path: root/source/link
diff options
authorPierre Moreau <>2017-07-13 02:16:51 +0200
committerDavid Neto <>2017-10-06 18:33:53 -0400
commit86627f7b3f725d390b6e09078db0f41f10c9d165 (patch)
treec23fb62e45ebdef060e07eac66cc862fe343d89f /source/link
parent4b1577a0cbcfdbdbbe540b7ba91945b70ac7fb46 (diff)
Implement Linker (module combiner)
Add extra iterators for ir::Module's sections Add extra getters to ir::Function Add a const version of BasicBlock::GetLabelInst() Use the max of all inputs' version as version Split debug in debug1 and debug2 - Debug1 instructions have to be placed before debug2 instructions. Error out if different addressing or memory models are found Exit early if no binaries were given Error out if entry points are redeclared Implement copy ctors for Function and BasicBlock - Visual Studio ends up generating copy constructors that call deleted functions while compiling the linker code, while GCC and clang do not. So explicitly write those functions to avoid Visual Studio messing up. Move removing duplicate capabilities to its own pass Add functions running on all IDs present in an instruction Remove duplicate SpvOpExtInstImport Give default options value for link functions Remove linkage capability if not making a library Check types before allowing to link Detect if two types/variables/functions have different decorations Remove decorations of imported variables/functions and their types Add a DecorationManager Add a method for removing all decorations of id Add methods for removing operands from instructions Error out if one of the modules has a non-zero schema Update to talk about the linker Do not freak out if an imported built-in variable has no export
Diffstat (limited to 'source/link')
2 files changed, 751 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/link/CMakeLists.txt b/source/link/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9db3cabf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/link/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Pierre Moreau
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ linker.cpp
+ PUBLIC ${spirv-tools_SOURCE_DIR}/include
+ PRIVATE ${spirv-tools_BINARY_DIR}
+# We need the IR functionnalities from the optimizer
+ PUBLIC SPIRV-Tools-opt)
+set_property(TARGET SPIRV-Tools-link PROPERTY FOLDER "SPIRV-Tools libraries")
+ install(TARGETS SPIRV-Tools-link
diff --git a/source/link/linker.cpp b/source/link/linker.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51e720ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/link/linker.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Pierre Moreau
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "spirv-tools/linker.hpp"
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <vector>
+#include "assembly_grammar.h"
+#include "diagnostic.h"
+#include "opt/build_module.h"
+#include "opt/compact_ids_pass.h"
+#include "opt/decoration_manager.h"
+#include "opt/ir_loader.h"
+#include "opt/make_unique.h"
+#include "opt/pass_manager.h"
+#include "opt/remove_duplicates_pass.h"
+#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
+#include "spirv_target_env.h"
+namespace spvtools {
+using ir::Instruction;
+using ir::Module;
+using ir::Operand;
+using opt::PassManager;
+using opt::RemoveDuplicatesPass;
+using opt::analysis::DecorationManager;
+using opt::analysis::DefUseManager;
+// Stores various information about an imported or exported symbol.
+struct LinkageSymbolInfo {
+ SpvId id; // ID of the symbol
+ SpvId type_id; // ID of the type of the symbol
+ std::string name; // unique name defining the symbol and used for matching
+ // imports and exports together
+ std::vector<SpvId> parameter_ids; // ID of the parameters of the symbol, if
+ // it is a function
+struct LinkageEntry {
+ LinkageSymbolInfo imported_symbol;
+ LinkageSymbolInfo exported_symbol;
+ LinkageEntry(const LinkageSymbolInfo& import_info,
+ const LinkageSymbolInfo& export_info)
+ : imported_symbol(import_info), exported_symbol(export_info) {}
+using LinkageTable = std::vector<LinkageEntry>;
+// Shifts the IDs used in each binary of |modules| so that they occupy a
+// disjoint range from the other binaries, and compute the new ID bound which
+// is returned in |max_id_bound|.
