path: root/src/cout.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/cout.c')
1 files changed, 1242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cout.c b/src/cout.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d7c147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cout.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1242 @@
+/* $Xorg: cout.c,v 1.3 2000/08/17 19:46:43 cpqbld Exp $ */
+ Copyright (c) 1994 by Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
+ Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ software and its documentation for any purpose and without
+ fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
+ notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
+ notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ documentation, and that the name of Silicon Graphics not be
+ used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution
+ of the software without specific prior written permission.
+ Silicon Graphics makes no representation about the suitability
+ of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
+ without any express or implied warranty.
+ ********************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#ifndef X_NOT_STDC_ENV
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xos.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/XKBgeom.h>
+#include "XKMformat.h"
+#include "XKBfileInt.h"
+#define lowbit(x) ((x) & (-(x)))
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrVMods(FILE *file,Display *dpy,XkbDescPtr xkb)
+ FILE * file;
+ Display * dpy;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+register int i,nOut;
+ if ((!xkb)||(!xkb->names)||(!xkb->names->vmods))
+ return False;
+ for (i=nOut=0;i<XkbNumVirtualMods;i++) {
+ if (xkb->names->vmods[i]!=None) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s#define vmod_%s %d\n",(nOut<1?"\n":""),
+ XkbAtomText(dpy,xkb->names->vmods[i],XkbCFile),
+ i);
+ nOut++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=nOut=0;i<XkbNumVirtualMods;i++) {
+ if (xkb->names->vmods[i]!=None) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s#define vmod_%sMask (1<<%d)\n",
+ (nOut<1?"\n":""),
+ XkbAtomText(dpy,xkb->names->vmods[i],XkbCFile)
+ ,i);
+ nOut++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nOut>0)
+ fprintf(file,"\n");
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrKeycodes(FILE *file,XkbDescPtr xkb)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+Atom kcName;
+register unsigned i;
+char buf[8];
+ if ((!xkb)||(!xkb->names)||(!xkb->names->keys)) {
+ _XkbLibError(_XkbErrMissingNames,"WriteCHdrKeycodes",0);
+ return False;
+ }
+ kcName= xkb->names->keycodes;
+ buf[4]= '\0';
+ if (xkb->names->keycodes!=None)
+ fprintf(file,"/* keycodes name is \"%s\" */\n",
+ XkbAtomText(xkb->dpy,kcName,XkbMessage));
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbKeyNameRec keyNames[NUM_KEYS]= {\n");
+ for (i=0;i<=xkb->max_key_code;i++) {
+ sprintf(buf,"\"%s\"",XkbKeyNameText(xkb->names->keys[i].name,XkbCFile));
+ if (i!=xkb->max_key_code) {
+ fprintf(file," { %6s },",buf);
+ if ((i&3)==3)
+ fprintf(file,"\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(file," { %6s }\n",buf);
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"};\n");
+ return True;
+static void
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteTypePreserve( FILE * file,
+ Display * dpy,
+ char * prefix,
+ XkbDescPtr xkb,
+ XkbKeyTypePtr type)
+ FILE * file;
+ Display * dpy;
+ char * prefix;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ XkbKeyTypePtr type;
+register unsigned i;
+XkbModsPtr pre;
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbModsRec preserve_%s[%d]= {\n",prefix,
+ type->map_count);
+ for (i=0,pre=type->preserve;i<type->map_count;i++,pre++) {
+ if (i!=0)
+ fprintf(file,",\n");
+ fprintf(file," { %15s, ",XkbModMaskText(pre->mask,XkbCFile));
+ fprintf(file,"%15s, ",XkbModMaskText(pre->real_mods,XkbCFile));
+ fprintf(file,"%15s }",XkbVModMaskText(dpy,xkb,0,pre->vmods,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ return;
+static void
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteTypeInitFunc(FILE *file,Display *dpy,XkbDescPtr xkb)
+ FILE * file;
+ Display * dpy;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+register unsigned i,n;
+XkbKeyTypePtr type;
+Atom * names;
+char prefix[32];
+ fprintf(file,"\n\nstatic void\n#if NeedFunctionPrototypes\n");
+ fprintf(file,"initTypeNames(DPYTYPE dpy)\n#else\n");
+ fprintf(file,"initTypeNames(dpy)\nDPYTYPE dpy;\n#endif\n{\n");
+ for (i=0,type=xkb->map->types;i<xkb->map->num_types;i++,type++) {
+ strcpy(prefix,XkbAtomText(dpy,type->name,XkbCFile));
+ if (type->name!=None)
+ fprintf(file," dflt_types[%d].name= GET_ATOM(dpy,\"%s\");\n",i,
+ XkbAtomText(dpy,type->name,XkbCFile));
