path: root/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.src')
1 files changed, 1577 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.src b/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.src
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b9ef56c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.src
@@ -0,0 +1,1577 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: docfnote.src,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:14:44 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "misc.hrc"
+#include "docfnote.hrc"
+#include "helpid.h"
+#include "cmdid.h"
+#include "frmui.hrc"
+ OutputSize = TRUE ;
+ SVLook = TRUE ;
+ Text = "Funoteneinstellung" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Footnote Options" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "Fotnotevalg" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Impostazioni note a pi pagina" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Opes de nota de rodap" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Opes de notas de rodap" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "Alaviitteen mritykset" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Fodnoteindstillinger" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Paramtres des notes de bas de page" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fotnotsinstllning" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Voetnootinstelling" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Opciones de notas al pie" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Footnote Settings" ;
+ Moveable = TRUE ;
+ TabControl 1
+ {
+ OutputSize = TRUE ;
+ PageList =
+ {
+ PageItem
+ {
+ Identifier = TP_FOOTNOTEOPTION ;
+ Text = "Funoten" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Footnotes" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Footnotes" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Funoten" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fotnoter" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Fodnoter" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Note a pi pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Notas al pie" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Notes de bas de page" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Voetnoten" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Notas de rodap" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ע";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Przypisy dolne";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "r";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "}";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dipnot";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ PageItem
+ {
+ Identifier = TP_ENDNOTEOPTION ;
+ Text = "Endnoten" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Endnotes" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Endnotes" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Endnoten" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Slutnoter" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Slutnoter" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Note di chiusura" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Notas finales" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Notes de fin" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Eindnoten" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Notas finais" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "βע";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Przypisy koc.";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "r";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "`";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sonnot";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "趨ע";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Ustawienie przypisw dolnych";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "r̐ݒ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "]w}";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ɼ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dipnot ayarlar";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ SVLook = TRUE ;
+ Hide = TRUE;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 0 , 0 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 260 , 135 ) ;
+ GroupBox GB_NUM
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 2 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 248 , 42 ) ;
+ Text = "Automatische Nummerierung" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Automatic numbering" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "Auto. nummerering" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Numerazione automatica" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Numerao automtica" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Numerao automtica" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "Automaattinumerointi" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Automatisk nummerering" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Numrotation automatique" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Automatisk numrering" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Automatische nummering" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Numeracin automtica" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "AutoNumbering" ;
+ Group = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Automatyczna numeracja";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ԍt";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "۰ʽs";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ڵ ȣ ű";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Otomatik numaralama";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ {
+ Border = TRUE ;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 12 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 62 , 50 ) ;
+ TabStop = TRUE ;
+ Group = TRUE ;
+ DropDown = TRUE ;
+ CurPos = 0 ;
+ StringList =
+ {
+ "A, B, C" ;
+ "a, b, c" ;
+ "I, II, III" ;
+ "i, ii, iii" ;
+ "1, 2, 3" ;
+ "A, .., AA, .., AAA" ;
+ "a, .., aa, .., aaa" ;
+ };
+ };
+ FixedText FT_OFFSET
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 82 , 14 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 36 , 8 ) ;
+ Text = "Be~ginn bei" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Start at" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "~Start at" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Ini~zia con" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Comen~zar en" ;
+ Text [ french ] = " partir de" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Begin met" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "~Brja vid" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Begynd med" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Be~ginn bei" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "~Iniciar em" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʼ(~S)";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Zacznij od";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Jnrԍ(~S)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "}lq(~S)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " (~S)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "B~alang";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ NumericField FLD_OFFSET
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 133 , 12 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 12 ) ;
+ Spin = TRUE ;
+ Minimum = 1 ;
+ First = 1 ;
+ Last = 9999 ;
+ Maximum = 9999 ;
+ TabStop = TRUE ;
+ Border = TRUE ;
+ };
+ {
+ Border = TRUE ;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 27 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 62 , 50 ) ;
+ TabStop = TRUE ;
+ Group = TRUE ;
+ DropDown = TRUE ;
+ CurPos = 0 ;
+ StringList =
+ {
+ < "Pro Seite" ; > ;
+ < "Pro Kapitel" ; > ;
+ < "Pro Dokument" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ ENGLISH ] =
+ {
+ < "Pro Seite" ; > ;
+ < "Pro Kapitel" ; > ;
+ < "Pro Dokument" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ norwegian ] =
+ {
+ < "Pro Seite" ; > ;
+ < "Pro Kapitel" ; > ;
