path: root/xc/lib/dps/Imakefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xc/lib/dps/Imakefile')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xc/lib/dps/Imakefile b/xc/lib/dps/Imakefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2d003921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xc/lib/dps/Imakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+XCOMM $XFree86: xc/lib/dps/Imakefile,v 1.6 2000/02/16 15:34:27 dawes Exp $
+#define DoNormalLib NormalLibDps
+#define DoSharedLib SharedLibDps
+#define DoExtraLib SharedLibDps
+#define DoDebugLib DebugLibDps
+#define DoProfileLib ProfileLibDps
+#define LibName dps
+#define SoRev SODPSREV
+#define IncSubdir DPS
+XCOMM The Client Library uses definitions just like Xlib for network
+XCOMM capabilities, such as TCPCONN, UNIXCONN, and DNETCONN. See
+XCOMM csconndi.c and csopendi.c
+XCOMM The connection code should be rewritten to use xtrans. The STREAMSCONN
+XCOMM code here needs work. For now force ConnectionFlags to be
+#undef ConnectionFlags
+#define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN
+ DEFINES = -DXDPS -DCSDPS ConnectionFlags
+ CAT = cat
+ SED = sed
+ AWK = awk
+ SORT = sort
+ PSWRAPSRC = $(TOP)/config/pswrap
+ PSWRAP = $(PSWRAPSRC)/pswrap
+ dpsclient.o\
+ dpsprintf.o\
+ dpsexcept.o\
+ dpsdict.o\
+ dpsabbrev.o
+ dpsclient.c\
+ dpsprintf.c\
+ dpsexcept.c\
+ dpsdict.c\
+ dpsabbrev.c
+ dpsXclient.o\
+ dpssysnames.o\
+ dpsXpriv.o\
+ XDPS.o\
+ dpsXtdisp.o\
+ dpsXcmu.o
+ dpsXclient.c\
+ dpssysnames.c\
+ dpsXpriv.c\
+ XDPS.c\
+ dpsXtdisp.c\
+ dpsXcmu.c
+ cslibext.o\
+ csopendi.o\
+ csconndi.o\
+ csstartNX.o\
+ csfindNX.o\
+ cslibint.o
+ cslibext.c\
+ csopendi.c\
+ csconndi.c\
+ csstartNX.c\
+ csfindNX.c\
+ cslibint.c
+ dpsclrops.o\
+ dpsctrlops.o\
+ dpsctxtops.o\
+ dpsdataops.o\
+ dpsfontops.o\
+ dpsgsttops.o\
+ dpsioops.o\
+ dpsmathops.o\
+ dpsmtrxops.o\
+ dpsmiscops.o\
+ dpspntops.o\
+ dpspathops.o\
+ dpssysops.o\
+ dpswinops.o\
+ dpsopstack.o\
+ dpsXops.o\
+ dpsl2ops.o
+ psclrops.o\
+ psctrlops.o\
+ psctxtops.o\
+ psdataops.o\
+ psfontops.o\
+ psgsttops.o\
+ psioops.o\
+ psmathops.o\
+ psmtrxops.o\
+ psmiscops.o\
+ pspntops.o\
+ pspathops.o\
+ pssysops.o\
+ pswinops.o\
+ psopstack.o\
+ psXops.o\
+ psl2ops.o
+ dpsclrops.h\
+ dpsctrlops.h\
+ dpsctxtops.h\
+ dpsdataops.h\
+ dpsfontops.h\
+ dpsgsttops.h\
+ dpsioops.h\
+ dpsmathops.h\
+ dpsmtrxops.h\
+ dpsmiscops.h\
+ dpsopstack.h\
+ dpspntops.h\
+ dpspathops.h\
+ dpssysops.h\
+ dpswinops.h\
+ dpsXops.h\
+ dpsl2ops.h
+ psclrops.h\
+ psctrlops.h\
+ psctxtops.h\
+ psdataops.h\
+ psfontops.h\
+ psgsttops.h\
+ psioops.h\
+ psmathops.h\
+ psmtrxops.h\
+ psmiscops.h\
+ pspntops.h\
+ pspathops.h\
+ pssysops.h\
+ pswinops.h\
+ psopstack.h\
+ psXops.h\
+ psl2ops.h
+ dpsclrops.c\
+ dpsctrlops.c\
+ dpsctxtops.c\
+ dpsdataops.c\
+ dpsfontops.c\
+ dpsgsttops.c\
+ dpsioops.c\
+ dpsmathops.c\
+ dpsmtrxops.c\
+ dpsmiscops.c\
+ dpsopstack.c\
