path: root/rules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rules')
6 files changed, 323 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/rules/0042-option_symbols.part b/rules/0042-option_symbols.part
deleted file mode 100644
index d190a632..00000000
--- a/rules/0042-option_symbols.part
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-! option = symbols
- altwin:menu = +altwin(menu)
- altwin:menu_win = +altwin(menu_win)
- altwin:meta_alt = +altwin(meta_alt)
- altwin:alt_win = +altwin(alt_win)
- altwin:ctrl_win = +altwin(ctrl_win)
- altwin:ctrl_rwin = +altwin(ctrl_rwin)
- altwin:ctrl_alt_win = +altwin(ctrl_alt_win)
- altwin:meta_win = +altwin(meta_win)
- altwin:left_meta_win = +altwin(left_meta_win)
- altwin:hyper_win = +altwin(hyper_win)
- altwin:alt_super_win = +altwin(alt_super_win)
- altwin:swap_lalt_lwin = +altwin(swap_lalt_lwin)
- altwin:swap_alt_win = +altwin(swap_alt_win)
- altwin:prtsc_rwin = +altwin(prtsc_rwin)
- caps:capslock = +capslock(capslock)
- caps:numlock = +capslock(numlock)
- caps:shiftlock = +capslock(shiftlock)
- caps:swapescape = +capslock(swapescape)
- caps:escape = +capslock(escape)
- caps:escape_shifted_capslock = +capslock(escape_shifted_capslock)
- caps:escape_shifted_compose = +capslock(escape_shifted_compose)
- caps:backspace = +capslock(backspace)
- caps:super = +capslock(super)
- caps:hyper = +capslock(hyper)
- caps:menu = +capslock(menu)
- caps:none = +capslock(none)
- caps:ctrl_modifier = +capslock(ctrl_modifier)
- ctrl:nocaps = +ctrl(nocaps)
- ctrl:lctrl_meta = +ctrl(lctrl_meta)
- ctrl:swapcaps = +ctrl(swapcaps)
- ctrl:hyper_capscontrol = +ctrl(hyper_capscontrol)
- ctrl:grouptoggle_capscontrol = +ctrl(grouptoggle_capscontrol)
- ctrl:ac_ctrl = +ctrl(ac_ctrl)
- ctrl:aa_ctrl = +ctrl(aa_ctrl)
- ctrl:rctrl_ralt = +ctrl(rctrl_ralt)
- ctrl:menu_rctrl = +ctrl(menu_rctrl)
- ctrl:ralt_rctrl = +ctrl(ralt_rctrl)
- ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl = +ctrl(swap_lalt_lctl)
- ctrl:swap_ralt_rctl = +ctrl(swap_ralt_rctl)
- ctrl:swap_lwin_lctl = +ctrl(swap_lwin_lctl)
- ctrl:swap_rwin_rctl = +ctrl(swap_rwin_rctl)
- ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl_lwin = +ctrl(swap_lalt_lctl_lwin)
- compose:ralt = +compose(ralt)
- compose:lwin = +compose(lwin)
- compose:lwin-altgr = +compose(lwin-altgr)
- compose:rwin = +compose(rwin)
- compose:rwin-altgr = +compose(rwin-altgr)
- compose:menu = +compose(menu)
- compose:menu-altgr = +compose(menu-altgr)
- compose:lctrl = +compose(lctrl)
- compose:lctrl-altgr = +compose(lctrl-altgr)
- compose:rctrl = +compose(rctrl)
- compose:rctrl-altgr = +compose(rctrl-altgr)
- compose:caps = +compose(caps)
- compose:caps-altgr = +compose(caps-altgr)
- compose:102 = +compose(102)
- compose:102-altgr = +compose(102-altgr)
- compose:ins = +compose(ins)
- compose:paus = +compose(paus)
- compose:prsc = +compose(prsc)
- compose:sclk = +compose(sclk)
- keypad:oss = +keypad(oss)
- keypad:legacy = +keypad(legacy)
- keypad:legacy_wang = +keypad(legacy_wang)
- keypad:oss_wang = +keypad(oss_wang)
- keypad:future = +keypad(future)
- keypad:future_wang = +keypad(future_wang)
- keypad:hex = +keypad(hex)
- keypad:atm = +keypad(atm)