+ < "Pro Dokument" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ italian ] =
+ {
+ < "Per pagina" ; > ;
+ < "Per capitolo" ; > ;
+ < "Per documento" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ portuguese_brazilian ] =
+ {
+ < "Por pgina" ; > ;
+ < "Por captulo" ; > ;
+ < "Por documento" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ portuguese ] =
+ {
+ < "Por pgina" ; > ;
+ < "Por captulo" ; > ;
+ < "Por documento" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ finnish ] =
+ {
+ < "Pro Seite" ; > ;
+ < "Pro Kapitel" ; > ;
+ < "Pro Dokument" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ danish ] =
+ {
+ < "Per side" ; > ;
+ < "Per kapitel" ; > ;
+ < "Per dokument" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ french ] =
+ {
+ < "Par page" ; > ;
+ < "Par chapitre" ; > ;
+ < "Par document" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ swedish ] =
+ {
+ < "Per sida" ; > ;
+ < "Per kapitel" ; > ;
+ < "Per dokument" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ dutch ] =
+ {
+ < "Per pagina" ; > ;
+ < "Per hoofdstuk" ; > ;
+ < "Per document" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ spanish ] =
+ {
+ < "Por pgina" ; > ;
+ < "Por captulo" ; > ;
+ < "Por documento" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ english_us ] =
+ {
+ < "Per page" ; > ;
+ < "Per chapter" ; > ;
+ < "Per document" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ chinese_simplified ] =
+ {
+ < "ÿҳ" ; > ;
+ < "ÿ" ; > ;
+ < "ÿĵ" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ russian ] =
+ {
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ polish ] =
+ {
+ < "Na stron" ; > ;
+ < "Na rozdzia" ; > ;
+ < "Na dokument" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ japanese ] =
+ {
+ < "߰ނ" ; > ;
+ < "͂" ; > ;
+ < "" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ chinese_traditional ] =
+ {
+ < "C" ; > ;
+ < "C" ; > ;
+ < "CӤ" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ arabic ] =
+ {
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ greek ] =
+ {
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ korean ] =
+ {
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ turkish ] =
+ {
+ < "Beher sayfa" ; > ;
+ < "Beher blm" ; > ;
+ < "Beher belge" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ language_user1 ] =
+ {
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ };
+ };
+ FixedText FT_PREFIX
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 82 , 27 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 10 ) ;
+ Text = "~Davor" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Before" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "Fr" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "~Davanti" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Antes" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "An~tes" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "Edell" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Fr" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Avant" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "~Framfr" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Ervoor" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "~Delante" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Be~fore" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮ǰ(~F)";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Przed";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ԍO(~F)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "e(~F)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "(~F)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Ba~nda";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ {
+ Border = TRUE ;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 133 , 27 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 12 ) ;
+ TabStop = TRUE ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ MaxTextLength = 50 ;
+ };
+ FixedText FT_SUFFIX
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 166 , 27 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 10 ) ;
+ Text = "Dahin~ter" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Behind" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "Bak" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Die~tro" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Atrs" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "At~rs" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "Jljess" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Efter" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Aprs" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "~Bakom" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "E~rachter" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "D~etrs" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Aft~er" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮(~E)";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Za";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ԍ(~E)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~E)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "(~E)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "A~rkasnda";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ {
+ Border = TRUE ;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 221 , 27 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 12 ) ;
+ TabStop = TRUE ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ MaxTextLength = 50 ;
+ };
+ GroupBox GB_TEMPL
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 46 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 115 , 42 ) ;
+ Text = "Vorlagen" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Styles" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "Styles" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Modelli" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Estilos" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Estilos" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "Tyylit" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Typografi" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Styles" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Formatmallar" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Opmaakprofielen" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Estilos" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Styles" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Szablony";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "˦";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Biim";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 58 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 38 , 8 ) ;
+ Text = "~Absatz" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Paragraph" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "~Paragraf" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "~Paragrafo" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Pargrafo" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "~Pargrafo" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "~Kappale" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Afsnit" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "~Paragraphe" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Sty~cke" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Alinea" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Prra~fo" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Pa~ragraph" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~R)";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Akapit";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "i(~R)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "q(~R)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ܶ(~R)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Paragraf";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ {
+ Border = TRUE ;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 51 , 56 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 67 , 54 ) ;
+ TabStop = TRUE ;
+ DropDown = TRUE ;
+ CurPos = 0 ;
+ Sort = TRUE ;
+ };
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 73 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 38 , 8 ) ;
