <member>export XPCONFIGDIR=/X11/lib/X11/XpConfig/</member>
+ <member>export XPCONFIGDIR=/proj/x11/xc/programs/Xserver/XpConfig/</member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Xprt has many built-in defaults, and lacking any configuration files,
+ will immediately try to support all printers visible via <citerefentry><refentrytitle>lpstat</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In order of importance for configuration by a system administrator, the
+ configuration files for a "C" locale are as follows (see <citerefentry><refentrytitle>Xprt</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__appmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry> for more
+ details (including support for non-"C" locales)):
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/Xprinters</filename></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ 'Xprinters' is the top most configuration file. It tells
+ Xprt which specific printer names (e.g. mylaser) should
+ be supported, and whether <citerefentry><refentrytitle>lpstat</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry> or other commands
+ should be used to automatically supplement the list of
+ printers.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/attributes/printer</filename></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The 'printer' file maps printer names to model
+ configurations (see 'model-config' below). For example,
+ "mylaser" could be mapped to a "HPDJ1600C", and all other
+ arbitrary printers could be mapped to a default, such as
+ "HPLJ4SI". When depending on <citerefentry><refentrytitle>lpstat</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry> in the Xprinters
+ file, setting up defaults in 'printer' becomes all the
+ more important.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/attributes/document</filename></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The 'document' file specifies the initial document values
+ for any print jobs. For example, which paper tray to
+ use, what default resolution, etc.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/attributes/job</filename></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The 'job' file specifies the initial job values for any
+ print jobs. For example, "notification-profile" can be
+ set so that when a print job is successfully sent to a
+ printer, e-mail is sent to the user.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/models/PSdefault/model-config</filename></term>
+ <term><filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/models/PSdefault/fonts/fonts.dir</filename></term>
+ <term><filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/models/PSdefault/fonts/9nb00051.pmf</filename></term>
+ <term><filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/models/PSdefault/fonts/9nb00093.pmf</filename></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The 'model-config' file has attributes that describe the
+ printer model&rsquo;s capabilities and default settings.
+ Printer model fonts may also be present. The model-config
+ file also identifies the print ddx driver to be used.
+ For each printer model supported, a complete hierarchy of
+ files should exist. In most cases, these files do not
+ need to be modified.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/ddx-config/raster/pcl</filename></term>
+ <term><filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/ddx-config/raster/pdf</filename></term>
+ <term><filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/ddx-config/raster/postscript</filename></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ The print ddx drivers can have highly specific
+ configuration files to control their behavior. In most
+ cases, these files do not need to be modified.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ More information in how to configure and customize the X print server can be found in the
+ <citerefentry><refentrytitle>Xprt</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__appmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry>
+ manual page.
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>STARTING UP</title>
+ <para>
+ The summary checklist for starting the X Print Service is as follows:
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Choose an execution model for the X Print Service. The X
+ Print Service can be run on a per-user session basis, per
+ machine basis, or can be run on a few machines globally
+ available to a number of users.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ If print jobs are to be submitted to a spooler (almost always
+ the case), make sure all needed printers are available to the
+ spooler subsystem (most often <citerefentry><refentrytitle>lp</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>)
+ on the same machine running the X Print Service.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Configure the X Print Server. See ``X Print Server
+ Configuration''.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Depending on #1, start the X Print Server process "Xprt", and
+ then the toolkit-specific Print Dialog Manager Daemon process
+ (such as CDEnext's "dtpdmd") at the appropriate times.
+ Note that libXprintUtils-based applications/toolkits do not need
+ a Print Dialog Manager Daemon process to use Xprint.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ The details are described below.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Because the X Print Service is based on X, it can be easily distributed.
+ The most significant factors in which execution model to choose will be
+ driven by:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ how many printers will be accessable through the printer
+ subsystem on any given machine. A system administrator may
+ choose to cluster printers on a few given machines, or
+ scatter them across an organization and possibly make
+ extensive use of remote spoolers to make them globally
+ available.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ how many machines will need a copy of the X Print Server
+ configuration files. The files have been architected so
+ that one super-set version of them can be maintained and
+ distributed (e.g. via NFS), and a per-machine or per-user
+ version of the `Xprinters' is all that is needed to have the
+ appropriate information in them utilized or ignored.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ how many users can demand services from a given X Print
+ Service.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ With the above in mind, some obvious execution models include:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Global - in this model, the system administrator is choosing
+ to run the X Print Service on a *few* select machines with
+ appropriate printers configured, and allow clients access to
+ the global resource. This can centralize the administration
+ of printers and configuration files, but may have to be
+ monitored for performance loading.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Startup would likely be done by boot-up scripts (such as <filename>/etc/init.d/xprint</filename>).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Per-machine - every machine with potential X Print Service
+ users would run the service. Printer and configuration file
+ administration is decentralized, and usage would be limited
+ to the users on the machine.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Startup would likely be done by boot-up scripts (such as <filename>/etc/init.d/xprint</filename>).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Per-user session - every user would run an entire X Print
+ Service for themselves. In the future, the Video X Server
+ normally started may contain Print X Server capability, so
+ this model becomes very natural.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Startup would likely be done at session login or by
+ launching actions or processes manually once the user
+ logs in. Note: Deamons like "dtpdmd" must be started after Xprt.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Starting of the processes is straight forward. In strict order (example is for manually starting the X print server for CDEnext usage):
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <programlisting>[machineA] % Xprt [-XpFile &lt;Xprinters file&gt;] [:dispNum] &amp;</programlisting>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Note that Xprt will look for configuration files in either
+ a default location or where <envar>XPCONFIGDIR</envar> points.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <option>-XpFile</option> specifies an alternate `Xprinters' file, rather
+ than the default one or `<filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/Xprinters</filename>'.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <programlisting>[machineA] % dtpdmd -d machineA[:dispNum] [-l /tmp/dtpdmd.log] &amp;</programlisting>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ The dtpdmd will maintain an X-Selection on the X-Server,
+ and will start dtpdm's as required to service requests.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In all but the per-user session model, the machine running the dtpdmd
+ (thus dtpdm's) will need display authorization to the users video
+ display.
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <para>
+ Once a X Print Server and dtpdmd have been started -- many of them
+ in some cases -- clients will need to find and use them. There are
+ two mechanisms that allow clients to discover X Print Servers and
+ printers.
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ "X Print Specifier" - assuming usage of the DtPrint/XprintUtils-based print
+ applications, the following notation is understood:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <programlisting>printer_name@machine[:dispNum]</programlisting>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ For example:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <programlisting>colorlj7@printhub:2</programlisting>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ In the above example, the X Print Server running at `printhub:2'
+ is assumed to support the printer named `colorlj7'.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <envar>${XPSERVERLIST}</envar> - assuming usage of the DtPrint print dialogs,
+ the environment variable <envar>${XPSERVERLIST}</envar> can contain a list
+ of X Print Servers. For example:
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <programlisting>XPSERVERLIST="printhub:2 printhub:3 otherdept:0"</programlisting>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Then in the dialogs, only a printer name needs to be entered.
+ The dialog will then search the X Print Servers in <envar>${XPSERVERLIST}</envar>
+ for a server than supports the printer, and then establish
+ contact.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>END-USER SEQUENCE</title>
+ <para>
+ From most CDEnext applications, printing is accomplished by bringing
+ down the &lt;File&gt; menu and selecting &lt;Print...&gt;. This will result in
+ the DtPrintSetupBox dialog, which will request the name of a printer,
+ and offer limited capability to configure print options (e.g. number
+ of copies). If the user wishes, they can select &lt;Setup...&gt;, which
+ will start a dtpdm capable of modifying additional print options.
+ Finally, the user should select &lt;Print&gt;.
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>ENVIRONMENT</title>
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><envar>${XPCONFIGDIR}</envar></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para> This environment variable points to the root
+ of the Xprint server configuration directory hierarchy.
+ If the variable is not defined, the default
+ path is be assumed. The default path may be
+ <filename>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xserver/</filename>,
+ <filename>/usr/lib/X11/xserver/</filename>,
+ <filename>/usr/share/Xprint/xserver/</filename> or
+ <filename>/usr/openwin/server/etc/XpConfig</filename>, depending on the
+ system, and may be configured in <filename>/etc/init.d/xprint</filename>.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><envar>${LANG}</envar></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ This environment variable selects the locale settings used by the Xprint server.
+ Xprt allows language-specific settings (stored in <filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/${LANG}/print/</filename>)
+ which will override the default settings (stored in <filename>${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/</filename>).
+ If <envar>${LANG}</envar> is not set "C" is assumed.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><envar>${XPSERVERLIST}</envar></term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>The environment variable <envar>${XPSERVERLIST}</envar> contains a list
+ of display identifiers (separated by whitespace) which tell an
+ application where it can find the Xprint servers. Usually
+ <envar>${XPSERVERLIST}</envar> is set by the profile startup scripts (e.g.
+ <filename>/etc/profile</filename> or <filename>/etc/profile.d/</filename>) using the output of
+ <userinput>/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist</userinput>.</para>
+ <para>Example:
+ <informalexample>
+ <programlisting>
+ export XPSERVERLIST="`/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist`"</programlisting>
+ </informalexample>
+ </para>
+ <para>Alternatively <envar>${XPSERVERLIST}</envar> can be set
+ manually. Example:</para>
+ <informalexample>
+ <programlisting>
+ export XPSERVERLIST="littlecat:80 bitdog:72"</programlisting>
+ </informalexample>
+ <para>
+ instructs an application to find an Xprint server at display
+ 80 on the machine "littlecat" and at display 72 on the
+ machine bigdog.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><envar>${XPRINTER}</envar>
+ </term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>The environment variable <envar>${XPRINTER}</envar>
+ defines the default printer used by print
+ applications. The syntax is either
+ <replaceable>printername</replaceable> or
+ <replaceable>printername</replaceable>@<replaceable>display</replaceable>.</para>
+ <para>Examples:
+ <variablelist>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><userinput>XPRINTER=ps003</userinput></term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ tells an application to look for the
+ first printer named "ps003" on all Xprint
+ servers.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <!-- brain dead <term> does not permit quote marks
+ (in XPRINTER="hplaser19@littlecat:80"), so omit them -->
+ <term><userinput>XPRINTER=hplaser19@littlecat:80</userinput></term>
+ <listitem><para>
+ tells an application to use the printer "hplaser19"
+ on the Xprint server at display
+ "littlecat:80".</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </para>
+ <para>If <envar>${XPRINTER}</envar> is not set the applications
+ will examine the values of the <envar>${PDPRINTER}</envar>,
+ <envar>${LPDEST}</envar>, and
+ <envar>${PRINTER}</envar> environment variables (in that order).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </variablelist>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>SEE ALSO</title>
+ <para>
+ <simplelist type="inline">
+ <!-- specific references -->
+ <!-- none -->
+ <!-- Xprint general references -->
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>Xprint</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__miscmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>X11</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__miscmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>xplsprinters</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__appmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>xprehashprinterlist</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__appmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>xphelloworld</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__appmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>xpxmhelloworld</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__appmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>xpawhelloworld</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__appmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>xpxthelloworld</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__appmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>xpsimplehelloworld</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__appmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>Xserver</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__appmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>Xprt</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__appmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <!-- ToDO: Add manual pages for the single Xprint DDX implementations (PostScript/PDF/PCL/PCL-MONO/Raster/etc.) -->
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>libXp</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__libmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>libXprintUtils</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__libmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>libXprintAppUtils</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__libmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>XmPrintShell</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__libmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member><citerefentry><refentrytitle>XawPrintShell</refentrytitle><manvolnum>__libmansuffix__</manvolnum></citerefentry></member>
+ <member>Xprint FAQ (<ulink url=""></ulink>)</member>
+ <member>Xprint main site (<ulink url=""></ulink>)</member>
+ </simplelist>
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>AUTHORS</title>
+ <para>
+ This manual page was written by
+ Roland Mainz <email></email> based on the original X11R6.6
+ <filename>xc/programs/Xserver/XpConfig/README</filename>.
+ </para>
+ </refsect1>
diff --git a/printproto/ b/printproto/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e43f540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Name: PrintProto
+Description: Print extension headers
+Requires: xau
+Cflags: -I${includedir}
diff --git a/printproto/specs/ b/printproto/specs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9b76e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/specs/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/printproto/specs/xp_proto.mif b/printproto/specs/xp_proto.mif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ff4705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/specs/xp_proto.mif
@@ -0,0 +1,73304 @@
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+ > # end of TabStop
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+ > # end of TabStop
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+ <RulingGap 0.0 pt>
+ <RulingSeparation 0>
+ <RulingColor `Black'>
+ <RulingPen 0>
+ <RulingLines 1>
+ > # end of Ruling
+> # end of RulingCatalog
+ <TblFormat
+ <TblTag `Compose Table'>
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 0>
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+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeadingCntr'>
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeadingCntr'>
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBodyCntr'>
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeadingCntr'>
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblTRuling `Medium'>
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+ <TblXColumnRuling `Very Thin'>
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+ <TblTitlePgf1
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+ > # end of TblTitlePgf1
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblRulingPeriod 2>
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+ <TblTitlePgf1
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+ > # end of TblTitlePgf1
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblBRuling `'>
+ <TblRRuling `'>
+ <TblTRuling `'>
+ <TblColumnRuling `'>
+ <TblXColumnRuling `'>
+ <TblBodyRowRuling `'>
+ <TblXRowRuling `'>
+ <TblHFRowRuling `'>
+ <TblSeparatorRuling `'>
+ <TblXColumnNum 1>
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+ <TblTitlePgf1
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+ > # end of TblTitlePgf1
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblBRuling `'>
+ <TblRRuling `'>
+ <TblTRuling `'>
+ <TblColumnRuling `'>
+ <TblXColumnRuling `'>
+ <TblBodyRowRuling `'>
+ <TblXRowRuling `'>
+ <TblHFRowRuling `'>
+ <TblSeparatorRuling `'>
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+ <TblRulingPeriod 4>
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+ <TblTitlePgf1
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+ > # end of TblTitlePgf1
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblTRuling `'>
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+ <PenWidth 0.5 pt>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 74>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 76>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
+ <Frame
+ <ID 10>
+ <Unique 1011>
+ <Pen 15>
+ <Fill 15>
+ <PenWidth 1.0 pt>
+ <Separation 0>
+ <ObColor `Black'>
+ <DashedPattern
+ <DashedStyle Solid>
+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <RunaroundType None>
+ <Angle 360.0>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <ShapeRect 1.0" 5.76666" 0.25" 0.26111">
+ <BRect 1.0" 5.76666" 0.25" 0.26111">
+ <FrameType Left>
+ <AnchorBeside TextFrame>
+ <NSOffset -0.25">
+ <BLOffset -0.11111">
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+ <PolyLine
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+ <Pen 0>
+ <HeadCap Square>
+ <TailCap Square>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 81>
+ <PenWidth 0.5 pt>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 83>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 85>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
+ <Frame
+ <ID 11>
+ <Unique 1024>
+ <Pen 15>
+ <Fill 15>
+ <PenWidth 1.0 pt>
+ <Separation 0>
+ <ObColor `Black'>
+ <DashedPattern
+ <DashedStyle Solid>
+ > # end of DashedPattern
+ <RunaroundGap 6.0 pt>
+ <RunaroundType None>
+ <Angle 360.0>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <ShapeRect 1.0" 9.47499" 0.25" 0.26111">
+ <BRect 1.0" 9.47499" 0.25" 0.26111">
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+ <AnchorBeside TextFrame>
+ <NSOffset -0.25">
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+ <PolyLine
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+ <Pen 0>
+ <HeadCap Square>
+ <TailCap Square>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 90>
+ <PenWidth 0.5 pt>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 92>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 94>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
+ <Frame
+ <ID 12>
+ <Unique 1034>
+ <Pen 15>
+ <Fill 15>
+ <PenWidth 1.0 pt>
+ <Separation 0>
+ <ObColor `Black'>
+ <DashedPattern
+ <DashedStyle Solid>
+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Angle 360.0>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <ShapeRect 1.0" 8.65555" 0.25" 0.26111">
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+ <Pen 0>
+ <HeadCap Square>
+ <TailCap Square>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 99>
+ <PenWidth 0.5 pt>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 101>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 103>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
+ <Frame
+ <ID 13>
+ <Unique 1044>
+ <Pen 15>
+ <Fill 15>
+ <PenWidth 1.0 pt>
+ <Separation 0>
+ <ObColor `Black'>
+ <DashedPattern
+ <DashedStyle Solid>
+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Angle 360.0>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <ShapeRect 1.0" 9.7111" 0.25" 0.26111">
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+ <HeadCap Square>
+ <TailCap Square>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 108>
+ <PenWidth 0.5 pt>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 110>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 112>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
+ <Frame
+ <ID 14>
+ <Unique 1044>
+ <Pen 15>
+ <Fill 15>
+ <PenWidth 1.0 pt>
+ <Separation 0>
+ <ObColor `Black'>
+ <DashedPattern
+ <DashedStyle Solid>
+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <RunaroundType None>
+ <Angle 360.0>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <ShapeRect 1.0" 8.65555" 0.25" 0.26111">
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+ <HeadCap Square>
+ <TailCap Square>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 117>
+ <PenWidth 0.5 pt>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 119>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 121>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
+ <Frame
+ <ID 15>
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+ <Pen 15>
+ <Fill 15>
+ <PenWidth 1.0 pt>
+ <Separation 0>
+ <ObColor `Black'>
+ <DashedPattern
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Angle 360.0>
+ <Overprint No>
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+ <HeadCap Square>
+ <TailCap Square>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 126>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
+ <Frame
+ <ID 16>
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+ <Pen 15>
+ <Fill 15>
+ <PenWidth 1.0 pt>
+ <Separation 0>
+ <ObColor `Black'>
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Angle 360.0>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <ShapeRect 1.0" 4.16944" 0.25" 0.26111">
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+ <HeadCap Square>
+ <TailCap Square>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 131>
+ <PenWidth 0.5 pt>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 133>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ <Pen 15>
+ <Fill 15>
+ <PenWidth 1.0 pt>
+ <Separation 0>
+ <ObColor `Black'>
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+ <DashedStyle Solid>
+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Angle 360.0>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <ShapeRect 1.0" 3.50278" 0.25" 0.26111">
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+ <HeadCap Square>
+ <TailCap Square>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 140>
+ <PenWidth 0.5 pt>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Overprint No>
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ <Pen 15>
+ <Fill 15>
+ <PenWidth 1.0 pt>
+ <Separation 0>
+ <ObColor `Black'>
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Angle 360.0>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <ShapeRect 1.0" 7.21111" 0.25" 0.26111">
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+ <HeadCap Square>
+ <TailCap Square>
+ <Overprint No>
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 151>
+ <Overprint No>
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ <Pen 15>
+ <Fill 15>
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+ <Separation 0>
+ <ObColor `Black'>
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Overprint No>
+ <ShapeRect 1.0" 5.82222" 0.25" 0.26111">
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+ <HeadCap Square>
+ <TailCap Square>
+ <Overprint No>
+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Overprint No>
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 160>
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ <Pen 15>
+ <Fill 15>
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+ <Separation 0>
+ <ObColor `Black'>
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Overprint No>
+ <ShapeRect 1.0" 8.44722" 0.25" 0.26111">
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+ <TailCap Square>
+ <Overprint No>
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <NumPoints 2>
+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ <Fill 15>
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+ <Separation 0>
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <TailCap Square>
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <TailCap Square>
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+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <TailCap Square>
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+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
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+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
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+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Angle 360.0>
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
+ <Unique 212>
+ <Overprint No>
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ <Fill 15>
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <TailCap Square>
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ <PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ <Point 0.25" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ <Fill 15>
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.0">
+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.25" 0.0">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ <Point 0.25" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
+ > # end of Frame
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ > # end of Frame
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ > # end of PolyLine
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+ > # end of Frame
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+ > # end of DashedPattern
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+ <Point 0.0" 0.25">
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+ >
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ >
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ >
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+ > # end of Row
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ >
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+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.38889">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1946>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `print-window'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1948>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xd2 0x12345678\xd3 '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1950>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Window on print server for subsequent '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `communication'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.22222">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1952>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `print-context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1954>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xd2 0x12345678\xd3 '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1956>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Context of print job'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.22222">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1958>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `locale'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1960>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xd2 C\xd3 '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1962>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Hint to PDM regarding the locale'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 58>
+ <TblTag `Compose Table'>
+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 0>
+ <TblColumnWidth 2.46152">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeadingCntr'>
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBodyCntr'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeadingCntr'>
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 1>
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.78092">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeadingCntr'>
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBodyCntr'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeadingCntr'>
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblLIndent 0.5">
+ <TblAlignment Left>
+ <TblBlockSize 1>
+ <TblLRuling `'>
+ <TblBRuling `'>
+ <TblRRuling `'>
+ <TblTRuling `'>
+ <TblColumnRuling `'>
+ <TblXColumnRuling `'>
+ <TblBodyRowRuling `'>
+ <TblXRowRuling `'>
+ <TblSeparatorRuling `'>
+ <TblInitNumColumns 2>
+ <TblInitNumBodyRows 4>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblNumColumns 2>
+ <Unique 1967>
+ <TblColumnWidth 2.0">
+ <TblColumnWidth 4.0">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.22222">
+ <Cell
+ <CellLRuling `None'>
+ <CellBRuling `Thin'>
+ <CellRRuling `None'>
+ <CellTRuling `None'>
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1969>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `ATOM'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellBRuling `Thin'>
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1971>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `DESCRIPTION'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.22222">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1973>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PDM_START_OK'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1975>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The PDM was started successfully'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.22222">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1977>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1979>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The PDM was not authorized to connect to video-display'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.22222">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1981>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1983>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The PDM was not authorized to connect to print-display'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.22222">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1985>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PDM_START_ERROR'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1987>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The PDM encountered an error'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 59>
+ <TblTag `Compose Table'>
+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 0>
+ <TblColumnWidth 2.46152">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeadingCntr'>
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBodyCntr'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeadingCntr'>
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 1>
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.78092">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeadingCntr'>
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBodyCntr'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeadingCntr'>
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblLIndent 0.5">
+ <TblAlignment Left>
+ <TblLRuling `'>
+ <TblBRuling `'>
+ <TblRRuling `'>
+ <TblTRuling `'>
+ <TblColumnRuling `'>
+ <TblXColumnRuling `'>
+ <TblBodyRowRuling `'>
+ <TblXRowRuling `'>
+ <TblSeparatorRuling `'>
+ <TblInitNumColumns 2>
+ <TblInitNumBodyRows 4>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblNumColumns 2>
+ <Unique 1991>
+ <TblColumnWidth 2.0">
+ <TblColumnWidth 4.0">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.22222">
+ <Cell
+ <CellLRuling `None'>
+ <CellBRuling `Thin'>
+ <CellRRuling `None'>
+ <CellTRuling `None'>
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1993>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `ATOM'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellBRuling `Thin'>
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1995>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `DESCRIPTION'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.38889">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1997>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PDM_EXIT_OK'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1999>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The user selected \xd2 OK\xd3 . The PDM may or may not have changed '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `any attributes.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.38889">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2001>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PDM_EXIT_CANCEL'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2003>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The user selected \xd2 Cancel\xd3 . Attributes have been left in the state they '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `were in before communication began.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.22222">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2005>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PDM_EXIT_VXAUTH'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2007>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The PDM was not authorized to connect to video-display'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.22222">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2009>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PDM_EXIT_PXAUTH'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2011>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The PDM was not authorized to connect to print-display'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.22222">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2013>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PDM_EXIT_ERROR'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2015>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The PDM encountered an error'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 60>
+ <TblTag `Format A'>
+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 0>
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.23973">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FAngle `Regular'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfCellAlignment Middle>
+ <PgfCellMargins 0.0 pt 2.0 pt 0.0 pt 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FSize 8.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
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+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfCellAlignment Middle>
+ <PgfCellMargins 0.0 pt 2.0 pt 0.0 pt 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 1>
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
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+ <PgfCellMargins 0.0 pt 2.0 pt 0.0 pt 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfCellAlignment Middle>
+ <PgfCellMargins 0.0 pt 2.0 pt 0.0 pt 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfCellAlignment Middle>
+ <PgfCellMargins 0.0 pt 2.0 pt 0.0 pt 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 2>
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfCellAlignment Middle>
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 3>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.77778">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblInitNumHRows 0>
+ <TblInitNumBodyRows 3>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 2016>
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+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2030>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2032>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2034>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major im'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2036>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2038>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `0'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2040>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2042>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2044>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2046>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <Unique 2049>
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+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2063>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2065>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2067>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Reply'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2069>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2071>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2073>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2075>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2077>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2079>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2081>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2083>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `0'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2085>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `reply length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2087>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2089>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2091>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major-version'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2093>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2095>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2097>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor-version'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2099>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `20'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2101>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2103>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 62>
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+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 2>
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 3>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.77778">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblInitNumHRows 0>
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+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 2110>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2124>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2126>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2128>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2130>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2132>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2134>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2136>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2138>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `3+(nl+np + ll+lp)/4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2140>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2142>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2144>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOverline No>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2146>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `printerNameLen'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2148>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2150>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2152>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `localeLen'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2154>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `nl'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2156>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2158>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `printer-name'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2160>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `np'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2162>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2164>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `p=pad(nl)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2166>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `ll'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2168>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2170>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `locale'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2172>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `lp'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2174>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2176>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `lp=pad(ll)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 63>
+ <TblTag `Format A'>
+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 0>
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.23973">
+ <TblColumnH
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 2>
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 3>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.77778">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblInitNumBodyRows 7>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 2179>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2193>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2195>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2197>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Reply'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2199>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2201>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2203>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2205>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2207>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2209>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequenceNumber'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.33333">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2211>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2213>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String ` (8 + nl+nlp + dl+dlp)/4 computed '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `listCount times'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2215>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2217>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2219>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2221>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `listCount'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2223>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `20'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2225>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FOverline No>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2227>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.94444">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2229>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String ` (8 + '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `nl+nlp + '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `dl+dlp) '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `computed '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `listCount '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `times'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2231>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `LISTofPRINTER'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2233>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `printers'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2235>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2237>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2239>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2241>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PRINTER'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2243>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2245>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2247>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2249>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2251>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `nameLen'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2253>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `nl'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2255>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2257>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `name'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2259>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `nlp'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2261>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2263>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `nlp=pad(nl)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2265>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2267>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2269>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `descLen'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2271>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `dl'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2273>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2275>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `description'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2277>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `dlp'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2279>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2281>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `dlp=pad(dl)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 64>
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+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2304>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2306>
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ <Unique 2310>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `20'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2312>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2314>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2316>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2318>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2339>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2341>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2343>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2345>
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2347>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2349>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2351>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2353>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4 + (nl+np + ll+lp)/4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2355>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2357>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2359>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2361>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context-id'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2363>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2365>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2367>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `printerNameLen'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2369>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2371>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2373>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `localeLen'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2375>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `nl'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2377>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2379>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `printer-name'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2381>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `np'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2383>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BYTE)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2385>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `np=pad(nl)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2387>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `ll'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2389>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2391>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `locale'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2393>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `lp'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2395>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2397>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `lp=pad(ll)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ <TblColumn
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <Unique 2404>
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+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2418>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2420>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2422>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2424>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2426>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `3'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2428>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2430>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2432>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2434>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2436>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2438>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2440>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2461>
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2463>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2465>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2467>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2469>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2471>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2475>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2477>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2495>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2497>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `Reply'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2501>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2503>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2505>
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ <Unique 2507>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2509>
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2511>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2513>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `0'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2515>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `reply length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2517>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2519>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2521>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2523>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2525>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2527>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2550>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2552>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2554>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2556>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `5'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2558>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2560>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2562>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2564>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2566>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2568>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2570>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfCellAlignment Middle>
+ <PgfCellMargins 0.0 pt 2.0 pt 0.0 pt 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblInitNumHRows 0>
+ <TblInitNumBodyRows 3>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 2577>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2591>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FOutline No>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2593>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2595>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2597>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2599>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `6'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2601>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2603>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2605>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2607>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 71>
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+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
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+ <PgfCellMargins 0.0 pt 2.0 pt 0.0 pt 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblInitNumHRows 0>
+ <TblInitNumBodyRows 3>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 4178>
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.23973">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4192>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4194>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4196>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOverline No>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Reply'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4198>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4200>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4202>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4204>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4206>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4208>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4210>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4212>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `0'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4214>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `reply length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4216>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4218>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `WINDOW'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4220>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `root'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4222>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4224>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4226>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 72>
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+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 0>
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2681>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2683>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2685>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2687>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `7'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2689>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2691>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2693>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2695>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2697>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2699>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2701>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `output-mode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2703>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `3'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2705>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2707>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnWidth 0.77778">
+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2730>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2732>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2734>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2736>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2738>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2740>
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2742>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2744>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2748>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BOOL'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2750>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `cancel'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2752>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `3'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2754>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2756>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 74>
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+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2777>
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2779>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2781>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2785>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `9'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2787>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2789>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2791>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2793>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2795>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2797>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2799>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `driver-mode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2801>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `3'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2803>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2805>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2828>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2830>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2832>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2834>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `10'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2836>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2838>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2840>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2842>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2844>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2846>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BOOL'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2848>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `cancel'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2850>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `3'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2852>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2854>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 3>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.77778">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <Unique 2861>
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+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2875>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2877>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2879>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2881>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2883>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `11'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2885>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2887>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2889>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4 + (d+dp + f+fp + o+op)/4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2891>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2893>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2895>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `DRAWABLE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2897>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `drawable'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2899>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
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+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2901>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2903>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `len_data'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2905>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2907>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2909>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `len_fmt'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2913>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2915>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `len_options'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2917>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `d'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2919>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `LISTofBYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2921>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `data'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2923>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `dp'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2925>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2927>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `dp=pad(d)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2929>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `f'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2931>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2933>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `doc-format'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2935>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `fp'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2937>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BYTE '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2939>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `fp=pad(f)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2941>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `o'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2943>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2945>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `options'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2947>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `op'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2949>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2951>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `op=pad(o)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 77>
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+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <Row
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2974>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ <Unique 2976>
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2980>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `12'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2982>
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2984>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2986>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `3'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2988>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2992>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2994>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3000>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `max-bytes'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 78>
+ <TblTag `Format A'>
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 4397>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4405>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4407>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4409>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Reply'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4411>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4413>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4415>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4417>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4419>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4421>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4423>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4425>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `(n + p)/4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4427>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `reply length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.33333">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4429>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4431>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `0 XPGetDocFinished'>
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1 XPGetDocSecondConsumer'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4433>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `status-code'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4435>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4437>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4439>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `finished-flag'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4441>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4443>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4445>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FAngle `Regular'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `dataLen'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4447>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `12'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4449>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4451>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4453>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `n'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4455>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `LISTofBYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4457>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `data'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4459>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `p'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4461>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4463>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `p=pad(n)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 79>
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+ <TblColumn
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ <Unique 3096>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3098>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3100>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3102>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `13'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3104>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3106>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3108>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3110>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3112>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3114>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `WINDOW'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3116>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `window'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfCellAlignment Middle>
+ <PgfCellMargins 0.0 pt 2.0 pt 0.0 pt 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblInitNumHRows 0>
+ <TblInitNumBodyRows 3>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 3123>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3137>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3139>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3141>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3143>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3145>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `14'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3147>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3149>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3151>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3153>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3155>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3157>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BOOL'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3159>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `cancel'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3161>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `3'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3163>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3165>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FAngle `Regular'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 81>
+ <TblTag `Format A'>
+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 0>
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.23973">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnWidth 0.77778">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <Unique 3172>
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+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3186>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3188>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3190>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3192>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3194>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `15'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3196>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3198>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3200>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `3'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3202>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3204>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3206>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3208>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3210>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3212>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BITMASK'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3214>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `event-mask'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4475>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4477>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `#x00000000'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4479>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `XPNoEventMask'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4469>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4471>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `#x00000001'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4473>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `XPPrintMask'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4463>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4465>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `#x00000002'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4467>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `XPAttributeMask'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3242>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3244>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3246>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3248>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3250>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3252>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3254>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3256>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 83>
+ <TblTag `Format A'>
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 4479>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4487>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4489>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4491>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Reply'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4493>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4495>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4497>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4499>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4501>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4503>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4505>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4507>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `0'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4509>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `reply length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4511>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4513>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BITMASK'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4515>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `event-mask'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4517>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4519>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BITMASK'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4521>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `all-events-mask'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4523>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4525>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4527>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 84>
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+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
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+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ <Unique 3334>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3336>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
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+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3340>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `17'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3342>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3344>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3346>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `3'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3348>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3350>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3352>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3354>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3356>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3358>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3360>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `pool'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3362>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `3'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3364>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3366>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 85>
+ <TblTag `Format A'>
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 4538>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4546>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4548>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4550>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Reply'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4552>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4554>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4556>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4558>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4560>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4562>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4564>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4566>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `(n+p)/4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4568>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `reply length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4570>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4572>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4574>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `stringLen'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4576>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `20'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4578>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4580>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4582>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `n'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4584>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4586>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `attributes'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4588>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `p'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4590>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4592>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `p=pad(n)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 3>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.77778">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4300>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4302>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4304>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4306>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4308>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `19'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4310>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4312>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4314>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4 + (n+p)/4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4316>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4318>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4320>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4322>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4324>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4326>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4328>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `nameLen'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4330>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4332>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `CARD8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4334>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `pool'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4336>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `3'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4338>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4340>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4342>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `n'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4344>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4346>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `name'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4348>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `p'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4350>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4352>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `p=pad(n)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 87>
+ <TblTag `Format A'>
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 4603>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4611>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4613>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4615>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Reply'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4617>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4619>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4621>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4623>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4625>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4627>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4629>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4631>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `(n+p)/4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4633>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `reply length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4635>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4637>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4639>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `valueLen'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4641>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `20'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4643>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4645>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4647>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `n'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4649>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4651>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `value'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4653>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `p'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4655>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4657>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `p=pad(n)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3583>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3585>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3587>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3589>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `18'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3591>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3593>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3595>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4 + (n+p)/4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3597>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3599>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3601>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3603>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3605>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3607>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3609>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `stringLen'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3611>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3613>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3615>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `pool'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3617>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3619>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3621>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `rule'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3623>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3625>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3627>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3629>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `n'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3631>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3633>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `attributes'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3635>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `p'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3637>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3639>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `p=pad(n)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ <Unique 4677>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `21'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4683>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4685>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4687>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `2'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4689>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4691>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4693>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4695>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ <Unique 4713>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4715>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOverline No>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Reply'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4717>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4719>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4721>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4723>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4725>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4727>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4729>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4731>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `0'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4733>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `reply length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4735>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `2'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4737>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `16'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4739>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FStrike No>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `width'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4741>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `2'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4743>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `16'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4745>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `height'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4747>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `2'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4749>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `16'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4751>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `offset-x'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4753>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `2'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4755>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `16'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4757>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `offset-y'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4759>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `2'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4761>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `16'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4763>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of Font
+ <String `reproducible-width'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `2'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4767>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `16'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4769>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `reproducible-height'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4771>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `12'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4773>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4775>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
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+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfCellAlignment Middle>
+ <PgfCellMargins 0.0 pt 2.0 pt 0.0 pt 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblInitNumHRows 0>
+ <TblInitNumBodyRows 3>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 3770>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3784>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3786>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3788>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3790>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3792>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `22'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3794>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3796>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3798>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `2'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3800>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 92>
+ <TblTag `Format A'>
+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 0>
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.23973">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FAngle `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 1>
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FAngle `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 2>
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+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfAlignment Center>
+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfBlockSize 1>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnWidth 0.77778">
+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ <PgfCellMargins 0.0 pt 2.0 pt 0.0 pt 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 3802>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3816>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3818>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3820>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Reply'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3822>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3824>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3826>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3828>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3830>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3832>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3834>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3836>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `listCount'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3838>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `reply length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3840>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `4'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3842>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CAR'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `D32'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3844>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `listCount'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3846>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `20'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3848>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3850>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.33333">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3852>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `4 * list'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Count'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3854>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `LISTofWINDOW'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3856>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `roots'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3858>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3860>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3862>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.33333">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ROOT'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `WINDOW'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3866>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3868>