- keypad:pointerkeys = +keypad(pointerkeys)
- kpdl:dot = +kpdl(dot)
- kpdl:comma = +kpdl(comma)
- kpdl:dotoss = +kpdl(dotoss)
- kpdl:dotoss_latin9 = +kpdl(dotoss_latin9)
- kpdl:commaoss = +kpdl(commaoss)
- kpdl:momayyezoss = +kpdl(momayyezoss)
- kpdl:kposs = +kpdl(kposs)
- kpdl:semi = +kpdl(semi)
- nbsp:none = +nbsp(none)
- nbsp:level2 = +nbsp(level2)
- nbsp:level3 = +nbsp(level3)
- nbsp:level3n = +nbsp(level3n)
- nbsp:level4 = +nbsp(level4)
- nbsp:level4n = +nbsp(level4n)
- nbsp:level4nl = +nbsp(level4nl)
- nbsp:zwnj2 = +nbsp(zwnj2)
- nbsp:zwnj2zwj3 = +nbsp(zwnj2zwj3)
- nbsp:zwnj2zwj3nb4 = +nbsp(zwnj2zwj3nb4)
- nbsp:zwnj2nb3 = +nbsp(zwnj2nb3)
- nbsp:zwnj2nb3zwj4 = +nbsp(zwnj2nb3zwj4)
- nbsp:zwnj2nb3nnb4 = +nbsp(zwnj2nb3nnb4)
- nbsp:zwnj3zwj4 = +nbsp(zwnj3zwj4)
- eurosign:e = +eurosign(e)
- eurosign:E = +eurosign(E)
- eurosign:2 = +eurosign(2)
- eurosign:4 = +eurosign(4)
- eurosign:5 = +eurosign(5)
- rupeesign:4 = +rupeesign(4)
- esperanto:qwerty = +epo(qwerty)
- esperanto:dvorak = +epo(dvorak)
- esperanto:colemak = +epo(colemak)
- parens:swap_brackets = +parens(swap_brackets)
- japan:nicola_f_bs = +jp(nicola_f_bs)
- japan:hztg_escape = +jp(hztg_escape)
- korean:ralt_hangul = +kr(ralt_hangul)
- korean:rctrl_hangul = +kr(rctrl_hangul)
- korean:ralt_hanja = +kr(ralt_hanja)
- korean:rctrl_hanja = +kr(rctrl_hanja)
- grab:debug = +grab(debug)
- srvrkeys:none = +srvrkeys(none)
- terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp = +terminate(ctrl_alt_bksp)
- apple:alupckeys = +macintosh_vndr/apple(alupckeys)
- apple:jp_pc106 = +macintosh_vndr/apple(jp_pc106)
- apple:jp_oadg109a = +macintosh_vndr/apple(jp_oadg109a)
- solaris:sun_compat = +sun_vndr/solaris(sun_compat)
- shift:breaks_caps = +shift(breaks_caps)
- shift:both_capslock = +shift(both_capslock)
- shift:both_capslock_cancel = +shift(both_capslock_cancel)
- shift:both_shiftlock = +shift(both_shiftlock)
- lv2:lsgt_switch = +level2(lsgt_switch)
-// Third-level choosers:
- lv3:switch = +level3(switch)
- lv3:ralt_switch = +level3(ralt_switch)
- lv3:ralt_switch_multikey = +level3(ralt_switch_multikey)
- lv3:lalt_switch = +level3(lalt_switch)
- lv3:alt_switch = +level3(alt_switch)
- lv3:menu_switch = +level3(menu_switch)
- lv3:win_switch = +level3(win_switch)
- lv3:lwin_switch = +level3(lwin_switch)
- lv3:rwin_switch = +level3(rwin_switch)
- lv3:enter_switch = +level3(enter_switch)
- lv3:caps_switch = +level3(caps_switch)
- lv3:bksl_switch = +level3(bksl_switch)
- lv3:lsgt_switch = +level3(lsgt_switch)
- lv3:caps_switch_latch = +level3(caps_switch_latch)
- lv3:bksl_switch_latch = +level3(bksl_switch_latch)
- lv3:lsgt_switch_latch = +level3(lsgt_switch_latch)
- lv3:4_switch_isolated = +level3(4_switch_isolated)
- lv3:9_switch_isolated = +level3(9_switch_isolated)
-// Fifth-level choosers:
- lv5:caps_switch = +level5(caps_switch)
- lv5:lsgt_switch = +level5(lsgt_switch)
- lv5:ralt_switch = +level5(ralt_switch)
- lv5:menu_switch = +level5(menu_switch)
- lv5:rctrl_switch = +level5(rctrl_switch)
- lv5:lsgt_switch_lock = +level5(lsgt_switch_lock)
- lv5:ralt_switch_lock = +level5(ralt_switch_lock)
- lv5:lwin_switch_lock = +level5(lwin_switch_lock)
- lv5:rwin_switch_lock = +level5(rwin_switch_lock)