+// Both |modules| and |max_id_bound| should not be null, and |modules| should
+// not be empty either.
+static spv_result_t ShiftIdsInModules(
+ const MessageConsumer& consumer,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ir::Module>>* modules, uint32_t* max_id_bound);
+// Generates the header for the linked module and returns it in |header|.
+// |header| should not be null, |modules| should not be empty and
+// |max_id_bound| should be strictly greater than 0.
+// TODO(pierremoreau): What to do when binaries use different versions of
+// SPIR-V? For now, use the max of all versions found in
+// the input modules.
+static spv_result_t GenerateHeader(
+ const MessageConsumer& consumer,
+ const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ir::Module>>& modules,
+ uint32_t max_id_bound, ir::ModuleHeader* header);
+// Merge all the modules from |inModules| into |linked_module|.
+// |linked_module| should not be null.
+static spv_result_t MergeModules(
+ const MessageConsumer& consumer,
+ const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Module>>& inModules,
+ const libspirv::AssemblyGrammar& grammar, Module* linked_module);
+// Compute all pairs of import and export and return it in |linkings_to_do|.
+// |linkings_to_do should not be null. Built-in symbols will be ignored.
+// TODO(pierremoreau): Linkage attributes applied by a group decoration are
+// currently not handled. (You could have a group being
+// applied to a single ID.)
+// TODO(pierremoreau): What should be the proper behaviour with built-in
+// symbols?
+static spv_result_t GetImportExportPairs(const MessageConsumer& consumer,
+ const Module& linked_module,
+ const DefUseManager& def_use_manager,
+ const DecorationManager& decoration_manager,
+ LinkageTable* linkings_to_do);
+// Checks that for each pair of import and export, the import and export have
+// the same type as well as the same decorations.
+// TODO(pierremoreau): Decorations on functions parameters are currently not
+// checked.
+static spv_result_t CheckImportExportCompatibility(
+ const MessageConsumer& consumer, const LinkageTable& linkings_to_do,
+ const DefUseManager& def_use_manager,
+ const DecorationManager& decoration_manager);
+// Remove linkage specific instructions, such as prototypes of imported
+// functions, declarations of imported variables, import (and export if
+// necessary) linkage attribtes.
+// |linked_module| and |decoration_manager| should not be null, and the
+// 'RemoveDuplicatePass' should be run first.
+// TODO(pierremoreau): Linkage attributes applied by a group decoration are
+// currently not handled. (You could have a group being
+// applied to a single ID.)
+// TODO(pierremoreau): Run a pass for removing dead instructions, for example
+// OpName for prototypes of imported funcions.
+static spv_result_t RemoveLinkageSpecificInstructions(
+ const MessageConsumer& consumer, bool create_executable,
+ const LinkageTable& linkings_to_do, DecorationManager* decoration_manager,
+ Module* linked_module);
+// Structs for holding the data members for SpvLinker.
+struct Linker::Impl {
+ explicit Impl(spv_target_env env) : context(spvContextCreate(env)) {
+ // The default consumer in spv_context_t is a null consumer, which provides
+ // equivalent functionality (from the user's perspective) as a real consumer
+ // does nothing.
+ }
+ ~Impl() { spvContextDestroy(context); }
+ spv_context context; // C interface context object.
+Linker::Linker(spv_target_env env) : impl_(new Impl(env)) {}
+Linker::~Linker() {}
+void Linker::SetMessageConsumer(MessageConsumer consumer) {
+ SetContextMessageConsumer(impl_->context, std::move(consumer));
+spv_result_t Linker::Link(const std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>>& binaries,
+ std::vector<uint32_t>& linked_binary,
+ const LinkerOptions& options) const {
+ std::vector<const uint32_t*> binary_ptrs;
+ binary_ptrs.reserve(binaries.size());
+ std::vector<size_t> binary_sizes;
+ binary_sizes.reserve(binaries.size());
+ for (const auto& binary : binaries) {
+ binary_ptrs.push_back(;
+ binary_sizes.push_back(binary.size());
+ }
+ return Link(,, binaries.size(),
+ linked_binary, options);
+spv_result_t Linker::Link(const uint32_t* const* binaries,
+ const size_t* binary_sizes, size_t num_binaries,
+ std::vector<uint32_t>& linked_binary,
+ const LinkerOptions& options) const {
+ spv_position_t position = {};
+ const MessageConsumer& consumer = impl_->context->consumer;
+ linked_binary.clear();
+ if (num_binaries == 0u)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "No modules were given.";
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Module>> modules;
+ modules.reserve(num_binaries);
+ for (size_t i = 0u; i < num_binaries; ++i) {
+ const uint32_t schema = binaries[i][4u];
+ if (schema != 0u) {
+ position.index = 4u;
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "Schema is non-zero for module " << i << ".";
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<Module> module = BuildModule(
+ impl_->context->target_env, consumer, binaries[i], binary_sizes[i]);
+ if (module == nullptr)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "Failed to build a module out of " << modules.size() << ".";
+ modules.push_back(std::move(module));
+ }
+ // Phase 1: Shift the IDs used in each binary so that they occupy a disjoint
+ // range from the other binaries, and compute the new ID bound.
+ uint32_t max_id_bound = 0u;
+ spv_result_t res = ShiftIdsInModules(consumer, &modules, &max_id_bound);
+ if (res != SPV_SUCCESS) return res;
+ // Phase 2: Generate the header
+ ir::ModuleHeader header;
+ res = GenerateHeader(consumer, modules, max_id_bound, &header);
+ if (res != SPV_SUCCESS) return res;
+ auto linked_module = MakeUnique<Module>();
+ linked_module->SetHeader(header);
+ // Phase 3: Merge all the binaries into a single one.
+ libspirv::AssemblyGrammar grammar(impl_->context);
+ res = MergeModules(consumer, modules, grammar, linked_module.get());
+ if (res != SPV_SUCCESS) return res;
+ DefUseManager def_use_manager(consumer, linked_module.get());
+ // Phase 4: Find the import/export pairs
+ LinkageTable linkings_to_do;
+ DecorationManager decoration_manager(linked_module.get());
+ res = GetImportExportPairs(consumer, *linked_module, def_use_manager,
+ decoration_manager, &linkings_to_do);
+ if (res != SPV_SUCCESS) return res;
+ // Phase 5: Ensure the import and export have the same types and decorations.
+ res = CheckImportExportCompatibility(consumer, linkings_to_do,
+ def_use_manager, decoration_manager);
+ if (res != SPV_SUCCESS) return res;
+ // Phase 6: Remove duplicates
+ PassManager manager;
+ manager.SetMessageConsumer(consumer);
+ manager.AddPass<RemoveDuplicatesPass>();
+ opt::Pass::Status pass_res = manager.Run(linked_module.get());
+ if (pass_res == opt::Pass::Status::Failure) return SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
+ // Phase 7: Remove linkage specific instructions, such as import/export
+ // attributes, linkage capability, etc. if applicable
+ res = RemoveLinkageSpecificInstructions(consumer, !options.GetCreateLibrary(),
+ linkings_to_do, &decoration_manager,
+ linked_module.get());
+ if (res != SPV_SUCCESS) return res;
+ // Phase 8: Rematch import variables/functions to export variables/functions
+ // TODO(pierremoreau): Keep the previous DefUseManager up-to-date
+ DefUseManager def_use_manager2(consumer, linked_module.get());
+ for (const auto& linking_entry : linkings_to_do)
+ def_use_manager2.ReplaceAllUsesWith(,
+ // Phase 9: Compact the IDs used in the module
+ manager.AddPass<opt::CompactIdsPass>();
+ pass_res = manager.Run(linked_module.get());
+ if (pass_res == opt::Pass::Status::Failure) return SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
+ // Phase 10: Output the module
+ linked_module->ToBinary(&linked_binary, true);
+ return SPV_SUCCESS;