+ Text = "~Seite" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Page" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "~Page" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "~Pagina" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Pgina" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "~Pgina" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "~Sivu" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Side" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "P~age" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "~Sida" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "P~gina" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "~Page" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ(~P)";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Strona";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "߰(~P)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~P)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "(~P)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Sayfa";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ {
+ Border = TRUE ;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 51 , 71 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 67 , 54 ) ;
+ TabStop = TRUE ;
+ DropDown = TRUE ;
+ };
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 125 , 46 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 129 , 42 ) ;
+ Text = "Zeichenvorlagen" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Character styles" ;
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Character Styles";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Estilos de caracteres";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Tekenopmaakprofielen";
+ Text[ french ] = "Styles de caractre";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Estilos de carcter";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Modelli di carattere";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Tegntypografi";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Teckenformatmallar";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Style znakw";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Character styles";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ַʽ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "r˦";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Karakter biimi";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 129 , 58 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 55 , 8 ) ;
+ Text = "Te~xtbereich" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Text" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Te~xt area" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Funotensymbol" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Textomrde" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Tekstomrde" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Area del testo" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "rea de ~texto" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Plage de ~texte" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Tekstbereik" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "~rea de texto" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~X)";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Obszar tekstu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "͈(~X)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "rϰ(~X)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ٴڱ ȣ(~X)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Metin a~lan";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ {
+ Border = TRUE ;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 186 , 56 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 54 ) ;
+ TabStop = TRUE ;
+ DropDown = TRUE ;
+ Sort = TRUE ;
+ };
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 129 , 73 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 55 , 8 ) ;
+ Text = "~Funotenbereich" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Footnote text" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "~Footnote area" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Funotensymbol" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Fotnotsomrde" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Fodnoteomrde" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Area note a pi pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "rea de ~nota al pie" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Plage de la ~note" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Voetnoot~bereik" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "~rea de nota de rodap" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ע(~F)";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Obszar przyp. doln.";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "r͈(~F)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "}ϰ(~F)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " (~F)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "D~ipnot alan";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ {
+ Border = TRUE ;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 186 , 71 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 54 ) ;
+ TabStop = TRUE ;
+ DropDown = TRUE ;
+ Sort = TRUE ;
+ };
+ GroupBox GB_POS
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 91 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 71 , 42 ) ;
+ Text = "Position" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Position" ;
+ Group = TRUE ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Position" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Position" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Position" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Placering" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Posizione" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Posicin" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Position" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Positie" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Posio" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "λ";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Pozycja";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ʒu";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "m";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ġ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Konum";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
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+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "End of ~page" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "End of ~page" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Fine ~pagina" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Final de ~pgina" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Fim de ~pgina" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "~Sivun loppu" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Sidens slutning" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Fin de ~page" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "S~idslut" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Pag~ina-einde" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Fin de ~pgina" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "~End of page" ;
+ TabStop = TRUE ;
+ Group = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳβ(~O)";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Koniec strony";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "߰ޖ(~O)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~O)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " (~E)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa so~nu";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
+ RadioButton RB_POS_CHAPTER
+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 118 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 60 , 10 ) ;
