path: root/sw/source/ui/ribbar/workctrl.src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/ui/ribbar/workctrl.src')
1 files changed, 1936 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/ribbar/workctrl.src b/sw/source/ui/ribbar/workctrl.src
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01315ea11b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/ui/ribbar/workctrl.src
@@ -0,0 +1,1936 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: workctrl.src,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:14:46 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef _SVXIDS_HRC
+#include <svx/svxids.hrc>
+#ifndef _GLOBLMN_HRC
+#include <svx/globlmn.hrc>
+#include "workctrl.hrc"
+#include "workctrl.hrc"
+#include "helpid.h"
+#include "cmdid.h"
+#define IMAGE_STDBTN_COLOR Color { Red = 0xC000; Green = 0xC000; Blue = 0xC000; }
+FloatingWindow RID_INSERT_CTRL
+ Moveable = TRUE ;
+ Closeable = TRUE ;
+ Hide = TRUE ;
+ SVLook = TRUE ;
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Einfgen : Einfgen */
+ Text = "Einfgen" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Insert" ;
+ {
+ MenuStrings = TRUE ;
+ SVLook = TRUE ;
+ HelpID = 1 ;
+ ItemList =
+ {
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ DropDown = TRUE ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = SID_INSERT_GRAPHIC ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_TABLE ;
+ DropDown = TRUE ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = SID_INSERTDOC ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_FOOTNOTE ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_ENDNOTE ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_SYMBOL ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ DropDown = TRUE ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_IDX_ENTRY_DLG ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_BOOKMARK ;
+ RadioCheck = TRUE ;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Insert" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Inserisci" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Insertar" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Insrer" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Invoegen" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Indst" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Einfgen" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Inserir" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wstaw";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "}";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "J";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Ekle";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Moveable = TRUE ;
+ Closeable = TRUE ;
+ Hide = TRUE ;
+ SVLook = TRUE ;
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Objekt einfgen : Objekt einfgen */
+ Text = "Objekt einfgen" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Insert object" ;
+ {
+ MenuStrings = TRUE ;
+ SVLook = TRUE ;
+ HelpID = 1 ;
+ ItemList =
+ {
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = SID_INSERT_DIAGRAM ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_SIM ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_SMA ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = SID_INSERT_OBJECT ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = SID_INSERT_PLUGIN ;
+ };
+#ifdef SOLAR_JAVA
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = SID_INSERT_APPLET ;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Object invoegen" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Insert Object" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Inserisci oggetto" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Insertar objeto" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Insrer un objet" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga objekt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Indst objekt" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Inserir objecto" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Objekt einfgen" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wstaw obiekt";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "޼ުĂ̑}";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "J";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ü ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Nesne ekle";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ ItemList =
+ {
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_FLD_DATE ;
+ Text = "Datum" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Date" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Date" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Data" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Fecha" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Date" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Datum" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Datum" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Dato" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datum" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Data" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Data";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "t";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Tarih";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_FLD_TIME ;
+ Text = "Uhrzeit" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Time" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Time" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Orario" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Hora" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Heure" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Tijd" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Klockslag" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Klokkeslt" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Uhrzeit" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Hora" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʱ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Godzina";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ɶ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ð";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Saat";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ //#ifndef MN_SW_WEB
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Text = "Seitennummer" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Pagenumber" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Paginanummer" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Page Numbers" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Numeri di pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Nmero de pgina" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Numro de page" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Sidnummer" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Sidetal" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Seitennummer" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Nmero de pgina" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Numer strony";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "߰ޔԍ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "X";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa numaras";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_FLD_PGCOUNT ;
+ Text = "Seitenanzahl" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Pagecount" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Aantal paginas" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Page Count" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Numero di pagine" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Contar pginas" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Nombre de pages" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Sidantal" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Sideantal" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Seitenanzahl" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Total de pginas" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Liczba stron";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "߰ޑ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " īƮ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa says";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_FLD_TOPIC ;
+ Text = "Thema" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Topic" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Subject" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Argomento" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Tema" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Sujet" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Onderwerp" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "mne" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Emne" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Thema" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Assunto" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Temat";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ð";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "DD";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Konu";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_FLD_TITLE ;
+ Text = "Titel" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Title" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Titel" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Title" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Titolo" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Ttulo" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Titre" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Titel" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Titel" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Titel" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Ttulo" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tytu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "D";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Balk";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ //#endif
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_FLD_AUTHOR ;
+ Text = "Autor" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Author" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Auteur" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Author" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Autore" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Autor" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Auteur" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Frfattare" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forfatter" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Autor" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Autor" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Autor";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "쐬";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "@";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ۼ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Yazan";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Separator = TRUE ;
+ };
+ MenuItem
+ {
+ Identifier = FN_INSERT_FIELD ;
+ Text = "Andere..." ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Other..." ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Other..." ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Altro..." ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Otros..." ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Autres..." ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Andere..." ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Andra..." ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Andre..." ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Outros..." ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Andere..." ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "...";
+ Text[ russian ] = "...";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Inne...";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̑...";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "L...";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "...";
+ Text[ greek ] = "...";
+ Text[ korean ] = "Ÿ...";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dier...";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ };
+ Moveable = TRUE ;
+ Closeable = TRUE ;
+ Hide = TRUE ;
+ SVLook = TRUE ;