+ names= type->level_names;
+ if (names!=NULL) {
+ char *tmp;
+ for (n=0;n<type->num_levels;n++) {
+ if (names[n]==None)
+ continue;
+ tmp= XkbAtomText(dpy,names[n],XkbCFile);
+ if (tmp==NULL)
+ continue;
+ fprintf(file," lnames_%s[%d]= ",prefix,n);
+ fprintf(file,"GET_ATOM(dpy,\"%s\");\n",tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"}\n");
+ return;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrKeyTypes(FILE *file,Display *dpy,XkbDescPtr xkb)
+ FILE * file;
+ Display * dpy;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+register unsigned i,n;
+XkbClientMapPtr map;
+XkbKeyTypePtr type;
+char prefix[32];
+ if ((!xkb)||(!xkb->map)||(!xkb->map->types)) {
+ _XkbLibError(_XkbErrMissingTypes,"WriteCHdrKeyTypes",0);
+ return False;
+ }
+ if (xkb->map->num_types<XkbNumRequiredTypes) {
+ _XkbLibError(_XkbErrMissingReqTypes,"WriteCHdrKeyTypes",0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ map= xkb->map;
+ if ((xkb->names!=NULL)&&(xkb->names->types!=None)) {
+ fprintf(file,"/* types name is \"%s\" */\n",
+ XkbAtomText(dpy,xkb->names->types,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ for (i=0,type=map->types;i<map->num_types;i++,type++) {
+ strcpy(prefix,XkbAtomText(dpy,type->name,XkbCFile));
+ if (type->map_count>0) {
+ XkbKTMapEntryPtr entry;
+ entry= type->map;
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbKTMapEntryRec map_%s[%d]= {\n",prefix,
+ type->map_count);
+ for (n=0;n<(unsigned)type->map_count;n++,entry++) {
+ if (n!=0)
+ fprintf(file,",\n");
+ fprintf(file," { %d, %6d, { %15s, %15s, %15s } }",
+ entry->active,
+ entry->level,
+ XkbModMaskText(entry->mods.mask,XkbCFile),
+ XkbModMaskText(entry->mods.real_mods,XkbCFile),
+ XkbVModMaskText(dpy,xkb,0,entry->mods.vmods,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ if (type->preserve)
+ WriteTypePreserve(file,dpy,prefix,xkb,type);
+ }
+ if (type->level_names!=NULL) {
+ fprintf(file,"static Atom lnames_%s[%d];\n",prefix,
+ type->num_levels);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbKeyTypeRec dflt_types[]= {\n");
+ for (i=0,type=map->types;i<(unsigned)map->num_types;i++,type++) {
+ strcpy(prefix,XkbAtomText(dpy,type->name,XkbCFile));
+ if (i!=0) fprintf(file,",\n");
+ fprintf(file," {\n { %15s, %15s, %15s },\n",
+ XkbModMaskText(type->mods.mask,XkbCFile),
+ XkbModMaskText(type->mods.real_mods,XkbCFile),
+ XkbVModMaskText(dpy,xkb,0,type->mods.vmods,XkbCFile));
+ fprintf(file," %d,\n",type->num_levels);
+ fprintf(file," %d,",type->map_count);
+ if (type->map_count>0)
+ fprintf(file," map_%s,",prefix);
+ else fprintf(file," NULL,");
+ if (type->preserve)
+ fprintf(file," preserve_%s,\n",prefix);
+ else fprintf(file," NULL,\n");
+ if (type->level_names!=NULL)
+ fprintf(file," None, lnames_%s\n }",prefix);
+ else fprintf(file," None, NULL\n }");
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#define num_dflt_types (sizeof(dflt_types)/sizeof(XkbKeyTypeRec))\n");
+ WriteTypeInitFunc(file,dpy,xkb);
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrCompatMap(FILE *file,Display *dpy,XkbDescPtr xkb)
+ FILE * file;
+ Display * dpy;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+register unsigned i;
+XkbCompatMapPtr compat;
+XkbSymInterpretPtr interp;
+ if ((!xkb)||(!xkb->compat)||(!xkb->compat->sym_interpret)) {
+ _XkbLibError(_XkbErrMissingSymInterps,"WriteCHdrInterp",0);
+ return False;
+ }
+ compat= xkb->compat;
+ if ((xkb->names!=NULL)&&(xkb->names->compat!=None)) {
+ fprintf(file,"/* compat name is \"%s\" */\n",
+ XkbAtomText(dpy,xkb->names->compat,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbSymInterpretRec dfltSI[%d]= {\n",
+ compat->num_si);
+ interp= compat->sym_interpret;
+ for (i=0;i<compat->num_si;i++,interp++) {
+ XkbAction *act;
+ act= (XkbAction *)&interp->act;
+ if (i!=0) fprintf(file,",\n");
+ fprintf(file," { %s, ",XkbKeysymText(interp->sym,XkbCFile));
+ fprintf(file,"0x%04x,\n",interp->flags);
+ fprintf(file," %s, ",XkbSIMatchText(interp->match,XkbCFile));
+ fprintf(file,"%s,\n",XkbModMaskText(interp->mods,XkbCFile));
+ fprintf(file," %d,\n",interp->virtual_mod);
+ fprintf(file," %s }",XkbActionText(dpy,xkb,act,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ fprintf(file,
+ "#define num_dfltSI (sizeof(dfltSI)/sizeof(XkbSymInterpretRec))\n");
+ fprintf(file,"\nstatic XkbCompatMapRec compatMap= {\n");
+ fprintf(file," dfltSI,\n");
+ fprintf(file," { /* group compatibility */\n ");
+ for (i=0;i<XkbNumKbdGroups;i++) {
+ XkbModsPtr gc;
+ gc= &xkb->compat->groups[i];
+ fprintf(file,"%s{ %12s, %12s, %12s }",
+ ((i==0)?"":",\n "),
+ XkbModMaskText(gc->mask,XkbCFile),
+ XkbModMaskText(gc->real_mods,XkbCFile),
+ XkbVModMaskText(xkb->dpy,xkb,0,gc->vmods,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n },\n");
+ fprintf(file," num_dfltSI, num_dfltSI\n");
