path: root/gs/src/gsalloc.c
diff options
authorHenry Stiles <>1998-07-26 07:36:41 +0000
committerHenry Stiles <>1998-07-26 07:36:41 +0000
commiteec0ef527f18c5978c4476c9490f4de4c4249628 (patch)
tree5588d5e1300a245186594893c930949a19bcbbce /gs/src/gsalloc.c
parentd4bdba93ef34f68d27148e1b31088d1d3e786e8c (diff)
Initial revision
git-svn-id: 06663e23-700e-0410-b217-a244a6096597
Diffstat (limited to 'gs/src/gsalloc.c')
1 files changed, 1282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gs/src/gsalloc.c b/gs/src/gsalloc.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e872d623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gs/src/gsalloc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1282 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
+ This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
+ Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author
+ or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
+ or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
+ or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public
+ License (the "License") for full details.
+ Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
+ normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
+ the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
+ under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the
+ License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
+ all copies.
+/* gsalloc.c */
+/* Standard memory allocator */
+#include "gx.h"
+#include "memory_.h"
+#include "gsmdebug.h"
+#include "gsstruct.h"
+#include "gxalloc.h"
+ * This allocator produces tracing messages of the form
+ * [aNMOTS]...
+ * where
+ * N is the VM space number,
+ * M is : for movable objects, | for immovable,
+ * O is {alloc = +, free = -, grow = >, shrink = <},
+ * T is {bytes = b, object = <, ref = $, string = >}, and
+ * S is {freelist = F, LIFO = space, own chunk = L, lost = #,
+ * lost own chunk = ~, other = .}.
+ */
+/* The structure descriptor for allocators. Even though allocators */
+/* are allocated outside GC space, they reference objects within it. */
+#define mptr ((gs_ref_memory_t *)vptr)
+private ENUM_PTRS_BEGIN(ref_memory_enum_ptrs) return 0;
+ ENUM_PTR(0, gs_ref_memory_t, changes);
+ ENUM_PTR(1, gs_ref_memory_t, saved);
+private RELOC_PTRS_BEGIN(ref_memory_reloc_ptrs) {
+ RELOC_PTR(gs_ref_memory_t, changes);
+ /* Don't relocate the pointer now -- see igc.c for details. */
+ mptr->reloc_saved = gs_reloc_struct_ptr(mptr->saved, gcst);
+/* Forward references */
+private ulong compute_free_objects(P1(gs_ref_memory_t *));
+private obj_header_t *alloc_obj(P5(gs_ref_memory_t *, ulong, gs_memory_type_ptr_t, bool, client_name_t));
+private chunk_t *alloc_add_chunk(P4(gs_ref_memory_t *, ulong, bool, client_name_t));
+void alloc_close_chunk(P1(gs_ref_memory_t *));
+#define imem ((gs_ref_memory_t *)mem)
+ * Define the standard implementation (with garbage collection)
+ * of Ghostscript's memory manager interface.
+ */
+private gs_memory_proc_alloc_bytes(i_alloc_bytes);
+private gs_memory_proc_alloc_bytes(i_alloc_bytes_immovable);
+private gs_memory_proc_alloc_struct(i_alloc_struct);
+private gs_memory_proc_alloc_struct(i_alloc_struct_immovable);
+private gs_memory_proc_alloc_byte_array(i_alloc_byte_array);
+private gs_memory_proc_alloc_byte_array(i_alloc_byte_array_immovable);
+private gs_memory_proc_alloc_struct_array(i_alloc_struct_array);
+private gs_memory_proc_alloc_struct_array(i_alloc_struct_array_immovable);
+private gs_memory_proc_resize_object(i_resize_object);
+private gs_memory_proc_object_size(i_object_size);
+private gs_memory_proc_object_type(i_object_type);
+private gs_memory_proc_free_object(i_free_object);
+private gs_memory_proc_alloc_string(i_alloc_string);
+private gs_memory_proc_alloc_string(i_alloc_string_immovable);
+private gs_memory_proc_resize_string(i_resize_string);
+private gs_memory_proc_free_string(i_free_string);
+private gs_memory_proc_register_root(i_register_root);
+private gs_memory_proc_unregister_root(i_unregister_root);
+private gs_memory_proc_status(i_status);
+private gs_memory_proc_enable_free(i_enable_free);
+/* We export the procedures for subclasses. */
+const gs_memory_procs_t gs_ref_memory_procs = {
+ i_alloc_bytes,
+ i_alloc_bytes_immovable,
+ i_alloc_struct,
+ i_alloc_struct_immovable,
+ i_alloc_byte_array,
+ i_alloc_byte_array_immovable,
+ i_alloc_struct_array,
+ i_alloc_struct_array_immovable,
+ i_resize_object,
+ i_object_size,
+ i_object_type,
+ i_free_object,
+ i_alloc_string,
+ i_alloc_string_immovable,
+ i_resize_string,
+ i_free_string,
+ i_register_root,
+ i_unregister_root,
+ i_status,
+ i_enable_free
+ * Allocate and mostly initialize the state of an allocator (system, global,
+ * or local). Does not initialize global or space.
+ */
+private void *ialloc_solo(P3(gs_memory_t *, gs_memory_type_ptr_t, chunk_t **));
+gs_ref_memory_t *
+ialloc_alloc_state(gs_memory_t *parent, uint chunk_size)
+{ chunk_t *cp;
+ gs_ref_memory_t *iimem = ialloc_solo(parent, &st_ref_memory, &cp);
+ if ( iimem == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ iimem->procs = gs_ref_memory_procs;
+ iimem->parent = parent;
+ iimem->chunk_size = chunk_size;
+ iimem->large_size = ((chunk_size / 4) & -obj_align_mod) + 1;
+ iimem->gc_status.vm_threshold = chunk_size * 3L;
+ iimem->gc_status.max_vm = max_long;
+ iimem->gc_status.psignal = NULL;
+ iimem->gc_status.enabled = false;
+ iimem->previous_status.allocated = 0;
+ iimem->previous_status.used = 0;
+ ialloc_reset(iimem);
+ iimem->cfirst = iimem->clast = cp;
+ ialloc_set_limit(iimem);
+ iimem->cc.cbot = iimem->cc.ctop = 0;
+ iimem->pcc = 0;
+ iimem->roots = 0;
+ iimem->num_contexts = 1;
+ iimem->saved = 0;
+ return iimem;
+/* Allocate a 'solo' object with its own chunk. */
+private void *
+ialloc_solo(gs_memory_t *parent, gs_memory_type_ptr_t pstype, chunk_t **pcp)
+{ /*
+ * We can't assume that the parent uses the same object header
+ * that we do, but the GC requires that allocators have
+ * such a header. Therefore, we prepend one explicitly.