+ Text = "Navigation" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Navigation" ;
+ ImageList IL_VALUES
+ {
+ ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "srnavi.bmp" ; };
+ IdList =
+ {
+ };
+ IdCount = { 20 ; };
+ };
+ String ST_TBL
+ {
+ Text = "Tabelle" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Table" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Table" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabelle" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Tabell" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Tabel" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Tabella" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Tabla" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Tableau" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Tabel" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Tabela" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tabela";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "\\";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ǥ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_FRM
+ {
+ Text = "Textrahmen" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Frame" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Text Frame" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Textrahmen" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Textram" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Tekstboks" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Cornice" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Marco de texto" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Cadre texte" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Tekstkader" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Moldura de texto" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ı";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Ramka tekstu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "÷Ęg";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "r";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ؽƮ ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Metin erevesi";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_PGE
+ {
+ Text = "Seite" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Page" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Page" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Seite" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Sida" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Side" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Pgina" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Page" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Pagina" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Pgina" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Strona";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "߰";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_DRW
+ {
+ Text = "Zeichenobjekt" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Drawing" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Drawing" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zeichenobjekt" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Ritobjekt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Tegneobjekt" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Oggetto di disegno" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Objeto de dibujo" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Objet de dessin" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Tekenobject" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Desenho" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͼ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Obiekt rysunkowy";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "}``޼ު";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Drawing";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Desenho";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Tekenobject";
+ Text[ french ] = "Objet de dessin";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Objeto de dibujo";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Oggetto di disegno";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Tegneobjekt";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Ritobjekt";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Obiekt rysunkowy";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zeichenobjekt";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "}``޼ު";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͼ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Ϥ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "׸";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "izim";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_CTRL
+ {
+ Text = "Kontrollfeld" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Control" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Control" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Kontrollfeld" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Kontrollflt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Kontrolelement" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Campo di controllo" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Campo de control" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Champ de contrle" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Controleveld" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Campo de controlo" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Pole kontrolne";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "۰";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "Ʈ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Komut alan";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_REG
+ {
+ Text = "Bereich" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Region" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Section" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bereich" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Omrde" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Omrde" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Sezione" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Area" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Section" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Bereik" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Seco" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Sekcja";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "͈";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ϰ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Blm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_BKM
+ {
+ Text = "Textmarke" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Bookmark" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Bookmark" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Textmarke" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Bokmrke" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Tekstmarkering" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Segnalibro" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Marca de texto" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Repre de texte" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Tekstmarkering" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Marcador de texto" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǩ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Zakadka";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "÷ϰ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "å ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Metin iareti";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_GRF
+ {
+ Text = "Grafik" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Graphic" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Graphics" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Grafik" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Grafik" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Billede" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Immagine" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Imagen" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Image" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Afbeelding" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Imagem" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͼ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Grafika";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̨";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Ϥ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "׷";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Grafik";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_OLE
+ {
+ Text = "OLE-Objekt" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "OLE object" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "OLE object" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "OLE-Objekt" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "OLE-objekt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "OLE-objekt" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Oggetto OLE" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Objeto OLE" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Objet OLE" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "OLE-object" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Objecto OLE" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "OLE ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " OLE";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Obiekt OLE";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "OLE޼ު";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "OLE - ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "OLE ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " OLE";
+ Text[ korean ] = "OLE ü";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "OLE nesnesi";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_OUTL
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? berschrift : berschrift */
+ Text = "berschrift" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Outline" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Headings" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "berschrift" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "verskrift" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Overskrift" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Intestazione" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Encabezado" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Titre" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Kop" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Ttulo" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tytu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "o";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "D";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Balk";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_SEL
+ {
+ Text = "Markierung" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Selection" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Selection" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Markierung" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Markering" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Markering" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Selezione" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Seleccin" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Slection" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Markering" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Seleco" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Zaznaczenie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "I";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Seim";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_FTN
+ {
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Funote : Funote */