+ fprintf(file,"};\n\n");
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrSymbols(FILE *file,XkbDescPtr xkb)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+register unsigned i;
+ if ((!xkb)||(!xkb->map)||(!xkb->map->syms)||(!xkb->map->key_sym_map)) {
+ _XkbLibError(_XkbErrMissingSymbols,"WriteCHdrSymbols",0);
+ return False;
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"#define NUM_SYMBOLS %d\n",xkb->map->num_syms);
+ if (xkb->map->num_syms>0) {
+ register KeySym *sym;
+ sym= xkb->map->syms;
+ fprintf(file,"static KeySym symCache[NUM_SYMBOLS]= {\n");
+ for (i=0;i<xkb->map->num_syms;i++,sym++) {
+ if (i==0) fprintf(file," ");
+ else if (i%4==0) fprintf(file,",\n ");
+ else fprintf(file,", ");
+ fprintf(file,"%15s",XkbKeysymText(*sym,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ }
+ if (xkb->max_key_code>0) {
+ register XkbSymMapPtr map;
+ map= xkb->map->key_sym_map;
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbSymMapRec symMap[NUM_KEYS]= {\n");
+ for (i=0;i<=xkb->max_key_code;i++,map++) {
+ if (i==0) fprintf(file," ");
+ else if ((i&3)==0) fprintf(file,",\n ");
+ else fprintf(file,", ");
+ fprintf(file,"{ %2d, 0x%x, %3d }",map->kt_index,map->group_info,
+ map->offset);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ }
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrClientMap(FILE *file,Display *dpy,XkbDescPtr xkb)
+ FILE * file;
+ Display * dpy;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ if ((!xkb)||(!xkb->map)||(!xkb->map->syms)||(!xkb->map->key_sym_map)) {
+ _XkbLibError(_XkbErrMissingSymbols,"WriteCHdrClientMap",0);
+ return False;
+ }
+ if (!WriteCHdrKeyTypes(file,dpy,xkb))
+ return False;
+ if (!WriteCHdrSymbols(file,xkb))
+ return False;
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbClientMapRec clientMap= {\n");
+ fprintf(file," NUM_TYPES, NUM_TYPES, types, \n");
+ fprintf(file," NUM_SYMBOLS, NUM_SYMBOLS, symCache, symMap\n");
+ fprintf(file,"};\n\n");
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrServerMap(FILE *file,Display *dpy,XkbDescPtr xkb)
+ FILE * file;
+ Display * dpy;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+register unsigned i;
+ if ((!xkb)||(!xkb->map)||(!xkb->map->syms)||(!xkb->map->key_sym_map)) {
+ _XkbLibError(_XkbErrMissingSymbols,"WriteCHdrServerMap",0);
+ return False;
+ }
+ if (xkb->server->num_acts>0) {
+ register XkbAnyAction *act;
+ act= (XkbAnyAction *)xkb->server->acts;
+ fprintf(file,"#define NUM_ACTIONS %d\n",xkb->server->num_acts);
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbAnyAction actionCache[NUM_ACTIONS]= {\n");
+ for (i=0;i<xkb->server->num_acts;i++,act++) {
+ if (i==0) fprintf(file," ");
+ else fprintf(file,",\n ");
+ fprintf(file,"%s",XkbActionText(dpy,xkb,(XkbAction *)act,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"static unsigned short keyActions[NUM_KEYS]= {\n");
+ for (i=0;i<=xkb->max_key_code;i++) {
+ if (i==0) fprintf(file," ");
+ else if ((i&0xf)==0) fprintf(file,",\n ");
+ else fprintf(file,", ");
+ fprintf(file,"%2d",xkb->server->key_acts[i]);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbBehavior behaviors[NUM_KEYS]= {\n");
+ for (i=0;i<=xkb->max_key_code;i++) {
+ if (i==0) fprintf(file," ");
+ else if ((i&0x3)==0) fprintf(file,",\n ");
+ else fprintf(file,", ");
+ if (xkb->server->behaviors) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s",
+ XkbBehaviorText(xkb,&xkb->server->behaviors[i],XkbCFile));
+ }
+ else fprintf(file,"{ 0, 0 }");
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ fprintf(file,"static unsigned char explicit_parts[NUM_KEYS]= {\n");
+ for (i=0;i<=xkb->max_key_code;i++) {
+ if (i==0) fprintf(file," ");
+ else if ((i&0x7)==0) fprintf(file,",\n ");
+ else fprintf(file,", ");
+ if ((xkb->server->explicit==NULL)||(xkb->server->explicit[i]==0))
+ fprintf(file," 0");
+ else fprintf(file,"0x%02x",xkb->server->explicit[i]);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ fprintf(file,"static unsigned short vmodmap[NUM_KEYS]= {\n");
+ for (i=0;i<xkb->max_key_code;i++) {
+ if (i==0) fprintf(file," ");
+ else if ((i&0x7)==0) fprintf(file,",\n ");
+ else fprintf(file,", ");
+ if ((xkb->server->vmodmap==NULL)||(xkb->server->vmodmap[i]==0))
+ fprintf(file," 0");
+ else fprintf(file,"0x%04x",xkb->server->vmodmap[i]);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"};\n");
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbServerMapRec serverMap= {\n");
+ fprintf(file," %d, %d, (XkbAction *)actionCache,\n",
+ xkb->server->num_acts,xkb->server->num_acts);
+ fprintf(file," behaviors, keyActions, explicit_parts,\n");
+ for (i=0;i<XkbNumVirtualMods;i++) {
+ if (i==0) fprintf(file," { ");
+ else if (i==8) fprintf(file,",\n ");
+ else fprintf(file,", ");
+ fprintf(file,"%3d",xkb->server->vmods[i]);
+ }
+ fprintf(file," },\n");