+ */
+ chunk_t *cp = gs_alloc_struct_immovable(parent, chunk_t, &st_chunk,
+ "ialloc_solo(chunk)");
+ uint csize =
+ round_up(sizeof(chunk_head_t) + sizeof(obj_header_t) +
+ pstype->ssize,
+ obj_align_mod);
+ byte *cdata = gs_alloc_bytes_immovable(parent, csize, "ialloc_solo");
+ obj_header_t *obj = (obj_header_t *)(cdata + sizeof(chunk_head_t));
+ if ( cp == 0 || cdata == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ alloc_init_chunk(cp, cdata, cdata + csize, false, (chunk_t *)NULL);
+ cp->cbot = cp->ctop;
+ cp->cprev = cp->cnext = 0;
+ /* Construct the object header "by hand". */
+ obj->o_large = 0;
+ obj->o_size = pstype->ssize;
+ obj->o_type = pstype;
+ *pcp = cp;
+ return (void *)(obj + 1);
+/* Initialize after a save. */
+ialloc_reset(gs_ref_memory_t *mem)
+{ mem->cfirst = 0;
+ mem->clast = 0;
+ mem->cc.rcur = 0;
+ mem->cc.rtop = 0;
+ mem->cc.has_refs = false;
+ mem->allocated = 0;
+ mem->inherited = 0;
+ mem->changes = 0;
+ ialloc_reset_free(mem);
+/* Initialize after a save or GC. */
+ialloc_reset_free(gs_ref_memory_t *mem)
+{ int i;
+ obj_header_t **p;
+ mem->lost.objects = 0;
+ mem->lost.refs = 0;
+ mem->lost.strings = 0;
+ mem->cfreed.cp = 0;
+ for ( i = 0, p = &mem->freelists[0]; i < num_freelists; i++, p++ )
+ *p = 0;
+/* Set the allocation limit after a change in one or more of */
+/* vm_threshold, max_vm, or enabled, or after a GC. */
+ialloc_set_limit(register gs_ref_memory_t *mem)
+{ /*
+ * The following code is intended to set the limit so that
+ * we stop allocating when allocated + previous_status.allocated
+ * exceeds the lesser of max_vm or (if GC is enabled)
+ * gc_allocated + vm_threshold.
+ */
+ ulong max_allocated =
+ (mem->gc_status.max_vm > mem->previous_status.allocated ?
+ mem->gc_status.max_vm - mem->previous_status.allocated :
+ 0);
+ if ( mem->gc_status.enabled )
+ { ulong limit = mem->gc_allocated + mem->gc_status.vm_threshold;
+ if ( limit < mem->previous_status.allocated )
+ mem->limit = 0;
+ else
+ { limit -= mem->previous_status.allocated;
+ mem->limit = min(limit, max_allocated);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ mem->limit = max_allocated;
+ if_debug7('0', "[0]space=%d, max_vm=%ld, prev.alloc=%ld, enabled=%d,\n\
+ gc_alloc=%ld, threshold=%ld => limit=%ld\n",
+ mem->space, (long)mem->gc_status.max_vm,
+ (long)mem->previous_status.allocated,
+ mem->gc_status.enabled, (long)mem->gc_allocated,
+ (long)mem->gc_status.vm_threshold, (long)mem->limit);
+/* ================ Accessors ================ */
+/* Get the size of an object from the header. */
+private uint
+i_object_size(gs_memory_t *mem, const void /*obj_header_t*/ *obj)
+{ return pre_obj_contents_size((const obj_header_t *)obj - 1);
+/* Get the type of a structure from the header. */
+private gs_memory_type_ptr_t
+i_object_type(gs_memory_t *mem, const void /*obj_header_t*/ *obj)
+{ return ((const obj_header_t *)obj - 1)->o_type;
+/* Get the GC status of a memory. */
+gs_memory_gc_status(const gs_ref_memory_t *mem, gs_memory_gc_status_t *pstat)
+{ *pstat = mem->gc_status;
+/* Set the GC status of a memory. */
+gs_memory_set_gc_status(gs_ref_memory_t *mem, const gs_memory_gc_status_t *pstat)
+{ mem->gc_status = *pstat;
+ ialloc_set_limit(mem);
+/* ================ Objects ================ */
+/* Allocate a small object quickly if possible. */
+/* The size must be substantially less than max_uint. */
+/* ptr must be declared as obj_header_t *. */
+/* pfl must be declared as obj_header_t **. */
+#define IF_FREELIST_ALLOC(ptr, imem, size, pstype, pfl)\
+ if ( size <= max_freelist_size &&\
+ *(pfl = &imem->freelists[(size + obj_align_mask) >> log2_obj_align_mod]) != 0\
+ )\
+ { ptr = *pfl;\
+ *pfl = *(obj_header_t **)ptr;\
+ ptr[-1].o_size = size;\
+ ptr[-1].o_type = pstype;\
+ /* If debugging, clear the block in an attempt to */\
+ /* track down uninitialized data errors. */\
+ gs_alloc_fill(ptr, gs_alloc_fill_alloc, size);
+#define ELSEIF_LIFO_ALLOC(ptr, imem, size, pstype)\
+ }\
+ else if ( (imem->cc.ctop - (byte *)(ptr = (obj_header_t *)imem->cc.cbot))\
+ >= size + (obj_align_mod + sizeof(obj_header_t) * 2) &&\
+ size < imem->large_size\
+ )\
+ { imem->cc.cbot = (byte *)ptr + obj_size_round(size);\
+ ptr->o_large = 0;\
+ ptr->o_size = size;\
+ ptr->o_type = pstype;\
+ ptr++;\
+ /* If debugging, clear the block in an attempt to */\
+ /* track down uninitialized data errors. */\
+ gs_alloc_fill(ptr, gs_alloc_fill_alloc, size);
+#define ELSE_ALLOC\
+ }\
+ else
+private byte *
+i_alloc_bytes(gs_memory_t *mem, uint size, client_name_t cname)
+{ obj_header_t *obj;
+ obj_header_t **pfl;
+ IF_FREELIST_ALLOC(obj, imem, size, &st_bytes, pfl)
+ if_debug4('A', "[a%d:+bF]%s -bytes-(%u) = 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space,