+ Text = "Funote" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Footnote" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Footnote" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Funote" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fotnot" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Fodnote" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Nota a pi pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Nota al pie" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Note de bas de page" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Voetnoot" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Nota de rodap" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ע";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Przypis dolny";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "r";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "}";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dipnot";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_MARK
+ {
+ Text = "Merker" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Reminder" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Reminder" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Merker" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Temporrt bokmrke" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Pmindelse" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Contrassegno" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Marca" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Pense-bte" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Merktekens" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Marca" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Znacznik";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "o~";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Anmsatc";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_POSTIT
+ {
+ Text = "Notiz" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Annotation" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Note" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Notiz" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Anteckning" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Note" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Nota" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Nota" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Note" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Aantekening" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Anotao" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ע";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Notatka";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Ƶ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "޸";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Not";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ String ST_SRCH_REP
+ {
+ Text = "Suche wiederholen" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Repeat search" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Repeat search" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Suche wiederholen" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Upprepa skning" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Gentag sgning" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Ripeti ricerca" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Repetir bsqueda" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Rpter la recherche" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Zoeken herhalen" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Repetir procura" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ظѰ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Powtrz wyszukiwanie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Č";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ƷjM";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ݺ ˻";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Aramay yinele";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ {
+ Text = "Verzeichniseintrag" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Index entry" ;
+ Text[ italian ] = "Voce di indice";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Index entry";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Entrada do ndice";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Indekselement";
+ Text[ french ] = "Entre d'index";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Frteckningspost";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Index item";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Entrada del ndice";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Index entry";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ŀ¼Ŀ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wpis do indeksu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ؿ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ׸";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dizin girii";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ {
+ Text = "Tabellenformel" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Table formula" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Table formula";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Frmula de tabela";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Tabellenformule";
+ Text[ french ] = "Formule de table";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Frmula de tabla";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Formula tabella";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Tabelformel";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Tabellformel";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Formua tabeli";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Table formula";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "\\̐";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "u@";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ǥ ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo forml";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ {
+ Text = "Fehlerhafte Tabellenformel" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Wrong table formula" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Wrong table formula";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Frmula de tabela errada";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Foutieve tabellenformule";
+ Text[ french ] = "Formule de table errone";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Frmula errnea de tabla";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Formula tabella errata";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Fejlagtig tabelformel";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Felaktig tabellformel";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nieprawidowa formua tabeli";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Wrong table formula";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Ȃ\\̐";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ĺʽ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "~u@";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "߸ ǥ ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Hatal tablo forml";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Navegao" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Navigation" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Navigation" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Navigation" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Navigation" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Navigazione" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Navegacin" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Navigation" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Navigatie" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nawigacja";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "޹ް";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "s";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "׺̼";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dolama";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+Noch ein paar Reserven
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = NID_NEXT;
+ Text = "Vorwrts" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Forward" ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = NID_PREV;
+ Text = "Rckwrts" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Backward" ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = NID_CTRL;
+ Text = "Control" ;
+ };
+ ToolBoxItem
+ {
+ Identifier = NID_DRW;
+ Text = "Zeichenobjekt" ;
+ };
+ Strings fuer die Quickhelp der View-PgUp/Down-Buttons
+ Text = "" ;
+ Text = "" ;
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchste Tabelle : Nchste Tabelle */
+ Text = "Nchste Tabelle" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next Table" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next table" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchste Tabelle" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta tabell" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste tabel" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Tabella successiva" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Tabla siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Tableau suivant" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgende tabel" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Tabela seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpna tabela";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̕\\";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@Ӫ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ǥ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki tablo";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchster Textrahmen : Nchster Textrahmen */
+ Text = "Nchster Textrahmen" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next Frame" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next text frame" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchster Textrahmen" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta textram" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste tekstboks" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Cornice successiva" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Marco de texto siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Cadre texte suivant" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgend tekstkader" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Moldura de texto seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һı";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpna ramka tekstowa";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "÷Ęg";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@Ӥr";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ؽƮ ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki metin erevesi";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchste Seite : Nchste Seite */
+ Text = "Nchste Seite" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next Page" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next page" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchste Seite" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta sida" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste side" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Pagina successiva" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Pgina siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Page suivante" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgende pagina" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Pgina seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һҳ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpna strona";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "߰";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki sayfa";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchstes Zeichenobjekt : Nchstes Zeichenobjekt */
+ Text = "Nchstes Zeichenobjekt" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next drawing" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next drawing" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchstes Zeichenobjekt" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta ritobjekt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste tegneobjekt" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Oggetto di disegno successivo" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Objeto de dibujo siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Objet de dessin suivant" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgend tekenobject" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Objecto de desenho seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һַ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpny obiekt rysunkowy";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̕޼ު";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@Ӧr";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ׸";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki izim";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchstes Kontrollfeld : Nchstes Kontrollfeld */
