path: root/sw/source/ui/utlui/attrdesc.src
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2003-07-03 15:16:15 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2003-07-03 15:16:15 +0000
commit03f016cb2ccb42f963ea791571830abf049fbd87 (patch)
treec3d7378e35b70ffdb8759c053eeb7eeb0be30ead /sw/source/ui/utlui/attrdesc.src
parent1f2e02420ccfbb72a8078515bcc4f4edb4140c5b (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS rc2merge (1.32.36); FILE MERGED
2003/07/03 14:36:33 ihi rc-2 merge all languages
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/ui/utlui/attrdesc.src')
1 files changed, 2604 insertions, 2601 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/utlui/attrdesc.src b/sw/source/ui/utlui/attrdesc.src
index f3a05493e1..7065d38353 100644
--- a/sw/source/ui/utlui/attrdesc.src
+++ b/sw/source/ui/utlui/attrdesc.src
@@ -1,2601 +1,2604 @@
- *
- * $RCSfile: attrdesc.src,v $
- *
- * $Revision: 1.32 $
- *
- * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-06-13 12:03:59 $
- *
- * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
- * either of the following licenses
- *
- * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
- * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
- *
- * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
- *
- * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
- * =============================================
- * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- *
- * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
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- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- *
- * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- *
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
- *
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-#include "globals.hrc"
-#include "attrdesc.hrc"
- Strings fuer textuelle Attribute
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Initialen ber : Initialen ber */
- TEXT = "Initialen ber" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "dropcaps about" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Drop Caps over" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Capolettera su" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Lneas para iniciales" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Lettrines sur" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Initialen over" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Anfanger ver" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "initialer p" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Capitulares sobre" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Capitular sobre" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字首大写,高度等于";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Inicjay nad";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ドロップキャップ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "字首大寫,高度等於";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Initialen over";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字首大写,高度等于";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "단락 첫 문자 장식";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Baharfi/leri byt";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Caplletres sobre";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Anfangikoko";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัวอักษรขึ้นต้นที่มีขนาดใหญ่บน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Iniciála nad";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Initialen über";
- Text[ hindi ] = "ऊपर बड़े अक्षरों को हटाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Stránkovanie veľkými písmenami nad";
- TEXT = "Zeilen" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "lines" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "rows" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Righe" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Filas" ;
- Text [ french ] = "lignes" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Regels" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Rader" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "rkker" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Linhas" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "linhas" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wiersze";
- Text[ japanese ] = "行";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "行";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Regels";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "줄";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Satr";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "files";
- Text[ finnish ] = "rivit";
- Text[ thai ] = "แถว";
- Text[ czech ] = "řádky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeilen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पंक्तियाँ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "riadky";
- TEXT = "keine Initialen" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "no dropcaps" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "geen initialen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "No Drop Caps" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "senza capolettera" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Sin iniciales" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Pas de lettrine" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "inga anfanger" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "ingen initialer" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Sem capitulares" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem Capitulao" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字首不大写";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Bez inicjaw";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ドロップキャップなし";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "字首不大寫";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "geen initialen";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字首不大写";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "단락 첫 문자 장식 없음";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Baharf yok";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Sense caplletra";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ei anfangeja";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัวอักษรขึ้นต้นที่ไม่มีขนาดใหญ่";
- Text[ czech ] = "Bez iniciál";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "keine Initialen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "बड़े अक्षर हटाने का विकल्प नहीं है";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Bez iniciálok";
- TEXT = "kein Seitenumbruch" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "no page break" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "geen pagina-einde" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "No page break" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Senza interruzione di pagina" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "sin salto de pgina" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Aucun saut de page" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "ingen sidbrytning" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "ingen sideskift" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Sem quebra de pgina" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem quebra de pgina" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不换页";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Bez podziau strony";
- Text[ japanese ] = "改ページなし";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不換頁";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "geen pagina-einde";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不换页";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "페이지 나누기 없음";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa kesimi yok";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "sense salt de pgina";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ei sivunvaihtoa";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่แบ่งหน้า";
- Text[ czech ] = "Bez zalomení stránky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "kein Seitenumbruch";
- Text[ hindi ] = "कोई पृष्ठ खण्डन नहीं";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Bez zalomenia stránky";
- TEXT = "nicht Spiegeln" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "no mirror" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "niet spiegelen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Don't mirror" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Non rispecchiare" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "No reflejar" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Ne pas reflter" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "inte spegelvnd" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "spejlvend ikke" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "No reflectir" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No refletir" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不翻转";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nie odbijaj";
- Text[ japanese ] = "反転しない";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不翻轉";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "niet spiegelen";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不翻转";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "대칭 안함";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Yanstma";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No reflexis";
- Text[ finnish ] = "l peilaa";
- Text[ thai ] = "อย่าส่องกระจก";
- Text[ czech ] = "Nezrcadlit";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "nicht Spiegeln";
- Text[ hindi ] = "दर्पण मत करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Nezrkadliť";
- TEXT = "vertikal Spiegeln" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "mirror vertically" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "verticaal spiegelen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Flip vertically" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Rispecchia in verticale" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Reflejar verticalmente" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Reflter verticalement" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "spegelvnd vertikalt" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "spejlvend lodret" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Reflectir na vertical" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Refletir na vertical" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "垂直翻转";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Odbij w pionie";
- Text[ japanese ] = "左右反転";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "垂直翻轉";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "verticaal spiegelen";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "垂直翻转";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "상하 반전";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dikey yanst";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Inverteix verticalment";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Knn pystysuunta";
- Text[ thai ] = "พลิกตามแนวตั้ง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Převrátit svisle";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "vertikal Spiegeln";
- Text[ hindi ] = "लंबरूप प्रकार से फ्लिप करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Prevrátiť zvislo";
- TEXT = "horizontal Spiegeln" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "mirror horizontally" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "horizontaal spiegelen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Flip horizontal" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Rispecchia in orizzontale" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Reflejar horizontalmente" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Reflter horizontalement" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Spegelvnd horisontellt" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "spejlvend vandret" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Reflectir na horizontal" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Refletir na horizontal" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "水平翻转";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Odbij w poziomie";
- Text[ japanese ] = "上下反転";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "水平翻轉";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "horizontaal spiegelen";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "水平翻转";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "좌우 반전";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Yatay yanst";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Inverteix horitzontalment";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Knn vaakasuunnassa";
- Text[ thai ] = "พลิกตามแนวนอน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Převrátit vodorovně";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "horizontal Spiegeln";
- Text[ hindi ] = "समतल में फ्लिप करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Prevrátiť vodorovne";
- TEXT = "vert. und horizontal Spiegeln" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "mirror vert. and horizontally" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Horizontal and Vertical Flip" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Rispecchiare in orizzontale e verticale" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Reflejar vertical y horizontalmente" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Reflter verticalement et horizontalement" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Horizontaal en verticaal spiegelen" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "spegelvnd vert. o. hori." ;
- Text [ danish ] = "spejlvend lodret og vandret" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Refletir na Vertical e na Horizontal" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Reflectir na vertical e na horizontal" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "垂直和水平翻转";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Odbij w pionie i w poziomie";
- Text[ japanese ] = "上下と左右に反転";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "垂直和水平翻轉";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Horizontaal en verticaal spiegelen";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "垂直和水平翻转";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "상하 반전 및 좌우 반전";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dikey ve yatay yanst";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Inverteix horitzontalment i verticalment";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Vaaka- ja pystysuuntainen knns";
- Text[ thai ] = "พลิกตามแนวนอนและแนวตั้ง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Převrátit vodorovně a svisle";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "vert. und horizontal Spiegeln";
- Text[ hindi ] = "समतल और लंबरूप प्रकार से फ्लिप करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Prevrátiť vodorovne a zvislo";
- TEXT = " + auf geraden Seiten horizontal Spiegeln" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = " + mirror horizontal on even page numbers" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = " + reflectir horizontalmente nas pginas pares" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "+ mirror horizontal on even pages" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "+ espelhar horizontalmente nas pginas pares" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "+ spegelvnd horisontellt p jmna sidor" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "+ spejlvend p lige sider" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "+ rispecchia in orizzontale sulle pagine pari" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "+ reflejar horizontalmente en las pginas pares" ;
- Text [ french ] = "+ reflter horizontalement sur les pages paires" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "+ op even pagina's horizontaal spiegelen" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "+ 水平翻转到偶数页面";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "+ odbij w poziomie na stronach parzystych ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "+ 偶数ページに上下反転";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "+ 水平翻轉到偶數頁面";
- Text[ arabic ] = "+ ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "+ op even pagina's horizontaal spiegelen";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "+ 水平翻转到偶数页面";
- Text[ greek ] = "+ ";
- Text[ korean ] = "+ 짝수 페이지에서 좌우 반전";
- Text[ turkish ] = "+ ift numaral sayfalarda yatay yanst";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "+ reflexa horitzontalment a les pgines parells";
- Text[ finnish ] = "+ peilaa vaakasuunnassa parillisilla sivuilla";
- Text[ thai ] = "+ ส่องตามแนวนอนบนหน้าที่เหมือนกัน";
- Text[ czech ] = "+ zrcadlit vodorovně na sudých stranách";
- Text[ hebrew ] = " + auf geraden Seiten horizontal Spiegeln";
- Text[ hindi ] = "+ सम संख्या पृष्ठों में समतल दर्पण";
- Text[ slovak ] = "+ zrkadliť vodorovne na párnych stranách";
- TEXT = "Zeichenvorlage" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "Character Style" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Character Style" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Modello di carattere" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Estilo de caracteres" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Style de caractres" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Tekenopmaakprofiel" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Teckenformatmall" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "tegntypografi" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Estilos de caracteres" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Estilo de Caracter" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字符样式";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Styl znaku";
- Text[ japanese ] = "文字スタイル";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "字元樣式";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Tekenopmaakprofiel";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字符样式";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "문자 스타일";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Karakter biimi";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Estil de carcters";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Merkkityyli";
- Text[ thai ] = "ลักษณะตัวอักขระ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Styl znaku";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeichenvorlage";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अक्षर शैली";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Štýl znaku";
- TEXT = "keine Zeichenvorlage" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "no Character Style" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "No Character Style" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Senza modello di carattere" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "El estilo de carcter no existe" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Pas de style de caractres" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "geen opmaakprofiel" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "ingen teckenformatmall" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "ingen tegntypografi" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Estilo de caracteres inexistente" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem Estilo de Caracter" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无字符样式";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Brak stylu znakw";
- Text[ japanese ] = "文字スタイルなし";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無字元樣式";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "geen opmaakprofiel";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无字符样式";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "문자 스타일 없음";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Karakter biimi yok";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "L'estil de carcter no existeix";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ei merkkityyli";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีลักษณะตัวอักขระ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Není styl znaku";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "keine Zeichenvorlage";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अक्षर शैली नहीं";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Nie je štýl znaku";
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Fuzeile : Fuzeile */
- TEXT = "Fuzeile" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "footer" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "voettekst" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Footer" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Pi di pagina" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Pie de pgina" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Pied de page" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Sidfot" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "sidefod" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Rodap" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rodap" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页脚";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Stopka";
- Text[ japanese ] = "フッタ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁尾";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "voettekst";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页脚";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "바닥글";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dipnot";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Peu de pgina";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Alatunniste";
- Text[ thai ] = "ส่วนท้าย";
- Text[ czech ] = "Zápatí";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כותרת תחתונה‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ के अधोभाग की टीका";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zápätie";
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? keine Fuzeile : keine Fuzeile */
- TEXT = "keine Fuzeile" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "no footer" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "No footer" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Senza pi di pagina" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Sin pie de pgina" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Pas de pied de page" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "geen voettekst" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "ingen sidfot" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "ingen sidefod" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Sem rodap" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem rodap" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无页脚";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Bez stopki";
- Text[ japanese ] = "フッタなし";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無頁尾";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "geen voettekst";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无页脚";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "바닥글 없음";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dipnot yok";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Sense peu de pgina";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ei alatunnistetta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีส่วนท้าย";
- Text[ czech ] = "Bez zápatí";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "keine Fußzeile";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ के अधोभाग की टीका नहीं";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Bez zápätia";
- TEXT = "Kopfzeile" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "header" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "koptekst" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Header" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Riga d'intestazione" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Encabezamiento" ;
- Text [ french ] = "En-tte" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Sidhuvud" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "sidehoved" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Cabealho" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cabealho" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nagwek";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ヘッダ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁首";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "koptekst";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "머리글";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Balk";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Encapalament";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Yltunniste";
- Text[ thai ] = "ส่วนหัว";
- Text[ czech ] = "Záhlaví";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כותרת עליונה‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ के ऊपर की टीका";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Záhlavie";
- TEXT = "keine Kopfzeile" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "no header" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "No header" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Senza intestazione" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Sin encabezamiento" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Aucun en-tte" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "geen koptekst" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "inget sidhuvud" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "intet sidehoved" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Sem cabealho" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem cabealho" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无页眉";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Bez nagwka";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ヘッダなし";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無頁首";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "geen koptekst";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无页眉";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "머리글 없음";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Balk yok";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Sense encapalament";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ei yltunnistetta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีส่วนหัว";
- Text[ czech ] = "Bez záhlaví";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "keine Kopfzeile";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ के ऊपर की टीका नहीं";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Bez záhlavia";
- TEXT = "idealer Umlauf" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "ideal surround" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Optimal wrap" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento ideale" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste ideal" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Adaptation idale" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "ideale omloop" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Optimal textanpassning" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "optimal ombrydning" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajuste ideal" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajuste ideal" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最佳文字环绕";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Optymalne opywanie";
- Text[ japanese ] = "最適な折り返し";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "最適合文字環繞";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "ideale omloop";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最佳文字环绕";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "최적으로 문장 배치";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Optimum metin dalm";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament ideal";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Optimaalinen rivitys";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัดเหมาะที่สุด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Optimální obtékání";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "idealer Umlauf";
- Text[ hindi ] = "योग्य लपेटना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Optimálne obtekanie";
- TEXT = "kein Umlauf" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "no surround" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "No wrap" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Separato" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Sin ajuste" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Pas d'adaptation" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "geen omloop" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Ingen textanpassning" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "ingen ombrydning" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Sem ajuste" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem ajuste" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不环绕";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Bez opywania";
- Text[ japanese ] = "上下折り返し";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不環繞";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "geen omloop";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不环绕";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "문장 배치 없음";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Metin dalm yok";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Sense ajustament";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ei rivityst";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ตัด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Bez obtékání";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "kein Umlauf";
- Text[ hindi ] = "लपेटना नहीं ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Bez obtekania";
- TEXT = "Durchlauf" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "wrap through" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Through" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Attraverso" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Continuo" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Continu" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "doorloop" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Textgenomflde" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "gennemgende" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Atravs do objecto" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Atravs" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "贯穿";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Przepywanie";
