path: root/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaPaintWin.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaPaintWin.c')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaPaintWin.c b/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaPaintWin.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2adf42466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaPaintWin.c
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaPaintWin.c,v 1.11 2003/02/17 16:08:29 dawes Exp $ */
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "xf86.h"
+#include "xf86_ansic.h"
+#include "xf86_OSproc.h"
+#include "X.h"
+#include "scrnintstr.h"
+#include "windowstr.h"
+#include "xf86str.h"
+#include "xaa.h"
+#include "xaalocal.h"
+#include "gcstruct.h"
+#include "pixmapstr.h"
+#include "xaawrap.h"
+#include "panoramiX.h"
+#include "panoramiXsrv.h"
+ WindowPtr pWin,
+ RegionPtr prgn,
+ int what
+ ScreenPtr pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen;
+ XAAInfoRecPtr infoRec = GET_XAAINFORECPTR_FROM_DRAWABLE((&pWin->drawable));
+ int nBox = REGION_NUM_RECTS(prgn);
+ BoxPtr pBox = REGION_RECTS(prgn);
+ int fg = -1;
+ PixmapPtr pPix = NULL;
+ if(!infoRec->pScrn->vtSema) goto BAILOUT;
+ switch (what) {
+ switch(pWin->backgroundState) {
+ case None: return;
+ case ParentRelative:
+ do { pWin = pWin->parent; }
+ while(pWin->backgroundState == ParentRelative);
+ (*pWin->drawable.pScreen->PaintWindowBackground)(pWin, prgn, what);
+ return;
+ case BackgroundPixel:
+ fg = pWin->background.pixel;
+ break;
+ case BackgroundPixmap:
+ pPix = pWin->background.pixmap;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case PW_BORDER:
+ if (pWin->borderIsPixel)
+ fg = pWin->border.pixel;
+ else /* pixmap */
+ pPix = pWin->border.pixmap;
+ break;
+ default: return;
+ }
+ if(!pPix) {
+ if(infoRec->FillSolidRects &&
+ (!(infoRec->FillSolidRectsFlags & RGB_EQUAL) ||
+ (CHECK_RGB_EQUAL(fg))) ) {
+ (*infoRec->FillSolidRects)(infoRec->pScrn, fg, GXcopy, ~0,
+ nBox, pBox);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else { /* pixmap */
+ XAAPixmapPtr pPriv = XAA_GET_PIXMAP_PRIVATE(pPix);
+ WindowPtr pBgWin = pWin;
+ Bool NoCache = FALSE;
+ int xorg, yorg;
+ /* Hack so we can use this with the dual framebuffer layers
+ which only support the pixmap cache in the primary bpp */
+ if(pPix->drawable.bitsPerPixel != infoRec->pScrn->bitsPerPixel)
+ NoCache = TRUE;
+ if (what == PW_BORDER) {
+ for (pBgWin = pWin;
+ pBgWin->backgroundState == ParentRelative;
+ pBgWin = pBgWin->parent);
+ }
+ xorg = pBgWin->drawable.x;
+ yorg = pBgWin->drawable.y;
+ if(!noPanoramiXExtension) {
+ int index = pScreen->myNum;
+ if(WindowTable[index] == pBgWin) {
+ xorg -= panoramiXdataPtr[index].x;
+ yorg -= panoramiXdataPtr[index].y;
+ }
+ }
+ if(IS_OFFSCREEN_PIXMAP(pPix) && infoRec->FillCacheBltRects) {
+ XAACacheInfoPtr pCache = &(infoRec->ScratchCacheInfoRec);
+ pCache->x = pPriv->offscreenArea->box.x1;
+ pCache->y = pPriv->offscreenArea->box.y1;
