diff options
authorHenry Stiles <>2009-09-02 03:43:34 +0000
committerHenry Stiles <>2009-09-02 03:43:34 +0000
commitf129bd27900d1e5f4e0fdb5e59abbcb5fb3098de (patch)
parent925eff19934c44d5f4e2dbb84a802aacd51a2e95 (diff)
Fixes 690206. Explicitly set font types in the resident font table.
The symbol font was incorrectly classified with font type Bound, 8-bit (256 characters, All codes are printable except 0, 7-15, and 27) instead of Bound, 8-bit printable (192 characters, character codes 32-127 and 160-255 printable). Thanks to Norbert Janssen for discovering this problem. git-svn-id: a1074d23-0009-0410-80fe-cf8c14f379e6
4 files changed, 135 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/pl/plftable.c b/pl/plftable.c
index 9c9b75e11..15272b0e5 100644
--- a/pl/plftable.c
+++ b/pl/plftable.c
@@ -71,438 +71,470 @@ const font_resident_t resident_table[] = {
fontnames("Courier", "CourierMT", "NimbusMono-Reg"),
{'C','o','u','r','i','e','r',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
- {0, 0, {600.0, 720000.0/600.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 4099, 0}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 0, {600.0, 720000.0/600.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 4099, 0},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("CGTimes", "CGTimes", "NimbusRomanNo4-Lig"),
{'C','G',' ','T','i','m','e','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{0, 1, {295.0, 720000.0/295.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 4101, 1},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("CGTimesBold", "CGTimes-Bold", "NimbusRomanNo4-Bol"),
{'C','G',' ','T','i','m','e','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d'},
{0, 1, {295.0, 720000.0/295.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 4101, 2},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("CGTimesItalic", "CGTimes-Italic", "NimbusRomanNo4-LigIta"),
{'C','G',' ','T','i','m','e','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','I','t'},
{0, 1, {295.0, 720000.0/295.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 4101, 3},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("CGTimesBoldItalic", "CGTimes-BoldItalic", "NimbusRomanNo4-BolIta"),
{'C','G',' ','T','i','m','e','s',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d','I','t'},
{0, 1, {295.0, 720000.0/295.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 4101, 4},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("CGOmega", "CGOmega", "URWClassico-Reg"),
{'C','G',' ','O','m','e','g','a',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{0, 1, {276.0, 720000.0/276.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 4113, 5},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("CGOmegaBold", "CGOmega-Bold", "URWClassico-Bol"),
{'C','G',' ','O','m','e','g','a',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d'},
{0, 1, {276.0, 720000.0/276.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 4113, 6},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("CGOmegaItalic", "CGOmega-Italic", "URWClassico-Ita"),
{'C','G',' ','O','m','e','g','a',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','I','t'},
{0, 1, {276.0, 720000.0/276.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 4113, 7},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("CGOmegaBoldItalic", "CGOmega-BoldItalic", "URWClassico-BolIta"),
{'C','G',' ','O','m','e','g','a',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d','I','t'},
{0, 1, {276.0, 720000.0/276.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 4113, 8},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Coronet", "Coronet", "Coronet"),
{'C','o','r','o','n','e','t',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{0, 1, {203.0, 720000.0/203.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 4116, 9},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("ClarendonCondensedBold", "Clarendon-Condensed-Bold", "ClarendonURW-BolCon"),
{'C','l','a','r','e','n','d','o','n',' ',' ',' ','C','d','B','d'},
{0, 1, {221.0, 720000.0/221.0}, 0, CONDENSED, BOLD, 4140, 10},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("UniversMedium", "Univers-Medium", "U001-Reg"),
{'U','n','i','v','e','r','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','M','d'},
{0, 1, {332.0, 720000.0/332.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 4148, 11},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("UniversBold", "Univers-Bold", "U001-Bol"),
{'U','n','i','v','e','r','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d'},
{0, 1, {332.0, 720000.0/332.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 4148, 12},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("UniversMediumItalic", "Univers-MediumItalic", "U001-Ita"),
{'U','n','i','v','e','r','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','M','d','I','t'},
{0, 1, {332.0, 720000.0/332.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 4148, 13},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("UniversBoldItalic", "Univers-BoldItalic", "U001-BolIta"),
{'U','n','i','v','e','r','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d','I','t'},
{0, 1, {332.0, 720000.0/332.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 4148, 14},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("UniversCondensedMedium", "Univers-Condensed-Medium", "U001Con-Reg"),
