path: root/kde/admin/nmcheck
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kde/admin/nmcheck')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 371 deletions
diff --git a/kde/admin/nmcheck b/kde/admin/nmcheck
deleted file mode 100755
index 1544713..0000000
--- a/kde/admin/nmcheck
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Check namespace cleanness of a library.
-# Allowed symbols are passed as arguments.
-# They may have trailing * = wildcard.
-# Wildcards may be also specified as *::* (e.g. K*::* for all KDE classes)
-# Symbols are listed as full function unmangled names without arguments,
-# e.g. 'foo bar* nspace::*' allows foo(), foo(int), bar(), barbar()
-# and all symbols in namespace/class nspace.
-# If an argument has comma in it, it's a filename of a file containing
-# allowed symbols, one per line.
-$thisProg = "$0"; # This programs name
-$library = "";
-$allowed_symbols = "";
-$debug = 0;
-$allowed_weak = "";
-$weak_specified = 0;
-while( defined( $ARGV[ 0 ] ))
- $_ = shift;
- if( /^--verbose$|^-v$/ )
- {
- $debug = 1;
- }
- elsif( /^--help$|^-h$/ )
- {
- print STDOUT "Usage $thisProg [OPTION] ... library [allowed symbols] ...\n",
- "\n",
- "Check if the given library has only allowed public symbols.\n",
- "\n",
- " --allowweak=[symbol] allow only these weak symbols\n",
- " -v, --verbose verbosely list files processed\n",
- " -h, --help print this help, then exit\n";
- exit 0;
- }
- elsif( /^--allowweak=(.*)$/ )
- {
- $allowed_weak .= " " . $1;
- $weak_specified = 1;
- }
- elsif( /^--allowweak$/ ) # simply list all weak
- {
- $allowed_weak .= " ";
- $weak_specified = 1;
- }
- elsif( /^--*/ )
- {
- die "Invalid argument!\n";
- }
- else
- {
- if( ! $library )
- {
- $library = $_;
- }
- else
- {
- $allowed_symbols .= " " . $_;
- }
- }
-if( ! $weak_specified )
- $allowed_weak = "*";
- # allow all weak symbols by default
- # instances of templates and similar stuff - unfortunately includes also things from other libraries,
- # so it cannot be on by default
-print STDERR "library:" . $library . "\n" if $debug;
-print STDERR "allowed_symbols:" . $allowed_symbols . "\n" if $debug;
-print STDERR "allowed_weak:" . $allowed_weak . "\n" if $debug;
-$default_symbols = "_fini _init"; # system symbols
-# on my system, every .so has :
-# A __bss_start
-# A _edata
-# A _end
-# T _fini
-# T _init
-# no need to list A symbols in $default_symbols
-print STDERR "default_symbols: " . $default_symbols . "\n" if $debug;
-print STDOUT "Namespace cleanness check for " . $library . " :\n";
-$lib_file = "";
-if( $library =~ /\.la$/ )
- # get the real library file from .la
- open( FILEIN, $library ) || die "Couldn't open $! !\n";
- while( $line = <FILEIN> )
- {
- if( $line =~ /library_names=\'([^ ]*).*/o )
- {
- $lib_file = $1;
- }
- }
- close( FILEIN );
- if( ! $lib_file )
- {
- print STDERR "Library file not found in .la file!\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- my $libpath = $library;
- $libpath =~ s%[^/]*$%%;
- if( -e $libpath . ".libs/" . $lib_file )
- {
- $lib_file = $libpath . ".libs/" . $lib_file;
- }
- else
- {
- $lib_file = $libpath . $lib_file;
- }
- $lib_file = $library;
-print STDERR "libfile: ". $lib_file . "\n" if $debug;
-$allowed_symbols .= " " . $default_symbols;
-sub process_symbols($\@\%\@);
-@wildcards = ();
-%exacts = ();
-@regwildcards = ();
-process_symbols( $allowed_symbols, @wildcards, %exacts, @regwildcards );
-@weak_wildcards = ();
-%weak_exacts = ();
-@weak_regwildcards = ();
-process_symbols( $allowed_weak, @weak_wildcards, %weak_exacts, @weak_regwildcards );
-# grep is for stripping not exported symbols, which don't have address (=first column)
-$nm_command = "nm -BDCg " . $lib_file . " | grep -v '^ ' |";
-# TODO how portable is this nmcheck stuff?