+ pCache->w = pCache->orig_w =
+ pPriv->offscreenArea->box.x2 - pCache->x;
+ pCache->h = pCache->orig_h =
+ pPriv->offscreenArea->box.y2 - pCache->y;
+ pCache->trans_color = -1;
+ (*infoRec->FillCacheBltRects)(infoRec->pScrn, GXcopy, ~0,
+ nBox, pBox, xorg, yorg, pCache);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(pPriv->flags & DIRTY) {
+ pPriv->flags &= ~(DIRTY | REDUCIBILITY_MASK);
+ pPix->drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER;
+ }
+ if(!(pPriv->flags & REDUCIBILITY_CHECKED) &&
+ (infoRec->CanDoMono8x8 || infoRec->CanDoColor8x8)) {
+ XAACheckTileReducibility(pPix, infoRec->CanDoMono8x8);
+ }
+ if(pPriv->flags & REDUCIBLE_TO_8x8) {
+ if((pPriv->flags & REDUCIBLE_TO_2_COLOR) &&
+ infoRec->CanDoMono8x8 && infoRec->FillMono8x8PatternRects &&
+ !(infoRec->FillMono8x8PatternRectsFlags & TRANSPARENCY_ONLY) &&
+ (!(infoRec->FillMono8x8PatternRectsFlags & RGB_EQUAL) ||
+ (CHECK_RGB_EQUAL(pPriv->fg) && CHECK_RGB_EQUAL(pPriv->bg)))) {
+ (*infoRec->FillMono8x8PatternRects)(infoRec->pScrn,
+ pPriv->fg, pPriv->bg, GXcopy, ~0, nBox, pBox,
+ pPriv->pattern0, pPriv->pattern1, xorg, yorg);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(infoRec->CanDoColor8x8 && !NoCache &&
+ infoRec->FillColor8x8PatternRects) {
+ XAACacheInfoPtr pCache = (*infoRec->CacheColor8x8Pattern)(
+ infoRec->pScrn, pPix, -1, -1);
+ (*infoRec->FillColor8x8PatternRects) ( infoRec->pScrn,
+ GXcopy, ~0, nBox, pBox, xorg, yorg, pCache);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* The window size check is to reduce pixmap cache thrashing
+ when there are lots of little windows with pixmap backgrounds
+ like are sometimes used for buttons, etc... */
+ if(infoRec->UsingPixmapCache &&
+ infoRec->FillCacheBltRects && !NoCache &&
+ ((what == PW_BORDER) ||
+ (pPix->drawable.height != pWin->drawable.height) ||
+ (pPix->drawable.width != pWin->drawable.width)) &&
+ (pPix->drawable.height <= infoRec->MaxCacheableTileHeight) &&
+ (pPix->drawable.width <= infoRec->MaxCacheableTileWidth)) {
+ XAACacheInfoPtr pCache =
+ (*infoRec->CacheTile)(infoRec->pScrn, pPix);
+ (*infoRec->FillCacheBltRects)(infoRec->pScrn, GXcopy, ~0,
+ nBox, pBox, xorg, yorg, pCache);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(infoRec->FillImageWriteRects &&
+ !(infoRec->FillImageWriteRectsFlags & NO_GXCOPY)) {
+ (*infoRec->FillImageWriteRects) (infoRec->pScrn, GXcopy,
+ ~0, nBox, pBox, xorg, yorg, pPix);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(infoRec->NeedToSync) {
+ (*infoRec->Sync)(infoRec->pScrn);
+ infoRec->NeedToSync = FALSE;
+ }
+ if(what == PW_BACKGROUND) {
+ XAA_SCREEN_PROLOGUE (pScreen, PaintWindowBackground);
+ (*pScreen->PaintWindowBackground) (pWin, prgn, what);
+ XAA_SCREEN_EPILOGUE(pScreen, PaintWindowBackground, XAAPaintWindow);
+ } else {
+ XAA_SCREEN_PROLOGUE (pScreen, PaintWindowBorder);
+ (*pScreen->PaintWindowBorder) (pWin, prgn, what);
+ XAA_SCREEN_EPILOGUE(pScreen, PaintWindowBorder, XAAPaintWindow);
+ }