{'U','n','i','v','e','r','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','C','d','M','d'},
{0, 1, {221.0, 720000.0/221.0}, 0, CONDENSED, NOBOLD, 4148, 15},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("UniversCondensedBold", "Univers-Condensed-Bold", "U001Con-Bol"),
{'U','n','i','v','e','r','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','C','d','B','d'},
{0, 1, {221.0, 720000.0/221.0}, 0, CONDENSED, BOLD, 4148, 16},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("UniversCondensedMediumItalic", "Univers-Condensed-MediumItalic", "U001Con-Ita"),
{'U','n','i','v','e','r','s',' ',' ',' ','C','d','M','d','I','t'},
{0, 1, {221.0, 720000.0/221.0}, 0, CONDENSEDITALIC, NOBOLD, 4148, 17},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("UniversCondensedBoldItalic", "Univers-Condensed-BoldItalic", "U001Con-BolIta"),
{'U','n','i','v','e','r','s',' ',' ',' ','C','d','B','d','I','t'},
{0, 1, {221.0, 720000.0/221.0}, 0, CONDENSEDITALIC, BOLD, 4148, 18},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("AntiqueOlive", "AntiqueOlive", "AntiqueOlive-Reg"),
{'A','n','t','i','q','O','l','i','v','e',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{0, 1, {295.0, 720000.0/295.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 4168, 19},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("AntiqueOliveBold", "AntiqueOlive-Bold", "AntiqueOlive-Bol"),
{'A','n','t','i','q','O','l','i','v','e',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d'},
{0, 1, {332.0, 720000.0/332.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 4168, 20},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("AntiqueOliveItalic", "AntiqueOlive-Italic", "AntiqueOlive-Ita"),
{'A','n','t','i','q','O','l','i','v','e',' ',' ',' ',' ','I','t'},
{0, 1, {294.0, 720000.0/294.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 4168, 21},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("GaramondAntiqua", "Garamond-Antiqua", "GaramondNo8-Reg"),
{'G','a','r','a','m','o','n','d',' ','A','n','t','i','q','u','a'},
- {0, 1, {258.0, 720000.0/258.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 4197, 22}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {258.0, 720000.0/258.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 4197, 22},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("GaramondHalbfett", "Garamond-Halbfett", "GaramondNo8-Med"),
{'G','a','r','a','m','o','n','d',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','H','l','b'},
- {0, 1, {276.0, 720000.0/276.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 4197, 23}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {276.0, 720000.0/276.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 4197, 23},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("GaramondKursiv", "Garamond-Kursiv", "GaramondNo8-Ita"),
{'G','a','r','a','m','o','n','d',' ',' ',' ',' ','K','r','s','v'},
- {0, 1, {240.0, 720000.0/240.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 4197, 24}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {240.0, 720000.0/240.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 4197, 24},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("GaramondKursivHalbfett", "Garamond-KursivHalbfett", "GaramondNo8-MedIta"),
{'G','a','r','a','m','o','n','d',' ','K','r','s','v','H','l','b'},
- {0, 1, {258.0, 720000.0/258.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 4197, 25}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {258.0, 720000.0/258.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 4197, 25},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Marigold", "Marigold", "Mauritius-Reg"),
{'M','a','r','i','g','o','l','d',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{0, 1, {221.0, 720000.0/221.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 4297, 26},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("AlbertusMedium", "Albertus-Medium", "A028-Med"),
{'A','l','b','e','r','t','u','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','M','d'},
- {0, 1, {313.0, 720000.0/313.0}, 0, REGULAR, MEDIUMBOLD, 4362, 27}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {313.0, 720000.0/313.0}, 0, REGULAR, MEDIUMBOLD, 4362, 27},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("AlbertusExtraBold", "Albertus-ExtraBold", "A028-Ext"),
{'A','l','b','e','r','t','u','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','X','b'},
- {0, 1, {369.0, 720000.0/369.0}, 0, REGULAR, EXBOLD, 4362, 28}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {369.0, 720000.0/369.0}, 0, REGULAR, EXBOLD, 4362, 28},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Arial", "Arial", "A030-Reg"),
{'A','r','i','a','l',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
- {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 16602, 29}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 16602, 29},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Arial-BoldMT", "Arial-Bold", "A030-Bol"),
{'A','r','i','a','l',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d'},
- {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 16602, 30}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 16602, 30},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Arial-ItalicMT", "Arial-Italic", "A030-Ita"),