+ fprintf(file," vmodmap\n");
+ fprintf(file,"};\n\n");
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrIndicators(FILE *file,Display *dpy,XkbDescPtr xkb)
+ FILE * file;
+ Display * dpy;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+register int i,nNames;
+XkbIndicatorMapPtr imap;
+ if (xkb->indicators==NULL)
+ return True;
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbIndicatorRec indicators= {\n");
+ fprintf(file," 0x%x,\n {\n",xkb->indicators->phys_indicators);
+ for (imap=xkb->indicators->maps,i=nNames=0;i<XkbNumIndicators;i++,imap++) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s { 0x%02x, %s, 0x%02x, %s, %s, ",
+ (i!=0?",\n":""),
+ imap->flags,
+ XkbIMWhichStateMaskText(imap->which_groups,XkbCFile),
+ imap->groups,
+ XkbIMWhichStateMaskText(imap->which_mods,XkbCFile),
+ XkbModMaskText(imap->mods.mask,XkbCFile));
+ fprintf(file," %s, %s, %s }",
+ XkbModMaskText(imap->mods.real_mods,XkbCFile),
+ XkbVModMaskText(dpy,xkb,0,imap->mods.vmods,XkbCFile),
+ XkbControlsMaskText(imap->ctrls,XkbCFile));
+ if (xkb->names && (xkb->names->indicators[i]!=None))
+ nNames++;
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n }\n};\n");
+ if (nNames>0) {
+ fprintf(file,"static void\n#if NeedFunctionPrototypes\n");
+ fprintf(file,"initIndicatorNames(DPYTYPE dpy,XkbDescPtr xkb)\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#else\ninitIndicatorNames(dpy,xkb)\n");
+ fprintf(file," DPYTYPE dpy;\n");
+ fprintf(file," XkbDescPtr xkb;\n#endif\n{\n");
+ for (i=0;i<XkbNumIndicators;i++) {
+ Atom name;
+ if (xkb->names->indicators[i]==None)
+ continue;
+ name= xkb->names->indicators[i];
+ fprintf(file," xkb->names->indicators[%2d]= ",i);
+ fprintf(file,"GET_ATOM(dpy,\"%s\");\n",
+ XkbAtomText(dpy,name,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"}\n");
+ }
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrGeomProps(FILE *file,XkbDescPtr xkb,XkbGeometryPtr geom)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ XkbGeometryPtr geom;
+ if (geom->num_properties>0) {
+ register int i;
+ fprintf(file,"\nstatic XkbPropertyRec g_props[%d]= {\n",
+ geom->num_properties);
+ for (i=0;i<geom->num_properties;i++) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s { \"%s\", \"%s\" }",(i==0?"":",\n"),
+ XkbStringText(geom->properties[i].name,XkbCFile),
+ XkbStringText(geom->properties[i].value,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ }
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrGeomColors(FILE *file,XkbDescPtr xkb,XkbGeometryPtr geom)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ XkbGeometryPtr geom;
+ if (geom->num_colors>0) {
+ register int i;
+ fprintf(file,"\nstatic XkbColorRec g_colors[%d]= {\n",geom->num_colors);
+ for (i=0;i<geom->num_colors;i++) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s { %3d, \"%s\" }",(i==0?"":",\n"),
+ geom->colors[i].pixel,
+ XkbStringText(geom->colors[i].spec,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ }
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrGeomOutlines(FILE *file,int nOL,XkbOutlinePtr ol,int shapeNdx)
+ FILE * file;
+ int nOL;
+ XkbOutlinePtr ol;
+ int shapeNdx;
+register int o,p;
+ for (o=0;o<nOL;o++) {
+ fprintf(file,"\nstatic XkbPointRec pts_sh%02do%02d[]= {\n",shapeNdx,o);
+ for (p=0;p<ol[o].num_points;p++) {
+ if (p==0) fprintf(file," ");
+ else if ((p&0x3)==0) fprintf(file,",\n ");
+ else fprintf(file,", ");
+ fprintf(file,"{ %4d, %4d }",
+ ol[o].points[p].x,ol[o].points[p].y);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};");
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n\nstatic XkbOutlineRec ol_sh%02d[]= {\n",shapeNdx);
+ for (o=0;o<nOL;o++) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s { %d, %d, %d, pts_sh%02do%02d }",
+ (o==0?"":",\n"),
+ ol[o].num_points,ol[o].num_points,
+ ol[o].corner_radius,shapeNdx,o);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrGeomShapes(FILE *file,XkbDescPtr xkb,XkbGeometryPtr geom)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ XkbGeometryPtr geom;
+register int s;
+register XkbShapePtr shape;
+ for (s=0,shape=geom->shapes;s<geom->num_shapes;s++,shape++) {
+ WriteCHdrGeomOutlines(file,shape->num_outlines,shape->outlines,s);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n\nstatic XkbShapeRec g_shapes[%d]= {\n",geom->num_shapes);
+ for (s=0,shape=geom->shapes;s<geom->num_shapes;s++,shape++) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s { None, %3d, %3d, ol_sh%02d, ",
+ (s==0?"":",\n"),shape->num_outlines,
+ shape->num_outlines,s);
+ if (shape->approx) {
+ fprintf(file,"&ol_sh%02d[%2d], ",s,
+ XkbOutlineIndex(shape,shape->approx));
+ }
+ else fprintf(file," NULL, ");
+ if (shape->primary) {
+ fprintf(file,"&ol_sh%02d[%2d],\n",s,
+ XkbOutlineIndex(shape,shape->primary));
+ }
+ else fprintf(file," NULL,\n");