+ Text = "Nchstes Kontrollfeld" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next control" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next control" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchstes Kontrollfeld" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta kontrollflt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste kontrolelement" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Campo di controllo successivo" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Campo de control siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Elment de contrle suivant" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgend controleveld" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Controlo seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpne pole kontrolne";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̺۰";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@ӱ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " Ʈ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki komut alan";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchster Bereich : Nchster Bereich */
+ Text = "Nchster Bereich" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next region" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next section" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchster Bereich" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta omrde" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste omrde" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Area successiva" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Area siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Section suivante" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgend bereik" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Seco seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpna sekcja";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "͈̔";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@Ӱϰ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki blm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchste Textmarke : Nchste Textmarke */
+ Text = "Nchste Textmarke" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next bookmark" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next bookmark" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchste Textmarke" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta bokmrke" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste tekstmarkering" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Segnalibro successivo" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Marcador siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Repre de texte suivant" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgende tekstmarkering" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Marcador de texto seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һǩ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpna zakadka";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "÷ϰ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@Ӯ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " å ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki metin iareti";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchste Grafik : Nchste Grafik */
+ Text = "Nchste Grafik" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next graphic" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next picture" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchste Grafik" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta grafik" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste billede" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Immagine successiva" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Imagen siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Image suivante" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgende afbeelding" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Imagem seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һͼ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpna grafika";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̸̨";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@ӹϤ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ׸";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki grafik";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchstes OLE-Objekt : Nchstes OLE object */
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchstes OLE-Objekt : Nchstes OLE-Objekt */
+ Text = "Nchstes OLE-Objekt" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next OLE object" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next OLE object" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchstes OLE object" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta OLE-objekt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste OLE-objekt" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Oggetto OLE successivo" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Objeto OLE siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Objet OLE suivant" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgend OLE-object" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Objecto OLE seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ OLE-";
+ Text[ russian ] = " OLE";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpny obiekt OLE";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "OLE-޼ު";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@ OLE-";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " OLE ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " OLE";
+ Text[ korean ] = " OLEü";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki OLE nesnesi";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchste berschrift : Nchste berschrift */
+ Text = "Nchste berschrift" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next outline" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next heading" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchste berschrift" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta verskrift" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste overskrift" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Intestazione successiva" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Encabezado siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Titre suivant" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgende kop" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Ttulo seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpny tytu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̌o";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@ӼD";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki balk";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchste Markierung : Nchste Markierung */
+ Text = "Nchste Markierung" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next selection" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next selection" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchste Markierung" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta markering" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste markering" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Selezione successiva" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Seleccin siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Slection suivante" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgende markering" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Seleco seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һѡ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpne zaznaczenie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̑I";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@ӿ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki seim";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchste Funote : Nchste Funote */
+ Text = "Nchste Funote" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next Footnote" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next footnote" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchste Funote" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta fotnot" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste fodnote" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Nota a pi pagina successiva" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Nota al pie siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Note de bas de page suivante" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgende voetnoot" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Nota de rodap seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һע";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpny przypis dolny";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̋r";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@ӵ}";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki dipnot";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchster Merker : Nchster Merker */
+ Text = "Nchster Merker" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next Reminder" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next Reminder" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchster Merker" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta temporra bokmrke" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste pmindelse" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Contrassegno successivo" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Marca siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Pense-bte suivant" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgend merkteken" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Marca seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpny znacznik";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̊o~";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@Ӵ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki anmsatc";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Nchste Notiz : Nchste Notiz */
+ Text = "Nchste Notiz" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next Annotation" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Next Note" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nchste Notiz" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nsta anteckning" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Nste note" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Nota successiva" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Nota siguiente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Note suivante" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Volgende aantekening" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Anotao seguinte" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һע";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpna notatka";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@ӳƵ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ޸";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki not";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Vorwrts weitersuchen" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Repeat search " ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Continue search forward" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vorwrts weitersuchen" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Sk vidare framt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Fortst sgning fremad" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Continua a cercare in avanti" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Continuar bsqueda hacia delante" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Continuer la recherche vers le bas" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Voorwaarts verder zoeken" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Continuar a procura para a frente" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǰѰ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Szukaj dalej do przodu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Ɍs";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "VejM";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ˻";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "leri dogru ara";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Nchster Verzeichniseintrag" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next index entry" ;
