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authorLeo Sauermann <>2009-11-08 14:30:29 +0000
committerLeo Sauermann <>2009-11-08 14:30:29 +0000
commitde4cf249154e5503a55d428475c5447f0b5f5438 (patch)
parent1278a237c1450623efd05466e932d756f8a2f19c (diff)
nso: added first version
2 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nso/doc/nso-header.html b/nso/doc/nso-header.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..193f409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nso/doc/nso-header.html
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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+ <title>Nepomuk Sharing Ontology (NSO)</title>
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+<h1>Nepomuk Sharing Ontology (NSO)</h1>
+<h2>OSCAF Recommendation 8.11.2009</h2>
+ <dt>Latest Version:</dt>
+ <dd><a href=""></a>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>This Version:</dt>
+ <dd><a href=""></a>
+ <br/>This file refers to the Revision 1 of NSO. Minor changes may be implemented in future revisions.
+ With each new revision, the documentation and all serializations of the ontology will be updated.</dd>
+ <!--dt>Previous Version:</dt>
+ <dd><a href=""></a-->
+ <dt>Authors:</dt>
+ <dd>Leo Sauermann, DFKI, <a href=""></a></dd>
+ <dd>Iridian Kiiskinen <a href=""></a></dd>
+ <dt>Contributors:</dt>
+ <dd>Sebastian Tr&uuml;g, <a href=""></a></dd>
+ <dd>Attendees of the <a href="">OpenSocialSemanticDesktopWorkshop2009</a></dd>
+ <dt id="ontology">Ontology:</dt>
+ <dd>XML/RDFS Serialization: <a href="">NSO (Data Graph Only)</a></dd>
+ <dd>XML/RDFS Serialization: <a href="">NSO (Metadata Graph Only)</a></dd>
+ <dd>TriG Serialization: <a href="">NSO (Graph Set)</a></dd>
+<hr />
+<p class="copyright"> Copyright &copy; 2009 the authors<sup>&reg;</sup>
+The ontologies are made available under the terms of NEPOMUK <a href="LICENSE.txt">software license</a>
+<hr />
+<h2 id="abstract">Abstract</h2>
+ The Nepomuk Sharing Ontology is used to express that information elements or pimo things are shared with contacts.
+ Sharing is possible both for groups and for individual contacts.
+ The ontology is intended to by used on a user's computer to indicate which local resources have been shared with whom.
+ Services should interpret the ontology to push changes of shared things to the contacts.
+<h2 id="status">Status of this document</h2>
+ This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication.
+ The form used for this status message and document is inspired by the W3C process.
+ This document describes an <a href="">OSCAF ontology recommendation</a> describing the Nepomuk Sharing Ontology (NSO).
+ It was created at the <a href="">OpenSocialSemanticDesktopWorkshop2009</a> and is now maintained by OSCAF members.
+ The listed editor is responsible to bring in feedback from the other authors, contributors,
+ and the community at large.
+ Other documents may supersede this document.
+ This recommendation is <a href="#ontology">accompanied by a RDFS/NRL ontology</a>, which is the authorative formal
+ description of the ontology.</b>
diff --git a/nso/nso.trig b/nso/nso.trig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de3c005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nso/nso.trig
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+@prefix dc: <> .
+@prefix rdfs: <> .
+@prefix nao: <> .
+@prefix nco: <> .
+@prefix nrl: <> .
+@prefix xsd: <> .
+@prefix rdf: <> .
+@prefix dcterms: <> .
+@prefix nso: <> .
+<> {
+ nso:sharedWithContact
+ a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:comment """The subject resource is shared with the object contact.
+The resource and its subresources are transferred to the receiver.
+An existing sharedWithContact relation implies that updates on the resource should be transferred to the contact.
+The contact may ask for updates actively, then the sharing party's software should send a new copy of the shared resource to the contact.
+Domain should be either a nie:InformationElement or a pimo:Thing but no DataObject. This includes ncal:Event instances and other resources we find on a desktop.
+DataObjects are the specific binary stream where an Information Element is stored, and can't be shared because the recipient will form a new binary stream to store the data object.
+As there is no superclass of both nie:InformationElement and pimo:Thing, the domain is rdfs:Resource.
+One resource can be shared to multiple contacts, the cardinality is 0..n. """;
+ rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
+ rdfs:label "shared with contact" ;
+ rdfs:range nco:Contact .
+ nso:sharedWithGroup
+ a rdf:Property ;
+ rdfs:comment """The subject resource is shared with all contacts belonging to the object contact group.
+The resource and its subresources are transferred to the receivers.
+An existing sharedWithGroup relation implies that updates on the resource should be transferred to the members belonging to the group.
+The contact may ask for updates actively, then the sharing party's software should send a new copy of the shared resource to the contact.
+Domain should be either a nie:InformationElement or a pimo:Thing but no DataObject. This includes ncal:Event instances and other resources we find on a desktop.
+DataObjects are the specific binary stream where an Information Element is stored, and can't be shared because the recipient will form a new binary stream to store the data object.
+As there is no superclass of both nie:InformationElement and pimo:Thing, the domain is rdfs:Resource.
+One resource can be shared to multiple contact groups, the cardinality is 0..n. """;
+ rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource ;
+ rdfs:label "shared with group" ;
+ rdfs:range nco:ContactGroup .
+<> {
+ <>
+ a nrl:GraphMetadata ;
+ nrl:coreGraphMetadataFor <> .
+ <>
+ a nrl:Ontology , nrl:DocumentGraph ;
+ nao:hasDefaultNamespace "" ;
+ nao:hasDefaultNamespaceAbbreviation "nso" ;
+ nao:lastModified "2009-11-08T18:00:00Z" ;
+ nao:serializationLanguage "TriG" ;
+ nao:status "Unstable" ;
+ nrl:updatable "0" ;
+ nao:version "1" .