+ fprintf(file," { %4d, %4d, %4d, %4d } }",
+ shape->bounds.x1,shape->bounds.y1,
+ shape->bounds.x2,shape->bounds.y2);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrGeomDoodads( FILE * file,
+ XkbDescPtr xkb,
+ XkbGeometryPtr geom,
+ XkbSectionPtr section,
+ int section_num)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ XkbGeometryPtr geom;
+ XkbSectionPtr section;
+ int section_num;
+int nd,d;
+XkbDoodadPtr doodad;
+Display * dpy;
+ dpy= xkb->dpy;
+ if (section==NULL) {
+ if (geom->num_doodads>0) {
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbDoodadRec g_doodads[%d];\n",
+ geom->num_doodads);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"static void\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#if NeedFunctionPrototypes\n");
+ fprintf(file,"_InitGeomDoodads(DPYTYPE dpy,XkbGeometryPtr geom)\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#else\n");
+ fprintf(file,"_InitGeomDoodads(dpy,geom)\n");
+ fprintf(file," DPYTYPE dpy;\n");
+ fprintf(file," XkbGeometryPtr geom;\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#endif\n");
+ fprintf(file,"{\n");
+ fprintf(file,"register XkbDoodadPtr doodads;\n\n");
+ fprintf(file," doodads= geom->doodads;\n");
+ nd= geom->num_doodads;
+ doodad= geom->doodads;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (section->num_doodads>0) {
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbDoodadRec doodads_s%02d[%d];\n",
+ section_num,section->num_doodads);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"static void\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#if NeedFunctionPrototypes\n");
+ fprintf(file,"_InitS%02dDoodads(",section_num);
+ fprintf(file," DPYTYPE dpy,\n");
+ fprintf(file," XkbGeometryPtr geom,\n");
+ fprintf(file," XkbSectionPtr section)\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#else\n");
+ fprintf(file,"_InitS%02dDoodads(dpy,geom,section)\n",section_num);
+ fprintf(file," DPYTYPE dpy;\n");
+ fprintf(file," XkbGeometryPtr geom;\n");
+ fprintf(file," XkbSectionPtr section;\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#endif\n");
+ fprintf(file,"{\n");
+ fprintf(file,"register XkbDoodadPtr doodads;\n\n");
+ fprintf(file," doodads= section->doodads;\n");
+ nd= geom->num_doodads;
+ doodad= geom->doodads;
+ }
+ for (d=0;d<nd;d++,doodad++) {
+ if (d!=0) fprintf(file,"\n");
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d] GET_ATOM(dpy,\"%s\");\n",d,
+ XkbAtomText(dpy,doodad->,XkbCFile));
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].any.type= %s;\n",d,
+ XkbDoodadTypeText(doodad->any.type,XkbCFile));
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].any.priority= %d;\n",d,
+ doodad->any.priority);
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d] %d;\n",d,doodad->;
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].any.left= %d;\n",d,doodad->any.left);
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].any.angle= %d;\n",d,doodad->any.angle);
+ switch (doodad->any.type) {
+ case XkbOutlineDoodad:
+ case XkbSolidDoodad:
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].shape.color_ndx= %d;\n",d,
+ doodad->shape.color_ndx);
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].shape.shape_ndx= %d;\n",d,
+ doodad->shape.shape_ndx);
+ break;
+ case XkbTextDoodad:
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].text.width= %d;\n",d,
+ doodad->text.width);
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].text.height= %d;\n",d,
+ doodad->text.height);
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].text.color_ndx= %d;\n",d,
+ doodad->text.color_ndx);
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].text.text= \"%s\";\n",d,
+ XkbStringText(doodad->text.text,XkbCFile));
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].text.font= \"%s\";\n",d,
+ XkbStringText(doodad->text.font,XkbCFile));
+ break;
+ case XkbIndicatorDoodad:
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].indicator.shape_ndx= %d;\n",d,
+ doodad->indicator.shape_ndx);
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].indicator.on_color_ndx= %d;\n",d,
+ doodad->indicator.on_color_ndx);
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].indicator.off_color_ndx= %d;\n",d,
+ doodad->indicator.off_color_ndx);
+ break;
+ case XkbLogoDoodad:
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].logo.color_ndx= %d;\n",d,
+ doodad->logo.color_ndx);
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].logo.shape_ndx= %d;\n",d,
+ doodad->logo.shape_ndx);
+ fprintf(file," doodads[%d].logo.logo_name= \"%s\";\n",d,
+ XkbStringText(doodad->logo.logo_name,XkbCFile));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"}\n");
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrGeomOverlays( FILE * file,
+ XkbDescPtr xkb,
+ XkbSectionPtr section,