+ Text[ italian ] = "Voce d'indice successiva";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Next index entry";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Entrada do ndice seguinte";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Nste indekselement";
+ Text[ french ] = "Entre d'index suivante";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Nsta frteckningspost";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Volgend index item";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Entrada de ndice siguiente";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Next index entry";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һĿ¼Ŀ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpny wpis do indeksu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̍";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@ӥؿ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ׸";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki dizin girii";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "" ;
+ Text = "" ;
+ Text = "Vorige Tabelle" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous table" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous table" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vorige Tabelle" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende tabell" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige tabel" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Tabella precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Tabla anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Tableau prcdent" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorige tabel" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Tabela anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzednia tabela";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O̕\\";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@Ӫ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ǥ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki tablo";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Voriger Textrahmen" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous frame" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous text frame" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Voriger Textrahmen" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende textram" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige tekstboks" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Cornice di testo precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Marco de texto anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Cadre texte prcdent" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorig tekstkader" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Moldura de texto anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һı";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzednia ramka tekstowa";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O÷Ęg";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@Ӥr";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ؽƮ ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki metin erevesi";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Vorige Seite" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous page" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous page" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vorige Seite" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende sida" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige side" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Pagina precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Pgina anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Page prcdente" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorige pagina" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Pgina anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һҳ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzednia strona";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O߰";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki sayfa";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Voriges Zeichenobjekt" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous drawing" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous drawing" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Voriges Zeichenobjekt" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende ritobjekt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige tegneobjekt" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Oggetto di disegno precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Objeto de dibujo anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Objet de dessin prcdent" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorig tekenobject" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Objecto de desenho anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һַ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzedni obiekt rysunkowy";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O̕޼ު";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@Ӧr";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ׸";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki izim";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Voriges Kontrollfeld" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous control" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous control" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Voriges Kontrollfeld" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende kontrollflt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige kontrolelement" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Campo di controllo precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Campo de control anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Elment de contrle prcdent" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorig controleveld" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Controlo anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzednie pole kontrolne";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O̺۰";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@ӱ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " Ʈ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki komut alan";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Voriger Bereich" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous region" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous section" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Voriger Bereich" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende omrde" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige omrde" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Area precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Area anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Section prcdente" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorig bereik" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Seco anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzednia sekcja";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O͈̔";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@Ӱϰ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki Blm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Vorige Textmarke" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous bookmark" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous bookmark" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vorige Textmarke" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende bokmrke" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige tekstmarkering" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Segnalibro precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Marcador anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Repre de texte prcdent" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorige tekstmarkering" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Marcador de texto anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һǩ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzednia zakadka";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O÷ϰ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@Ӯ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " å ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki metin iareti";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Vorige Grafik" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous graphic" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous picture" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vorige Grafik" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende grafik" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige billede" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Immagine precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Imagen anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Image prcdente" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorige afbeelding" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Imagem anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һͼ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzednia grafika";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O̐}";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@ӹϤ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ׸";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki grafik";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Voriges OLE-Objekt : Voriges OLE object */
+ Text = "Voriges OLE-Objekt" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous OLE object" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous OLE object" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Voriges OLE object" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende OLE-objekt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige OLE-objekt" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Oggetto OLE precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Objeto OLE anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Objet OLE prcdent" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorig OLE-object" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Objecto OLE anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ OLE-";
+ Text[ russian ] = " OLE";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzedni obiekt OLE";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "OOLE-޼ު";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@ OLE-";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " OLE ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " OLE";
+ Text[ korean ] = " OLEü";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki OLE nesnesi";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Vorige berschrift : Vorige berschrift */
+ Text = "Vorige berschrift" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous outline" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous heading" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vorige berschrift" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende verskrift" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige overskrift" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Intestazione precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Encabezado anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Titre prcdent" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorige kop" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Ttulo anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzedni tytu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Ǒo";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@ӼD";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki balk";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Vorige Markierung" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous selection" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous selection" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vorige Markierung" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende markering" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige markering" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Selezione precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Seleccin anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Slection prcdente" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorige markering" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Seleco anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һѡ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzednie zaznaczenie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ȎI";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@ӿ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki seim";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Vorige Funote : Vorige Funote */