+ client_name_string(cname), size, (ulong)obj);
+ ELSEIF_LIFO_ALLOC(obj, imem, size, &st_bytes)
+ if_debug4('A', "[a%d:+b ]%s -bytes-(%u) = 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space,
+ client_name_string(cname), size, (ulong)obj);
+ { obj = alloc_obj(imem, size, &st_bytes, false, cname);
+ if ( obj == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ if_debug4('A', "[a%d:+b.]%s -bytes-(%u) = 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space,
+ client_name_string(cname), size, (ulong)obj);
+ }
+ return (byte *)obj;
+private byte *
+i_alloc_bytes_immovable(gs_memory_t *mem, uint size, client_name_t cname)
+{ obj_header_t *obj = alloc_obj(imem, size, &st_bytes, true, cname);
+ if ( obj == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ if_debug4('A', "[a%d|+b.]%s -bytes-(%u) = 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space, client_name_string(cname), size, (ulong)obj);
+ return (byte *)obj;
+private void *
+i_alloc_struct(gs_memory_t *mem, gs_memory_type_ptr_t pstype,
+ client_name_t cname)
+{ uint size = pstype->ssize;
+ obj_header_t *obj;
+ obj_header_t **pfl;
+ IF_FREELIST_ALLOC(obj, imem, size, pstype, pfl)
+ if_debug5('A', "[a%d:+<F]%s %s(%u) = 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space, client_name_string(cname),
+ struct_type_name_string(pstype), size, (ulong)obj);
+ ELSEIF_LIFO_ALLOC(obj, imem, size, pstype)
+ if_debug5('A', "[a%d:+< ]%s %s(%u) = 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space, client_name_string(cname),
+ struct_type_name_string(pstype), size, (ulong)obj);
+ { obj = alloc_obj(imem, size, pstype, false, cname);
+ if ( obj == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ if_debug5('A', "[a%d:+<.]%s %s(%u) = 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space, client_name_string(cname),
+ struct_type_name_string(pstype), size, (ulong)obj);
+ }
+ return obj;
+private void *
+i_alloc_struct_immovable(gs_memory_t *mem, gs_memory_type_ptr_t pstype,
+ client_name_t cname)
+{ uint size = pstype->ssize;
+ obj_header_t *obj = alloc_obj(imem, size, pstype, true, cname);
+ if ( obj == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ if_debug5('A', "[a%d|+<.]%s %s(%u) = 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space, client_name_string(cname),
+ struct_type_name_string(pstype), size, (ulong)obj);
+ return obj;
+private byte *
+i_alloc_byte_array(gs_memory_t *mem, uint num_elements, uint elt_size,
+ client_name_t cname)
+{ obj_header_t *obj = alloc_obj(imem, (ulong)num_elements * elt_size,
+ &st_bytes, false, cname);
+ if_debug6('A', "[a%d:+b.]%s -bytes-*(%lu=%u*%u) = 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space, client_name_string(cname),
+ (ulong)num_elements * elt_size,
+ num_elements, elt_size, (ulong)obj);
+ return (byte *)obj;
+private byte *
+i_alloc_byte_array_immovable(gs_memory_t *mem, uint num_elements,
+ uint elt_size, client_name_t cname)
+{ obj_header_t *obj = alloc_obj(imem, (ulong)num_elements * elt_size,
+ &st_bytes, true, cname);
+ if_debug6('A', "[a%d|+b.]%s -bytes-*(%lu=%u*%u) = 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space, client_name_string(cname),
+ (ulong)num_elements * elt_size,
+ num_elements, elt_size, (ulong)obj);
+ return (byte *)obj;
+private void *
+i_alloc_struct_array(gs_memory_t *mem, uint num_elements,
+ gs_memory_type_ptr_t pstype, client_name_t cname)
+{ obj_header_t *obj = alloc_obj(imem,
+ (ulong)num_elements * pstype->ssize,
+ pstype, false, cname);
+ if_debug7('A', "[a%d:+<.]%s %s*(%lu=%u*%u) = 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space,
+ client_name_string(cname), struct_type_name_string(pstype),
+ (ulong)num_elements * pstype->ssize,
+ num_elements, pstype->ssize, (ulong)obj);
+ return (char *)obj;
+private void *
+i_alloc_struct_array_immovable(gs_memory_t *mem, uint num_elements,
+ gs_memory_type_ptr_t pstype, client_name_t cname)
+{ obj_header_t *obj = alloc_obj(imem,
+ (ulong)num_elements * pstype->ssize,
+ pstype, true, cname);
+ if_debug7('A', "[a%d|+<.]%s %s*(%lu=%u*%u) = 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space,
+ client_name_string(cname), struct_type_name_string(pstype),
+ (ulong)num_elements * pstype->ssize,
+ num_elements, pstype->ssize, (ulong)obj);
+ return (char *)obj;
+private void *
+i_resize_object(gs_memory_t *mem, void *obj, uint new_num_elements,
+ client_name_t cname)
+{ obj_header_t *pp = (obj_header_t *)obj - 1;
+ gs_memory_type_ptr_t pstype = pp->o_type;
+ ulong old_size = pre_obj_contents_size(pp);
+ ulong new_size = (ulong)pstype->ssize * new_num_elements;
+ void *new_obj;
+ if ( (byte *)obj + obj_align_round(old_size) == imem->cc.cbot &&
+ imem->cc.ctop - imem->cc.cbot > new_size + obj_align_mod
+ )