+ int section_num)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ XkbSectionPtr section;
+ int section_num;
+register int o,r,k;
+XkbOverlayPtr ol;
+XkbOverlayRowPtr row;
+XkbOverlayKeyPtr key;
+ if (section->num_overlays<1)
+ return True;
+ for (o=0,ol=section->overlays;o<section->num_overlays;o++,ol++) {
+ for (r=0,row=ol->rows;r<ol->num_rows;r++,row++) {
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbOverlayKeyRec olkeys_s%02dr%02d[%d]= {\n",
+ section_num,r,row->num_keys);
+ for (k=0,key=row->keys;k<row->num_keys;k++,key++) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s { {\"%s\"}, {\"%s\"} }",
+ (k==0?"":",\n"),
+ XkbKeyNameText(key->,XkbCFile),
+ XkbKeyNameText(key->,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbOverlayRowRec olrows_s%02d[%d]= {\n",
+ section_num,section->num_rows);
+ for (r=0,row=ol->rows;r<ol->num_rows;r++,row++) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s { %4d, %4d, %4d, olkeys_s%02dr%02d }",
+ (r==0?"":",\n"),
+ row->row_under,row->num_keys,row->num_keys,
+ section_num,r);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbOverlayRec overlays_s%02d[%d]= {\n",section_num,
+ section->num_overlays);
+ for (o=0,ol=section->overlays;o<section->num_overlays;o++,ol++) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s {\n",(o==0?"":",\n"));
+ fprintf(file," None, /* name */\n");
+ fprintf(file," NULL, /* section_under */\n");
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* num_rows */\n",ol->num_rows);
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* sz_rows */\n",ol->num_rows);
+ fprintf(file," olrows_s%02d,\n",section_num);
+ fprintf(file," NULL /* bounds */\n");
+ fprintf(file," }");
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ fprintf(file,"static void\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#if NeedFunctionPrototypes\n");
+ fprintf(file,"_InitS%02dOverlay(",section_num);
+ fprintf(file," DPYTYPE dpy,\n");
+ fprintf(file," XkbGeometryPtr geom,\n");
+ fprintf(file," XkbSectionPtr section)\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#else\n");
+ fprintf(file,"_InitS%02dOverlay(dpy,geom,section)\n",section_num);
+ fprintf(file," DPYTYPE dpy;\n");
+ fprintf(file," XkbGeometryPtr geom;\n");
+ fprintf(file," XkbSectionPtr section;\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#endif\n");
+ fprintf(file,"{\n");
+ fprintf(file,"XkbOverlayPtr ol;\n\n");
+ fprintf(file," ol= section->overlays;\n");
+ for (o=0,ol=section->overlays;o<section->num_overlays;o++,ol++) {
+ fprintf(file," ol[%2d].name= GET_ATOM(dpy,\"%s\");\n",o,
+ XkbAtomText(xkb->dpy,ol->name,XkbCFile));
+ fprintf(file," ol[%2d].section_under= section;\n",o);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"}\n");
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrGeomRows( FILE * file,
+ XkbDescPtr xkb,
+ XkbSectionPtr section,
+ int section_num)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ XkbSectionPtr section;
+ int section_num;
+register int k,r;
+register XkbRowPtr row;
+register XkbKeyPtr key;
+ for (r=0,row=section->rows;r<section->num_rows;r++,row++) {
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbKeyRec keys_s%02dr%02d[]= {\n",section_num,r);
+ for (k=0,key=row->keys;k<row->num_keys;k++,key++) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s { { \"%s\" }, %4d, %4d, %4d }",
+ (k==0?"":",\n"),
+ XkbKeyNameText(key->,XkbCFile),
+ key->gap,key->shape_ndx,key->color_ndx);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"static XkbRowRec rows_s%02d[]= {\n",section_num);
+ for (r=0,row=section->rows;r<section->num_rows;r++,row++) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s { %4d, %4d, %2d, %2d, %1d, keys_s%02dr%02d, ",
+ (r==0?"":",\n"),
+ row->top,row->left,row->num_keys,row->num_keys,
+ (row->vertical!=0),
+ section_num,r);
+ fprintf(file," { %4d, %4d, %4d, %4d } }",
+ row->bounds.x1,row->bounds.y1,
+ row->bounds.x2,row->bounds.y2);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrGeomSections(FILE *file,XkbDescPtr xkb,XkbGeometryPtr geom)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ XkbGeometryPtr geom;
+register int s;
+register XkbSectionPtr section;
+ for (s=0,section=geom->sections;s<geom->num_sections;s++,section++) {
+ WriteCHdrGeomRows(file,xkb,section,s);
+#ifdef NOTYET
+ if (section->num_doodads>0)
+ WriteCHdrGeomDoodads(file,xkb,geom,section,s);
+ if (section->num_overlays>0)
+ WriteCHdrGeomOverlays(file,xkb,section,s);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\nstatic XkbSectionRec g_sections[%d]= {\n",
+ geom->num_sections);
+ for (s=0,section=geom->sections;s<geom->num_sections;s++,section++) {
+ if (s!=0) fprintf(file,",\n");
+ fprintf(file," {\n None, /* name */\n");
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* priority */\n",section->priority);