- Text[ japanese ] = "折り返しなし";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不環繞";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "doorloop";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "贯穿";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "배치 없음";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Metin arkasna gnder";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Continu";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kautta";
- Text[ thai ] = "ผ่าน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Přes";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Durchlauf";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पर";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Cez";
- TEXT = "paralleler Umlauf" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "surround parallel" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "omloop parallel" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Parallel wrap" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento parallelo" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste paralelo" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Adaptation parallle" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Parallell textanpassning" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "parallel ombrydning" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajuste paralelo" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajuste paralelo" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "平行环绕";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Opywanie rwnolege";
- Text[ japanese ] = "上下折り返し";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "平行環繞";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "omloop parallel";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "平行环绕";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "평행으로 문장 배치";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Paralel metin dalm";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament paral.lel";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Samansuuntainen rivitys";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัดแบบขนาน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Paralelní obtékání";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "paralleler Umlauf";
- Text[ hindi ] = "समानान्तर प्रकार से लपेटना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Paralelné obtekanie";
- TEXT = "spaltiger Umlauf" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "surround" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "omloop kolom" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Column Wrap" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento a colonne" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste en columnas" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Adaptation en colonnes" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Kolumnanpassning" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "ombryd kolonne" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajustar colunas" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajustar Colunas" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列内文字环绕";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Zawijanie w kolumnie";
- Text[ japanese ] = "列の折り返し";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "列內文字環繞";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "omloop kolom";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列内文字环绕";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "열 문장 배치";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Stun dalm";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament de columnes";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Palstan rivitys";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัดคอลัมน์";
- Text[ czech ] = "Sloupcové obtékání";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "spaltiger Umlauf";
- Text[ hindi ] = "स्तंभ लपेटना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Stĺpcové obtekanie";
- TEXT = "linker Umlauf" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "surround left" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Left wrap" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento a sinistra" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste a la izquierda" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Adaptation gauche" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "omloop linkerkant" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Textanpassning vnster" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "venstre ombrydning" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajuste esquerdo" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajuste pela esquerda" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左环绕";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Opywanie z lewej";
- Text[ japanese ] = "左の折り返し";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "左環繞";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "omloop linkerkant";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左环绕";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "문장 배치 왼쪽";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Sol metin dalm";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament esquerre";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Rivitys vasemmalle";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัดด้านซ้าย";
- Text[ czech ] = "Obtékat vlevo";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "linker Umlauf";
- Text[ hindi ] = "बायाँ लपेटना ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Obtekať vľavo";
- TEXT = "rechter Umlauf" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "surround right" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Right wrap" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento a destra" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste a la derecha" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Adaptation droite" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "omloop rechterkant" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Textanpassning hger" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "hjre ombrydning" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajuste direito" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajuste pela direita" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右环绕";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Opywanie z prawej";
- Text[ japanese ] = "右の折り返し";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "右環繞";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "omloop rechterkant";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右环绕";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "본문의 오른쪽으로 배치";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Sa metin dalm";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament dret";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Rivit oikealle";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัดด้านขวา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Obtékat vpravo";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "rechter Umlauf";
- Text[ hindi ] = "दाहिना लपेटना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Obtekať vpravo";
- TEXT = "Umlauf innen" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "surround inside" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "omloop binnenkant" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Inner wrap" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento interno" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste interno" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Adaptation intrieure" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Anpassning innanfr" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "indre ombrydning" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajuste interior" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajuste interno" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "内部环绕";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Zawijanie wewntrzne";
- Text[ japanese ] = "折り返し 内";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "內部環繞";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "omloop binnenkant";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "内部环绕";
- Text[ greek ] = " - ";
- Text[ korean ] = "문장 배치 안으로";
- Text[ turkish ] = " metin dalm";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament intern";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Sisempi rivitys";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัดด้านใน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Obtékat uvnitř";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Umlauf innen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "भीतरी लपेटना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vnútorné obtekanie";
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Umlauf auen : Umlauf auen */
- TEXT = "Umlauf auen" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "surround outside" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Outer wrap" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento esterno" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste externo" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Adaptation extrieure" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "omloop buitenkant" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Anpassning utanfr" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "ydre ombrydning" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajuste exterior" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajuste externo" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "外环绕";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Opywanie zewntrzne";
- Text[ japanese ] = "折り返し 外";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "外環繞";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "omloop buitenkant";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "外环绕";
- Text[ greek ] = " - ";
- Text[ korean ] = "문장 배치 바깥쪽으로";
- Text[ turkish ] = "D metin dalm";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament exterior";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ulompi rivitys";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัดด้านนอก";
- Text[ czech ] = "Obtékat vně";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Umlauf außen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "बाहरी लपेटना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Obtekať zvonka";
- TEXT = "(nur Anker)" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "(Anchor only)" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "(alleen anker)" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "(Anchor only)" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "(solo ancoraggio)" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "(slo ancla)" ;
- Text [ french ] = "(ancre seule)" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "(endast ankare)" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "(kun anker)" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "(s ncora)" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(Somente ncoras)" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(只是标记)";
- Text[ russian ] = "( )";
- Text[ polish ] = "(Tylko zakotwiczenie)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "(アンカーのみ)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(只是標號)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "( )";
- Text[ dutch ] = "(alleen anker)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(只是标记)";
- Text[ greek ] = "( )";
- Text[ korean ] = "(기준 위치만)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "(yalnzca sabitleyici)";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "(noms ancla)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "(Vain ankkuri)";
- Text[ thai ] = "(สมออย่างเดียว)";
- Text[ czech ] = "(Pouze ukotvení)";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "(nur Anker)";
- Text[ hindi ] = "(केवल ऐन्कर)";
- Text[ slovak ] = "(Iba ukotvenie)";
- TEXT = "Breite:" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "width:" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "breedte:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Width:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Larghezza:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ancho:" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Largeur :" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Bredd:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "bredde:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Largura:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Largura:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "宽度:";
- Text[ russian ] = ":";
- Text[ polish ] = "Szeroko:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "幅:";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "寬度:";
- Text[ arabic ] = ":";
- Text[ dutch ] = "breedte:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "宽度:";
- Text[ greek ] = ":";
- Text[ korean ] = "너비:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Genilik:";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Amplada";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Leveys:";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความกว้าง:";
- Text[ czech ] = "Šířka:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮רוחב‬:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "चौड़ाई:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Šírka:";
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? feste Hhe: : feste Hhe: */
- TEXT = "feste Hhe:" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "fixed height:" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "vaste hoogte:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Fixed height:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "altezza fissa:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Altura fija:" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Hauteur fixe :" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "fast hjd:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "fast hjde:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Altura fixa:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Altura fixa:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "固定高度:";
- Text[ russian ] = " :";
- Text[ polish ] = "Staa wysoko:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "規定の高さ:";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "固定高度:";
- Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ dutch ] = "vaste hoogte:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "固定高度:";
- Text[ greek ] = " :";
- Text[ korean ] = "고정된 높이:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Sabit ykseklik:";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Alada fixa";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kiinte korkeus:";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความสูงคงที่:";
- Text[ czech ] = "Pevná výška:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "feste Höhe:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "स्थिर ऊँचाई:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Pevná výška:";
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? min. Hhe: : min. Hhe: */
- TEXT = "min. Hhe:" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "min. height:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Min. height:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "altezza min:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Altura mnima:" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Hauteur min. :" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "min. hoogte:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "min. hjd:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "min. hjde:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Altura min.:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Altura min.:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最小高度:";
- Text[ russian ] = ". :";
- Text[ polish ] = "Min. wysoko:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "最低の高さ:";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "最小高度:";
- Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ dutch ] = "min. hoogte:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最小高度:";
- Text[ greek ] = ". :";
- Text[ korean ] = "최소 높이:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Asgari ykseklik:";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Alada mnima:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Korkeus vh.";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความสูงน้อยที่สุด:";
- Text[ czech ] = "Min. výška:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "min. Höhe:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "न्यूनतम ऊँचाई:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Min. výška:";
- TEXT = "absatzgebunden" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "at paragraph" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "alineagebonden" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "to paragraph" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "al paragrafo" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "al prrafo" ;
- Text [ french ] = "li au paragraphe" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "bunden till stycke" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "bundet til afsnit" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "ligado ao pargrafo" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "no pargrafo" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和段落连在一起";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "zwizany z akapitem";
- Text[ japanese ] = "段落に結合";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "和段落連在一起";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "alineagebonden";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和段落连在一起";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "단락에 결합";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Paragrafa bal";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "segons pargraf";
- Text[ finnish ] = "kappaleeseen";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไปยังย่อหน้า";
- Text[ czech ] = "na odstavec";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "absatzgebunden";
- Text[ hindi ] = "परिच्छेद में";
- Text[ slovak ] = "na odstavec";
- TEXT = "zeichengebunden" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "at character" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "to character" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "al carattere" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "al carcter" ;
- Text [ french ] = "au caractre" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Tekengebonden" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "bunden till tecken" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "bundet til tegn" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "conforme carcter" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "no caracter" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和文字连在一起";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "zwizany ze znakiem";
- Text[ japanese ] = "文字に結合";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "和文字連在一起";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Tekengebonden";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和文字连在一起";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "문자에 결합";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Karaktere bal";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "segons carcter";
- Text[ finnish ] = "merkkiin";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไปยังตัวอักขระ";
- Text[ czech ] = "na znak";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "zeichengebunden";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अक्षर में";
- Text[ slovak ] = "na znak";
- TEXT = "seitengebunden" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "at page" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "to page" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "alla pagina" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "a la pgina" ;
- Text [ french ] = " la page" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "paginagebonden" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "bunden till sida" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "bundet til side" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "conforme pgina" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "na pgina" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和页连在一起";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "zwizany ze stron";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ページに結合";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "和頁連在一起";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "paginagebonden";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和页连在一起";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "페이지에 결합";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfaya bal";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "a la pgina";
- Text[ finnish ] = "sivulle";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไปยังหน้า";
- Text[ czech ] = "na stránku";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "seitengebunden";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ में";
- Text[ slovak ] = "na stránku";
-String STR_POS_X
- TEXT = "X-Koord.:" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "X-Pos.:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "X Coordinate:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Coord. X:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Coord. X:" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Coord. X :" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "X-cord.:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "X-koord.:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "X-koord.:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Coordenada X:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coordenada X:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "X-坐标:";
- Text[ russian ] = "X-.:";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wsprzdna X:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "X座標:";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "X-座標:";
- Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ dutch ] = "X-cord.:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "X-坐标:";
- Text[ greek ] = " X:";
- Text[ korean ] = "X 좌표:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "X koordinat:";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Coordenada X";
- Text[ finnish ] = "X-koordinaatti:";
- Text[ thai ] = "พิกัด X :";
- Text[ czech ] = "Souřadnice X:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "X-Koord.:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "X समकक्ष:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Súradnica X:";
-String STR_POS_Y
- TEXT = "Y-Koord.:" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "Y-Pos.:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Y Coordinate:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Coord. Y:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Coord. Y:" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Coord. Y :" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Y-cord.:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Y-koord.:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Y-koord.:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Coordenada Y:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coordenada Y:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Y-坐标:";
- Text[ russian ] = "Y-.:";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wsprzdna Y:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Y座標:";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Y-座標:";
- Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Y-cord.:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Y-坐标:";
- Text[ greek ] = " Y:";
- Text[ korean ] = "Y 좌표:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Y koordinat.:";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Coordenada Y";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Y-koordinaatti:";
- Text[ thai ] = "พิกัด Y :";
- Text[ czech ] = "Souřadnice Y:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Y-Koord.:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "Y समकक्ष:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Súradnica Y:";
- TEXT = "oben" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "at top" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "boven" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "at top" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "in alto" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "arriba" ;
- Text [ french ] = "En haut" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "verst" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "foroven" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "em cima" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "em cima" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "上";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "na grze";
- Text[ japanese ] = "上";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "上";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "boven";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "上";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "위";
- Text[ turkish ] = "stte";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "a la part superior";
- Text[ finnish ] = "ylhll";
- Text[ thai ] = "ที่ด้านบน";
- Text[ czech ] = "nahoře";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "oben";
- Text[ hindi ] = "ऊपर में";
- Text[ slovak ] = "hore";
- TEXT = "vertikal zentriert" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "centered vertically" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "verticaal gecentreerd" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Centered vertically" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Centrato in verticale" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Centrado verticalmente" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Centr verticalement" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "vertikalt centrerad" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "lodret centreret" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "centrado na vertical" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Centralizado na vertical" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "垂直居中";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Porodku w pionie";
- Text[ japanese ] = "垂直に中央揃え";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "垂直置中";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "verticaal gecentreerd";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "垂直居中";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "수직으로 가운데";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dikey ortalanm";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Centrat verticalment";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Keskitetty pystytasossa";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตรงกลางตามแนวตั้ง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Svisle na střed";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "vertikal zentriert";
- Text[ hindi ] = "लंबरूप प्रकार से केन्द्रित";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zvisle na stred";
- TEXT = "unten" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "at bottom" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "onder" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "at bottom" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "in basso" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "abajo" ;
- Text [ french ] = "En bas" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "nederst" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "forneden" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "em baixo" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "em baixo" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "下";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "na dole";
- Text[ japanese ] = "下";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "下";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "onder";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "下";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "아래에";
- Text[ turkish ] = "altta";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "a la part inferior";
- Text[ finnish ] = "pohjalla";
- Text[ thai ] = "ที่ด้านล่าง";
- Text[ czech ] = "dole";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "unten";
- Text[ hindi ] = "तल में ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "dole";
- TEXT = "Zeile oben" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "line at top" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "bovenste regel" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Top of line" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Riga in alto" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Lnea arriba" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Ligne en haut" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "versta raden" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "rkke verst" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Linha superior" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Topo da linha" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行上方";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Gra wiersza";
- Text[ japanese ] = "線の上";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "行上方";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "bovenste regel";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行上方";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "줄 위";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Satr st";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Lnia superior";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Viivan ylreuna";
- Text[ thai ] = "บรรทัดบน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vrchol řádku";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeile oben";
- Text[ hindi ] = "रेखा के ऊपर";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vrchol riadku";
- TEXT = "vertikal zur Zeile zentriert" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "line centered vertically" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "verticaal op de regel gecentreerd" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Line centered" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Centrato verticalmente alla riga" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Centrado verticalmente a la lnea" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Centr sur la ligne la verticale" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "centrerad vertikalt till rad" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "lodret til rkke centreret" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Centrado sobre a linha na vertical" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Centralizado sobre a linha" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和行垂直居中";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wyrodkowane wzgldem wiersza";
- Text[ japanese ] = "セルに垂直に中央揃え";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "和行垂直置中";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "verticaal op de regel gecentreerd";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和行垂直居中";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "줄을 가운데로";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Satr ortalanm";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Centrat verticalment a la lnia";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Keskitetty rivi";
- Text[ thai ] = "บรรทัดตรงกลาง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Uprostřed řádku";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "vertikal zur Zeile zentriert";
- Text[ hindi ] = "रेखा केन्द्रित";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Uprostred";
- TEXT = "Zeile unten" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "line at bottom" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "onderste regel" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Bottom of line" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Riga in basso" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Lnea abajo" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Ligne en bas" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Nedersta raden" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "rkke nederst" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Linha inferior" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base da linha" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行下方";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "D wiersza";
- Text[ japanese ] = "線の下";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "行下方";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "onderste regel";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行下方";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "줄 아래";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Satr alt";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Lnia inferior";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Viivan alareuna";
- Text[ thai ] = "บรรทัดล่าง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Pata řádku";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeile unten";
- Text[ hindi ] = "रेखा के नीचे";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Päta riadku";
- TEXT = "Registerhaltigkeit" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "register" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Register-true" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Conformit registro" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Conformidad registro" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Contrle de reprage" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "registreren" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Register" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "hold register" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Registo" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Registro de Conformidade" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "正反页的行距相等";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Jednakowa wysoko wierszy";
- Text[ japanese ] = "印刷見当を合わせる";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "正反頁的行距相等";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "registreren";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "正反页的行距相等";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "인쇄할 때 가늠 맞춤 ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Eit satr ykseklii";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Conforme al registre";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Rivirekisteri";
- Text[ thai ] = "ลงทะเบียน-จริง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Registr";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Registerhaltigkeit";
- Text[ hindi ] = "रिजिस्टर-सच्चा";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Register";
- TEXT = "keine Registerhaltigkeit" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "no register" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "niet registreren" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Not register-true" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Senza conformit registro" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Sin conformidad de registro" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Pas de contrle de reprage" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "inget register" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "hold ikke register" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Sem registo" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem registro de conformidade" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "正反页的行距不相等";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Bez jednakowej wysokoci wierszy przy wydruku na przedniej i odwrotnej stronie";
- Text[ japanese ] = "印刷見当を合わせない";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "正反頁的行距不相等";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "niet registreren";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "正反页的行距不相等";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "가늠 맞춤 없음";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Eit satr ykseklii mevcut deil";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No conforme al registre";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ei rivirekisteri";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ลงทะเบียน-จริง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Bez registru";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "keine Registerhaltigkeit";
- Text[ hindi ] = "रजिस्टर-सही नहीं";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Bez registra";
- TEXT = "rechts" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "at the right" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "rechts" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "at the right" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Destra" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "a la derecha" ;
- Text [ french ] = " droite" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "hger" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "hjre" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = " direita" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "na direita" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Z prawej";
- Text[ japanese ] = "右";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "右";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "rechts";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "오른쪽";
- Text[ turkish ] = "sada";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "a la dreta";
- Text[ finnish ] = "oikealla";
- Text[ thai ] = "ที่ด้านขวา";
- Text[ czech ] = "vpravo";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "rechts";
- Text[ hindi ] = "दाहिनी ओर में";
- Text[ slovak ] = "vpravo";
- TEXT = "horizontal zentriert" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "centered horizontally" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "horizontaal gecentreerd" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Centered horizontally" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Centrato in orizzontale" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Centrado horizontalmente" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Centr horizontalement" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Horisontellt centrerad" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "vandret centreret" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Centrado na horizontal" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Centralizado na horizontal" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "水平居中";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Porodku w poziomie";
- Text[ japanese ] = "横位置に中央揃え";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "水平置中";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "horizontaal gecentreerd";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "水平居中";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "수평으로 가운데에";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Yatay ortalanm";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Centrat horitzontalment";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Keskitetty vaakataso";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตรงกลางตามแนวนอน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vodorovně na střed";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "horizontal zentriert";
- Text[ hindi ] = "समतल प्रकार से केन्द्रित ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vodorovne na stred";
- TEXT = "links" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "at the left" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "at the left" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "sinistra" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "a la izquierda" ;
- Text [ french ] = " gauche" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "links" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "vnster" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "venstre" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = " esquerda" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "na esquerda" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Z lewej";
- Text[ japanese ] = "左";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "左";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "links";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "왼쪽";
- Text[ turkish ] = "solda";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "a l'esquerra";
- Text[ finnish ] = "vasemmalla";
- Text[ thai ] = "ที่ด้านซ้าย";
- Text[ czech ] = "vlevo";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "links";
- Text[ hindi ] = "बायाँ ओर में";
- Text[ slovak ] = "vľavo";
- TEXT = "innen" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "inside" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "binnen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "inside" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "all'interno" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "interior" ;
- Text [ french ] = " l'intrieur" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "innanfr" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "inderside" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "dentro" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dentro" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "内";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wewntrz";
- Text[ japanese ] = "内側";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "內";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "binnen";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "内";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "내부";
- Text[ turkish ] = "i";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "dins";
- Text[ finnish ] = "sisll";
- Text[ thai ] = "ข้างใน";
- Text[ czech ] = "uvnitř";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "innen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "भीतर";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vnútri";
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? auen : auen */
- TEXT = "auen" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "outside" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "outside" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "fuori" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "exterior" ;
- Text [ french ] = " l'extrieur" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "buiten" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "utanfr" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "yderside" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "fora" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "fora" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "外";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Na zewntrz";
- Text[ japanese ] = "外側";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "外";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "buiten";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "外";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "외부";
- Text[ turkish ] = "d";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "fora";
- Text[ finnish ] = "ulkopuolella";
- Text[ thai ] = "ข้างนอก";
- Text[ czech ] = "vně";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "außen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "बाहर";
- Text[ slovak ] = "zvonka";
- TEXT = "volle Breite" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "full width" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "volle breedte" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Full width" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "a tutta larghezza" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ancho total" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Sur toute la largeur" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "full bredd" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "hele bredden" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Largura completa" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Largura total" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "整个宽度";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Caa szeroko";
- Text[ japanese ] = "最大幅";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "整個寬度";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "volle breedte";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "整个宽度";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "최대 너비";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tam genilik";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Amplada completa";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tysi leveys";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความกว้างเต็ม";
- Text[ czech ] = "Plná šířka";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮רוחב מלא‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "सम्पूर्ण चौड़ाई ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Plná šírka";
- TEXT = "Spalten" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "columns" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Kolommen" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Columns" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Colonne" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Columnas" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Colonnes" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Kolumner" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "kolonner" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Colunas" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Colunas" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Kolumny";
- Text[ japanese ] = "段組み";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Kolommen";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "단";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Stun";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Columnes";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Palstat";
- Text[ thai ] = "คอลัมน์";
- Text[ czech ] = "Sloupce";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טורים‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "स्तंभें";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Stĺpce";
- TEXT = "Trennlinienbreite:" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "limiter width:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Separator Width:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Spessore linea di sepazione" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Ancho de la lnea de separacin:" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Largeur du trait de sparation :" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "breedte scheidingslijn:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Skiljelinjens bredd:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Separatorbredde:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Largura da linha de separao:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Largura do Separador" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分隔线粗:";
- Text[ russian ] = " :";
- Text[ polish ] = "Szeroko separatora:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "区切り線の幅:";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "分隔線粗:";
- Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ dutch ] = "breedte scheidingslijn:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分隔线粗:";
- Text[ greek ] = " :";
- Text[ korean ] = "구분선 너비:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Ayra genilii:";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Amplada del separador:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Erottimen leveys:";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัวแยกความกว้าง:";
- Text[ czech ] = "Šířka oddělovače:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Trennlinienbreite:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अलगानेवाला चौड़ाई:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Šírka oddeľovača:";
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? max. Funotenbereich: : max. Funotenbereich: */
- TEXT = "max. Funotenbereich:" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "max. footnotes area:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Max. footnote area:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Area massima pi pagina:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "rea mx. de la nota al pie:" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Section notes de bas de page (max.) :" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "max. voetnotenbereik:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "max. fotnotsomrde:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "maks. fodnoteomrde:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "rea mx. de rodap:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "rea mx. da nota de rodap:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最大的注脚范围:";
- Text[ russian ] = ". :";
- Text[ polish ] = "Maks. obszar przypisw dolnych:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "最大の脚注範囲";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "最大的註腳範圍:";
- Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ dutch ] = "max. voetnotenbereik:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最大的注脚范围:";
- Text[ greek ] = " :";
- Text[ korean ] = "최대 각주 영역:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Azami dipnot alan:";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "rea mx. de la nota al peu:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Suurin alaviiteala:";
- Text[ thai ] = "พื้นที่เชิงอรรถที่มากที่สุด:";
- Text[ czech ] = "Max. velikost zápatí:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "max. Fußnotenbereich:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ के नीचे की टीका का अधिकतम विस्तीर्ण:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Max. veľkosť zápätia:";
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument : editierbar im Schreibeschtztem Dokument */
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument : editierbar im Schreibeschtztem Dokument */
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument : editierbar im Schreibeschtztem Dokument */
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument : editierbar im Schreibeschtztem Dokument */
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument : editierbar im Schreibeschtztem Dokument */
- /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument : editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument */
- TEXT = "editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "edit in readonly Document" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Editvel em documento s de leitura." ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Editable in read-only document" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Editvel em documento somente leitura" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Redigerbar i skrivskyddat dokument" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "redigerbar i skrivebeskyttet dokument" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "modificabile nel documento a sola lettura" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Se puede editar en documentos de slo lectura" ;
- Text [ french ] = " diter dans le document en mode Lecture seule" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "bewerkbaar in alleen-lezen document" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "能够编辑受保护的文档";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Moliwy do edycji w dokumencie tylko do odczytu";
- Text[ japanese ] = "読み取り専用ドキュメント内で編集可能";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "能夠編輯受保護的文件";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "bewerkbaar in alleen-lezen document";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "能够编辑受保护的文档";
- Text[ greek ] = " ' '";
- Text[ korean ] = "읽기 전용 문서에서 편집 가능";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Okuma amal alm belgede dzenlenebilir";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Es pot editar en documents de noms lectura";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Muokattavissa ainoastaan vain luku -asiakirjoissa";
- Text[ thai ] = "สามารถแก้ไขในเอกสารแบบอ่านอย่างเดียว";
- Text[ czech ] = "Editovatelné v dokumentu pouze ke čtení";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "editierbar im schreibgeschütztem Dokument";
- Text[ hindi ] = "केवल पढ़ने योग्य लेखपत्र में संपादन";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Upravované v dokumente iba na čítanie";
- TEXT = "Trennen" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "splitable" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Separar" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Split" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Separar" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Dela" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "opdel" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Separa" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Dividir" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Scinder" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "splitsen" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分隔";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Podziel";
- Text[ japanese ] = "分割";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "分開";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "splitsen";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分隔";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "나누기";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Bl";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Divideix";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Jaa";
- Text[ thai ] = "แยก";
- Text[ czech ] = "Rozdělit";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Trennen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "अलगाना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Rozdeliť";
- Text = "Nummerierung" ;
- Text [ English ] = "Numbering" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Numerao" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Numbering" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Numerao" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Numrering" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "nummerering" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Numerazione" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Numeracin" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Numrotation" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Nummering" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "编号";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Numeracja";
- Text[ japanese ] = "番号付け";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "編號";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Nummering";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "编号";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "번호 매기기";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Numaralama";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Numeraci";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Numerointi";
- Text[ thai ] = "ลำดับตัวเลข";
- Text[ czech ] = "Číslování";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מיספור‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "संख्या देना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Číslovanie";
- Text = "keine Nummerierung" ;
- Text [ English ] = "no numbering" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "sem numerao" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "no numbering" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "sem numerao" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "ingen numrering" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "ingen nummerering" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Nessuna numerazione" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Sin numeracin" ;
- Text [ french ] = "pas de numrotation" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "geen nummering" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无编号";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Bez numeracji";
- Text[ japanese ] = "番号付けなし";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不編號";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "geen nummering";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无编号";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "번호 매기기 없음";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Numaralama yok";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Sense numeraci";
- Text[ finnish ] = "ei numerointia";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ลำดับตัวเลข";
- Text[ czech ] = "bez číslování";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "keine Nummerierung";
- Text[ hindi ] = "संख्या देना नहीं";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Bez číslovania";
- TEXT = "Verbunden mit " ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "connected to " ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "ligado com " ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "linked to " ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "vinculado a" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Frbunden med " ;
- Text [ danish ] = "forbundet med " ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Collegato con " ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Vinculado a " ;
- Text [ french ] = "Li " ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Verbonden met" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "连接到 ";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Poczony z ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "結合先 ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "連結到 ";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Verbonden met";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "连接到 ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "연결 대상";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Balanm ";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Enllaat a ";
- Text[ finnish ] = "linkitetty kohteeseen ";
- Text[ thai ] = "เชื่อมโยงไปยัง ";
- Text[ czech ] = "propojeno s ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Verbunden mit";
- Text[ hindi ] = "केलिए लिंक किया हुआ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "prepojené s ";
- TEXT = " und " ;
- TEXT [ English ] = " and " ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "e " ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "and " ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "e " ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "och " ;
- Text [ danish ] = "og " ;
- Text [ italian ] = "e " ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "y " ;
- Text [ french ] = "et " ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "en" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和 ";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "i ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "および ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "和 ";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "en";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和 ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "와(과)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "ve ";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "i";
- Text[ finnish ] = "ja ";
- Text[ thai ] = "และ ";
- Text[ czech ] = "a ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = " und";
- Text[ hindi ] = "और ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "a ";
- TEXT = "Zeilen zhlen" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "count lines" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Contar linhas" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Count lines" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Contar linhas" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "rkna rader" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "tl linjer" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Conta le righe" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Contar lneas" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Compter les lignes" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "regels tellen" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行计数";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Policz wiersze";
- Text[ japanese ] = "行を数える";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "行計數";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "regels tellen";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行计数";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "줄 세기";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Satrlar say";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Compte lnies";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Laske rivit";
- Text[ thai ] = "นับบรรทัด";
- Text[ czech ] = "Počítat řádky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeilen zählen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "रेखाओं को गिनना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Počítať riadky";
