BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
branch-0.9.1build: Update version info for bugfix releaseGert Wollny4 years
mainUprev Mesa to 08450138c20fa05b15c5a4271c7a9c400a2f95f1Collabora's Gfx CI Team10 days
masterUprev Mesa to eeb6515096481d8e8a66f6d76a050e69716d791aCollabora's Gfx CI Team21 months
tintou/coverageci: Add code coverage supportCorentin Noël18 months
tintou/gles-rwshader: Create an alternative readonly image on GLESCorentin Noël6 months
tintou/mesa-uprevUprev Mesa to adaf4460bd19a9cc8249a0ddac442b5a05f5828dCorentin Noël18 months
tintou/pipe_boxp_state: Decrease the size of pipe_box - 24 -> 16 bytesCorentin Noël19 months
tintou/test-mesaTest mesa updateCorentin Noël6 months
tintou/u_format_structu_format: Use the format description to convert between SRGB and linearCorentin Noël3 months
tintou/virgl_resource_createresource: virgl_resource_create_from_fd always take the ownership of the fdCorentin Noël18 months
virglrenderer-1.1.0commit 1aeaf5e10a...Gert Wollny6 months
1.1.0commit 1aeaf5e10a...Gert Wollny6 months
virglrenderer-1.0.1commit 690680e5f0...Gert Wollny14 months
1.0.1commit 690680e5f0...Gert Wollny14 months
virglrenderer-1.0.0commit 9c9d55ecbe...Gert Wollny18 months
1.0.0commit 9c9d55ecbe...Gert Wollny18 months
0.10.4commit 88b9fe3bfc...Gert Wollny2 years
virglrenderer-0.10.4commit 88b9fe3bfc...Gert Wollny2 years
0.10.3commit 0922041ec6...Gert Wollny3 years
virglrenderer-0.10.3commit 0922041ec6...Gert Wollny3 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2018-11-15vtest: Refactor vtest_server.cjakob-vtest-refactorJakob Bornecrantz1-101/+176
2018-11-15vtest: Unify ident sizejakob-vtest-spaceJakob Bornecrantz6-503/+576
2018-11-13vtest: Use default socket name from protocol headerJakob Bornecrantz1-1/+2
2018-11-09vrend: Enable logging infrastructureGert Wollny3-0/+6
2018-11-09vrend: Add possibility for the guest to add debug flagsGert Wollny6-1/+82
2018-11-09debug: Add flag and function for texture loggingGert Wollny3-1/+36
2018-11-09debug: Add debugging for featuresGert Wollny3-2/+26
2018-11-09debug: Add logging for blits and copyGert Wollny3-0/+36
2018-11-09debug: Add command and object loggingGert Wollny4-1/+104
2018-11-09debug: Add shader logging codeGert Wollny6-28/+40