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* top */\n",section->top);
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* left */\n",section->left);
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* width */\n",section->width);
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* height */\n",section->height);
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* angle */\n",section->angle);
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* num_rows */\n",section->num_rows);
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* num_doodads */\n",section->num_doodads);
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* num_overlays */\n",section->num_overlays);
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* sz_rows */\n",section->num_rows);
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* sz_doodads */\n",section->num_doodads);
+ fprintf(file," %4d, /* sz_overlays */\n",section->num_overlays);
+ if (section->num_rows>0)
+ fprintf(file," rows_s%02d,\n",s);
+ else fprintf(file," NULL, /* rows */\n");
+ if (section->num_doodads>0)
+ fprintf(file," doodads_s%02d,\n",s);
+ else fprintf(file," NULL, /* doodads */\n");
+ fprintf(file," { %4d, %4d, %4d, %4d }, /* bounds */\n",
+ section->bounds.x1,section->bounds.y1,
+ section->bounds.x2,section->bounds.y2);
+ if (section->num_overlays>0)
+ fprintf(file," overlays_s%02d\n",s);
+ else fprintf(file," NULL /* overlays */\n");
+ fprintf(file," }");
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ fprintf(file,"\nstatic Bool\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#if NeedFunctionPrototypes\n");
+ fprintf(file,"_InitSections(DPYTYPE dpy,XkbGeometryPtr geom)\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#else\n");
+ fprintf(file,"_InitSections(dpy,geom)\n");
+ fprintf(file," DPYTYPE dpy;\n XkbGeometryPtr geom;\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#endif\n");
+ fprintf(file,"{\nXkbSectionPtr sections;\n\n");
+ fprintf(file," sections= geom->sections;\n");
+ for (s=0,section=geom->sections;s<geom->num_sections;s++,section++) {
+ if (section->num_doodads>0) {
+ fprintf(file," _InitS%02dDoodads(dpy,geom,&sections[%d]);\n",
+ s,s);
+ }
+ if (section->num_overlays>0) {
+ fprintf(file," _InitS%02dOverlays(dpy,geom,&sections[%d]);\n",
+ s,s);
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"}\n");
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrGeomAliases(FILE *file,XkbDescPtr xkb,XkbGeometryPtr geom)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ XkbGeometryPtr geom;
+ if (geom->num_key_aliases>0) {
+ register int i;
+ fprintf(file,"\nstatic XkbKeyAliasRec g_aliases[%d]= {\n",
+ geom->num_key_aliases);
+ for (i=0;i<geom->num_key_aliases;i++) {
+ fprintf(file,"%s { \"%s\", \"%s\" }",(i==0?"":",\n"),
+ XkbKeyNameText(geom->key_aliases[i].real,XkbCFile),
+ XkbKeyNameText(geom->key_aliases[i].alias,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ fprintf(file,"\n};\n");
+ }
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrGeometry(FILE *file,XkbDescPtr xkb)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbDescPtr xkb;
+XkbGeometryPtr geom;
+register int i;
+ if ((!xkb)||(!xkb->geom)) {
+ _XkbLibError(_XkbErrMissingGeometry,"WriteCHdrGeometry",0);
+ return False;
+ }
+ geom= xkb->geom;
+ WriteCHdrGeomProps(file,xkb,geom);
+ WriteCHdrGeomColors(file,xkb,geom);
+ WriteCHdrGeomShapes(file,xkb,geom);
+ WriteCHdrGeomSections(file,xkb,geom);
+ WriteCHdrGeomDoodads(file,xkb,geom,NULL,0);
+ WriteCHdrGeomAliases(file,xkb,geom);
+ fprintf(file,"\nstatic XkbGeometryRec geom= {\n");
+ fprintf(file," None, /* name */\n");
+ fprintf(file," %d, %d, /* width, height */\n",geom->width_mm,
+ geom->height_mm);
+ if (geom->label_font) {
+ fprintf(file," \"%s\",/* label font */\n",
+ XkbStringText(geom->label_font,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ else fprintf(file," NULL, /* label font */\n");
+ if (geom->label_color) {
+ fprintf(file," &g_colors[%d], /* label color */\n",
+ XkbGeomColorIndex(geom,geom->label_color));
+ }
+ else fprintf(file," NULL, /* label color */\n");
+ if (geom->base_color) {
+ fprintf(file," &g_colors[%d], /* base color */\n",
+ XkbGeomColorIndex(geom,geom->base_color));
+ }
+ else fprintf(file," NULL, /* base color */\n");
+ fprintf(file," %d, %d, %d, /* sz: props, colors, shapes */\n",
+ geom->num_properties,geom->num_colors,
+ geom->num_shapes);
+ fprintf(file," %d, %d, %d, /* sz: sections, doodads, aliases */\n",
+ geom->num_sections,geom->num_doodads,
+ geom->num_key_aliases);
+ fprintf(file," %d, %d, %d, /* num: props, colors, shapes */\n",
+ geom->num_properties,geom->num_colors,
+ geom->num_shapes);
+ fprintf(file," %d, %d, %d, /* num: sections, doodads, aliases */\n",
+ geom->num_sections,geom->num_doodads,