+static spv_result_t ShiftIdsInModules(
+ const MessageConsumer& consumer,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ir::Module>>* modules, uint32_t* max_id_bound) {
+ spv_position_t position = {};
+ if (modules == nullptr)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "|modules| of ShiftIdsInModules should not be null.";
+ if (modules->empty())
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "|modules| of ShiftIdsInModules should not be empty.";
+ if (max_id_bound == nullptr)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "|max_id_bound| of ShiftIdsInModules should not be null.";
+ uint32_t id_bound = modules->front()->IdBound() - 1u;
+ for (auto module_iter = modules->begin() + 1; module_iter != modules->end();
+ ++module_iter) {
+ Module* module = module_iter->get();
+ module->ForEachInst([&id_bound](Instruction* insn) {
+ insn->ForEachId([&id_bound](uint32_t* id) { *id += id_bound; });
+ });
+ id_bound += module->IdBound() - 1u;
+ if (id_bound > 0x3FFFFF)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "The limit of IDs, 4194303, was exceeded:"
+ << " " << id_bound << " is the current ID bound.";
+ }
+ ++id_bound;
+ if (id_bound > 0x3FFFFF)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer, SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID)
+ << "The limit of IDs, 4194303, was exceeded:"
+ << " " << id_bound << " is the current ID bound.";
+ *max_id_bound = id_bound;
+ return SPV_SUCCESS;
+static spv_result_t GenerateHeader(
+ const MessageConsumer& consumer,
+ const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ir::Module>>& modules,
+ uint32_t max_id_bound, ir::ModuleHeader* header) {
+ spv_position_t position = {};
+ if (modules.empty())
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "|modules| of GenerateHeader should not be empty.";
+ if (max_id_bound == 0u)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "|max_id_bound| of GenerateHeader should not be null.";
+ uint32_t version = 0u;
+ for (const auto& module : modules)
+ version = std::max(version, module->version());
+ header->magic_number = SpvMagicNumber;
+ header->version = version;
+ header->generator = 17u;
+ header->bound = max_id_bound;
+ header->reserved = 0u;
+ return SPV_SUCCESS;
+static spv_result_t MergeModules(
+ const MessageConsumer& consumer,
+ const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Module>>& input_modules,
+ const libspirv::AssemblyGrammar& grammar, Module* linked_module) {
+ spv_position_t position = {};
+ if (linked_module == nullptr)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "|linked_module| of MergeModules should not be null.";
+ if (input_modules.empty()) return SPV_SUCCESS;
+ for (const auto& module : input_modules)
+ for (const auto& inst : module->capabilities())
+ linked_module->AddCapability(MakeUnique<Instruction>(inst));
+ for (const auto& module : input_modules)
+ for (const auto& inst : module->extensions())
+ linked_module->AddExtension(MakeUnique<Instruction>(inst));
+ for (const auto& module : input_modules)
+ for (const auto& inst : module->ext_inst_imports())
+ linked_module->AddExtInstImport(MakeUnique<Instruction>(inst));
+ do {
+ const Instruction* memory_model_inst = input_modules[0]->GetMemoryModel();
+ if (memory_model_inst == nullptr) break;
+ uint32_t addressing_model = memory_model_inst->GetSingleWordOperand(0u);
+ uint32_t memory_model = memory_model_inst->GetSingleWordOperand(1u);
+ for (const auto& module : input_modules) {
+ memory_model_inst = module->GetMemoryModel();
+ if (memory_model_inst == nullptr) continue;
+ if (addressing_model != memory_model_inst->GetSingleWordOperand(0u)) {
+ spv_operand_desc initial_desc = nullptr, current_desc = nullptr;
+ addressing_model, &initial_desc);
+ memory_model_inst->GetSingleWordOperand(0u),
+ &current_desc);
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "Conflicting addressing models: " << initial_desc->name
+ << " vs " << current_desc->name << ".";
+ }
+ if (memory_model != memory_model_inst->GetSingleWordOperand(1u)) {
+ spv_operand_desc initial_desc = nullptr, current_desc = nullptr;
+ grammar.lookupOperand(SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_MEMORY_MODEL, memory_model,
+ &initial_desc);
+ grammar.lookupOperand(SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_MEMORY_MODEL,
+ memory_model_inst->GetSingleWordOperand(1u),
+ &current_desc);