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `4'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3872>
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `WINDOW'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3874>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `rootWindow'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3897>
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+ <Pgf
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `0 + base'>
+ >
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `code'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ <Unique 3932>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
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+ <TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `1 + base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `code'>
+ >
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+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
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+ > # end of Cell
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+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <String `6 XPMediumAttr (future use)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3966>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `7 XPSpoolerAttr (future use)'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3968>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `detail'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3970>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3972>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3974>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3976>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3978>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3980>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3982>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `24'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3984>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3986>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 95>
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+ <TblFormat
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfCellAlignment Middle>
+ <PgfCellMargins 0.0 pt 2.0 pt 0.0 pt 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblInitNumHRows 0>
+ <TblInitNumBodyRows 3>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 3993>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4007>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4009>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `0'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4011>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Error'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4013>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4015>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `0 +'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4017>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `code'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4019>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4021>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4023>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FStrike No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 96>
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+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
+ <TblColumnNum 1>
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+ <TblColumnH
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FShadow No>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ <Pgf
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4041>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4043>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `0'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4045>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Error'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4047>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4049>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `1 +'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4051>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `code'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4053>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4055>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4057>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ > # end of TblFormat
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+ > # end of Notes
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3624>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3626>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3628>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3630>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `23'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3632>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3634>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3636>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `3'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3638>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3640>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3642>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3644>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3646>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3648>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3650>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `image-resolution'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3652>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3654>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3656>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 98>
+ <TblTag `Format A'>
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 3659>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3661>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3663>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3665>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Reply'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3667>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3669>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `BOOL'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3671>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FStrike No>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `status'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3673>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3675>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3677>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3679>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3681>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `0'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3683>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `reply length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3685>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3687>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3689>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `previous-resolution'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3691>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `22'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3693>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3695>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 99>
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+ <TblFormat
+ <TblColumn
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblColumn
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+ <TblColumnH
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+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnH
+ <TblColumnBody
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
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+ > # end of TblColumnH
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+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
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+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
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+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnBody
+ <TblColumnF
+ <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+ <Pgf
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+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
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+ <PgfCellMargins 0.0 pt 2.0 pt 0.0 pt 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ > # end of TblColumnF
+ > # end of TblColumn
+ <TblInitNumHRows 0>
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+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblNumColumns 3>
+ <Unique 3946>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.92446">
+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3948>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3950>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `base'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3952>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `major opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3954>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3956>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `24'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3958>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `minor opcode'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3960>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3962>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3964>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FCase FAsTyped>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request length'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3966>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `4'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3968>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3970>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ > # end of TblBody
+ > # end of Tbl
+ <Tbl
+ <TblID 100>
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+ <Unique 3985>
+ <TblColumnWidth 0.75">
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+ <TblColumnWidth 1.874">
+ <TblBody
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3987>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3989>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3991>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Reply'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3993>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `1'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3995>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3997>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `unused'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3999>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `2'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4001>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4003>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
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+ <FDY 0.0%>
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+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sequence number'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ > # end of CellContent
+ > # end of Cell
+ > # end of Row
+ <Row
+ <RowMaxHeight 14.0">
+ <RowHeight 0.18056">
+ <Cell
+ <CellContent
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4005>
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+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
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+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 713423>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `GroupTitlesIX'>
+ <PgfSpBefore 11.0 pt>
+ <PgfWithNext Yes>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Symbols[\\ ];Numerics[0];A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W;X;Y;Z'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 713424>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `IndexIX'>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfWithNext No>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `<$pagenum\>'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 713425>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `Paragraph'>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+> # end of TextFlow
+ <TFTag `LOF'>
+ <TFAutoConnect Yes>
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 713430>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `FigureLOF'>
+ <PgfLIndent 1.0">
+ <PgfSpBefore 2.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 2>
+ <PgfNumTabs 2>
+ <TabStop
+ <TSX 1.0">
+ <TSType Left>
+ <TSLeaderStr ` '>
+ > # end of TabStop
+ <TabStop
+ <TSX 6.0">
+ <TSType Right>
+ <TSLeaderStr `.'>
+ > # end of TabStop
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 117>
+ <String `<$paranum\>'>
+ <Char Tab>
+ <String `<$paratext\>'>
+ <Char Tab>
+ <String `<$pagenum\>'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+> # end of TextFlow
+ <TFTag `LOT'>
+ <TFAutoConnect Yes>
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 713435>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `TableTitleLOT'>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 118>
+ <String `<$paranum\>'>
+ <Char Tab>
+ <String `<$paratext\>'>
+ <Char Tab>
+ <String `<$pagenum\>'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+> # end of TextFlow
+ <TFTag `A'>
+ <TFAutoConnect Yes>
+ <Notes
+ > # end of Notes
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3808>
+ <PgfTag `1Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `1\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 119>
+ <String `Overview'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3809>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `X Print Service is an X extension that allows X imaging to non-display devices such as printers and fax '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `machines. The core of the X Print Service is the X Print Server. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 435>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Applications that require printing operations can make a connection to X Print Server and list the available '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `printers using the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintGetPrinterList'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request. After selecting a printer, an application must create and set '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `a print context using the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintCreateContext'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintSetContext'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` requests. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 715581>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The \xd2 print context\xd3 is a fundamental X Print Service concept. A print context:'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 493>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Contains a printer\xd5 s default capabilities'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 496>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet2'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Contains a printer\xd5 s range of capabilities'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 497>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet2'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Maintains the state of the settings on a printer'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 498>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet2'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Maintains the state of rendering against a printer'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 499>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet2'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Maintains rendered output'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 500>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A print context also affects how the DDX driver generates its page description language (PDL), and how the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PDL is submitted to a spooler. It may affect fonts and other elements in the DDX layer of the X Print Server. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 494>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Printer capabilities are defined by attribute pools within the print context. They contain information related '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `to a context\xd5 s server, printer, job, document, and page options. '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintGetAttributes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintSetAttributes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `are used to access and modify attribute pools. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 505>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` are used to delineate print jobs. A \xd2 job\xd3 is a collection of documents '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `delineated by '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartDoc'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndDoc'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. Each document is, in turn, a collection of \xd2 pages\xd3 . Upon '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `completion the server sends any resulting PDL to a print spooler, or makes it available for retrieval by an '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `application.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 715291>
+ <PgfTag `1Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `2\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 120>
+ <String `Protocols'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 715292>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `2.1\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Formats, Syntactic Conventions, and Common Types'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 713194>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The type '>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PCONTEXT, type'>
+ <MCurrPage `2'>
+ <Unique 3879>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `PCONTEXT is a 32-bit value. Its top three bits are guaranteed to be zero.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5028>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Refer to the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FAngle `Italic'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Italic'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `X Window System'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` Protocol specification for a description of other formats, syntactic conven'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `tions and common types established in that publication and used in the current document as well.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 717705>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `2.2\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Errors'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `errors'>
+ <MCurrPage `2'>
+ <Unique 3876>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 709>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `X Print Service can return the following messages, in addition to X core request errors.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 710>
+ <PgfTag `Definition'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPMessage'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `XPBadContext, error description'>
+ <MCurrPage `2'>
+ <Unique 3877>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `XPBadContext'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Char Tab>
+ <String `An incorrect print context ID was specified.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 712>
+ <PgfTag `Definition'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPMessage'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `XPBadSequence, error description'>
+ <MCurrPage `2'>
+ <Unique 3878>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `XPBadSequence'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Char Tab>
+ <String `Requests were not specified in the proper order with respect to other '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `requests. For example, a request was specified before a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintSetContext'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `request.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 697>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Other errors that are context specific for a particular request are documented in the description of the request '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `itself. If the above errors have a specific meaning for a particular request, they are documented in the request '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `itself as well.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 525>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `2.3\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `X Print Service Requests'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 530>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 3>
+ <String `PrintCreateContext'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintCreateContext:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `2'>
+ <Unique 438>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 713600>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context-id'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 713610>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `printer-name'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1423>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `locale'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 717435>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 5>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Match, IDChoice'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 717252>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request creates a new print context and assigns context-id to it. The attributes associated with the new '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context are those determined by the printer-name. Printer-name is encoded in COMPOUND_TEXT. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5064>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The client must select the context-id by ORing some combination of bits in the connection resource-id-mask '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `with the resource-id-base.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1638>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The locale argument is used as a \xd2 hint\xd3 to the print server, and is used to initialize attribute pools with any '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `localized attribute values.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1640>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Message'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Match'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` error is generated when the printer-name does not exist. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 638>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2050>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 121>
+ <AFrame 4>
+ <String `PrintSetContext'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintSetContext:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `3'>
+ <Unique 439>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1447>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT or '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `None'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 491>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <AFrame 6>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Errors:'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` XPBadContext'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1451>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request associates the context specified with all subsequent print operations for this client. If context is '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `None'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, the print context previously associated with this client is unset. If no print context was previously set, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `then no action is taken when '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Argument'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `None'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `is specified. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 603>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The execution of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintSetContext'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request may affect the interpretation of the font path. The font path '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `contains font path elements for all printers associated with a print server. Only those associated with the cur'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `rent print context are returned and used for print rendering.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1458>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 7>
+ <String `PrintGetContext'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintGetContext:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `3'>
+ <Unique 440>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1459>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 605>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 1>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT or None'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 607>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request returns the current print context for the connection.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 950>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 2>
+ <String `PrintDestroyContext'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintDestroyContext:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `3'>
+ <Unique 949>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 951>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 956>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 47>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1483>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request unsets and destroys a print context. If a print context is destroyed before print operations associ'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `ated with it have been completed, the print server cancels all those operations as if a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `CancelJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request had '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `been issued.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1146>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 24>
+ <String `PrintGetPrinterList'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintGetPrinterList:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `3'>
+ <Unique 1145>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1148>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `printer-name: STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 992>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `locale'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1944>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1151>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `printers'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: LISTofPRINTER'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5065>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfSpBefore 2.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `where:'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1153>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item-indent'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFIndent 0.75">
+ <PgfLIndent 0.75">
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `PRINTER:'>
+ <Char Tab>
+ <String `name: STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5066>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item-indent-2'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFIndent 1.5">
+ <PgfLIndent 1.5">
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `description: STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3860>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 55>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1162>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request retrieves a list of all printers supported on a print server.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1163>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 122>
+ <String `If '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `printer-name'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is an empty string, then a list of all printers is returned. Otherwise '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `the print record that '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `matches the printer-name specified is returned. If no records match printer-name, then an empty list is '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `returned. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1164>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `printer-name'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `COMPOUND_TEXT'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` string. The '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `name'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `description'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` fields returned are '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `COMPOUND_TEXT'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. If '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `printer-name'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is provided in a code-set that the print server cannot convert, then it '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `may not be possible to locate the requested printer. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1165>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The locale argument is used as a \xd2 hint\xd3 to locate a localized description for each printer in the list. If the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `print server cannot interpret the hint, then it describes the printers in the server\xd5 s current locale.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1490>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 8>
+ <String `PrintGetScreenOfContext'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintGetScreenOfContext:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `4'>
+ <Unique 442>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1948>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 653>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `root'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `WINDOW'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 664>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 31>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1496>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request returns the root window associated with the current print context.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2062>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Each printer supported by a print server is associated with exactly one of the screens returned in the connec'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `tion setup reply. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 429>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 10>
+ <String `PrintStartJob'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintStartJob:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `4'>
+ <Unique 444>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1520>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `output-mode'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `{'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPSpool, XPGetData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `}'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1523>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 33>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadSequence, Value'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1524>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request signals the beginning of a new print job. It results in the generation of an '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Message'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPPrintNotify'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` event, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `with the detail field set to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Message'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPStartJobNotify'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 722>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `If output-mode is set to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPSpool'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, then the document data is typically sent to a spooler. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1026>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `If output-mode is set to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPGetData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, then the document data is made available to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Message'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintGetDocumentData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `and the resulting job is not spooled. In this case, the print server suspends processing further requests on this '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `print context until some other client sends '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintGetDocumentData. '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Subsequent operations that use the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `print context may be suspended at any time pending the processing of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintGetDocumentData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` replies to '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `read any buffered output.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1048>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Any changes to the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPJobAttr'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` pool must be made before '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartJob. '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Further modifications can only be '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `made to the attribute pool after a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request is executed.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 662>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 11>
+ <String `PrintEndJob'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintEndJob:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `4'>
+ <Unique 445>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1533>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `cancel'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `BOOL'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1536>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 123>
+ <AFrame 34>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext, XPBadSequence'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1537>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request causes the print job associated with the current print context to end. If '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `cancel'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `FALSE'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, any '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `accumulated print data that remains is either sent to the printer or made available to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintGetDocument'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Data'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1021>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The request generates an '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPEvent'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPPrintNotify'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` event with its detail field set to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPEvent'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPEndJobNotify'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 415>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `When cancel'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `is '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `TRUE'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, the job currently being processed is canceled. The server may discard any pending '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `output or may produce partial output. If the job was started in '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPGetData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` mode, then the entire data output '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `stream is implementation-defined.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1057>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `If '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is called immediately after '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndPage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, then a synthetic '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndDoc'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is generated by '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `print server before '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. The pool of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPJobAttr'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attributes that was frozen when the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStart'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Job'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request was executed is released when '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is called.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1116>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 16>
+ <String `PrintGetDocumentData'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintGetDocumentData:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `5'>
+ <Unique 1115>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1117>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1118>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `max-bytes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1119>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FSize 9.0 pt>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `+'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1120>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `status-code: {'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPGetDocFinished, XPGetDocSecondConsumer, XPGetDocError'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `}'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1121>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `finished-flag'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `CARD32'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `WritersNote'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1122>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `data'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `LISTofBYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1127>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 37>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext, XPBadSequence, Value'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1129>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request returns data generated on a context by other clients. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1009>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintGetDocumentData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` should be sent only after a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request with save_data set to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPGet'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Data'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` has been executed. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1016>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintGetDocumentData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` generates multiple replies. Each reply is no larger than the value specified in max-'>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `bytes. The final reply is generated by '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and has finished-flag set to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `TRUE'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1132>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `If the value for max-bytes is zero, a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPMessage'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Value'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` error is generated. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2087>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `An '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPMessage'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadSequence'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` error is generated if '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintGetDocumentData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is executed before '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` or if '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintGetDocumentData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is executed after '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` with save_data set to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPSpool'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1050>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 12>
+ <AFrame 14>
+ <String `PrintPutDocumentData'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintPutDocumentData:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `5'>
+ <Unique 1049>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1051>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `drawable'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `DRAWABLE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1052>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `data'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `LISTofBYTE'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1053>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `doc-format, options'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1058>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 15>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Char Tab>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext, XPBadSequence, Match, Value, Drawable'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1061>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 124>
+ <String `This request allows an application to send and incorporate data into the print output. It functions in two '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `modes, depending on whether the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartDoc'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` driver-mode is set to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPDocNormal'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` or '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPDocRaw'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `:'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1062>
+ <PgfTag `Definition'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPDocNormal'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Char Tab>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintPutDocumentData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` sends data to the print server and integrates data '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `into the output. The root of the drawable must be the root of the current print '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context. The doc-format and options parameters describe the format of data, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `which in turn guides the way the server interprets it. The '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-embedded-for'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `mats-supported'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute in the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPPrinterAttr'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` pool defines valid values '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `for doc-format in this mode, else a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Match'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` error is issued. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1063>
+ <PgfTag `Definition'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPDocRaw'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Char Tab>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintPutDocumentData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` sends data directly to the print server output. The '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `print server'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` does not emit document or page control codes into the output, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `and data is passed through unmodified. Drawable must be None, else a '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Drawable'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` error is issued. The '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-raw-formats-supported'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute in the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPPrinterAttr'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` pool defines valid values for doc-format in this mode, else a '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Match'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` error is issued.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3891>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `If doc-format is not in '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-embedded-formats-supported'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` or '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-raw-formats-supported'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Value'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` error is '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `issued. The options field is implementation-dependent and the permitted values may depend on the current '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `settings of other attributes and the value of doc-format. If an unknown options value is specified a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Value'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `error is issued, else if options is not valid in the current state a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Match'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` error is issued.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3899>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 48>
+ <String `PrintStartDoc'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintStartDoc:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `6'>
+ <Unique 3898>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1561>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `driver-mode'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: {'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPDocNormal, XPDocRaw'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `}'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1562>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 35>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Value, XPBadSequence'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1563>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request indicates the beginning of an individual document within a print job. The server performs the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `actions necessary to define a new document, and generates an '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPEvent'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPPrintNotify'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` event with its detail field set to '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPEvent'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPStartDocNotify'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 762>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The value of driver-mode'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `can be:'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 756>
+ <PgfTag `Definition'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPDocNormal'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Char Tab>
+ <String `Print server generates document data. Depending on the DDX driver, it can '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `incorporate data from '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintPutDocumentData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` into the document. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1048>
+ <PgfTag `Definition'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPDocRaw'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Char Tab>
+ <String `The client provides all data for the document using '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Message'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintPutDocument'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Data'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. The print server does not generate any data of its own into the docu'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `ment.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1049>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `If '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartPage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is sent immediately after '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, then a synthetic '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartDoc'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` with driver-'>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `mode '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPDocNormal'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` will be generated internally by print server before '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartPage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1050>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Any changes to the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPDocAttr'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute pool must be made before '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartDoc '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `is executed. Further '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `modifications can only be made to the attribute pool after a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndDoc'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request is executed.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 765>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 13>
+ <String `PrintEndDoc'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintEndDoc:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `6'>
+ <Unique 447>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1572>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 125>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `cancel'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `BOOL'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1575>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 36>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadSequence'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1576>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request signals the end of a print document. The resulting document data is assembled and combined '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `with data that was sent by '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintPutDocumentData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 402>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `When cancel is '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `TRUE'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, the document currently being processed is canceled. The server may discard any '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `pending output or may produce partial output. If the job was started with '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPGetData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` mode, then the entire '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `data output stream is implementation-defined for this document.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1080>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XpDocAttr'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` pool that was frozen when the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartDoc'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request was executed is released when '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Print'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `EndDoc'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is called.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 471>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 17>
+ <String `PrintStartPage'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintStartPage:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `7'>
+ <Unique 450>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 501>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `window'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `WINDOW'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 513>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 38>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadSequence, Window'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 550>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request indicates the beginning of a single print page within a document. W'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `indow'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is the drawable that '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `represents the page. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 551>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartPage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` causes '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `window'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` to be mapped. Within a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartPage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `/'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndPage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` sequence, any '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `attempts to resize, move, or unmap '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `window'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` will be ignored. To resize or move inferiors of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `window'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, the stan'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `dard semantics used for '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPEvent'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ConfigureWindow'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` apply, except that the contents of the configured window may be '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `lost. If the contents of a window are lost, an '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPEvent'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Expose'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` event is generated.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 547>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPMessage'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Window'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` error is issued if '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `window'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is not a descendent of the root window of the current print context. '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `An '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPMessage'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadSequence'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` error is issued if '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartPage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is called in an '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPDocRaw'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` document.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5186>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Any changes to the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPPageAttr'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute pool must be made before '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartPage '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `is executed. Further '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `modifications can only be made to the attribute pool after a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndPage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request is executed.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 475>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 18>
+ <String `PrintEndPage'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintEndPage:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `7'>
+ <Unique 451>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 372>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `cancel'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `BOOL'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 373>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 39>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext, XPBadSequence'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 374>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request indicates the end of a print page, and causes '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `window'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` to be unmapped. If '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `cancel'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `TRUE'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `current print page is canceled. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1076>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `When cancel'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `is '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `TRUE'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, the job currently being processed is canceled. The server may discard any pending '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `output or may produce partial output. If the job was started with '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPGetData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` mode, then the entire data out'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `put stream is implementation-defined for this page.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1071>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The pool of job attributes that was frozen when the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartPage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request was executed is freed when '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndPage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is called.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5264>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 126>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5265>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5266>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5267>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1028>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 9>
+ <String `PrintGetPageDimensions'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintGetPageDimensions:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `8'>
+ <Unique 1027>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1029>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1952>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1031>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `width: CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1032>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `height: CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1033>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `offset-x: CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1034>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `offset-y: CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1035>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `reproducible-width: CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1036>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `ArgInList'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `reproducible-height'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1041>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 32>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1042>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request returns the total width and height of a page in pixels, together with the net reproducible area '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `within the page. The net reproducible area is the portion of the page on which the printer is physically capa'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `ble of placing ink.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 483>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 19>
+ <String `PrintSelectInput'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintSelectInput:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `8'>
+ <Unique 452>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 412>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 424>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `event-mask'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `BITMASK'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 395>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 40>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext, Value'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 396>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfSpAfter 0.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request specifies the print events, from those in the specified print context, the client is interested in. '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Possible values for the event-mask BITMASK are:'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4637>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet'>
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `XPNoEventMask'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4641>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet2'>
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `XPPrintMask'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4645>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet2'>
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `XPAttributeMask'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 625>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 20>
+ <String `PrintInputSelected'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintInputSelected:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `8'>
+ <Unique 453>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 448>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1956>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 461>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `event-mask, all-events-mask'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `BITMASK'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 450>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 41>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 446>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 127>
+ <String `This request queries which X Print Server events the client has selected to receive from the specified print '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `context. all-events-mask returns the set of all events selected by all clients.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5268>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5269>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 904>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 21>
+ <String `PrintGetAttributes'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintGetAttributes:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `9'>
+ <Unique 454>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 466>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 476>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `pool'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: {'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPJobAttr, XPDocAttr, XPPageAttr, XPPrinterAttr, XPServerAttr'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `}'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1960>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 486>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `attributes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 471>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 42>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext, Value'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 472>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request returns an attribute'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` pool'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` from the specified print context. attributes is the attribute pool specified '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `by pool, and is encoded in '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `COMPOUND_TEXT'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1079>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The format used for attributes is the same as the format used for an X resource file. For a description see '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Section 15.1, \xd2 Resource File Syntax\xd3 , in the Xlib specification.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 816>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `See '>
+ <XRef
+ <XRefName `Section'>
+ <XRefSrcText `15258: 1Heading: 3 X Print Attributes'>
+ <XRefSrcIsElem No>
+ <XRefSrcFile `'>
+ <XRefLastUpdate 878830728 493774>
+ <Unique 928>
+ > # end of XRef
+ <String `section'>
+ <Char HardSpace>
+ <String `3'>
+ <XRefEnd >
+ <String ` for a detailed description of attributes.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 499>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 22>
+ <String `PrintGetOneAttribute'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintGetOneAttribute:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `9'>
+ <Unique 455>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 493>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 494>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `pool'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: {'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPJobAttr, XPDocAttr, XPPageAttr, XPPrinterAttr, XPServerAttr'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `}'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1095>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `name'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1964>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 500>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `value'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 501>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 43>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext, Value'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 502>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request retrieves a single attribute from the specified print context. It is similar to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintGetAttributes, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Tree Cap'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `but returns only one '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `attribute value'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Tree Cap'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` instead of an entire pool of attributes. The specific attribute is specified '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `by name. value is encoded in COMPOUND_TEXT.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 655>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 23>
+ <String `PrintSetAttributes'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintSetAttributes:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `9'>
+ <Unique 456>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 497>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 515>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `pool: {'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPJobAttr, XPDocAttr, XPPageAttr, XPPrinterAttr, XPServerAttr'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `}'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 446>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `rule'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `{'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPAttrMerge, XPAttrReplace'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `}'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 525>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `attributes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `STRING8'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 546>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 44>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext, XPBadSequence, Value, Match'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 547>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 128>
+ <String `This request sets the names and values for one or more attributes within the specified attribute pool. '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `attributes is encoded in '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `COMPOUND_TEXT'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` that represents new name/value pairs according to the value '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `specified in '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `rule'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. For '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPAttrReplace'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, the existing attribute pool is discarded and replaced with '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPFunction'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `attributes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `For '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPAttrMerge'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, attributes is merged into the existing attribute pool; existing name/value pairs are '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `replaced and new ones are added.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1997>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The format used for attributes is the same as the format used for an X resource file. For a description see '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Section 15.1, \xd2 Resource File Syntax\xd3 , in the Xlib specification.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2001>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `See '>
+ <XRef
+ <XRefName `Section'>
+ <XRefSrcText `15258: 1Heading: 3 X Print Attributes'>
+ <XRefSrcIsElem No>
+ <XRefSrcFile `'>
+ <XRefLastUpdate 878830728 494306>
+ <Unique 1999>
+ > # end of XRef
+ <String `section'>
+ <Char HardSpace>
+ <String `3'>
+ <XRefEnd >
+ <String ` for a detailed description of attributes.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 573>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPMessage'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Match'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` message is returned if read-only attribute pools attempt to use '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintSetAttributes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. An '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPMessage'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadSe'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `quence'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` message is issued when a request is sent to an attribute pool at a time when the attribute pool cannot '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `be modified. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 731>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfSpAfter 6.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 49>
+ <String `PrintRehashPrinterList'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintRehashPrinterList:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `10'>
+ <Unique 459>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 442>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 0.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 50>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5251>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request causes the print server to update its list of available printers together with their attributes. The '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `print facilities underlying X Server may provide it with the ability to detect changes in printer topology and '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `dynamically update the list to reflect the changes. If X Server does not have this capability, the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintRe'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `hashPrinterList'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` must be used to notify it of changes.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 670>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 27>
+ <String `PrintQueryVersion'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintQueryVersion:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `10'>
+ <Unique 460>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1968>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 737>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 46>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `major-version, minor-version'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 541>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request returns the major and minor version numbers of the X Print Service.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 776>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 28>
+ <String `PrintQueryScreens'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintQueryScreens:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `10'>
+ <Unique 462>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1972>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 766>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 25>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `roots'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: LISTofWINDOW'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 783>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request returns a list of the X Server screens that support the X Print Service Extension.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3512>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintSetImageResolution:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `10'>
+ <Unique 3922>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <AFrame 51>
+ <String `PrintSetImageResolution'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintSetAttributes:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `10'>
+ <Unique 3511>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3513>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3549>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `image-resolution'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3560>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3558>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 129>
+ <String `status: BOOL'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3563>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `previous-resolution: CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3554>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 52>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3555>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request sets the resolution for subsequent '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PutImage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` requests on the screen of context, in pixels per '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `inch.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3543>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `When status is '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `TRUE'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, then the contents of any subsequent '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PutImage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request to a Pixmap or to a Window '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `on the screen of the specified print context will automatically be scaled as part of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PutImage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request. The '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `scale factor is:'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3544>
+ <PgfTag `ProgramExample'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `default-printer-resolution / image-resolution'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3527>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `where default-printer-resolution is the current value of that page attribute. Only the image itself is scaled '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `(meaning the effective width and height of the image change), the dst-x and dst-y parameters to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PutImage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `are not altered. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3569>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `As a special case, a value of zero for image_res resets the resolution to automatically track the printer reso'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `lution. In this case (which is also the default setting for a newly created print context), subsequent images '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `will not be scaled.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3570>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `previous-resolution is the previous image resolution that was set for context in pixels per inch. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3571>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `If status is '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `FALSE'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, then the print server does not support image scaling foor the particular resolution given '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `the current configuration of the printer, and the application is responsible for any desired scaling.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3580>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 54>
+ <String `PrintGetImageResolution'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintGetImageResolution:request'>
+ <MCurrPage `11'>
+ <Unique 3579>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3581>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValue'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PCONTEXT '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3583>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3585>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `image-resolution: CARD16'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3590>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-errors'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 53>
+ <String `Errors: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Literal'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPBadContext'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3592>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This request returns the current image-resolution for context in pixels per inch. A value of zero means the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `resolution automatically tracks the printer resolution. If the request fails in some way, a negative value is '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `returned.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1171>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `2.4\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Events'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1179>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 26>
+ <String `XPPrintNotify'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `XPPrintNotify:event'>
+ <MCurrPage `11'>
+ <Unique 1178>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1181>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `detail'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: {'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPStartJobNotify, XPEndJobNotify, XPStartDocNotify, XPEndDocNotify, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `XPStartPageNotify, XPEndPageNotify'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `}'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1182>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1187>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 29>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `cancel'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: BOOL'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1188>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 130>
+ <String `This event is generated when requests to '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartDoc'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintStartPage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndDoc'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndJob'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintEndPage'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` have been processed and completed. It is reported to clients selecting '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPPrintMask'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1196>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 30>
+ <String `XPAttributeNotify'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `XPAttributeNotify:event'>
+ <MCurrPage `12'>
+ <Unique 1195>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1198>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `detail'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: {'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPValueInText'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPJobAttr, XPDocAttr, XPPageAttr, XPPrinterAttr, XPServerAttr, XPMe'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `diumAttr, XPSpoolerAttr'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `}'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1203>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-item'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <AFrame 45>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPArgument'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `context'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `: PCONTEXT'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1204>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This event is generated when any of the print attribute pools maintained by the print server have been modi'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `fied. The modifications may have been initiated by the print server itself or by a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintSetAttributes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request. '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `It is reported to clients selecting '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPAttributeMask'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 464>
+ <PgfTag `1Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `3\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 131>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 9>
+ <MText `15258: 1Heading: 3 X Print Attributes'>
+ <MCurrPage `13'>
+ <Unique 5228>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `X Print Attributes'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `<$startrange\>attributes'>
+ <MCurrPage `13'>
+ <Unique 3798>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 936>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Printing-specific attributes play a key role in the X Print Service. They provide a general-purpose mecha'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `nism for storing information associated with printing. This information includes user print setup options, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `printer capabilities, and spooler subsystem options.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 940>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The X Print Service selects attributes in a way that is consistent with the X Window System, ISO/IEC '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `10175 (ISO DPA), and POSIX 1387.4 print standards. The ISO DPA defines a number of abstract objects '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `that are managed and manipulated during the printing process. These are known as DPA-Objects. Each '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `DPA-Object is represented by a set of attributes which characterize that object. Each attribute in turn is com'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `posed of an attribute-type (attribute name) and zero or more attribute-values.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 950>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The X Print Service utilizes selected DPA-Objects, and for each of these, a subset of the associated '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `attributes. The DPA-Objects used are:'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1857>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Server Object'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1858>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Specifies attributes defined for the X print server.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1859>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Job Object'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 954>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Specifies attributes for a single print request as sent to the spooler.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 955>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Document Object'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 956>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Specifies attributes used to define a single document within a job. If supported by '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `the implementation, multiple documents may be submitted within a given job.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 957>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Printer Object'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 958>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Specifies attributes that identify printer capabilities.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 959>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfFIndent 0.5">
+ <PgfLIndent 0.5">
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The X Print Service also provides for changing certain attributes on a page-by-page basis. This is a '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `capability for which the ISO DPA does not define a separate DPA-Object. This set of attributes is known '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `within the X Print Service as Page Attributes.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 960>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The X Print Service requires some additional attributes that are not defined by the ISO DPA. The attribute '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `names for these attributes are prefixed with \xd2 '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `\xd3 .'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2000>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A server implementation can define additional attributes.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 961>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This section defines the following sets of attributes for the X Print Service:'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 962>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet'>
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Server Attributes'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 963>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet2'>
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Printer Attributes'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 964>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet2'>
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Job Attributes'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 965>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet2'>
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Document Attributes'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 966>
+ <PgfTag `Bullet2'>
+ <PgfNumString `\xa5 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Page Attributes'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 967>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `3.1\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Attribute Value Defaults And Validation'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 968>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This section provides an overview of the handling of default attribute values and the procedure for the vali'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `dation of attribute values within the X Print Service. Details for individual attributes can be found in the rest '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `of this chapter.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 969>
+ <PgfTag `3Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `3.1.1 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Assigning Attribute Value Defaults'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `attributes:defaults;defaults, attributes'>
+ <MCurrPage `13'>
+ <Unique 3799>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 970>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `An attribute specification with an empty value indicates that the attribute has no value. Within X Print Ser'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `vice configuration files and attribute pools, an attribute specification that omits the value is effectively '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `treated as if there were no attribute specification. An empty valued attribute specification that has precedence '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `over a non-empty attribute specification (for instance, an empty printer qualified attribute over a non-empty '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 132>
