path: root/NewbieProjects.mdwn
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-10-06Delete KHR_debug-for-ES from NewbieProjectsKenneth Graunke1-32/+0
2014-02-10NewbieProjects: Add project for GL_NV_non_square_matricesIan Romanick1-0/+97
2014-02-10NewbieProjects: Add project for GL_KHR_debug in OpenGL ES contextsIan Romanick1-0/+32
2014-02-10NewbieProjects: Remove GL_AMD_trinary_minmaxIan Romanick1-35/+0
2014-01-27Remove text for a bunch of finished things, add a link to the i965-specific l...EricAnholt1-155/+6
2013-11-25Added a note about submitting patchesIanRomanick1-2/+6
2013-11-13Add a list of projects for new Mesa developersIan Romanick1-0/+216