diff options
authorKeith Packard <>2006-01-22 02:16:13 +0000
committerKeith Packard <>2006-01-22 02:16:13 +0000
commita11a600cb29bfd378651dffd23b116c4d084840a (patch)
parent05d3a5a7110a7eb30b31927c0aac21d9200f471e (diff)
Replace private png output with cairo_surface_write_to_png
Rewrite for new API, eliminating most X objects and using only cairo objects instead (much cleaner looking).
5 files changed, 89 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 2930189..f77b5b5 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+2006-01-21 Keith Packard <>
+ *
+ * write_png.c:
+ * write_png.h:
+ * fdfacepng.c: (dump_png):
+ Replace private png output with cairo_surface_write_to_png
+ * fdclock.c: (clear), (make_background), (main_x):
+ * fdface.c: (draw_fancy_tick), (draw_plain_tick):
+ * fdhand.c: (draw_hand), (draw_time):
+ * fdlogo.c: (draw_outline), (draw_background), (draw_window_at),
+ (draw_windows), (fdlogo_draw):
+ Rewrite for new API, eliminating most X objects and using
+ only cairo objects instead (much cleaner looking).
2005-06-20 Carl Worth <>
* fdclock.c: (clear), (make_background), (main_x):
diff --git a/fdclock.c b/fdclock.c
index 3d0d7c1..e18ac63 100644
--- a/fdclock.c
+++ b/fdclock.c
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
#include "fdface.h"
#include "fdhand.h"
#include "findargb.h"
@@ -49,35 +51,31 @@ clear (cairo_t *cr, double width, double height, double alpha)
cairo_restore (cr);
-static Pixmap
-make_background (Display *dpy, Window root, int width, int height, int depth,
- Visual *visual, Colormap cmap, Bool opaque)
+cairo_surface_t *
+make_background (cairo_surface_t *buffer_surface,
+ cairo_content_t content,
+ int width, int height,
+ Bool opaque)
- cairo_t *cr;
- cairo_surface_t *back_surface;
+ cairo_surface_t *back_surface = cairo_surface_create_similar (buffer_surface,
+ content,
+ width, height);
cairo_surface_t *temp_surface = 0;
- cairo_surface_t *target_surface;
- Pixmap background;
- /*
- * Background pixmap
- */
- background = XCreatePixmap (dpy, root, width, height, depth);
- back_surface = cairo_xlib_surface_create (dpy, background, visual, width, height);
- target_surface = back_surface;
+ cairo_t *cr;
- if (depth == 32)
temp_surface = cairo_surface_create_similar (back_surface,
width, height);
* draw the background to the temporary surface
- target_surface = temp_surface;
+ cr = cairo_create (temp_surface);
- cr = cairo_create (target_surface);
+ else
+ cr = cairo_create (back_surface);
clear (cr, width, height, temp_surface ? 0 : 1);
@@ -98,20 +96,15 @@ make_background (Display *dpy, Window root, int width, int height, int depth,
if (temp_surface)
- cairo_t *cr2;
- cr2 = cairo_create (back_surface);
+ cairo_destroy (cr);
+ cr = cairo_create (back_surface);
- clear (cr2, width, height, 0);
- cairo_set_source_surface (cr2, temp_surface, 0, 0);
- cairo_paint_with_alpha (cr2, opaque ? 1 : 0.8);
- cairo_destroy (cr2);
+ cairo_set_source_surface (cr, temp_surface, 0, 0);
+ cairo_paint_with_alpha (cr, opaque ? 1 : 0.8);
cairo_surface_destroy (temp_surface);
- cairo_surface_destroy (back_surface);
cairo_destroy (cr);
- return background;
+ return back_surface;
static void
@@ -121,7 +114,8 @@ main_x (char *dpy_name, char *geom, Bool seconds,
Display *dpy;
int scr;
int x = 0, y = 0;
- unsigned int width = CLOCK_WIDTH, height = CLOCK_HEIGHT;
+ unsigned int u_width = CLOCK_WIDTH, u_height = CLOCK_HEIGHT;
+ int width, height;
Window root;
Visual *visual;
XWMHints *wmhints;
@@ -133,13 +127,12 @@ main_x (char *dpy_name, char *geom, Bool seconds,
int depth;
Colormap cmap;
Window w;
- GC gc;
- XGCValues gcv;
- Pixmap background = None, buffer;
+ cairo_surface_t *background = NULL;
+ cairo_surface_t *window;
+ cairo_content_t content;
XEvent ev;
Bool paint = False;
int timeout;
- cairo_t *cr;
dpy = XOpenDisplay (dpy_name);
if (!dpy)
@@ -149,8 +142,10 @@ main_x (char *dpy_name, char *geom, Bool seconds,
if (geom)
- XParseGeometry (geom, &x, &y, &width, &height);
+ XParseGeometry (geom, &x, &y, &u_width, &u_height);
+ width = (int) u_width;
+ height = (int) u_height;
scr = DefaultScreen (dpy);
root = RootWindow (dpy, scr);
if (translucent)
@@ -165,6 +160,7 @@ main_x (char *dpy_name, char *geom, Bool seconds,
wattr.background_pixel = 0;
wattr.border_pixel = 0;
wattr.colormap = cmap = XCreateColormap (dpy, root, visual, AllocNone);
@@ -173,11 +169,14 @@ main_x (char *dpy_name, char *geom, Bool seconds,
wattr.colormap = cmap = DefaultColormap (dpy, scr);
wattr.background_pixel = WhitePixel (dpy, scr);
wattr.border_pixel = BlackPixel (dpy, scr);