+ <String `model qualified attribute) will effectively \xd2 unset\xd3 the lower precedence attribute specification. When a print '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `job commences, the X Print Service may infer a default value for an attribute that has no value. In some '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `cases the X Print Service may explicitly assign a default value to an attribute before presenting it in an '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `attribute pool.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 973>
+ <PgfTag `3Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `3.1.2 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 9>
+ <MText `25826: 2Sect: 7.2.2 Validation of Attribute Values'>
+ <MCurrPage `14'>
+ <Unique 972>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `Validating Attribute Values'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `attributes:validating;validating attributes'>
+ <MCurrPage `14'>
+ <Unique 3800>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 974>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The X Print Server ensures that attribute pools presented to the client are always comprised of valid attribute '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `specifications for attributes defined by the X Print Service. Validation is first performed when a print context '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `is created. Validation is also performed whenever a client requests an update to an attribute pool.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 975>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Validation involves checking the attribute value against its set of valid values. The process may also take into '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `account the current values of other attributes and the capabilities of the DDX driver.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 976>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Attributes may be single-valued or multi-valued. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5013>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `When a print context is created, if the server determines that an attribute value is invalid, the server will '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `ignore the invalid attribute specification and may set an explicit default for the attribute in the pool. For '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `multi-valued attributes, the server will ignore each value component that is invalid. If all of the specified '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `components are invalid the server will reject the attribute specification, and for certain attributes will set an '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `explicit default for the attribute in the pool.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 977>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `When the client requests an update to an attribute pool (e.g. when issuing '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintSetAttributes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `), if the server '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `determines that a single-valued attribute is invalid, that attribute will not be updated. If all components of a '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `multi-valued attribute are invalid the attribute will not be updated, otherwise any invalid components are '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `ignored. Unrecognized attributes will be stored in the corresponding attribute pool and returned in '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `Print'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `GetAttribute'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, but are otherwise ignored.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 979>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `As part of the validation for a given attribute, the print server may alter other attributes in response to the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `change. For example, changing the value of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `document-format'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute might cause the value of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-'>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `embedded-formats-supported'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute to change as. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5011>
+ <PgfTag `3Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `3.1.3 \t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Structured Values'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5012>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 980>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `3.2\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Server Attributes'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `attributes:server;server attributes'>
+ <MCurrPage `14'>
+ <Unique 3801>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 982>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The server attribute pool is identified by XPServerAttr and describes the capabilities of the X Print Server. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1033>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `locale'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `locale, attribute'>
+ <MCurrPage `14'>
+ <Unique 3803>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1034>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The value of this attribute is the locale in which the X Print Server is running.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1035>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `multiple-documents-supported'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1036>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `multiple-documents-supported'>
+ <MCurrPage `14'>
+ <Unique 3802>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This attribute indicates whether the server supports jobs containing multiple '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `documents. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1038>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `3.3\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 9>
+ <MText `23135: 1Sect: 9.3 Printer Attribute Definitions'>
+ <MCurrPage `14'>
+ <Unique 1037>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `Printer Attributes'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `attributes:printer;printer attributes'>
+ <MCurrPage `14'>
+ <Unique 3804>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1040>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The printer attribute pool is identified by XPPrinterAttr and describes printer capabilities. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1237>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 133>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `content-orientations-supported'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1238>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `content-orientations-supported'>
+ <MCurrPage `15'>
+ <Unique 3805>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A list of orientations supported in the print context. The list is a group of strings '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `separated by white space. Valid values are '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `portrait'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `landscape'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `reverse-portrait'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `reverse-landscape'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1239>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The default value is determined by the DDX, and is explicitly set in the printer pool. '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Validation for this attribute is as described for multi-valued attributes in '>
+ <Font
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <XRef
+ <XRefName `Heading'>
+ <XRefSrcText `25826: 2Sect: 7.2.2 Validation of Attribute Values'>
+ <XRefSrcIsElem No>
+ <XRefSrcFile `'>
+ <XRefLastUpdate 878830728 495163>
+ <Unique 1241>
+ > # end of XRef
+ <String `\xd2 '>
+ <String `Validating '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Attribute Values'>
+ <String `\xd3 '>
+ <XRefEnd >
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1243>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The initial value of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `content-orientations-supported'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute is typically set by '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `the printer vendor in the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Filename'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `model-config'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` file.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1869>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `descriptor'>
+ <MCurrPage `15'>
+ <Unique 3806>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `descriptor'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1870>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `descriptor'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is a human readable description of the printer encoded as '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `COMPOUND_TEXT. This description may contain more than one line. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1248>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `document-attributes-supported'>
+ <MCurrPage `15'>
+ <Unique 3807>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `document-attributes-supported'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1249>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A list of document attributes supported in the print context. This list is returned as a '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `set of whitespace-delimited attribute names.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1251>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `document-formats-supported'>
+ <MCurrPage `15'>
+ <Unique 3808>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `document-formats-supported'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1252>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A list of document formats, including format variants and format versions that are '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `supported in the print context. Each entry in the list is a structure comprised of the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `document-format, document-format-variant, and a document-format-version. '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Variant and version may be omitted in some cases. The triple value is enclosed by '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `curly braces \xd2 {}\xd3 and delimited by whitespace. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1266>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `input-trays-medium'>
+ <MCurrPage `15'>
+ <Unique 2017>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `i'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `input-trays-medium'>
+ <MCurrPage `15'>
+ <Unique 3809>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `nput-trays-medium'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1267>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This attribute identifies what medium is loaded in each printer tray. The value is '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `specified as a list of structures, each of which contains a tray identifier and a '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `medium identifier. Valid tray identifiers are '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `top'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `middle'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `bottom'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `envelope'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `manual'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `large-capacity'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `main'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `side'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. The X Print Service defines valid medium '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `identifiers to be the standard values of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `medium-size'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute as specified in '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `ISO/IEC 10175-1.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1269>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `For each tray / medium (size) combination, the tray must be present in the value of '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `medium-source-sizes-supported'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute, and the medium size must be listed '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `for that tray.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1274>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `job-attributes-supported'>
+ <MCurrPage `15'>
+ <Unique 3810>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `job-attributes-supported'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1275>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A list of the job attributes supported for the printer. This list is returned as a set of '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `whitespace-delimited attribute names.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1277>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `medium-source-sizes-supported'>
+ <MCurrPage `15'>
+ <Unique 3811>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `medium-source-sizes-supported'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1278>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This attribute identifies or specifies the sizes of media that are supported by the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `printer. For each input tray a set of supported media sizes is indicated. For each '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `medium, the page size, an indicator as to the medium feed direction, and the assured '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `reproduction area the printer supports are specified.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1279>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Valid input tray values are '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `top'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `middle'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `bottom'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `envelope'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `manual'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `large-capacity'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `main'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `side'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. If the printer has only one input tray, specification '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `of this value is optional.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1280>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The page size is a descriptive-name indicating the size of the page. Examples are '>
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `iso-a4'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `na-letter'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `na-legal'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. The complete list of valid values is the set of '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `descriptive-names defined for the standard values of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `medium-size'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute as '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `specified in ISO/IEC 10175-1.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1281>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 134>
+ <String `The medium feed direction is represented as a boolean value indicating whether the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `long edge ('>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `TRUE'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `) or the short edge ('>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `FALSE'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `) feeds into the printer so that '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `orientation is specified.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1282>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The assured reproduction area is the area within the current medium tp which the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `printer can render. This area is specified in millimeters according to the RCS '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `coordinate system defined by the ISO DPA. The area value is defined by a structure '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `containing the minimum-x, maximum-x, minimum-y, and maximum-y. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1283>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The value for a medium size is specified in a structure comprised of the page size, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `the feed direction indicator, and the assured reproduction area. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1284>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The value of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `medium-source-sizes-supported'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute is a list of structures, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `each comprised of the input tray value and a set of medium size values. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1290>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `plexes-supported'>
+ <MCurrPage `16'>
+ <Unique 3812>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `plexes-supported'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1291>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <PgfEndCond Yes>
+ <PgfCondFullPgf Yes>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A list of plex options that the printer supports. The list is a group of strings '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `separated by white space. Valid values are '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `simplex'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `duplex'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `tumble'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1297>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `printer-model'>
+ <MCurrPage `16'>
+ <Unique 3813>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `printer-model'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1298>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Human-readable text that identifies the make and model of the printer. This value is '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `encoded as COMPOUND_TEXT.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1302>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `printer-name'>
+ <MCurrPage `16'>
+ <Unique 3814>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `printer-name'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1303>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This attribute uniquely identifies a printer on a given X Print Server. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1304>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `printer-resolutions-supported'>
+ <MCurrPage `16'>
+ <Unique 3815>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `printer-resolutions-supported'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1305>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A list of the resolutions in dots per inch that the printer supports. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1326>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `xp-embedded-formats-supported'>
+ <MCurrPage `16'>
+ <Unique 3816>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `xp-embedded-formats-supported'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1327>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This attribute identifies the set of data formats recognized as valid values for the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Parameter'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `doc_fmt'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` parameter of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintPutDocumentData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, when this request is issued within a '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `print document of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Parameter'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `type'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPDocNormal'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1337>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The value is a list of data formats. Each entry in the list is a structure comprised of '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `the data format, a format variant, and a format version. The variant and the version '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `may be omitted in some cases. Structure values are enclosed by curly braces \xd2 {}\xd3 '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `and delimited by whitespace. Valid values are defined by the printer DDX driver. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1343>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `xp-listfonts-modes-supported'>
+ <MCurrPage `16'>
+ <Unique 3817>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `xp-listfonts-modes-supported'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1344>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Defines the set of values that may be used to comprise the value of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-listfonts-'>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `modes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` document / page attribute. The value is a whitespace delimited list of '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `listfonts mode values, which are defined below.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1361>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `xp-page-attributes-supported'>
+ <MCurrPage `16'>
+ <Unique 3818>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `xp-page-attributes-supported'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1362>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A list of page attributes supported for the printer. This list is comprised of a set of '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `whitespace-delimited attribute names.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1364>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `xp-raw-formats-supported'>
+ <MCurrPage `16'>
+ <Unique 3819>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `xp-raw-formats-supported'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1365>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This attribute identifies the set of data formats recognized as valid values for the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Parameter'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `doc_fmt'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` parameter of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `PrintPutDocumentData'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, when this function is called within '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `a print document of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Parameter'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `type'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPDocRaw'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1375>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The value is a list of data formats. Each entry in the list is a structure comprised of '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `the data format, an optional format variant, and an optional format version. Structure '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `values are enclosed by curly braces \xd2 {}\xd3 and delimited by whitespace. Valid values '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `are defined based on the physical printer\xd5 s capabilities.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1378>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 135>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `xp-setup-proviso'>
+ <MCurrPage `17'>
+ <Unique 3820>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `xp-setup-proviso'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1379>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This attribute indicates whether or not a required attribute or set of attributes must be '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `set prior to commencing the print job. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1380>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Valid values for this attribute are '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-mandatory'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-optional'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. If '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `this attribute is not specified, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-optional'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is assumed.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1381>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The initial value of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-proviso'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute is typically set by the printer '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `vendor in the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Filename'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `model-config'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` file.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1400>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `3.4\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 9>
+ <MText `37951: 1Sect: 4.9 Job Object Attribute Definitions'>
+ <MCurrPage `17'>
+ <Unique 1399>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `Job Attributes'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `attributes:job;job attributes'>
+ <MCurrPage `17'>
+ <Unique 3821>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1402>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The job attribute pool is identified by XPJobAttr and provides information on how to process a print job. '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Typically, job attributes are set by the Print Dialog Manager based on user input from the setup dialog.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1455>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `job-name'>
+ <MCurrPage `17'>
+ <Unique 3822>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `job-name'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1456>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This is the name of the job to be used in subsequent processing and in printing '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `banner pages. The value is free form text.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1458>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `job-owner'>
+ <MCurrPage `17'>
+ <Unique 3823>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `job-owner'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1459>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This attribute identifies the human owner of the print job. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1460>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `notification-profile'>
+ <MCurrPage `17'>
+ <Unique 3824>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `notification-profile'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1461>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `This attribute is a specification of events about which the user is to be notified. The '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `X Print service uses this attribute to determine whether or not to notify the user of '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `print job completion via electronic mail, or in ISO DPA parlance, the X Print '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Service recognizes the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `event-report-job-completed'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` event with a '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `delivery-method'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `electronic-mail'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1462>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The values may be '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `{{event-report-job-completed} electronic-mail}'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` to send an '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `email message, and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `{}'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` if no message is to be sent. Servers may implement additional '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `values.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1464>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `xp-setup-state'>
+ <MCurrPage `17'>
+ <Unique 3825>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `xp-setup-state'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1465>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `If the value of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-proviso'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` printer attribute is '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-mandatory'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, then '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-state'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is used to indicate the current setup state as determined byX Print '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Server. If the value of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-proviso'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-optional'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, the value of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-'>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `state'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is ignored.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1466>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Valid values for '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-state'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` are '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-ok'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-incomplete'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-'>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `setup-ok'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` indicates that all attributes the print server requires the user to set are valid, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `indicating a client may commence printing if desired. '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-setup-incomplete'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `indicates that one or more attributes the driver requires are unspecified or invalid; '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `printing should not be attempted.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1468>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `xp-spooler-command-options'>
+ <MCurrPage `17'>
+ <Unique 3826>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `xp-spooler-command-options'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1469>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A free form text string that will be included verbatim on the command line used to '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `invoke the spooler. Valid values are spooler-dependent.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1471>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `xp-spooler-command-results'>
+ <MCurrPage `17'>
+ <Unique 3827>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `xp-spooler-command-results'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1472>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `A free form text string that will contain the spooler command output that would '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `otherwise appear on a terminal (e.g. stderr and stdout). This text may be useful to '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `present to the user to allow tracking of the resulting spooler job. Applications should '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `retrieve this value following receipt of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Type'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `XPEndJobNotify'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` event.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1894>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `3.5\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 9>
+ <MText `27436: 1Sect: 4.8 Document Object Attribute Definitions'>
+ <MCurrPage `17'>
+ <Unique 1476>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `Document Attributes'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `attributes:document;document attributes'>
+ <MCurrPage `17'>
+ <Unique 3828>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1479>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The document attribute pool is identified by XPDocAttr and indicates how to process the current document. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1894>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 136>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `content-orientation'>
+ <MCurrPage `18'>
+ <Unique 3829>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `content-orientation'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1557>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Specifies the orientation to be used for this document. Valid values are:'>
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `portrait'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `landscape'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `reverse-portrait'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `reverse-landscape'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1562>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `copy-count'>
+ <MCurrPage `18'>
+ <Unique 3830>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `copy-count'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1563>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char Tab>
+ <String `Specifies the number of copies of this document to print.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1564>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The default value is implicitly taken to be '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `1'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` by the X Print Server.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1568>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `default-printer-resolution'>
+ <MCurrPage `18'>
+ <Unique 3831>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `default-printer-resolution'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1569>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char Tab>
+ <String `Specifies the resolution in dots per inch to be used for this document.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1574>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `default-input-tray'>
+ <MCurrPage `18'>
+ <Unique 3832>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `default-input-tray'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1575>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The name of the input tray from which media will be drawn for printing the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `document. Valid values are: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `top'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `middle'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `bottom'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `envelope'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `manual'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `large-'>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `capacity'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `main'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `side'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. If the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `default-medium'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute is specified, it will take '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `precedence over '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `default-input-tray'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1580>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `default-medium'>
+ <MCurrPage `18'>
+ <Unique 3833>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `default-medium'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1581>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Specifies the medium on which the document is to be printed. The X Print Service '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `defines valid '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `default-medium'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` values to be the standard values of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `medium-size'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `attribute as specified in ISO/IEC 10175-1.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1586>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `document-format'>
+ <MCurrPage `18'>
+ <Unique 3834>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `document-format'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1587>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Specifies the format of the document. The value is a structure comprised of the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `document-format, an optional document-format-variant, and an optional document-'>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `format-version. Specific printer DDX drivers may require specification of the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `optional values. The structure values are enclosed by curly braces \xd2 {}\xd3 and '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `delimited by whitespace. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1592>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `plex'>
+ <MCurrPage `18'>
+ <Unique 3835>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `plex'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1593>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Specifies the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `plex'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` to be used for this document. Valid values are '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `simplex'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `duplex'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `tumble'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1598>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `xp-listfonts-modes'>
+ <MCurrPage `18'>
+ <Unique 3836>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `xp-listfonts-modes'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1599>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The value of this attribute controls the behavior of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFontsWithInfo'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` when a print context has been set. The value is a whitespace '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `delimited list of one or more listfonts mode values. Valid listfonts mode values '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `include '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-list-internal-printer-fonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-list-glyph-fonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1601>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `When a print context is set on a display connection, the default behavior of '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFontsWithInfo'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is to list all of the fonts normally associated with '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `the X print server (i.e. fonts containing glyphs) as well as any internal printer fonts '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `defined for the printer. The '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-listfonts-modes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute is provided so that '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `applications can control the behavior of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFontsWithInfo '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `and is'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `typically to show just internal printer fonts. Using only internal printer fonts is '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `useful for performance reasons; the glyphs associated with the font are contained '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `within the printer and do not have to be downloaded to it.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1605>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `If the value of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-listfonts-modes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` includes '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-list-glyph-fonts,'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFontsWithInfo'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` will include all of the fonts available to the server which have '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `glyphs associated with them. If the value of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-listfonts-modes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` includes '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-list-'>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `internal-printer-fonts,'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` then '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFontsWithInfo'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` will include all of '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `the fonts defined as internal printer fonts.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1612>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `3.6\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Page Attributes'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `attributes:page;page attributes'>
+ <MCurrPage `18'>
+ <Unique 3837>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1614>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The page attribute pool is identified by XPPageAttr. These are document attributes that can be overridden on '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `a page by page basis within the X Print Service.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1615>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The default for each page attribute is the current value of the corresponding document attribute. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1676>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 137>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `content-orientation'>
+ <MCurrPage `19'>
+ <Unique 3838>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `content-orientation'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1677>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Specifies the orientation to be used for this page. Valid values are:'>
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `portrait'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `landscape'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `reverse-portrait'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `reverse-landscape'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1678>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `default-printer-resolution'>
+ <MCurrPage `19'>
+ <Unique 3839>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `default-printer-resolution'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1679>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Char HardReturn>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Specifies the resolution in dots per inch to be used for this page.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5217>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `default-input-tray'>
+ <MCurrPage `19'>
+ <Unique 3840>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `default-input-tray'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5218>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The name of the input tray from which media will be drawn for printing the '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `document. Valid values are: '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `top'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `middle'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `bottom'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `envelope'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `manual'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `large-'>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `capacity'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `main'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `side'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `. If the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `default-medium'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute is specified, it will take '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `precedence over '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `default-input-tray'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5219>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `default-medium'>
+ <MCurrPage `19'>
+ <Unique 3841>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `default-medium'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5220>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Specifies the medium on which the document is to be printed. The X Print Service '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `defines valid '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `default-medium'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` values to be the standard values of the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `medium-size'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `attribute as specified in ISO/IEC 10175-1.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5223>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `plex'>
+ <MCurrPage `19'>
+ <Unique 3842>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `plex'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5224>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Specifies the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `plex'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` to be used for this document. Valid values are '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `simplex'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `duplex'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `, '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `tumble'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5225>
+ <PgfTag `Term'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `xp-listfonts-modes'>
+ <MCurrPage `19'>
+ <Unique 3843>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `xp-listfonts-modes'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5226>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The value of this attribute controls the behavior of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFontsWithInfo'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` when a print context has been set. The value is a whitespace '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `delimited list of one or more listfonts mode values. Valid listfonts mode values '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `include '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-list-internal-printer-fonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-list-glyph-fonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5227>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `When a print context is set on a display connection, the default behavior of '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFontsWithInfo'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is to list all of the fonts normally associated with '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `the X print server (i.e. fonts containing glyphs) as well as any internal printer fonts '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `defined for the printer. The '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-listfonts-modes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` attribute is provided so that '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `applications can control the behavior of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFontsWithInfo '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `and is'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `typically to show just internal printer fonts. Using only internal printer fonts is '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `useful for performance reasons; the glyphs associated with the font are contained '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `within the printer and do not have to be downloaded to it.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 5228>
+ <PgfTag `Varlistentry'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `If the value of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-listfonts-modes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` includes '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-list-glyph-fonts,'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFontsWithInfo'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` will include all of the fonts available to the server which have '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `glyphs associated with them. If the value of '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-listfonts-modes'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` includes '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Constant'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `xp-list-'>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `internal-printer-fonts,'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` then '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Function'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFonts'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` and '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ListFontsWithInfo'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` will include all of '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `the fonts defined as internal printer fonts.'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `<$endrange\>attributes'>
+ <MCurrPage `19'>
+ <Unique 3875>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1899>
+ <PgfTag `1Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `4\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 138>
+ <String `Communication with the Print Dialog Manager'>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `Print Dialog Manager, communicating with'>
+ <MCurrPage `20'>
+ <Unique 3844>
+ > # end of Marker
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1900>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Print Dialog Managers (PDMs) provide users with a graphical interface to specify printer-specific and '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `spooler-specific information. This section describes the interaction between X Print Service and PDMs.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1901>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `For each server wanting to use print dialog services, a Print Dialog Manager acquires ownership of a selec'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `tion named PDM_MANAGER on the default root window (a different name can be used, as long as it is '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `known to both the client and the PDM). Print Dialog Managers should comply with the conventions for '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xd2 Manager Selections\xd3 described in section 2.8 of the'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FAngle `Italic'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Italic'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `(ICCCM). A printing client establishes a print context, and then requests services of the Print Dialog Man'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `ager by issuing conversion requests on this selection.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1902>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Print Dialog Managers should support conversion of the following targets on their manager selection:'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1916>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 56>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1918>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `2HeadingApp'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag Yes>
+ <PgfNextTag `Body'>
+ <PgfFIndent 0.0">
+ <PgfLIndent 0.0">
+ <PgfSpBefore 21.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 7.0 pt>
+ <PgfWithNext Yes>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Bold'>
+ <FSize 14.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLeading 1.0 pt>
+ <PgfAutoNum Yes>
+ <PgfNumFormat ` '>
+ <PgfNumberFont `'>
+ <PgfNumAtEnd No>
+ <PgfNumTabs 1>
+ <TabStop
+ <TSX 0.5">
+ <TSType Left>
+ <TSLeaderStr ` '>
+ > # end of TabStop
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <PgfNumString ` '>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The PDM_START Selection Target'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1919>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The PDM_START target is parametized (ICCCM section 2.2), and the property named in the '>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `XPRequest'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `ConvertSelec'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `tion'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` request contains the following list of information:'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1963>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 57>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1964>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The PDM_START target has a side effect (ICCCM, section 2.6.3). The PDM interprets the parameters listed '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `above and provides a user interface dialog on behalf of the client in which the user can modify attributes on '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `the print-context on the print-display provided.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1965>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The PDM will use the video-display, video-window, and locale parameters to configure and manage its user '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `interface.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1966>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The selection reply is placed in the property provided, where type is ATOM, format is 32, and the data con'>
+ <Char SoftHyphen>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `sists of a single ATOM element:'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1988>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 58>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1989>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 139>
+ <String `If the PDM starts successfully, once the user completes the PDM dialog, the PDM finishes communication '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `with the client by sending a ClientMessage to print-window on the print-display. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 1990>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The type of this ClientMessage is \xd2 PDM_REPLY\xd3 , its format is 32, and the data consists of a single ATOM '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `element:'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2016>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 59>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2018>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2019>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2001>
+ <PgfTag `1Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `5\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 140>
+ <String `Protocol Encoding'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2007>
+ <PgfTag `Body'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `The following sections describe protocol encoding for X Print Extension Protocol requests, events, and '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `errors. '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4445>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `5.1\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Request Protocol Encoding'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4151>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintQueryVersion:encoding'>
+ <MCurrPage `22'>
+ <Unique 3845>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `PrintQueryVersion'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2047>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 60>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4236>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <ATbl 61>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4448>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintGetPrinterList:encoding'>
+ <MCurrPage `22'>
+ <Unique 3846>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `PrintGetPrinterList'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2177>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 62>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4240>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2282>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfFIndent 0.5">
+ <PgfLIndent 0.5">
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 63>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2284>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 141>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintRehashPrinterList:encoding'>
+ <MCurrPage `23'>
+ <Unique 3847>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `PrintRehashPrinterList'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2319>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 64>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2321>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintCreateContext:encoding'>
+ <MCurrPage `23'>
+ <Unique 3848>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `PrintCreateContext'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2398>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 65>
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2399>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2400>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3559>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 142>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintSetContext:encoding'>
+ <MCurrPage `24'>
+ <Unique 3849>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `PrintSetContext'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2441>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 66>
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2443>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintGetContext:encoding'>
+ <MCurrPage `24'>
+ <Unique 3850>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `PrintGetContext'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 2478>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
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+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 67>
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ >
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+ <String ` '>
+ >
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
+ > # end of Para
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
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+ <PgfLIndent 0.5">
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+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 149>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3945>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintGetImageResolution:encoding'>
+ <MCurrPage `31'>
+ <Unique 3869>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `PrintGetImageResolution'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Type'>
+ <FFamily `Courier'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Courier-Bold'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3983>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 99>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3984>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol-arrow'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `\xae '>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4022>
+ <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
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+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
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+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 100>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3879>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `5.2\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `Event Protocol Encoding'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3880>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `PrintNotify, encoding'>
+ <MCurrPage `31'>
+ <Unique 3870>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `PrintNotify'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3935>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 93>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3937>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3766>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <TextRectID 150>
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `AttributeNotify, encoding'>
+ <MCurrPage `32'>
+ <Unique 3871>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `AttributeNotify'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3987>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Times'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Regular'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Times-Roman'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <ATbl 94>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3988>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `Para'>
+ <PgfFIndent 0.0">
+ <PgfLIndent 0.0">
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `. '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfLineSpacing Fixed>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3989>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3990>
+ <PgfTag `2Heading'>
+ <PgfNumString `5.3\t'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `E'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `rror Protocol Encoding'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 3991>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FChangeBar Yes>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `BadContext, encoding'>
+ <MCurrPage `32'>
+ <Unique 3872>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `B'>
+ <Font
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <String `adContext'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4024>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Courier'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Courier-Bold'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Type'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <ATbl 95>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4025>
+ <PgfTag `Protocol'>
+ <ParaLine
+ <Marker
+ <MType 2>
+ <MText `BadSequence, encoding'>
+ <MCurrPage `32'>
+ <Unique 3873>
+ > # end of Marker
+ <String `BadSequence'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4058>
+ <Pgf
+ <PgfTag `RefSect1Para'>
+ <PgfUseNextTag No>
+ <PgfNextTag `'>
+ <PgfRunInDefaultPunct `\\t '>
+ <PgfSpBefore 0.0 pt>
+ <PgfSpAfter 10.0 pt>
+ <PgfBlockSize 3>
+ <PgfFont
+ <FTag `'>
+ <FFamily `Courier'>
+ <FVar `Regular'>
+ <FWeight `Bold'>
+ <FAngle `Regular'>
+ <FPostScriptName `Courier-Bold'>
+ <FSize 10.0 pt>
+ <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+ <FOverline No>
+ <FStrike No>
+ <FChangeBar No>
+ <FOutline No>
+ <FShadow No>
+ <FPairKern Yes>
+ <FCase FAsTyped>
+ <FPosition FNormal>
+ <FDX 0.0%>
+ <FDY 0.0%>
+ <FDW 0.0%>
+ <FLocked No>
+ <FSeparation 0>
+ <FColor `Black'>
+ > # end of PgfFont
+ <PgfLineSpacing Proportional>
+ <PgfNumTabs 0>
+ <PgfHyphenate No>
+ <PgfMinWordSpace 100>
+ <PgfMaxWordSpace 100>
+ > # end of Pgf
+ <ParaLine
+ <Font
+ <FTag `Type'>
+ <FLocked No>
+ > # end of Font
+ <ATbl 96>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+ <Para
+ <Unique 4092>
+ <ParaLine
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+> # end of TextFlow
+# End of MIFFile
diff --git a/printproto/specs/ b/printproto/specs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47fad33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/specs/
@@ -0,0 +1,10422 @@
+%%BoundingBox: (atend)
+%%Pages: (atend)
+%%PageOrder: (atend)
+%%DocumentFonts: (atend)
+%%Creator: Frame 5.1
+%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
+%- Frame ps_prolog 5.0, for use with Frame 5.0 products
+%- This ps_prolog file is Copyright (c) 1986-1996 Adobe Systems, Incoporated.
+%- All rights reserved. This ps_prolog file may be freely copied and
+%- distributed in conjunction with documents created using FrameMaker,
+%- FrameMaker/SGML FrameReader and FrameViewer as long as this
+%- copyright notice is preserved.
+%- FrameMaker users specify the proper paper size for each print job in the
+%- "Print" dialog's "Printer Paper Size" "Width" and "Height~ fields. If the
+%- printer that the PS file is sent to does not support the requested paper
+%- size, or if there is no paper tray of the proper size currently installed,
+%- then the job will not be printed. The following flag, if set to true, will
+%- cause the job to print on the default paper in such cases.
+/FMAllowPaperSizeMismatch false def
+%- Frame products normally print colors as their true color on a color printer
+%- or as shades of gray, based on luminance, on a black-and white printer. The
+%- following flag, if set to true, forces all non-white colors to print as pure
+%- black. This has no effect on bitmap images.
+/FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack false def
+%- Frame products can either set their own line screens or use a printer's
+%- default settings. Three flags below control this separately for no
+%- separations, spot separations and process separations. If a flag
+%- is true, then the default printer settings will not be changed. If it is
+%- false, Frame products will use their own settings from a table based on
+%- the printer's resolution.
+/FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen true def
+/FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen true def
+/FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen false def
+%- For any given PostScript printer resolution, Frame products have two sets of
+%- screen angles and frequencies for printing process separations, which are
+%- recomended by Adobe. The following variable chooses the higher frequencies
+%- when set to true or the lower frequencies when set to false. This is only
+%- effective if the appropriate FMUseDefault...SeparationScreen flag is false.
+/FMUseHighFrequencyScreens true def
+%- The following is a set of predefined optimal frequencies and angles for various
+%- common dpi settings. This is taken from "Advances in Color Separation Using
+%- PostScript Software Technology," from Adobe Systems (3/13/89 P.N. LPS 0043)
+%- and corrolated with information which is in various PPD (4.0) files.
+%- The "dpiranges" figure is the minimum dots per inch device resolution which
+%- can support this setting. The "low" and "high" values are controlled by the
+%- setting of the FMUseHighFrequencyScreens flag above. The "TDot" flags control
+%- the use of the "Yellow Triple Dot" feature whereby the frequency id divided by
+%- three, but the dot function is "trippled" giving a block of 3x3 dots per cell.
+%- PatFreq is a compromise pattern frequency for ps Level 2 printers which is close
+%- to the ideal WYSIWYG pattern frequency of 9 repetitions/inch but does not beat
+%- (too badly) against the screen frequencies of any separations for that DPI.
+% This is computed by taking dpi/9 as the ideal pixels per repetition, and then
+% computing a tiling size in printer pixels for each of the four separations as
+% (dpi/screenFreq)*(cos(screenAngle)+sin(screenAngle)) Actually, this is the same
+% for Cyan and Magenta). Then, we take a "nice" LCM of the tile sizes close to
+% the desired pattern tile where the beat factor is not more than 2 or 3.
+/dpiranges [ 2540 2400 1693 1270 1200 635 600 0 ] def
+/CMLowFreqs [ 100.402 94.8683 89.2289 100.402 94.8683 66.9349 63.2456 47.4342 ] def
+/YLowFreqs [ 95.25 90.0 84.65 95.25 90.0 70.5556 66.6667 50.0 ] def
+/KLowFreqs [ 89.8026 84.8528 79.8088 89.8026 84.8528 74.8355 70.7107 53.033 ] def
+/CLowAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def
+/MLowAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def
+/YLowTDot [ true true false true true false false false ] def
+/CMHighFreqs [ 133.87 126.491 133.843 108.503 102.523 100.402 94.8683 63.2456 ] def
+/YHighFreqs [ 127.0 120.0 126.975 115.455 109.091 95.25 90.0 60.0 ] def
+/KHighFreqs [ 119.737 113.137 119.713 128.289 121.218 89.8026 84.8528 63.6395 ] def
+/CHighAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 70.0169 70.0169 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def
+/MHighAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 19.9831 19.9831 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def
+/YHighTDot [ false false true false false true true false ] def
+/PatFreq [ 10.5833 10.0 9.4055 10.5833 10.0 10.5833 10.0 9.375 ] def
+%- PostScript Level 2 printers contain an "Accurate Screens" feature which can
+%- improve process separation rendering at the expense of compute time. This
+%- flag is ignored by PostScript Level 1 printers.
+/FMUseAcccurateScreens true def
+%- The following PostScript procedure defines the spot function that Frame
+%- products will use for process separations. You may un-comment-out one of
+%- the alternative functions below, or use your own.
+%- Dot function
+/FMSpotFunction {abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 gt
+ {1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1 sub }
+ {dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }ifelse } def
+%- Line function
+%- /FMSpotFunction { pop } def
+%- Elipse function
+%- /FMSpotFunction { dup 5 mul 8 div mul exch dup mul exch add
+%- sqrt 1 exch sub } def
+/FMversion (5.0) def % matches PS_VERSION in fmprintdriver
+% PostScript Level 1 = true, 2 = false
+/fMLevel1 /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt def
+% Set up Color vs. Black-and-White
+ fMLevel1 {
+ false
+ /colorimage where {pop pop true} if
+ } {
+% statusdict /processcolors known {
+% statusdict /processcolors get exec
+% } {1} ifelse
+% 1 gt
+ true
+ } ifelse
+/FrameDict 400 dict def % should check this value each time changes made
+% For NeWS we add a fake errordict, so we can psh files
+systemdict /errordict known not {/errordict 10 dict def
+ errordict /rangecheck {stop} put} if
+%- The readline in PS 23.0 doesn't recognize cr's as nl's on AppleTalk
+FrameDict /tmprangecheck errordict /rangecheck get put % save old rangecheck
+errordict /rangecheck {FrameDict /bug true put} put % will flag bug found
+FrameDict /bug false put % flag bug not found
+mark % since we're not sure what will happen next
+%- Some PS machines read past the CR, so keep the following 3 lines together!
+currentfile 5 string readline
+cleartomark % junk from readline and rangecheck
+errordict /rangecheck FrameDict /tmprangecheck get put % restore rangecheck
+FrameDict /bug get { % redefine readline if last one got a rangecheck
+ /readline {
+ /gstring exch def
+ /gfile exch def
+ /gindex 0 def
+ {
+ gfile read pop % get a char
+ dup 10 eq {exit} if % exit if LF
+ dup 13 eq {exit} if % exit if CR
+ gstring exch gindex exch put % store it away
+ /gindex gindex 1 add def % bump index
+ } loop
+ pop % eol character
+ gstring 0 gindex getinterval true % simulate real readline
+ } bind def
+ } if
+% outer-world defs
+/FMshowpage /showpage load def
+/FMquit /quit load def
+/FMFAILURE { % enter with two error strings on the stack
+ dup = flush % send a copy of the message to the console
+ FMshowpage % msg on a page by itself, so it can't be, say, black on black
+ /Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
+ 72 200 moveto show
+ 72 220 moveto show
+ FMshowpage % we might be in the middle of some EPS, where "showpage"
+ FMquit % and "quit" are redefined
+ } def % only used once at most, so no bind
+ FMversion ne {
+ (Adobe Frame product version does not match ps_prolog! Check installation;)
+ (also check ~/fminit and ./fminit for old versions) FMFAILURE
+ } if
+ } def % only used at startup, so no bind
+/FMBADEPSF { % Call with bad operator name on stack (as a string)
+ (Adobe's PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Edition, section H.2.4)
+ (says your EPS file is not valid, as it calls X )
+ dup dup (X) search pop exch pop exch pop length % parmstr errstr errstr indx
+ 5 -1 roll % errstr errstr index parmstr
+ putinterval % errstr
+ } def
+% standard concatprocs routine
+ {
+ /proc2 exch cvlit def/proc1 exch cvlit def/newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def
+ newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx
+% Put all local variables here in alphabetical order.
+FrameDict begin [
+ /ALDsave
+ /FMdicttop
+ /FMoptop
+ /FMpointsize
+ /FMsaveobject
+ /b
+ /bitmapsave
+ /blut
+ /bpside
+ /bs
+ /bstring
+ /bwidth
+ /c
+ /cf
+ /cs
+ /cynu
+ /depth
+ /edown
+ /fh
+ /fillvals
+ /fw
+ /fx
+ /fy
+ /g
+ /gfile
+ /gindex
+ /grnt
+ /gryt
+ /gstring
+ /height
+ /hh
+ /i
+ /im
+ /indx
+ /is
+ /k
+ /kk
+ /landscape
+ /lb
+ /len
+ /llx
+ /lly
+ /m
+ /magu
+ /manualfeed
+ /n
+ /offbits
+ /onbits
+ /organgle
+ /orgbangle
+ /orgbfreq
+ /orgbproc
+ /orgbxfer
+ /orgfreq
+ /orggangle
+ /orggfreq
+ /orggproc
+ /orggxfer
+ /orgmatrix
+ /orgproc
+ /orgrangle
+ /orgrfreq
+ /orgrproc
+ /orgrxfer
+ /orgxfer
+ /pagesave
+ /paperheight
+ /papersizedict
+ /paperwidth
+ /pos
+ /pwid
+ /r
+ /rad
+ /redt
+ /sl
+ /str
+ /tran
+ /u
+ /urx
+ /ury
+ /val
+ /width
+ /width
+ /ws
+ /ww
+ /x
+ /x1
+ /x2
+ /xindex
+ /xpoint
+ /xscale
+ /xx
+ /y
+ /y1
+ /y2
+ /yelu
+ /yindex
+ /ypoint
+ /yscale
+ /yy
+] { 0 def } forall
+% Start of PDF/Acrobat support
+% Bind def
+/FmBD {bind def} bind def
+systemdict /pdfmark known {
+ /fMAcrobat true def
+ % FmPD is a conditional PDFMark
+ /FmPD /pdfmark load def
+ % FmPT is a show text operator which only show up when distiller is active
+ /FmPT /show load def
+ % FmPD2 and FmPA are Acrobat 2.0-specific
+ currentdistillerparams /CoreDistVersion get 2000 ge {
+ % FmPD2 is like FmPD but for Acrobat 2.0-specific PDF
+ /FmPD2 /pdfmark load def
+ % x y/name FmPA
+ % is equivalent to
+ % [/Dest/name/View[/FitH x y FmDC exch pop]/DEST FmPD
+ % It is a shortcut for pagragraph Uinique ID designators whic occurr commonly.
+ /FmPA { mark exch /Dest exch 5 3 roll
+ /View [ /XYZ null 6 -2 roll FmDC exch pop null] /DEST FmPD
+ }FmBD
+ } {
+ % These are No-Ops for Distiller 1.0
+ /FmPD2 /cleartomark load def
+ /FmPA {pop pop pop}FmBD
+ } ifelse
+} {
+ % these are the No-Ops for regular PostScript
+ /fMAcrobat false def
+ /FmPD /cleartomark load def
+ /FmPD2 /cleartomark load def
+ /FmPT /pop load def
+ /FmPA {pop pop pop}FmBD
+} ifelse
+% This convert a set of X Y coordinates from the current user space to the default
+% PostScript coordinates needed by some pdfmark variants. We also convert to
+% integer because the distiller doesn't always like floats!
+/FmDC {
+ transform fMDefaultMatrix itransform cvi exch cvi exch
+% This converts four numbers into a bounding box making sure the first two are maller than the last two
+/FmBx {
+ dup 3 index lt {3 1 roll exch} if
+ 1 index 4 index lt {4 -1 roll 3 1 roll exch 4 1 roll} if
+% End of PDF/Acrobat support
+% Color separation code
+% Constants.
+/FMnone 0 def
+/FMcyan 1 def
+/FMmagenta 2 def
+/FMyellow 3 def
+/FMblack 4 def
+/FMcustom 5 def
+/fMNegative false def % we are inverting the page
+% Variables.
+/FrameSepIs FMnone def % separation we are printing
+% If FrameSepIs is FMcustom, this is the custom color
+/FrameSepBlack 0 def
+/FrameSepYellow 0 def
+/FrameSepMagenta 0 def
+/FrameSepCyan 0 def
+/FrameSepRed 1 def
+/FrameSepGreen 1 def
+/FrameSepBlue 1 def
+/FrameCurGray 1 def
+/FrameCurPat null def
+/FrameCurColors [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ] def % c m y k r g b
+% Utility routines
+/FrameColorEpsilon .001 def % epsilon by which values can differ and sill be equal
+/eqepsilon { % v1 v2 eqeps bool
+ sub dup 0 lt {neg} if
+ FrameColorEpsilon le
+} bind def
+% are the cmyk and cmykrgb arrays on the stack the same color?
+/FrameCmpColorsCMYK { % [ c1 m1 y1 k1 ] [ c2 m2 y2 k2 r2 g2 b2] -> bool
+ 2 copy 0 get exch 0 get eqepsilon {
+ 2 copy 1 get exch 1 get eqepsilon {
+ 2 copy 2 get exch 2 get eqepsilon {
+ 3 get exch 3 get eqepsilon
+ } {pop pop false} ifelse
+ }{pop pop false} ifelse
+ } {pop pop false} ifelse
+} bind def
+% are the rgb and cmykrgb arrays on the stack the same color?
+/FrameCmpColorsRGB { % [ r1 g1 b1 ] [ c2 m2 y2 k2 r2 g2 b2] -> bool
+ 2 copy 4 get exch 0 get eqepsilon {
+ 2 copy 5 get exch 1 get eqepsilon {
+ 6 get exch 2 get eqepsilon
+ }{pop pop false} ifelse
+ } {pop pop false} ifelse
+} bind def
+% convert r g b to c m y k
+/RGBtoCMYK { % r g b
+ 1 exch sub % r g y
+ 3 1 roll % y r g
+ 1 exch sub % y r m
+ 3 1 roll % m y r
+ 1 exch sub % m y c
+ 3 1 roll % c m y
+ 3 copy % c m y c m y
+ 2 copy % c m y c m y m y
+ le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse % c m y c min(m,y)
+ 2 copy % c m y c min(m,y) c min(m,y)
+ le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse % c m y min(c, min(m,y))
+ dup dup dup % c m y k k k k
+ 6 1 roll % c k m y k k k
+ 4 1 roll % c k m k y k k
+ 7 1 roll % k c k m k y k
+ sub % k c k m k y
+ 6 1 roll % y k c k m k
+ sub % y k c k m
+ 5 1 roll % m y k c k
+ sub % m y k c
+ 4 1 roll % c m y k
+} bind def
+/CMYKtoRGB { % c m y k CMYKtoRGB r g b
+ dup dup 4 -1 roll add % c m k k y+k
+ 5 1 roll 3 -1 roll add % y+k c k m+k
+ 4 1 roll add % m+k y+k c+k
+ 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll % r m+k y+k
+ 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch % r b m+k
+ 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch % r g b
+} bind def
+% Public routines
+% Happens at the top of each page that is a separation
+/FrameSepInit {
+ 1.0 RealSetgray
+} bind def
+% Tell the separation code that this separation is for a custom color
+/FrameSetSepColor { % c m y k r g b
+ /FrameSepBlue exch def
+ /FrameSepGreen exch def
+ /FrameSepRed exch def
+ /FrameSepBlack exch def
+ /FrameSepYellow exch def
+ /FrameSepMagenta exch def
+ /FrameSepCyan exch def
+ /FrameSepIs FMcustom def
+ setCurrentScreen
+} bind def
+% Tell the separation code that this separation is Cyan
+/FrameSetCyan {
+ /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def
+ /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def
+ /FrameSepRed 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepCyan 1.0 def
+ /FrameSepIs FMcyan def
+ setCurrentScreen
+} bind def
+% Tell the separation code that this separation is Magenta
+/FrameSetMagenta {
+ /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def
+ /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepRed 1.0 def
+ /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepMagenta 1.0 def
+ /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepIs FMmagenta def
+ setCurrentScreen
+} bind def
+% Tell the separation code that this separation is Yellow
+/FrameSetYellow {
+ /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def
+ /FrameSepRed 1.0 def
+ /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepYellow 1.0 def
+ /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepIs FMyellow def
+ setCurrentScreen
+} bind def
+% Tell the separation code that this separation is Black
+/FrameSetBlack {
+ /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepRed 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepBlack 1.0 def
+ /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def
+ /FrameSepIs FMblack def
+ setCurrentScreen
+} bind def
+% Tell the separation code we are not doing a separation
+/FrameNoSep { %
+ /FrameSepIs FMnone def
+ setCurrentScreen
+} bind def
+% Initialize the separation code with all the custom colors we are
+% separating (not process colors)
+/FrameSetSepColors { % list of arrays of [c m y k r g b] count
+ FrameDict begin
+ [ exch 1 add 1 roll ]
+ /FrameSepColors % array of arrays of colors we are separating
+ exch def end
+ } bind def
+% is this color array in the array of custom color separations?
+/FrameColorInSepListCMYK { % [ c m y k ] -> bool
+ FrameSepColors { % color elem-of-array
+ exch dup 3 -1 roll % color color elem
+ FrameCmpColorsCMYK % color bool
+ { pop true exit } if
+ } forall % exits with either [color] or true
+ dup true ne {pop false} if
+ } bind def
+/FrameColorInSepListRGB { % [ r g b ] -> bool
+ FrameSepColors { % color elem-of-array
+ exch dup 3 -1 roll % color color elem
+ FrameCmpColorsRGB % color bool
+ { pop true exit } if
+ } forall % exits with either [color] or true
+ dup true ne {pop false} if
+ } bind def
+% Level 1 color operators saved and redefined
+/RealSetgray /setgray load def
+/RealSetrgbcolor /setrgbcolor load def
+/RealSethsbcolor /sethsbcolor load def
+% Setgray patch
+/setgray { % num
+ FrameDict begin
+ FrameSepIs FMnone eq
+ { RealSetgray }
+ { % go to white unless the current sep color is black
+ FrameSepIs FMblack eq
+ { RealSetgray }
+ { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq
+ FrameSepRed 0 eq and
+ FrameSepGreen 0 eq and
+ FrameSepBlue 0 eq and {
+ RealSetgray
+ } {
+ 1 RealSetgray pop
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ end
+} bind def
+/setrgbcolor { % r g b
+ FrameDict begin
+ FrameSepIs FMnone eq
+ { RealSetrgbcolor }
+ {
+ 3 copy [ 4 1 roll ] % r g b [ r g b ]
+ FrameColorInSepListRGB
+ {
+ FrameSepBlue eq exch
+ FrameSepGreen eq and exch
+ FrameSepRed eq and
+ { 0 } { 1 } ifelse
+ }
+ {
+ FMPColor {
+ RealSetrgbcolor
+ currentcmykcolor
+ } {
+ } ifelse
+ FrameSepIs FMblack eq
+ {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} {
+ FrameSepIs FMyellow eq
+ {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} {
+ FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq
+ {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } {
+ FrameSepIs FMcyan eq
+ {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub }
+ {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ RealSetgray
+ }
+ ifelse
+ end
+} bind def
+/sethsbcolor {
+ FrameDict begin
+ FrameSepIs FMnone eq
+ { RealSethsbcolor }
+ {
+ RealSethsbcolor % safe since we will overwrite the color state
+ currentrgbcolor % r g b - Let PostsCript to the conversion.
+ setrgbcolor % call our version
+ }
+ ifelse
+ end
+} bind def
+FrameDict begin
+/setcmykcolor where {
+ pop /RealSetcmykcolor /setcmykcolor load def
+} {
+ /RealSetcmykcolor {
+ 4 1 roll
+ 3 { 3 index add 0 max 1 min 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat
+ RealSetrgbcolor pop
+ } bind def
+} ifelse
+userdict /setcmykcolor { % c m y k
+ FrameDict begin
+ FrameSepIs FMnone eq
+ { RealSetcmykcolor }
+ {
+ 4 copy [ 5 1 roll ]
+ FrameColorInSepListCMYK
+ {
+ FrameSepBlack eq exch
+ FrameSepYellow eq and exch
+ FrameSepMagenta eq and exch
+ FrameSepCyan eq and
+ { 0 } { 1 } ifelse
+ }
+ {
+ FrameSepIs FMblack eq
+ {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} {
+ FrameSepIs FMyellow eq
+ {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} {
+ FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq
+ {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } {
+ FrameSepIs FMcyan eq
+ {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub }
+ {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ RealSetgray
+ }
+ ifelse
+ end
+ } bind put
+% Set up a prototype pattern for PostScript Level 2
+fMLevel1 {
+ % set up screen functions for the patterns in PS level 1
+ % each entry contains an angle, spot function, flipped spot function,
+ % gray level and frequency multiplier.
+ /patScreenDict 7 dict dup begin
+ <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> [ 45 { pop } {exch pop} .5 2 sqrt] FmBD
+ <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> [ 135 { pop } {exch pop} .5 2 sqrt] FmBD
+ <cccccccccccccccc> [ 0 { pop } dup .5 2 ] FmBD
+ <ffff0000ffff0000> [ 90 { pop } dup .5 2 ] FmBD
+ <8142241818244281> [ 45 { 2 copy lt {exch} if pop} dup .75 2 sqrt] FmBD
+ <03060c183060c081> [ 45 { pop } {exch pop} .875 2 sqrt] FmBD
+ <8040201008040201> [ 135 { pop } {exch pop} .875 2 sqrt] FmBD
+ end def
+} { % prototype level 2 pattern dictionary
+ % define some PostScript procedures for known jaggy patterns.
+ /patProcDict 5 dict dup begin
+ <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> { 3 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke
+ 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke
+ -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def
+ <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> { 3 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke
+ -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke
+ 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def
+ <8142241818244281> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke
+ -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke } bind def
+ <03060c183060c081> { 1 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke
+ 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke
+ -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def
+ <8040201008040201> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke
+ -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke
+ 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def
+ end def
+ /patDict 15 dict dup begin
+ /PatternType 1 def % Always 1 for PS Level 2
+ /PaintType 2 def % Uncolored pattern
+ /TilingType 3 def % constant spacing and faster tiling
+ /BBox [ 0 0 8 8 ] def % bounding box
+ /XStep 8 def % X offset
+ /YStep 8 def % Y offset
+ /PaintProc {
+ begin
+ patProcDict bstring known {
+ patProcDict bstring get exec
+ } {
+ 8 8 true [1 0 0 -1 0 8] bstring imagemask
+ } ifelse
+ end
+ } bind def
+ end def
+} ifelse
+%combineColor puts together the current gray value (which could also be
+%a fraction of on bits for a fill pattern and the current color and calls
+%the appropriate function
+/combineColor {
+ FrameSepIs FMnone eq
+ {
+ graymode fMLevel1 or not {
+ % Level 2 pattern
+ [/Pattern [/DeviceCMYK]] setcolorspace
+ FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload pop FrameCurPat setcolor
+ } {
+ FrameCurColors 3 get 1.0 ge {
+ FrameCurGray RealSetgray
+ } {
+ fMAcrobat not FMPColor graymode and and {
+ 0 1 3 {
+ FrameCurColors exch get
+ 1 FrameCurGray sub mul
+ } for
+ RealSetcmykcolor
+ } {
+ 4 1 6 {
+ FrameCurColors exch get
+ graymode {
+ 1 exch sub 1 FrameCurGray sub mul 1 exch sub
+ } {
+ 1.0 lt {FrameCurGray} {1} ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } for
+ RealSetrgbcolor
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } { % separation case
+ FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload
+ FrameColorInSepListCMYK {
+ FrameSepBlack eq exch
+ FrameSepYellow eq and exch
+ FrameSepMagenta eq and exch
+ FrameSepCyan eq and
+ FrameSepIs FMcustom eq and
+ { FrameCurGray } { 1 } ifelse
+ } {
+ FrameSepIs FMblack eq
+ {FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} {
+ FrameSepIs FMyellow eq
+ {pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} {
+ FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq
+ {pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub exch pop } {
+ FrameSepIs FMcyan eq
+ {pop pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub }
+ {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ graymode fMLevel1 or not {
+ % Level 2 pattern
+ [/Pattern [/DeviceGray]] setcolorspace
+ FrameCurPat setcolor
+ } {
+ graymode not fMLevel1 and {
+ % Level 1 patterns are either all there or not there at all
+ dup 1 lt {pop FrameCurGray} if
+ } if
+ RealSetgray
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} bind def
+/savematrix {
+ orgmatrix currentmatrix pop
+ } bind def
+/restorematrix {
+ orgmatrix setmatrix
+ } bind def
+/fMDefaultMatrix matrix defaultmatrix def
+/fMatrix2 matrix def
+/dpi 72 0 fMDefaultMatrix dtransform
+ dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def
+% freq and sangle are used for ps Level 1 pattern building.
+/freq dpi dup 72 div round dup 0 eq {pop 1} if 8 mul div def
+/sangle 1 0 fMDefaultMatrix dtransform exch atan def
+ sangle fMatrix2 rotate
+ fMDefaultMatrix fMatrix2 concatmatrix
+ dup 0 get /sflipx exch def
+ 3 get /sflipy exch def
+% screen index depending on dpi
+% - screenIndex smallint
+/screenIndex {
+ 0 1 dpiranges length 1 sub { dup dpiranges exch get 1 sub dpi le {exit} {pop} ifelse } for
+} bind def
+% These routines get the standard Adobe frequencies, angles, and spot functions
+% depending on the DPI
+% - getCyanScreen freq angle spotfunction
+/getCyanScreen {
+ FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { CHighAngles CMHighFreqs} {CLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse
+ screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load
+} bind def
+% - getMagentaScreen freq angle spotFunction
+/getMagentaScreen {
+ FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { MHighAngles CMHighFreqs } {MLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse
+ screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load
+} bind def
+% - getYellowScreen freq angle spotFunction
+% note that some of these use a "tripple dot" function at 1/3 the frequency
+/getYellowScreen {
+ FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { YHighTDot YHighFreqs} { YLowTDot YLowFreqs } ifelse
+ screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get { 3 div
+ {2 { 1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch} repeat
+ FMSpotFunction } } {/FMSpotFunction load } ifelse
+ 0.0 exch
+} bind def
+% - getBlackScreen freq angle spotFunction
+/getBlackScreen {
+ FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { KHighFreqs } { KLowFreqs } ifelse
+ screenIndex get 45.0 /FMSpotFunction load
+} bind def
+% - getSpotScreen freq angle spotFunction
+/getSpotScreen {
+ getBlackScreen
+} bind def
+% - getCompositeScreen freq angle spotFunction
+/getCompositeScreen {
+ getBlackScreen
+} bind def
+% FmSetScreen sets the screen for either PostScript Level 1 or Level 2 and optionally
+% sets the accuratescreens flag in the latter case
+% freq angle spotfunction FMSetScreen -
+ fMLevel1 { /setscreen load
+ }{ {
+ 8 dict begin
+ /HalftoneType 1 def
+ /SpotFunction exch def
+ /Angle exch def
+ /Frequency exch def
+ /AccurateScreens FMUseAcccurateScreens def
+ currentdict end sethalftone
+ } bind } ifelse
+% This sets the default screen as was set at the beginning of the job
+% - setDefaultScreen -
+/setDefaultScreen {
+ FMPColor {
+ orgrxfer cvx orggxfer cvx orgbxfer cvx orgxfer cvx setcolortransfer
+ }
+ {
+ orgxfer cvx settransfer
+ } ifelse
+ orgfreq organgle orgproc cvx setscreen
+} bind def
+% This sets the current screen depending on FrameSepIs
+% - setCurrentScreen -
+/setCurrentScreen {
+ FrameSepIs FMnone eq {
+ FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen {
+ setDefaultScreen
+ } {
+ getCompositeScreen FMSetScreen
+ } ifelse
+ } {
+ FrameSepIs FMcustom eq {
+ FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen {
+ setDefaultScreen
+ } {
+ getSpotScreen FMSetScreen
+ } ifelse
+ } {
+ FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen {
+ setDefaultScreen
+ } {
+ FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {
+ getCyanScreen FMSetScreen
+ } {
+ FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {
+ getMagentaScreen FMSetScreen
+ } {
+ FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {
+ getYellowScreen FMSetScreen
+ } {
+ getBlackScreen FMSetScreen
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+ } ifelse
+} bind def
+% End of Color separation code
+/FMDOCUMENT { % xscale yscale edown negative paperwidth paperheight manfeed numcopies numfonts
+ array /FMfonts exch def % Why isn't this in FrameDict???