{'A','r','i','a','l',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','I','t'},
- {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 16602, 31}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 16602, 31},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Arial-BoldItalicMT", "Arial-BoldItalic", "A030-BolIta"),
{'A','r','i','a','l',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d','I','t'},
- {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 16602, 32}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 16602, 32},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("TimesNewRoman", "TimesNewRoman", "NimbusRomanNo9-Reg"),
{'T','i','m','e','s','N','e','w','R','m','n',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 16901, 33},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("TimesNewRoman-Bold", "TimesNewRoman-Bold", "NimbusRomanNo9-Med"),
{'T','i','m','e','s','N','e','w','R','m','n',' ',' ',' ','B','d'},
{0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 16901, 34},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("TimesNewRoman-Italic", "TimesNewRoman-Italic", "NimbusRomanNo9-Ita"),
{'T','i','m','e','s','N','e','w','R','m','n',' ',' ',' ','I','t'},
{0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 16901, 36},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic", "TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic", "NimbusRomanNo9-MedIta"),
{'T','i','m','e','s','N','e','w','R','m','n',' ','B','d','I','t'},
{0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 16901, 35},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Helvetica", "Helvetica", "NimbusSanL-Regu"),
{'H','e','l','v','e','t','i','c','a',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
- {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 24580, 37}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 24580, 37},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Helvetica-Bold", "Helvetica-Bold", "NimbusSanL-Bold"),
{'H','e','l','v','e','t','i','c','a',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d'},
- {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 24580, 38}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 24580, 38},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Helvetica-BoldOblique", "Helvetica-BoldOblique", "NimbusSanL-BoldItal"),
{'H','e','l','v','e','t','i','c','a',' ',' ',' ','B','d','O','b'},
{0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 24580, 40},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Helvetica-Narrow", "Helvetica-Narrow", "NimbusSanL-ReguCond"),
{'H','e','l','v','e','t','i','c','a',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','N','r'},
{0, 1, {228.0, 720000.0/228.0}, 0, CONDENSED, NOBOLD, 24580, 41},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Helvetica-Narrow-Bold", "Helvetica-Narrow-Bold", "NimbusSanL-BoldCond"),
{'H','e','l','v','e','t','i','c','a',' ',' ',' ','N','r','B','d'},
{0, 1, {228.0, 720000.0/228.0}, 0, CONDENSED, BOLD, 24580, 42},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique", "Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique", "NimbusSanL-BoldCondItal"),
{'H','e','l','v','e','t','i','c','a',' ','N','r','B','d','O','b'},
- {0, 1, {228.0, 720000.0/228.0}, 0, CONDENSEDITALIC, BOLD, 24580, 44}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {228.0, 720000.0/228.0}, 0, CONDENSEDITALIC, BOLD, 24580, 44},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique", "Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique", "NimbusSanL-ReguCondItal"),
{'H','e','l','v','e','t','i','c','a',' ',' ',' ','N','r','O','b'},
- {0, 1, {228.0, 720000.0/228.0}, 0, CONDENSEDITALIC, NOBOLD, 24580, 43}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {228.0, 720000.0/228.0}, 0, CONDENSEDITALIC, NOBOLD, 24580, 43},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Helvetica-Oblique", "Helvetica-Oblique", "NimbusSanL-ReguItal"),
{'H','e','l','v','e','t','i','c','a',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','O','b'},
- {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 24580, 39}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 24580, 39},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Palatino-Roman", "Palatino-Roman", "URWPalladioL-Roma"),
{'P','a','l','a','t','i','n','o',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','R','m','n'},
- {0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 24591, 45}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 24591, 45},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Palatino-Italic", "Palatino-Italic", "URWPalladioL-Ital"),
{'P','a','l','a','t','i','n','o',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','I','t'},
- {0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 24591, 47}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 24591, 47},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Palatino-Bold", "Palatino-Bold", "URWPalladioL-Bold"),
{'P','a','l','a','t','i','n','o',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d'},