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "Conflicting memory models: " << initial_desc->name << " vs "
+ << current_desc->name << ".";
+ }
+ }
+ if (memory_model_inst != nullptr)
+ linked_module->SetMemoryModel(
+ MakeUnique<Instruction>(*memory_model_inst));
+ } while (false);
+ std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, const char*>> entry_points;
+ for (const auto& module : input_modules)
+ for (const auto& inst : module->entry_points()) {
+ const uint32_t model = inst.GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
+ const char* const name =
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(inst.GetInOperand(2);
+ const auto i = std::find_if(
+ entry_points.begin(), entry_points.end(),
+ [model, name](const std::pair<uint32_t, const char*>& v) {
+ return v.first == model && strcmp(name, v.second) == 0;
+ });
+ if (i != entry_points.end()) {
+ spv_operand_desc desc = nullptr;
+ grammar.lookupOperand(SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_EXECUTION_MODEL, model, &desc);
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "The entry point \"" << name << "\", with execution model "
+ << desc->name << ", was already defined.";
+ }
+ linked_module->AddEntryPoint(MakeUnique<Instruction>(inst));
+ entry_points.emplace_back(model, name);
+ }
+ for (const auto& module : input_modules)
+ for (const auto& inst : module->execution_modes())
+ linked_module->AddExecutionMode(MakeUnique<Instruction>(inst));
+ for (const auto& module : input_modules)
+ for (const auto& inst : module->debugs1())
+ linked_module->AddDebug1Inst(MakeUnique<Instruction>(inst));
+ for (const auto& module : input_modules)
+ for (const auto& inst : module->debugs2())
+ linked_module->AddDebug2Inst(MakeUnique<Instruction>(inst));
+ for (const auto& module : input_modules)
+ for (const auto& inst : module->annotations())
+ linked_module->AddAnnotationInst(MakeUnique<Instruction>(inst));
+ // TODO(pierremoreau): Since the modules have not been validate, should we
+ // expect SpvStorageClassFunction variables outside
+ // functions?
+ uint32_t num_global_values = 0u;
+ for (const auto& module : input_modules) {
+ for (const auto& inst : module->types_values()) {
+ linked_module->AddType(MakeUnique<Instruction>(inst));
+ num_global_values += inst.opcode() == SpvOpVariable;
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_global_values > 0xFFFF)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer, SPV_ERROR_INTERNAL)
+ << "The limit of global values, 65535, was exceeded;"
+ << " " << num_global_values << " global values were found.";
+ // Process functions and their basic blocks
+ for (const auto& module : input_modules) {
+ for (const auto& func : *module) {
+ std::unique_ptr<ir::Function> cloned_func =
+ MakeUnique<ir::Function>(func);
+ cloned_func->SetParent(linked_module);
+ linked_module->AddFunction(std::move(cloned_func));
+ }
+ }
+ return SPV_SUCCESS;
+static spv_result_t GetImportExportPairs(const MessageConsumer& consumer,
+ const Module& linked_module,
+ const DefUseManager& def_use_manager,
+ const DecorationManager& decoration_manager,
+ LinkageTable* linkings_to_do) {
+ spv_position_t position = {};
+ if (linkings_to_do == nullptr)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "|linkings_to_do| of GetImportExportPairs should not be empty.";
+ std::vector<LinkageSymbolInfo> imports;
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<LinkageSymbolInfo>> exports;
+ // Figure out the imports and exports
+ for (const auto& decoration : linked_module.annotations()) {
+ if (decoration.opcode() != SpvOpDecorate ||
+ decoration.GetSingleWordInOperand(1u) != SpvDecorationLinkageAttributes)
+ continue;
+ const SpvId id = decoration.GetSingleWordInOperand(0u);
+ // Ignore if the targeted symbol is a built-in
+ bool is_built_in = false;
+ for (const auto& id_decoration : decoration_manager.GetDecorationsFor(id, false)) {
+ if (id_decoration->GetSingleWordInOperand(1u) == SpvDecorationBuiltIn) {
+ is_built_in = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_built_in)
+ continue;
+ const uint32_t type = decoration.GetSingleWordInOperand(3u);
+ LinkageSymbolInfo symbol_info;
+ =
+ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(decoration.GetInOperand(2u);
+ = id;
+ symbol_info.type_id = 0u;
+ // Retrieve the type of the current symbol. This information will be used
+ // when checking that the imported and exported symbols have the same
+ // types.