+ /#copies exch def
+ FrameDict begin
+ 0 ne /manualfeed exch def
+ /paperheight exch def
+ /paperwidth exch def
+ 0 ne /fMNegative exch def % invert page
+ 0 ne /edown exch def % flip page along y axis
+ /yscale exch def
+ /xscale exch def
+ fMLevel1 {
+ manualfeed {setmanualfeed} if
+ /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def % some PS's leave junk on dict ...
+ /FMoptop count def % ...or on operand stack...
+ setpapername % This stuff may alter the transfer/screen/angle
+ manualfeed {true} {papersize} ifelse % true->more work to do
+ {manualpapersize} {false} ifelse % true->more work to do
+ {desperatepapersize} {false} ifelse % true->failed completely
+ {papersizefailure} if
+ count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for
+ countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for %...if tray not installed
+ }
+ {2 dict
+ dup /PageSize [paperwidth paperheight] put
+ manualfeed {dup /ManualFeed manualfeed put} if
+ {setpagedevice} stopped {papersizefailure} if
+ }
+ ifelse % fMLevel1
+ FMPColor {
+ currentcolorscreen
+ cvlit /orgproc exch def
+ /organgle exch def
+ /orgfreq exch def
+ cvlit /orgbproc exch def
+ /orgbangle exch def
+ /orgbfreq exch def
+ cvlit /orggproc exch def
+ /orggangle exch def
+ /orggfreq exch def
+ cvlit /orgrproc exch def
+ /orgrangle exch def
+ /orgrfreq exch def
+ currentcolortransfer
+ fMNegative {
+ 1 1 4 {
+ pop { 1 exch sub } fmConcatProcs 4 1 roll
+ } for
+ 4 copy
+ setcolortransfer
+ } if
+ cvlit /orgxfer exch def
+ cvlit /orgbxfer exch def
+ cvlit /orggxfer exch def
+ cvlit /orgrxfer exch def
+ } {
+ currentscreen
+ cvlit /orgproc exch def
+ /organgle exch def
+ /orgfreq exch def
+ currenttransfer
+ fMNegative {
+ { 1 exch sub } fmConcatProcs
+ dup settransfer
+ } if
+ cvlit /orgxfer exch def
+ } ifelse
+ end % FrameDict
+} def % only used at startup, so no bind
+/FMBEGINPAGE { % pagewidth pageheight landscape color-arrays count
+ FrameDict begin % for the whole page...
+ /pagesave save def
+ 3.86 setmiterlimit
+ /landscape exch 0 ne def
+ landscape { % check for landscape
+ 90 rotate 0 exch dup /pwid exch def neg translate pop
+ }{
+ pop /pwid exch def
+ } ifelse
+ edown { [-1 0 0 1 pwid 0] concat } if
+% paint the whole page in "white". If the page is inverted, then
+% this will actually paint our black background
+ 0 0 moveto paperwidth 0 lineto paperwidth paperheight lineto
+ 0 paperheight lineto 0 0 lineto 1 setgray fill
+ xscale yscale scale
+ /orgmatrix matrix def
+ gsave % for CLIP
+} def % only used infrequently, so no bind
+ grestore % for CLIP
+ pagesave restore
+ end % FrameDict
+ showpage
+ } def % only used infrequently, so no bind
+/FMFONTDEFINE { % fontindex nonstd_encoding fontname --
+ FrameDict begin
+ findfont % fontindex nonstd_encoding font
+ ReEncode % fontindex font'
+ 1 index exch % fontindex fontindex font'
+ definefont % fontindex font"
+ FMfonts 3 1 roll % FMfonts fontindex font"
+ put
+ end % FrameDict
+ } def % only used infrequently, so no bind
+ FrameDict begin dup
+ array /fillvals exch def
+ dict /patCache exch def
+ end % framedict
+ } def % Only called once, so no bind
+ FrameDict begin
+ fillvals 3 1 roll put
+ end % FrameDict
+ } def % only used infrequently, so no bind
+% Set things to a known, quiescent state, for when we switch to another writer
+ newpath
+ 1 setlinewidth
+ 0 setlinecap
+ 0 0 0 sethsbcolor
+ 0 setgray % Not FMsetgray; only called outside of our environment!
+ } bind def
+/FMBEGINEPSF { % <theta> llx lly urx ury fw fh fx fy
+ end % FrameDict
+ /FMEPSF save def % in userdict
+ /showpage {} def % this def is in userdict
+%- See Adobe's "PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Edition", page 714.
+%- "...the following operators MUST NOT be used in an EPS file:" (emphasis ours)
+ /banddevice {(banddevice) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /clear {(clear) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /cleardictstack {(cleardictstack) FMBADEPSF} def % FMBADEPSF knows this is the longest!
+ /copypage {(copypage) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /erasepage {(erasepage) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /exitserver {(exitserver) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /framedevice {(framedevice) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /grestoreall {(grestoreall) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /initclip {(initclip) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /initgraphics {(initgraphics) FMBADEPSF} def
+% /initmatrix {(initmatrix) FMBADEPSF} def % Aldus Freehand 4.0 epsf uses this harmlessly <Gus 4/26/95>
+ /quit {(quit) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /renderbands {(renderbands) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /setglobal {(setglobal) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /setpagedevice {(setpagedevice) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /setshared {(setshared) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /startjob {(startjob) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /lettertray {(lettertray) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /letter {(letter) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /lettersmall {(lettersmall) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /11x17tray {(11x17tray) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /11x17 {(11x17) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /ledgertray {(ledgertray) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /ledger {(ledger) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /legaltray {(legaltray) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /legal {(legal) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /statementtray {(statementtray) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /statement {(statement) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /executivetray {(executivetray) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /executive {(executive) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /a3tray {(a3tray) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /a3 {(a3) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /a4tray {(a4tray) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /a4 {(a4) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /a4small {(a4small) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /b4tray {(b4tray) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /b4 {(b4) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /b5tray {(b5tray) FMBADEPSF} def
+ /b5 {(b5) FMBADEPSF} def
+ FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS % in case we're in a strange state
+ [/fy /fx /fh /fw /ury /urx /lly /llx] {exch def} forall % neat trick
+ fx fw 2 div add fy fh 2 div add translate
+ rotate
+ fw 2 div neg fh 2 div neg translate
+ fw urx llx sub div fh ury lly sub div scale % then scale
+ llx neg lly neg translate % then compensate for LL offset
+ /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def % high-water mark of dict stack
+ /FMoptop count def % tricky! "/FMoptop" on stack
+ } bind def
+ count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for % clear EPS junk from operand stack
+ countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for % ditto for dict stack
+ FMEPSF restore
+ FrameDict begin % for the whole page...
+ } bind def
+FrameDict begin % put most defs here
+/setmanualfeed {
+%%BeginFeature *ManualFeed True
+ statusdict /manualfeed true put
+ } bind def
+/max {2 copy lt {exch} if pop} bind def
+/min {2 copy gt {exch} if pop} bind def
+/inch {72 mul} def
+/pagedimen { % name width height
+ paperheight sub abs 16 lt exch % 16pt is an arbitrary slop amount
+ paperwidth sub abs 16 lt and
+ {/papername exch def} {pop} ifelse
+ } bind def
+/setpapername { % Already set up: paperwidth paperheight and manualfeed
+ /papersizedict 14 dict def % one for /papername, one for /unknown
+ papersizedict begin
+ /papername /unknown def % in case no match
+ /Letter 8.5 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen
+ /LetterSmall 7.68 inch 10.16 inch pagedimen
+ /Tabloid 11.0 inch 17.0 inch pagedimen
+ /Ledger 17.0 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen
+ /Legal 8.5 inch 14.0 inch pagedimen
+ /Statement 5.5 inch 8.5 inch pagedimen
+ /Executive 7.5 inch 10.0 inch pagedimen
+ /A3 11.69 inch 16.5 inch pagedimen
+ /A4 8.26 inch 11.69 inch pagedimen
+ /A4Small 7.47 inch 10.85 inch pagedimen
+ /B4 10.125 inch 14.33 inch pagedimen
+ /B5 7.16 inch 10.125 inch pagedimen
+ end
+ } bind def
+/papersize {
+ papersizedict begin
+ /Letter {lettertray letter} def
+ /LetterSmall {lettertray lettersmall} def
+ /Tabloid {11x17tray 11x17} def
+ /Ledger {ledgertray ledger} def
+ /Legal {legaltray legal} def
+ /Statement {statementtray statement} def
+ /Executive {executivetray executive} def
+ /A3 {a3tray a3} def
+ /A4 {a4tray a4} def
+ /A4Small {a4tray a4small} def
+ /B4 {b4tray b4} def
+ /B5 {b5tray b5} def
+ /unknown {unknown} def
+ papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get
+ end
+ statusdict begin stopped end % return true if more work to do
+ } bind def
+/manualpapersize {
+ papersizedict begin
+ /Letter {letter} def
+ /LetterSmall {lettersmall} def
+ /Tabloid {11x17} def
+ /Ledger {ledger} def
+ /Legal {legal} def
+ /Statement {statement} def
+ /Executive {executive} def
+ /A3 {a3} def
+ /A4 {a4} def
+ /A4Small {a4small} def
+ /B4 {b4} def
+ /B5 {b5} def
+ /unknown {unknown} def
+ papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get
+ end
+ stopped % return true if more work to do
+ } bind def
+/desperatepapersize {
+ statusdict /setpageparams known
+ {
+ paperwidth paperheight 0 1
+ statusdict begin
+ {setpageparams} stopped % return true iff failed
+ end
+ } {true} ifelse % return true iff failed
+ } bind def
+/papersizefailure {
+ FMAllowPaperSizeMismatch not
+ {
+(The requested paper size is not available in any currently-installed tray)
+(Edit the PS file to "FMAllowPaperSizeMismatch true" to use default tray)
+ } def
+% Font re-encoding to include diacritics
+/DiacriticEncoding [
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl
+/numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft
+/parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one
+/two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon
+/less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K
+/L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash
+/bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h
+/i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar
+/braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute
+/Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis
+/atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis
+/iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve
+/ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex
+/udieresis /dagger /.notdef /cent /sterling /section /bullet
+/paragraph /germandbls /registered /copyright /trademark /acute
+/dieresis /.notdef /AE /Oslash /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/yen /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/ordfeminine /ordmasculine /.notdef /ae /oslash /questiondown
+/exclamdown /logicalnot /.notdef /florin /.notdef /.notdef
+/guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /.notdef /Agrave /Atilde
+/Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright
+/quoteleft /quoteright /.notdef /.notdef /ydieresis /Ydieresis
+/fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl
+/periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand
+/Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute
+/Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /.notdef /Ograve
+/Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron
+/breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron
+] def
+/ReEncode { % nonstd_encoding font -- reencodedfont
+ dup % nonstd_encoding font font
+ length % nonstd_encoding font dictlength
+ dict begin % nonstd_encoding font % currentdict = newdict
+ {% forall % forall is over font to be copied
+ 1 index /FID ne % skip FID
+ {def} % defs go into newfontdict which is currentdict
+ {pop pop} ifelse % copy all keys including /Encoding
+ } forall % nonstd_encoding
+ 0 eq {/Encoding DiacriticEncoding def} if % --
+ currentdict % push a copy of the copied font dict onto operand stack
+ end % font' % before popping it off dictionary stack
+ } bind def
+ % setup procs for color printing
+ {
+ /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ }
+ % setup procs for B&W printing
+ {
+ /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ }
+/K { % c m y k r g b SEPARATION
+ FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack {
+ dup 1 eq 2 index 1 eq and 3 index 1 eq and not
+ {7 {pop} repeat 0 0 0 1 0 0 0} if
+ } if
+ FrameCurColors astore
+ pop combineColor
+} bind def
+% graymode is true if we are just doing gray fills, this way do not keep calling
+% setscreen. I don't know what the cost is on calling setscreen with defaults, but
+% this is easy to keep track of, and we know for sure we aren't wasting cycles.
+% if graymode is false and fMLevel1 is false, then we are using Level 2 patterns.
+/graymode true def
+% used by level 1 patterns
+% defaultflip matrixentry fmGetFlit -> eith -1 or 1
+fMLevel1 {
+ /fmGetFlip {
+ fMatrix2 exch get mul 0 lt { -1 } { 1 } ifelse
+ } FmBD
+} if
+/setPatternMode {
+ fMLevel1 {
+ 2 index patScreenDict exch known {
+ pop pop
+ patScreenDict exch get aload pop % angle spot fspot gray mult
+ freq % freq
+ mul % times multiplier
+ 5 2 roll % angle spot fspot gray mult freq -> gray freq angle spot fspot
+ fMatrix2 currentmatrix 1 get 0 ne {
+ 3 -1 roll 90 add 3 1 roll % landscape
+ sflipx 1 fmGetFlip sflipy 2 fmGetFlip neg mul
+ } { % portrait
+ sflipx 0 fmGetFlip sflipy 3 fmGetFlip mul
+ } ifelse
+ 0 lt {exch pop} {pop} ifelse % take regular or flipped spot function
+ fMNegative {
+ {neg} fmConcatProcs % invert spot function
+ } if
+ bind
+ % we need to bypass any screen filter and go directly to systemdict
+ % to avoid problems with Kodak Precision calibration software
+ % <Gus 9/13/93>
+ systemdict /setscreen get exec % leave graylevel on stack
+ /FrameCurGray exch def
+ } {
+ /bwidth exch def
+ /bpside exch def
+ /bstring exch def
+ /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def
+ freq sangle landscape {90 add} if
+ {/ypoint exch def
+ /xpoint exch def
+ /xindex xpoint 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def
+ /yindex ypoint 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def
+ bstring yindex bwidth mul xindex 8 idiv add get
+ 1 7 xindex 8 mod sub bitshift and 0 ne fMNegative {not} if
+ {/onbits onbits 1 add def 1}
+ {/offbits offbits 1 add def 0}
+ ifelse
+ }
+ setscreen
+ offbits offbits onbits add div fMNegative {1.0 exch sub} if
+ /FrameCurGray exch def
+ } ifelse
+ } { % Level 2 version
+ pop pop
+ dup patCache exch known {
+ patCache exch get
+ } { % not in cache
+ dup
+ patDict /bstring 3 -1 roll put
+ patDict
+ 9 PatFreq screenIndex get div dup matrix scale
+% 9 orgfreq
+% organgle sin abs organgle cos abs add div
+% dup 16 div round dup 0 le {pop 1} if % Unix pattern size
+% dup 9 div round dup 0 le {pop 1} if % Mac larger (WYSIWYG) size
+% div div dup matrix scale % This gives Unix pattern size.
+ makepattern
+ dup
+ patCache 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll put
+ } ifelse
+ /FrameCurGray 0 def
+ /FrameCurPat exch def
+ } ifelse
+ /graymode false def
+ combineColor
+} bind def
+/setGrayScaleMode {
+ graymode not {
+ /graymode true def
+ fMLevel1 {
+ setCurrentScreen
+ } if
+ } if
+ /FrameCurGray exch def
+ combineColor
+} bind def
+/normalize {
+ transform round exch round exch itransform
+ } bind def
+/dnormalize {
+ dtransform round exch round exch idtransform
+ } bind def
+/lnormalize { % line widths are always odd so that arrow heads work
+ 0 dtransform exch cvi 2 idiv 2 mul 1 add exch idtransform pop
+ } bind def
+/H { % THICK
+ lnormalize setlinewidth
+ } bind def
+/Z {
+ setlinecap
+ } bind def
+% This is used to fill or stroke white behind a Level 2 pattern
+/PFill {
+ graymode fMLevel1 or not {
+ gsave 1 setgray eofill grestore
+ } if
+} bind def
+/PStroke {
+ graymode fMLevel1 or not {
+ gsave 1 setgray stroke grestore
+ } if
+ stroke
+} bind def
+ fillvals exch get
+ dup type /stringtype eq
+ {8 1 setPatternMode} % Silly to pass parameters here
+ {setGrayScaleMode}
+ ifelse
+ } bind def
+/V { % FILL
+ PFill gsave eofill grestore
+ } bind def
+/Vclip {
+ clip
+ } bind def
+/Vstrk {
+ currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth
+ } bind def
+/N { % PEN
+ PStroke
+ } bind def
+/Nclip {
+ strokepath clip newpath
+ } bind def
+/Nstrk {
+ currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth
+ } bind def
+/M {newpath moveto} bind def
+/E {lineto} bind def
+/D {curveto} bind def
+/O {closepath} bind def
+ /n exch def
+ newpath
+ normalize
+ moveto
+ 2 1 n {pop normalize lineto} for
+ } bind def
+/Y { % POLYGON !!!
+ closepath
+ } bind def
+/R { % RECT x1 y1 x2 y2
+ /y2 exch def
+ /x2 exch def
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ x1 y1
+ x2 y1
+ x2 y2
+ x1 y2
+ } bind def
+/rarc % Leaves all sorts of junk on the operand stack for caller to clear off
+ {rad % arcto might fail if we're scaled way down
+ arcto
+ } bind def
+/RR { % ROUNDRECT x1 y1 x2 y2 r
+ /rad exch def
+ normalize
+ /y2 exch def
+ /x2 exch def
+ normalize
+ /y1 exch def
+ /x1 exch def
+ mark
+ newpath
+ {
+ x1 y1 rad add moveto
+ x1 y2 x2 y2 rarc
+ x2 y2 x2 y1 rarc
+ x2 y1 x1 y1 rarc
+ x1 y1 x1 y2 rarc
+ closepath
+ } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 R} if % in case rarc failed for degenerate arcs
+ cleartomark
+ } bind def
+/RRR { % ROUNDRECT ROTATED xs ys x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 r
+ /rad exch def
+ normalize /y4 exch def /x4 exch def
+ normalize /y3 exch def /x3 exch def
+ normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def
+ normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def
+ newpath
+ normalize moveto % eats xs ys
+ mark
+ {
+ x2 y2 x3 y3 rarc
+ x3 y3 x4 y4 rarc
+ x4 y4 x1 y1 rarc
+ x1 y1 x2 y2 rarc
+ closepath
+ } stopped
+ {x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath} if
+ cleartomark
+ } bind def
+/C { % CLIP
+ grestore
+ gsave
+ R % RECT
+ clip
+ setCurrentScreen
+} bind def
+/CP { % CLIPPOLY p1x p1y p2x p2y ... n
+ grestore
+ gsave
+ clip
+ setCurrentScreen
+} bind def
+/F { % FONT
+ FMfonts exch get
+ FMpointsize scalefont
+ setfont
+ } bind def
+/Q { % POINTSIZE (& font)
+ /FMpointsize exch def
+ F % could be slightly optimized here
+ } bind def
+/T { % TEXT <string> <x> <y>
+ moveto show
+ } bind def
+% Callers of RF (rotate/flip) must gsave (or save) first; (g)restore when done
+/RF { % <flip> <theta>
+ rotate
+ 0 ne {-1 1 scale} if
+ } bind def
+/TF { % TEXTFLIPROTATE <string> <flip> <theta> <x> <y>
+ gsave
+ moveto
+ RF
+ show
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+/P { % PADTEXT <pad> <string> <x> <y>
+ moveto
+ 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow
+ } bind def
+/PF { % PADTEXTFLIPROTATE <pad> <string> <flip> <theta> <x> <y>
+ gsave
+ moveto
+ RF
+ 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+/S { % SPREADTEXT <spread> <string> <x> <y>
+ moveto
+ 0 exch ashow
+ } bind def
+/SF { % SPREADTEXTFLIPROTATE <spread> <string> <flip> <theta> <x> <y>
+ gsave
+ moveto
+ RF
+ 0 exch ashow
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+/B { % PADSPREADTEXT <pad> <spread> <string> <x> <y>
+ moveto
+ 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow
+ } bind def
+/BF { % PADSPREADTEXTFLIPROTATE <pad> <spread> <string> <flip> <theta> <x> <y>
+ gsave
+ moveto
+ RF
+ 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+/G { % ARCFILL theta1 theta2 width height x y
+ gsave
+ newpath
+ normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto % eats x y
+ dnormalize scale % eats width height
+ 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc % eats theta1 theta2
+ closepath
+ PFill fill
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+/Gstrk {
+ savematrix
+ newpath
+ 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch % theta1 theta2 width height x y
+ normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch % theta1 theta2 width height x y
+ translate
+ scale % eats width height
+ 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc % eats theta1 theta2
+ restorematrix
+ currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth
+ } bind def
+/Gclip { % ARCFILL theta1 theta2 width height x y swid
+ newpath
+ savematrix
+ normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto % eats x y
+ dnormalize scale % eats width height
+ 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc % eats theta1 theta2
+ closepath
+ clip newpath
+ restorematrix
+ } bind def
+/GG { % ARCFILL ROTATED theta1 theta2 width height angle x y
+ gsave
+ newpath
+ normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto % eats x y
+ rotate % eats angle
+ dnormalize scale % eats width height
+ 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc % eats theta1 theta2
+ closepath
+ PFill
+ fill
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+/GGclip { % ARCFILL ROTATED theta1 theta2 width height angle x y
+ savematrix
+ newpath
+ normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto % eats x y
+ rotate % eats angle
+ dnormalize scale % eats width height
+ 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc % eats theta1 theta2
+ closepath
+ clip newpath
+ restorematrix
+ } bind def
+/GGstrk { % ARCFILL ROTATED swid theta1 theta2 width height angle x y
+ savematrix
+ newpath
+ normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto % eats x y
+ rotate % eats angle
+ dnormalize scale % eats width height
+ 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc % eats theta1 theta2
+ closepath
+ restorematrix
+ currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth
+ } bind def
+/A { % ARCPEN theta1 theta2 width height x y
+ gsave
+ savematrix
+ newpath
+ 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch % theta1 theta2 width height x y
+ normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch % theta1 theta2 width height x y
+ translate
+ scale % eats width height
+ 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc % eats theta1 theta2
+ restorematrix
+ PStroke
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+/Aclip {
+ newpath
+ savematrix
+ normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto % eats x y
+ dnormalize scale % eats width height
+ 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc % eats theta1 theta2
+ closepath
+ strokepath clip newpath
+ restorematrix
+} bind def
+/Astrk {
+ Gstrk
+} bind def
+/AA { % ARCPEN ROTATED theta1 theta2 width height angle x y
+ gsave
+ savematrix
+ newpath
+ % theta1 theta2 width height angle x y
+ 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div sub exch
+ % theta1 theta2 width height angle x y
+ normalize 3 index 2 div sub exch 4 index 2 div add exch
+ translate % eats x y
+ rotate % eats angle
+ scale % eats width height
+ 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc % eats theta1 theta2
+ restorematrix
+ PStroke
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+/AAclip {
+ savematrix
+ newpath
+ normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto % eats x y
+ rotate % eats angle
+ dnormalize scale % eats width height
+ 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc % eats theta1 theta2
+ closepath
+ strokepath clip newpath
+ restorematrix
+} bind def
+/AAstrk {
+ GGstrk
+} bind def
+/BEGINPRINTCODE { % -x -y width height
+ /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def % high-water mark of dict stack
+ /FMoptop count 7 sub def % tricky! 7 params on stack, plus "/FMoptop"
+ /FMsaveobject save def
+ userdict begin % insulate user from FrameDict; not in /FMdicttop count
+ /showpage {} def % this def is in userdict
+ FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS % in case we're in a strange state
+ 3 index neg 3 index neg translate
+ } bind def
+ count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for % clear user junk from operand stack
+ countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for % ditto for dict stack
+ FMsaveobject restore % this is now safe, unless user very malicious
+ } bind def
+/gn { % get a number in a funny encoding scheme
+ 0 % result on stack
+ { 46 mul % shift old digits
+ cf read pop % get next character
+ 32 sub % zero is the space character
+ dup 46 lt {exit} if % quit if we're the last digit
+ 46 sub add % add in this digit and loop around for next
+ } loop
+ add % result on stack
+ } bind def
+/cfs { % create a string of length "sl" filled with "val"s
+ /str sl string def % create string as "str"
+ 0 1 sl 1 sub {str exch val put} for % fill array
+ str def % define real array name, too; name is on stack from caller
+ } bind def
+/ic [ % "case" stmt list of procedures that the image commands should call
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223
+ 0
+ {0 hx} {1 hx} {2 hx} {3 hx} {4 hx} {5 hx} {6 hx} {7 hx} {8 hx} {9 hx}
+ {10 hx} {11 hx} {12 hx} {13 hx} {14 hx} {15 hx} {16 hx} {17 hx} {18 hx}
+ {19 hx} {gn hx} {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12}
+ {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {gn} {0 wh} {1 wh} {2 wh} {3 wh}
+ {4 wh} {5 wh} {6 wh} {7 wh} {8 wh} {9 wh} {10 wh} {11 wh} {12 wh}
+ {13 wh} {14 wh} {gn wh} {0 bl} {1 bl} {2 bl} {3 bl} {4 bl} {5 bl} {6 bl}
+ {7 bl} {8 bl} {9 bl} {10 bl} {11 bl} {12 bl} {13 bl} {14 bl} {gn bl}
+ {0 fl} {1 fl} {2 fl} {3 fl} {4 fl} {5 fl} {6 fl} {7 fl} {8 fl} {9 fl}
+ {10 fl} {11 fl} {12 fl} {13 fl} {14 fl} {gn fl}
+ ] def
+/ms { % make all the strings
+ /sl exch def % remember length of currently existing strings
+ /val 255 def % that's white
+ /ws cfs % make "ws" a string filled with white
+ /im cfs % and "im" is a complete image scanline
+ /val 0 def % that's black
+ /bs cfs % make "bs" a string filled with black
+ /cs cfs % here's where we'll put complete command lines
+ } bind def
+400 ms % make strings that will be plenty long for most applications
+/ip { % image procedure; reads and executes commands to make scanlines
+ is % leave image string and...
+ 0 % ...image position on stack all through this procedure
+ cf cs readline pop % get a string of commands
+ { ic exch get exec % execute next command
+ add % all commands leave a length on the stack; update pos
+ } forall % step through all commands
+ pop % get rid of image position pointer
+ % image string left on stack, so it's returned to image primitive
+ } bind def
+/rip { % this is similar to ip above, except for 24 bit images
+ % this takes an extra argument, the width of the image
+ % do red
+ bis ris copy pop % copy blue to red
+ is
+ 0
+ cf cs readline pop
+ { ic exch get exec
+ add
+ } forall
+ pop pop % remove is and position from stack
+ ris gis copy pop % copy red to green
+ dup is exch % position of green is width bytes into is
+ % do green
+ cf cs readline pop
+ { ic exch get exec
+ add
+ } forall
+ pop pop
+ gis bis copy pop % copy green to blue
+ dup add is exch % position of blue is 2*width bytes into is
+ % do blue
+ cf cs readline pop
+ { ic exch get exec
+ add
+ } forall
+ pop
+ } bind def
+/rip4 { % this is similar to ip above, except for 32 bit images
+ % this takes an extra argument, the width of the image
+ % do cyan
+ kis cis copy pop % copy black to cyan
+ is
+ 0
+ cf cs readline pop
+ { ic exch get exec
+ add
+ } forall
+ pop pop % remove is and position from stack
+ cis mis copy pop % copy cyan to magenta
+ dup is exch % position of magenta is width bytes into is
+ % do magenta
+ cf cs readline pop
+ { ic exch get exec
+ add
+ } forall
+ pop pop
+ mis yis copy pop % copy magenta to yellow
+ dup dup add is exch % position of yellow is 2*width bytes into is
+ % do yellow
+ cf cs readline pop
+ { ic exch get exec
+ add
+ } forall
+ pop pop
+ yis kis copy pop % copy yellow to black
+ 3 mul is exch % position of black is 3*width bytes into is
+ % do black
+ cf cs readline pop
+ { ic exch get exec
+ add
+ } forall
+ pop
+ } bind def
+/wh { % fill a number of bytes with "white"
+ /len exch def % number of bytes to fill
+ /pos exch def % position to put them at
+ ws 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop
+ pos len % remember where we got to
+ } bind def
+/bl { % fill a number of bytes with "black"
+ /len exch def % number of bytes to fill
+ /pos exch def % position to put them at
+ bs 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop
+ pos len % remember where we got to
+ } bind def
+/s1 1 string def
+/fl { % fill a number of bytes with a specific hex value
+ /len exch def % number of bytes to fill
+ /pos exch def % position to put them at
+ /val cf s1 readhexstring pop 0 get def
+ pos 1 pos len add 1 sub {im exch val put} for
+ pos len % remember where we got to
+ } bind def
+/hx { % read hex bytes directly; on entry, stack has <str> <pos> <len>
+ 3 copy getinterval % stack has <str> <pos> <len> <substr>
+ cf exch readhexstring pop pop % stack back to <str> <pos> <len>
+ } bind def
+/wbytes { % width depth -> wb find width in bytes given 1, 2, 8 or 24 or 32
+ dup dup
+ 8 gt { pop 8 idiv mul }
+ { 8 eq {pop} {1 eq {7 add 8 idiv} {3 add 4 idiv} ifelse} ifelse } ifelse
+ } bind def
+/BEGINBITMAPBWc { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ } bind def
+/BEGINBITMAPGRAYc { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ } bind def
+/BEGINBITMAP2BITc { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ } bind def
+% Common routine for imaging compressed images
+/COMMONBITMAPc { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y depth proc
+ % (x,y) is the lower left corner of the image
+ /cvtProc exch def
+ /depth exch def
+ gsave
+ % rotate about center of image
+ 3 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta y+(height/2) x
+ 4 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta x+(width/2) y+(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height theta
+ rotate % iw ih width height
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2)
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2) -(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height
+ scale % iw ih
+ /height exch def /width exch def
+ /lb width depth wbytes def % so "lb" has width in bytes
+ sl lb lt {lb ms} if % maybe make bigger strings
+ /bitmapsave save def % LW+ has a buggy memory leak!
+ cvtProc % run the desired proc after save has occurred
+ /is im 0 lb getinterval def % image substring
+ ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop % whiten it
+ /cf currentfile def % evaluate "currentfile" only once
+ width height depth [width 0 0 height neg 0 height] % top to bottom
+ {ip} image % zap!
+ bitmapsave restore % avoid occasional disaster on the LW+
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+/BEGINBITMAPBW { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ } bind def
+/BEGINBITMAPGRAY { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ } bind def
+/BEGINBITMAP2BIT { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ } bind def
+% Common routine for uncompressed images
+/COMMONBITMAP { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y depth proc
+ /cvtProc exch def
+ /depth exch def
+ gsave
+ % rotate about center of image
+ 3 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta y+(height/2) x
+ 4 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta x+(width/2) y+(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height theta
+ rotate % iw ih width height
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2)
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2) -(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height
+ scale % iw ih
+ /height exch def /width exch def
+ /bitmapsave save def % LW+ has a buggy memory leak!
+ cvtProc % run the desired proc after save has occurred
+ /is width depth wbytes string def
+ /cf currentfile def % evaluate "currentfile" only once
+ width height depth [width 0 0 height neg 0 height] % top to bottom
+ {cf is readhexstring pop} image
+ bitmapsave restore % avoid occasional disaster on the LW+
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+% All this hairy color setup stuff gus wrote on the mac, I just copied and
+% changed the variable names to be humanly readable.
+/ngrayt 256 array def
+/nredt 256 array def
+/nbluet 256 array def
+/ngreent 256 array def
+fMLevel1 {
+/colorsetup {
+ currentcolortransfer
+ /gryt exch def
+ /blut exch def
+ /grnt exch def
+ /redt exch def
+ 0 1 255 {
+ /indx exch def
+ /cynu 1 red indx get 255 div sub def
+ /magu 1 green indx get 255 div sub def
+ /yelu 1 blue indx get 255 div sub def
+ /kk cynu magu min yelu min def
+% The HP PaintJet XL300 ignores the gray transfer curve but still sets its
+% default black generation and undercolor removal functions as if it is
+% used. This causes black colors not to work. Bug#56844 <Gus 2/22/93>
+% - We go back to the old (correct?) way of doing this since this code
+% is now bypassed for PS Level 2 printers in favor of colorSetup2 which
+% uses PS Level 2 indexed color, which is much cleaner. <Gus 3/3/93>
+ /u kk currentundercolorremoval exec def
+%- /u 0 def
+ nredt indx 1 0 cynu u sub max sub redt exec put
+ ngreent indx 1 0 magu u sub max sub grnt exec put
+ nbluet indx 1 0 yelu u sub max sub blut exec put
+ ngrayt indx 1 kk currentblackgeneration exec sub gryt exec put
+ } for
+ {255 mul cvi nredt exch get}
+ {255 mul cvi ngreent exch get}
+ {255 mul cvi nbluet exch get}
+ {255 mul cvi ngrayt exch get}
+ setcolortransfer
+ {pop 0} setundercolorremoval
+ {} setblackgeneration
+ } bind def
+% Here, we set up indexed color for imaging on PS Level 2 without mucking around
+% with the transfer functions.
+/colorSetup2 {
+ [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 255
+ {dup red exch get 255 div
+ exch dup green exch get 255 div
+ exch blue exch get 255 div}
+ ] setcolorspace
+} bind def
+} ifelse
+% Setup a transfer function to convert psuedo color values into grayscale
+% values based on the color lookup tables.