- grp:switch = +group(switch)
- grp:lswitch = +group(lswitch)
- grp:win_switch = +group(win_switch)
- grp:lwin_switch = +group(lwin_switch)
- grp:rwin_switch = +group(rwin_switch)
- grp:rctrl_switch = +group(rctrl_switch)
- grp:menu_switch = +group(menu_switch)
- grp:caps_switch = +group(caps_switch)
- grp:ctrls_toggle = +group(ctrls_toggle)
- grp:caps_toggle = +group(caps_toggle)
- grp:shift_caps_toggle = +group(shift_caps_toggle)
- grp:caps_select = +group(caps_select)
- grp:win_menu_select = +group(win_menu_select)
- grp:ctrl_select = +group(ctrl_select)
- grp:alt_caps_toggle = +group(alt_caps_toggle)
- grp:menu_toggle = +group(menu_toggle)
- grp:lwin_toggle = +group(lwin_toggle)
- grp:rwin_toggle = +group(rwin_toggle)
- grp:lshift_toggle = +group(lshift_toggle)
- grp:rshift_toggle = +group(rshift_toggle)
- grp:lctrl_toggle = +group(lctrl_toggle)
- grp:rctrl_toggle = +group(rctrl_toggle)
- grp:lalt_toggle = +group(lalt_toggle)
- grp:sclk_toggle = +group(sclk_toggle)
- grp:lctrl_lwin_toggle = +group(lctrl_lwin_toggle)
- grp:lctrl_lwin_rctrl_menu = +group(lctrl_lwin_rctrl_menu)
- grp:lctrl_lalt_toggle = +group(lctrl_lalt_toggle)
- grp:rctrl_ralt_toggle = +group(rctrl_ralt_toggle)
- grp:ctrl_alt_toggle = +group(ctrl_alt_toggle)
- grp:ctrl_alt_toggle_bidir = +group(ctrl_alt_toggle_bidir)
- grp:lctrl_lshift_toggle = +group(lctrl_lshift_toggle)
- grp:ctrl_shift_toggle = +group(ctrl_shift_toggle)
- grp:ctrl_shift_toggle_bidir = +group(ctrl_shift_toggle_bidir)
- grp:lalt_lshift_toggle = +group(lalt_lshift_toggle)
- grp:ralt_rshift_toggle = +group(ralt_rshift_toggle)
- grp:alt_shift_toggle = +group(alt_shift_toggle)
- grp:alt_shift_toggle_bidir = +group(alt_shift_toggle_bidir)
diff --git a/rules/0043-option_compat.part b/rules/0043-option_compat.part
deleted file mode 100644
index 87cf7658..00000000
--- a/rules/0043-option_compat.part
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-! option = compat
- grp_led:num = +grp_led(num)
- grp_led:caps = +grp_led(caps)
- grp_led:scroll = +grp_led(scroll)
- mod_led:compose = +mod_led(compose)
- japan:kana_lock = +japan(kana_lock)
- caps:shiftlock = +caps(shiftlock)
- grab:break_actions = +grab(break_actions)
diff --git a/rules/0044-option_types.part b/rules/0044-option_types.part
deleted file mode 100644
index ce7ebe55..00000000
--- a/rules/0044-option_types.part
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-! option = types
- caps:internal = +caps(internal)
- caps:internal_nocancel = +caps(internal_nocancel)
- caps:shift = +caps(shift)
- caps:shift_nocancel = +caps(shift_nocancel)
- numpad:pc = +numpad(pc)
- numpad:mac = +numpad(mac)
- numpad:microsoft = +numpad(microsoft)
- numpad:shift3 = +numpad(shift3)
- custom:types = +custom
diff --git a/rules/compat/0041-option_symbols.part b/rules/compat/0041-option_symbols.part
index 89bc6859..088a5236 100644
--- a/rules/compat/0041-option_symbols.part
+++ b/rules/compat/0041-option_symbols.part
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-! option = symbols
- grp:shift_caps_switch = +group(caps_select)
- grp:win_menu_switch = +group(win_menu_select)
- grp:lctrl_rctrl_switch = +group(ctrl_select)
+! option = symbols