- TEXT = "Zeilen nicht zhlen" ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "dont count lines" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "no contar linhas" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "don't count lines" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "no contar linhas" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "rkna inte rader" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "tl linjer ikke" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Non contare le righe" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "No contar las lneas" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Ne pas compter les lignes" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Regels niet tellen" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不计数行";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nie licz wierszy";
- Text[ japanese ] = "行を数えない";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不計數行";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Regels niet tellen";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不计数行";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "줄 세지 않음";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Satrlar sayma";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No comptis les lnies";
- Text[ finnish ] = "ei rivien laskemista";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่นับบรรทัด";
- Text[ czech ] = "nepočítat řádky";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeilen nicht zählen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "रेखाओं को मत गिनना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "nepočítať riadky";
- TEXT = "Zeilenzhler starten mit: " ;
- TEXT [ English ] = "restart linecount with: " ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Iniciar contagem de linhas com: " ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "restart line count with: " ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "reiniciar contagem de linhas com:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Starta radrkning med: " ;
- Text [ danish ] = "begynd linjeoptlling med " ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Iniziare a contare le righe con: " ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Iniciar recuento de lneas con: " ;
- Text [ french ] = "Commencer le compte des lignes : " ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "regels tellen starten bij:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "计数行从: ";
- Text[ russian ] = " : ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Rozpocznij liczenie wierszy od: ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "行数えの開始: ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "計數行從: ";
- Text[ arabic ] = " : ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "regels tellen starten bij:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "计数行从: ";
- Text[ greek ] = " : ";
- Text[ korean ] = "줄 세기 시작: ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Satr sayma balangc: ";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Inicia el recompte de lnies amb: ";
- Text[ finnish ] = "aloita rivilaskenta uudelleen mrityksell: ";
- Text[ thai ] = "เริ่มนับบรรทัดใหม่ด้วย: ";
- Text[ czech ] = "restartovat počítání řádků od: ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeilenzähler starten mit:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "के सहित रेखा गिनती का पुनः प्रारंभ: ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "reštartovať počítanie riadkov od: ";
- Text = "Helligkeit: ";
- Text[ english ] = "Luminance: ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Brightness: ";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Brilho: ";
- Text[ russian ] = ": ";
- Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Helderheid:";
- Text[ french ] = "Luminosit : ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Brillo: ";
- Text[ italian ] = "Luminosit: ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Lysstyrke: ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Ljusstyrka: ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Jasno: ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Brilho: ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "明度: ";
- Text[ korean ] = "밝기: ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "亮度: ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "亮度: ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Parlaklk: ";
- Text[ arabic ] = ":";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Lluminositat:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kirkkaus: ";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความสว่าง: ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Jas: ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Helligkeit:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "चमक: ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Jas: ";
- Text = "Rotanteil: ";
- Text[ english ] = "Red portion: ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Red: ";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Proporo de vermelho: ";
- Text[ russian ] = " : ";
- Text[ greek ] = " : ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Rood:";
- Text[ french ] = "Proportion de rouge : ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Proporcin de rojo: ";
- Text[ italian ] = "Percentuale di rosso: ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Rd-andel: ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Andel rtt: ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Czerwony: ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vermelho: ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "赤色の割合: ";
- Text[ korean ] = "적색: ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "红色比例: ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "紅色比例: ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Krmz: ";
- Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Vermell:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Punainen: ";
- Text[ thai ] = "แดง: ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Červená: ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Rotanteil:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "लाल: ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Červená: ";
- Text = "Grnanteil: ";
- Text[ english ] = "Green portion: ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Green: ";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Proporo de verde: ";
- Text[ russian ] = " : ";
- Text[ greek ] = " : ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Groen:";
- Text[ french ] = "Proportion de vert : ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Proporcin verde: ";
- Text[ italian ] = "Percentuale di verde: ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Grn-andel: ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Andel grnt: ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Zielony:";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Verde: ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "緑色の割合: ";
- Text[ korean ] = "녹색: ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "绿色比例: ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "綠色比例: ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Yeil: ";
- Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Verd:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Vihre: ";
- Text[ thai ] = "เขียว: ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Zelená: ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Grünanteil:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "हरा: ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zelená: ";
- Text = "Blauanteil: ";
- Text[ english ] = "Blue portion: ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Blue: ";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Proporo de azul: ";
- Text[ russian ] = " : ";
- Text[ greek ] = " : ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Blauw:";
- Text[ french ] = "Proportion de bleu : ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Proporcin de azul: ";
- Text[ italian ] = "Percentuale di blu: ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Bl-andel: ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Andel bltt: ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Niebieski:";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Azul: ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "青色の割合: ";
- Text[ korean ] = "청색: ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "蓝色比例: ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "藍色比例: ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Mavi: ";
- Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Blau:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Sininen: ";
- Text[ thai ] = "น้ำเงิน: ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Modrá: ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Blauanteil:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "नीला: ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Modrá: ";
- Text = "Kontrast: ";
- Text[ english ] = "Contrast: ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Contrast: ";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Contraste: ";
- Text[ russian ] = ": ";
- Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Contrast:";
- Text[ french ] = "Contraste : ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Contraste: ";
- Text[ italian ] = "Contrasto: ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Kontrast: ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Kontrast: ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Kontrast:";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Contraste: ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "コントラスト: ";
- Text[ korean ] = "대비: ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "对比度: ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "對比度: ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Kontrast: ";
- Text[ arabic ] = ":";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Contrast:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kontrasti: ";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความคมชัด: ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Kontrast: ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Kontrast:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "भेद बतलाना: ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Kontrast: ";
- Text = "Gamma: ";
- Text[ english ] = "Gamma: ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Gamma: ";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Gamma: ";
- Text[ russian ] = ": ";
- Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Gamma:";
- Text[ french ] = "Gamma : ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Gamma: ";
- Text[ italian ] = "Gamma: ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Gamma: ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Gamma: ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Gamma:";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Gama: ";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ガンマ: ";
- Text[ korean ] = "감마: ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "灰色系数: ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "灰色系數: ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Gamma: ";
- Text[ arabic ] = ":";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Gamma:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Gamma: ";
- Text[ thai ] = "แกมม่า: ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Gamma: ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Gamma: ";
- Text[ hindi ] = "गामा: ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Gamma: ";
- Text = "Transparenz: ";
- Text[ english ] = "Transparency: ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Transparency: ";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Transparncia: ";
- Text[ russian ] = ": ";
- Text[ greek ] = ": ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Transparantie:";
- Text[ french ] = "Transparence: ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Transparencia: ";
- Text[ italian ] = "Trasparenza: ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Transparens: ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Transparens: ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Przezroczysto: ";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Transparncia:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "透過性: ";
- Text[ korean ] = "투명도: ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "透明 ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "透明 ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Saydamlk: ";
- Text[ arabic ] = ":";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Transparncia: ";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Lpinkyvyys: ";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความโปร่งแสง: ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Průhlednost: ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Transparenz:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पारदर्शकता: ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Priehľadnosť: ";
- Text = "Invertieren";
- Text[ english ] = "Invert";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Invert";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Inverter";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Diapositief";
- Text[ french ] = "Invertir";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Invertir";
- Text[ italian ] = "Inverti";
- Text[ danish ] = "Inverter";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Invertera";
- Text[ polish ] = "Odwr";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Inverter";
- Text[ japanese ] = "逆転";
- Text[ korean ] = "반전";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "互补色转换";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "互補色轉換";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tersine evir";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Inverteix";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Knn";
- Text[ thai ] = "สลับ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Převrátit";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮היפוך‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "उलटा करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Prevrátiť";
- Text = "nicht invertieren";
- Text[ english ] = "not invert";
- Text[ english_us ] = "do not invert";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "no inverter";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "geen inversie";
- Text[ french ] = "ne pas invertir";
- Text[ spanish ] = "no invertir";
- Text[ italian ] = "Non invertire";
- Text[ danish ] = "ikke invertere";
- Text[ swedish ] = "invertera inte";
- Text[ polish ] = "nie odwracaj";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "no inverter";
- Text[ japanese ] = "逆転なし";
- Text[ korean ] = "반전하지 않음";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不转换互补色";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不轉換互補色";
- Text[ turkish ] = "tersine evirme";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "no inverteixis";
- Text[ finnish ] = "l knn";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สลับ";
- Text[ czech ] = "neobracet";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "nicht invertieren";
- Text[ hindi ] = "मत उलटना";
- Text[ slovak ] = "neotáčať";
- Text = "Grafikmodus: ";
- Text[ english ] = "Graphics mode: ";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Graphics mode: ";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Modo Grfico: ";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " : ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Afbeeldingenmodus:";
- Text[ french ] = "Mode Graphique : ";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Modo grfico: ";
- Text[ italian ] = "Modo immagine: ";
- Text[ danish ] = "Grafikmodus: ";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Grafiklge: ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Tryb graficzny:";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Modo figuras:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "図モード: ";
- Text[ korean ] = "그림 모드: ";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "图形模式: ";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "圖形模式: ";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Grafik modu: ";
- Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Mode grfic: ";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Grafiikkatila: ";
- Text[ thai ] = "โหมดกราฟิค: ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Grafický režim: ";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Grafikmodus:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "सुचित्र प्रकार: ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Grafický režim: ";
- Text = "Standard";
- Text[ english ] = "Standard";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Standard";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Padro";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Standaard";
- Text[ french ] = "Standard";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Predeterminado";
- Text[ italian ] = "Standard";
- Text[ danish ] = "Standard";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Standard";
- Text[ polish ] = "Standardowy";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Padro";
- Text[ japanese ] = "標準";
- Text[ korean ] = "표준";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标准";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標準";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Standart";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Estndard";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Vakio";
- Text[ thai ] = "มาตรฐาน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Standardní";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Standard";
- Text[ hindi ] = "स्टान्डर्ड";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Štandardný";
- Text = "Graustufen";
- Text[ english ] = "Greys";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Grayscales";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Escala de cinzentos";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Grijswaarden";
- Text[ french ] = "Niveaux de gris";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Escala de grises";
- Text[ italian ] = "Toni di grigio";
- Text[ danish ] = "Grtoner";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Grskalor";
- Text[ polish ] = "Odcienie szaroci";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tons de cinza";
- Text[ japanese ] = "グレースケール";
- Text[ korean ] = "회색조";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "灰度";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "灰階";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Gri lei";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Escales de grisos";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Harmaasvyt";
- Text[ thai ] = "สเกลสีเทา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Stupně šedi";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Graustufen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "ग्रेस्केल";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Stupne šedej";
- Text = "Schwarz/Wei";
- Text[ english ] = "Black/White";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Black & White";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Preto/Branco";
- Text[ russian ] = "-";
- Text[ greek ] = "/";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Zwart-wit";
- Text[ french ] = "Noir/Blanc";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Blanco y Negro";
- Text[ italian ] = "Bianco/nero";
- Text[ danish ] = "Sort-hvid";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Svartvitt";
- Text[ polish ] = "Czarno-biay";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Preto & Branco";
- Text[ japanese ] = "白黒";
- Text[ korean ] = "흑백";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "黑白";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "黑白";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Siyah ve Beyaz";
- Text[ arabic ] = "/";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Blanc i negre";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Mustavalkoinen";
- Text[ thai ] = "ดำและขาว";
- Text[ czech ] = "Černobílé";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Schwarz/Weiß";
- Text[ hindi ] = "काला और सफेद ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Čiernobiele";
- Text = "Wasserzeichen";
- Text[ english ] = "Watermark";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Watermark";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Marca de gua";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Watermerk";
- Text[ french ] = "Filigrane";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Filigrana";
- Text[ italian ] = "Filigrana";
- Text[ danish ] = "Vandmrke";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Vattenmrke";
- Text[ polish ] = "Znak wodny";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Marca d'gua";
- Text[ japanese ] = "透かし";
- Text[ korean ] = "워터마크";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "水印";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "水印";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Filigran";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Marca d'aigua";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Vesileima";
- Text[ thai ] = "ลายน้ำ";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vodoznak";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Wasserzeichen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "जलसंकेत";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vodoznak";
- Text = "Drehung";
- Text[ english ] = "Rotation";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Rotation";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Rotao";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Rotatie";
- Text[ french ] = "Rotation";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Rotacin";
- Text[ italian ] = "Rotazione";
- Text[ danish ] = "Rotation";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Rotation";
- Text[ polish ] = "Obrt";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rotao";
- Text[ japanese ] = "回転";
- Text[ korean ] = "회전";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "旋转";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "旋轉";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Dn";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Gir";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kierto";
- Text[ thai ] = "หมุน";
- Text[ czech ] = "Rotace";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סיבוב‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "घुमाव";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Rotácia";
- Text = "Kein Raster";
- Text[ english ] = "No grid";
- Text[ english_us ] = "No grid";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "No grid";
- Text[ russian ] = "No grid";
- Text[ greek ] = "No grid";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Geen raster";
- Text[ french ] = "Aucune grille";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Sin cuadrcula";
- Text[ finnish ] = "No grid";
- Text[ italian ] = "Nessuna griglia";
- Text[ danish ] = "Intet gitter";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Inget raster";
- Text[ polish ] = "No grid";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No grid";
- Text[ japanese ] = "なし";
- Text[ korean ] = "그리드 없음";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不使用格子线";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不使用格子線";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Izgara yok";
- Text[ arabic ] = "No grid";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No grid";
- Text[ thai ] = "No grid";
- Text[ czech ] = "Žádná mřížka";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Kein Raster";
- Text[ hindi ] = "No grid";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Bez mriežky";
- Text = "Raster (nur Linien)";
- Text[ english ] = "Line grid";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Grid (lines only)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Line grid";
- Text[ russian ] = "Line grid";
- Text[ greek ] = "Line grid";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Line grid";
- Text[ french ] = "Grille (uniquement les lignes)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Cuadrcula (slo lneas)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Line grid";
- Text[ italian ] = "Griglia (solo linee)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Line grid";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Raster (bara linjer)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Line grid";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Grid (lines only)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "罫線";
- Text[ korean ] = "그리드 (줄 만)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "格子线(仅线条)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "格子線(僅線條)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Izgara (sadece izgiler)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Line grid";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Grid (lines only)";
- Text[ thai ] = "Grid (lines only)";
- Text[ czech ] = "Mřížka (pouze čáry)";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Raster (nur Linien)";
- Text[ hindi ] = "Grid (lines only)";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Mriežka (len riadky)";
- Text = "Raster (Linien und Zeichen)";
- Text[ english ] = "Line and character grid";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Grid (lines and characters)";
- Text[ portuguese ] = "Line and character grid";
- Text[ russian ] = "Line and character grid";
- Text[ greek ] = "Line and character grid";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Line and character grid";
- Text[ french ] = "Grille (lignes et caractres)";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Cuadrcula (lneas y caracteres)";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Line and character grid";
- Text[ italian ] = "Griglia (linee e caratteri)";
- Text[ danish ] = "Line and character grid";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Raster (linjer och tecken)";
- Text[ polish ] = "Line and character grid";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Grid (lines and characters)";
- Text[ japanese ] = "原稿用紙";
- Text[ korean ] = "그리드 (줄과 문자)";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "格子线(线条和字符)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "格子線(線條和字元)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Izgara (izgiler ve karakterler)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Line and character grid";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Grid (lines and characters)";
- Text[ thai ] = "Grid (lines and characters)";
- Text[ czech ] = "Mřížka (čáry a znaky)";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Raster (Linien und Zeichen)";
- Text[ hindi ] = "Grid (lines and characters)";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Mriežka (riadky a znaky)";
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: attrdesc.src,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.33 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-07-03 16:16:15 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "globals.hrc"
+#include "attrdesc.hrc"
+ Strings fuer textuelle Attribute
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Initialen ber : Initialen ber */
+ TEXT = "Initialen ber" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "dropcaps about" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Drop Caps over" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Capolettera su" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Lneas para iniciales" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Lettrines sur" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Initialen over" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Anfanger ver" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "initialer p" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Capitulares sobre" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Capitular sobre" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字首大写,高度等于";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Inicjay nad";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ドロップキャップ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "字首大寫,高度等於";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Initialen over";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字首大写,高度等于";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "단락 첫 문자 장식";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Baharfi/leri byt";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Caplletres sobre";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Anfangikoko";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ตัวอักษรขึ้นต้นที่มีขนาดใหญ่บน";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Iniciála nad";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Initialen über";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "ऊपर बड़े अक्षरों को हटाओ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Stránkovanie veľkými písmenami nad";
+ TEXT = "Zeilen" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "lines" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "rows" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Righe" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Filas" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "lignes" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Regels" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Rader" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "rkker" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Linhas" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "linhas" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wiersze";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "行";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "行";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Regels";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "줄";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Satr";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "files";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "rivit";
+ Text[ thai ] = "แถว";
+ Text[ czech ] = "řádky";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeilen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पंक्तियाँ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "riadky";