+ Text = "Do~kumentende" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "End of ~doc." ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "Slutt p ~dok." ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Fine ~documento" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Final de~doc." ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Fim do ~documento" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "~Asiakirjan loppu" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Dokumentets slutn." ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Fin de ~document" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Do~kumentslut" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Documenteinde" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "F~in del documento" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "En~d of document" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵβ(~D)";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Koniec dokumentu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "(~D)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~D)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " (~D)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Belge sonunda";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
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+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Hinweistext mehrseitige Funoten : Hinweistext mehrseitige Funoten */
+ Text = "Hinweistext mehrseitige Funoten" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Continuation notice" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "+++Continuation notice" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Avvertenza che la nota continua" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Aviso de continuao" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Continuao das notas de rodap" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "Jatkumisilmoitus" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Henvisningstekst for flersidede fodnoter" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Indication de suite" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Meddelandetext fr mersidiga fotnoter" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Verwijstekst bij voetnoten verdeeld over meer dan een pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Indicacin para notas al pie en varias pginas" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Continuation notice" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳעŵʾ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tekst wskazujcy na kilkustronne przypisy dolne.";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "r߰ނɑۂ̒ӏ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "h}ܤ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ٴڱۿ ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Devam eden dipnotu ile ilgili bilgi metni";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
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+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 86 , 103 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 58 , 8 ) ;
+ Text = "Am Fun~otenende" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Continued" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "~Fortsetter" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Alla fine del pi pagina" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Continuado" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "No fim da nota de ~rodap" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "~Jatkuu" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Ved fodnotens slutning" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "En ~fin de note de bas de page" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Vid slutet av f~otnoten" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Voetnooteinde" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Final de n~ota al pie" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "End ~of footnote" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "עβ(~O)";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Na koncu przypisw dolnych";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "r(~O)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "b`}(~N)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ~";
+ Text[ korean ] = " (~N)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Dipnot altnda";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
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+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 86 , 118 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 58 , 8 ) ;
+ Text = "A~uf Folgeseite" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Started" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "~Startet" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Alla pagina succ." ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Iniciado" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "~Pgina seguinte" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "~Alkaa" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "P flgesiden" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "~Sur la page suivante" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "~P fljande sida" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "V~olgende pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "En pg. sig~uiente" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "~Start of next page" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ(~S)";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Na nastepnej stronie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "߰(~S)";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "q򭶶}l(~S)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ~ ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "(~S)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Sonraki sayfada";
+ };
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+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 147 , 116 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 104 , 12 ) ;
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+ Text [ norwegian ] = "Auto. nummerering" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Numerazione automatica" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Numerao automtica" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Numerao automtica" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "Automaattinumerointi" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Automatisk nummerering" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Numrotation automatique" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Automatisk numrering" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Automatische nummering" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Numeracin automtica" ;
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+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "۰ʽs";
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+ Text[ korean ] = "ڵ ȣ ű";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Otomatik numaralama";
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+ "a, b, c" ;
+ "I, II, III" ;
+ "i, ii, iii" ;
+ "1, 2, 3" ;
+ "A, .., AA, .., AAA" ;
+ "a, .., aa, .., aaa" ;
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+ Text [ english_us ] = "~Start at" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Ini~zia con" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Comen~zar en" ;
+ Text [ french ] = " partir de" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Begin met" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "~Brja vid" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Begynd med" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Be~ginn bei" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "~Iniciar em" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʼ(~S)";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Zacznij od";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Jnrԍ(~S)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "}lq(~S)";
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+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "(~S)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "B~alang";
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+ < "Pro Dokument" ; > ;
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+ < "Pro Dokument" ; > ;
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+ < "Pro Seite" ; > ;