+ const Instruction* def_inst = def_use_manager.GetDef(id);
+ if (def_inst == nullptr)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "ID " << id << " is never defined:\n";
+ if (def_inst->opcode() == SpvOpVariable) {
+ symbol_info.type_id = def_inst->type_id();
+ } else if (def_inst->opcode() == SpvOpFunction) {
+ symbol_info.type_id = def_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1u);
+ // range-based for loop calls begin()/end(), but never cbegin()/cend(),
+ // which will not work here.
+ for (auto func_iter = linked_module.cbegin();
+ func_iter != linked_module.cend(); ++func_iter) {
+ if (func_iter->result_id() != id) continue;
+ func_iter->ForEachParam([&symbol_info](const Instruction* inst) {
+ symbol_info.parameter_ids.push_back(inst->result_id());
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "Only global variables and functions can be decorated using"
+ << " LinkageAttributes; " << id << " is neither of them.\n";
+ }
+ if (type == SpvLinkageTypeImport)
+ imports.push_back(symbol_info);
+ else if (type == SpvLinkageTypeExport)
+ exports[].push_back(symbol_info);
+ }
+ // Find the import/export pairs
+ for (const auto& import : imports) {
+ std::vector<LinkageSymbolInfo> possible_exports;
+ const auto& exp = exports.find(;
+ if (exp != exports.end()) possible_exports = exp->second;
+ if (possible_exports.empty())
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "No export linkage was found for \"" << << "\".";
+ else if (possible_exports.size() > 1u)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "Too many export linkages, " << possible_exports.size()
+ << ", were found for \"" << << "\".";
+ linkings_to_do->emplace_back(import, possible_exports.front());
+ }
+ return SPV_SUCCESS;
+static spv_result_t CheckImportExportCompatibility(
+ const MessageConsumer& consumer, const LinkageTable& linkings_to_do,
+ const DefUseManager& def_use_manager,
+ const DecorationManager& decoration_manager) {
+ spv_position_t position = {};
+ // Ensure th import and export types are the same.
+ for (const auto& linking_entry : linkings_to_do) {
+ if (!RemoveDuplicatesPass::AreTypesEqual(
+ *def_use_manager.GetDef(linking_entry.imported_symbol.type_id),
+ *def_use_manager.GetDef(linking_entry.exported_symbol.type_id),
+ def_use_manager, decoration_manager))
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "Type mismatch between imported variable/function %"
+ <<
+ << " and exported variable/function %"
+ << << ".";
+ }
+ // Ensure the import and export decorations are similar
+ for (const auto& linking_entry : linkings_to_do) {
+ if (!decoration_manager.HaveTheSameDecorations(
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "Decorations mismatch between imported variable/function %"
+ <<
+ << " and exported variable/function %"
+ << << ".";
+ // TODO(pierremoreau): Decorations on function parameters should probably
+ // match, except for FuncParamAttr if I understand the
+ // spec correctly, which makes the code more
+ // complicated.