+ TEXT = "keine Initialen" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "no dropcaps" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "geen initialen" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "No Drop Caps" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "senza capolettera" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Sin iniciales" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Pas de lettrine" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "inga anfanger" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "ingen initialer" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Sem capitulares" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem Capitulao" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字首不大写";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Bez inicjaw";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ドロップキャップなし";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "字首不大寫";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "geen initialen";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字首不大写";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "단락 첫 문자 장식 없음";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Baharf yok";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Sense caplletra";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ei anfangeja";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ตัวอักษรขึ้นต้นที่ไม่มีขนาดใหญ่";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Bez iniciál";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "keine Initialen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "बड़े अक्षर हटाने का विकल्प नहीं है";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Bez iniciálok";
+ TEXT = "kein Seitenumbruch" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "no page break" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "geen pagina-einde" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "No page break" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Senza interruzione di pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "sin salto de pgina" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Aucun saut de page" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "ingen sidbrytning" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "ingen sideskift" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Sem quebra de pgina" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem quebra de pgina" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不换页";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Bez podziau strony";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "改ページなし";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不換頁";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "geen pagina-einde";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不换页";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "페이지 나누기 없음";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa kesimi yok";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "sense salt de pgina";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ei sivunvaihtoa";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ไม่แบ่งหน้า";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Bez zalomení stránky";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "kein Seitenumbruch";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "कोई पृष्ठ खण्डन नहीं";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Bez zalomenia stránky";
+ TEXT = "nicht Spiegeln" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "no mirror" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "niet spiegelen" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Don't mirror" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Non rispecchiare" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "No reflejar" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Ne pas reflter" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "inte spegelvnd" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "spejlvend ikke" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "No reflectir" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No refletir" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不翻转";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nie odbijaj";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "反転しない";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不翻轉";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "niet spiegelen";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不翻转";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "대칭 안함";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Yanstma";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "No reflexis";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "l peilaa";
+ Text[ thai ] = "อย่าส่องกระจก";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Nezrcadlit";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "nicht Spiegeln";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "दर्पण मत करो";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Nezrkadliť";
+ TEXT = "vertikal Spiegeln" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "mirror vertically" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "verticaal spiegelen" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Flip vertically" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Rispecchia in verticale" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Reflejar verticalmente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Reflter verticalement" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "spegelvnd vertikalt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "spejlvend lodret" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Reflectir na vertical" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Refletir na vertical" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "垂直翻转";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Odbij w pionie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "左右反転";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "垂直翻轉";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "verticaal spiegelen";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "垂直翻转";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "상하 반전";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dikey yanst";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Inverteix verticalment";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Knn pystysuunta";
+ Text[ thai ] = "พลิกตามแนวตั้ง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Převrátit svisle";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "vertikal Spiegeln";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "लंबरूप प्रकार से फ्लिप करो";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Prevrátiť zvislo";
+ TEXT = "horizontal Spiegeln" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "mirror horizontally" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "horizontaal spiegelen" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Flip horizontal" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Rispecchia in orizzontale" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Reflejar horizontalmente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Reflter horizontalement" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Spegelvnd horisontellt" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "spejlvend vandret" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Reflectir na horizontal" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Refletir na horizontal" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "水平翻转";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Odbij w poziomie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "上下反転";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "水平翻轉";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "horizontaal spiegelen";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "水平翻转";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "좌우 반전";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Yatay yanst";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Inverteix horitzontalment";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Knn vaakasuunnassa";
+ Text[ thai ] = "พลิกตามแนวนอน";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Převrátit vodorovně";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "horizontal Spiegeln";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "समतल में फ्लिप करो";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Prevrátiť vodorovne";
+ TEXT = "vert. und horizontal Spiegeln" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "mirror vert. and horizontally" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Horizontal and Vertical Flip" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Rispecchiare in orizzontale e verticale" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Reflejar vertical y horizontalmente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Reflter verticalement et horizontalement" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Horizontaal en verticaal spiegelen" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "spegelvnd vert. o. hori." ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "spejlvend lodret og vandret" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Refletir na Vertical e na Horizontal" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Reflectir na vertical e na horizontal" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "垂直和水平翻转";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Odbij w pionie i w poziomie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "上下と左右に反転";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "垂直和水平翻轉";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Horizontaal en verticaal spiegelen";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "垂直和水平翻转";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "상하 반전 및 좌우 반전";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dikey ve yatay yanst";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Inverteix horitzontalment i verticalment";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Vaaka- ja pystysuuntainen knns";
+ Text[ thai ] = "พลิกตามแนวนอนและแนวตั้ง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Převrátit vodorovně a svisle";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "vert. und horizontal Spiegeln";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "समतल और लंबरूप प्रकार से फ्लिप करो";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Prevrátiť vodorovne a zvislo";
+ TEXT = " + auf geraden Seiten horizontal Spiegeln" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = " + mirror horizontal on even page numbers" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = " + reflectir horizontalmente nas pginas pares" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "+ mirror horizontal on even pages" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "+ espelhar horizontalmente nas pginas pares" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "+ spegelvnd horisontellt p jmna sidor" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "+ spejlvend p lige sider" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "+ rispecchia in orizzontale sulle pagine pari" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "+ reflejar horizontalmente en las pginas pares" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "+ reflter horizontalement sur les pages paires" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "+ op even pagina's horizontaal spiegelen" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "+ 水平翻转到偶数页面";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "+ odbij w poziomie na stronach parzystych ";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "+ 偶数ページに上下反転";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "+ 水平翻轉到偶數頁面";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "+ ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "+ op even pagina's horizontaal spiegelen";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "+ 水平翻转到偶数页面";
+ Text[ greek ] = "+ ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "+ 짝수 페이지에서 좌우 반전";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "+ ift numaral sayfalarda yatay yanst";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "+ reflexa horitzontalment a les pgines parells";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "+ peilaa vaakasuunnassa parillisilla sivuilla";
+ Text[ thai ] = "+ ส่องตามแนวนอนบนหน้าที่เหมือนกัน";
+ Text[ czech ] = "+ zrcadlit vodorovně na sudých stranách";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = " + auf geraden Seiten horizontal Spiegeln";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "+ सम संख्या पृष्ठों में समतल दर्पण";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "+ zrkadliť vodorovne na párnych stranách";
+ TEXT = "Zeichenvorlage" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "Character Style" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Character Style" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Modello di carattere" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Estilo de caracteres" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Style de caractres" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Tekenopmaakprofiel" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Teckenformatmall" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "tegntypografi" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Estilos de caracteres" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Estilo de Caracter" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字符样式";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Styl znaku";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "文字スタイル";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "字元樣式";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Tekenopmaakprofiel";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字符样式";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "문자 스타일";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Karakter biimi";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Estil de carcters";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Merkkityyli";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ลักษณะตัวอักขระ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Styl znaku";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeichenvorlage";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "अक्षर शैली";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Štýl znaku";
+ TEXT = "keine Zeichenvorlage" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "no Character Style" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "No Character Style" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Senza modello di carattere" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "El estilo de carcter no existe" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Pas de style de caractres" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "geen opmaakprofiel" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "ingen teckenformatmall" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "ingen tegntypografi" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Estilo de caracteres inexistente" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem Estilo de Caracter" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无字符样式";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Brak stylu znakw";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "文字スタイルなし";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無字元樣式";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "geen opmaakprofiel";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无字符样式";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "문자 스타일 없음";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Karakter biimi yok";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "L'estil de carcter no existeix";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ei merkkityyli";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีลักษณะตัวอักขระ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Není styl znaku";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "keine Zeichenvorlage";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "अक्षर शैली नहीं";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Nie je štýl znaku";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Fuzeile : Fuzeile */
+ TEXT = "Fuzeile" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "footer" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "voettekst" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Footer" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Pi di pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Pie de pgina" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Pied de page" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Sidfot" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "sidefod" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Rodap" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rodap" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页脚";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Stopka";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "フッタ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁尾";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "voettekst";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页脚";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "바닥글";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dipnot";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Peu de pgina";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Alatunniste";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ส่วนท้าย";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Zápatí";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כותרת תחתונה‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ के अधोभाग की टीका";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Zápätie";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? keine Fuzeile : keine Fuzeile */
+ TEXT = "keine Fuzeile" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "no footer" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "No footer" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Senza pi di pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Sin pie de pgina" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Pas de pied de page" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "geen voettekst" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "ingen sidfot" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "ingen sidefod" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Sem rodap" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem rodap" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无页脚";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Bez stopki";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "フッタなし";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無頁尾";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "geen voettekst";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无页脚";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "바닥글 없음";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dipnot yok";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Sense peu de pgina";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ei alatunnistetta";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีส่วนท้าย";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Bez zápatí";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "keine Fußzeile";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ के अधोभाग की टीका नहीं";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Bez zápätia";
+ TEXT = "Kopfzeile" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "header" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "koptekst" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Header" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Riga d'intestazione" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Encabezamiento" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "En-tte" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Sidhuvud" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "sidehoved" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Cabealho" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cabealho" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nagwek";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ヘッダ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁首";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "koptekst";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "머리글";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Balk";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Encapalament";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Yltunniste";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ส่วนหัว";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Záhlaví";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כותרת עליונה‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ के ऊपर की टीका";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Záhlavie";
+ TEXT = "keine Kopfzeile" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "no header" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "No header" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Senza intestazione" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Sin encabezamiento" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Aucun en-tte" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "geen koptekst" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "inget sidhuvud" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "intet sidehoved" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Sem cabealho" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem cabealho" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无页眉";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Bez nagwka";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ヘッダなし";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無頁首";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "geen koptekst";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无页眉";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "머리글 없음";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Balk yok";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Sense encapalament";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ei yltunnistetta";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีส่วนหัว";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Bez záhlaví";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "keine Kopfzeile";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ के ऊपर की टीका नहीं";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Bez záhlavia";
+ TEXT = "idealer Umlauf" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "ideal surround" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Optimal wrap" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento ideale" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste ideal" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Adaptation idale" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "ideale omloop" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Optimal textanpassning" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "optimal ombrydning" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajuste ideal" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajuste ideal" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最佳文字环绕";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Optymalne opywanie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "最適な折り返し";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "最適合文字環繞";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "ideale omloop";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最佳文字环绕";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "최적으로 문장 배치";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Optimum metin dalm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament ideal";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Optimaalinen rivitys";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ตัดเหมาะที่สุด";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Optimální obtékání";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "idealer Umlauf";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "योग्य लपेटना";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Optimálne obtekanie";
+ TEXT = "kein Umlauf" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "no surround" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "No wrap" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Separato" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Sin ajuste" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Pas d'adaptation" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "geen omloop" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Ingen textanpassning" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "ingen ombrydning" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Sem ajuste" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem ajuste" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不环绕";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Bez opywania";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "上下折り返し";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不環繞";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "geen omloop";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不环绕";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "문장 배치 없음";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Metin dalm yok";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Sense ajustament";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ei rivityst";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ตัด";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Bez obtékání";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "kein Umlauf";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "लपेटना नहीं ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Bez obtekania";
+ TEXT = "Durchlauf" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "wrap through" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Through" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Attraverso" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Continuo" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Continu" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "doorloop" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Textgenomflde" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "gennemgende" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Atravs do objecto" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Atravs" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "贯穿";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Przepywanie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "折り返しなし";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不環繞";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "doorloop";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "贯穿";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "배치 없음";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Metin arkasna gnder";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Continu";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Kautta";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ผ่าน";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Přes";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Durchlauf";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पर";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Cez";
+ TEXT = "paralleler Umlauf" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "surround parallel" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "omloop parallel" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Parallel wrap" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento parallelo" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste paralelo" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Adaptation parallle" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Parallell textanpassning" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "parallel ombrydning" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajuste paralelo" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajuste paralelo" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "平行环绕";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Opywanie rwnolege";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "上下折り返し";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "平行環繞";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "omloop parallel";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "平行环绕";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "평행으로 문장 배치";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Paralel metin dalm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament paral.lel";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Samansuuntainen rivitys";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ตัดแบบขนาน";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Paralelní obtékání";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "paralleler Umlauf";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "समानान्तर प्रकार से लपेटना";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Paralelné obtekanie";
+ TEXT = "spaltiger Umlauf" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "surround" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "omloop kolom" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Column Wrap" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento a colonne" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste en columnas" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Adaptation en colonnes" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Kolumnanpassning" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "ombryd kolonne" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajustar colunas" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajustar Colunas" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列内文字环绕";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Zawijanie w kolumnie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "列の折り返し";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "列內文字環繞";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "omloop kolom";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列内文字环绕";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "열 문장 배치";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Stun dalm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament de columnes";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Palstan rivitys";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ตัดคอลัมน์";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Sloupcové obtékání";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "spaltiger Umlauf";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "स्तंभ लपेटना";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Stĺpcové obtekanie";