wmask = CWEventMask | CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWColormap;
w = XCreateWindow (dpy, root, x, y, width, height, 0,
depth, InputOutput, visual, wmask, &wattr);
+ window = cairo_xlib_surface_create (dpy, w, visual, width, height);
name = "fdclock";
normalhints = XAllocSizeHints ();
@@ -202,8 +201,6 @@ main_x (char *dpy_name, char *geom, Bool seconds,
XFree (normalhints);
XMapWindow (dpy, w);
- gcv.graphics_exposures = False;
- gc = XCreateGC (dpy, w, GCGraphicsExposures, &gcv);
if (seconds)
timeout = 100;
@@ -230,9 +227,10 @@ main_x (char *dpy_name, char *geom, Bool seconds,
height = ev.xconfigure.height;
if (background)
- XFreePixmap (dpy, background);
- background = None;
+ cairo_surface_destroy (background);
+ background = NULL;
+ cairo_xlib_surface_set_size (window, width, height);
XClearArea (dpy, w, 0, 0, 0, 0, False);
paint = True;
@@ -244,7 +242,8 @@ main_x (char *dpy_name, char *geom, Bool seconds,
paint = True;
if (paint)
- cairo_surface_t *buffer_surface;
+ cairo_surface_t *buffer;
+ cairo_t *cr;
int x_off = 0, y_off = 0;
int u_width = width, u_height = height;
@@ -262,22 +261,30 @@ main_x (char *dpy_name, char *geom, Bool seconds,
* so it doesn't have to be painted every tick
if (!background)
- background = make_background (dpy, root, u_width, u_height, depth,
- visual, cmap, opaque);
+ background = make_background (window,
+ content, u_width, u_height,
+ opaque);
- buffer = XCreatePixmap (dpy, root,
- u_width, u_height, depth);
- buffer_surface = cairo_xlib_surface_create (dpy, buffer,
- visual, 0, cmap);
- cr = cairo_create (buffer_surface);
- XCopyArea (dpy, background, buffer, gc,
- 0, 0, u_width, u_height, 0, 0);
+ buffer = cairo_surface_create_similar (window, content,
+ u_width, u_height);
+ cr = cairo_create (buffer);
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ {
+ cairo_set_source_surface (cr, background, 0, 0);
+ cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
+ cairo_paint (cr);
+ }
+ cairo_restore (cr);
fdhand_draw_now (cr, u_width, u_height, seconds);
- XCopyArea (dpy, buffer, w, gc,
- 0, 0, u_width, u_height, x_off, y_off);
cairo_destroy (cr);
- cairo_surface_destroy (buffer_surface);
- XFreePixmap (dpy, buffer);
+ cr = cairo_create (window);
+ cairo_set_source_surface (cr, buffer, x_off, y_off);
+ cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
+ cairo_paint (cr);
+ cairo_destroy (cr);
+ cairo_surface_destroy (buffer);
paint = False;
diff --git a/fdfacepng.c b/fdfacepng.c
index d1786ba..a1add60 100644
--- a/fdfacepng.c
+++ b/fdfacepng.c
@@ -22,20 +22,19 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
#include <cairo.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
#include "fdface.h"
static int
dump_png (int width, int height)
- cairo_t *cr;
- cairo_surface_t *surface;
+ cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
+ width, height);
+ cairo_t *cr = cairo_create (surface);
char out[1024];
- surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
- width, height);
- cr = cairo_create (surface);
cairo_move_to (cr, 0, 0);
cairo_line_to (cr, width, 0);
cairo_line_to (cr, width, height);
@@ -44,10 +43,11 @@ dump_png (int width, int height)
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1);
cairo_fill (cr);
fdface_draw (cr, width, height);
+ cairo_destroy (cr);
sprintf (out, "freedesktop-clock-%d.png", width);
cairo_surface_write_to_png (surface, out);
- cairo_destroy (cr);
+ cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
return 0;
diff --git a/fdhand.c b/fdhand.c
index 42ffc7f..5fe00d2 100644
--- a/fdhand.c
+++ b/fdhand.c
@@ -74,14 +74,11 @@ static void
draw_hand (cairo_t *cr, double noon_deg, double width, double length, double alt,
void (*draw) (cairo_t *cr, double width, double length))
- cairo_matrix_t m;
- cairo_get_matrix (cr, &m);
- {
- cairo_translate (cr, alt/2, alt);
- cairo_rotate (cr, noon_deg * M_PI / 180.0 - M_PI_2);
- (*draw) (cr, width, length);
- }
- cairo_set_matrix (cr, &m);
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ cairo_translate (cr, alt/2, alt);
+ cairo_rotate (cr, noon_deg * M_PI / 180.0 - M_PI_2);
+ (*draw) (cr, width, length);
+ cairo_restore (cr);
#define HOUR_WIDTH 0.03
diff --git a/fdlogo.c b/fdlogo.c
index 21dbfb5..e82d8cd 100644
--- a/fdlogo.c
+++ b/fdlogo.c
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ void
fdlogo_draw (cairo_t *cr, double width, double height)
double x_scale, y_scale, scale, x_off, y_off;
cairo_save (cr);
x_scale = width / FDLOGO_WIDTH;
y_scale = height / FDLOGO_HEIGHT;