+ < "Pro Kapitel" ; > ;
+ < "Pro Dokument" ; > ;
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+ {
+ < "Per pagina" ; > ;
+ < "Per capitolo" ; > ;
+ < "Per documento" ; > ;
+ };
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+ {
+ < "Por pgina" ; > ;
+ < "Por captulo" ; > ;
+ < "Por documento" ; > ;
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+ < "Por pgina" ; > ;
+ < "Por captulo" ; > ;
+ < "Por documento" ; > ;
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+ {
+ < "Pro Seite" ; > ;
+ < "Pro Kapitel" ; > ;
+ < "Pro Dokument" ; > ;
+ };
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+ {
+ < "Per side" ; > ;
+ < "Per kapitel" ; > ;
+ < "Per dokument" ; > ;
+ };
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+ < "Par page" ; > ;
+ < "Par chapitre" ; > ;
+ < "Par document" ; > ;
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+ {
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+ < "Per kapitel" ; > ;
+ < "Per dokument" ; > ;
+ };
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+ {
+ < "Per pagina" ; > ;
+ < "Per hoofdstuk" ; > ;
+ < "Per document" ; > ;
+ };
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+ < "Por pgina" ; > ;
+ < "Por captulo" ; > ;
+ < "Por documento" ; > ;
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+ < "Per page" ; > ;
+ < "Per chapter" ; > ;
+ < "Per document" ; > ;
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+ < "ÿ" ; > ;
+ < "ÿĵ" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ russian ] =
+ {
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ polish ] =
+ {
+ < "Na stron" ; > ;
+ < "Na rozdzia" ; > ;
+ < "Na dokument" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ japanese ] =
+ {
+ < "߰ނ" ; > ;
+ < "͂" ; > ;
+ < "" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ chinese_traditional ] =
+ {
+ < "C" ; > ;
+ < "C" ; > ;
+ < "CӤ" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ arabic ] =
+ {
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ greek ] =
+ {
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ korean ] =
+ {
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ turkish ] =
+ {
+ < "Beher sayfa" ; > ;
+ < "Beher blm" ; > ;
+ < "Beher belge" ; > ;
+ };
+ StringList [ language_user1 ] =
+ {
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
+ < " " ; > ;
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+ Text [ portuguese ] = "An~tes" ;
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+ Text [ danish ] = "Fr" ;
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+ Text [ spanish ] = "~Delante" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Be~fore" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮ǰ(~F)";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Przed";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ԍO(~F)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "e(~F)";
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+ Text[ korean ] = "(~F)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Ba~nda";
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+ Text [ portuguese ] = "A~trs" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "Jljess" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Efter" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Aprs" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "~Bakom" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "E~rachter" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "D~etrs" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Aft~er" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮(~E)";
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+ Text[ japanese ] = "ԍ(~E)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~E)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "(~E)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "A~rkasnda";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
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+ Text [ swedish ] = "Formatmallar" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Opmaakprofielen" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Estilos" ;
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+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ";
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+ Text[ japanese ] = "";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "˦";
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+ Text [ portuguese ] = "~Pargrafo" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "~Kappale" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Afsnit" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "~Paragraphe" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Sty~cke" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Alinea" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Prra~fo" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Pa~ragraph" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~R)";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Akapit";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "i(~R)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "q(~R)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ܶ(~R)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Paragraf";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
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+ Text [ portuguese ] = "~Pgina" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "~Sivu" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Side" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "P~age" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "~Sida" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "P~gina" ;
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+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ(~P)";
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+ Text[ japanese ] = "߰(~P)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~P)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "(~P)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Sayfa";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
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+ Border = TRUE ;
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 51 , 71 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 67 , 54 ) ;
+ TabStop = TRUE ;
+ DropDown = TRUE ;
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+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 125 , 46 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 129 , 42 ) ;
+ Text = "Zeichenvorlagen" ;
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+ Text[ english_us ] = "Character Styles";
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+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Tekenopmaakprofielen";
+ Text[ french ] = "Styles de caractre";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Estilos de carcter";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Modelli di carattere";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Tegntypografi";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Teckenformatmallar";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Style znaku";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Character styles";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ַʽ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "r˦";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Karakter biimi";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
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+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 129 , 58 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 55 , 8 ) ;
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+ Text [ danish ] = "Tekstomrde" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Area del testo" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "rea de ~texto" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Plage de ~texte" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Eindemarkeringsbereik" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "rea de te~xto" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~X)";