+ TEXT = "linker Umlauf" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "surround left" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Left wrap" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento a sinistra" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste a la izquierda" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Adaptation gauche" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "omloop linkerkant" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Textanpassning vnster" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "venstre ombrydning" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajuste esquerdo" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajuste pela esquerda" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左环绕";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Opywanie z lewej";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "左の折り返し";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "左環繞";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "omloop linkerkant";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左环绕";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "문장 배치 왼쪽";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sol metin dalm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament esquerre";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Rivitys vasemmalle";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ตัดด้านซ้าย";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Obtékat vlevo";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "linker Umlauf";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "बायाँ लपेटना ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Obtekať vľavo";
+ TEXT = "rechter Umlauf" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "surround right" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Right wrap" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento a destra" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste a la derecha" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Adaptation droite" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "omloop rechterkant" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Textanpassning hger" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "hjre ombrydning" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajuste direito" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajuste pela direita" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右环绕";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Opywanie z prawej";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "右の折り返し";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "右環繞";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "omloop rechterkant";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右环绕";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "본문의 오른쪽으로 배치";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sa metin dalm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament dret";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Rivit oikealle";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ตัดด้านขวา";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Obtékat vpravo";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "rechter Umlauf";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "दाहिना लपेटना";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Obtekať vpravo";
+ TEXT = "Umlauf innen" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "surround inside" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "omloop binnenkant" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Inner wrap" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento interno" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste interno" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Adaptation intrieure" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Anpassning innanfr" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "indre ombrydning" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajuste interior" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajuste interno" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "内部环绕";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Zawijanie wewntrzne";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "折り返し 内";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "內部環繞";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "omloop binnenkant";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "内部环绕";
+ Text[ greek ] = " - ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "문장 배치 안으로";
+ Text[ turkish ] = " metin dalm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament intern";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Sisempi rivitys";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ตัดด้านใน";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Obtékat uvnitř";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Umlauf innen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "भीतरी लपेटना";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Vnútorné obtekanie";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? Umlauf auen : Umlauf auen */
+ TEXT = "Umlauf auen" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "surround outside" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Outer wrap" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Scorrimento esterno" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Ajuste externo" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Adaptation extrieure" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "omloop buitenkant" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Anpassning utanfr" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "ydre ombrydning" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Ajuste exterior" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ajuste externo" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "外环绕";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Opywanie zewntrzne";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "折り返し 外";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "外環繞";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "omloop buitenkant";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "外环绕";
+ Text[ greek ] = " - ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "문장 배치 바깥쪽으로";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "D metin dalm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament exterior";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ulompi rivitys";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ตัดด้านนอก";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Obtékat vně";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Umlauf außen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "बाहरी लपेटना";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Obtekať zvonka";
+ TEXT = "(nur Anker)" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "(Anchor only)" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "(alleen anker)" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "(Anchor only)" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "(solo ancoraggio)" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "(slo ancla)" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "(ancre seule)" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "(endast ankare)" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "(kun anker)" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "(s ncora)" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(Somente ncoras)" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(只是标记)";
+ Text[ russian ] = "( )";
+ Text[ polish ] = "(Tylko zakotwiczenie)";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "(アンカーのみ)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(只是標號)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "( )";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "(alleen anker)";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(只是标记)";
+ Text[ greek ] = "( )";
+ Text[ korean ] = "(기준 위치만)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "(yalnzca sabitleyici)";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "(noms ancla)";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "(Vain ankkuri)";
+ Text[ thai ] = "(สมออย่างเดียว)";
+ Text[ czech ] = "(Pouze ukotvení)";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "(nur Anker)";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "(केवल ऐन्कर)";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "(Iba ukotvenie)";
+ TEXT = "Breite:" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "width:" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "breedte:" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Width:" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Larghezza:" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Ancho:" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Largeur :" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Bredd:" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "bredde:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Largura:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Largura:" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "宽度:";
+ Text[ russian ] = ":";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Szeroko:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "幅:";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "寬度:";
+ Text[ arabic ] = ":";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "breedte:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "宽度:";
+ Text[ greek ] = ":";
+ Text[ korean ] = "너비:";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Genilik:";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Amplada";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Leveys:";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ความกว้าง:";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Šířka:";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮רוחב‬:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "चौड़ाई:";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Šírka:";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? feste Hhe: : feste Hhe: */
+ TEXT = "feste Hhe:" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "fixed height:" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "vaste hoogte:" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Fixed height:" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "altezza fissa:" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Altura fija:" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Hauteur fixe :" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "fast hjd:" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "fast hjde:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Altura fixa:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Altura fixa:" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "固定高度:";
+ Text[ russian ] = " :";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Staa wysoko:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "規定の高さ:";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "固定高度:";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " :";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "vaste hoogte:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "固定高度:";
+ Text[ greek ] = " :";
+ Text[ korean ] = "고정된 높이:";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sabit ykseklik:";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Alada fixa";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Kiinte korkeus:";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ความสูงคงที่:";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Pevná výška:";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "feste Höhe:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "स्थिर ऊँचाई:";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Pevná výška:";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? min. Hhe: : min. Hhe: */
+ TEXT = "min. Hhe:" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "min. height:" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Min. height:" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "altezza min:" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Altura mnima:" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Hauteur min. :" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "min. hoogte:" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "min. hjd:" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "min. hjde:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Altura min.:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Altura min.:" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最小高度:";
+ Text[ russian ] = ". :";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Min. wysoko:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "最低の高さ:";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "最小高度:";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " :";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "min. hoogte:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最小高度:";
+ Text[ greek ] = ". :";
+ Text[ korean ] = "최소 높이:";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Asgari ykseklik:";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Alada mnima:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Korkeus vh.";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ความสูงน้อยที่สุด:";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Min. výška:";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "min. Höhe:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "न्यूनतम ऊँचाई:";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Min. výška:";
+ TEXT = "absatzgebunden" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "at paragraph" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "alineagebonden" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "to paragraph" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "al paragrafo" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "al prrafo" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "li au paragraphe" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "bunden till stycke" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "bundet til afsnit" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "ligado ao pargrafo" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "no pargrafo" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和段落连在一起";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "zwizany z akapitem";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "段落に結合";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "和段落連在一起";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "alineagebonden";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和段落连在一起";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "단락에 결합";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Paragrafa bal";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "segons pargraf";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "kappaleeseen";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ไปยังย่อหน้า";
+ Text[ czech ] = "na odstavec";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "absatzgebunden";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "परिच्छेद में";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "na odstavec";
+ TEXT = "zeichengebunden" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "at character" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "to character" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "al carattere" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "al carcter" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "au caractre" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Tekengebonden" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "bunden till tecken" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "bundet til tegn" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "conforme carcter" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "no caracter" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和文字连在一起";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "zwizany ze znakiem";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "文字に結合";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "和文字連在一起";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Tekengebonden";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和文字连在一起";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "문자에 결합";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Karaktere bal";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "segons carcter";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "merkkiin";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ไปยังตัวอักขระ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "na znak";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "zeichengebunden";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "अक्षर में";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "na znak";
+ TEXT = "seitengebunden" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "at page" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "to page" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "alla pagina" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "a la pgina" ;
+ Text [ french ] = " la page" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "paginagebonden" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "bunden till sida" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "bundet til side" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "conforme pgina" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "na pgina" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和页连在一起";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "zwizany ze stron";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ページに結合";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "和頁連在一起";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "paginagebonden";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和页连在一起";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "페이지에 결합";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfaya bal";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "a la pgina";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "sivulle";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ไปยังหน้า";
+ Text[ czech ] = "na stránku";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "seitengebunden";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ में";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "na stránku";
+String STR_POS_X
+ TEXT = "X-Koord.:" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "X-Pos.:" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "X Coordinate:" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Coord. X:" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Coord. X:" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Coord. X :" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "X-cord.:" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "X-koord.:" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "X-koord.:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Coordenada X:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coordenada X:" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "X-坐标:";
+ Text[ russian ] = "X-.:";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wsprzdna X:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "X座標:";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "X-座標:";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " :";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "X-cord.:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "X-坐标:";
+ Text[ greek ] = " X:";
+ Text[ korean ] = "X 좌표:";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "X koordinat:";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Coordenada X";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "X-koordinaatti:";
+ Text[ thai ] = "พิกัด X :";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Souřadnice X:";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "X-Koord.:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "X समकक्ष:";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Súradnica X:";
+String STR_POS_Y
+ TEXT = "Y-Koord.:" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "Y-Pos.:" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Y Coordinate:" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Coord. Y:" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Coord. Y:" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Coord. Y :" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Y-cord.:" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Y-koord.:" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Y-koord.:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Coordenada Y:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coordenada Y:" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Y-坐标:";
+ Text[ russian ] = "Y-.:";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wsprzdna Y:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Y座標:";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Y-座標:";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " :";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Y-cord.:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Y-坐标:";
+ Text[ greek ] = " Y:";
+ Text[ korean ] = "Y 좌표:";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Y koordinat.:";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Coordenada Y";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Y-koordinaatti:";
+ Text[ thai ] = "พิกัด Y :";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Souřadnice Y:";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Y-Koord.:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "Y समकक्ष:";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Súradnica Y:";
+ TEXT = "oben" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "at top" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "boven" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "at top" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "in alto" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "arriba" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "En haut" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "verst" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "foroven" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "em cima" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "em cima" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "上";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "na grze";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "上";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "上";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "boven";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "上";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "위";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "stte";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "a la part superior";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "ylhll";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ที่ด้านบน";
+ Text[ czech ] = "nahoře";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "oben";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "ऊपर में";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "hore";
+ TEXT = "vertikal zentriert" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "centered vertically" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "verticaal gecentreerd" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Centered vertically" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Centrato in verticale" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Centrado verticalmente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Centr verticalement" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "vertikalt centrerad" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "lodret centreret" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "centrado na vertical" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Centralizado na vertical" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "垂直居中";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Porodku w pionie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "垂直に中央揃え";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "垂直置中";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "verticaal gecentreerd";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "垂直居中";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "수직으로 가운데";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dikey ortalanm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Centrat verticalment";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Keskitetty pystytasossa";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ตรงกลางตามแนวตั้ง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Svisle na střed";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "vertikal zentriert";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "लंबरूप प्रकार से केन्द्रित";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Zvisle na stred";
+ TEXT = "unten" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "at bottom" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "onder" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "at bottom" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "in basso" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "abajo" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "En bas" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "nederst" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "forneden" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "em baixo" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "em baixo" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "下";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "na dole";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "下";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "下";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "onder";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "下";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "아래에";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "altta";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "a la part inferior";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "pohjalla";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ที่ด้านล่าง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "dole";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "unten";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "तल में ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "dole";
+ TEXT = "Zeile oben" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "line at top" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "bovenste regel" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Top of line" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Riga in alto" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Lnea arriba" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Ligne en haut" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "versta raden" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "rkke verst" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Linha superior" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Topo da linha" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行上方";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Gra wiersza";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "線の上";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "行上方";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "bovenste regel";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行上方";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "줄 위";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Satr st";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Lnia superior";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Viivan ylreuna";
+ Text[ thai ] = "บรรทัดบน";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vrchol řádku";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeile oben";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "रेखा के ऊपर";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Vrchol riadku";
+ TEXT = "vertikal zur Zeile zentriert" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "line centered vertically" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "verticaal op de regel gecentreerd" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Line centered" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Centrato verticalmente alla riga" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Centrado verticalmente a la lnea" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Centr sur la ligne la verticale" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "centrerad vertikalt till rad" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "lodret til rkke centreret" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Centrado sobre a linha na vertical" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Centralizado sobre a linha" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和行垂直居中";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wyrodkowane wzgldem wiersza";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "セルに垂直に中央揃え";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "和行垂直置中";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "verticaal op de regel gecentreerd";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和行垂直居中";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "줄을 가운데로";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Satr ortalanm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Centrat verticalment a la lnia";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Keskitetty rivi";
+ Text[ thai ] = "บรรทัดตรงกลาง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Uprostřed řádku";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "vertikal zur Zeile zentriert";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "रेखा केन्द्रित";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Uprostred";