+/fakecolorsetup {
+ /tran 256 string def
+ 0 1 255 {/indx exch def
+ tran indx
+ red indx get 77 mul
+ green indx get 151 mul
+ blue indx get 28 mul
+ add add 256 idiv put} for
+ currenttransfer
+ {255 mul cvi tran exch get 255.0 div}
+ exch fmConcatProcs settransfer
+} bind def
+% image a color image
+/BITMAPCOLOR { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ /depth 8 def
+ gsave
+ % rotate about center of image
+ 3 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta y+(height/2) x
+ 4 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta x+(width/2) y+(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height theta
+ rotate % iw ih width height
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2)
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2) -(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height
+ scale % iw ih
+ /height exch def /width exch def
+ /bitmapsave save def
+ fMLevel1 {
+ colorsetup
+ /is width depth wbytes string def
+ /cf currentfile def % evaluate "currentfile" only once
+ width height depth [width 0 0 height neg 0 height] % top to bottom
+ {cf is readhexstring pop} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage
+ } {
+ colorSetup2
+ /is width depth wbytes string def
+ /cf currentfile def % evaluate "currentfile" only once
+ 7 dict dup begin
+ /ImageType 1 def
+ /Width width def
+ /Height height def
+ /ImageMatrix [width 0 0 height neg 0 height] def
+ /DataSource {cf is readhexstring pop} bind def
+ /BitsPerComponent depth def
+ /Decode [0 255] def
+ end image
+ } ifelse
+ bitmapsave restore
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+% Compressed color image rendering
+/BITMAPCOLORc { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ /depth 8 def
+ gsave
+ % rotate about center of image
+ 3 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta y+(height/2) x
+ 4 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta x+(width/2) y+(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height theta
+ rotate % iw ih width height
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2)
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2) -(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height
+ scale % iw ih
+ /height exch def /width exch def
+ /lb width depth wbytes def % so "lb" has width in bytes
+ sl lb lt {lb ms} if % maybe make bigger strings
+ /bitmapsave save def
+ fMLevel1 {
+ colorsetup
+ /is im 0 lb getinterval def % image substring
+ ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop % whiten it
+ /cf currentfile def % evaluate "currentfile" only once
+ width height depth [width 0 0 height neg 0 height] % top to bottom
+ {ip} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage
+ } {
+ colorSetup2
+ /is im 0 lb getinterval def % image substring
+ ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop % whiten it
+ /cf currentfile def % evaluate "currentfile" only once
+ 7 dict dup begin
+ /ImageType 1 def
+ /Width width def
+ /Height height def
+ /ImageMatrix [width 0 0 height neg 0 height] def
+ /DataSource {ip} bind def
+ /BitsPerComponent depth def
+ /Decode [0 255] def
+ end image
+ } ifelse
+ bitmapsave restore
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+ /depth 24 def
+ gsave
+ % rotate about center of image
+ 3 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta y+(height/2) x
+ 4 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta x+(width/2) y+(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height theta
+ rotate % iw ih width height
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2)
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2) -(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height
+ scale % iw ih
+ /height exch def /width exch def
+ /lb width depth wbytes def % so "lb" has width in bytes
+ sl lb lt {lb ms} if % maybe make bigger strings
+ /bitmapsave save def
+ /is im 0 lb getinterval def % Whole scanline
+ /ris im 0 width getinterval def % red part of im
+ /gis im width width getinterval def % green part of im
+ /bis im width 2 mul width getinterval def % blue part of im
+ ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
+ /cf currentfile def
+ width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
+ {width rip pop ris} {gis} {bis} true 3 colorimage
+ bitmapsave restore
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+ /depth 32 def
+ gsave
+ % rotate about center of image
+ 3 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta y+(height/2) x
+ 4 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta x+(width/2) y+(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height theta
+ rotate % iw ih width height
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2)
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2) -(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height
+ scale % iw ih
+ /height exch def /width exch def
+ /lb width depth wbytes def % so "lb" has width in bytes
+ sl lb lt {lb ms} if % maybe make bigger strings
+ /bitmapsave save def
+ /is im 0 lb getinterval def % Whole scanline
+ /cis im 0 width getinterval def % cyan part of im
+ /mis im width width getinterval def % magenta part of im
+ /yis im width 2 mul width getinterval def % yellow part of im
+ /kis im width 3 mul width getinterval def % black part of im
+ ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
+ /cf currentfile def
+ width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
+ {width rip4 pop cis} {mis} {yis} {kis} true 4 colorimage
+ bitmapsave restore
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+ gsave
+ % rotate about center of image
+ 3 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta y+(height/2) x
+ 4 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta x+(width/2) y+(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height theta
+ rotate % iw ih width height
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2)
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2) -(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height
+ scale % iw ih
+ /height exch def /width exch def
+ /bitmapsave save def
+ /is width string def
+ /gis width string def
+ /bis width string def
+ /cf currentfile def
+ width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
+ { cf is readhexstring pop }
+ { cf gis readhexstring pop }
+ { cf bis readhexstring pop }
+ true 3 colorimage
+ bitmapsave restore
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+ gsave
+ % rotate about center of image
+ 3 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta y+(height/2) x
+ 4 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta x+(width/2) y+(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height theta
+ rotate % iw ih width height
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2)
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2) -(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height
+ scale % iw ih
+ /height exch def /width exch def
+ /bitmapsave save def
+ /is width string def
+ /mis width string def
+ /yis width string def
+ /kis width string def
+ /cf currentfile def
+ width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
+ { cf is readhexstring pop }
+ { cf mis readhexstring pop }
+ { cf yis readhexstring pop }
+ { cf kis readhexstring pop }
+ true 4 colorimage
+ bitmapsave restore
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+% image a color image to a b&width device
+ /depth 24 def
+ gsave
+ % rotate about center of image
+ 3 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta y+(height/2) x
+ 4 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta x+(width/2) y+(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height theta
+ rotate % iw ih width height
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2)
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2) -(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height
+ scale % iw ih
+ /height exch def /width exch def
+ /lb width depth wbytes def % so "lb" has width in bytes
+ sl lb lt {lb ms} if % maybe make bigger strings
+ /bitmapsave save def
+ /is im 0 lb getinterval def % Whole scanline
+ /ris im 0 width getinterval def % red part of im
+ /gis im width width getinterval def % green part of im
+ /bis im width 2 mul width getinterval def % blue part of im
+ ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
+ /cf currentfile def
+ width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
+ {width rip pop ris gis bis width gray} image
+ bitmapsave restore
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+ /depth 32 def
+ gsave
+ % rotate about center of image
+ 3 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta y+(height/2) x
+ 4 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta x+(width/2) y+(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height theta
+ rotate % iw ih width height
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2)
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2) -(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height
+ scale % iw ih
+ /height exch def /width exch def
+ /lb width depth wbytes def % so "lb" has width in bytes
+ sl lb lt {lb ms} if % maybe make bigger strings
+ /bitmapsave save def
+ /is im 0 lb getinterval def % Whole scanline
+ /cis im 0 width getinterval def % cyan part of im
+ /mis im width width getinterval def % magenta part of im
+ /yis im width 2 mul width getinterval def % yellow part of im
+ /kis im width 3 mul width getinterval def % black part of im
+ ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop
+ /cf currentfile def
+ width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
+ {width rip pop cis mis yis kis width cgray} image
+ bitmapsave restore
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+/cgray { % c m y k width
+ /ww exch def
+ /k exch def
+ /y exch def
+ /m exch def
+ /c exch def
+ 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def c i get m i get y i get k i get CMYKtoRGB
+ .144 mul 3 1 roll .587 mul 3 1 roll .299 mul add add
+ c i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for
+ c
+ } bind def
+/gray { % r g b width
+ /ww exch def
+ /b exch def
+ /g exch def
+ /r exch def
+ 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def r i get .299 mul g i get .587 mul
+ b i get .114 mul add add r i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for
+ r
+ } bind def
+ gsave
+ % rotate about center of image
+ 3 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta y+(height/2) x
+ 4 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta x+(width/2) y+(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height theta
+ rotate % iw ih width height
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2)
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2) -(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height
+ scale % iw ih
+ /height exch def /width exch def
+ /bitmapsave save def
+ /is width string def
+ /gis width string def
+ /bis width string def
+ /cf currentfile def
+ width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
+ { cf is readhexstring pop
+ cf gis readhexstring pop
+ cf bis readhexstring pop width gray} image
+ bitmapsave restore
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+ gsave
+ % rotate about center of image
+ 3 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta y+(height/2) x
+ 4 index 2 div add exch % iw ih width height theta x+(width/2) y+(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height theta
+ rotate % iw ih width height
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2)
+ 1 index 2 div neg % iw ih width height -(width/2) -(height/2)
+ translate % iw ih width height
+ scale % iw ih
+ /height exch def /width exch def
+ /bitmapsave save def
+ /is width string def
+ /yis width string def
+ /mis width string def
+ /kis width string def
+ /cf currentfile def
+ width height 8 [width 0 0 height neg 0 height]
+ { cf is readhexstring pop
+ cf mis readhexstring pop
+ cf yis readhexstring pop
+ cf kis readhexstring pop width cgray} image
+ bitmapsave restore
+ grestore
+ } bind def
+/BITMAPGRAY { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAP
+ } bind def
+/BITMAPGRAYc { % iw, ih, width, height, theta, x y
+ 8 {fakecolorsetup} COMMONBITMAPc
+ } bind def
+ } bind def
+end % of FrameDict definitions
+% OPI stuff
+ /ALDmatrix matrix def ALDmatrix currentmatrix pop
+/StartALD {
+ /ALDsave save def
+ savematrix
+ ALDmatrix setmatrix
+ } bind def
+/InALD {
+ restorematrix
+ } bind def
+/DoneALD {
+ ALDsave restore
+ } bind def
+% Dashed lines stuff
+/I { setdash } bind def
+/J { [] 0 setdash } bind def
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+(Copyright \050c\051 1996 Novell, Inc.) 72 533.33 T
+(Copyright \050c\051 1996 Digital Equipment Corp.) 72 521.33 T
+(Copyright \050c\051 1996 Fujitsu Limited) 72 509.33 T
+(Copyright \050c\051 1996 Hitachi, Ltd.) 72 497.33 T
+(Copyright \050c\051 1996 X Consortium, Inc.) 72 485.33 T
+(Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated) 72 461.33 T
+(documentation files \050the "Software"\051, to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the) 72 449.33 T
+(rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and sell copies of the Software, and to permit) 72 437.33 T
+(persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:) 72 425.33 T
+(The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the) 72 401.33 T
+(Software.) 72 389.33 T
+(Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to) 72 281.33 T
+(promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium.) 72 269.33 T
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+(2.4) 108 533.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+( Events) 126 533.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(......................................................................................................................................) 157.5 533.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(11) 494 533.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(3) 72 516.33 T
+(X Print Attrib) 90 516.33 T
+(utes) 145.36 516.33 T
+(....................................................................................................................................) 162.5 516.33 T
+(13) 494 516.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(3.1) 108 504.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+( Attribute Value Defaults And Validation) 126 504.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(................................................................................) 292.5 504.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(13) 494 504.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(3.2) 108 492.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+( Server Attributes) 126 492.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(......................................................................................................................) 197.5 492.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(14) 494 492.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(3.3) 108 480.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+( Printer Attributes) 126 480.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(.....................................................................................................................) 200 480.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(14) 494 480.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(3.4) 108 468.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+( Job Attributes) 126 468.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(...........................................................................................................................) 185 468.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(17) 494 468.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(3.5) 108 456.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+( Document Attributes) 126 456.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(...............................................................................................................) 215 456.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(17) 494 456.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(3.6) 108 444.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+( Page Attributes) 126 444.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(........................................................................................................................) 192.5 444.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(18) 494 444.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(4) 72 427.33 T
+(Communication with the Print Dialog Manager) 90 427.33 T
+(.....................................................................................) 280 427.33 T
+(20) 494 427.33 T
+(5) 72 410.33 T
+(Protocol Encoding) 90 410.33 T
+(...................................................................................................................................) 165 410.33 T
+(22) 494 410.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(5.1) 108 398.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+( Request Protocol Encoding) 126 398.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(.....................................................................................................) 240 398.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(22) 494 398.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(5.2) 108 386.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+( Event Protocol Encoding) 126 386.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(.........................................................................................................) 230 386.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(31) 494 386.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(5.3) 108 374.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+( Error Protocol Encoding) 126 374.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(..........................................................................................................) 227.5 374.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(32) 494 374.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "1" 3
+%%Page: "2" 4
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 746 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 33.32 540 43.32 R
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 72 540 720 R
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "2" 4
+%%Page: "1" 5
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(Ov) 72 746.67 T
+(er) 89.75 746.67 T
+(view) 102.04 746.67 T
+(1) 533 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 18 Q
+(1) 72 699 T
+(Ov) 108 699 T
+(er) 130.82 699 T
+(view) 146.63 699 T
+1 10 Q
+(X Print Service is an X e) 108 666.33 T
+(xtension that allo) 207.28 666.33 T
+(ws X imaging to non-display de) 275.92 666.33 T
+(vices such as printers and f) 403.72 666.33 T
+(ax) 511.65 666.33 T
+(machines. The core of the X Print Service is the X Print Serv) 108 654.33 T
+(er) 351.98 654.33 T
+(.) 359.2 654.33 T
+(Applications that require printing operations can mak) 108 630.33 T
+(e a connection to X Print Serv) 321.76 630.33 T
+(er and list the a) 442.15 630.33 T
+(v) 503.05 630.33 T
+(ailable) 507.8 630.33 T
+(printers using the) 108 618.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintGetPrinterList) 179.94 618.33 T
+1 F
+( request. After selecting a printer) 265.48 618.33 T
+(, an application must create and set) 396.71 618.33 T
+(a print conte) 108 606.33 T
+(xt using the) 157.84 606.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintCr) 207.01 606.33 T
+(eateContext) 240.71 606.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 291.8 606.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintSetContext) 311.24 606.33 T
+1 F
+( requests.) 380.67 606.33 T
+(The \322print conte) 108 582.33 T
+(xt\323 is a fundamental X Print Service concept. A print conte) 173.39 582.33 T
+(xt:) 409.59 582.33 T
+(\245) 108 564.33 T
+(Contains a printer\325) 126 564.33 T
+(s def) 200.44 564.33 T
+(ault capabilities) 219.5 564.33 T
+(\245) 108 552.33 T
+(Contains a printer\325) 126 552.33 T
+(s range of capabilities) 200.44 552.33 T
+(\245) 108 540.33 T
+(Maintains the state of the settings on a printer) 126 540.33 T
+(\245) 108 528.33 T
+(Maintains the state of rendering ag) 126 528.33 T
+(ainst a printer) 265.09 528.33 T
+(\245) 108 516.33 T
+(Maintains rendered output) 126 516.33 T
+-0.2 (A print conte) 108 492.33 P
+-0.2 (xt also af) 160.23 492.33 P
+-0.2 (fects ho) 196.24 492.33 P
+-0.2 (w the DDX dri) 227.17 492.33 P
+-0.2 (v) 286.04 492.33 P
+-0.2 (er generates its page description language \050PDL\051, and ho) 290.89 492.33 P
+-0.2 (w the) 515.95 492.33 P
+-0.22 (PDL is submitted to a spooler) 108 480.33 P
+-0.22 (. It may af) 225.54 480.33 P
+-0.22 (fect fonts and other elements in the DDX layer of the X Print Serv) 265.73 480.33 P
+-0.22 (er) 528 480.33 P
+-0.22 (.) 535.22 480.33 P
+(Printer capabilities are de\336ned by attrib) 108 456.33 T
+(ute pools within the print conte) 265.83 456.33 T
+(xt. The) 390.4 456.33 T
+(y contain information related) 418.58 456.33 T
+-0.11 (to a conte) 108 444.33 P
+-0.11 (xt\325) 146.51 444.33 P
+-0.11 (s serv) 157.07 444.33 P
+-0.11 (er) 179.86 444.33 P
+-0.11 (, printer) 187.23 444.33 P
+-0.11 (, job, document, and page options.) 218.38 444.33 P
+0 F
+-0.11 (PrintGetAttrib) 357.71 444.33 P
+-0.11 (utes) 421.94 444.33 P
+1 F
+-0.11 ( and) 439.16 444.33 P
+0 F
+-0.11 (PrintSetAttrib) 458.38 444.33 P
+-0.11 (utes) 520.39 444.33 P
+1 F
+(are used to access and modify attrib) 108 432.33 T
+(ute pools.) 251.1 432.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartJ) 108 408.33 T
+(ob) 156.73 408.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 167.29 408.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndJ) 186.73 408.33 T
+(ob) 231.59 408.33 T
+1 F
+( are used to delineate print jobs. A \322job\323 is a collection of documents) 242.15 408.33 T
+(delineated by) 108 396.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartDoc) 164.1 396.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 224.64 396.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndDoc) 244.08 396.33 T
+1 F
+(. Each document is, in turn, a collection of \322pages\323. Upon) 300.75 396.33 T
+(completion the serv) 108 384.33 T
+(er sends an) 186.73 384.33 T
+(y resulting PDL to a print spooler) 231.01 384.33 T
+(, or mak) 365.05 384.33 T
+(es it a) 398 384.33 T
+(v) 421.13 384.33 T
+(ailable for retrie) 425.88 384.33 T
+(v) 490.05 384.33 T
+(al by an) 494.8 384.33 T
+(application.) 108 372.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "1" 5
+%%Page: "2" 6
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(2) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+(Protocols) 466.22 41.28 T
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(2) 72 749.33 T
+(Pr) 448.27 749.33 T
+(otocols) 462.78 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 18 Q
+0 X
+(2) 72 699 T
+(Pr) 108 699 T
+(otocols) 126.67 699 T
+0 14 Q
+(2.1) 72 661.67 T
+(F) 108 661.67 T
+(ormats, Syntactic Con) 116.2 661.67 T
+(v) 248.24 661.67 T
+(entions, and Common T) 255.1 661.67 T
+(ypes) 397.97 661.67 T
+1 10 Q
+(The type PCONTEXT is a 32-bit v) 108 637.33 T
+(alue. Its top three bits are guaranteed to be zero.) 247.74 637.33 T
+(Refer to the) 108 613.33 T
+2 F
+(X W) 157.71 613.33 T
+(indow System) 174.1 613.33 T
+1 F
+( Protocol speci\336cation for a description of other formats, syntactic con) 228.82 613.33 T
+(v) 510.32 613.33 T
+(en-) 515.17 613.33 T
+(tions and common types established in that publication and used in the current document as well.) 108 601.33 T
+0 14 Q
+(2.2) 72 565.67 T
+(Err) 108 565.67 T
+(ors) 129.52 565.67 T
+1 10 Q
+(X Print Service can return the follo) 108 541.33 T
+(wing messages, in addition to X core request errors.) 248.28 541.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext) 108 517.33 T
+1 F
+(An incorrect print conte) 198 517.33 T
+(xt ID w) 293.66 517.33 T
+(as speci\336ed.) 324.11 517.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadSequence) 108 493.33 T
+1 F
+(Requests were not speci\336ed in the proper order with respect to other) 198 493.33 T
+(requests. F) 198 481.33 T
+(or e) 241.18 481.33 T
+(xample, a request w) 256.3 481.33 T
+(as speci\336ed before a) 336.18 481.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintSetContext) 420.04 481.33 T
+1 F
+(request.) 198 469.33 T
+-0.24 (Other errors that are conte) 108 445.33 P
+-0.24 (xt speci\336c for a particular request are documented in the description of the request) 211.83 445.33 P
+-0.24 (itself. If the abo) 108 433.33 P
+-0.24 (v) 170.45 433.33 P
+-0.24 (e errors ha) 175.3 433.33 P
+-0.24 (v) 216.82 433.33 P
+-0.24 (e a speci\336c meaning for a particular request, the) 221.66 433.33 P
+-0.24 (y are documented in the request) 411.48 433.33 P
+(itself as well.) 108 421.33 T
+0 14 Q
+(2.3) 72 385.67 T
+(X Print Ser) 108 385.67 T
+(vice Requests) 176.29 385.67 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintCr) 108 330 T
+(eateContext) 148.44 330 T
+1 10 Q
+(conte) 108 310.33 T
+(xt-id: PCONTEXT) 129.51 310.33 T
+(printer) 108 298.33 T
+(-name: STRING8) 134.46 298.33 T
+(locale: STRING8) 108 286.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 262.33 T
+0 F
+(Match, IDChoice) 138.27 262.33 T
+1 F
+(This request creates a ne) 108 238.33 T
+(w print conte) 206.05 238.33 T
+(xt and assigns conte) 258.67 238.33 T
+(xt-id to it. The attrib) 338.79 238.33 T
+(utes associated with the ne) 419.98 238.33 T
+(w) 526.38 238.33 T
+(conte) 108 226.33 T
+(xt are those determined by the printer) 129.51 226.33 T
+(-name. Printer) 279.28 226.33 T
+(-name is encoded in COMPOUND_TEXT) 336.29 226.33 T
+(.) 506.08 226.33 T
+-0.28 (The client must select the conte) 108 202.33 P
+-0.28 (xt-id by ORing some combination of bits in the connection resource-id-mask) 232.82 202.33 P
+(with the resource-id-base.) 108 190.33 T
+(The locale ar) 108 166.33 T
+(gument is used as a \322hint\323 to the print serv) 160.02 166.33 T
+(er) 330.13 166.33 T
+(, and is used to initialize attrib) 337.5 166.33 T
+(ute pools with an) 458.13 166.33 T
+(y) 526.59 166.33 T
+(localized attrib) 108 154.33 T
+(ute v) 167.51 154.33 T
+(alues.) 186.98 154.33 T
+(A) 108 130.33 T
+0 F
+(Match) 117.72 130.33 T
+1 F
+( error is generated when the printer) 145.49 130.33 T
+(-name does not e) 285.8 130.33 T
+(xist.) 353.69 130.33 T
+72 322 90 340.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 340.8 72 322.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 340.8 90 340.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 340.8 72 322.8 2 L
+72 340.8 90 340.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 260 90 278 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 278 72 260 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 260 90 260 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "2" 6
+%%Page: "3" 7
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(Pr) 72 746.67 T
+(otocols) 86.52 746.67 T
+(3) 533 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 12 Q
+(PrintSetContext) 108 703 T
+1 10 Q
+(conte) 108 683.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT or) 129.51 683.33 T
+0 F
+(None) 208.12 683.33 T
+1 F
+(Errors:) 108 659.33 T
+0 F
+( XPBadContext) 135.77 659.33 T
+1 F
+-0.03 (This request associates the conte) 108 635.33 P
+-0.03 (xt speci\336ed with all subsequent print operations for this client. If conte) 238.28 635.33 P
+-0.03 (xt is) 520.6 635.33 P
+0 F
+-0.1 (None) 108 623.33 P
+1 F
+-0.1 (, the print conte) 130.22 623.33 P
+-0.1 (xt pre) 192.54 623.33 P
+-0.1 (viously associated with this client is unset. If no print conte) 215.24 623.33 P
+-0.1 (xt w) 451.59 623.33 P
+-0.1 (as pre) 468.89 623.33 P
+-0.1 (viously set,) 492.14 623.33 P
+(then no action is tak) 108 611.33 T
+(en when) 188.45 611.33 T
+0 F
+(None) 224.55 611.33 T
+1 F
+(is speci\336ed.) 249.27 611.33 T
+(The e) 108 587.33 T
+(x) 130.34 587.33 T
+(ecution of the) 135.19 587.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintSetContext) 192.68 587.33 T
+1 F
+( request may af) 262.11 587.33 T
+(fect the interpretation of the font path. The font path) 323.23 587.33 T
+-0.1 (contains font path elements for all printers associated with a print serv) 108 575.33 P
+-0.1 (er) 387.56 575.33 P
+-0.1 (. Only those associated with the cur-) 394.78 575.33 P
+(rent print conte) 108 563.33 T
+(xt are returned and used for print rendering.) 168.95 563.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintGetContext) 108 508 T
+3 10 Q
+(\256) 100.8 488.33 T
+1 F
+(conte) 108 472.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT or None) 129.51 472.33 T
+(This request returns the current print conte) 108 448.33 T
+(xt for the connection.) 278.37 448.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintDestr) 108 393 T
+(oyContext) 162.43 393 T
+1 10 Q
+(conte) 108 373.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT) 129.51 373.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 349.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext) 138.27 349.33 T
+1 F
+-0.21 (This request unsets and destro) 108 325.33 P
+-0.21 (ys a print conte) 227.61 325.33 P
+-0.21 (xt. If a print conte) 288.21 325.33 P
+-0.21 (xt is destro) 359.16 325.33 P
+-0.21 (yed before print operations associ-) 402.53 325.33 P
+-0.09 (ated with it ha) 108 313.33 P
+-0.09 (v) 164.47 313.33 P
+-0.09 (e been completed, the print serv) 169.32 313.33 P
+-0.09 (er cancels all those operations as if a) 296.47 313.33 P
+0 F
+-0.09 (CancelJ) 444.6 313.33 P
+-0.09 (ob) 478.89 313.33 P
+1 F
+-0.09 ( request had) 489.45 313.33 P
+(been issued.) 108 301.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintGetPrinterList) 108 246 T
+1 10 Q
+(printer) 108 226.33 T
+(-name: STRING8) 134.46 226.33 T
+(locale: STRING8) 108 214.33 T
+3 F
+(\256) 100.8 198.33 T
+1 F
+(printers: LIST) 108 182.33 T
+(ofPRINTER) 164.14 182.33 T
+(where:) 108 168.33 T
+(PRINTER:) 126 156.33 T
+(name: STRING8) 180 156.33 T
+(description: STRING8) 180 144.33 T
+(This request retrie) 108 108.33 T
+(v) 180.51 108.33 T
+(es a list of all printers supported on a print serv) 185.36 108.33 T
+(er) 373.52 108.33 T
+(.) 380.74 108.33 T
+72 692.2 90 711 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 711 72 693 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 711 90 711 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 711 72 693 2 L
+72 711 90 711 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 657 90 675 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 675 72 657 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 657 90 657 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 500 90 518.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 518.8 72 500.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 518.8 90 518.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 518.8 72 500.8 2 L
+72 518.8 90 518.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 470 90 488 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 488 72 470 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 470 90 470 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 385 90 403.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 403.8 72 385.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 403.8 90 403.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 403.8 72 385.8 2 L
+72 403.8 90 403.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 347 90 365 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 365 72 347 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 347 90 347 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 238 90 256.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 256.8 72 238.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 256.8 90 256.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 256.8 72 238.8 2 L
+72 256.8 90 256.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 130 90 148 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 148 72 130 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 130 90 130 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "3" 7
+%%Page: "4" 8
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(4) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+(Protocols) 466.22 41.28 T
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(4) 72 749.33 T
+(Pr) 448.27 749.33 T
+(otocols) 462.78 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 X
+(If printer) 108 704.33 T
+(-name is an empty string, then a list of all printers is returned. Otherwise the print record that) 143.62 704.33 T
+(matches the printer) 108 692.33 T
+(-name speci\336ed is returned. If no records match printer) 184.45 692.33 T
+(-name, then an empty list is) 404.47 692.33 T
+(returned.) 108 680.33 T
+(printer) 108 656.33 T
+(-name is a COMPOUND_TEXT string. The name and description \336elds returned are) 134.46 656.33 T
+(COMPOUND_TEXT) 108 644.33 T
+(. If printer) 195.03 644.33 T
+(-name is pro) 235.65 644.33 T
+(vided in a code-set that the print serv) 285.49 644.33 T
+(er cannot con) 433.37 644.33 T
+(v) 486.84 644.33 T
+(ert, then it) 491.69 644.33 T
+(may not be possible to locate the requested printer) 108 632.33 T
+(.) 308.53 632.33 T
+(The locale ar) 108 608.33 T
+(gument is used as a \322hint\323 to locate a localized description for each printer in the list. If the) 160.02 608.33 T
+(print serv) 108 596.33 T
+(er cannot interpret the hint, then it describes the printers in the serv) 145.9 596.33 T
+(er\325) 413.76 596.33 T
+(s current locale.) 424.31 596.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintGetScr) 108 541 T
+(eenOfContext) 170.44 541 T
+3 10 Q
+(\256) 100.8 521.33 T
+1 F
+(root: WINDO) 108 505.33 T
+(W) 163.47 505.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 481.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext) 138.27 481.33 T
+1 F
+(This request returns the root windo) 108 457.33 T
+(w associated with the current print conte) 248.01 457.33 T
+(xt.) 410.05 457.33 T
+-0.02 (Each printer supported by a print serv) 108 433.33 P
+-0.02 (er is associated with e) 258.81 433.33 P
+-0.02 (xactly one of the screens returned in the connec-) 346.33 433.33 P
+(tion setup reply) 108 421.33 T
+(.) 169.57 421.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintStartJ) 108 366 T
+(ob) 166.48 366 T
+1 10 Q
+(output-mode: {) 108 346.33 T
+0 F
+(XPSpool, XPGetData) 169.19 346.33 T
+1 F
+(}) 260.85 346.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 322.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadSequence, V) 138.27 322.33 T
+(alue) 220.13 322.33 T
+1 F
+-0.17 (This request signals the be) 108 298.33 P
+-0.17 (ginning of a ne) 213.29 298.33 P
+-0.17 (w print job) 272.82 298.33 P
+-0.17 (. It results in the generation of an) 315.98 298.33 P
+0 F
+-0.17 (XPPrintNotify) 449.36 298.33 P
+1 F
+-0.17 ( e) 511.57 298.33 P
+-0.17 (v) 518.09 298.33 P
+-0.17 (ent,) 522.95 298.33 P
+(with the detail \336eld set to) 108 286.33 T
+0 F
+(XPStartJ) 211.89 286.33 T
+(obNotify) 251.73 286.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 288.3 286.33 T
+(If output-mode is set to) 108 262.33 T
+0 F
+(XPSpool) 203.83 262.33 T
+1 F
+(, then the document data is typically sent to a spooler) 241.06 262.33 T
+(.) 452.99 262.33 T
+-0.02 (If output-mode is set to) 108 238.33 P
+0 F
+-0.02 (XPGetData) 203.74 238.33 P
+1 F
+-0.02 (, then the document data is made a) 253.17 238.33 P
+-0.02 (v) 391.16 238.33 P
+-0.02 (ailable to) 395.91 238.33 P
+0 F
+-0.02 (PrintGetDocumentData) 435.32 238.33 P
+1 F
+-0.22 (and the resulting job is not spooled. In this case, the print serv) 108 226.33 P
+-0.22 (er suspends processing further requests on this) 352.96 226.33 P
+(print conte) 108 214.33 T
+(xt until some other client sends) 150.9 214.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintGetDocumentData.) 278.12 214.33 T
+1 F
+(Subsequent operations that use the) 385.32 214.33 T
+(print conte) 108 202.33 T
+(xt may be suspended at an) 150.9 202.33 T
+(y time pending the processing of) 256.01 202.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintGetDocumentData) 389.33 202.33 T
+1 F
+( replies to) 491.53 202.33 T
+(read an) 108 190.33 T
+(y b) 137 190.33 T
+(uf) 149.3 190.33 T
+(fered output.) 157.38 190.33 T
+-0.29 (An) 108 166.33 P
+-0.29 (y changes to the) 120.07 166.33 P
+0 F
+-0.29 (XPJ) 186.13 166.33 P
+-0.29 (obAttr) 204.31 166.33 P
+1 F
+-0.29 ( pool must be made before) 233.19 166.33 P
+0 F
+-0.29 (PrintStartJ) 340.34 166.33 P
+-0.29 (ob) 389.07 166.33 P
+-0.29 (.) 399.23 166.33 P
+1 F
+-0.29 (Further modi\336cations can only be) 403.94 166.33 P
+(made to the attrib) 108 154.33 T
+(ute pool after a) 178.07 154.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndJ) 240.83 154.33 T
+(ob) 285.69 154.33 T
+1 F
+( request is e) 296.25 154.33 T
+(x) 343.59 154.33 T
+(ecuted.) 348.44 154.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintEndJ) 108 99 T
+(ob) 161.83 99 T
+1 10 Q
+(cancel: BOOL) 108 79.33 T
+72 533 90 551.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 551.8 72 533.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 551.8 90 551.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 551.8 72 533.8 2 L
+72 551.8 90 551.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 479 90 497 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 497 72 479 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 479 90 479 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 358 90 376.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 376.8 72 358.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 376.8 90 376.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 376.8 72 358.8 2 L
+72 376.8 90 376.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 320 90 338 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 338 72 320 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 320 90 320 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 91 90 109.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 109.8 72 91.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 109.8 90 109.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 109.8 72 91.8 2 L
+72 109.8 90 109.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "4" 8
+%%Page: "5" 9
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(Pr) 72 746.67 T
+(otocols) 86.52 746.67 T
+(5) 533 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(Errors:) 108 704.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext, XPBadSequence) 138.27 704.33 T
+1 F
+(This request causes the print job associated with the current print conte) 108 680.33 T
+(xt to end. If cancel is) 391.97 680.33 T
+0 F
+(F) 478.34 680.33 T
+(ALSE) 483.55 680.33 T
+1 F
+(, an) 509.67 680.33 T
+(y) 523.96 680.33 T
+(accumulated print data that remains is either sent to the printer or made a) 108 668.33 T
+(v) 399.69 668.33 T
+(ailable to) 404.44 668.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintGetDocument-) 443.88 668.33 T
+(Data) 108 656.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 128.55 656.33 T
+(The request generates an) 108 632.33 T
+0 F
+(XPPrintNotify) 209.63 632.33 T
+1 F
+( e) 271.84 632.33 T
+(v) 278.53 632.33 T
+(ent with its detail \336eld set to) 283.38 632.33 T
+0 F
+(XPEndJ) 399.22 632.33 T
+(obNotify) 435.19 632.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 471.76 632.33 T
+(When cancel is) 108 608.33 T
+0 F
+(TR) 171.59 608.33 T
+(UE) 185.18 608.33 T
+1 F
+(, the job currently being processed is canceled. The serv) 199.07 608.33 T
+(er may discard an) 423.03 608.33 T
+(y pending) 493.69 608.33 T
+-0.14 (output or may produce partial output. If the job w) 108 596.33 P
+-0.14 (as started in) 305 596.33 P
+0 F
+-0.14 (XPGetData) 354.86 596.33 P
+1 F
+-0.14 ( mode, then the entire data output) 404.29 596.33 P
+(stream is implementation-de\336ned.) 108 584.33 T
+(If) 108 560.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndJ) 117.16 560.33 T
+(ob) 162.02 560.33 T
+1 F
+( is called immediately after) 172.58 560.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndP) 283.95 560.33 T
+(age) 329.97 560.33 T
+1 F
+(, then a synthetic) 344.41 560.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndDoc) 414.68 560.33 T
+1 F
+( is generated by) 471.35 560.33 T
+(print serv) 108 548.33 T
+(er before) 145.9 548.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndJ) 184.21 548.33 T
+(ob) 229.07 548.33 T
+1 F
+(. The pool of) 239.23 548.33 T
+0 F
+(XPJ) 293.39 548.33 T
+(obAttr) 311.57 548.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 340.45 548.33 T
+(utes that w) 363.86 548.33 T
+(as frozen when the) 407.09 548.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStart-) 484.84 548.33 T
+(J) 108 536.33 T
+(ob) 112.85 536.33 T
+1 F
+( request w) 123.41 536.33 T
+(as e) 164.41 536.33 T
+(x) 179.53 536.33 T
+(ecuted is released when) 184.38 536.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndJ) 281.57 536.33 T
+(ob) 326.43 536.33 T
+1 F
+( is called.) 336.99 536.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintGetDocumentData) 108 481 T
+1 10 Q
+(conte) 108 461.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT) 129.51 461.33 T
+(max-bytes: CARD32) 108 449.33 T
+3 F
+(\256) 100.8 433.33 T
+3 9 Q
+(+) 110.67 433.33 T
+1 10 Q
+(status-code: {) 108 417.33 T
+0 F
+(XPGetDocFinished, XPGetDocSecondConsumer) 163.07 417.33 T
+(, XPGetDocErr) 369.91 417.33 T
+(or) 435.82 417.33 T
+1 F
+(}) 445.26 417.33 T
+(\336nished-\337ag: CARD32) 108 405.33 T
+(data: LIST) 108 393.33 T
+(ofBYTE) 150.25 393.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 369.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext, XPBadSequence, V) 138.27 369.33 T
+(alue) 289.57 369.33 T
+1 F
+(This request returns data generated on a conte) 108 345.33 T
+(xt by other clients.) 291.41 345.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintGetDocumentData) 108 321.33 T
+1 F
+( should be sent only after a) 210.2 321.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartJ) 320.46 321.33 T
+(ob) 369.19 321.33 T
+1 F
+( request with sa) 379.75 321.33 T
+(v) 442.04 321.33 T
+(e_data set to) 446.89 321.33 T
+0 F
+(XPGet-) 499.38 321.33 T
+(Data) 108 309.33 T
+1 F
+( has been e) 128.55 309.33 T
+(x) 172.55 309.33 T
+(ecuted.) 177.4 309.33 T
+0 F
+-0.04 (PrintGetDocumentData) 108 285.33 P
+1 F
+-0.04 ( generates multiple replies. Each reply is no lar) 210.2 285.33 P
+-0.04 (ger than the v) 397.73 285.33 P
+-0.04 (alue speci\336ed in max-) 452.08 285.33 P
+(bytes. The \336nal reply is generated by) 108 273.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndJ) 258.53 273.33 T
+(ob) 303.39 273.33 T
+1 F
+( and has \336nished-\337ag set to) 313.95 273.33 T
+0 F
+(TR) 425.61 273.33 T
+(UE) 439.2 273.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 453.09 273.33 T
+(If the v) 108 249.33 T
+(alue for max-bytes is zero, a) 136.63 249.33 T
+0 F
+(V) 252.43 249.33 T
+(alue) 258.73 249.33 T
+1 F
+( error is generated.) 276.51 249.33 T
+(An) 108 225.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadSequence) 122.72 225.33 T
+1 F
+( error is generated if) 193.28 225.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintGetDocumentData) 276.86 225.33 T
+1 F
+( is e) 379.06 225.33 T
+(x) 395.02 225.33 T
+(ecuted before) 399.87 225.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartJ) 456.51 225.33 T
+(ob) 505.24 225.33 T
+1 F
+( or if) 515.8 225.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintGetDocumentData) 108 213.33 T
+1 F
+( is e) 210.2 213.33 T
+(x) 226.16 213.33 T
+(ecuted after) 231.01 213.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartJ) 280.43 213.33 T