+ { imem->cc.cbot = (byte *)obj + obj_align_round(new_size);
+ pp->o_size = new_size;
+ if_debug8('A', "[a%d:%c%c ]%s %s(%lu=>%lu) 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space,
+ (new_size > old_size ? '>' : '<'),
+ (pstype == &st_bytes ? 'b' : '<'),
+ client_name_string(cname),
+ struct_type_name_string(pstype),
+ old_size, new_size, (ulong)obj);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ /* Punt. */
+ new_obj = gs_alloc_struct_array(mem, new_num_elements, void,
+ pstype, cname);
+ if ( new_obj == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ memcpy(new_obj, obj, min(old_size, new_size));
+ gs_free_object(mem, obj, cname);
+ return new_obj;
+private void
+i_free_object(gs_memory_t *mem, void *ptr, client_name_t cname)
+{ obj_header_t *pp;
+ struct_proc_finalize((*finalize));
+ uint size;
+ if ( ptr == 0 )
+ return;
+ pp = (obj_header_t *)ptr - 1;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if ( gs_debug_c('?') )
+ { chunk_locator_t cld;
+ if ( pp->o_type == &st_free )
+ { lprintf2("%s: object 0x%lx already free!\n",
+ client_name_string(cname), (ulong)ptr);
+ return;/*gs_abort();*/
+ }
+ /* Check that this allocator owns the object being freed. */
+ cld.memory = imem;
+ while ( (cld.cp = cld.memory->clast),
+ !chunk_locate_ptr(ptr, &cld)
+ )
+ { if ( !cld.memory->saved )
+ { lprintf3("%s: freeing 0x%lx, not owned by memory 0x%lx!\n",
+ client_name_string(cname), (ulong)ptr,
+ (ulong)mem);
+ return;/*gs_abort();*/
+ }
+ /****** HACK: we know the saved state is the first ******
+ ****** member of an alloc_save_t. ******/
+ cld.memory = (gs_ref_memory_t *)cld.memory->saved;
+ }
+ /* Check that the object is in the allocated region. */
+ if ( cld.memory == imem && cld.cp == imem->pcc )
+ cld.cp = &imem->cc;
+ if ( !(ptr_between((const byte *)pp, cld.cp->cbase,
+ cld.cp->cbot))
+ )
+ { lprintf5("%s: freeing 0x%lx,\n\toutside chunk 0x%lx cbase=0x%lx, cbot=0x%lx!\n",
+ client_name_string(cname), (ulong)ptr,
+ (ulong)cld.cp, (ulong)cld.cp->cbase,
+ (ulong)cld.cp->cbot);
+ return;/*gs_abort();*/
+ }
+ }
+ size = pre_obj_contents_size(pp);
+ finalize = pp->o_type->finalize;
+ if ( finalize != 0 )
+ { if_debug3('u', "[u]finalizing %s 0x%lx (%s)\n",
+ struct_type_name_string(pp->o_type),
+ (ulong)ptr, client_name_string(cname));
+ (*finalize)(ptr);
+ }
+ if ( (byte *)ptr + obj_align_round(size) == imem->cc.cbot )
+ { if_debug4('A', "[a%d:-o ]%s(%u) 0x%lx\n", imem->space,
+ client_name_string(cname), size, (ulong)ptr);
+ gs_alloc_fill(ptr, gs_alloc_fill_free, size);
+ imem->cc.cbot = (byte *)pp;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( pp->o_large )
+ { /*
+ * We gave this object its own chunk. Free the entire chunk,
+ * unless it belongs to an older save level, in which case
+ * we mustn't overwrite it.
+ */
+ chunk_locator_t cl;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ { chunk_locator_t cld;
+ cld.memory = imem;
+ cld.cp = 0;
+ if_debug5('a', "[a%d:-o%c]%s(%u) 0x%lx\n", imem->space,
+ (chunk_locate_ptr(ptr, &cld) ? 'L' : '~'),
+ client_name_string(cname), size, (ulong)ptr);
+ }
+ cl.memory = imem;
+ cl.cp = 0;
+ if ( chunk_locate_ptr(ptr, &cl) )
+ { alloc_free_chunk(cl.cp, imem);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Don't overwrite even if gs_alloc_debug is set. */
+ }
+ if ( size <= max_freelist_size &&
+ obj_align_round(size) >= sizeof(obj_header_t *)
+ )
+ { /*
+ * Put the object on a freelist, unless it belongs to
+ * an older save level, in which case we mustn't
+ * overwrite it.
+ */
+ imem->cfreed.memory = imem;
+ if ( chunk_locate(ptr, &imem->cfreed) )
+ { obj_header_t **pfl =
+ &imem->freelists[(size + obj_align_mask) >>
+ log2_obj_align_mod];
+ pp->o_type = &st_free; /* don't confuse GC */
+ gs_alloc_fill(ptr, gs_alloc_fill_free, size);
+ *(obj_header_t **)ptr = *pfl;
+ *pfl = (obj_header_t *)ptr;
+ if_debug4('A', "[a%d:-oF]%s(%u) 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space, client_name_string(cname),
+ size, (ulong)ptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Don't overwrite even if gs_alloc_debug is set. */
+ }
+ else
+ { pp->o_type = &st_free; /* don't confuse GC */
+ gs_alloc_fill(ptr, gs_alloc_fill_free, size);
+ }
+ if_debug4('A', "[a%d:-o#]%s(%u) 0x%lx\n", imem->space,
+ client_name_string(cname), size, (ulong)ptr);
+ imem->lost.objects += obj_size_round(size);
+private byte *
+i_alloc_string(gs_memory_t *mem, uint nbytes, client_name_t cname)
+{ byte *str;
+top: if ( imem->cc.ctop - imem->cc.cbot > nbytes )
+ { if_debug4('A', "[a%d:+> ]%s(%u) = 0x%lx\n", imem->space,
+ client_name_string(cname), nbytes,
+ (ulong)(imem->cc.ctop - nbytes));
+ str = imem->cc.ctop -= nbytes;
+ gs_alloc_fill(str, gs_alloc_fill_alloc, nbytes);
+ return str;
+ }