+ grp:shift_caps_switch = +group(caps_select)
+ grp:win_menu_switch = +group(win_menu_select)
+ grp:lctrl_rctrl_switch = +group(ctrl_select)
// Delete the above three aliases in July 2027.
- ctrl:swapcaps_hyper = +ctrl(hyper_capscontrol)
- ctrl:swapcaps_and_switch_layout = +ctrl(swapcaps)+group(lctrl_toggle)
+ ctrl:swapcaps_hyper = +ctrl(hyper_capscontrol)
+ ctrl:swapcaps_and_switch_layout = +ctrl(swapcaps)+group(lctrl_toggle)
// Delete the above two aliases in September 2027.
diff --git a/rules/ b/rules/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fcd3906a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This file is formatted with python black
+# This file parses the base.xml and base.extras.xml file and prints out the option->symbols
+# mapping compatible with the rules format. See the file for how this is used.
+import argparse
+import sys
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from typing import Iterable
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from pathlib import Path
+XKB_CONFIG_ROOT: "XkbConfigRoot"
+skip = (
+ # Special type that exists but doesn't really exist
+ "custom:types",
+ # These are all defined in 0036-layoutoption_symbols.part
+ "misc:apl",
+ "misc:typo",
+ "lv3:ralt_alt",
+ "grp:toggle",
+ "grp:alts_toggle",
+ "grp:alt_altgr_toggle",
+ "grp:alt_space_toggle",
+ "grp:win_space_toggle",
+ "grp:ctrl_space_toggle",
+ "grp:rctrl_rshift_toggle",
+ "grp:shifts_toggle",
+def error(msg):
+ print(f"ERROR: {msg}", file=sys.stderr)
+ print("Aborting now")
+ sys.exit(1)
+class Directive:
+ option: "Option"
+ filename: str
+ section: str
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return f"{self.filename}({self.section})"
+class DirectiveSet:
+ option: "Option"
+ keycodes: Directive | None
+ compat: Directive | None
+ geometry: Directive | None
+ symbols: Directive | None
+ types: Directive | None
+ @property
+ def is_empty(self) -> bool:
+ return all(
+ x is None
+ for x in (
+ self.keycodes,
+ self.compat,
+ self.geometry,
+ self.symbols,
+ self.types,
+ )
+ )
+ def for_section(self, section: str) -> Directive | None:
+ return {
+ "xkb_keycodes": self.keycodes,
+ "xkb_compatibility": self.compat,
+ "xkb_geometry": self.geometry,
+ "xkb_symbols": self.symbols,
+ "xkb_types": self.types,
+ }[section]
+class XkbConfigRoot:
+ keycodes: Path
+ compat: Path
+ geometry: Path
+ symbols: Path
+ types: Path
+ @property
+ def directories(self) -> Iterable[Path]:
+ yield self.keycodes
+ yield self.compat
+ yield self.geometry
+ yield self.symbols
+ yield self.types
+ @property
+ def section_headers(self) -> Iterable[str]:
+ for h in [
+ "xkb_keycodes",
+ "xkb_compatibility",
+ "xkb_geometry",
+ "xkb_symbols",
+ "xkb_types",
+ ]:
+ yield h
+ @classmethod
+ def for_basedir(cls, basedir: Path) -> "XkbConfigRoot":
+ return cls(
+ keycodes=basedir / "keycodes",
+ compat=basedir / "compat",
+ geometry=basedir / "geometry",
+ symbols=basedir / "symbols",
+ types=basedir / "types",
+ )
+class Option:
+ """
+ Wrapper around a single option -> symbols rules file entry. Has the properties
+ name and directive where the directive consists of the XKB symbols file name
+ and corresponding section, usually composed in the rules file as:
