path: root/linux/picker.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2000-11-21Merge with latest trunk code. Now requires kernel 2.4.0-test11-pre5 orati-4-1-1-20001125-freezeGareth Hughes1-1/+0
2000-10-10Merge trunk with ati-4-1-1-branch. Needed for Mobility M3 to work withGareth Hughes1-0/+7
2000-09-19Grab latest trunk code. Sync with 2.4.0-test9-pre4 kernel.Gareth Hughes1-1/+1
2000-08-27Get latest kernel module updates from Rik Faith. Thanks, Rik! Sync withGareth Hughes1-0/+5
2000-04-04Merged mga branch with trunkmga-0-0-2-20000404-mergeJeff Hartmann1-0/+10
2000-01-17Try a more complex (and more correct?) method for finding kernel inlcudeRik Faith1-0/+2
2000-01-13Add new code to do SMP/MODVERSIONS detection for more distributionsRik Faith1-0/+12