-print STDERR "nm command:" . $nm_command . "\n" if $debug;
-open( FILEIN, $nm_command ) || die "nm command failed\n";
-my $exit_code = 0;
-while( $line = <FILEIN> )
- my $type;
- my $symbol;
- if( $line =~ /^[^ ]* (.) (.*)$/o )
- {
- $type = $1;
- $symbol = $2;
- }
- else
- {
- die "Invalid line: " . $line . "\n";
- }
- print STDERR "Type: " . $type . " , symbol: " . $symbol . "\n" if $debug;
- if( $type eq "A" )
- { # these should be system symbols, so ignore them
- next;
- }
- my $orig_symbol = $symbol;
- if( $symbol =~ /\(anonymous namespace\)/o )
- { # TODO tell to prefer named namespaces? (shorter symbols)
- next;
- }
- # strip prefixes
- # the :: appending is to make "CLASS::*" work also for "vtable for CLASS"
- $symbol =~ s/^typeinfo for (.*)$/$1::/o;
- $symbol =~ s/^typeinfo fn for (.*)$/$1::/o;
- $symbol =~ s/^typeinfo name for (.*)$/$1::/o;
- $symbol =~ s/^vtable for (.*)$/$1::/o;
- $symbol =~ s/^guard variable for (.*)$/$1::/o;
- $symbol =~ s/^reference temporary for (.*)$/$1::/o;
- $symbol =~ s/^VTT for (.*)$/$1::/o;
- $symbol =~ s/^virtual thunk \[[^\]]*\] to (.*)$/$1::/o;
- $symbol =~ s/^non-virtual thunk \[[^\]]*\] to (.*)$/$1::/o;
- $symbol =~ s/^covariant return thunk \[[^\]]*\] to (.*)$/$1::/o;
- $symbol =~ s/^construction vtable thunk for (.*)$/$1::/o;
- $symbol =~ s/^construction vtable for .*-in-(.*) [0-9]*$/$1::/o;
- # templates seem to have also return types mangled in their name, and nm prints it too
- # they have also template arguments in the symbol
- # get rid of both of those
- while( $symbol =~ /<.*>/o )
- {
- $symbol =~ s/<[^<>]*>//o; # strip innermost <>
- }
- if( $symbol !~ /operator\(\)/o )
- {
- $symbol =~ s/ ?\(.*\).*$//o; # strip () and all after it
- }
- else
- {
- $symbol =~ s/(^|:| )operator\(\) ?\(.*\).*$//o; # strip () and all after it
- }
- $symbol =~ s/\[.*\] *$//o; # strip [in-charge] etc.
- if( $symbol =~ /(^|:| )operator /o )
- {
- $symbol =~ s/.* ([^\s]*)operator /$1/o; # strip everything before 'X::operator blah'
- }
- else
- {
- $symbol =~ s/.* ([^\s]+) *$/$1/o; # get last word (strip return type)
- }
- # print STDERR "Processed symbol: " . $symbol . "\n" if $debug;
- my $found = 0;
- if( $exacts{ $symbol } )
- {
- $found = 1;
- }
- if( ! $found )
- {
- for my $wild ( @wildcards )
- {
- if( index( $symbol, $wild ) == 0 )
- {
- $found = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- if( ! $found )
- {
- for my $wild ( @regwildcards )
- {
- if( $symbol =~ /^$wild$/ )
- {
- $found = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- if( ( ! $found ) && ( $type eq "W" || $type eq "V" ))
- {
- if( $weak_exacts{ $symbol } )
- {
- $found = 1;
- }
- if( ! $found )
- {
- for my $wild ( @weak_wildcards )
- {
- if( index( $symbol, $wild ) == 0 )
- {
- $found = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- if( ! $found )
- {
- for my $wild ( @weak_regwildcards )
- {
- if( $symbol =~ /^$wild$/ )
- {
- $found = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if( ! $found )
- {
- print STDERR "Public symbol " . $orig_symbol . " is not allowed!\n";
- $exit_code = 1;
- }
-close( FILEIN );
-print STDOUT $exit_code == 0 ? "OK\n" : "FAILED\n";
-exit $exit_code;
-sub process_symbols($\@\%\@)
- my $allowed_symbols = $_[ 0 ];
- my $wildcards_ref = $_[ 1 ];
- my $exacts_ref = $_[ 2 ];
- my $regwildcards_ref = $_[ 3 ];
- $allowed_symbols =~ s/^ *//o; # strip whitespace
- $allowed_symbols =~ s/ *$//o;
- if( $allowed_symbols eq "NONE" )
- {
- $allowed_symbols = "";
- }
- my @symbols1 = split( ' ', $allowed_symbols );
- my $i = 0;
- my @symbols2 = ();
- while( defined( $symbols1[ $i ] ))
- {
- my $symbol = $symbols1[ $i ];
- if( $symbol =~ /\./ ) # dot in name -> file
- {
- open( SYMIN, $symbol ) || die ( "Cannot open file " . $symbol . "!" );
- while( $line = <SYMIN> )
- {
- $line =~ s/^\s*//o; # strip whitespace
- $line =~ s/\s*$//o;
- if( $line !~ /^$/o # empty line
- && $line !~ /^\s*#/ ) # comment line starting with #
- {
- $symbols2[ $#symbols2 + 1 ] = $line;
- }
- }
- close( SYMIN );
- }
- else
- {
- $symbols2[ $#symbols2 + 1 ] = $symbol;
- }
- $i++;
- }
- $i = 0;
- while( defined( $symbols2[ $i ] ))
- {
- my $symbol = $symbols2[ $i ];
- if( $symbol =~ /__/
- || $symbol =~ /^_[A-Z]/ )
- { # ISO C++ 2.10.2
- die "Symbols containing a double underscore or beginning with an underscore and an upper-case letter are reserved!\n";
- }
- elsif( $symbol eq "main"
- || $symbol eq "main*" )
- {
- die "Symbol main is not allowed!\n";
- }
- if( $symbol =~ /^([^\*]*)\*$/o # trailing * without any * before it
- && $symbol !~ /operator\*$/o )
- {
- print STDERR "wildcard:" . $symbol . "\n" if $debug;
- $wildcards_ref->[ $#{$wildcards_ref} + 1 ] = $1;
- }
- elsif( $symbol =~ /\*$/o
- && ( $symbol =~ /\*::/o || $symbol =~ /::\*/o )
- && $symbol !~ /^\*/o
- && $symbol !~ /operator\*$/o )
- {
- print STDERR "regwildcard:" . $symbol . "\n" if $debug;
- $symbol =~ s/\*/\.\*/go; # change * to .* (regexp)
- $regwildcards_ref->[ $#{$regwildcards_ref} + 1 ] = $symbol;
- }
- else
- {
- print STDERR "exact:" . $symbol . "\n" if $debug;
- $exacts_ref->{ $symbol } = 1;
- }
- $i++;
- }