- {0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 24591, 46}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 24591, 46},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Palatino-BoldItalic", "Palatino-BoldItalic", "URWPalladioL-BoldItal"),
{'P','a','l','a','t','i','n','o',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d','I','t'},
- {0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 24591, 48}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 24591, 48},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("AvantGarde-Book", "AvantGarde-Book", "URWGothicL-Book"),
{'I','T','C','A','v','a','n','t','G','a','r','d',' ',' ','B','k'},
- {0, 1, {277.0, 720000.0/277.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 24607, 49}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {277.0, 720000.0/277.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 24607, 49},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("AvantGarde-Demi", "AvantGarde-Demi", "URWGothicL-Demi"),
{'I','T','C','A','v','a','n','t','G','a','r','d',' ',' ','D','b'},
- {0, 1, {280.0, 720000.0/280.0}, 0, REGULAR, TWOBOLD, 24607, 50}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {280.0, 720000.0/280.0}, 0, REGULAR, TWOBOLD, 24607, 50},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("AvantGarde-BookOblique", "AvantGarde-BookOblique", "URWGothicL-BookObli"),
- {0, 1, {277.0, 720000.0/277.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 24607, 51}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {277.0, 720000.0/277.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 24607, 51},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("AvantGarde-DemiOblique", "AvantGarde-DemiOblique", "URWGothicL-DemiObli"),
- {0, 1, {280.0, 720000.0/280.0}, 0, ITALIC, TWOBOLD, 24607, 52}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {280.0, 720000.0/280.0}, 0, ITALIC, TWOBOLD, 24607, 52},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Bookman-Light", "Bookman-Light", "URWBookmanL-Ligh"),
{'I','T','C','B','o','o','k','m','a','n',' ',' ',' ',' ','L','t'},
- {0, 1, {320.0, 720000.0/320.0}, 0, REGULAR, LIGHT, 24623, 53}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {320.0, 720000.0/320.0}, 0, REGULAR, LIGHT, 24623, 53},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Bookman-Demi", "Bookman-Demi", "URWBookmanL-DemiBold"),
{'I','T','C','B','o','o','k','m','a','n',' ',' ',' ',' ','D','b'},
- {0, 1, {340.0, 720000.0/340.0}, 0, REGULAR, TWOBOLD, 24623, 54}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {340.0, 720000.0/340.0}, 0, REGULAR, TWOBOLD, 24623, 54},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Bookman-LightItalic", "Bookman-LightItalic", "URWBookmanL-LighItal"),
{'I','T','C','B','o','o','k','m','a','n',' ',' ','L','t','I','t'},
- {0, 1, {300.0, 720000.0/300.0}, 0, ITALIC, LIGHT, 24623, 55}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {300.0, 720000.0/300.0}, 0, ITALIC, LIGHT, 24623, 55},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Bookman-DemiItalic", "Bookman-DemiItalic", "URWBookmanL-DemiBoldItal"),
{'I','T','C','B','o','o','k','m','a','n',' ',' ','D','b','I','t'},
- {0, 1, {340.0, 720000.0/340.0}, 0, ITALIC, TWOBOLD, 24623, 56}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {340.0, 720000.0/340.0}, 0, ITALIC, TWOBOLD, 24623, 56},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("NewCenturySchlbk-Bold", "NewCenturySchlbk-Bold", "CenturySchL-Bold"),
{'N','w','C','e','n','t','S','c','h','l','b','k',' ',' ','B','d'},
- {0, 1, {287.0, 720000.0/287.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 24703, 58}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {287.0, 720000.0/287.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 24703, 58},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic", "NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic", "CenturySchL-BoldItal"),
- {0, 1, {287.0, 720000.0/287.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 24703, 60}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {287.0, 720000.0/287.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 24703, 60},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("NewCenturySchlbk-Italic", "NewCenturySchlbk-Italic", "CenturySchL-Ital"),
{'N','w','C','e','n','t','S','c','h','l','b','k',' ',' ','I','t'},
- {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 24703, 59}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 24703, 59},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("NewCenturySchlbk-Roman", "NewCenturySchlbk-Roman", "CenturySchL-Roma"),
{'N','w','C','e','n','t','S','c','h','l','b','k',' ','R','m','n'},
- {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 24703, 57}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 1, {278.0, 720000.0/278.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 24703, 57},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Times-Roman", "Times-Roman", "NimbusRomNo9L-Regu"),
{'T','i','m','e','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','R','m','n'},
{0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 25093, 61},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Times-Bold", "Times-Bold", "NimbusRomNo9L-Medi"),
{'T','i','m','e','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d'},