+ TEXT = "Zeile unten" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "line at bottom" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "onderste regel" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Bottom of line" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Riga in basso" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Lnea abajo" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Ligne en bas" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Nedersta raden" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "rkke nederst" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Linha inferior" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base da linha" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行下方";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "D wiersza";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "線の下";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "行下方";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "onderste regel";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行下方";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "줄 아래";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Satr alt";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Lnia inferior";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Viivan alareuna";
+ Text[ thai ] = "บรรทัดล่าง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Pata řádku";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeile unten";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "रेखा के नीचे";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Päta riadku";
+ TEXT = "Registerhaltigkeit" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "register" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Register-true" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Conformit registro" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Conformidad registro" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Contrle de reprage" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "registreren" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Register" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "hold register" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Registo" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Registro de Conformidade" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "正反页的行距相等";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Jednakowa wysoko wierszy";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "印刷見当を合わせる";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "正反頁的行距相等";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "registreren";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "正反页的行距相等";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "인쇄할 때 가늠 맞춤 ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Eit satr ykseklii";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Conforme al registre";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Rivirekisteri";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ลงทะเบียน-จริง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Registr";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Registerhaltigkeit";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "रिजिस्टर-सच्चा";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Register";
+ TEXT = "keine Registerhaltigkeit" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "no register" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "niet registreren" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Not register-true" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Senza conformit registro" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Sin conformidad de registro" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Pas de contrle de reprage" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "inget register" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "hold ikke register" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Sem registo" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem registro de conformidade" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "正反页的行距不相等";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Bez jednakowej wysokoci wierszy przy wydruku na przedniej i odwrotnej stronie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "印刷見当を合わせない";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "正反頁的行距不相等";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "niet registreren";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "正反页的行距不相等";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "가늠 맞춤 없음";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Eit satr ykseklii mevcut deil";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "No conforme al registre";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Ei rivirekisteri";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ลงทะเบียน-จริง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Bez registru";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "keine Registerhaltigkeit";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "रजिस्टर-सही नहीं";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Bez registra";
+ TEXT = "rechts" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "at the right" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "rechts" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "at the right" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Destra" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "a la derecha" ;
+ Text [ french ] = " droite" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "hger" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "hjre" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = " direita" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "na direita" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Z prawej";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "右";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "右";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "rechts";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "오른쪽";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "sada";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "a la dreta";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "oikealla";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ที่ด้านขวา";
+ Text[ czech ] = "vpravo";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "rechts";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "दाहिनी ओर में";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "vpravo";
+ TEXT = "horizontal zentriert" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "centered horizontally" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "horizontaal gecentreerd" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Centered horizontally" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Centrato in orizzontale" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Centrado horizontalmente" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Centr horizontalement" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Horisontellt centrerad" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "vandret centreret" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Centrado na horizontal" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Centralizado na horizontal" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "水平居中";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Porodku w poziomie";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "横位置に中央揃え";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "水平置中";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "horizontaal gecentreerd";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "水平居中";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "수평으로 가운데에";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Yatay ortalanm";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Centrat horitzontalment";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Keskitetty vaakataso";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ตรงกลางตามแนวนอน";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vodorovně na střed";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "horizontal zentriert";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "समतल प्रकार से केन्द्रित ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Vodorovne na stred";
+ TEXT = "links" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "at the left" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "at the left" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "sinistra" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "a la izquierda" ;
+ Text [ french ] = " gauche" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "links" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "vnster" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "venstre" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = " esquerda" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "na esquerda" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Z lewej";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "左";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "左";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "links";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "왼쪽";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "solda";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "a l'esquerra";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "vasemmalla";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ที่ด้านซ้าย";
+ Text[ czech ] = "vlevo";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "links";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "बायाँ ओर में";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "vľavo";
+ TEXT = "innen" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "inside" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "binnen" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "inside" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "all'interno" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "interior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = " l'intrieur" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "innanfr" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "inderside" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "dentro" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "dentro" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "内";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wewntrz";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "内側";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "內";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "binnen";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "内";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "내부";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "i";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "dins";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "sisll";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ข้างใน";
+ Text[ czech ] = "uvnitř";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "innen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "भीतर";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Vnútri";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? auen : auen */
+ TEXT = "auen" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "outside" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "outside" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "fuori" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "exterior" ;
+ Text [ french ] = " l'extrieur" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "buiten" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "utanfr" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "yderside" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "fora" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "fora" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "外";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Na zewntrz";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "外側";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "外";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "buiten";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "外";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "외부";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "d";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "fora";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "ulkopuolella";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ข้างนอก";
+ Text[ czech ] = "vně";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "außen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "बाहर";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "zvonka";
+ TEXT = "volle Breite" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "full width" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "volle breedte" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Full width" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "a tutta larghezza" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Ancho total" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Sur toute la largeur" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "full bredd" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "hele bredden" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Largura completa" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Largura total" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "整个宽度";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Caa szeroko";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "最大幅";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "整個寬度";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "volle breedte";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "整个宽度";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "최대 너비";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Tam genilik";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Amplada completa";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Tysi leveys";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ความกว้างเต็ม";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Plná šířka";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮רוחב מלא‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "सम्पूर्ण चौड़ाई ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Plná šírka";
+ TEXT = "Spalten" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "columns" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Kolommen" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Columns" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Colonne" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Columnas" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Colonnes" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Kolumner" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "kolonner" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Colunas" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Colunas" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Kolumny";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "段組み";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Kolommen";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "단";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Stun";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Columnes";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Palstat";
+ Text[ thai ] = "คอลัมน์";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Sloupce";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טורים‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "स्तंभें";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Stĺpce";
+ TEXT = "Trennlinienbreite:" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "limiter width:" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Separator Width:" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Spessore linea di sepazione" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Ancho de la lnea de separacin:" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Largeur du trait de sparation :" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "breedte scheidingslijn:" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Skiljelinjens bredd:" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "Separatorbredde:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Largura da linha de separao:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Largura do Separador" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分隔线粗:";
+ Text[ russian ] = " :";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Szeroko separatora:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "区切り線の幅:";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "分隔線粗:";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " :";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "breedte scheidingslijn:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分隔线粗:";
+ Text[ greek ] = " :";
+ Text[ korean ] = "구분선 너비:";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Ayra genilii:";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Amplada del separador:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Erottimen leveys:";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ตัวแยกความกว้าง:";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Šířka oddělovače:";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Trennlinienbreite:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "अलगानेवाला चौड़ाई:";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Šírka oddeľovača:";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? max. Funotenbereich: : max. Funotenbereich: */
+ TEXT = "max. Funotenbereich:" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "max. footnotes area:" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Max. footnote area:" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Area massima pi pagina:" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "rea mx. de la nota al pie:" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Section notes de bas de page (max.) :" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "max. voetnotenbereik:" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "max. fotnotsomrde:" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "maks. fodnoteomrde:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "rea mx. de rodap:" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "rea mx. da nota de rodap:" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最大的注脚范围:";
+ Text[ russian ] = ". :";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Maks. obszar przypisw dolnych:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "最大の脚注範囲";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "最大的註腳範圍:";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " :";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "max. voetnotenbereik:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "最大的注脚范围:";
+ Text[ greek ] = " :";
+ Text[ korean ] = "최대 각주 영역:";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Azami dipnot alan:";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "rea mx. de la nota al peu:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Suurin alaviiteala:";
+ Text[ thai ] = "พื้นที่เชิงอรรถที่มากที่สุด:";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Max. velikost zápatí:";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "max. Fußnotenbereich:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठ के नीचे की टीका का अधिकतम विस्तीर्ण:";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Max. veľkosť zápätia:";
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument : editierbar im Schreibeschtztem Dokument */
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument : editierbar im Schreibeschtztem Dokument */
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument : editierbar im Schreibeschtztem Dokument */
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument : editierbar im Schreibeschtztem Dokument */
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument : editierbar im Schreibeschtztem Dokument */
+ /* ### ACHTUNG: Neuer Text in Resource? editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument : editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument */
+ TEXT = "editierbar im schreibgeschtztem Dokument" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "edit in readonly Document" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Editvel em documento s de leitura." ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Editable in read-only document" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Editvel em documento somente leitura" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Redigerbar i skrivskyddat dokument" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "redigerbar i skrivebeskyttet dokument" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "modificabile nel documento a sola lettura" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Se puede editar en documentos de slo lectura" ;
+ Text [ french ] = " diter dans le document en mode Lecture seule" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "bewerkbaar in alleen-lezen document" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "能够编辑受保护的文档";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Moliwy do edycji w dokumencie tylko do odczytu";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "読み取り専用ドキュメント内で編集可能";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "能夠編輯受保護的文件";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "bewerkbaar in alleen-lezen document";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "能够编辑受保护的文档";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ' '";
+ Text[ korean ] = "읽기 전용 문서에서 편집 가능";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Okuma amal alm belgede dzenlenebilir";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Es pot editar en documents de noms lectura";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Muokattavissa ainoastaan vain luku -asiakirjoissa";
+ Text[ thai ] = "สามารถแก้ไขในเอกสารแบบอ่านอย่างเดียว";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Editovatelné v dokumentu pouze ke čtení";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "editierbar im schreibgeschütztem Dokument";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "केवल पढ़ने योग्य लेखपत्र में संपादन";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Upravované v dokumente iba na čítanie";
+ TEXT = "Trennen" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "splitable" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Separar" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Split" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Separar" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Dela" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "opdel" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Separa" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Dividir" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Scinder" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "splitsen" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分隔";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Podziel";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "分割";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "分開";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "splitsen";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分隔";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "나누기";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Bl";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Divideix";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Jaa";
+ Text[ thai ] = "แยก";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Rozdělit";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Trennen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "अलगाना";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Rozdeliť";
+ Text = "Nummerierung" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "Numbering" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Numerao" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Numbering" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Numerao" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Numrering" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "nummerering" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Numerazione" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Numeracin" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Numrotation" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Nummering" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "编号";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Numeracja";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "番号付け";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "編號";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Nummering";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "编号";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ korean ] = "번호 매기기";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Numaralama";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Numeraci";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Numerointi";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ลำดับตัวเลข";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Číslování";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מיספור‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "संख्या देना";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Číslovanie";
+ Text = "keine Nummerierung" ;
+ Text [ English ] = "no numbering" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "sem numerao" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "no numbering" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "sem numerao" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "ingen numrering" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "ingen nummerering" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Nessuna numerazione" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Sin numeracin" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "pas de numrotation" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "geen nummering" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无编号";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Bez numeracji";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "番号付けなし";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不編號";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "geen nummering";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无编号";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "번호 매기기 없음";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Numaralama yok";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Sense numeraci";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "ei numerointia";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ลำดับตัวเลข";
+ Text[ czech ] = "bez číslování";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "keine Nummerierung";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "संख्या देना नहीं";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Bez číslovania";
+ TEXT = "Verbunden mit " ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "connected to " ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "ligado com " ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "linked to " ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "vinculado a" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Frbunden med " ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "forbundet med " ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Collegato con " ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Vinculado a " ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Li " ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Verbonden met" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "连接到 ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Poczony z ";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "結合先 ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "連結到 ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Verbonden met";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "连接到 ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "연결 대상";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Balanm ";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Enllaat a ";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "linkitetty kohteeseen ";
+ Text[ thai ] = "เชื่อมโยงไปยัง ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "propojeno s ";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Verbunden mit";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "केलिए लिंक किया हुआ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "prepojené s ";
+ TEXT = " und " ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = " and " ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "e " ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "and " ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "e " ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "och " ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "og " ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "e " ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "y " ;
+ Text [ french ] = "et " ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "en" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和 ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "i ";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "および ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "和 ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "en";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和 ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "와(과)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "ve ";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "i";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "ja ";
+ Text[ thai ] = "และ ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "a ";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = " und";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "और ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "a ";
+ TEXT = "Zeilen zhlen" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "count lines" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Contar linhas" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "Count lines" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Contar linhas" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "rkna rader" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "tl linjer" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Conta le righe" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Contar lneas" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Compter les lignes" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "regels tellen" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行计数";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Policz wiersze";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "行を数える";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "行計數";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "regels tellen";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "行计数";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "줄 세기";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Satrlar say";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Compte lnies";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Laske rivit";
