path: root/doc
diff options
authorJosé Fonseca <>2011-07-15 14:27:49 +0100
committerJosé Fonseca <>2011-07-15 14:27:49 +0100
commitd4263e22f1a405652b80c7bd6ebf0be380b30c4d (patch)
tree61d0b6f892c50d987ad83ed04bbb620519abbc3e /doc
parentcf022fe9dce1406803fea72b8a4b011a1d41303d (diff)
Support building with CMake.
Tested with Linux GCC, MSVC, and MinGW crosscompilers.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
2 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/html/build.html b/doc/html/build.html
index 369df4c..28b3a81 100644
--- a/doc/html/build.html
+++ b/doc/html/build.html
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ Once you've completed those tasks, choose one of the following:
<LI><A HREF="buildgnu.html">Building <I>glean</I> for GNU/Linux</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="buildwin.html">Building <I>glean</I> for Windows</A></LI>
+ <LI><A HREF="buildcmake.html">Building <I>glean</I> for GNU/Linux or Windows using cmake</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="buildscons.html">Building <I>glean</I> for GNU/Linux or Windows using scons</A></LI>
diff --git a/doc/html/buildcmake.html b/doc/html/buildcmake.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d315a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/html/buildcmake.html
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ <TITLE>Building glean using cmake</TITLE>
+ <META NAME="description" CONTENT="building glean using cmake">
+ <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Jose Fonseca">
+ <LINK REV="made" HREF="">
+<BODY bgcolor=#FFFFFF topmargin="10" bottommargin="10" leftmargin="10"
+ rightmargin="10" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">
+<H1>Building <I>glean</I> with cmake</H1>
+Now you can build glean on GNU/Linux or Windows using
+<A HREF="">cmake</A>. The advantages over GNU make are:
+ <LI> no need to set build options &mdash; everything is autodetected;
+ <LI> automatically uses an included tiff library if none can be found;
+ <LI> support to cross build from GNU/Linux to Windows using MinGW cross
+ compilers.
+<H2>Build <I>glean</I> on GNU/Linux</H2>
+Simply type
+ cmake -Hsrc -Bbuild
+ make -C build
+Everything should be autodetected for you.
+<H2>Build <I>glean</I> on Windows</H2>
+Simply type
+ cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" -Hsrc -Bbuild
+ cmake --build build --config Debug %*
+Everything should be autodetected for you.
+<H2>Build <I>glean</I> for Windows on GNU/Linux</H2>
+Create a <b>Toolchain.cmake</b> file containing:
+# the name of the target operating system
+# which compilers to use for C and C++
+SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER i586-mingw32msvc-gcc)
+SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER i586-mingw32msvc-g++)
+# here is the target environment located
+SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH /usr/i586-mingw32msvc)
+# adjust the default behaviour of the FIND_XXX() commands:
+# search headers and libraries in the target environment, search
+# programs in the host environment
+Create a <b>Cache.cmake</b> file containing:
+set(GLUT_INCLUDE_DIR "/path/to/glut/include" CACHE PATH "" FORCE)
+set(GLUT_glut_LIBRARY "/path/to/glut/lib/libglut32.a" CACHE FILEPATH "" FORCE)
+Then do:
+cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/Toolchain.cmake -C /path/to/Cache.cmake -Hsrc -Bbuild
+make -C build
+Read <a href="">this</a> for more information about CMake and MinGW cross compilation.
+ <LI> <A HREF="index.html"><I>glean</I> home</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="whatis.html">What is <I>glean</I>?</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="build.html">How do I build <I>glean</I>?</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="run.html">How do I run <I>glean</I>?</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="next.html">Where do we go from here?</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="newtest.html">Adding new tests</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="newfeat.html">Adding new infrastructure features</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="overview.html">Overview of <I>glean</I> internals</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="repo.html">Creating a repository of results</A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="port.html">Porting <I>glean</I></A>
+ <LI> <A HREF="cleanup.html">Cleaning up loose ends</A>
+ </UL>
+ <LI> <A HREF="changes.html">What has changed recently?</A>
+ </UL>