{0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 25093, 62},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Times-Italic", "Times-Italic", "NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal"),
{'T','i','m','e','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','I','t'},
{0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 25093, 63},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Times-BoldItalic", "Times-BoldItalic", "NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal"),
{'T','i','m','e','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d','I','t'},
{0, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 25093, 64},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", "ZapfChancery-MediumItalic", "URWChanceryL-MediItal"),
{0, 1, {220.0, 720000.0/220.0},0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 45099, 65},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("SymbolMT", "Symbol", "StandardSymL"),
{'S','y','m','b','o','l',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{621, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 16686, 66},
- cc_symbol
+ cc_symbol, plft_8bit_printable
/* NB Symbol - Symbol PS for URW are the same. Adding the
@@ -512,28 +544,28 @@ const font_resident_t resident_table[] = {
fontnames("SymbPS", "SymbPS", "StandardSymL"),
{'S','y','m','b','o','l','P','S',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{621, 1, {250.0, 720000.0/250.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 45358, 67},
- cc_symbol
+ cc_symbol, plft_8bit_printable
fontnames("Wingdings-Regular", "Wingdings-Regular", "WingSub"),
{'W','i','n','g','d','i','n','g','s',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{18540, 1, {1000.0, 720000.0/1000.0},0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 31402, 68},
- cc_dingbats
+ cc_dingbats, plft_8bit
fontnames("ZapfDingbats", "ZapfDingbats", "Dingbats"),
{'Z','a','p','f','D','i','n','g','b','a','t','s',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{460, 1, {280.0, 720000.0/280.0},0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 45101, 69},
- cc_dingbats
+ cc_dingbats, plft_8bit
fontnames("CourierBold", "CourierMT-Bold", "NimbusMono-Bol"),
{'C','o','u','r','i','e','r',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d'},
{0, 0, {600.0, 720000.0/600.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 4099, 70},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
@@ -541,35 +573,35 @@ const font_resident_t resident_table[] = {
fontnames("CourierItalic", "CourierMT-Italic", "NimbusMono-Ita"),
{'C','o','u','r','i','e','r',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','I','t'},
{0, 0, {600.0, 720000.0/600.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 4099, 71},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("CourierBoldItalic", "CourierMT-BoldItalic", "NimbusMono-BolIta"),
{'C','o','u','r','i','e','r',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d','I','t'},
{0, 0, {600.0, 720000.0/600.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 4099, 72},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("LetterGothic", "LetterGothic", "LetterGothic-Reg"),
{'L','e','t','t','e','r','G','o','t','h','i','c',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{0, 0, {500.0, 720000.0/500.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 4102, 73},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("LetterGothicBold", "LetterGothic-Bold", "LetterGothic-Bol"),
{'L','e','t','t','e','r','G','o','t','h','i','c',' ',' ','B','d'},
{0, 0, {500.0, 720000.0/500.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 4102, 74},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("LetterGothicItalic", "LetterGothic-Italic", "LetterGothic-Ita"),
{'L','e','t','t','e','r','G','o','t','h','i','c',' ',' ','I','t'},
{0, 0, {500.0, 720000.0/500.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 4102, 75},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
@@ -577,50 +609,54 @@ const font_resident_t resident_table[] = {
fontnames("Courier", "Courier", "NimbusMonL-Regu"),
{'C','o','u','r','i','e','r','P','S',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '},
{0, 0, {600.0, 720000.0/600.0}, 0, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 24579, 76},
- cc_alphabetic
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Courier-Bold", "Courier-Bold", "NimbusMonL-Bold"),
{'C','o','u','r','i','e','r','P','S',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','B','d'},
- {0, 0, {600.0, 720000.0/600.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 24579, 77}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 0, {600.0, 720000.0/600.0}, 0, REGULAR, BOLD, 24579, 77},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Courier-BoldOblique", "Courier-BoldOblique", "NimbusMonL-BoldObli"),
{'C','o','u','r','i','e','r','P','S',' ',' ',' ','B','d','O','b'},
- {0, 0, {600.0, 720000.0/600.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 24579, 79}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 0, {600.0, 720000.0/600.0}, 0, ITALIC, BOLD, 24579, 79},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
fontnames("Courier-Oblique", "Courier-Oblique", "NimbusMonL-ReguObli"),
{'C','o','u','r','i','e','r','P','S',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','O','b'},
- {0, 0, {600.0, 720000.0/600.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 24579, 78}, cc_alphabetic
+ {0, 0, {600.0, 720000.0/600.0}, 0, ITALIC, NOBOLD, 24579, 78},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode
/************** NB SEMI-WRONG the artifex lineprinter is unbound ****************/
{fontnames("noname", "noname", "ArtLinePrinter"), {'L','i','n','e',' ','P','r','i','n','t','e','r',' ',' ','0','N'},
- {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 82}, cc_alphabetic},
+ {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 82},
+ cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode},
{fontnames("noname", "noname", "ArtLinePrinter"), {'L','i','n','e',' ','P','r','i','n','t','e','r',' ',' ','6','N'},
- {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 88}, cc_alphabetic},
+ {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 88}, cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode},
{fontnames("noname", "noname", "ArtLinePrinter"), {'L','i','n','e',' ','P','r','i','n','t','e','r',' ',' ','9','N'},
- {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 89}, cc_alphabetic},
+ {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 89}, cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode},
{fontnames("noname", "noname", "ArtLinePrinter"), {'L','i','n','e',' ','P','r','i','n','t','e','r',' ','1','0','U'},
- {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 80}, cc_alphabetic},
+ {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 80}, cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode},
{fontnames("noname", "noname", "ArtLinePrinter"), {'L','i','n','e',' ','P','r','i','n','t','e','r',' ','1','1','U'},
- {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 83}, cc_alphabetic},
+ {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 83}, cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode},
{fontnames("noname", "noname", "ArtLinePrinter"), {'L','i','n','e',' ','P','r','i','n','t','e','r',' ','1','2','U'},
- {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 84}, cc_alphabetic},
+ {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 84}, cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode},
{fontnames("noname", "noname", "ArtLinePrinter"), {'L','i','n','e',' ','P','r','i','n','t','e','r',' ',' ','1','U'},
- {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 85}, cc_alphabetic},
+ {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 85}, cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode},
{fontnames("noname", "noname", "ArtLinePrinter"), {'L','i','n','e',' ','P','r','i','n','t','e','r',' ',' ','2','N'},
- {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 86}, cc_alphabetic},
+ {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 86}, cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode},
{fontnames("noname", "noname", "ArtLinePrinter"), {'L','i','n','e',' ','P','r','i','n','t','e','r',' ',' ','5','N'},
- {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 87}, cc_alphabetic},
+ {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 87}, cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode},
{fontnames("noname", "noname", "ArtLinePrinter"), {'L','i','n','e',' ','P','r','i','n','t','e','r',' ',' ','8','U'},
- {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 81}, cc_alphabetic},
+ {0, 0, {431.0, 720000.0/431.0}, 34, REGULAR, NOBOLD, 0, 81}, cc_alphabetic, plft_Unicode},
{fontnames("","", ""), {'0','0'},
- {0, 0, {0, 0}, 0, 0, 0, 0} }
+ {0, 0, {0, 0}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 0}
#undef C
#undef cc_alphabetic
#undef cc_symbol
diff --git a/pl/plftable.h b/pl/plftable.h
index 311ca5fd1..fd06530c1 100644
--- a/pl/plftable.h
+++ b/pl/plftable.h
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
San Rafael, CA 94903, (415)492-9861, for further information. */
+#ifndef plftable_INCLUDED
+# define plftable_INCLUDED
/* plftable.h */
/* resident font table */
typedef struct font_resident {
@@ -18,6 +21,9 @@ typedef struct font_resident {
const short unicode_fontname[16]; /* pxl name */
pl_font_params_t params;
byte character_complement[8];
+ pl_font_type_t font_type;
} font_resident_t;
extern const font_resident_t resident_table[];
+#endif /* plftable_INCLUDED */
diff --git a/pl/pllfont.c b/pl/pllfont.c
index 4aee4f92d..0b682a826 100644
--- a/pl/pllfont.c
+++ b/pl/pllfont.c
@@ -334,8 +334,7 @@ pl_load_built_in_fonts(const char *pathname, gs_memory_t *mem,
plfont->storage = storage;
plfont->data_are_permanent = false;
- if ( residentp->params.symbol_set != 0 )
- plfont->font_type = plft_8bit;
+ plfont->font_type = residentp->font_type;
plfont->params = residentp->params;
residentp->character_complement, 8);
diff --git a/pl/plulfont.c b/pl/plulfont.c
index 629a7e520..3f87fd13e 100644
--- a/pl/plulfont.c
+++ b/pl/plulfont.c
@@ -342,9 +342,7 @@ pl_load_built_in_fonts(const char *pathname, gs_memory_t *mem, pl_dict_t *pfontd
dprintf3("scale factor=%d, pitch (cp)=%d per_inch_x100=%d\n", pfDesc->scaleFactor, pitch_cp, (uint)(720000.0/pitch_cp));
- if (resident_table[j].params.symbol_set != 0)
- plfont->font_type = plft_8bit;
+ plfont->font_type = residentp->font_type;
plfont->storage = storage;
plfont->data_are_permanent = false;
plfont->params = resident_table[j].params;