path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines add ChangeLog and INSTALL on MAINTAINERCLEANFILESGaetan Nadon1-0/+1
2009-10-28INSTALL, NEWS, README or AUTHORS files are missing/incorrect #24206Gaetan Nadon1-1/+0
2009-10-28INSTALL, NEWS, README or AUTHORS files are missing/incorrect #24206Gaetan Nadon1-2/+5
2009-10-26Several driver modules do not have a ChangeLog target in #23814Gaetan Nadon1-1/+0
2009-07-11wsfb: use XORG_CHANGELOG macro to create ChangeLog. #22611Gaetan Nadon1-6/+1 make ChangeLog hook saferxf86-video-wsfb-0.2.1Matthieu Herrb1-1/+6
2006-09-17Replace ChangeLog with a rule that generates it on 'make dist'Matthieu Herrb1-0/+9
2006-05-27Added autoconf related files. Copied from other driver so keeping sameJeremy C. Reed1-0/+22