+ dpspntops.c\
+ dpspathops.c\
+ dpssysops.c\
+ dpswinops.c\
+ dpsXops.c\
+ dpsl2ops.c
+ psclrops.c\
+ psctrlops.c\
+ psctxtops.c\
+ psdataops.c\
+ psfontops.c\
+ psgsttops.c\
+ psioops.c\
+ psmathops.c\
+ psmtrxops.c\
+ psmiscops.c\
+ pspntops.c\
+ pspathops.c\
+ pssysops.c\
+ pswinops.c\
+ psopstack.c\
+ psXops.c\
+ psl2ops.c
+ dpsclrops.ah\
+ dpsctrlops.ah\
+ dpsctxtops.ah\
+ dpsdataops.ah\
+ dpsfontops.ah\
+ dpsgsttops.ah\
+ dpsioops.ah\
+ dpsmathops.ah\
+ dpsmtrxops.ah\
+ dpsmiscops.ah\
+ dpsopstack.ah\
+ dpspntops.ah\
+ dpspathops.ah\
+ dpssysops.ah\
+ dpswinops.ah\
+ dpsXops.ah\
+ dpsl2ops.ah
+ psclrops.ah\
+ psctrlops.ah\
+ psctxtops.ah\
+ psdataops.ah\
+ psfontops.ah\
+ psgsttops.ah\
+ psioops.ah\
+ psmathops.ah\
+ psmtrxops.ah\
+ psmiscops.ah\
+ pspntops.ah\
+ pspathops.ah\
+ pssysops.ah\
+ pswinops.ah\
+ psopstack.ah\
+ psXops.ah\
+ psl2ops.ah
+XCOMM Unless you have a completely and thoroughly ANSI-C environment, dont run
+XCOMM pswrap on the singleops with -a (ANSI C). Many of the procedures have
+XCOMM float arguments, and if you run pswrap with -a these become really and
+XCOMM truly floats instead of the doubles they are automatically promoted
+XCOMM to under non-ANSI C. The resulting library cannot be linked with
+XCOMM code compiled with a non-ANSI C compiler.
+SRCS = \
+OBJS = \
+#include <Library.tmpl>
+.SUFFIXES: .psw .ah .h
+.psw.c : ProgramTargetName($(PSWRAP))
+ RunProgram(PSWRAP,-o $*.c -h $*.h $<)
+.psw.ah : ProgramTargetName($(PSWRAP))
+ RunProgram(PSWRAP,-a -h $*.ah $< > /dev/null)
+.psw.h : ProgramTargetName($(PSWRAP))
+ RunProgram(PSWRAP,-h $*.h $< > /dev/null)
+ @echo "checking $@ over in $(PSWRAPSRC) first..."; \
+ cd $(PSWRAPSRC) && $(MAKE); \
+ echo "okay, continuing in $(CURRENT_DIR)"
+HEADERS = psops.h dpsops.h
+all :: psops.h dpsops.h
+ $(RM) $@
+ ${SED} -e '/^$$/D' -e '/#/D' -e '/^\//D'\
+ -e '/^ gener/D' -e '/^.\//D' |\
+ ${SORT} > .sort
+ ${AWK} '/;/ {print; printf("\n");}' .sort > .ttt
+ ${SED} -e '/^$$/D' -e '/#/D' -e '/^\//D'\
+ -e '/^ gener/D' -e '/^.\//D'\
+ -e 's/float \([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[,\)]\)/double \1/g' |\
+ ${SORT} > .sort
+ ${AWK} '/;/ {print; printf("\n");}' .sort > .attt
+ ${CAT} psname.txt header.txt psifdef.txt .ttt else.txt .attt\
+ psendif.txt > psops.h
+ ${RM} .sort .ttt .attt
+ $(RM) $@
+ ${SED} -e '/^$$/D' -e '/#/D' -e '/^\//D'\
+ -e '/^ gener/D' -e '/^.\//D' |\
+ ${SORT} > .sort
+ ${AWK} '/;/ {print; printf("\n");}' .sort > .ttt
+ ${SED} -e '/^$$/D' -e '/#/D' -e '/^\//D'\
+ -e '/^ gener/D' -e '/^.\//D'\
+ -e 's/float \([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[,\)]\)/double \1/g' |\
+ ${SORT} > .sort
+ ${AWK} '/;/ {print; printf("\n");}' .sort > .attt
+ ${CAT} dpsname.txt header.txt dpsifdef.txt .ttt else.txt .attt\
+ dpsendif.txt > dpsops.h
+ ${RM} .sort .ttt .attt
+clean ::
+ ${RM} $(DERIVED_FILES) .sort .ttt .att psops.h dpsops.h *%