+ Text = "Vorige Funote" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous Footnote" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous footnote" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vorige Funote" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende fotnot" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige fodnote" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Nota a pi pagina precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Nota al pie anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Note de bas de page prcdente" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorige voetnoot" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Nota de rodap anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һע";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzedni przypis dolny";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Őr";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@ӵ}";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki dipnot";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Voriger Merker" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous Reminder" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous Reminder" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Voriger Merker" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende temporra bokmrke" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige pmindelse" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Contrassegno precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Marca anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Pense-bte prcdent" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorig merkteken" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Marca anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzedni znacznik";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O̊o~";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@Ӵ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki anmsatc";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Vorige Notiz" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous Annotation" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Previous Note" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vorige Notiz" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fregende anteckning" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Forrige note" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Nota precedente" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Nota anterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Note prcdente" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Vorige aantekening" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Anotao anterior" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һע";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzednia notatka";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@ӳƵ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ޸";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki not";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Rckwrts weitersuchen" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Repeat search backwards" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Continue search backwards" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rckwrts weitersuchen" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Sk vidare bakt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Fortst sgning tilbage" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Cerca all'indietro" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Continuar bsqueda en sentido inverso" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Continuer la recherche vers le haut" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Achterwaarts verder zoeken" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Continuar a procura para trs" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ѱ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Szukaj dalej wstecz";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Ɍs";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "~VjM";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ڷ ˻";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Geriye doru ara";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Voriger Verzeichniseintrag" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous index entry" ;
+ Text[ italian ] = "Voce d'indice precedente";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Previous index entry";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Entrada do ndice anterior";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Forrige indekselement";
+ Text[ french ] = "Entre d'index prcdente";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Fregende frteckningspost";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Vorig index item";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Entrada de ndice anterior";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Previous index entry";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һĿ¼Ŀ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzedni wpis do indeksu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O̍";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@ӥؿ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ׸";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki dizin girii";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Vorige Tabellenformel" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous table formula" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Previous table formula";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Frmula de tabela anterior";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Vorige tabellenformule";
+ Text[ french ] = "Formule de table prcdente";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Frmula de tabla anterior";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Formula tabella precedente";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Forrige tabelformel";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Fregende tabellformel";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzednia formua tabeli";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Previous table formula";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O̕\\̐";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һʽ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@Ӥu@";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ǥ ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki tablo forml";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Nchste Tabellenformel" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next table formula" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Next table formula";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Frmula de tabela seguinte";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Volgende tabellenformule";
+ Text[ french ] = "Formule de table suivante";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Siguiente frmula de tabla";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Formula tabella successiva";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Nste tabelformel";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Nsta tabellformel";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpna formua tabeli";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Next table formula";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̕\\̐";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һʽ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@Ӥu@榡";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ǥ ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki tablo forml";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Vorige fehlerhafte Tabellenformel" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Previous wrong table formula" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Previous faulty table formula";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Frmula de tabela anterior errada";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Vorige foutieve tabellenformule";
+ Text[ french ] = "Formule de table errone prcdente";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Frmula de tabla anterior errnea";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Formula tabella errata precedente";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Forrige fejlagtige tabelformel";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Fregende felaktiga tabellformel";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poprzednia bdna formua tabeli";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Previous wrong table formula";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "O̐Ȃ\\̐";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һĹʽ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W@ӿ~u@榡";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "߸ ǥ ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "nceki hatal tablo forml";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text = "Nchste fehlerhafte Tabellenformel" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Next wrong table formula" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Next faulty table formula";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Frmula de tabela seguinte errada";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Volgende foutieve tabellenformule";
+ Text[ french ] = "Formule de table errone suivante";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Siguiente frmula errnea de tabla";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Formula tabella errata successiva";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Nste fejlagtige tabelformel";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Nsta felaktiga tabellformel";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastpna bdna formua tabeli";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Next wrong table formula";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "̐Ȃ\\̐";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һĹʽ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U@ӿ~u@榡";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "߸ ǥ ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonraki hatal tablo forml";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
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+ String ST_QUICK
+ {
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Navigation" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Navigation" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Navigation" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Navigation" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Navigazione" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Navegacin" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Navigation" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Navigatie" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Navegao" ;
+ Text = "Navigation" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nawigacja";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "޹ް";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "s";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "׺̼";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dolama";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };