path: root/starmath/inc/toolbox.hxx
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-03-14Merge commit 'ooo/DEV300_m101' into integration/dev300_m101Michael Meeks1-10/+8
2011-01-14removetooltypes01: #i112600# Remove tool types from binfilter, starmath, svx,...Carsten Driesner1-7/+7
2010-11-16get this to build againCaolán McNamara1-2/+1
2010-11-10 removetooltypes01: #i112600# resync to DEV300_m92; remove tooltypes from xml...Xiaofei Zhang1-4/+2
2010-11-06Removes a fair amount of BOOL variables in starmathAlexandre Fournier1-2/+2
2010-10-18comments cleanupJúlio Hoffimann1-0/+1
2010-10-14Add vim/emacs modelines to all source filesSebastian Spaeth1-0/+2
2010-08-27cws tl82: #i86328# 'Elements' ToolBox fixesThomas Lange [tl]1-4/+2
2010-02-12changefileheader2: #i109125#: change source file copyright notice from Sun Mi...Jens-Heiner Rechtien1-4/+1
2008-04-10INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.10.204); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-35/+19
2006-05-05INTEGRATION: CWS tl18 (1.9.48); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-2/+3
2005-09-07INTEGRATION: CWS ooo19126 (1.8.98); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-47/+21
2004-11-17INTEGRATION: CWS os41 (1.7.240); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-4/+6
2003-06-10INTEGRATION: CWS sw015 (1.5.86); FILE MERGEDVladimir Glazounov1-4/+3
2003-05-28INTEGRATION: CWS sw013 (1.5.80); FILE MERGEDVladimir Glazounov1-2/+3
2002-10-09#99082# initial position of 'Selectin' toolbox fixedThomas Lange1-2/+3
2002-05-24#98791# Highcontrast bitmaps for accessibilityThomas Lange1-2/+8
2002-04-24#98795# Accessibility: allow for keyboard navigation in selection toolbox; fi...Thomas Lange1-3/+4
2002-01-21#96352# assertion fixed by removing the ShowWindows functions and calling Sho...Thomas Lange1-3/+2
2000-09-18initial importJens-Heiner Rechtien1-0/+124