+(ob) 329.16 213.33 T
+1 F
+( with sa) 339.72 213.33 T
+(v) 370.63 213.33 T
+(e_data set to) 375.48 213.33 T
+0 F
+(XPSpool) 427.97 213.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 465.2 213.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintPutDocumentData) 108 158 T
+1 10 Q
+(dra) 108 138.33 T
+(w) 120.62 138.33 T
+(able: DRA) 127.74 138.33 T
+(W) 169.89 138.33 T
+(ABLE) 178.13 138.33 T
+(data: LIST) 108 126.33 T
+(ofBYTE) 150.25 126.33 T
+(doc-format, options: STRING8) 108 114.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 90.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext, XPBadSequence, Match, V) 138.27 90.33 T
+(alue, Drawable) 322.34 90.33 T
+72 693 90 711 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 711 72 693 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 693 90 693 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 473 90 491.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 491.8 72 473.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 491.8 90 491.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 491.8 72 473.8 2 L
+72 491.8 90 491.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 367 90 385 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 385 72 367 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 367 90 367 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 150 90 168.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 168.8 72 150.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 168.8 90 168.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 168.8 72 150.8 2 L
+72 168.8 90 168.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 150 90 168.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 168.8 72 150.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 168.8 90 168.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 168.8 72 150.8 2 L
+72 168.8 90 168.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 88 90 106 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 106 72 88 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 88 90 88 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "5" 9
+%%Page: "6" 10
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(6) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+(Protocols) 466.22 41.28 T
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(6) 72 749.33 T
+(Pr) 448.27 749.33 T
+(otocols) 462.78 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 X
+(This request allo) 108 704.33 T
+(ws an application to send and incorporate data into the print output. It functions in tw) 174.41 704.33 T
+(o) 515.39 704.33 T
+(modes, depending on whether the) 108 692.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartDoc) 245.2 692.33 T
+1 F
+( dri) 305.74 692.33 T
+(v) 319.1 692.33 T
+(er) 323.95 692.33 T
+(-mode is set to) 331.52 692.33 T
+0 F
+(XPDocNormal) 392.63 692.33 T
+1 F
+( or) 455.39 692.33 T
+0 F
+(XPDocRaw) 468.72 692.33 T
+1 F
+(:) 518.15 692.33 T
+0 F
+(XPDocNormal) 108 668.33 T
+(PrintPutDocumentData) 198 668.33 T
+1 F
+( sends data to the print serv) 299.65 668.33 T
+(er and inte) 408.93 668.33 T
+(grates data) 450.99 668.33 T
+-0.21 (into the output. The root of the dra) 198 656.33 P
+-0.21 (w) 334.67 656.33 P
+-0.21 (able must be the root of the current print) 341.79 656.33 P
+-0.06 (conte) 198 644.33 P
+-0.06 (xt. The doc-format and options parameters describe the format of data,) 219.51 644.33 P
+(which in turn guides the w) 198 632.33 T
+(ay the serv) 304.28 632.33 T
+(er interprets it. The) 347.45 632.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-embedded-f) 426.6 632.33 T
+(or-) 490.79 632.33 T
+(mats-supported) 198 620.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 265.22 620.33 T
+(ute in the) 288.63 620.33 T
+0 F
+(XPPrinterAttr) 328.35 620.33 T
+1 F
+( pool de\336nes v) 391.1 620.33 T
+(alid v) 449.46 620.33 T
+(alues) 471.71 620.33 T
+(for doc-format in this mode, else a) 198 608.33 T
+0 F
+(Match) 338.53 608.33 T
+1 F
+( error is issued.) 366.3 608.33 T
+0 F
+(XPDocRaw) 108 584.33 T
+(PrintPutDocumentData) 198 584.33 T
+1 F
+( sends data directly to the print serv) 299.65 584.33 T
+(er output. The) 441.98 584.33 T
+(print serv) 198 572.33 T
+(er does not emit document or page control codes into the output,) 235.9 572.33 T
+(and data is passed through unmodi\336ed. Dra) 198 560.33 T
+(w) 371.44 560.33 T
+(able must be None, else a) 378.56 560.33 T
+0 F
+(Drawable) 198 548.33 T
+1 F
+( error is issued. The) 239.66 548.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-raw-f) 321.31 548.33 T
+(ormats-supported) 358.27 548.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 434.93 548.33 T
+(ute in the) 458.34 548.33 T
+0 F
+-0.08 (XPPrinterAttr) 198 536.33 P
+1 F
+-0.08 ( pool de\336nes v) 260.75 536.33 P
+-0.08 (alid v) 318.88 536.33 P
+-0.08 (alues for doc-format in this mode, else a) 341.05 536.33 P
+0 F
+(Match) 198 524.33 T
+1 F
+( error is issued.) 225.77 524.33 T
+(If doc-format is not in) 108 500.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-embedded-f) 198.82 500.33 T
+(ormats-supported) 263.01 500.33 T
+1 F
+( or) 339.67 500.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-raw-f) 353 500.33 T
+(ormats-supported) 389.96 500.33 T
+1 F
+( a) 466.62 500.33 T
+0 F
+(V) 476.06 500.33 T
+(alue) 482.36 500.33 T
+1 F
+( error is) 500.14 500.33 T
+(issued. The options \336eld is implementation-dependent and the permitted v) 108 488.33 T
+(alues may depend on the current) 404.4 488.33 T
+(settings of other attrib) 108 476.33 T
+(utes and the v) 195.85 476.33 T
+(alue of doc-format. If an unkno) 250.87 476.33 T
+(wn options v) 376.14 476.33 T
+(alue is speci\336ed a) 427.56 476.33 T
+0 F
+(V) 500.88 476.33 T
+(alue) 507.18 476.33 T
+1 F
+(error is issued, else if options is not v) 108 464.33 T
+(alid in the current state a) 256.91 464.33 T
+0 F
+(Match) 358 464.33 T
+1 F
+( error is issued.) 385.77 464.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintStartDoc) 108 409 T
+1 10 Q
+(dri) 108 389.33 T
+(v) 118.86 389.33 T
+(er) 123.71 389.33 T
+(-mode: {) 131.28 389.33 T
+0 F
+(XPDocNormal, XPDocRaw) 166.91 389.33 T
+1 F
+(}) 284.1 389.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 365.33 T
+0 F
+(V) 138.27 365.33 T
+(alue, XPBadSequence) 144.57 365.33 T
+1 F
+(This request indicates the be) 108 341.33 T
+(ginning of an indi) 221.72 341.33 T
+(vidual document within a print job) 292.86 341.33 T
+(. The serv) 431.07 341.33 T
+(er performs the) 470.63 341.33 T
+-0.36 (actions necessary to de\336ne a ne) 108 329.33 P
+-0.36 (w document, and generates an) 231.76 329.33 P
+0 F
+-0.36 (XPPrintNotify) 353.27 329.33 P
+1 F
+-0.36 ( e) 415.48 329.33 P
+-0.36 (v) 421.81 329.33 P
+-0.36 (ent with its detail \336eld set to) 426.66 329.33 P
+0 F
+(XPStartDocNotify) 108 317.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 185.66 317.33 T
+(The v) 108 293.33 T
+(alue of dri) 130.8 293.33 T
+(v) 171.65 293.33 T
+(er) 176.5 293.33 T
+(-mode) 184.07 293.33 T
+(can be:) 212.12 293.33 T
+0 F
+(XPDocNormal) 108 269.33 T
+1 F
+(Print serv) 198 269.33 T
+(er generates document data. Depending on the DDX dri) 236.46 269.33 T
+(v) 459.21 269.33 T
+(er) 464.06 269.33 T
+(, it can) 471.43 269.33 T
+(incorporate data from) 198 257.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintPutDocumentData) 287.14 257.33 T
+1 F
+( into the document.) 388.79 257.33 T
+0 F
+(XPDocRaw) 108 233.33 T
+1 F
+(The client pro) 198 233.33 T
+(vides all data for the document using) 253.95 233.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintPutDocument-) 404.21 233.33 T
+(Data) 198 221.33 T
+1 F
+(. The print serv) 218.55 221.33 T
+(er does not generate an) 279.5 221.33 T
+(y data of its o) 371.54 221.33 T
+(wn into the docu-) 425.73 221.33 T
+(ment.) 198 209.33 T
+(If) 108 185.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartP) 117.16 185.33 T
+(age) 167.05 185.33 T
+1 F
+( is sent immediately after) 181.49 185.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartJ) 285.09 185.33 T
+(ob) 333.82 185.33 T
+1 F
+(, then a synthetic) 344.38 185.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartDoc) 414.65 185.33 T
+1 F
+( with dri) 475.19 185.33 T
+(v) 508.83 185.33 T
+(er) 513.68 185.33 T
+(-) 521.25 185.33 T
+(mode) 108 173.33 T
+0 F
+(XPDocNormal) 132.72 173.33 T
+1 F
+( will be generated internally by print serv) 195.48 173.33 T
+(er before) 360.58 173.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartP) 398.89 173.33 T
+(age) 448.78 173.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 463.22 173.33 T
+(An) 108 149.33 T
+(y changes to the) 120.07 149.33 T
+0 F
+(XPDocAttr) 187.28 149.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 235.59 149.33 T
+(ute pool must be made before) 259 149.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartDoc) 380.09 149.33 T
+1 F
+(is e) 443.13 149.33 T
+(x) 456.59 149.33 T
+(ecuted. Further) 461.44 149.33 T
+(modi\336cations can only be made to the attrib) 108 137.33 T
+(ute pool after a) 283.62 137.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndDoc) 346.38 137.33 T
+1 F
+( request is e) 403.05 137.33 T
+(x) 450.39 137.33 T
+(ecuted.) 455.24 137.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintEndDoc) 108 82 T
+72 401 90 419.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 419.8 72 401.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 419.8 90 419.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 419.8 72 401.8 2 L
+72 419.8 90 419.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 363 90 381 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 381 72 363 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 363 90 363 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 74 90 92.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 92.8 72 74.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 92.8 90 92.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 92.8 72 74.8 2 L
+72 92.8 90 92.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "6" 10
+%%Page: "7" 11
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(Pr) 72 746.67 T
+(otocols) 86.52 746.67 T
+(7) 533 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(cancel: BOOL) 108 704.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 680.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadSequence) 138.27 680.33 T
+1 F
+(This request signals the end of a print document. The resulting document data is assembled and combined) 108 656.33 T
+(with data that w) 108 644.33 T
+(as sent by) 172.06 644.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintPutDocumentData) 214 644.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 315.65 644.33 T
+(When cancel is) 108 620.33 T
+0 F
+(TR) 171.59 620.33 T
+(UE) 185.18 620.33 T
+1 F
+(, the document currently being processed is canceled. The serv) 199.07 620.33 T
+(er may discard an) 449.69 620.33 T
+(y) 520.35 620.33 T
+0 (pending output or may produce partial output. If the job w) 108 608.33 P
+0 (as started with) 340.9 608.33 P
+0 F
+0 (XPGetData) 401.16 608.33 P
+1 F
+0 ( mode, then the entire) 450.59 608.33 P
+(data output stream is implementation-de\336ned for this document.) 108 596.33 T
+-0.21 (The) 108 572.33 P
+0 F
+-0.21 (XpDocAttr) 125.84 572.33 P
+1 F
+-0.21 ( pool that w) 173.6 572.33 P
+-0.21 (as frozen when the) 220.35 572.33 P
+0 F
+-0.21 (PrintStartDoc) 297.25 572.33 P
+1 F
+-0.21 ( request w) 357.79 572.33 P
+-0.21 (as e) 398.36 572.33 P
+-0.21 (x) 413.27 572.33 P
+-0.21 (ecuted is released when) 418.12 572.33 P
+0 F
+-0.21 (Print-) 514.45 572.33 P
+(EndDoc) 108 560.33 T
+1 F
+( is called.) 142.45 560.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintStartP) 108 505 T
+(age) 167.87 505 T
+1 10 Q
+(windo) 108 485.33 T
+(w: WINDO) 132.75 485.33 T
+(W) 179.33 485.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 461.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadSequence, W) 138.27 461.33 T
+(indo) 223.65 461.33 T
+(w) 242.45 461.33 T
+1 F
+(This request indicates the be) 108 437.33 T
+(ginning of a single print page within a document. W) 221.72 437.33 T
+(indo) 430.19 437.33 T
+(w is the dra) 447.72 437.33 T
+(w) 493.95 437.33 T
+(able that) 501.07 437.33 T
+(represents the page.) 108 425.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartP) 108 401.33 T
+(age) 157.89 401.33 T
+1 F
+( causes windo) 172.33 401.33 T
+(w to be mapped. W) 228.18 401.33 T
+(ithin a) 305.82 401.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartP) 333.6 401.33 T
+(age) 383.49 401.33 T
+1 F
+(/) 397.93 401.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndP) 400.71 401.33 T
+(age) 446.73 401.33 T
+1 F
+( sequence, an) 461.17 401.33 T
+(y) 514.61 401.33 T
+-0.11 (attempts to resize, mo) 108 389.33 P
+-0.11 (v) 195.28 389.33 P
+-0.11 (e, or unmap windo) 200.13 389.33 P
+-0.11 (w will be ignored. T) 274.53 389.33 P
+-0.11 (o resize or mo) 354.65 389.33 P
+-0.11 (v) 411.09 389.33 P
+-0.11 (e inferiors of windo) 415.94 389.33 P
+-0.11 (w) 494.5 389.33 P
+-0.11 (, the stan-) 501.07 389.33 P
+-0.38 (dard semantics used for) 108 377.33 P
+0 F
+-0.38 (Con\336gur) 203.66 377.33 P
+-0.38 (eW) 241.82 377.33 P
+-0.38 (indo) 256.08 377.33 P
+-0.38 (w) 274.88 377.33 P
+1 F
+-0.38 ( apply) 282.1 377.33 P
+-0.38 (, e) 305.79 377.33 P
+-0.38 (xcept that the contents of the con\336gured windo) 314.69 377.33 P
+-0.38 (w may be) 499.77 377.33 P
+(lost. If the contents of a windo) 108 365.33 T
+(w are lost, an) 229.68 365.33 T
+0 F
+(Expose) 285.5 365.33 T
+1 F
+( e) 316.06 365.33 T
+(v) 322.75 365.33 T
+(ent is generated.) 327.6 365.33 T
+-0.07 (A) 108 341.33 P
+0 F
+-0.07 (W) 117.65 341.33 P
+-0.07 (indo) 127.47 341.33 P
+-0.07 (w) 146.27 341.33 P
+1 F
+-0.07 ( error is issued if windo) 153.49 341.33 P
+-0.07 (w is not a descendent of the root windo) 247.6 341.33 P
+-0.07 (w of the current print conte) 404 341.33 P
+-0.07 (xt. An) 512.64 341.33 P
+0 F
+(XPBadSequence) 108 329.33 T
+1 F
+( error is issued if) 178.56 329.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartP) 248.27 329.33 T
+(age) 298.16 329.33 T
+1 F
+( is called in an) 312.6 329.33 T
+0 F
+(XPDocRaw) 372.87 329.33 T
+1 F
+( document.) 422.3 329.33 T
+(An) 108 305.33 T
+(y changes to the) 120.07 305.33 T
+0 F
+(XPP) 187.28 305.33 T
+(ageAttr) 206.62 305.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 239.38 305.33 T
+(ute pool must be made before) 262.79 305.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartP) 383.88 305.33 T
+(age) 433.77 305.33 T
+1 F
+(is e) 450.71 305.33 T
+(x) 464.17 305.33 T
+(ecuted. Further) 469.02 305.33 T
+(modi\336cations can only be made to the attrib) 108 293.33 T
+(ute pool after a) 283.62 293.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndP) 346.38 293.33 T
+(age) 392.4 293.33 T
+1 F
+( request is e) 406.84 293.33 T
+(x) 454.18 293.33 T
+(ecuted.) 459.03 293.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintEndP) 108 238 T
+(age) 163.22 238 T
+1 10 Q
+(cancel: BOOL) 108 218.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 194.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext, XPBadSequence) 138.27 194.33 T
+1 F
+(This request indicates the end of a print page, and causes windo) 108 170.33 T
+(w to be unmapped. If cancel is) 362.7 170.33 T
+0 F
+(TR) 487.67 170.33 T
+(UE) 501.26 170.33 T
+1 F
+(, the) 515.15 170.33 T
+(current print page is canceled.) 108 158.33 T
+(When cancel is) 108 134.33 T
+0 F
+(TR) 171.59 134.33 T
+(UE) 185.18 134.33 T
+1 F
+(, the job currently being processed is canceled. The serv) 199.07 134.33 T
+(er may discard an) 423.03 134.33 T
+(y pending) 493.69 134.33 T
+-0.03 (output or may produce partial output. If the job w) 108 122.33 P
+-0.03 (as started with) 305.9 122.33 P
+0 F
+-0.03 (XPGetData) 366.07 122.33 P
+1 F
+-0.03 ( mode, then the entire data out-) 415.5 122.33 P
+(put stream is implementation-de\336ned for this page.) 108 110.33 T
+(The pool of job attrib) 108 86.33 T
+(utes that w) 193.35 86.33 T
+(as frozen when the) 236.58 86.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartP) 314.33 86.33 T
+(age) 364.22 86.33 T
+1 F
+( request w) 378.66 86.33 T
+(as e) 419.66 86.33 T
+(x) 434.78 86.33 T
+(ecuted is freed when) 439.63 86.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndP) 108 74.33 T
+(age) 154.02 74.33 T
+1 F
+( is called.) 168.46 74.33 T
+72 678 90 696 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 696 72 678 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 678 90 678 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 497 90 515.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 515.8 72 497.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 515.8 90 515.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 515.8 72 497.8 2 L
+72 515.8 90 515.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 459 90 477 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 477 72 459 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 459 90 459 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 230 90 248.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 248.8 72 230.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 248.8 90 248.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 248.8 72 230.8 2 L
+72 248.8 90 248.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 192 90 210 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 210 72 192 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 192 90 192 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "7" 11
+%%Page: "8" 12
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(8) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+(Protocols) 466.22 41.28 T
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(8) 72 749.33 T
+(Pr) 448.27 749.33 T
+(otocols) 462.78 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 12 Q
+0 X
+(PrintGetP) 108 577 T
+(ageDimensions) 160.54 577 T
+1 10 Q
+(conte) 108 557.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT) 129.51 557.33 T
+3 F
+(\256) 100.8 541.33 T
+1 F
+(width: CARD16) 108 525.33 T
+(height: CARD16) 108 513.33 T
+(of) 108 501.33 T
+(fset-x: CARD16) 116.08 501.33 T
+(of) 108 489.33 T
+(fset-y: CARD16) 116.08 489.33 T
+(reproducible-width: CARD16) 108 477.33 T
+(reproducible-height: CARD16) 108 465.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 441.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext) 138.27 441.33 T
+1 F
+(This request returns the total width and height of a page in pix) 108 417.33 T
+(els, together with the net reproducible area) 356.71 417.33 T
+(within the page. The net reproducible area is the portion of the page on which the printer is ph) 108 405.33 T
+(ysically capa-) 484.27 405.33 T
+(ble of placing ink.) 108 393.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintSelectInput) 108 338 T
+1 10 Q
+(conte) 108 318.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT) 129.51 318.33 T
+(e) 108 306.33 T
+(v) 112.19 306.33 T
+(ent-mask: BITMASK) 117.04 306.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 282.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext, V) 138.27 282.33 T
+(alue) 214.01 282.33 T
+1 F
+(This request speci\336es the print e) 108 258.33 T
+(v) 236.9 258.33 T
+(ents, from those in the speci\336ed print conte) 241.75 258.33 T
+(xt, the client is interested in.) 414.36 258.33 T
+(Possible v) 108 246.33 T
+(alues for the e) 148.59 246.33 T
+(v) 204.71 246.33 T
+(ent-mask BITMASK are:) 209.56 246.33 T
+(\245) 108 228.33 T
+(XPNoEv) 126 228.33 T
+(entMask) 161.96 228.33 T
+(\245) 108 216.33 T
+(XPPrintMask) 126 216.33 T
+(\245) 108 204.33 T
+(XP) 126 204.33 T
+(Attrib) 137.86 204.33 T
+(uteMask) 161.55 204.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintInputSelected) 108 149 T
+1 10 Q
+(conte) 108 129.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT) 129.51 129.33 T
+3 F
+(\256) 100.8 113.33 T
+1 F
+(e) 108 97.33 T
+(v) 112.19 97.33 T
+(ent-mask, all-e) 117.04 97.33 T
+(v) 176.22 97.33 T
+(ents-mask: BITMASK) 181.07 97.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 73.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext) 138.27 73.33 T
+72 569 90 587.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 587.8 72 569.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 587.8 90 587.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 587.8 72 569.8 2 L
+72 587.8 90 587.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 439 90 457 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 457 72 439 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 439 90 439 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 330 90 348.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 348.8 72 330.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 348.8 90 348.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 348.8 72 330.8 2 L
+72 348.8 90 348.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 280 90 298 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 298 72 280 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 280 90 280 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 141 90 159.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 159.8 72 141.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 159.8 90 159.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 159.8 72 141.8 2 L
+72 159.8 90 159.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 71 90 89 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 89 72 71 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 71 90 71 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "8" 12
+%%Page: "9" 13
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(Pr) 72 746.67 T
+(otocols) 86.52 746.67 T
+(9) 533 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(This request queries which X Print Serv) 108 704.33 T
+(er e) 267.83 704.33 T
+(v) 282.29 704.33 T
+(ents the client has selected to recei) 287.14 704.33 T
+(v) 425.19 704.33 T
+(e from the speci\336ed print) 430.04 704.33 T
+(conte) 108 692.33 T
+(xt. all-e) 129.51 692.33 T
+(v) 159.81 692.33 T
+(ents-mask returns the set of all e) 164.66 692.33 T
+(v) 293.83 692.33 T
+(ents selected by all clients.) 298.68 692.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintGetAttrib) 108 589 T
+(utes) 185.08 589 T
+1 10 Q
+(conte) 108 569.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT) 129.51 569.33 T
+(pool: {) 108 557.33 T
+0 F
+(XPJ) 135.86 557.33 T
+(obAttr) 154.04 557.33 T
+(, XPDocAttr) 182 557.33 T
+(, XPP) 234.39 557.33 T
+(ageAttr) 258.73 557.33 T
+(, XPPrinterAttr) 290.57 557.33 T
+(, XPSer) 357.4 557.33 T
+(v) 390.07 557.33 T
+(erAttr) 394.97 557.33 T
+1 F
+(}) 422.17 557.33 T
+3 F
+(\256) 100.8 541.33 T
+1 F
+(attrib) 108 525.33 T
+(utes: STRING8) 128.91 525.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 501.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext, V) 138.27 501.33 T
+(alue) 214.01 501.33 T
+1 F
+-0.33 (This request returns an attrib) 108 477.33 P
+-0.33 (ute pool from the speci\336ed print conte) 221.48 477.33 P
+-0.33 (xt. attrib) 372.13 477.33 P
+-0.33 (utes is the attrib) 405.49 477.33 P
+-0.33 (ute pool speci\336ed) 467.93 477.33 P
+(by pool, and is encoded in COMPOUND_TEXT) 108 465.33 T
+(.) 302.52 465.33 T
+(The format used for attrib) 108 441.33 T
+(utes is the same as the format used for an X resource \336le. F) 211.11 441.33 T
+(or a description see) 447.58 441.33 T
+(Section 15.1, \322Resource File Syntax\323, in the Xlib speci\336cation.) 108 429.33 T
+(See section) 108 405.33 T
+(3 for a detailed description of attrib) 155.77 405.33 T
+(utes.) 297.21 405.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintGetOneAttrib) 108 350 T
+(ute) 206.41 350 T
+1 10 Q
+(conte) 108 330.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT) 129.51 330.33 T
+(pool: {) 108 318.33 T
+0 F
+(XPJ) 135.86 318.33 T
+(obAttr) 154.04 318.33 T
+(, XPDocAttr) 182 318.33 T
+(, XPP) 234.39 318.33 T
+(ageAttr) 258.73 318.33 T
+(, XPPrinterAttr) 290.57 318.33 T
+(, XPSer) 357.4 318.33 T
+(v) 390.07 318.33 T
+(erAttr) 394.97 318.33 T
+1 F
+(}) 422.17 318.33 T
+(name: STRING8) 108 306.33 T
+3 F
+(\256) 100.8 290.33 T
+1 F
+(v) 108 274.33 T
+(alue: STRING8) 112.75 274.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 250.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext, V) 138.27 250.33 T
+(alue) 214.01 250.33 T
+1 F
+-0.02 (This request retrie) 108 226.33 P
+-0.02 (v) 180.47 226.33 P
+-0.02 (es a single attrib) 185.32 226.33 P
+-0.02 (ute from the speci\336ed print conte) 250.33 226.33 P
+-0.02 (xt. It is similar to) 382.55 226.33 P
+0 F
+-0.02 (PrintGetAttrib) 453.57 226.33 P
+-0.02 (utes,) 517.8 226.33 P
+1 F
+(b) 108 214.33 T
+(ut returns only one attrib) 112.8 214.33 T
+(ute v) 211.48 214.33 T
+(alue instead of an entire pool of attrib) 230.95 214.33 T
+(utes. The speci\336c attrib) 381 214.33 T
+(ute is speci\336ed) 474.12 214.33 T
+(by name. v) 108 202.33 T
+(alue is encoded in COMPOUND_TEXT) 151.91 202.33 T
+(.) 313.37 202.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintSetAttrib) 108 147 T
+(utes) 182.41 147 T
+1 10 Q
+(conte) 108 127.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT) 129.51 127.33 T
+(pool: {) 108 115.33 T
+0 F
+(XPJ) 135.86 115.33 T
+(obAttr) 154.04 115.33 T
+(, XPDocAttr) 182 115.33 T
+(, XPP) 234.39 115.33 T
+(ageAttr) 258.73 115.33 T
+(, XPPrinterAttr) 290.57 115.33 T
+(, XPSer) 357.4 115.33 T
+(v) 390.07 115.33 T
+(erAttr) 394.97 115.33 T
+1 F
+(}) 422.17 115.33 T
+(rule: {) 108 103.33 T
+0 F
+(XP) 133.63 103.33 T
+(AttrMer) 146.22 103.33 T
+(ge, XP) 182.76 103.33 T
+(AttrReplace) 209.79 103.33 T
+1 F
+(}) 261.99 103.33 T
+(attrib) 108 91.33 T
+(utes: STRING8) 128.91 91.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 67.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext, XPBadSequence, V) 138.27 67.33 T
+(alue, Match) 289.57 67.33 T
+72 581 90 599.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 599.8 72 581.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 599.8 90 599.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 599.8 72 581.8 2 L
+72 599.8 90 599.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 499 90 517 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 517 72 499 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 499 90 499 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 342 90 360.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 360.8 72 342.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 360.8 90 360.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 360.8 72 342.8 2 L
+72 360.8 90 360.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 248 90 266 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 266 72 248 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 248 90 248 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 139 90 157.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 157.8 72 139.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 157.8 90 157.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 157.8 72 139.8 2 L
+72 157.8 90 157.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 65 90 83 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 83 72 65 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 65 90 65 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "9" 13
+%%Page: "10" 14
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(10) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+(Protocols) 466.22 41.28 T
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(10) 72 749.33 T
+(Pr) 448.27 749.33 T
+(otocols) 462.78 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 X
+(This request sets the names and v) 108 704.33 T
+(alues for one or more attrib) 241.62 704.33 T
+(utes within the speci\336ed attrib) 350.56 704.33 T
+(ute pool.) 470.91 704.33 T
+(attrib) 108 692.33 T
+(utes is encoded in COMPOUND_TEXT that represents ne) 128.91 692.33 T
+(w name/v) 362.79 692.33 T
+(alue pairs according to the v) 401.7 692.33 T
+(alue) 514.48 692.33 T
+(speci\336ed in rule. F) 108 680.33 T
+(or) 182.29 680.33 T
+0 F
+(XP) 193.12 680.33 T
+(AttrReplace) 205.71 680.33 T
+1 F
+(, the e) 257.91 680.33 T
+(xisting attrib) 281.92 680.33 T
+(ute pool is discarded and replaced with attrib) 332.56 680.33 T
+(utes.) 512.05 680.33 T
+(F) 108 668.33 T
+(or) 113.41 668.33 T
+0 F
+(XP) 124.24 668.33 T
+(AttrMer) 136.83 668.33 T
+(ge) 173.37 668.33 T
+1 F
+(, attrib) 182.81 668.33 T
+(utes is mer) 208.72 668.33 T
+(ged into the e) 251.87 668.33 T
+(xisting attrib) 305.88 668.33 T
+(ute pool; e) 356.52 668.33 T
+(xisting name/v) 398.59 668.33 T
+(alue pairs are) 457.51 668.33 T
+(replaced and ne) 108 656.33 T
+(w ones are added.) 170.5 656.33 T
+(The format used for attrib) 108 632.33 T
+(utes is the same as the format used for an X resource \336le. F) 211.11 632.33 T
+(or a description see) 447.58 632.33 T
+(Section 15.1, \322Resource File Syntax\323, in the Xlib speci\336cation.) 108 620.33 T
+(See section) 108 596.33 T
+(3 for a detailed description of attrib) 155.77 596.33 T
+(utes.) 297.21 596.33 T
+0 (A) 108 572.33 P
+0 F
+0 (Match) 117.72 572.33 P
+1 F
+0 ( message is returned if read-only attrib) 145.49 572.33 P
+0 (ute pools attempt to use) 299.68 572.33 P
+0 F
+0 (PrintSetAttrib) 397.17 572.33 P
+0 (utes) 459.18 572.33 P
+1 F
+0 (. An) 476.4 572.33 P
+0 F
+0 (XPBadSe-) 496.11 572.33 P
+-0.14 (quence) 108 560.33 P
+1 F
+-0.14 ( message is issued when a request is sent to an attrib) 138 560.33 P
+-0.14 (ute pool at a time when the attrib) 345.46 560.33 P
+-0.14 (ute pool cannot) 476.24 560.33 P
+(be modi\336ed.) 108 548.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintRehashPrinterList) 108 493 T
+1 10 Q
+(This request causes the print serv) 108 450.33 T
+(er to update its list of a) 240.88 450.33 T
+(v) 332.34 450.33 T
+(ailable printers together with their attrib) 337.09 450.33 T
+(utes. The) 496.59 450.33 T
+(print f) 108 438.33 T
+(acilities underlying X Serv) 132.62 438.33 T
+(er may pro) 239.96 438.33 T
+(vide it with the ability to detect changes in printer topology and) 283.13 438.33 T
+(dynamically update the list to re\337ect the changes. If X Serv) 108 426.33 T
+(er does not ha) 345.31 426.33 T
+(v) 400.93 426.33 T
+(e this capability) 405.78 426.33 T
+(, the) 468.46 426.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintRe-) 488.18 426.33 T
+(hashPrinterList) 108 414.33 T
+1 F
+( must be used to notify it of changes.) 175.78 414.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintQueryV) 108 359 T
+(ersion) 174.79 359 T
+3 10 Q
+(\256) 100.8 339.33 T
+1 F
+(major) 108 323.33 T
+(-v) 131.13 323.33 T
+(ersion, minor) 139.31 323.33 T
+(-v) 192.44 323.33 T
+(ersion: CARD16) 200.62 323.33 T
+(This request returns the major and minor v) 108 299.33 T
+(ersion numbers of the X Print Service.) 278.66 299.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintQueryScr) 108 244 T
+(eens) 184.44 244 T
+3 10 Q
+(\256) 100.8 224.33 T
+1 F
+(roots: LIST) 108 208.33 T
+(ofWINDO) 153.59 208.33 T
+(W) 196 208.33 T
+(This request returns a list of the X Serv) 108 184.33 T
+(er screens that support the X Print Service Extension.) 265.05 184.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintSetImageResolution) 108 129 T
+1 10 Q
+(conte) 108 109.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT) 129.51 109.33 T
+(image-resolution: CARD16) 108 97.33 T
+3 F
+(\256) 100.8 81.33 T
+72 485 90 503.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 503.8 72 485.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 503.8 90 503.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 503.8 72 485.8 2 L
+72 503.8 90 503.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 472 90 490 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 490 72 472 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 472 90 472 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 351 90 369.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 369.8 72 351.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 369.8 90 369.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 369.8 72 351.8 2 L
+72 369.8 90 369.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 321 90 339 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 339 72 321 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 321 90 321 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 236 90 254.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 254.8 72 236.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 254.8 90 254.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 254.8 72 236.8 2 L
+72 254.8 90 254.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 206 90 224 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 224 72 206 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 206 90 206 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 121 90 139.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 139.8 72 121.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 139.8 90 139.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 139.8 72 121.8 2 L
+72 139.8 90 139.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "10" 14
+%%Page: "11" 15
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(Pr) 72 746.67 T
+(otocols) 86.52 746.67 T
+(11) 526 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(status: BOOL) 108 704.33 T
+(pre) 108 692.33 T
+(vious-resolution: CARD16) 120.52 692.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 668.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext) 138.27 668.33 T
+1 F
+(This request sets the resolution for subsequent) 108 644.33 T
+0 F
+(PutImage) 295.48 644.33 T
+1 F
+( requests on the screen of conte) 337.14 644.33 T
+(xt, in pix) 462.51 644.33 T
+(els per) 498.2 644.33 T
+(inch.) 108 632.33 T
+(When status is) 108 608.33 T
+0 F
+(TR) 168.83 608.33 T
+(UE) 182.42 608.33 T
+1 F
+(, then the contents of an) 196.31 608.33 T
+(y subsequent) 291.7 608.33 T
+0 F
+(PutImage) 346.14 608.33 T
+1 F
+( request to a Pixmap or to a W) 387.8 608.33 T
+(indo) 509.05 608.33 T
+(w) 526.58 608.33 T
+-0.26 (on the screen of the speci\336ed print conte) 108 596.33 P
+-0.26 (xt will automatically be scaled as part of the) 267.92 596.33 P
+0 F
+-0.26 (PutImage) 444.7 596.33 P
+1 F
+-0.26 ( request. The) 486.36 596.33 P
+(scale f) 108 584.33 T
+(actor is:) 133.72 584.33 T
+4 F
+(default-printer-resolution / image-resolution) 144 566.33 T
+1 F
+(where def) 108 542.33 T
+(ault-printer) 147.6 542.33 T
+(-resolution is the current v) 192.39 542.33 T
+(alue of that page attrib) 297.68 542.33 T
+(ute. Only the image itself is scaled) 387.46 542.33 T
+(\050meaning the ef) 108 530.33 T
+(fecti) 170.51 530.33 T
+(v) 188.03 530.33 T
+(e width and height of the image change\051, the dst-x and dst-y parameters to) 192.88 530.33 T
+0 F
+(PutImage) 491.99 530.33 T
+1 F
+(are not altered.) 108 518.33 T
+(As a special case, a v) 108 494.33 T
+(alue of zero for image_res resets the resolution to automatically track the printer reso-) 192.72 494.33 T
+(lution. In this case \050which is also the def) 108 482.33 T
+(ault setting for a ne) 269.27 482.33 T
+(wly created print conte) 346.23 482.33 T
+(xt\051, subsequent images) 438 482.33 T
+(will not be scaled.) 108 470.33 T
+(pre) 108 446.33 T
+(vious-resolution is the pre) 120.52 446.33 T
+(vious image resolution that w) 224.43 446.33 T
+(as set for conte) 342.66 446.33 T
+(xt in pix) 402.77 446.33 T
+(els per inch.) 435.96 446.33 T
+(If status is) 108 422.33 T
+0 F
+(F) 151.61 422.33 T
+(ALSE) 156.82 422.33 T
+1 F
+(, then the print serv) 182.94 422.33 T
+(er does not support image scaling foor the particular resolution gi) 260.28 422.33 T
+(v) 521.66 422.33 T
+(en) 526.51 422.33 T
+(the current con\336guration of the printer) 108 410.33 T
+(, and the application is responsible for an) 261.18 410.33 T
+(y desired scaling.) 425.45 410.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintGetImageResolution) 108 355 T
+1 10 Q
+(conte) 108 335.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT) 129.51 335.33 T
+3 F
+(\256) 100.8 319.33 T
+1 F
+(image-resolution: CARD16) 108 303.33 T
+(Errors:) 108 279.33 T
+0 F
+(XPBadContext) 138.27 279.33 T
+1 F
+(This request returns the current image-resolution for conte) 108 255.33 T
+(xt in pix) 341.41 255.33 T
+(els per inch. A v) 374.6 255.33 T
+(alue of zero means the) 440.17 255.33 T
+(resolution automatically tracks the printer resolution. If the request f) 108 243.33 T
+(ails in some w) 381.19 243.33 T
+(ay) 438.59 243.33 T
+(, a ne) 447.38 243.33 T
+(g) 468.61 243.33 T
+(ati) 473.56 243.33 T
+(v) 483.31 243.33 T
+(e v) 488.16 243.33 T
+(alue is) 499.85 243.33 T
+(returned.) 108 231.33 T
+0 14 Q
+(2.4) 72 195.67 T
+(Ev) 108 195.67 T
+(ents) 124.2 195.67 T
+0 12 Q
+(XPPrintNotify) 108 140 T
+1 10 Q
+(detail: {) 108 120.33 T
+0 F
+(XPStartJ) 140.3 120.33 T
+(obNotify) 180.14 120.33 T
+(, XPEndJ) 216.81 120.33 T
+(obNotify) 257.78 120.33 T
+(, XPStartDocNotify) 294.45 120.33 T
+(, XPEndDocNotify) 377.21 120.33 T
+(,) 456.1 120.33 T
+(XPStartP) 136.8 108.33 T
+(ageNotify) 177.8 108.33 T
+(, XPEndP) 218.35 108.33 T
+(ageNotify) 260.48 108.33 T
+1 F
+(}) 301.58 108.33 T
+(conte) 108 96.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT) 129.51 96.33 T
+(cancel: BOOL) 108 84.33 T
+72 666 90 684 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 684 72 666 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 666 90 666 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 347 90 365.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 365.8 72 347.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 365.8 90 365.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 365.8 72 347.8 2 L
+72 365.8 90 365.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 277 90 295 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 295 72 277 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 277 90 277 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 132 90 150.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 150.8 72 132.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 150.8 90 150.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 150.8 72 132.8 2 L
+72 150.8 90 150.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 82 90 100 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 100 72 82 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 82 90 82 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "11" 15
+%%Page: "12" 16
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(12) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+(Protocols) 466.22 41.28 T
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(12) 72 749.33 T
+(Pr) 448.27 749.33 T
+(otocols) 462.78 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 X
+(This e) 108 704.33 T
+(v) 132.47 704.33 T
+(ent is generated when requests to) 137.32 704.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartDoc) 272.29 704.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 332.83 704.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartJ) 337.83 704.33 T
+(ob) 386.56 704.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 397.12 704.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintStartP) 402.12 704.33 T
+(age) 452.01 704.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 466.45 704.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndDoc) 471.45 704.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 528.12 704.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndJ) 108 692.33 T
+(ob) 152.86 692.33 T
+1 F
+(, and) 163.42 692.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintEndP) 185.36 692.33 T
+(age) 231.38 692.33 T
+1 F
+( ha) 245.82 692.33 T
+(v) 257.56 692.33 T
+(e been processed and completed. It is reported to clients selecting) 262.41 692.33 T
+0 F
+(XPPrintMask) 108 680.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 167.44 680.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(XP) 108 625 T
+(Attrib) 123.11 625 T
+(uteNotify) 154.86 625 T
+1 10 Q
+(detail: {) 108 605.33 T
+0 F
+(XPJ) 140.3 605.33 T
+(obAttr) 158.48 605.33 T
+(, XPDocAttr) 186.44 605.33 T
+(, XPP) 238.83 605.33 T
+(ageAttr) 263.17 605.33 T
+(, XPPrinterAttr) 295.01 605.33 T
+(, XPSer) 361.84 605.33 T
+(v) 394.51 605.33 T
+(erAttr) 399.41 605.33 T
+(, XPMe-) 425.69 605.33 T
+(diumAttr) 136.8 593.33 T
+(, XPSpoolerAttr) 176.43 593.33 T
+1 F
+(}) 245.86 593.33 T
+(conte) 108 581.33 T
+(xt: PCONTEXT) 129.51 581.33 T
+(This e) 108 557.33 T
+(v) 132.47 557.33 T
+(ent is generated when an) 137.32 557.33 T
+(y of the print attrib) 236.03 557.33 T
+(ute pools maintained by the print serv) 311.38 557.33 T
+(er ha) 462.33 557.33 T
+(v) 481.84 557.33 T
+(e been modi-) 486.69 557.33 T
+-0.25 (\336ed. The modi\336cations may ha) 108 545.33 P
+-0.25 (v) 230.98 545.33 P
+-0.25 (e been initiated by the print serv) 235.83 545.33 P
+-0.25 (er itself or by a) 363.07 545.33 P
+0 F
+-0.25 (PrintSetAttrib) 424.88 545.33 P
+-0.25 (utes) 486.89 545.33 P
+1 F
+-0.25 ( request.) 504.11 545.33 P
+(It is reported to clients selecting) 108 533.33 T
+0 F
+(XP) 238.54 533.33 T
+(Attrib) 251.13 533.33 T
+(uteMask) 277.59 533.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 314.81 533.33 T
+72 617 90 635.8 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 635.8 72 617.8 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 635.8 90 635.8 2 L
+0.5 H
+72 635.8 72 617.8 2 L
+72 635.8 90 635.8 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+72 579 90 597 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 597 72 579 2 L
+1 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 579 90 579 2 L
+0 0 612 792 C
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "12" 16
+%%Page: "13" 17
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(X Print Attrib) 72 746.67 T
+(utes) 157.26 746.67 T
+(13) 526 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 18 Q
+(3) 72 699 T
+(X Print Attrib) 108 699 T
+(utes) 217.62 699 T
+1 10 Q
+(Printing-speci\336c attrib) 108 666.33 T
+(utes play a k) 197.52 666.33 T
+(e) 247.69 666.33 T
+(y role in the X Print Service. The) 251.98 666.33 T
+(y pro) 384.59 666.33 T
+(vide a general-purpose mecha-) 405.27 666.33 T
+(nism for storing information associated with printing. This information includes user print setup options,) 108 654.33 T
+(printer capabilities, and spooler subsystem options.) 108 642.33 T
+(The X Print Service selects attrib) 108 618.33 T
+(utes in a w) 240.28 618.33 T
+(ay that is consistent with the X W) 283.23 618.33 T
+(indo) 418.1 618.33 T
+(ws System, ISO/IEC) 435.63 618.33 T
+(10175 \050ISO DP) 108 606.33 T
+(A\051, and POSIX 1387.4 print standards. The ISO DP) 169.3 606.33 T
+(A de\336nes a number of abstract objects) 375.86 606.33 T
+(that are managed and manipulated during the printing process. These are kno) 108 594.33 T
+(wn as DP) 416.02 594.33 T
+(A-Objects. Each) 453.43 594.33 T
+-0.13 (DP) 108 582.33 P
+-0.13 (A-Object is represented by a set of attrib) 119.86 582.33 P
+-0.13 (utes which characterize that object. Each attrib) 281.24 582.33 P
+-0.13 (ute in turn is com-) 467.17 582.33 P
+(posed of an attrib) 108 570.33 T
+(ute-type \050attrib) 177.51 570.33 T
+(ute name\051 and zero or more attrib) 237.02 570.33 T
+(ute-v) 370.67 570.33 T
+(alues.) 390.97 570.33 T
+(The X Print Service utilizes selected DP) 108 552.33 T
+(A-Objects, and for each of these, a subset of the associated) 268.17 552.33 T
+(attrib) 108 540.33 T
+(utes. The DP) 128.91 540.33 T
+(A-Objects used are:) 179.93 540.33 T
+0 F
+(Ser) 108 518.33 T
+(v) 122.34 518.33 T
+(er Object) 127.24 518.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es attrib) 198 518.33 T
+(utes de\336ned for the X print serv) 257.52 518.33 T
+(er) 384.57 518.33 T
+(.) 391.79 518.33 T
+0 F
+(J) 108 496.33 T
+(ob Object) 112.85 496.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es attrib) 198 496.33 T