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+ Text[ polish ] = "Obszar tekstu";
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+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "rϰ(~X)";
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+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "ؽƮ (~X)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Metin ~alan";
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+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 129 , 73 ) ;
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+ Text [ danish ] = "Slutnoteomrde" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Area note di chiusura" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "rea de n~ota al final" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Plage de la ~note" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Eindnotenbereik" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "rea de ~nota final" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "βע(~E)";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Obszar przyp. koc.";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "r͈(~E)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "`ϰ(~E)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ȣ(~E)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "S~onnot alan";
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+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Position" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Position" ;
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+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "λ";
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+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "m";
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+ Text[ korean ] = "ġ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Konum";
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+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Final de ~pgina" ;
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+ Text[ japanese ] = "߰ޖ(~O)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~O)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " (~O)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa so~nu";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ };
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+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 118 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 60 , 10 ) ;
+ Text = "~Dokumentende" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "End of ~doc." ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "Slutt p ~dok." ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Fine ~documento" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Final de~doc." ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Fim do ~documento" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "~Asiakirjan loppu" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Dokumentets slutn." ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Fin de ~document" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "~Dokumentslut" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Documenteinde" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Fin del ~documento" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "End of ~document" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵβ(~D)";
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+ Text[ polish ] = "Koniec dokumentu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "(~D)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~D)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " (~D)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Belge sonunda";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
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+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Hinweistext mehrseitige Funoten : Hinweistext mehrseitige Funoten */
+ Text = "Hinweistext mehrseitige Funoten" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Continuation notice" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "+++Continuation notice" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Avvertenza che la nota continua" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Aviso de continuao" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Continuao das notas de rodap" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "Jatkumisilmoitus" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Henvisningstekst for flersidede fodnoter" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Indication de suite" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Meddelandetext fr mersidiga fotnoter" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Verwijstekst bij voetnoten verdeeld over meer dan een pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Indicacin para notas al pie en varias pginas" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Continuation notice" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳעŵʾ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tekst wskazujcy na kilkustronne przypisy dolne.";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "r߰ނɑۂ̒ӏ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "h}ܤ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " ٴڱۿ ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Devam eden dipnotu ile ilgili bilgi metni";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
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+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 86 , 103 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 38 , 8 ) ;
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+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Continued" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "~Fortsetter" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Pagina su~cc." ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Continuado" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Pgina ~seguinte" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "~Jatkuu" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Flgeside" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "~Page suivante" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "~Fljande sida" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Volg. pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Pgina ~siguiente" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "~Following page" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ(~F)";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nastp. str.";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "߰(~F)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~F)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = " (~F)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Sonraki sayfa";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
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+ {
+ Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 86 , 118 ) ;
+ Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 38 , 8 ) ;
+ Text = "~Beginn" ;
+ Text [ ENGLISH ] = "~Started" ;
+ Text [ norwegian ] = "~Startet" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "~Inizio" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Iniciado" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "~Iniciar" ;
+ Text [ finnish ] = "~Alkaa" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Begyndelse" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "~Dbut" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "~Brja" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "~Begin" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "~Comenzar" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "~Start" ;
+ Left = TRUE ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʼ(~S)";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Pocztek";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Jn(~S)";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "}l(~S)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "(~S)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Balang";
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