+ name = +directive
+ """
+ name: str
+ def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
+ return <
+ @property
+ def directive(self) -> Directive:
+ f, s =":")
+ return Directive(self, f, s)
+def resolve_option(option: Option) -> DirectiveSet:
+ directives: dict[str, Directive | None] = {
+ s: None for s in XKB_CONFIG_ROOT.section_headers
+ }
+ directive = option.directive
+ filename, section = directive.filename, directive.section
+ for subdir, section_header in zip(
+ XKB_CONFIG_ROOT.directories, XKB_CONFIG_ROOT.section_headers
+ ):
+ if not (subdir / filename).exists():
+ # Some of our foo:bar entries map to a baz_vndr/foo file
+ for vndr in subdir.glob("*_vndr"):
+ vndr_path = vndr / filename
+ if vndr_path.exists():
+ filename = vndr_path.relative_to(subdir).as_posix()
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ # Now check if the target file actually has that section
+ f = subdir / filename
+ with open(f) as fd:
+ found = any(f'{section_header} "{section}"' in line for line in fd)
+ if found:
+ directives[section_header] = Directive(option, filename, section)
+ return DirectiveSet(
+ option=option,
+ keycodes=directives["xkb_keycodes"],
+ compat=directives["xkb_compatibility"],
+ geometry=directives["xkb_geometry"],
+ symbols=directives["xkb_symbols"],
+ types=directives["xkb_types"],
+ )
+def options(rules_xml) -> Iterable[Option]:
+ """
+ Yields all Options from the given XML file
+ """
+ tree = ET.parse(rules_xml)
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ def fetch_subelement(parent, name):
+ sub_element = parent.findall(name)
+ if sub_element is not None and len(sub_element) == 1:
+ return sub_element[0]
+ return None
+ def fetch_text(parent, name):
+ sub_element = fetch_subelement(parent, name)
+ if sub_element is None:
+ return None
+ return sub_element.text
+ def fetch_name(elem):
+ try:
+ ci_element = (
+ elem
+ if elem.tag == "configItem"
+ else fetch_subelement(elem, "configItem")
+ )
+ name = fetch_text(ci_element, "name")
+ assert name is not None
+ return name
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ endl = "\n" # f{} cannot contain backslashes
+ e.args = (
+ f"\nFor element {ET.tostring(elem).decode('utf-8')}\n{endl.join(e.args)}",
+ )
+ raise
+ for option in root.iter("option"):
+ yield Option(fetch_name(option))
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate the evdev keycode lists.")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--xkb-config-root",
+ help="The XKB base directory",
+ default=Path("."),
+ type=Path,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--rules-section",
+ choices=["xkb_symbols", "xkb_compatibility", "xkb_types"],
+ help="The rules section to generate",
+ default="xkb_symbols",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "files", nargs="+", help="The base.xml and base.extras.xml files"
+ )
+ ns = parser.parse_args()
+ XKB_CONFIG_ROOT = XkbConfigRoot.for_basedir(ns.xkb_config_root)
+ all_options = []
+ for f in ns.files:
+ os = list(options(f))
+ all_options.extend(os)
+ directives = (resolve_option(o) for o in sorted(all_options) if not in skip)
+ def check_and_map(directive):
+ assert (