+ if ( nbytes > string_space_quanta(max_uint - sizeof(chunk_head_t)) *
+ string_data_quantum
+ )
+ { /* Can't represent the size in a uint! */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( nbytes >= imem->large_size )
+ { /* Give it a chunk all its own. */
+ return i_alloc_string_immovable(mem, nbytes, cname);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Add another chunk. */
+ chunk_t *cp =
+ alloc_add_chunk(imem, (ulong)imem->chunk_size, true,
+ "chunk");
+ if ( cp == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ alloc_close_chunk(imem);
+ imem->pcc = cp;
+ imem->cc = *imem->pcc;
+ gs_alloc_fill(imem->cc.cbase, gs_alloc_fill_free,
+ imem->cc.climit - imem->cc.cbase);
+ goto top;
+ }
+private byte *
+i_alloc_string_immovable(gs_memory_t *mem, uint nbytes, client_name_t cname)
+{ byte *str;
+ /* Give it a chunk all its own. */
+ uint asize = string_chunk_space(nbytes) + sizeof(chunk_head_t);
+ chunk_t *cp = alloc_add_chunk(imem, (ulong)asize, true,
+ "large string chunk");
+ if ( cp == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ str = cp->ctop = cp->climit - nbytes;
+ if_debug4('a', "[a%d|+>L]%s(%u) = 0x%lx\n", imem->space,
+ client_name_string(cname), nbytes, (ulong)str);
+ gs_alloc_fill(str, gs_alloc_fill_alloc, nbytes);
+ return str;
+private byte *
+i_resize_string(gs_memory_t *mem, byte *data, uint old_num, uint new_num,
+ client_name_t cname)
+{ byte *ptr;
+ if ( data == imem->cc.ctop &&
+ (new_num < old_num ||
+ imem->cc.ctop - imem->cc.cbot > new_num - old_num)
+ )
+ { /* Resize in place. */
+ ptr = data + old_num - new_num;
+ if_debug6('A', "[a%d:%c> ]%s(%u->%u) 0x%lx\n",
+ imem->space, (new_num > old_num ? '>' : '<'),
+ client_name_string(cname), old_num, new_num,
+ (ulong)ptr);
+ imem->cc.ctop = ptr;
+ memmove(ptr, data, min(old_num, new_num));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if ( new_num > old_num )
+ gs_alloc_fill(ptr + old_num, gs_alloc_fill_alloc,
+ new_num - old_num);
+ else
+ gs_alloc_fill(data, gs_alloc_fill_free, old_num - new_num);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Punt. */
+ ptr = gs_alloc_string(mem, new_num, cname);
+ if ( ptr == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ memcpy(ptr, data, min(old_num, new_num));
+ gs_free_string(mem, data, old_num, cname);
+ }
+ return ptr;
+private void
+i_free_string(gs_memory_t *mem, byte *data, uint nbytes,
+ client_name_t cname)
+{ if ( data == imem->cc.ctop )
+ { if_debug4('A', "[a%d:-> ]%s(%u) 0x%lx\n", imem->space,
+ client_name_string(cname), nbytes, (ulong)data);
+ imem->cc.ctop += nbytes;
+ }
+ else
+ { if_debug4('A', "[a%d:->#]%s(%u) 0x%lx\n", imem->space,
+ client_name_string(cname), nbytes, (ulong)data);
+ imem->lost.strings += nbytes;
+ }
+ gs_alloc_fill(data, gs_alloc_fill_free, nbytes);
+private void
+i_status(gs_memory_t *mem, gs_memory_status_t *pstat)
+{ ulong unused = imem->lost.refs + imem->lost.strings;
+ ulong inner = 0;
+ alloc_close_chunk(imem);
+ /* Add up unallocated space within each chunk. */
+ /* Also keep track of space allocated to inner chunks, */
+ /* which are included in previous_status.allocated. */
+ { const chunk_t *cp = imem->cfirst;
+ while ( cp != 0 )
+ { unused += cp->ctop - cp->cbot;
+ if ( cp->outer )
+ inner += cp->cend - (byte *)cp->chead;
+ cp = cp->cnext;
+ }
+ }
+ unused += compute_free_objects(imem);
+ pstat->used = imem->allocated + inner - unused +
+ imem->previous_status.used;
+ pstat->allocated = imem->allocated +
+ imem->previous_status.allocated;
+private void
+i_enable_free(gs_memory_t *mem, bool enable)
+{ if ( enable )
+ mem->procs.free_object = i_free_object,
+ mem->procs.free_string = i_free_string;
+ else
+ mem->procs.free_object = gs_ignore_free_object,
+ mem->procs.free_string = gs_ignore_free_string;
+/* ------ Internal procedures ------ */
+/* Compute the amount of free object space by scanning free lists. */
+private ulong
+compute_free_objects(gs_ref_memory_t *mem)
+{ ulong unused = mem->lost.objects;
+ int i;
+ /* Add up space on free lists. */
+ for ( i = 0; i < num_freelists; i++ )
+ { uint free_size =
+ (i << log2_obj_align_mod) + sizeof(obj_header_t);
+ const obj_header_t *pfree;
+ for ( pfree = mem->freelists[i]; pfree != 0;
+ pfree = *(const obj_header_t * const *)pfree
+ )
+ unused += free_size;
+ }
+ return unused;
+/* Allocate an object. This handles all but the fastest, simplest case. */
+private obj_header_t *
+alloc_obj(gs_ref_memory_t *mem, ulong lsize, gs_memory_type_ptr_t pstype,
+ bool immovable, client_name_t cname)
+{ obj_header_t *ptr;
+ if ( lsize >= mem->large_size || immovable )
+ { ulong asize =
+ ((lsize + obj_align_mask) & -obj_align_mod) +
+ sizeof(obj_header_t);
+ /* Give it a chunk all its own. */
+ chunk_t *cp =
+ alloc_add_chunk(mem, asize + sizeof(chunk_head_t), false,
+ "large object chunk");
+ if ( cp == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ ptr = (obj_header_t *)cp->cbot;
+ cp->cbot += asize;
+ ptr->o_large = 1;
+ pre_obj_set_large_size(ptr, lsize);
+ }
+ else
+ { uint asize = obj_size_round((uint)lsize);
+ while ( mem->cc.ctop -
+ (byte *)(ptr = (obj_header_t *)mem->cc.cbot)
+ <= asize + sizeof(obj_header_t) )
+ { /* Add another chunk. */
+ chunk_t *cp =
+ alloc_add_chunk(mem, (ulong)mem->chunk_size,
+ true, "chunk");
+ if ( cp == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ alloc_close_chunk(mem);
+ mem->pcc = cp;
+ mem->cc = *mem->pcc;
+ gs_alloc_fill(mem->cc.cbase, gs_alloc_fill_free,
+ mem->cc.climit - mem->cc.cbase);
+ }
+ mem->cc.cbot = (byte *)ptr + asize;
+ ptr->o_large = 0;
+ ptr->o_size = (uint)lsize;
+ }
+ ptr->o_type = pstype;
+ ptr++;
+ gs_alloc_fill(ptr, gs_alloc_fill_alloc, lsize);
+ return ptr;
+/* ================ Roots ================ */
+/* Register a root. */
+private void
+i_register_root(gs_memory_t *mem, gs_gc_root_t *rp, gs_ptr_type_t ptype,
+ void **up, client_name_t cname)
+{ if_debug3('8', "[8]register root(%s) 0x%lx -> 0x%lx\n",
+ client_name_string(cname), (ulong)rp, (ulong)up);
+ rp->ptype = ptype, rp->p = up;
+ rp->next = imem->roots, imem->roots = rp;
+/* Unregister a root. */
+private void
+i_unregister_root(gs_memory_t *mem, gs_gc_root_t *rp, client_name_t cname)
+{ gs_gc_root_t **rpp = &imem->roots;
+ if_debug2('8', "[8]unregister root(%s) 0x%lx\n",
+ client_name_string(cname), (ulong)rp);
+ while ( *rpp != rp ) rpp = &(*rpp)->next;
+ *rpp = (*rpp)->next;
+/* ================ Chunks ================ */
+/* Insert a chunk in the chain. This is exported for the GC and for */
+/* the forget_save operation. */
+alloc_link_chunk(chunk_t *cp, gs_ref_memory_t *mem)
+{ byte *cdata = cp->cbase;
+ chunk_t *icp;
+ chunk_t *prev;
+ for ( icp = mem->cfirst; icp != 0 && ptr_ge(cdata, icp->ctop);
+ icp = icp->cnext
+ )
+ ;
+ cp->cnext = icp;
+ if ( icp == 0 ) /* add at end of chain */
+ { prev = imem->clast;
+ imem->clast = cp;
+ }
+ else /* insert before icp */
+ { prev = icp->cprev;
+ icp->cprev = cp;
+ }
+ cp->cprev = prev;
+ if ( prev == 0 )
+ imem->cfirst = cp;
+ else
+ prev->cnext = cp;
+ if ( imem->pcc != 0 )
+ { imem->cc.cnext = imem->pcc->cnext;
+ imem->cc.cprev = imem->pcc->cprev;
+ }
+/* Allocate a chunk. If we would exceed MaxLocalVM (if relevant), */
+/* or if we would exceed the VMThreshold and psignal is NULL, */
+/* return 0; if we would exceed the VMThreshold but psignal is valid, */
+/* just set the signal and return successfully. */
+private chunk_t *
+alloc_add_chunk(gs_ref_memory_t *mem, ulong csize, bool has_strings,
+ client_name_t cname)
+{ gs_memory_t *parent = mem->parent;
+ chunk_t *cp = gs_alloc_struct_immovable(parent, chunk_t, &st_chunk,
+ cname);
+ byte *cdata;
+ /* If csize is larger than max_uint, */
+ /* we have to fake it using gs_alloc_byte_array. */
+ ulong elt_size = csize;
+ uint num_elts = 1;
+ if ( (ulong)(mem->allocated + mem->inherited) >= mem->limit )
+ { mem->gc_status.requested += csize;
+ if ( mem->limit >= mem->gc_status.max_vm ||
+ mem->gc_status.psignal == 0
+ )
+ return 0;
+ if_debug4('0', "[0]signaling space=%d, allocated=%ld, limit=%ld, requested=%ld\n",
+ mem->space, (long)mem->allocated,
+ (long)mem->limit, (long)mem->gc_status.requested);
+ *mem->gc_status.psignal = mem->gc_status.signal_value;
+ }
+ while ( (uint)elt_size != elt_size )
+ elt_size = (elt_size + 1) >> 1,
+ num_elts <<= 1;
+ cdata = gs_alloc_byte_array_immovable(parent, num_elts, elt_size,
+ cname);
+ if ( cp == 0 || cdata == 0 )
+ { gs_free_object(parent, cdata, cname);
+ gs_free_object(parent, cp, cname);
+ mem->gc_status.requested = csize;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ alloc_init_chunk(cp, cdata, cdata + csize, has_strings, (chunk_t *)0);
+ alloc_link_chunk(cp, mem);
+ mem->allocated +=
+ gs_object_size(parent, cdata) + gs_object_size(parent, cp);
+ return cp;
+/* Initialize the pointers in a chunk. This is exported for save/restore. */
+/* The bottom pointer must be aligned, but the top pointer need not */
+/* be aligned. */
+alloc_init_chunk(chunk_t *cp, byte *bot, byte *top, bool has_strings,
+ chunk_t *outer)
+{ byte *cdata = bot;
+ if ( outer != 0 )
+ outer->inner_count++;
+ cp->chead = (chunk_head_t *)cdata;
+ cdata += sizeof(chunk_head_t);
+ cp->cbot = cp->cbase = cdata;
+ cp->cend = top;
+ cp->rcur = 0;
+ cp->rtop = 0;
+ cp->outer = outer;
+ cp->inner_count = 0;
+ cp->has_refs = false;
+ cp->sbase = cdata;
+ if ( has_strings && top - cdata >= string_space_quantum + sizeof(long) - 1)
+ { /*
+ * We allocate a large enough string marking and reloc table
+ * to cover the entire chunk.
+ */
+ uint nquanta = string_space_quanta(top - cdata);
+ cp->climit = cdata + nquanta * string_data_quantum;
+ cp->smark = cp->climit;
+ cp->smark_size = string_quanta_mark_size(nquanta);
+ cp->sreloc =
+ (string_reloc_offset *)(cp->smark + cp->smark_size);
+ cp->sfree1 = (ushort *)cp->sreloc;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* No strings, don't need the string GC tables. */
+ cp->climit = cp->cend;
+ cp->sfree1 = 0;
+ cp->smark = 0;
+ cp->smark_size = 0;
+ cp->sreloc = 0;
+ }
+ cp->ctop = cp->climit;
+ alloc_init_free_strings(cp);
+/* Initialize the string freelists in a chunk. */
+alloc_init_free_strings(chunk_t *cp)
+{ if ( cp->sfree1 )
+ memset(cp->sfree1, 0,
+ ((cp->climit - csbase(cp) + 255) >> 8) *
+ sizeof(*cp->sfree1));
+ cp->sfree = 0;
+/* Close up the current chunk. */
+/* This is exported for save/restore and the GC. */
+alloc_close_chunk(gs_ref_memory_t *mem)
+{ if ( mem->pcc != 0 )
+ { *mem->pcc = mem->cc;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if ( gs_debug_c('a') )
+ { dprintf1("[a%d]", mem->space);
+ dprintf_chunk("closing chunk", mem->pcc);
+ }
+ }
+/* Reopen the current chunk after a GC or restore. */
+alloc_open_chunk(gs_ref_memory_t *mem)
+{ if ( mem->pcc != 0 )
+ { mem->cc = *mem->pcc;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if ( gs_debug_c('a') )
+ { dprintf1("[a%d]", mem->space);
+ dprintf_chunk("opening chunk", mem->pcc);
+ }
+ }
+/* Remove a chunk from the chain. This is exported for the GC. */
+alloc_unlink_chunk(chunk_t *cp, gs_ref_memory_t *mem)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if ( gs_alloc_debug )
+ { /* Check to make sure this chunk belongs to this allocator. */
+ const chunk_t *ap = mem->cfirst;
+ while ( ap != 0 && ap != cp )
+ ap = ap->cnext;
+ if ( ap != cp )
+ { lprintf2("unlink_chunk 0x%lx not owned by memory 0x%lx!\n",
+ (ulong)cp, (ulong)mem);
+ return;/*gs_abort();*/
+ }
+ }
+ if ( cp->cprev == 0 )
+ mem->cfirst = cp->cnext;
+ else
+ cp->cprev->cnext = cp->cnext;
+ if ( cp->cnext == 0 )
+ mem->clast = cp->cprev;
+ else
+ cp->cnext->cprev = cp->cprev;
+ if ( mem->pcc != 0 )
+ { mem->cc.cnext = mem->pcc->cnext;
+ mem->cc.cprev = mem->pcc->cprev;
+ if ( mem->pcc == cp )
+ { mem->pcc = 0;
+ mem->cc.cbot = mem->cc.ctop = 0;
+ }
+ }
+/* Free a chunk. This is exported for save/restore and for the GC. */
+alloc_free_chunk(chunk_t *cp, gs_ref_memory_t *mem)
+{ gs_memory_t *parent = mem->parent;
+ alloc_unlink_chunk(cp, mem);
+ if ( mem->cfreed.cp == cp )
+ mem->cfreed.cp = 0;
+ if ( cp->outer == 0 )
+ { byte *cdata = (byte *)cp->chead;
+ mem->allocated -= gs_object_size(parent, cdata);
+ gs_free_object(parent, cdata, "alloc_free_chunk(data)");
+ }
+ else
+ cp->outer->inner_count--;
+ mem->allocated -= gs_object_size(parent, cp);
+ gs_free_object(parent, cp, "alloc_free_chunk(chunk struct)");
+/* Find the chunk for a pointer. */
+/* Note that this only searches the current save level. */
+/* Since a given save level can't contain both a chunk and an inner chunk */
+/* of that chunk, we can stop when is_within_chunk succeeds, and just test */
+/* is_in_inner_chunk then. */
+chunk_locate_ptr(const void *vptr, chunk_locator_t *clp)
+{ register chunk_t *cp = clp->cp;
+ if ( cp == 0 )
+ { cp = clp->memory->cfirst;
+ if ( cp == 0 )
+ return false;
+ }
+#define ptr (const byte *)vptr
+ if ( ptr_lt(ptr, cp->cbase) )
+ { do
+ { cp = cp->cprev;
+ if ( cp == 0 )
+ return false;
+ }
+ while ( ptr_lt(ptr, cp->cbase) );
+ if ( ptr_ge(ptr, cp->cend) )
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ { while ( ptr_ge(ptr, cp->cend) )
+ { cp = cp->cnext;
+ if ( cp == 0 )
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( ptr_lt(ptr, cp->cbase) )
+ return false;
+ }
+ clp->cp = cp;
+ return !ptr_is_in_inner_chunk(ptr, cp);
+#undef ptr
+/* ------ Debugging printout ------ */
+ * All of this code should be in a separate file, but we added it just
+ * before a release, and it would have been too disruptive to add a new
+ * file at this point.
+ */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#include "string_.h"
+ * Define the options for a memory dump. These may be or'ed together.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ dump_do_default = 0, /* pro forma */
+ dump_do_strings = 1,
+ dump_do_type_addresses = 2,
+ dump_do_no_types = 4,
+ dump_do_pointers = 8,
+ dump_do_pointed_strings = 16, /* only if do_pointers also set */
+ dump_do_contents = 32,
+ dump_do_marks = 64
+} dump_options_t;
+ * Define all the parameters controlling what gets dumped.
+ */
+typedef struct dump_control_s {
+ dump_options_t options;
+ const byte *bottom;
+ const byte *top;
+} dump_control_t;
+#define obj_in_control_region(obot, otop, pdc)\
+ ( ((pdc)->bottom == NULL || (const byte *)(otop) > (pdc)->bottom) &&\
+ ((pdc)->top == NULL || (const byte *)(obot) < (pdc)->top) )
+const dump_control_t dump_control_default = {
+ dump_do_default, NULL, NULL
+const dump_control_t dump_control_all = {
+ dump_do_strings | dump_do_type_addresses | dump_do_pointers |
+ dump_do_pointed_strings | dump_do_contents, NULL, NULL
+ * Internal procedure to dump a block of memory, in hex and optionally
+ * also as characters.
+ */
+private void
+debug_indent(int indent)
+{ int i;
+ for ( i = indent; i > 0; --i )
+ dputc(' ');
+private void
+debug_dump_contents(const byte *bot, const byte *top, int indent,
+ bool as_chars)
+{ const byte *block;
+#define block_size 16
+ if ( bot >= top )
+ return;
+ for ( block = bot - ((bot - (byte *)0) & (block_size - 1));
+ block < top; block += block_size
+ ) {
+ int i;
+ char label[12];
+ /* Check for repeated blocks. */
+ if ( block >= bot + block_size &&
+ block <= top - (block_size * 2) &&
+ !memcmp(block, block - block_size, block_size) &&
+ !memcmp(block, block + block_size, block_size)
+ ) {
+ if ( block < bot + block_size * 2 ||
+ memcmp(block, block - block_size * 2, block_size)
+ ) {
+ debug_indent(indent);
+ dputs(" ...\n");
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ sprintf(label, "0x%lx:", (ulong)block);
+ debug_indent(indent);
+ dputs(label);
+ for ( i = 0; i < block_size; ++i ) {
+ const char *sepr = ((i & 3) == 0 && i != 0 ? " " : " ");
+ dputs(sepr);
+ if ( block + i >= bot && block + i < top )
+ dprintf1("%02x", block[i]);
+ else
+ dputs(" ");
+ }
+ dputc('\n');
+ if ( as_chars ) {
+ debug_indent(indent + strlen(label));
+ for ( i = 0; i < block_size; ++i ) {
+ byte ch;
+ if ( (i & 3) == 0 && i != 0 )
+ dputc(' ');
+ if ( block + i >= bot && block + i < top &&
+ (ch = block[i]) >= 32 && ch <= 126
+ )
+ dprintf1(" %c", ch);
+ else
+ dputs(" ");
+ }
+ dputc('\n');
+ }
+ }
+#undef block_size
+/* Print one object with the given options. */
+/* Relevant options: type_addresses, no_types, pointers, pointed_strings, */
+/* contents. */
+debug_print_object(const void *obj, const dump_control_t *control)
+{ const obj_header_t *pre = ((const obj_header_t *)obj) - 1;
+ ulong size = pre_obj_contents_size(pre);
+ const gs_memory_struct_type_t *type = pre->o_type;
+ dump_options_t options = control->options;
+ dprintf3(" pre=0x%lx(obj=0x%lx) size=%lu", (ulong)pre, (ulong)obj,
+ size);
+ switch ( options & (dump_do_type_addresses | dump_do_no_types) )
+ {
+ case dump_do_type_addresses + dump_do_no_types: /* addresses only */
+ dprintf1(" type=0x%lx", (ulong)type);
+ break;
+ case dump_do_type_addresses: /* addresses & names */
+ dprintf2(" type=%s(0x%lx)", struct_type_name_string(type),
+ (ulong)type);
+ break;
+ case 0: /* names only */
+ dprintf1(" type=%s", struct_type_name_string(type));
+ case dump_do_no_types: /* nothing */
+ ;
+ }
+ if ( options & dump_do_marks ) {
+ if ( pre->o_large )
+ dprintf1(" lmark=%d", pre->o_lmark);
+ else
+ dprintf2(" smark/back=%u (0x%x)", pre->o_smark, pre->o_smark);
+ }
+ dputc('\n');
+ if ( type == &st_free )
+ return;
+ if ( options & dump_do_pointers ) {
+ struct_proc_enum_ptrs((*proc)) = type->enum_ptrs;
+ uint index = 0;
+ const void *ptr;
+ gs_ptr_type_t ptype;
+ /*
+ * NOTE: the following cast should be unnecessary, but that
+ * will require adding 'const' to the first prototype argument
+ * of struct_proc_enum_ptrs.
+ */
+ if ( proc != 0 )
+ for ( ; (ptype = (*proc)((obj_header_t *)pre + 1, size, index, &ptr)) != 0;
+ ++index
+ ) {
+ dprintf1(" ptr %u: ", index);
+ if ( ptype == ptr_string_type || ptype == ptr_const_string_type ) {
+ const gs_const_string *str = (const gs_const_string *)ptr;
+ dprintf2("0x%lx(%u)", (ulong)str->data, str->size);
+ if ( options & dump_do_pointed_strings ) {
+ dputs(" =>\n");
+ debug_dump_contents(str->data, str->data + str->size, 6,
+ true);
+ } else {
+ dputc('\n');
+ }
+ } else {
+ dprintf1((ptr_between(ptr, obj, (const byte *)obj + size) ?
+ "(0x%lx)\n" : "0x%lx\n"), (ulong)ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( options & dump_do_contents ) {
+ debug_dump_contents((const byte *)obj, (const byte *)obj + size,
+ 0, false);
+ }
+/* Print the contents of a chunk with the given options. */
+/* Relevant options: all. */
+debug_dump_chunk(const chunk_t *cp, const dump_control_t *control)
+{ dprintf1("chunk at 0x%lx:\n", (ulong)cp);
+ dprintf3(" chead=0x%lx cbase=0x%lx sbase=0x%lx\n",
+ (ulong)cp->chead, (ulong)cp->cbase, (ulong)cp->sbase);
+ dprintf3(" rcur=0x%lx rtop=0x%lx cbot=0x%lx\n",
+ (ulong)cp->rcur, (ulong)cp->rtop, (ulong)cp->cbot);
+ dprintf4(" ctop=0x%lx climit=0x%lx smark=0x%lx, size=%u\n",
+ (ulong)cp->ctop, (ulong)cp->climit, (ulong)cp->smark,
+ cp->smark_size);
+ dprintf2(" sreloc=0x%lx cend=0x%lx\n",
+ (ulong)cp->sreloc, (ulong)cp->cend);
+ dprintf5("cprev=0x%lx cnext=0x%lx outer=0x%lx inner_count=%u has_refs=%s\n",
+ (ulong)cp->cprev, (ulong)cp->cnext, (ulong)cp->outer,
+ cp->inner_count, (cp->has_refs? "true" : "false"));
+ dprintf2(" sfree1=0x%lx sfree=0x%x\n",
+ (ulong)cp->sfree1, cp->sfree);
+ if ( control->options & dump_do_strings ) {
+ debug_dump_contents((control->bottom == 0 ? cp->ctop :
+ max(control->bottom, cp->ctop)),
+ (control->top == 0 ? cp->climit :
+ min(control->top, cp->climit)),
+ 0, true);
+ }
+ if ( obj_in_control_region(pre + 1,
+ (const byte *)(pre + 1) + size,
+ control)
+ )
+ debug_print_object(pre + 1, control);
+/* Temporarily redefine gs_exit so a chunk parsing error */
+/* won't actually exit. */
+#define gs_exit(n) DO_NOTHING
+#undef gs_exit
+void debug_print_chunk(const chunk_t *cp)
+{ dump_control_t control;
+ control = dump_control_default;
+ debug_dump_chunk(cp, &control);
+/* Print the contents of all chunks managed by an allocator. */
+/* Relevant options: all. */
+debug_dump_memory(const gs_ref_memory_t *mem, const dump_control_t *control)
+{ const chunk_t *mcp;
+ for ( mcp = mem->cfirst; mcp != 0; mcp = mcp->cnext ) {
+ const chunk_t *cp = (mcp == mem->pcc ? &mem->cc : mcp);
+ if ( obj_in_control_region(cp->cbase, cp->cend, control) )
+ debug_dump_chunk(cp, control);
+ }
+#endif /* DEBUG */