+(utes for a single print request as sent to the spooler) 257.52 496.33 T
+(.) 459.72 496.33 T
+0 F
+(Document Object) 108 474.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es attrib) 198 474.33 T
+(utes used to de\336ne a single document within a job) 257.52 474.33 T
+(. If supported by) 456.83 474.33 T
+(the implementation, multiple documents may be submitted within a gi) 198 462.33 T
+(v) 478.31 462.33 T
+(en job) 483.16 462.33 T
+(.) 507.48 462.33 T
+0 F
+(Printer Object) 108 440.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es attrib) 198 440.33 T
+(utes that identify printer capabilities.) 257.52 440.33 T
+(The X Print Service also pro) 108 418.33 T
+(vides for changing certain attrib) 222 418.33 T
+(utes on a page-by-page basis. This is a) 349.55 418.33 T
+(capability for which the ISO DP) 108 406.33 T
+(A does not de\336ne a separate DP) 236.23 406.33 T
+(A-Object. This set of attrib) 363.06 406.33 T
+(utes is kno) 470.9 406.33 T
+(wn) 513.43 406.33 T
+(within the X Print Service as P) 108 394.33 T
+(age Attrib) 231.18 394.33 T
+(utes.) 271.25 394.33 T
+(The X Print Service requires some additional attrib) 108 372.33 T
+(utes that are not de\336ned by the ISO DP) 311.94 372.33 T
+(A. The attrib) 467.67 372.33 T
+(ute) 518.85 372.33 T
+(names for these attrib) 108 360.33 T
+(utes are pre\336x) 194.17 360.33 T
+(ed with \322) 250.67 360.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-) 287.33 360.33 T
+1 F
+(\323.) 301.22 360.33 T
+(A serv) 108 338.33 T
+(er implementation can de\336ne additional attrib) 134.23 338.33 T
+(utes.) 316.51 338.33 T
+(This section de\336nes the follo) 108 316.33 T
+(wing sets of attrib) 223.3 316.33 T
+(utes for the X Print Service:) 295.04 316.33 T
+(\245) 108 294.33 T
+(Serv) 126 294.33 T
+(er Attrib) 144.18 294.33 T
+(utes) 178.14 294.33 T
+(\245) 108 282.33 T
+(Printer Attrib) 126 282.33 T
+(utes) 179.41 282.33 T
+(\245) 108 270.33 T
+(Job Attrib) 126 270.33 T
+(utes) 166.08 270.33 T
+(\245) 108 258.33 T
+(Document Attrib) 126 258.33 T
+(utes) 193.85 258.33 T
+(\245) 108 246.33 T
+(P) 126 246.33 T
+(age Attrib) 131.41 246.33 T
+(utes) 171.48 246.33 T
+0 14 Q
+(3.1) 72 210.67 T
+(Attrib) 108 210.67 T
+(ute V) 145.04 210.67 T
+(alue Defaults And V) 176.03 210.67 T
+(alidation) 295.68 210.67 T
+1 10 Q
+(This section pro) 108 186.33 T
+(vides an o) 172.29 186.33 T
+(v) 212.69 186.33 T
+(ervie) 217.54 186.33 T
+(w of the handling of def) 237.28 186.33 T
+(ault attrib) 333.55 186.33 T
+(ute v) 371.96 186.33 T
+(alues and the procedure for the v) 391.43 186.33 T
+(ali-) 522.25 186.33 T
+-0.14 (dation of attrib) 108 174.33 P
+-0.14 (ute v) 166.96 174.33 P
+-0.14 (alues within the X Print Service. Details for indi) 186.3 174.33 P
+-0.14 (vidual attrib) 377.99 174.33 P
+-0.14 (utes can be found in the rest) 426.26 174.33 P
+(of this chapter) 108 162.33 T
+(.) 164.66 162.33 T
+0 14 Q
+(3.1.1) 72 129.67 T
+(Assigning Attrib) 126 129.67 T
+(ute V) 224.9 129.67 T
+(alue Defaults) 255.88 129.67 T
+1 10 Q
+(An attrib) 108 105.33 T
+(ute speci\336cation with an empty v) 143.63 105.33 T
+(alue indicates that the attrib) 275.87 105.33 T
+(ute has no v) 386.21 105.33 T
+(alue. W) 434.01 105.33 T
+(ithin X Print Ser-) 464.71 105.33 T
+(vice con\336guration \336les and attrib) 108 93.33 T
+(ute pools, an attrib) 240.01 93.33 T
+(ute speci\336cation that omits the v) 314.25 93.33 T
+(alue is ef) 443.72 93.33 T
+(fecti) 479.57 93.33 T
+(v) 497.09 93.33 T
+(ely) 501.94 93.33 T
+-0.37 (treated as if there were no attrib) 108 81.33 P
+-0.37 (ute speci\336cation. An empty v) 232.78 81.33 P
+-0.37 (alued attrib) 348.56 81.33 P
+-0.37 (ute speci\336cation that has precedence) 393.26 81.33 P
+(o) 108 69.33 T
+(v) 112.85 69.33 T
+(er a non-empty attrib) 117.7 69.33 T
+(ute speci\336cation \050for instance, an empty printer quali\336ed attrib) 201.65 69.33 T
+(ute o) 451.69 69.33 T
+(v) 471.26 69.33 T
+(er a non-empty) 476.11 69.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "13" 17
+%%Page: "14" 18
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(14) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+(X Print Attrib) 432.53 41.28 T
+(utes) 487.89 41.28 T
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(14) 72 749.33 T
+(X Print Attrib) 394.63 749.33 T
+(utes) 479.89 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 X
+-0.02 (model quali\336ed attrib) 108 704.33 P
+-0.02 (ute\051 will ef) 193.88 704.33 P
+-0.02 (fecti) 237.48 704.33 P
+-0.02 (v) 255 704.33 P
+-0.02 (ely \322unset\323 the lo) 259.85 704.33 P
+-0.02 (wer precedence attrib) 329.26 704.33 P
+-0.02 (ute speci\336cation. When a print) 415.1 704.33 P
+(job commences, the X Print Service may infer a def) 108 692.33 T
+(ault v) 315.08 692.33 T
+(alue for an attrib) 337.33 692.33 T
+(ute that has no v) 403.5 692.33 T
+(alue. In some) 468.8 692.33 T
+(cases the X Print Service may e) 108 680.33 T
+(xplicitly assign a def) 234.49 680.33 T
+(ault v) 317.44 680.33 T
+(alue to an attrib) 339.69 680.33 T
+(ute before presenting it in an) 401.98 680.33 T
+(attrib) 108 668.33 T
+(ute pool.) 128.91 668.33 T
+0 14 Q
+(3.1.2) 72 635.67 T
+(V) 126 635.67 T
+(alidating Attrib) 134.82 635.67 T
+(ute V) 228.27 635.67 T
+(alues) 259.25 635.67 T
+1 10 Q
+-0.23 (The X Print Serv) 108 611.33 P
+-0.23 (er ensures that attrib) 175.21 611.33 P
+-0.23 (ute pools presented to the client are al) 255.69 611.33 P
+-0.23 (w) 405.33 611.33 P
+-0.23 (ays comprised of v) 412.45 611.33 P
+-0.23 (alid attrib) 487.33 611.33 P
+-0.23 (ute) 525.51 611.33 P
+-0.22 (speci\336cations for attrib) 108 599.33 P
+-0.22 (utes de\336ned by the X Print Service. V) 199.57 599.33 P
+-0.22 (alidation is \336rst performed when a print conte) 348.59 599.33 P
+-0.22 (xt) 529.94 599.33 P
+(is created. V) 108 587.33 T
+(alidation is also performed whene) 157.15 587.33 T
+(v) 292.43 587.33 T
+(er a client requests an update to an attrib) 297.28 587.33 T
+(ute pool.) 458.71 587.33 T
+-0.32 (V) 108 563.33 P
+-0.32 (alidation in) 114.11 563.33 P
+-0.32 (v) 158.67 563.33 P
+-0.32 (olv) 163.47 563.33 P
+-0.32 (es checking the attrib) 176.1 563.33 P
+-0.32 (ute v) 260.19 563.33 P
+-0.32 (alue ag) 279.33 563.33 P
+-0.32 (ainst its set of v) 307.56 563.33 P
+-0.32 (alid v) 368.8 563.33 P
+-0.32 (alues. The process may also tak) 390.72 563.33 P
+-0.32 (e into) 515.65 563.33 P
+(account the current v) 108 551.33 T
+(alues of other attrib) 191.89 551.33 T
+(utes and the capabilities of the DDX dri) 269.73 551.33 T
+(v) 428.62 551.33 T
+(er) 433.47 551.33 T
+(.) 440.69 551.33 T
+(Attrib) 108 527.33 T
+(utes may be single-v) 131.69 527.33 T
+(alued or multi-v) 213.93 527.33 T
+(alued.) 278.12 527.33 T
+(When a print conte) 108 503.33 T
+(xt is created, if the serv) 184.22 503.33 T
+(er determines that an attrib) 277.38 503.33 T
+(ute v) 384.38 503.33 T
+(alue is in) 403.85 503.33 T
+(v) 439.56 503.33 T
+(alid, the serv) 444.31 503.33 T
+(er will) 495.54 503.33 T
+(ignore the in) 108 491.33 T
+(v) 158.15 491.33 T
+(alid attrib) 162.9 491.33 T
+(ute speci\336cation and may set an e) 201.31 491.33 T
+(xplicit def) 335.58 491.33 T
+(ault for the attrib) 376.31 491.33 T
+(ute in the pool. F) 443.6 491.33 T
+(or) 511.51 491.33 T
+(multi-v) 108 479.33 T
+(alued attrib) 137.2 479.33 T
+(utes, the serv) 182.27 479.33 T
+(er will ignore each v) 234.61 479.33 T
+(alue component that is in) 316.56 479.33 T
+(v) 416.71 479.33 T
+(alid. If all of the speci\336ed) 421.46 479.33 T
+(components are in) 108 467.33 T
+(v) 180.92 467.33 T
+(alid the serv) 185.67 467.33 T
+(er will reject the attrib) 234.4 467.33 T
+(ute speci\336cation, and for certain attrib) 323.07 467.33 T
+(utes will set an) 475.06 467.33 T
+(e) 108 455.33 T
+(xplicit def) 112.29 455.33 T
+(ault for the attrib) 153.02 455.33 T
+(ute in the pool.) 220.31 455.33 T
+-0.07 (When the client requests an update to an attrib) 108 431.33 P
+-0.07 (ute pool \050e.g. when issuing) 292.73 431.33 P
+0 F
+-0.07 (PrintSetAttrib) 402.63 431.33 P
+-0.07 (utes) 464.64 431.33 P
+1 F
+-0.07 (\051, if the serv) 481.86 431.33 P
+-0.07 (er) 529.8 431.33 P
+(determines that a single-v) 108 419.33 T
+(alued attrib) 210.79 419.33 T
+(ute is in) 255.86 419.33 T
+(v) 287.13 419.33 T
+(alid, that attrib) 291.88 419.33 T
+(ute will not be updated. If all components of a) 350.29 419.33 T
+(multi-v) 108 407.33 T
+(alued attrib) 137.2 407.33 T
+(ute are in) 182.27 407.33 T
+(v) 219.08 407.33 T
+(alid the attrib) 223.83 407.33 T
+(ute will not be updated, otherwise an) 276.96 407.33 T
+(y in) 424.29 407.33 T
+(v) 439.17 407.33 T
+(alid components are) 443.92 407.33 T
+(ignored. Unrecognized attrib) 108 395.33 T
+(utes will be stored in the corresponding attrib) 223.05 395.33 T
+(ute pool and returned in) 404.22 395.33 T
+0 F
+(Print-) 502.26 395.33 T
+(GetAttrib) 108 383.33 T
+(ute) 150.01 383.33 T
+1 F
+(, b) 163.34 383.33 T
+(ut are otherwise ignored.) 173.14 383.33 T
+(As part of the v) 108 359.33 T
+(alidation for a gi) 169.96 359.33 T
+(v) 236.09 359.33 T
+(en attrib) 240.94 359.33 T
+(ute, the print serv) 273.79 359.33 T
+(er may alter other attrib) 343.63 359.33 T
+(utes in response to the) 437.85 359.33 T
+-0.07 (change. F) 108 347.33 P
+-0.07 (or e) 146.66 347.33 P
+-0.07 (xample, changing the v) 161.71 347.33 P
+-0.07 (alue of the) 254.57 347.33 P
+0 F
+-0.07 (document-f) 299.08 347.33 P
+-0.07 (ormat) 347.7 347.33 P
+1 F
+-0.07 ( attrib) 373.8 347.33 P
+-0.07 (ute might cause the v) 397.15 347.33 P
+-0.07 (alue of the) 481.61 347.33 P
+0 F
+-0.07 (xp-) 526.11 347.33 P
+(embedded-f) 108 335.33 T
+(ormats-supported) 158.3 335.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 234.96 335.33 T
+(ute to change as.) 258.37 335.33 T
+0 14 Q
+(3.1.3) 72 302.67 T
+(Structur) 126 302.67 T
+(ed V) 177.07 302.67 T
+(alues) 203.39 302.67 T
+(3.2) 72 242.67 T
+(Ser) 108 242.67 T
+(v) 128.08 242.67 T
+(er Attrib) 134.94 242.67 T
+(utes) 187.91 242.67 T
+1 10 Q
+(The serv) 108 218.33 T
+(er attrib) 142.56 218.33 T
+(ute pool is identi\336ed by XPServ) 173.74 218.33 T
+(erAttr and describes the capabilities of the X Print Serv) 301.65 218.33 T
+(er) 522.85 218.33 T
+(.) 530.07 218.33 T
+0 F
+(locale) 108 200.33 T
+1 F
+(The v) 198 200.33 T
+(alue of this attrib) 220.8 200.33 T
+(ute is the locale in which the X Print Serv) 288.65 200.33 T
+(er is running.) 455.43 200.33 T
+0 F
+(multiple-documents-supported) 108 178.33 T
+1 F
+(This attrib) 198 166.33 T
+(ute indicates whether the serv) 239.19 166.33 T
+(er supports jobs containing multiple) 357.9 166.33 T
+(documents.) 198 154.33 T
+0 14 Q
+(3.3) 72 118.67 T
+(Printer Attrib) 108 118.67 T
+(utes) 192.08 118.67 T
+1 10 Q
+(The printer attrib) 108 94.33 T
+(ute pool is identi\336ed by XPPrinterAttr and describes printer capabilities.) 176.12 94.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "14" 18
+%%Page: "15" 19
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(X Print Attrib) 72 746.67 T
+(utes) 157.26 746.67 T
+(15) 526 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 10 Q
+(content-orientations-supported) 108 704.33 T
+1 F
+(A list of orientations supported in the print conte) 198 692.33 T
+(xt. The list is a group of strings) 392.84 692.33 T
+(separated by white space. V) 198 680.33 T
+(alid v) 308.8 680.33 T
+(alues are) 331.05 680.33 T
+0 F
+(portrait) 368.81 680.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 402.69 680.33 T
+0 F
+(landscape) 407.69 680.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 449.92 680.33 T
+0 F
+(r) 454.92 680.33 T
+(e) 459.18 680.33 T
+(v) 463.47 680.33 T
+(erse-portrait) 468.37 680.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 522.79 680.33 T
+(and) 198 668.33 T
+0 F
+(r) 214.94 668.33 T
+(e) 219.2 668.33 T
+(v) 223.49 668.33 T
+(erse-landscape) 228.39 668.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 291.16 668.33 T
+(The def) 198 644.33 T
+(ault v) 228.72 644.33 T
+(alue is determined by the DDX, and is e) 250.97 644.33 T
+(xplicitly set in the printer pool.) 411.07 644.33 T
+(V) 198 632.33 T
+(alidation for this attrib) 204.11 632.33 T
+(ute is as described for multi-v) 293.63 632.33 T
+(alued attrib) 412.53 632.33 T
+(utes in \322V) 457.6 632.33 T
+(alidating) 497.04 632.33 T
+(Attrib) 198 620.33 T
+(ute V) 221.69 620.33 T
+(alues\323.) 242.52 620.33 T
+(The initial v) 198 596.33 T
+(alue of the) 246.64 596.33 T
+0 F
+(content-orientations-supported) 291.35 596.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 424.12 596.33 T
+(ute is typically set by) 447.53 596.33 T
+(the printer v) 198 584.33 T
+(endor in the model-con\336g \336le.) 246.73 584.33 T
+0 F
+(descriptor) 108 562.33 T
+1 F
+(The) 198 562.33 T
+0 F
+(descriptor) 216.05 562.33 T
+1 F
+( is a human readable description of the printer encoded as) 259.93 562.33 T
+(COMPOUND_TEXT) 198 550.33 T
+(. This description may contain more than one line.) 285.03 550.33 T
+0 F
+(document-attrib) 108 528.33 T
+(utes-supported) 177.79 528.33 T
+1 F
+(A list of document attrib) 198 516.33 T
+(utes supported in the print conte) 296.13 516.33 T
+(xt. This list is returned as a) 424.58 516.33 T
+(set of whitespace-delimited attrib) 198 504.33 T
+(ute names.) 331.39 504.33 T
+0 F
+(document-f) 108 482.33 T
+(ormats-supported) 156.63 482.33 T
+1 F
+(A list of document formats, including format v) 198 470.33 T
+(ariants and format v) 384.96 470.33 T
+(ersions that are) 465.07 470.33 T
+(supported in the print conte) 198 458.33 T
+(xt. Each entry in the list is a structure comprised of the) 307.84 458.33 T
+(document-format, document-format-v) 198 446.33 T
+(ariant, and a document-format-v) 349.94 446.33 T
+(ersion.) 479.2 446.33 T
+(V) 198 434.33 T
+(ariant and v) 204.11 434.33 T
+(ersion may be omitted in some cases. The triple v) 251.17 434.33 T
+(alue is enclosed by) 449.23 434.33 T
+(curly braces \322{}\323 and delimited by whitespace.) 198 422.33 T
+0 F
+(input-trays-medium) 108 400.33 T
+1 F
+(This attrib) 198 400.33 T
+(ute identi\336es what medium is loaded in each printer tray) 239.19 400.33 T
+(. The v) 463.79 400.33 T
+(alue is) 491.59 400.33 T
+(speci\336ed as a list of structures, each of which contains a tray identi\336er and a) 198 388.33 T
+(medium identi\336er) 198 376.33 T
+(. V) 268.84 376.33 T
+(alid tray identi\336ers are) 279.95 376.33 T
+0 F
+(top) 372.71 376.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 386.6 376.33 T
+0 F
+(middle) 391.6 376.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 421.05 376.33 T
+0 F
+(bottom) 426.05 376.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 456.6 376.33 T
+0 F
+(en) 461.6 376.33 T
+(v) 471.2 376.33 T
+(elope) 476.1 376.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 498.32 376.33 T
+0 F
+(manual) 198 364.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 230.23 364.33 T
+0 F
+(lar) 235.23 364.33 T
+(ge-capacity) 247.35 364.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 295.02 364.33 T
+0 F
+(main) 300.02 364.33 T
+1 F
+(, and) 321.69 364.33 T
+0 F
+(side) 343.63 364.33 T
+1 F
+(. The X Print Service de\336nes v) 360.3 364.33 T
+(alid medium) 483.09 364.33 T
+(identi\336ers to be the standard v) 198 352.33 T
+(alues of the) 318.57 352.33 T
+0 F
+(medium-size) 367.17 352.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 421.05 352.33 T
+(ute as speci\336ed in) 444.46 352.33 T
+(ISO/IEC 10175-1.) 198 340.33 T
+(F) 198 316.33 T
+(or each tray / medium \050size\051 combination, the tray must be present in the v) 203.41 316.33 T
+(alue of) 501.17 316.33 T
+(the) 198 304.33 T
+0 F
+(medium-sour) 212.72 304.33 T
+(ce-sizes-supported) 269.76 304.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 348.08 304.33 T
+(ute, and the medium size must be listed) 371.49 304.33 T
+(for that tray) 198 292.33 T
+(.) 244.56 292.33 T
+0 F
+(job-attrib) 108 270.33 T
+(utes-supported) 149.46 270.33 T
+1 F
+(A list of the job attrib) 198 258.33 T
+(utes supported for the printer) 284.19 258.33 T
+(. This list is returned as a set of) 399.73 258.33 T
+(whitespace-delimited attrib) 198 246.33 T
+(ute names.) 306.95 246.33 T
+0 F
+(medium-sour) 108 224.33 T
+(ce-sizes-supported) 165.04 224.33 T
+1 F
+(This attrib) 198 212.33 T
+(ute identi\336es or speci\336es the sizes of media that are supported by the) 239.19 212.33 T
+(printer) 198 200.33 T
+(. F) 224.11 200.33 T
+(or each input tray a set of supported media sizes is indicated. F) 234.52 200.33 T
+(or each) 485.72 200.33 T
+(medium, the page size, an indicator as to the medium feed direction, and the assured) 198 188.33 T
+(reproduction area the printer supports are speci\336ed.) 198 176.33 T
+(V) 198 152.33 T
+(alid input tray v) 204.11 152.33 T
+(alues are) 267.47 152.33 T
+0 F
+(top) 305.23 152.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 319.12 152.33 T
+0 F
+(middle) 324.12 152.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 353.57 152.33 T
+0 F
+(bottom) 358.57 152.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 389.12 152.33 T
+0 F
+(en) 394.12 152.33 T
+(v) 403.72 152.33 T
+(elope) 408.62 152.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 430.84 152.33 T
+0 F
+(manual) 435.84 152.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 468.07 152.33 T
+0 F
+(lar) 198 140.33 T
+(ge-capacity) 210.12 140.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 257.79 140.33 T
+0 F
+(main) 262.79 140.33 T
+1 F
+(, and) 284.46 140.33 T
+0 F
+(side) 306.4 140.33 T
+1 F
+(. If the printer has only one input tray) 323.07 140.33 T
+(, speci\336cation) 472.12 140.33 T
+(of this v) 198 128.33 T
+(alue is optional.) 230.53 128.33 T
+(The page size is a descripti) 198 104.33 T
+(v) 305.78 104.33 T
+(e-name indicating the size of the page. Examples are) 310.63 104.33 T
+0 F
+(iso-a4) 198 92.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 223 92.33 T
+0 F
+(na-letter) 228 92.33 T
+1 F
+(, and) 264.25 92.33 T
+0 F
+(na-legal) 286.19 92.33 T
+1 F
+(. The complete list of v) 320.08 92.33 T
+(alid v) 412.6 92.33 T
+(alues is the set of) 434.85 92.33 T
+(descripti) 198 80.33 T
+(v) 232.19 80.33 T
+(e-names de\336ned for the standard v) 237.04 80.33 T
+(alues of the) 374.81 80.33 T
+0 F
+(medium-size) 423.41 80.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 477.29 80.33 T
+(ute as) 500.7 80.33 T
+(speci\336ed in ISO/IEC 10175-1.) 198 68.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "15" 19
+%%Page: "16" 20
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(16) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+(X Print Attrib) 432.53 41.28 T
+(utes) 487.89 41.28 T
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(16) 72 749.33 T
+(X Print Attrib) 394.63 749.33 T
+(utes) 479.89 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 X
+(The medium feed direction is represented as a boolean v) 198 704.33 T
+(alue indicating whether the) 423.53 704.33 T
+(long edge \050) 198 692.33 T
+0 F
+(TR) 242.99 692.33 T
+(UE) 256.58 692.33 T
+1 F
+(\051 or the short edge \050) 270.47 692.33 T
+0 F
+(F) 349.06 692.33 T
+(ALSE) 354.27 692.33 T
+1 F
+(\051 feeds into the printer so that) 380.39 692.33 T
+(orientation is speci\336ed.) 198 680.33 T
+(The assured reproduction area is the area within the current medium tp which the) 198 656.33 T
+(printer can render) 198 644.33 T
+(. This area is speci\336ed in millimeters according to the RCS) 268.53 644.33 T
+(coordinate system de\336ned by the ISO DP) 198 632.33 T
+(A. The area v) 362.62 632.33 T
+(alue is de\336ned by a structure) 416.79 632.33 T
+(containing the minimum-x, maximum-x, minimum-y) 198 620.33 T
+(, and maximum-y) 410.14 620.33 T
+(.) 480.32 620.33 T
+(The v) 198 596.33 T
+(alue for a medium size is speci\336ed in a structure comprised of the page size,) 220.8 596.33 T
+(the feed direction indicator) 198 584.33 T
+(, and the assured reproduction area.) 305.63 584.33 T
+(The v) 198 560.33 T
+(alue of the) 220.8 560.33 T
+0 F
+(medium-sour) 265.51 560.33 T
+(ce-sizes-supported) 322.55 560.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 400.87 560.33 T
+(ute is a list of structures,) 424.28 560.33 T
+(each comprised of the input tray v) 198 548.33 T
+(alue and a set of medium size v) 334.39 548.33 T
+(alues.) 459.95 548.33 T
+0 F
+(plexes-supported) 108 526.33 T
+1 F
+(A list of ple) 198 526.33 T
+(x options that the printer supports. The list is a group of strings) 245.35 526.33 T
+(separated by white space. V) 198 514.33 T
+(alid v) 308.8 514.33 T
+(alues are) 331.05 514.33 T
+0 F
+(simplex) 368.81 514.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 401.59 514.33 T
+0 F
+(duplex) 406.59 514.33 T
+1 F
+(, and) 435.49 514.33 T
+0 F
+(tumble) 457.43 514.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 487.43 514.33 T
+0 F
+(printer) 108 492.33 T
+(-model) 138.18 492.33 T
+1 F
+(Human-readable te) 198 492.33 T
+(xt that identi\336es the mak) 274.21 492.33 T
+(e and model of the printer) 373 492.33 T
+(. This v) 476.04 492.33 T
+(alue is) 506.07 492.33 T
+(encoded as COMPOUND_TEXT) 198 480.33 T
+(.) 331.68 480.33 T
+0 F
+(printer) 108 458.33 T
+(-name) 138.18 458.33 T
+1 F
+(This attrib) 198 458.33 T
+(ute uniquely identi\336es a printer on a gi) 239.19 458.33 T
+(v) 393.65 458.33 T
+(en X Print Serv) 398.5 458.33 T
+(er) 460.29 458.33 T
+(.) 467.51 458.33 T
+0 F
+(printer) 108 436.33 T
+(-r) 138.18 436.33 T
+(esolutions-supported) 145.77 436.33 T
+1 F
+(A list of the resolutions in dots per inch that the printer supports.) 198 424.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-embedded-f) 108 402.33 T
+(ormats-supported) 172.19 402.33 T
+1 F
+(This attrib) 198 390.33 T
+(ute identi\336es the set of data formats recognized as v) 239.19 390.33 T
+(alid v) 446.4 390.33 T
+(alues for the) 468.65 390.33 T
+(doc_fmt parameter of) 198 378.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintPutDocumentData) 287.14 378.33 T
+1 F
+(, when this request is issued within a) 388.79 378.33 T
+(print document of type) 198 366.33 T
+0 F
+(XPDocNormal) 291.88 366.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 354.64 366.33 T
+(The v) 198 342.33 T
+(alue is a list of data formats. Each entry in the list is a structure comprised of) 220.8 342.33 T
+(the data format, a format v) 198 330.33 T
+(ariant, and a format v) 304.39 330.33 T
+(ersion. The v) 390.05 330.33 T
+(ariant and the v) 442.29 330.33 T
+(ersion) 504.07 330.33 T
+(may be omitted in some cases. Structure v) 198 318.33 T
+(alues are enclosed by curly braces \322{}\323) 366.62 318.33 T
+(and delimited by whitespace. V) 198 306.33 T
+(alid v) 323.26 306.33 T
+(alues are de\336ned by the printer DDX dri) 345.51 306.33 T
+(v) 506.61 306.33 T
+(er) 511.46 306.33 T
+(.) 518.68 306.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-listf) 108 284.33 T
+(onts-modes-supported) 137.75 284.33 T
+1 F
+(De\336nes the set of v) 198 272.33 T
+(alues that may be used to comprise the v) 274.96 272.33 T
+(alue of the) 436.91 272.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-listf) 481.62 272.33 T
+(onts-) 511.37 272.33 T
+(modes) 198 260.33 T
+1 F
+( document / page attrib) 225.22 260.33 T
+(ute. The v) 317.23 260.33 T
+(alue is a whitespace delimited list of) 357.25 260.33 T
+(listfonts mode v) 198 248.33 T
+(alues, which are de\336ned belo) 262.2 248.33 T
+(w) 378.31 248.33 T
+(.) 384.88 248.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-page-attrib) 108 226.33 T
+(utes-supported) 169.46 226.33 T
+1 F
+(A list of page attrib) 198 214.33 T
+(utes supported for the printer) 275.57 214.33 T
+(. This list is comprised of a set of) 391.11 214.33 T
+(whitespace-delimited attrib) 198 202.33 T
+(ute names.) 306.95 202.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-raw-f) 108 180.33 T
+(ormats-supported) 144.96 180.33 T
+1 F
+(This attrib) 198 168.33 T
+(ute identi\336es the set of data formats recognized as v) 239.19 168.33 T
+(alid v) 446.4 168.33 T
+(alues for the) 468.65 168.33 T
+(doc_fmt parameter of) 198 156.33 T
+0 F
+(PrintPutDocumentData) 287.14 156.33 T
+1 F
+(, when this function is called within) 388.79 156.33 T
+(a print document of type) 198 144.33 T
+0 F
+(XPDocRaw) 298.82 144.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 347.6 144.33 T
+(The v) 198 120.33 T
+(alue is a list of data formats. Each entry in the list is a structure comprised of) 220.8 120.33 T
+(the data format, an optional format v) 198 108.33 T
+(ariant, and an optional format v) 344.67 108.33 T
+(ersion. Structure) 470.61 108.33 T
+(v) 198 96.33 T
+(alues are enclosed by curly braces \322{}\323 and delimited by whitespace. V) 202.75 96.33 T
+(alid v) 487.83 96.33 T
+(alues) 510.08 96.33 T
+(are de\336ned based on the ph) 198 84.33 T
+(ysical printer\325) 307.09 84.33 T
+(s capabilities.) 362.36 84.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "16" 20
+%%Page: "17" 21
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(X Print Attrib) 72 746.67 T
+(utes) 157.26 746.67 T
+(17) 526 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 10 Q
+(xp-setup-pr) 108 704.33 T
+(o) 157.82 704.33 T
+(viso) 162.72 704.33 T
+1 F
+(This attrib) 198 704.33 T
+(ute indicates whether or not a required attrib) 239.19 704.33 T
+(ute or set of attrib) 416.45 704.33 T
+(utes must be) 487.35 704.33 T
+(set prior to commencing the print job) 198 692.33 T
+(.) 346.48 692.33 T
+(V) 198 668.33 T
+(alid v) 204.11 668.33 T
+(alues for this attrib) 226.36 668.33 T
+(ute are) 301.43 668.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-mandatory) 330.86 668.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 418.08 668.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-optional) 437.52 668.33 T
+1 F
+(. If) 512.53 668.33 T
+(this attrib) 198 656.33 T
+(ute is not speci\336ed,) 235.86 656.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-optional) 315.58 656.33 T
+1 F
+( is assumed.) 390.59 656.33 T
+(The initial v) 198 632.33 T
+(alue of the) 246.64 632.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-pr) 291.35 632.33 T
+(o) 341.17 632.33 T
+(viso) 346.07 632.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 362.74 632.33 T
+(ute is typically set by the printer) 386.15 632.33 T
+(v) 198 620.33 T
+(endor in the model-con\336g \336le.) 202.85 620.33 T
+0 14 Q
+(3.4) 72 584.67 T
+(J) 108 584.67 T
+(ob Attrib) 114.79 584.67 T
+(utes) 170.12 584.67 T
+1 10 Q
+(The job attrib) 108 560.33 T
+(ute pool is identi\336ed by XPJobAttr and pro) 162.24 560.33 T
+(vides information on ho) 334.59 560.33 T
+(w to process a print job) 430.17 560.33 T
+(.) 523.37 560.33 T
+(T) 108 548.33 T
+(ypically) 113.31 548.33 T
+(, job attrib) 144.88 548.33 T
+(utes are set by the Print Dialog Manager based on user input from the setup dialog.) 186.07 548.33 T
+0 F
+(job-name) 108 530.33 T
+1 F
+(This is the name of the job to be used in subsequent processing and in printing) 198 530.33 T
+(banner pages. The v) 198 518.33 T
+(alue is free form te) 278.28 518.33 T
+(xt.) 353.66 518.33 T
+0 F
+(job-o) 108 496.33 T
+(wner) 130.12 496.33 T
+1 F
+(This attrib) 198 496.33 T
+(ute identi\336es the human o) 239.19 496.33 T
+(wner of the print job) 342.27 496.33 T
+(.) 424.08 496.33 T
+0 F
+(noti\336cation-pr) 108 474.33 T
+(o\336le) 169.49 474.33 T
+1 F
+(This attrib) 198 474.33 T
+(ute is a speci\336cation of e) 239.19 474.33 T
+(v) 338.09 474.33 T
+(ents about which the user is to be noti\336ed. The) 342.94 474.33 T
+(X Print service uses this attrib) 198 462.33 T
+(ute to determine whether or not to notify the user of) 318.07 462.33 T
+(print job completion via electronic mail, or in ISO DP) 198 450.33 T
+(A parlance, the X Print) 413.18 450.33 T
+(Service recognizes the) 198 438.33 T
+0 F
+(e) 290.47 438.33 T
+(v) 294.76 438.33 T
+(ent-r) 299.66 438.33 T
+(eport-job-completed) 320.58 438.33 T
+1 F
+( e) 407.78 438.33 T
+(v) 414.47 438.33 T
+(ent with a) 419.32 438.33 T
+0 F
+(deli) 461.26 438.33 T
+(v) 476.72 438.33 T
+(ery-method) 481.62 438.33 T
+1 F
+(of) 198 426.33 T
+0 F
+(electr) 208.83 426.33 T
+(onic-mail) 232.52 426.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 272.52 426.33 T
+(The v) 198 402.33 T
+(alues may be) 220.8 402.33 T
+0 F
+({{e) 275.51 402.33 T
+(v) 287.68 402.33 T
+(ent-r) 292.58 402.33 T
+(eport-job-completed} electr) 313.5 402.33 T
+(onic-mail}) 430.83 402.33 T
+1 F
+( to send an) 474.77 402.33 T
+(email message, and) 198 390.33 T
+0 F
+({}) 278.54 390.33 T
+1 F
+( if no message is to be sent. Serv) 286.42 390.33 T
+(ers may implement additional) 417.09 390.33 T
+(v) 198 378.33 T
+(alues.) 202.75 378.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-state) 108 356.33 T
+1 F
+(If the v) 198 356.33 T
+(alue of the) 226.63 356.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-pr) 271.34 356.33 T
+(o) 321.16 356.33 T
+(viso) 326.06 356.33 T
+1 F
+( printer attrib) 342.73 356.33 T
+(ute is) 395.3 356.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-mandatory) 419.19 356.33 T
+1 F
+(, then) 505.76 356.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-state) 198 344.33 T
+1 F
+( is used to indicate the current setup state as determined byX Print) 257.99 344.33 T
+(Serv) 198 332.33 T
+(er) 216.18 332.33 T
+(. If the v) 223.4 332.33 T
+(alue of) 257.03 332.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-pr) 287.02 332.33 T
+(o) 336.84 332.33 T
+(viso) 341.74 332.33 T
+1 F
+( is) 358.41 332.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-optional) 370.08 332.33 T
+1 F
+(, the v) 445.09 332.33 T
+(alue of) 469.56 332.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-) 499.55 332.33 T
+(state) 198 320.33 T
+1 F
+( is ignored.) 217.99 320.33 T
+(V) 198 296.33 T
+(alid v) 204.11 296.33 T
+(alues for) 226.36 296.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-state) 263.57 296.33 T
+1 F
+( are) 323.56 296.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-ok) 340.77 296.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 391.33 296.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-incomplete) 410.77 296.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 497.43 296.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-) 502.43 296.33 T
+(setup-ok) 198 284.33 T
+1 F
+( indicates that all attrib) 234.67 284.33 T
+(utes the print serv) 326.13 284.33 T
+(er requires the user to set are v) 397.36 284.33 T
+(alid,) 519.57 284.33 T
+(indicating a client may commence printing if desired.) 198 272.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-setup-incomplete) 414.36 272.33 T
+1 F
+(indicates that one or more attrib) 198 260.33 T
+(utes the dri) 325.28 260.33 T
+(v) 369.47 260.33 T
+(er requires are unspeci\336ed or in) 374.32 260.33 T
+(v) 500.27 260.33 T
+(alid;) 505.02 260.33 T
+(printing should not be attempted.) 198 248.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-spooler) 108 226.33 T
+(-command-options) 152.63 226.33 T
+1 F
+(A free form te) 198 214.33 T
+(xt string that will be included v) 254.77 214.33 T
+(erbatim on the command line used to) 379.62 214.33 T
+(in) 198 202.33 T
+(v) 205.38 202.33 T
+(ok) 210.18 202.33 T
+(e the spooler) 220.08 202.33 T
+(. V) 270.63 202.33 T
+(alid v) 281.74 202.33 T
+(alues are spooler) 303.99 202.33 T
+(-dependent.) 370.99 202.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-spooler) 108 180.33 T
+(-command-r) 152.63 180.33 T
+(esults) 205.77 180.33 T
+1 F
+(A free form te) 198 168.33 T
+(xt string that will contain the spooler command output that w) 254.77 168.33 T
+(ould) 499.11 168.33 T
+(otherwise appear on a terminal \050e.g. stderr and stdout\051. This te) 198 156.33 T
+(xt may be useful to) 446.41 156.33 T
+(present to the user to allo) 198 144.33 T
+(w tracking of the resulting spooler job) 298.57 144.33 T
+(. Applications should) 450.93 144.33 T
+(retrie) 198 132.33 T
+(v) 218.85 132.33 T
+(e this v) 223.7 132.33 T
+(alue follo) 252.34 132.33 T
+(wing receipt of the) 290.14 132.33 T
+0 F
+(XPEndJ) 367.9 132.33 T
+(obNotify) 403.87 132.33 T
+1 F
+( e) 441.09 132.33 T
+(v) 447.78 132.33 T
+(ent.) 452.63 132.33 T
+0 14 Q
+(3.5) 72 96.67 T
+(Document Attrib) 108 96.67 T
+(utes) 209.98 96.67 T
+1 10 Q
+-0.07 (The document attrib) 108 72.33 P
+-0.07 (ute pool is identi\336ed by XPDocAttr and indicates ho) 188.76 72.33 P
+-0.07 (w to process the current document.) 397.95 72.33 P
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "17" 21
+%%Page: "18" 22
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(18) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+(X Print Attrib) 432.53 41.28 T
+(utes) 487.89 41.28 T
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(18) 72 749.33 T
+(X Print Attrib) 394.63 749.33 T
+(utes) 479.89 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 F
+0 X
+(content-orientation) 108 704.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es the orientation to be used for this document. V) 198 704.33 T
+(alid v) 421.87 704.33 T
+(alues are:) 444.12 704.33 T
+0 F
+(portrait) 198 692.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 231.88 692.33 T
+0 F
+(landscape) 236.88 692.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 279.11 692.33 T
+0 F
+(r) 284.11 692.33 T
+(e) 288.37 692.33 T
+(v) 292.66 692.33 T
+(erse-portrait) 297.56 692.33 T
+1 F
+(, and) 351.98 692.33 T
+0 F
+(r) 373.92 692.33 T
+(e) 378.18 692.33 T
+(v) 382.47 692.33 T
+(erse-landscape) 387.37 692.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 450.14 692.33 T
+0 F
+(copy-count) 108 670.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es the number of copies of this document to print.) 198 670.33 T
+(The def) 198 646.33 T
+(ault v) 228.72 646.33 T
+(alue is implicitly tak) 250.97 646.33 T
+(en to be) 332.82 646.33 T
+0 F
+(1) 366.98 646.33 T
+1 F
+( by the X Print Serv) 371.98 646.33 T
+(er) 451.55 646.33 T
+(.) 458.77 646.33 T
+0 F
+(default-printer) 108 624.33 T
+(-r) 171.51 624.33 T
+(esolution) 179.1 624.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es the resolution in dots per inch to be used for this document.) 198 612.33 T
+0 F
+(default-input-tray) 108 590.33 T
+1 F
+(The name of the input tray from which media will be dra) 198 590.33 T
+(wn for printing the) 425.31 590.33 T
+(document. V) 198 578.33 T
+(alid v) 248.55 578.33 T
+(alues are:) 270.8 578.33 T
+0 F
+(top) 311.34 578.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 325.23 578.33 T
+0 F
+(middle) 330.23 578.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 359.68 578.33 T
+0 F
+(bottom) 364.68 578.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 395.23 578.33 T
+0 F
+(en) 400.23 578.33 T
+(v) 409.83 578.33 T
+(elope) 414.73 578.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 436.95 578.33 T
+0 F
+(manual) 441.95 578.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 474.18 578.33 T
+0 F
+(lar) 479.18 578.33 T
+(ge-) 491.3 578.33 T
+(capacity) 198 566.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 232.9 566.33 T
+0 F
+(main) 237.9 566.33 T
+1 F
+(, and) 259.57 566.33 T
+0 F
+(side) 281.51 566.33 T
+1 F
+(. If the) 298.18 566.33 T
+0 F
+(default-medium) 327.06 566.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 395.39 566.33 T
+(ute is speci\336ed, it will tak) 418.8 566.33 T
+(e) 521.48 566.33 T
+(precedence o) 198 554.33 T
+(v) 250.32 554.33 T
+(er) 255.17 554.33 T
+0 F
+(default-input-tray) 265.44 554.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 342.01 554.33 T
+0 F
+(default-medium) 108 532.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es the medium on which the document is to be printed. The X Print Service) 198 532.33 T
+(de\336nes v) 198 520.33 T
+(alid) 233.58 520.33 T
+0 F
+(default-medium) 251.08 520.33 T
+1 F
+( v) 319.41 520.33 T
+(alues to be the standard v) 326.66 520.33 T
+(alues of the) 427.78 520.33 T
+0 F
+(medium-size) 476.38 520.33 T
+1 F
+(attrib) 198 508.33 T
+(ute as speci\336ed in ISO/IEC 10175-1.) 218.91 508.33 T
+0 F
+(document-f) 108 486.33 T
+(ormat) 156.63 486.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es the format of the document. The v) 198 486.33 T
+(alue is a structure comprised of the) 373.28 486.33 T
+(document-format, an optional document-format-v) 198 474.33 T
+(ariant, and an optional document-) 397.16 474.33 T
+(format-v) 198 462.33 T
+(ersion. Speci\336c printer DDX dri) 232.84 462.33 T
+(v) 361.18 462.33 T
+(ers may require speci\336cation of the) 366.03 462.33 T
+(optional v) 198 450.33 T
+(alues. The structure v) 238.03 450.33 T
+(alues are enclosed by curly braces \322{}\323 and) 323.87 450.33 T
+(delimited by whitespace.) 198 438.33 T
+0 F
+(plex) 108 416.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es the) 198 416.33 T
+0 F
+(plex) 251.33 416.33 T
+1 F
+( to be used for this document. V) 269.11 416.33 T
+(alid v) 396.32 416.33 T
+(alues are) 418.57 416.33 T
+0 F
+(simplex) 456.33 416.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 489.11 416.33 T
+0 F
+(duplex) 494.11 416.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 523.01 416.33 T
+(and) 198 404.33 T
+0 F
+(tumble) 214.94 404.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 244.94 404.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-listf) 108 382.33 T
+(onts-modes) 137.75 382.33 T
+1 F
+(The v) 198 382.33 T
+(alue of this attrib) 220.8 382.33 T
+(ute controls the beha) 288.65 382.33 T
+(vior of) 371.49 382.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 400.93 382.33 T
+(onts) 423.46 382.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 441.24 382.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 198 370.33 T
+(ontsW) 220.53 370.33 T
+(ithInf) 248.13 370.33 T
+(o) 272.33 370.33 T
+1 F
+( when a print conte) 277.33 370.33 T
+(xt has been set. The v) 353.83 370.33 T
+(alue is a whitespace) 440.23 370.33 T
+(delimited list of one or more listfonts mode v) 198 358.33 T
+(alues. V) 378.86 358.33 T
+(alid listfonts mode v) 410.52 358.33 T
+(alues) 492.22 358.33 T
+(include) 198 346.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-list-inter) 229.94 346.33 T
+(nal-printer) 280.34 346.33 T
+(-f) 327.19 346.33 T
+(onts) 333.6 346.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 351.38 346.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-list-glyph-f) 370.82 346.33 T
+(onts) 431.13 346.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 448.91 346.33 T
+(When a print conte) 198 322.33 T
+(xt is set on a display connection, the def) 274.22 322.33 T
+(ault beha) 434.38 322.33 T
+(vior of) 470.56 322.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 198 310.33 T
+(onts) 220.53 310.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 238.31 310.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 257.75 310.33 T
+(ontsW) 280.28 310.33 T
+(ithInf) 307.88 310.33 T
+(o) 332.08 310.33 T
+1 F
+( is to list all of the fonts normally associated with) 337.08 310.33 T
+(the X print serv) 198 298.33 T
+(er \050i.e. fonts containing glyphs\051 as well as an) 260.34 298.33 T
+(y internal printer fonts) 439.05 298.33 T
+(de\336ned for the printer) 198 286.33 T
+(. The) 284.93 286.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-listf) 307.98 286.33 T
+(onts-modes) 337.73 286.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 386.06 286.33 T
+(ute is pro) 409.47 286.33 T
+(vided so that) 446.54 286.33 T
+(applications can control the beha) 198 274.33 T
+(vior of) 329.44 274.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 358.88 274.33 T
+(onts) 381.41 274.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 399.19 274.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 418.63 274.33 T
+(ontsW) 441.16 274.33 T
+(ithInf) 468.76 274.33 T
+(o) 492.96 274.33 T
+1 F
+(and is) 500.46 274.33 T
+(typically to sho) 198 262.33 T
+(w just internal printer fonts. Using only internal printer fonts is) 259.42 262.33 T
+(useful for performance reasons; the glyphs associated with the font are contained) 198 250.33 T
+(within the printer and do not ha) 198 238.33 T
+(v) 323.9 238.33 T
+(e to be do) 328.75 238.33 T
+(wnloaded to it.) 367.66 238.33 T
+(If the v) 198 214.33 T
+(alue of) 226.63 214.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-listf) 256.62 214.33 T
+(onts-modes) 286.37 214.33 T
+1 F
+( includes) 334.7 214.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-list-glyph-f) 373.03 214.33 T
+(onts,) 433.34 214.33 T
+(ListF) 456.12 214.33 T
+(onts) 478.65 214.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 496.43 214.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 198 202.33 T
+(ontsW) 220.53 202.33 T
+(ithInf) 248.13 202.33 T
+(o) 272.33 202.33 T
+1 F
+( will include all of the fonts a) 277.33 202.33 T
+(v) 394.62 202.33 T
+(ailable to the serv) 399.37 202.33 T
+(er which ha) 470.04 202.33 T
+(v) 516.49 202.33 T
+(e) 521.34 202.33 T
+(glyphs associated with them. If the v) 198 190.33 T
+(alue of) 344.68 190.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-listf) 374.67 190.33 T
+(onts-modes) 404.42 190.33 T
+1 F
+( includes) 452.75 190.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-list-) 491.08 190.33 T
+(inter) 198 178.33 T
+(nal-printer) 218.4 178.33 T
+(-f) 265.25 178.33 T
+(onts,) 271.66 178.33 T
+1 F
+( then) 291.94 178.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 314.16 178.33 T
+(onts) 336.69 178.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 354.47 178.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 373.91 178.33 T
+(ontsW) 396.44 178.33 T
+(ithInf) 424.04 178.33 T
+(o) 448.24 178.33 T
+1 F
+( will include all of) 453.24 178.33 T
+(the fonts de\336ned as internal printer fonts.) 198 166.33 T
+0 14 Q
+(3.6) 72 130.67 T
+(P) 108 130.67 T
+(age Attrib) 116.41 130.67 T
+(utes) 177.17 130.67 T
+1 10 Q
+-0.25 (The page attrib) 108 106.33 P
+-0.25 (ute pool is identi\336ed by XPP) 167.83 106.33 P
+-0.25 (ageAttr) 281.7 106.33 P
+-0.25 (. These are document attrib) 311.14 106.33 P
+-0.25 (utes that can be o) 419.07 106.33 P
+-0.25 (v) 487.34 106.33 P
+-0.25 (erridden on) 492.19 106.33 P
+(a page by page basis within the X Print Service.) 108 94.33 T
+(The def) 108 70.33 T
+(ault for each page attrib) 138.72 70.33 T
+(ute is the current v) 233.49 70.33 T
+(alue of the corresponding document attrib) 307.67 70.33 T
+(ute.) 474.94 70.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "18" 22
+%%Page: "19" 23
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(X Print Attrib) 72 746.67 T
+(utes) 157.26 746.67 T
+(19) 526 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 10 Q
+(content-orientation) 108 704.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es the orientation to be used for this page. V) 198 704.33 T
+(alid v) 401.31 704.33 T
+(alues are:) 423.56 704.33 T
+0 F
+(portrait) 198 692.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 231.88 692.33 T
+0 F
+(landscape) 236.88 692.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 279.11 692.33 T
+0 F
+(r) 284.11 692.33 T
+(e) 288.37 692.33 T
+(v) 292.66 692.33 T
+(erse-portrait) 297.56 692.33 T
+1 F
+(, and) 351.98 692.33 T
+0 F
+(r) 373.92 692.33 T
+(e) 378.18 692.33 T
+(v) 382.47 692.33 T
+(erse-landscape) 387.37 692.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 450.14 692.33 T
+0 F
+(default-printer) 108 670.33 T
+(-r) 171.51 670.33 T
+(esolution) 179.1 670.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es the resolution in dots per inch to be used for this page.) 198 658.33 T
+0 F
+(default-input-tray) 108 636.33 T
+1 F
+(The name of the input tray from which media will be dra) 198 636.33 T
+(wn for printing the) 425.31 636.33 T
+(document. V) 198 624.33 T
+(alid v) 248.55 624.33 T
+(alues are:) 270.8 624.33 T
+0 F
+(top) 311.34 624.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 325.23 624.33 T
+0 F
+(middle) 330.23 624.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 359.68 624.33 T
+0 F
+(bottom) 364.68 624.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 395.23 624.33 T
+0 F
+(en) 400.23 624.33 T
+(v) 409.83 624.33 T
+(elope) 414.73 624.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 436.95 624.33 T
+0 F
+(manual) 441.95 624.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 474.18 624.33 T