+ // for (uint32_t i = 0u; i <
+ // linking_entry.imported_symbol.parameter_ids.size(); ++i)
+ // if
+ // (!decoration_manager.HaveTheSameDecorations(linking_entry.imported_symbol.parameter_ids[i],
+ // linking_entry.exported_symbol.parameter_ids[i]))
+ // return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position,
+ // impl_->context->consumer,
+ // << "Decorations mismatch between imported function %" <<
+ // << "'s"
+ // << " and exported function %" <<
+ // << "'s " << (i + 1u) <<
+ // "th parameter.";
+ }
+ return SPV_SUCCESS;
+static spv_result_t RemoveLinkageSpecificInstructions(
+ const MessageConsumer& consumer, bool create_executable,
+ const LinkageTable& linkings_to_do, DecorationManager* decoration_manager,
+ Module* linked_module) {
+ spv_position_t position = {};
+ if (decoration_manager == nullptr)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "|decoration_manager| of RemoveLinkageSpecificInstructions "
+ "should "
+ "not "
+ "be empty.";
+ if (linked_module == nullptr)
+ return libspirv::DiagnosticStream(position, consumer,
+ << "|linked_module| of RemoveLinkageSpecificInstructions should not "
+ "be empty.";
+ // Remove FuncParamAttr decorations of imported functions' parameters.
+ // From the SPIR-V specification, Sec. 2.13:
+ // When resolving imported functions, the Function Control and all Function
+ // Parameter Attributes are taken from the function definition, and not
+ // from the function declaration.
+ for (const auto& linking_entry : linkings_to_do) {
+ for (const auto parameter_id :
+ linking_entry.imported_symbol.parameter_ids) {
+ for (ir::Instruction* decoration :
+ decoration_manager->GetDecorationsFor(parameter_id, false)) {
+ switch (decoration->opcode()) {
+ case SpvOpDecorate:
+ case SpvOpMemberDecorate:
+ if (decoration->GetSingleWordInOperand(1u) ==
+ SpvDecorationFuncParamAttr)
+ decoration->ToNop();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove prototypes of imported functions
+ for (const auto& linking_entry : linkings_to_do) {
+ for (auto func_iter = linked_module->begin();
+ func_iter != linked_module->end();) {
+ if (func_iter->result_id() ==
+ func_iter = func_iter.Erase();
+ else
+ ++func_iter;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove declarations of imported variables
+ for (const auto& linking_entry : linkings_to_do) {
+ for (auto& inst : linked_module->types_values())
+ if (inst.result_id() == inst.ToNop();
+ }
+ // Remove import linkage attributes
+ for (auto& inst : linked_module->annotations())
+ if (inst.opcode() == SpvOpDecorate &&
+ inst.GetSingleWordOperand(1u) == SpvDecorationLinkageAttributes &&
+ inst.GetSingleWordOperand(3u) == SpvLinkageTypeImport)
+ inst.ToNop();
+ // Remove export linkage attributes and Linkage capability if making an
+ // executable
+ if (create_executable) {
+ for (auto& inst : linked_module->annotations())
+ if (inst.opcode() == SpvOpDecorate &&
+ inst.GetSingleWordOperand(1u) == SpvDecorationLinkageAttributes &&
+ inst.GetSingleWordOperand(3u) == SpvLinkageTypeExport)
+ inst.ToNop();
+ for (auto& inst : linked_module->capabilities())
+ if (inst.GetSingleWordInOperand(0u) == SpvCapabilityLinkage) {
+ inst.ToNop();
+ // The RemoveDuplicatesPass did remove duplicated capabilities, so we
+ // now there aren’t more SpvCapabilityLinkage further down.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return SPV_SUCCESS;
+} // namespace spvtools