+ not directive.is_empty
+ ), f"Option {directive.option} does not resolve to any section"
+ return directive.for_section(ns.rules_section)
+ filtered = (
+ x
+ for x in filter(
+ lambda y: y is not None,
+ map(check_and_map, directives),
+ )
+ )
+ header = {
+ "xkb_symbols": "symbols",
+ "xkb_compatibility": "compat",
+ "xkb_types": "types",
+ }[ns.rules_section]
+ print(f"! option = {header}")
+ for d in filtered:
+ assert d is not None
+ print(f" {} = +{d}")
+ if ns.rules_section == "xkb_types":
+ print(f" {'custom:types':30s} = +custom")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/rules/ b/rules/
index 514d03d9..509206dc 100644
--- a/rules/
+++ b/rules/
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
install_data('README', 'xkb.dtd', 'xfree98',
install_dir: dir_xkb_rules)
+base_xml = files('base.xml')
+base_extras_xml = files('base.extras.xml')
# the actual rules files are generated from a list of parts in a very
# specific order
parts = [
@@ -30,13 +33,33 @@ parts = [
- '0042-option_symbols.part',
- '0043-option_compat.part',
- '0044-option_types.part',
+ # 0042-option_symbols.part is generated from base{.extras}.xml
+ # 0043-option_compat.part is generated from base{.extras}.xml
+ # 0044-option_types.part is generated from base{.extras}.xml
-# generated compat parts
-rules_compat_generated = []
+rules_parts_generated = []
+generate_rules_options_symbols = find_program('')
+generated = [
+ ['0042-option_symbols.part', 'xkb_symbols'],
+ ['0043-option_compat.part', 'xkb_compatibility'],
+ ['0044-option_types.part', 'xkb_types'],
+foreach g: generated
+ filename = g[0]
+ section = g[1]
+ part = custom_target(filename,
+ build_by_default: true,
+ command: [generate_rules_options_symbols,
+ '--rules-section=@0@'.format(section),
+ '--xkb-config-root', meson.project_source_root(),
+ base_xml, base_extras_xml],
+ output: filename,
+ capture: true,
+ install: false)
+ rules_parts_generated += [part]
if get_option('compat-rules')
# non-generated compat parts
@@ -85,7 +108,7 @@ if get_option('compat-rules')
output: ml_s_file,
install: false)
- rules_compat_generated += [ml_s]
+ rules_parts_generated += [ml_s]
mlv_s_file = lvl_mlv_s['@0@'.format(lvl)]
mlv_s = custom_target(mlv_s_file,
@@ -99,7 +122,7 @@ if get_option('compat-rules')
output: mlv_s_file,
install: false)
- rules_compat_generated += [mlv_s]
+ rules_parts_generated += [mlv_s]
endif # compat-rules
@@ -127,9 +150,9 @@ foreach ruleset: ['base', 'evdev']
build_by_default: true,
command: [
- rules_parts + rules_compat_generated,
+ rules_parts + rules_parts_generated,
- depends: rules_compat_generated,
+ depends: rules_parts_generated,
output: ruleset,
capture: true,
install: true,
@@ -137,7 +160,7 @@ foreach ruleset: ['base', 'evdev']
# Third: the xml files, simply copied from the base*.xml files
ruleset_xml = configure_file(output: '@0@.xml'.format(ruleset),
- input: 'base.xml',
+ input: base_xml,
copy: true,
install: true,
install_dir: dir_xkb_rules)
@@ -148,7 +171,7 @@ foreach ruleset: ['base', 'evdev']
configure_file(output: '@0@.extras.xml'.format(ruleset),
- input: 'base.extras.xml',
+ input: base_extras_xml,
copy: true,
install: true,
install_dir: dir_xkb_rules)