+0 F
+(lar) 479.18 624.33 T
+(ge-) 491.3 624.33 T
+(capacity) 198 612.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 232.9 612.33 T
+0 F
+(main) 237.9 612.33 T
+1 F
+(, and) 259.57 612.33 T
+0 F
+(side) 281.51 612.33 T
+1 F
+(. If the) 298.18 612.33 T
+0 F
+(default-medium) 327.06 612.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 395.39 612.33 T
+(ute is speci\336ed, it will tak) 418.8 612.33 T
+(e) 521.48 612.33 T
+(precedence o) 198 600.33 T
+(v) 250.32 600.33 T
+(er) 255.17 600.33 T
+0 F
+(default-input-tray) 265.44 600.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 342.01 600.33 T
+0 F
+(default-medium) 108 578.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es the medium on which the document is to be printed. The X Print Service) 198 578.33 T
+(de\336nes v) 198 566.33 T
+(alid) 233.58 566.33 T
+0 F
+(default-medium) 251.08 566.33 T
+1 F
+( v) 319.41 566.33 T
+(alues to be the standard v) 326.66 566.33 T
+(alues of the) 427.78 566.33 T
+0 F
+(medium-size) 476.38 566.33 T
+1 F
+(attrib) 198 554.33 T
+(ute as speci\336ed in ISO/IEC 10175-1.) 218.91 554.33 T
+0 F
+(plex) 108 532.33 T
+1 F
+(Speci\336es the) 198 532.33 T
+0 F
+(plex) 251.33 532.33 T
+1 F
+( to be used for this document. V) 269.11 532.33 T
+(alid v) 396.32 532.33 T
+(alues are) 418.57 532.33 T
+0 F
+(simplex) 456.33 532.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 489.11 532.33 T
+0 F
+(duplex) 494.11 532.33 T
+1 F
+(,) 523.01 532.33 T
+(and) 198 520.33 T
+0 F
+(tumble) 214.94 520.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 244.94 520.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-listf) 108 498.33 T
+(onts-modes) 137.75 498.33 T
+1 F
+(The v) 198 498.33 T
+(alue of this attrib) 220.8 498.33 T
+(ute controls the beha) 288.65 498.33 T
+(vior of) 371.49 498.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 400.93 498.33 T
+(onts) 423.46 498.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 441.24 498.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 198 486.33 T
+(ontsW) 220.53 486.33 T
+(ithInf) 248.13 486.33 T
+(o) 272.33 486.33 T
+1 F
+( when a print conte) 277.33 486.33 T
+(xt has been set. The v) 353.83 486.33 T
+(alue is a whitespace) 440.23 486.33 T
+(delimited list of one or more listfonts mode v) 198 474.33 T
+(alues. V) 378.86 474.33 T
+(alid listfonts mode v) 410.52 474.33 T
+(alues) 492.22 474.33 T
+(include) 198 462.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-list-inter) 229.94 462.33 T
+(nal-printer) 280.34 462.33 T
+(-f) 327.19 462.33 T
+(onts) 333.6 462.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 351.38 462.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-list-glyph-f) 370.82 462.33 T
+(onts) 431.13 462.33 T
+1 F
+(.) 448.91 462.33 T
+(When a print conte) 198 438.33 T
+(xt is set on a display connection, the def) 274.22 438.33 T
+(ault beha) 434.38 438.33 T
+(vior of) 470.56 438.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 198 426.33 T
+(onts) 220.53 426.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 238.31 426.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 257.75 426.33 T
+(ontsW) 280.28 426.33 T
+(ithInf) 307.88 426.33 T
+(o) 332.08 426.33 T
+1 F
+( is to list all of the fonts normally associated with) 337.08 426.33 T
+(the X print serv) 198 414.33 T
+(er \050i.e. fonts containing glyphs\051 as well as an) 260.34 414.33 T
+(y internal printer fonts) 439.05 414.33 T
+(de\336ned for the printer) 198 402.33 T
+(. The) 284.93 402.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-listf) 307.98 402.33 T
+(onts-modes) 337.73 402.33 T
+1 F
+( attrib) 386.06 402.33 T
+(ute is pro) 409.47 402.33 T
+(vided so that) 446.54 402.33 T
+(applications can control the beha) 198 390.33 T
+(vior of) 329.44 390.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 358.88 390.33 T
+(onts) 381.41 390.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 399.19 390.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 418.63 390.33 T
+(ontsW) 441.16 390.33 T
+(ithInf) 468.76 390.33 T
+(o) 492.96 390.33 T
+1 F
+(and is) 500.46 390.33 T
+(typically to sho) 198 378.33 T
+(w just internal printer fonts. Using only internal printer fonts is) 259.42 378.33 T
+(useful for performance reasons; the glyphs associated with the font are contained) 198 366.33 T
+(within the printer and do not ha) 198 354.33 T
+(v) 323.9 354.33 T
+(e to be do) 328.75 354.33 T
+(wnloaded to it.) 367.66 354.33 T
+(If the v) 198 330.33 T
+(alue of) 226.63 330.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-listf) 256.62 330.33 T
+(onts-modes) 286.37 330.33 T
+1 F
+( includes) 334.7 330.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-list-glyph-f) 373.03 330.33 T
+(onts,) 433.34 330.33 T
+(ListF) 456.12 330.33 T
+(onts) 478.65 330.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 496.43 330.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 198 318.33 T
+(ontsW) 220.53 318.33 T
+(ithInf) 248.13 318.33 T
+(o) 272.33 318.33 T
+1 F
+( will include all of the fonts a) 277.33 318.33 T
+(v) 394.62 318.33 T
+(ailable to the serv) 399.37 318.33 T
+(er which ha) 470.04 318.33 T
+(v) 516.49 318.33 T
+(e) 521.34 318.33 T
+(glyphs associated with them. If the v) 198 306.33 T
+(alue of) 344.68 306.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-listf) 374.67 306.33 T
+(onts-modes) 404.42 306.33 T
+1 F
+( includes) 452.75 306.33 T
+0 F
+(xp-list-) 491.08 306.33 T
+(inter) 198 294.33 T
+(nal-printer) 218.4 294.33 T
+(-f) 265.25 294.33 T
+(onts,) 271.66 294.33 T
+1 F
+( then) 291.94 294.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 314.16 294.33 T
+(onts) 336.69 294.33 T
+1 F
+( and) 354.47 294.33 T
+0 F
+(ListF) 373.91 294.33 T
+(ontsW) 396.44 294.33 T
+(ithInf) 424.04 294.33 T
+(o) 448.24 294.33 T
+1 F
+( will include all of) 453.24 294.33 T
+(the fonts de\336ned as internal printer fonts.) 198 282.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "19" 23
+%%Page: "20" 24
+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
+[ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(20) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+-0.5 (Communication with the Print Dialog) 352.88 41.28 P
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(20) 72 749.33 T
+(Communication with the Print Dialog Manager) 220.51 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 18 Q
+0 X
+(4) 72 699 T
+(Communication with the Print Dialog Manager) 108 699 T
+1 10 Q
+(Print Dialog Managers \050PDMs\051 pro) 108 666.33 T
+(vide users with a graphical interf) 249.5 666.33 T
+(ace to specify printer) 380.76 666.33 T
+(-speci\336c and) 464.7 666.33 T
+(spooler) 108 654.33 T
+(-speci\336c information. This section describes the interaction between X Print Service and PDMs.) 137.24 654.33 T
+(F) 108 630.33 T
+(or each serv) 113.41 630.33 T
+(er w) 161.57 630.33 T
+(anting to use print dialog services, a Print Dialog Manager acquires o) 178.96 630.33 T
+(wnership of a selec-) 455.89 630.33 T
+(tion named PDM_MAN) 108 618.33 T
+(A) 204.87 618.33 T
+(GER on the def) 211.69 618.33 T
+(ault root windo) 274.08 618.33 T
+(w \050a dif) 334.94 618.33 T
+(ferent name can be used, as long as it is) 365.79 618.33 T
+(kno) 108 606.33 T
+(wn to both the client and the PDM\051. Print Dialog Managers should comply with the con) 122.75 606.33 T
+(v) 473.44 606.33 T
+(entions for) 478.29 606.33 T
+(\322Manager Selections\323 described in section 2.8 of the) 108 594.33 T
+2 F
+( Inter) 318.51 594.33 T
+(-Client Communication Con) 340.25 594.33 T
+(ventions Manual) 453.19 594.33 T
+1 F
+(\050ICCCM\051. A printing client establishes a print conte) 108 582.33 T
+(xt, and then requests services of the Print Dialog Man-) 316.17 582.33 T
+(ager by issuing con) 108 570.33 T
+(v) 185.09 570.33 T
+(ersion requests on this selection.) 189.94 570.33 T
+(Print Dialog Managers should support con) 108 546.33 T
+(v) 277.31 546.33 T
+(ersion of the follo) 282.16 546.33 T
+(wing tar) 353.29 546.33 T
+(gets on their manager selection:) 386.16 546.33 T
+0 14 Q
+( The PDM_ST) 72 454.67 T
+(AR) 157.08 454.67 T
+(T Selection T) 176.73 454.67 T
+(ar) 254.78 454.67 T
+(get) 267.86 454.67 T
+1 10 Q
+-0.17 (The PDM_ST) 108 430.33 P
+-0.17 (AR) 163.29 430.33 P
+-0.17 (T tar) 176.58 430.33 P
+-0.17 (get is parametized \050ICCCM section 2.2\051, and the property named in the) 195.39 430.33 P
+0 F
+-0.17 (Con) 480.52 430.33 P
+-0.17 (v) 497.9 430.33 P
+-0.17 (ertSelec-) 502.8 430.33 P
+(tion) 108 418.33 T
+1 F
+( request contains the follo) 124.67 418.33 T
+(wing list of information:) 227.74 418.33 T
+-0.27 (The PDM_ST) 108 246.33 P
+-0.27 (AR) 163.19 246.33 P
+-0.27 (T tar) 176.48 246.33 P
+-0.27 (get has a side ef) 195.19 246.33 P
+-0.27 (fect \050ICCCM, section 2.6.3\051. The PDM interprets the parameters listed) 257.73 246.33 P
+(abo) 108 234.33 T
+(v) 122.29 234.33 T
+(e and pro) 127.14 234.33 T
+(vides a user interf) 164.2 234.33 T
+(ace dialog on behalf of the client in which the user can modify attrib) 235.47 234.33 T
+(utes on) 508.83 234.33 T
+(the print-conte) 108 222.33 T
+(xt on the print-display pro) 166.45 222.33 T
+(vided.) 270.74 222.33 T
+-0.09 (The PDM will use the video-display) 108 198.33 P
+-0.09 (, video-windo) 252.19 198.33 P
+-0.09 (w) 307.4 198.33 P
+-0.09 (, and locale parameters to con\336gure and manage its user) 313.97 198.33 P
+(interf) 108 186.33 T
+(ace.) 129.56 186.33 T
+(The selection reply is placed in the property pro) 108 162.33 T
+(vided, where type is A) 299.48 162.33 T
+(T) 388.63 162.33 T
+(OM, format is 32, and the data con-) 394.56 162.33 T
+(sists of a single A) 108 150.33 T
+(T) 178 150.33 T
+(OM element:) 183.93 150.33 T
+(A) 114 508.33 T
+(T) 120.11 508.33 T
+(OM) 126.04 508.33 T
+(D) 186 508.33 T
+(A) 192.82 508.33 T
+(T) 198.93 508.33 T
+(A RECEIVED) 204.11 508.33 T
+(PDM_ST) 114 492.33 T
+(AR) 151.41 492.33 T
+(T) 164.7 492.33 T
+(Request that a dialog be managed for a particular print conte) 186 492.33 T
+(xt) 428.02 492.33 T
+(P) 114 380.33 T
+(ARAMETER) 118.64 380.33 T
+(FORMA) 186 380.33 T
+(T) 220.45 380.33 T
+(DESCRIPTION) 294 380.33 T
+(video-display) 114 364.33 T
+(\322host:port[.screen]\323) 186 364.33 T
+(X display of video serv) 294 364.33 T
+(er) 387.17 364.33 T
+(video-windo) 114 348.33 T
+(w) 164.3 348.33 T
+(\3220x12345678\323) 186 348.33 T
+(W) 294 348.33 T
+(indo) 303.04 348.33 T
+(w to act as parent of PDM dialog) 320.57 348.33 T
+(print-display) 114 332.33 T
+(\322host:port[.screen]\323) 186 332.33 T
+(X display of print serv) 294 332.33 T
+(er) 383.84 332.33 T
+(print-windo) 114 316.33 T
+(w) 160.97 316.33 T
+(\3220x12345678\323) 186 316.33 T
+(W) 294 316.33 T
+(indo) 303.04 316.33 T
+(w on print serv) 320.57 316.33 T
+(er for subsequent) 380.69 316.33 T
+(communication) 294 304.33 T
+(print-conte) 114 288.33 T
+(xt) 157.73 288.33 T
+(\3220x12345678\323) 186 288.33 T
+(Conte) 294 288.33 T
+(xt of print job) 317.74 288.33 T
+(locale) 114 272.33 T
+(\322C\323) 186 272.33 T
+(Hint to PDM re) 294 272.33 T
+(g) 356.35 272.33 T
+(arding the locale) 361.3 272.33 T
+(A) 114 112.33 T
+(T) 120.11 112.33 T
+(OM) 126.04 112.33 T
+(DESCRIPTION) 258 112.33 T
+(PDM_ST) 114 96.33 T
+(AR) 151.41 96.33 T
+(T_OK) 164.7 96.33 T
+(The PDM w) 258 96.33 T
+(as started successfully) 307.34 96.33 T
+(PDM_ST) 114 80.33 T
+(AR) 151.41 80.33 T
+(T_VXA) 164.7 80.33 T
+(UTH) 196.92 80.33 T
+(The PDM w) 258 80.33 T
+(as not authorized to connect to video-display) 307.34 80.33 T
+108 503 468 503 2 L
+0.5 H
+0 Z
+108 375 468 375 2 L
+108 107 540 107 2 L
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "20" 24
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+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(Communication with the Print Dialog Manager) 72 746.67 T
+(21) 526 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(If the PDM starts successfully) 108 660.33 T
+(, once the user completes the PDM dialog, the PDM \336nishes communication) 227.89 660.33 T
+(with the client by sending a ClientMessage to print-windo) 108 648.33 T
+(w on the print-display) 339.96 648.33 T
+(.) 427.36 648.33 T
+-0.05 (The type of this ClientMessage is \322PDM_REPL) 108 624.33 P
+-0.05 (Y\323, its format is 32, and the data consists of a single A) 298.92 624.33 P
+-0.05 (T) 515.51 624.33 P
+-0.05 (OM) 521.44 624.33 P
+(element:) 108 612.33 T
+(PDM_ST) 114 700.33 T
+(AR) 151.41 700.33 T
+(T_PXA) 164.7 700.33 T
+(UTH) 195.26 700.33 T
+(The PDM w) 258 700.33 T
+(as not authorized to connect to print-display) 307.34 700.33 T
+(PDM_ST) 114 684.33 T
+(AR) 151.41 684.33 T
+(T_ERR) 164.7 684.33 T
+(OR) 194.86 684.33 T
+(The PDM encountered an error) 258 684.33 T
+(A) 114 574.33 T
+(T) 120.11 574.33 T
+(OM) 126.04 574.33 T
+(DESCRIPTION) 258 574.33 T
+(PDM_EXIT_OK) 114 558.33 T
+(The user selected \322OK\323. The PDM may or may not ha) 258 558.33 T
+(v) 475.25 558.33 T
+(e changed) 480.1 558.33 T
+(an) 258 546.33 T
+(y attrib) 267.29 546.33 T
+(utes.) 295.7 546.33 T
+(PDM_EXIT_CANCEL) 114 530.33 T
+-0.29 (The user selected \322Cancel\323. Attrib) 258 530.33 P
+-0.29 (utes ha) 394.09 530.33 P
+-0.29 (v) 421.65 530.33 P
+-0.29 (e been left in the state the) 426.5 530.33 P
+-0.29 (y) 526.79 530.33 P
+(were in before communication be) 258 518.33 T
+(g) 392.26 518.33 T
+(an.) 397.21 518.33 T
+(PDM_EXIT_VXA) 114 502.33 T
+(UTH) 189.55 502.33 T
+(The PDM w) 258 502.33 T
+(as not authorized to connect to video-display) 307.34 502.33 T
+(PDM_EXIT_PXA) 114 486.33 T
+(UTH) 187.89 486.33 T
+(The PDM w) 258 486.33 T
+(as not authorized to connect to print-display) 307.34 486.33 T
+(PDM_EXIT_ERR) 114 470.33 T
+(OR) 187.49 470.33 T
+(The PDM encountered an error) 258 470.33 T
+108 569 540 569 2 L
+0.5 H
+0 Z
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "21" 25
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+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(22) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+(Protocol Encoding) 429.28 41.28 T
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(22) 72 749.33 T
+(Pr) 393.41 749.33 T
+(otocol Encoding) 407.93 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 18 Q
+0 X
+(5) 72 699 T
+(Pr) 108 699 T
+(otocol Encoding) 126.67 699 T
+1 10 Q
+(The follo) 108 666.33 T
+(wing sections describe protocol encoding for X Print Extension Protocol requests, e) 144.69 666.33 T
+(v) 479.4 666.33 T
+(ents, and) 484.25 666.33 T
+(errors.) 108 654.33 T
+0 14 Q
+(5.1) 72 618.67 T
+(Request Pr) 108 618.67 T
+(otocol Encoding) 174.23 618.67 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintQueryV) 108 563 T
+(ersion) 174.79 563 T
+3 10 Q
+(\256) 100.8 472.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintGetPrinterList) 108 322 T
+3 10 Q
+(\256) 100.8 153.33 T
+1 9 Q
+(1) 114 522 T
+(base) 168 522 T
+(major im) 306.56 522 T
+(1) 114 509 T
+(0) 168 509 T
+(minor opcode) 306.56 509 T
+(2) 114 496 T
+(1) 168 496 T
+(request length) 306.56 496 T
+(1) 114 457 T
+(1) 168 457 T
+(Reply) 306.56 457 T
+(1) 114 444 T
+(unused) 168 444 T
+(2) 114 431 T
+(CARD16) 168 431 T
+(sequence number) 306.56 431 T
+(4) 114 418 T
+(0) 168 418 T
+(reply length) 306.56 418 T
+(2) 114 405 T
+(CARD16) 168 405 T
+(major) 306.56 405 T
+(-v) 327.38 405 T
+(ersion) 334.74 405 T
+(2) 114 392 T
+(CARD16) 168 392 T
+(minor) 306.56 392 T
+(-v) 327.88 392 T
+(ersion) 335.24 392 T
+(20) 114 379 T
+(unused) 168 379 T
+(1) 114 281 T
+(base) 168 281 T
+(major opcode) 306.56 281 T
+(1) 114 268 T
+(1) 168 268 T
+(minor opcode) 306.56 268 T
+(2) 114 255 T
+(3+\050nl+np + ll+lp\051/4) 168 255 T
+(request length) 306.56 255 T
+(4) 114 242 T
+(CARD32) 168 242 T
+(printerNameLen) 306.56 242 T
+(4) 114 229 T
+(CARD32) 168 229 T
+(localeLen) 306.56 229 T
+(nl) 114 216 T
+(STRING8) 168 216 T
+(printer) 306.56 216 T
+(-name) 330.38 216 T
+(np) 114 203 T
+(BYTE) 168 203 T
+(p=pad\050nl\051) 306.56 203 T
+(ll) 114 190 T
+(STRING8) 168 190 T
+(locale) 306.56 190 T
+(lp) 114 177 T
+(BYTE) 168 177 T
+(lp=pad\050ll\051) 306.56 177 T
+(1) 114 116 T
+(1) 168 116 T
+(Reply) 306.56 116 T
+(1) 114 103 T
+(unused) 306.56 103 T
+(2) 114 90 T
+(CARD16) 168 90 T
+(sequenceNumber) 306.56 90 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
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+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(Pr) 72 746.67 T
+(otocol Encoding) 86.52 746.67 T
+(23) 526 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 12 Q
+(PrintRehashPrinterList) 108 439 T
+(PrintCr) 108 315 T
+(eateContext) 148.44 315 T
+1 9 Q
+(4) 114 703 T
+( \0508 + nl+nlp + dl+dlp\051/4 computed) 168 703 T
+(listCount times) 168 692 T
+(length) 306.56 703 T
+(4) 114 679 T
+(CARD32) 168 679 T
+(listCount) 306.56 679 T
+(20) 114 666 T
+(unused) 306.56 666 T
+( \0508 +) 114 653 T
+(nl+nlp +) 114 642 T
+(dl+dlp\051) 114 631 T
+(computed) 114 620 T
+(listCount) 114 609 T
+(times) 114 598 T
+(LIST) 168 653 T
+(ofPRINTER) 186.28 653 T
+(printers) 306.56 653 T
+(PRINTER) 114 572 T
+(4) 114 559 T
+(CARD32) 168 559 T
+(nameLen) 306.56 559 T
+(nl) 114 546 T
+(STRING8) 168 546 T
+(name) 306.56 546 T
+(nlp) 114 533 T
+(BYTE) 168 533 T
+(nlp=pad\050nl\051) 306.56 533 T
+(4) 114 520 T
+(CARD32) 168 520 T
+(descLen) 306.56 520 T
+(dl) 114 507 T
+(STRING8) 168 507 T
+(description) 306.56 507 T
+(dlp) 114 494 T
+(BYTE) 168 494 T
+(dlp=pad\050dl\051) 306.56 494 T
+(1) 114 398 T
+(base) 168 398 T
+(major opcode) 306.56 398 T
+(1) 114 385 T
+(20) 168 385 T
+(minor opcode) 306.56 385 T
+(2) 114 372 T
+(1) 168 372 T
+(request length) 306.56 372 T
+(1) 114 274 T
+(base) 168 274 T
+(major opcode) 306.56 274 T
+(1) 114 261 T
+(2) 168 261 T
+(minor opcode) 306.56 261 T
+(2) 114 248 T
+(4 + \050nl+np + ll+lp\051/4) 168 248 T
+(request length) 306.56 248 T
+(4) 114 235 T
+(CARD32) 168 235 T
+(conte) 306.56 235 T
+(xt-id) 325.92 235 T
+(4) 114 222 T
+(CARD32) 168 222 T
+(printerNameLen) 306.56 222 T
+(4) 114 209 T
+(CARD32) 168 209 T
+(localeLen) 306.56 209 T
+(nl) 114 196 T
+(STRING8) 168 196 T
+(printer) 306.56 196 T
+(-name) 330.38 196 T
+(np) 114 183 T
+(BYTE\051) 168 183 T
+(np=pad\050nl\051) 306.56 183 T
+(ll) 114 170 T
+(STRING8) 168 170 T
+(locale) 306.56 170 T
+(lp) 114 157 T
+(BYTE) 168 157 T
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+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(24) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+(Protocol Encoding) 429.28 41.28 T
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(24) 72 749.33 T
+(Pr) 393.41 749.33 T
+(otocol Encoding) 407.93 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 12 Q
+0 X
+(PrintSetContext) 108 703 T
+(PrintGetContext) 108 566 T
+3 10 Q
+(\256) 100.8 475.33 T
+0 12 Q
+(PrintDestr) 108 316 T
+(oyContext) 162.43 316 T
+(PrintGetScr) 108 179 T
+(eenofContext) 170.44 179 T
+3 10 Q
+(\256) 100.8 88.33 T
+1 9 Q
+(1) 114 662 T
+(base) 168 662 T
+(major opcode) 306.56 662 T
+(1) 114 649 T
+(3) 168 649 T
+(minor opcode) 306.56 649 T
+(2) 114 636 T
+(2) 168 636 T
+(request length) 306.56 636 T
+(4) 114 623 T
+(CARD32) 168 623 T
+(conte) 306.56 623 T
+(xt) 325.92 623 T
+(1) 114 525 T
+(base) 168 525 T
+(major opcode) 306.56 525 T
+(1) 114 512 T
+(4) 168 512 T
+(minor opcode) 306.56 512 T
+(2) 114 499 T
+(1) 168 499 T
+(request length) 306.56 499 T
+(1) 114 438 T
+(1) 168 438 T
+(Reply) 306.56 438 T
+(1) 114 425 T
+(unused) 306.56 425 T
+(2) 114 412 T
+(CARD16) 168 412 T
+(sequence number) 306.56 412 T
+(4) 114 399 T
+(0) 168 399 T
+(reply length) 306.56 399 T
+(4) 114 386 T
+(CARD32) 168 386 T
+(conte) 306.56 386 T
+(xt) 325.92 386 T
+(16) 114 373 T
+(unused) 306.56 373 T
+(1) 114 275 T
+(base) 168 275 T
+(major opcode) 306.56 275 T
+(1) 114 262 T
+(5) 168 262 T
+(minor opcode) 306.56 262 T
+(2) 114 249 T
+(2) 168 249 T
+(request length) 306.56 249 T
+(4) 114 236 T
+(CARD32) 168 236 T
+(conte) 306.56 236 T
+(xt) 325.92 236 T
+(1) 114 138 T
+(base) 168 138 T
+(major opcode) 306.56 138 T
+(1) 114 125 T
+(6) 168 125 T
+(minor opcode) 306.56 125 T
+(2) 114 112 T
+(1) 168 112 T
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+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(X V) 72 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 87.83 41.28 T
+(Release 6.4) 493.9 41.28 T
+108 54 540 54 2 L
+72 740.81 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(Pr) 72 746.67 T
+(otocol Encoding) 86.52 746.67 T
+(25) 526 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 12 Q
+(PrintStartJ) 108 561 T
+(ob) 166.48 561 T
+(PrintEndJ) 108 411 T
+(ob) 161.83 411 T
+(PrintStartDoc) 108 261 T
+1 9 Q
+(1) 114 683 T
+(1) 203.26 683 T
+(Reply) 341.82 683 T
+(1) 114 670 T
+(unused) 341.82 670 T
+(2) 114 657 T
+(CARD16) 203.26 657 T
+(sequence number) 341.82 657 T
+(4) 114 644 T
+(0) 203.26 644 T
+(reply length) 341.82 644 T
+(4) 114 631 T
+(WINDO) 203.26 631 T
+(W) 233.93 631 T
+(root) 341.82 631 T
+(16) 114 618 T
+(unused) 341.82 618 T
+(1) 114 520 T
+(base) 168 520 T
+(major opcode) 306.56 520 T
+(1) 114 507 T
+(7) 168 507 T
+(minor opcode) 306.56 507 T
+(2) 114 494 T
+(2) 168 494 T
+(request length) 306.56 494 T
+(1) 114 481 T
+(CARD8) 168 481 T
+(output-mode) 306.56 481 T
+(3) 114 468 T
+(unused) 306.56 468 T
+(1) 114 370 T
+(base) 168 370 T
+(major opcode) 306.56 370 T
+(1) 114 357 T
+(8) 168 357 T
+(minor opcode) 306.56 357 T
+(2) 114 344 T
+(2) 168 344 T
+(request length) 306.56 344 T
+(1) 114 331 T
+(BOOL) 168 331 T
+(cancel) 306.56 331 T
+(3) 114 318 T
+(unused) 306.56 318 T
+(1) 114 220 T
+(base) 168 220 T
+(major opcode) 306.56 220 T
+(1) 114 207 T
+(9) 168 207 T
+(minor opcode) 306.56 207 T
+(2) 114 194 T
+(2) 168 194 T
+(request length) 306.56 194 T
+(1) 114 181 T
+(CARD8) 168 181 T
+(dri) 306.56 181 T
+(v) 316.33 181 T
+(er) 320.7 181 T
+(-mode) 327.51 181 T
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+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 36.66 504 47.95 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(26) 72 41.28 T
+(December 15, 1997) 248.71 41.28 T
+(Protocol Encoding) 429.28 41.28 T
+72 54 504 54 2 L
+7 X
+0.25 H
+2 Z
+0 X
+72 740.81 504 756 R
+7 X
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(26) 72 749.33 T
+(Pr) 393.41 749.33 T
+(otocol Encoding) 407.93 749.33 T
+72 36.66 540 47.95 R
+7 X
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(Release 6.4) 72 41.28 T
+(X V) 487.23 41.28 T
+(ersion 11) 503.06 41.28 T
+72 54 540 54 2 L
+7 X
+0 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 63 540 711 R
+7 X
+0 12 Q
+0 X
+(PrintEndDoc) 108 703 T
+(PrintPutDocumentData) 108 553 T
+(PrintGetDocumentData) 108 299 T
+3 10 Q
+(\256+) 100.8 182.33 T
+1 9 Q
+(1) 114 662 T
+(base) 168 662 T
+(major opcode) 306.56 662 T
+(1) 114 649 T
+(10) 168 649 T
+(minor opcode) 306.56 649 T
+(2) 114 636 T
+(2) 168 636 T
+(request length) 306.56 636 T
+(1) 114 623 T
+(BOOL) 168 623 T
+(cancel) 306.56 623 T
+(3) 114 610 T
+(unused) 306.56 610 T
+(1) 114 512 T
+(base) 168 512 T
+(major opcode) 306.56 512 T
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+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 746 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(33) 72 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(Index) 505.77 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 33.32 540 43.32 R
+7 X
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+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 72 540 720 R
+0 12 Q
+0 X
+(A) 72 712 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(AttributeNotify, encoding) 72 692.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 32) 175.88 692.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(attributes) 72 680.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 13\32019) 109.22 680.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(defaults) 90 668.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 13) 121.66 668.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(document) 90 656.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 17) 129.44 656.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(job) 90 644.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 17) 102.78 644.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(page) 90 632.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 18) 108.88 632.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(printer) 90 620.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 14) 116.66 620.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(server) 90 608.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 14) 114.43 608.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(validating) 90 596.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 14) 130 596.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(B) 72 569 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(BadContext, encoding) 72 549.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 32) 161.44 549.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(BadSequence, encoding) 72 537.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 32) 168.09 537.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(C) 72 510 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(content-orientation) 72 490.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 18, 19) 148.1 490.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(content-orientations-supported) 72 478.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 15) 194.76 478.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(copy-count) 72 466.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 18) 116.99 466.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(D) 72 439 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(default-input-tray) 72 419.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 18, 19) 142.54 419.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(default-medium) 72 407.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 18, 19) 135.88 407.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(default-printer-resolution) 72 395.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 18, 19) 173.09 395.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(defaults, attributes) 72 383.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 13) 145.88 383.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(descriptor) 72 371.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 15) 111.99 371.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(document attributes) 72 359.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 17) 151.16 359.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(document-attributes-supported) 72 347.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 15) 194.76 347.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(document-format) 72 335.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 18) 141.43 335.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(document-formats-supported) 72 323.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 15) 188.09 323.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(E) 72 296 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(errors) 72 276.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 2) 95.32 276.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(I) 72 249 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(input-trays-medium) 72 229.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 15) 151.44 229.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(J) 72 202 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(job attributes) 72 182.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 17) 124.5 182.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(job-attributes-supported) 72 170.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 15) 168.1 170.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(job-name) 72 158.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 17) 109.77 158.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(job-owner) 72 146.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 17) 113.1 146.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(L) 72 119 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(locale, attribute) 72 99.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 14) 134.21 99.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(M) 315 712 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(medium-source-sizes-supported) 315 692.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 15) 442.75 692.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(multiple-documents-supported) 315 680.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 14) 437.77 680.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(N) 315 653 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(notification-profile) 315 633.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 17) 391.1 633.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(P) 315 606 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(page attributes) 315 586.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 18) 373.6 586.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PCONTEXT, type) 315 574.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 2) 389.44 574.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(plex) 315 562.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 18, 19) 332.22 562.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(plexes-supported) 315 550.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 16) 383.32 550.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(Print Dialog Manager, communicating with) 315 538.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 20) 489.71 538.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintCreateContext) 315 526.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 333 514.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 23) 369.66 514.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 333 502.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 2) 361.88 502.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintDestroyContext) 315 490.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 333 478.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 24) 369.66 478.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 333 466.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 3) 361.88 466.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintEndDoc) 315 454.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 333 442.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 26) 369.66 442.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 333 430.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 6) 361.88 430.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintEndJob) 315 418.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 333 406.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 25) 369.66 406.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 333 394.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 4) 361.88 394.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintEndPage) 315 382.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 333 370.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 27) 369.66 370.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 333 358.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 7) 361.88 358.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(printer attributes) 315 346.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 14) 381.38 346.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(printer-model) 315 334.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 16) 369.99 334.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(printer-name) 315 322.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 16) 366.65 322.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(printer-resolutions-supported) 315 310.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 16) 431.65 310.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintGetAttributes) 315 298.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 333 286.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 28) 369.66 286.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 333 274.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 9) 361.88 274.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintGetContext) 315 262.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 333 250.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 24) 369.66 250.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 333 238.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 3) 361.88 238.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintGetDocumentData) 315 226.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 333 214.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 26) 369.66 214.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 333 202.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 5) 361.88 202.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintGetImageResolution) 315 190.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 333 178.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 31) 369.66 178.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 333 166.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 11) 361.88 166.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintGetOneAttribute) 315 154.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 333 142.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 28) 369.66 142.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 333 130.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 9) 361.88 130.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintGetPageDimensions) 315 118.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 333 106.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 29) 369.66 106.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 333 94.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 8) 361.88 94.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintGetPrinterList) 315 82.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+%%EndPage: "33" 37
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+612 792 0 FMBEGINPAGE
+[0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
+[ 0 1 1 0 1 0 0]
+[ 1 0 1 0 0 1 0]
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+[ 1 0 0 0 0 1 1]
+[ 0 1 0 0 1 0 1]
+[ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0]
+ 7 FrameSetSepColors
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 746 540 756 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 14 Q
+0 X
+(Index) 72 746.67 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
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+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 33.32 540 43.32 R
+7 X
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+72 72 540 720 R
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+0 X
+(encoding) 90 713.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 22) 126.66 713.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 701.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 3) 118.88 701.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintGetScreenOfContext) 72 689.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 90 677.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 24) 126.66 677.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 665.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 4) 118.88 665.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintInputSelected) 72 653.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 90 641.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 27) 126.66 641.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 629.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 8) 118.88 629.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintNotify, encoding) 72 617.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 31) 159.22 617.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintPutDocumentData) 72 605.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 90 593.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 26) 126.66 593.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 581.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 5) 118.88 581.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintQueryScreens) 72 569.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 90 557.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 30) 126.66 557.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 545.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 10) 118.88 545.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintQueryVersion) 72 533.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 90 521.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 22) 126.66 521.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 509.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 10) 118.88 509.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintRehashPrinterList) 72 497.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 90 485.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 23) 126.66 485.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 473.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 10) 118.88 473.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintSelectInput) 72 461.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 90 449.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 27) 126.66 449.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 437.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 8) 118.88 437.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintSetAttributes) 72 425.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 90 413.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 29) 126.66 413.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 401.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 9, 10) 118.88 401.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintSetContext) 72 389.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 90 377.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 24) 126.66 377.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 365.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 3) 118.88 365.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintSetImageResolution) 72 353.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 90 341.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 30) 126.66 341.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 329.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 10) 118.88 329.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintStartDoc) 72 317.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
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+1 12 Q
+( 25) 126.66 305.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 293.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 6) 118.88 293.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintStartJob) 72 281.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(encoding) 90 269.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 25) 126.66 269.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 257.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 4) 118.88 257.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(PrintStartPage) 72 245.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
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+1 12 Q
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+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(request) 90 221.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 7) 118.88 221.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(S) 72 194 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(server attributes) 72 174.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 14) 136.15 174.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(V) 72 147 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(validating attributes) 72 127.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 14) 151.72 127.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 F
+(X) 72 100 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(XPAttributeNotify) 72 80.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+(event) 333 713.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 12) 354.66 713.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(XPBadContext, error description) 315 701.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 2) 446.93 701.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(XPBadSequence, error description) 315 689.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 2) 453.58 689.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(xp-embedded-formats-supported) 315 677.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 16) 446.08 677.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(xp-listfonts-modes) 315 665.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 18, 19) 390 665.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(xp-listfonts-modes-supported) 315 653.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 16) 432.77 653.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(xp-page-attributes-supported) 315 641.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 16) 430.53 641.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
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+1 10 Q
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+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
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+1 12 Q
+( 11) 354.66 617.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
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+1 12 Q
+( 16) 419.97 605.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(xp-setup-proviso) 315 593.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 17) 382.77 593.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(xp-setup-state) 315 581.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 17) 371.1 581.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
+(xp-spooler-command-options) 315 569.33 T
+1 12 Q
+( 17) 433.32 569.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+1 10 Q
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+1 12 Q
+( 17) 429.98 557.33 T
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
+0 0 0 1 0 0 0 K
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+%%+ Symbol
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diff --git a/printproto/specs/xp_protoIX.doc b/printproto/specs/xp_protoIX.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af3efa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/specs/xp_protoIX.doc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/printproto/specs/xp_protoTOC.doc b/printproto/specs/xp_protoTOC.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7154da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/specs/xp_protoTOC.doc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/printproto/specs/xp_proto_cov.mif b/printproto/specs/xp_proto_cov.mif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdc1310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/printproto/specs/xp_proto_cov.mif
@@ -0,0 +1,3467 @@
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
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+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and sell copies of the Software, and to permit '>
+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:'>
+ >
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+ >
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+ >
+ <ParaLine
+ <String `promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium.'>
+ >
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+ > # end of Font
+ <String ` is a trademark of X Consortium, Inc.'>
+ >
+ > # end of Para
+> # end of TextFlow
+# End of MIFFile