path: root/nao/nao.turtle
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nao/nao.turtle')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/nao/nao.turtle b/nao/nao.turtle
deleted file mode 100644
index a0bc912..0000000
--- a/nao/nao.turtle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-@prefix rdf: <> .
-@prefix nrl: <> .
-@prefix xsd: <> .
-@prefix nao: <> .
-@prefix rdfs: <> .
- nrl:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Defines the default static namespace abbreviation for a graph" ;
- rdfs:domain nrl:Data ;
- rdfs:label "has default namespace abbreviation" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:annotation .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Generic annotation for a resource" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "annotation" .
- a rdfs:Class ;
- rdfs:comment "Represents a symbol" ;
- rdfs:label "symbol" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource .
- a rdfs:Class ;
- rdfs:comment "Represents a desktop icon as defined in the FreeDesktop Icon Naming Standard" ;
- rdfs:label "freedesktopicon" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf nao:Symbol .
- nrl:minCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Defines a name for a FreeDesktop Icon as defined in the FreeDesktop Icon Naming Standard" ;
- rdfs:domain nao:FreeDesktopIcon ;
- rdfs:label "iconname" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:identifier .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Defines a generic identifier for a resource" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "identifier" .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "An authorative score for an item valued between 0 and 1" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "score" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:annotation .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "A marker property to mark selected properties which are input to a mathematical algorithm to generate scores for resources. Properties are marked by being defined as subproperties of this property" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "scoreparameter" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:annotation .
- nrl:inverseProperty nao:hasTopic ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Defines a relationship between two resources, where the subject is a topic of the object" ;
- rdfs:label "is topic of" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:isRelated .
- a nrl:SymmetricProperty, rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Defines an annotation for a resource in the form of a relationship between the subject resource and another resource" ;
- rdfs:label "is related to" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:annotation .
- nrl:inverseProperty nao:isTopicOf ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Defines a relationship between two resources, where the object is a topic of the subject" ;
- rdfs:label "has topic" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:isRelated .
- nrl:inverseProperty nao:hasSuperResource ;
- a nrl:SymmetricProperty, rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Defines a relationship between a resource and one or more sub resources" ;
- rdfs:label "has Subresource" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:isRelated .
- nrl:inverseProperty nao:hasSubResource ;
- a nrl:SymmetricProperty, rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Defines a relationship between a resource and one or more super resources" ;
- rdfs:label "has Superresource" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:isRelated .
- nrl:inverseProperty nao:hasTag ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "States which resources a tag is associated with" ;
- rdfs:domain nao:Tag ;
- rdfs:label "is tag for" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:annotation .
- a rdfs:Class ;
- rdfs:comment "Represents a generic tag" ;
- rdfs:label "tag" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource .
- nrl:inverseProperty nao:isTagFor ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Defines an existing tag for a resource" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "has tag" ;
- rdfs:range nao:Tag ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:annotation .
- nrl:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Specifies the version of a graph, in numeric format" ;
- rdfs:domain nrl:Data ;
- rdfs:label "version" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:annotation .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "An alternative label alongside the preferred label for a resource" ;
- rdfs:label "alternative label" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Annotation for a resource in the form of a symbol representation" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "has symbol" ;
- rdfs:range nao:Symbol .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "A unique preferred symbol representation for a resource" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "preferred symbol" ;
- rdfs:range nao:Symbol ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:hasSymbol .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "An alternative symbol representation for a resource" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "alternative symbol" ;
- rdfs:range nao:Symbol ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:hasSymbol .
- nrl:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "States the serialization language for a named graph that is represented within a document" ;
- rdfs:domain nrl:DocumentGraph ;
- rdfs:label "serialization language" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Literal .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Refers to the single or group of individuals that created the resource" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "creator" ;
- rdfs:range nao:Party ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf <>, nao:annotation .
- a rdfs:Class ;
- rdfs:comment "Represents a single or a group of individuals" ;
- rdfs:label "party" ;
- rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Annotation for a resource in the form of an unrestricted rating" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "rating" ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:annotation .
- nrl:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment " Annotation for a resource in the form of a numeric rating (float value), allowed values are between 1 and 10 whereas 0 is interpreted as not set" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "numeric rating" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:float ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:rating, nao:scoreParameter .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Refers to a single or a group of individuals that contributed to a resource" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "contributor" ;
- rdfs:range nao:Party ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf <>, nao:annotation .
- nrl:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Defines the default static namespace for a graph" ;
- rdfs:domain nrl:Data ;
- rdfs:label "has default namespace" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:annotation .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "States the modification time for a resource" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "modified at" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:dateTime ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf <>, nao:annotation .
- nrl:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "States the creation, or first modification time for a resource" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "created at" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:dateTime ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:modified .
- nrl:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "States the last modification time for a resource" ;
- rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
- rdfs:label "last modified at" ;
- rdfs:range xsd:dateTime ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:modified .
- nrl:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Specifies the status of a graph, stable, unstable or testing" ;
- rdfs:domain nrl:Data ;
- rdfs:label "status" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:annotation .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "A non-technical textual annotation for a resource" ;
- rdfs:label "description" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:annotation, rdfs:comment .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "A preferred label for a resource" ;
- rdfs:label "preferred label" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "The plural form of the preferred label for a resource" ;
- rdfs:label "preferred label plural form" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label .
- a rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Specifies the engineering tool used to generate the graph" ;
- rdfs:domain nrl:Data ;
- rdfs:label "engineering tool" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:annotation .
- a nrl:InverseFunctionalProperty, rdf:Property ;
- rdfs:comment "Defines a personal string identifier for a resource" ;
- rdfs:label "personal identifier" ;
- rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ;
- rdfs:subPropertyOf nao:identifier .