+ Text[ thai ] = "นับบรรทัด";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Počítat řádky";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeilen zählen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "रेखाओं को गिनना";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Počítať riadky";
+ TEXT = "Zeilen nicht zhlen" ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "dont count lines" ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "no contar linhas" ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "don't count lines" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "no contar linhas" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "rkna inte rader" ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "tl linjer ikke" ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Non contare le righe" ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "No contar las lneas" ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Ne pas compter les lignes" ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "Regels niet tellen" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不计数行";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nie licz wierszy";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "行を数えない";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不計數行";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Regels niet tellen";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不计数行";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "줄 세지 않음";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Satrlar sayma";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "No comptis les lnies";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "ei rivien laskemista";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ไม่นับบรรทัด";
+ Text[ czech ] = "nepočítat řádky";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeilen nicht zählen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "रेखाओं को मत गिनना";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "nepočítať riadky";
+ TEXT = "Zeilenzhler starten mit: " ;
+ TEXT [ English ] = "restart linecount with: " ;
+ Text [ portuguese ] = "Iniciar contagem de linhas com: " ;
+ Text [ english_us ] = "restart line count with: " ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "reiniciar contagem de linhas com:" ;
+ Text [ swedish ] = "Starta radrkning med: " ;
+ Text [ danish ] = "begynd linjeoptlling med " ;
+ Text [ italian ] = "Iniziare a contare le righe con: " ;
+ Text [ spanish ] = "Iniciar recuento de lneas con: " ;
+ Text [ french ] = "Commencer le compte des lignes : " ;
+ Text [ dutch ] = "regels tellen starten bij:" ;
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "计数行从: ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " : ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Rozpocznij liczenie wierszy od: ";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "行数えの開始: ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "計數行從: ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " : ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "regels tellen starten bij:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "计数行从: ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " : ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "줄 세기 시작: ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Satr sayma balangc: ";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Inicia el recompte de lnies amb: ";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "aloita rivilaskenta uudelleen mrityksell: ";
+ Text[ thai ] = "เริ่มนับบรรทัดใหม่ด้วย: ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "restartovat počítání řádků od: ";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeilenzähler starten mit:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "के सहित रेखा गिनती का पुनः प्रारंभ: ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "reštartovať počítanie riadkov od: ";
+ Text = "Helligkeit: ";
+ Text[ english ] = "Luminance: ";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Brightness: ";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Brilho: ";
+ Text[ russian ] = ": ";
+ Text[ greek ] = ": ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Helderheid:";
+ Text[ french ] = "Luminosit : ";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Brillo: ";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Luminosit: ";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Lysstyrke: ";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Ljusstyrka: ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Jasno: ";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Brilho: ";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "明度: ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "밝기: ";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "亮度: ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "亮度: ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Parlaklk: ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = ":";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Lluminositat:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Kirkkaus: ";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ความสว่าง: ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Jas: ";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Helligkeit:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "चमक: ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Jas: ";
+ Text = "Rotanteil: ";
+ Text[ english ] = "Red portion: ";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Red: ";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Proporo de vermelho: ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " : ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " : ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Rood:";
+ Text[ french ] = "Proportion de rouge : ";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Proporcin de rojo: ";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Percentuale di rosso: ";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Rd-andel: ";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Andel rtt: ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Czerwony: ";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Vermelho: ";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "赤色の割合: ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "적색: ";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "红色比例: ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "紅色比例: ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Krmz: ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " :";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Vermell:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Punainen: ";
+ Text[ thai ] = "แดง: ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Červená: ";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Rotanteil:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "लाल: ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Červená: ";
+ Text = "Grnanteil: ";
+ Text[ english ] = "Green portion: ";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Green: ";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Proporo de verde: ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " : ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " : ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Groen:";
+ Text[ french ] = "Proportion de vert : ";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Proporcin verde: ";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Percentuale di verde: ";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Grn-andel: ";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Andel grnt: ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Zielony:";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Verde: ";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "緑色の割合: ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "녹색: ";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "绿色比例: ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "綠色比例: ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Yeil: ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " :";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Verd:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Vihre: ";
+ Text[ thai ] = "เขียว: ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Zelená: ";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Grünanteil:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "हरा: ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Zelená: ";
+ Text = "Blauanteil: ";
+ Text[ english ] = "Blue portion: ";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Blue: ";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Proporo de azul: ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " : ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " : ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Blauw:";
+ Text[ french ] = "Proportion de bleu : ";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Proporcin de azul: ";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Percentuale di blu: ";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Bl-andel: ";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Andel bltt: ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Niebieski:";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Azul: ";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "青色の割合: ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "청색: ";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "蓝色比例: ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "藍色比例: ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Mavi: ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " :";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Blau:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Sininen: ";
+ Text[ thai ] = "น้ำเงิน: ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Modrá: ";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Blauanteil:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "नीला: ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Modrá: ";
+ Text = "Kontrast: ";
+ Text[ english ] = "Contrast: ";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Contrast: ";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Contraste: ";
+ Text[ russian ] = ": ";
+ Text[ greek ] = ": ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Contrast:";
+ Text[ french ] = "Contraste : ";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Contraste: ";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Contrasto: ";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Kontrast: ";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Kontrast: ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Kontrast:";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Contraste: ";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "コントラスト: ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "대비: ";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "对比度: ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "對比度: ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Kontrast: ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = ":";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Contrast:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Kontrasti: ";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ความคมชัด: ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Kontrast: ";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Kontrast:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "भेद बतलाना: ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Kontrast: ";
+ Text = "Gamma: ";
+ Text[ english ] = "Gamma: ";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Gamma: ";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Gamma: ";
+ Text[ russian ] = ": ";
+ Text[ greek ] = ": ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Gamma:";
+ Text[ french ] = "Gamma : ";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Gamma: ";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Gamma: ";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Gamma: ";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Gamma: ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Gamma:";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Gama: ";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ガンマ: ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "감마: ";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "灰色系数: ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "灰色系數: ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Gamma: ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = ":";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Gamma:";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Gamma: ";
+ Text[ thai ] = "แกมม่า: ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Gamma: ";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Gamma: ";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "गामा: ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Gamma: ";
+ Text = "Transparenz: ";
+ Text[ english ] = "Transparency: ";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Transparency: ";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Transparncia: ";
+ Text[ russian ] = ": ";
+ Text[ greek ] = ": ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Transparantie:";
+ Text[ french ] = "Transparence: ";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Transparencia: ";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Trasparenza: ";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Transparens: ";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Transparens: ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Przezroczysto: ";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Transparncia:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "透過性: ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "투명도: ";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "透明 ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "透明 ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Saydamlk: ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = ":";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Transparncia: ";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Lpinkyvyys: ";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ความโปร่งแสง: ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Průhlednost: ";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Transparenz:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पारदर्शकता: ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Priehľadnosť: ";
+ Text = "Invertieren";
+ Text[ english ] = "Invert";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Invert";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Inverter";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Diapositief";
+ Text[ french ] = "Invertir";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Invertir";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Inverti";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Inverter";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Invertera";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Odwr";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Inverter";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "逆転";
+ Text[ korean ] = "반전";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "互补色转换";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "互補色轉換";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Tersine evir";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Inverteix";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Knn";
+ Text[ thai ] = "สลับ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Převrátit";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮היפוך‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "उलटा करो";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Prevrátiť";
+ Text = "nicht invertieren";
+ Text[ english ] = "not invert";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "do not invert";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "no inverter";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "geen inversie";
+ Text[ french ] = "ne pas invertir";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "no invertir";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Non invertire";
+ Text[ danish ] = "ikke invertere";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "invertera inte";
+ Text[ polish ] = "nie odwracaj";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "no inverter";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "逆転なし";
+ Text[ korean ] = "반전하지 않음";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不转换互补色";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不轉換互補色";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "tersine evirme";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "no inverteixis";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "l knn";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สลับ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "neobracet";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "nicht invertieren";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "मत उलटना";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "neotáčať";
+ Text = "Grafikmodus: ";
+ Text[ english ] = "Graphics mode: ";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Graphics mode: ";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Modo Grfico: ";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " : ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Afbeeldingenmodus:";
+ Text[ french ] = "Mode Graphique : ";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Modo grfico: ";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Modo immagine: ";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Grafikmodus: ";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Grafiklge: ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tryb graficzny:";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Modo figuras:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "図モード: ";
+ Text[ korean ] = "그림 모드: ";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "图形模式: ";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "圖形模式: ";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Grafik modu: ";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " :";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Mode grfic: ";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Grafiikkatila: ";
+ Text[ thai ] = "โหมดกราฟิค: ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Grafický režim: ";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Grafikmodus:";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "सुचित्र प्रकार: ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Grafický režim: ";
+ Text = "Standard";
+ Text[ english ] = "Standard";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Standard";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Padro";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Standaard";
+ Text[ french ] = "Standard";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Predeterminado";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Standard";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Standard";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Standard";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Standardowy";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Padro";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "標準";
+ Text[ korean ] = "표준";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标准";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標準";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Standart";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Estndard";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Vakio";
+ Text[ thai ] = "มาตรฐาน";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Standardní";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Standard";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "स्टान्डर्ड";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Štandardný";
+ Text = "Graustufen";
+ Text[ english ] = "Greys";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Grayscales";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Escala de cinzentos";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = " ";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Grijswaarden";
+ Text[ french ] = "Niveaux de gris";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Escala de grises";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Toni di grigio";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Grtoner";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Grskalor";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Odcienie szaroci";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tons de cinza";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "グレースケール";
+ Text[ korean ] = "회색조";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "灰度";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "灰階";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Gri lei";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Escales de grisos";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Harmaasvyt";
+ Text[ thai ] = "สเกลสีเทา";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Stupně šedi";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Graustufen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "ग्रेस्केल";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Stupne šedej";
+ Text = "Schwarz/Wei";
+ Text[ english ] = "Black/White";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Black & White";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Preto/Branco";
+ Text[ russian ] = "-";
+ Text[ greek ] = "/";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Zwart-wit";
+ Text[ french ] = "Noir/Blanc";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Blanco y Negro";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Bianco/nero";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Sort-hvid";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Svartvitt";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Czarno-biay";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Preto & Branco";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "白黒";
+ Text[ korean ] = "흑백";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "黑白";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "黑白";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Siyah ve Beyaz";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "/";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Blanc i negre";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Mustavalkoinen";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ดำและขาว";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Černobílé";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Schwarz/Weiß";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "काला और सफेद ";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Čiernobiele";
+ Text = "Wasserzeichen";
+ Text[ english ] = "Watermark";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Watermark";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Marca de gua";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Watermerk";
+ Text[ french ] = "Filigrane";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Filigrana";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Filigrana";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Vandmrke";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Vattenmrke";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Znak wodny";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Marca d'gua";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "透かし";
+ Text[ korean ] = "워터마크";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "水印";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "水印";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Filigran";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Marca d'aigua";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Vesileima";
+ Text[ thai ] = "ลายน้ำ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vodoznak";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Wasserzeichen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "जलसंकेत";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Vodoznak";
+ Text = "Drehung";
+ Text[ english ] = "Rotation";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Rotation";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Rotao";
+ Text[ russian ] = "";
+ Text[ greek ] = "";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Rotatie";
+ Text[ french ] = "Rotation";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Rotacin";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Rotazione";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Rotation";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Rotation";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Obrt";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rotao";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "回転";
+ Text[ korean ] = "회전";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "旋转";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "旋轉";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Dn";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Gir";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Kierto";
+ Text[ thai ] = "หมุน";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Rotace";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סיבוב‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "घुमाव";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Rotácia";
+ Text = "Kein Raster";
+ Text[ english ] = "No grid";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "No grid";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "No grid";
+ Text[ russian ] = "No grid";
+ Text[ greek ] = "No grid";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "~Geen raster";
+ Text[ french ] = "Aucune grille";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Sin cuadrcula";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "No grid";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Nessuna griglia";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Intet gitter";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Inget raster";
+ Text[ polish ] = "No grid";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem grade";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "なし";
+ Text[ korean ] = "그리드 없음";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不使用稿纸";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不使用稿紙";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Izgara yok";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "No grid";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "No grid";
+ Text[ thai ] = "No grid";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Žádná mřížka";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Kein Raster";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "No grid";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Bez mriežky";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = "ZL: translation changed because of bug from Jack";
+ Text = "Raster (nur Linien)";
+ Text[ english ] = "Line grid";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Grid (lines only)";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Line grid";
+ Text[ russian ] = "Line grid";
+ Text[ greek ] = "Line grid";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Line grid";
+ Text[ french ] = "Grille (uniquement les lignes)";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Cuadrcula (slo lneas)";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Line grid";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Griglia (solo linee)";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Line grid";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Raster (bara linjer)";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Line grid";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Grade (somente linhas)";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "罫線";
+ Text[ korean ] = "그리드 (줄 만)";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "信纸(仅底线)";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "信紙(僅底線)";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Izgara (sadece izgiler)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "Line grid";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Grid (lines only)";
+ Text[ thai ] = "Grid (lines only)";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Mřížka (pouze čáry)";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Raster (nur Linien)";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "Grid (lines only)";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Mriežka (len riadky)";
+ Text[ language_user1 ] = "ZL: translation changed because of bug from Jack";
+ Text = "Raster (Linien und Zeichen)";
+ Text[ english ] = "Line and character grid";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Grid (lines and characters)";
+ Text[ portuguese ] = "Line and character grid";
+ Text[ russian ] = "Line and character grid";
+ Text[ greek ] = "Line and character grid";
+ Text[ dutch ] = "Line and character grid";
+ Text[ french ] = "Grille (lignes et caractres)";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Cuadrcula (lneas y caracteres)";
+ Text[ finnish ] = "Line and character grid";
+ Text[ italian ] = "Griglia (linee e caratteri)";
+ Text[ danish ] = "Line and character grid";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Raster (linjer och tecken)";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Line and character grid";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Grade (linhas e caracteres)";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "原稿用紙";
+ Text[ korean ] = "그리드 (줄과 문자)";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "格线稿纸";
+ Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "格線稿紙";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Izgara (izgiler ve karakterler)";
+ Text[ arabic ] = "Line and character grid";
+ Text[ catalan ] = "Grid (lines and characters)";
+ Text[ thai ] = "Grid (lines and characters)";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Mřížka (čáry a znaky)";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Raster (Linien und Zeichen)";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "Grid (lines and characters)";
+ Text[ slovak ] = "Mriežka (riadky a znaky)";