+ geom->num_key_aliases);
+ fprintf(file," %s, %s, %s,\n",
+ (geom->num_properties>0?"g_props":"NULL"),
+ (geom->num_colors>0?"g_colors":"NULL"),
+ (geom->num_shapes>0?"g_shapes":"NULL"));
+ fprintf(file," %s, %s, %s\n",
+ (geom->num_sections>0?"g_sections":"NULL"),
+ (geom->num_doodads>0?"g_doodads":"NULL"),
+ (geom->num_key_aliases>0?"g_aliases":"NULL"));
+ fprintf(file,"};\n\n");
+ fprintf(file,"static Bool\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#if NeedFunctionPrototypes\n");
+ fprintf(file,"_InitHdrGeom(DPYTYPE dpy,XkbGeometryPtr geom)\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#else\n");
+ fprintf(file,"_InitHdrGeom(dpy,geom)\n");
+ fprintf(file," DPYTYPE dpy;\n XkbGeometryPtr geom;\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#endif\n");
+ fprintf(file,"{\n");
+ if (geom->name!=None) {
+ fprintf(file," geom->name= GET_ATOM(dpy,\"%s\");\n",
+ XkbAtomText(xkb->dpy,geom->name,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<geom->num_shapes;i++) {
+ fprintf(file," geom->shapes[%2d].name= GET_ATOM(dpy,\"%s\");\n",i,
+ XkbAtomText(xkb->dpy,geom->shapes[i].name,XkbCFile));
+ }
+ if (geom->num_doodads>0)
+ fprintf(file," _InitGeomDoodads(dpy,geom);\n");
+ fprintf(file," _InitSections(dpy,geom);\n");
+ fprintf(file,"}\n\n");
+ return True;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrGeomFile(FILE *file,XkbFileInfo *result)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbFileInfo * result;
+Bool ok;
+ ok= WriteCHdrGeometry(file,result->xkb);
+ return ok;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrLayout(FILE *file,XkbFileInfo *result)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbFileInfo * result;
+Bool ok;
+XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ xkb= result->xkb;
+ ok= WriteCHdrVMods(file,xkb->dpy,xkb);
+ ok= WriteCHdrKeycodes(file,xkb)&&ok;
+ ok= WriteCHdrSymbols(file,xkb)&&ok;
+ ok= WriteCHdrGeometry(file,xkb)&&ok;
+ return ok;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrSemantics(FILE *file,XkbFileInfo *result)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbFileInfo * result;
+Bool ok;
+XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ xkb= result->xkb;
+ ok= WriteCHdrVMods(file,xkb->dpy,xkb);
+ ok= WriteCHdrKeyTypes(file,xkb->dpy,xkb)&&ok;
+ ok= WriteCHdrCompatMap(file,xkb->dpy,xkb)&&ok;
+ ok= WriteCHdrIndicators(file,xkb->dpy,xkb)&&ok;
+ return ok;
+static Bool
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+WriteCHdrKeymap(FILE *file,XkbFileInfo *result)
+ FILE * file;
+ XkbFileInfo * result;
+Bool ok;
+XkbDescPtr xkb;
+ xkb= result->xkb;
+ ok= WriteCHdrVMods(file,xkb->dpy,xkb);
+ ok= ok&&WriteCHdrKeycodes(file,xkb);
+ ok= ok&&WriteCHdrClientMap(file,xkb->dpy,xkb);
+ ok= ok&&WriteCHdrServerMap(file,xkb->dpy,xkb);
+ ok= ok&&WriteCHdrCompatMap(file,xkb->dpy,xkb);
+ ok= WriteCHdrIndicators(file,xkb->dpy,xkb)&&ok;
+ ok= ok&&WriteCHdrGeometry(file,xkb);
+ return ok;
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+XkbWriteCFile(FILE *out,char *name,XkbFileInfo *result)
+ FILE * out;
+ char * name;
+ XkbFileInfo * result;
+Bool ok;
+XkbDescPtr xkb;
+Bool (*func)(
+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
+ FILE * /* file*/,
+ XkbFileInfo * /* result */
+ switch (result->type) {
+ case XkmSemanticsFile:
+ func= WriteCHdrSemantics;
+ break;
+ case XkmLayoutFile:
+ func= WriteCHdrLayout;
+ break;
+ case XkmKeymapFile:
+ func= WriteCHdrKeymap;
+ break;
+ case XkmGeometryIndex:
+ case XkmGeometryFile:
+ func= WriteCHdrGeomFile;
+ break;
+ default:
+ _XkbLibError(_XkbErrIllegalContents,"XkbWriteCFile",result->type);
+ return False;
+ }
+ xkb= result->xkb;
+ if (out==NULL) {
+ _XkbLibError(_XkbErrFileCannotOpen,"XkbWriteCFile",0);
+ ok= False;
+ }
+ else {
+ char *tmp,*hdrdef;
+ tmp= (char *)strrchr(name,'/');
+ if (tmp==NULL)
+ tmp= name;
+ else tmp++;
+ hdrdef= (char *)_XkbCalloc(strlen(tmp+1),sizeof(char));
+ if (hdrdef) {
+ strcpy(hdrdef,tmp);
+ tmp= hdrdef;
+ while (*tmp) {
+ if (islower(*tmp)) *tmp= toupper(*tmp);
+ else if (!isalnum(*tmp)) *tmp= '_';
+ tmp++;
+ }
+ fprintf(out,"/* This file generated automatically by xkbcomp */\n");
+ fprintf(out,"/* DO NOT EDIT */\n");
+ fprintf(out,"#ifndef %s\n",hdrdef);
+ fprintf(out,"#define %s 1\n\n",hdrdef);
+ }
+ fprintf(out,"#ifndef XKB_IN_SERVER\n");
+ fprintf(out,"#define GET_ATOM(d,s) XInternAtom(d,s,0)\n");
+ fprintf(out,"#define DPYTYPE Display *\n");
+ fprintf(out,"#else\n");
+ fprintf(out,"#define GET_ATOM(d,s) MakeAtom(s,strlen(s),1)\n");
+ fprintf(out,"#define DPYTYPE char *\n");
+ fprintf(out,"#endif\n");
+ fprintf(out,"#define NUM_KEYS %d\n",xkb->max_key_code+1);
+ ok= (*func)(out,result);
+ if (hdrdef)
+ fprintf(out,"#endif /* %s */\n",hdrdef);
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ return False;
+ }
+ return True;