path: root/sal/inc/osl/file.hxx
diff options
authorHennes Rohling <>2000-11-13 10:52:19 +0000
committerHennes Rohling <>2000-11-13 10:52:19 +0000
commit2ff8765d5af795a4627e308e4975b9681a6034f3 (patch)
tree5d5c0d6d5d87959ee6ac103eb9460e283dd08565 /sal/inc/osl/file.hxx
parentcd5ec36b10ff097863229563bfead1e4d5078a29 (diff)
#76890# added VolumeInfo::getDeviceHandle
Diffstat (limited to 'sal/inc/osl/file.hxx')
1 files changed, 286 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/sal/inc/osl/file.hxx b/sal/inc/osl/file.hxx
index 67fbd833e..9b571b9de 100644
--- a/sal/inc/osl/file.hxx
+++ b/sal/inc/osl/file.hxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: file.hxx,v $
- * $Revision: $
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
- * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 15:17:12 $
+ * last change: $Author: hro $ $Date: 2000-11-13 11:52:19 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -83,6 +83,278 @@ namespace osl
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** Base class for all filesystem specific objects
+ @see Directory
+ @see DirectoryItem
+ @see File
+ */
+class FileBase
+ enum RC {
+ E_None = osl_File_E_None,
+ E_PERM = osl_File_E_PERM,
+ E_NOENT = osl_File_E_NOENT,
+ E_SRCH = osl_File_E_SRCH,
+ E_INTR = osl_File_E_INTR,
+ E_IO = osl_File_E_IO,
+ E_NXIO = osl_File_E_NXIO,
+ E_2BIG = osl_File_E_2BIG,
+ E_NOEXEC = osl_File_E_NOEXEC,
+ E_BADF = osl_File_E_BADF,
+ E_CHILD = osl_File_E_CHILD,
+ E_AGAIN = osl_File_E_AGAIN,
+ E_NOMEM = osl_File_E_NOMEM,
+ E_ACCES = osl_File_E_ACCES,
+ E_FAULT = osl_File_E_FAULT,
+ E_BUSY = osl_File_E_BUSY,
+ E_EXIST = osl_File_E_EXIST,
+ E_XDEV = osl_File_E_XDEV,
+ E_NODEV = osl_File_E_NODEV,
+ E_NOTDIR = osl_File_E_NOTDIR,
+ E_ISDIR = osl_File_E_ISDIR,
+ E_INVAL = osl_File_E_INVAL,
+ E_NFILE = osl_File_E_NFILE,
+ E_MFILE = osl_File_E_MFILE,
+ E_NOTTY = osl_File_E_NOTTY,
+ E_FBIG = osl_File_E_FBIG,
+ E_NOSPC = osl_File_E_NOSPC,
+ E_SPIPE = osl_File_E_SPIPE,
+ E_ROFS = osl_File_E_ROFS,
+ E_MLINK = osl_File_E_MLINK,
+ E_PIPE = osl_File_E_PIPE,
+ E_DOM = osl_File_E_DOM,
+ E_RANGE = osl_File_E_RANGE,
+ E_DEADLK = osl_File_E_DEADLK,
+ E_NOLCK = osl_File_E_NOLCK,
+ E_NOSYS = osl_File_E_NOSYS,
+ E_LOOP = osl_File_E_LOOP,
+ E_ILSEQ = osl_File_E_ILSEQ,
+ E_NOLINK = osl_File_E_NOLINK,
+ E_USERS = osl_File_E_USERS,
+ E_invalidError = osl_File_E_invalidError /* unmapped error: always last entry in enum! */
+ };
+ /** Determines a valid unused canonical name for a requested name. Depending on file system and operation system
+ the illegal characters are replaced by valid ones. If a file or directory with the requested name
+ already exists a new name is generated following the common rules on the actual file system and
+ operating system.
+ @param strRequested [in] Requested name of a file or directory.
+ @param strValid [out] On success receives a name which is unused and valid on the actual operating system and
+ file system.
+ @return osl_File_E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
+ osl_File_E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
+ @see osl_getFileStatus
+ */
+ static inline RC getCanonicalName( const ::rtl::OUString& strRequested, ::rtl::OUString& strValid )
+ {
+ return (RC) osl_getCanonicalName( strRequested.pData, &strValid.pData );
+ }
+ /** Converts a path relative to a given directory into an full qualified UNC path.
+ @param strDirBase [in] Base directory to which the relative path is related to.
+ @param strRelative[in] Path of a file or directory relative to the directory path
+ specified by <code>strDirBase</code>.
+ @param strAbsolute [out] On success it receives the full qualified UNC path of the
+ requested relative path.
+ @return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
+ E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
+ E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures <br>
+ E_NOTDIR Not a directory<br>
+ E_ACCES Permission denied<br>
+ E_NOENT No such file or directory<br>
+ E_NAMETOOLONG File name too long<p>
+ These errorcodes can (eventually) be returned:<p>
+ E_OVERFLOW Value too large for defined data type<p>
+ E_FAULT Bad address<br>
+ E_INTR function call was interrupted<br>
+ E_LOOP Too many symbolic links encountered<br>
+ E_MULTIHOP Multihop attempted<br>
+ E_NOLINK Link has been severed<p>
+ @see getStatus
+ */
+ static inline RC getAbsolutePath( const ::rtl::OUString& strDirBase, const ::rtl::OUString& strRelative, ::rtl::OUString& strAbsolute )
+ {
+ return (RC) osl_getAbsolutePath( strDirBase.pData, strRelative.pData, &strAbsolute.pData );
+ }
+ /** Converts a system dependent path into a full qualified UNC path
+ @param strSysPath[in] System dependent path of a file or a directory
+ @param strPath[out] On success it receives the full qualified UNC path
+ @return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
+ E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
+ @see getCanonicalName
+ */
+ static inline RC normalizePath( const ::rtl::OUString& strSysPath, ::rtl::OUString& strPath )
+ {
+ return (RC) osl_normalizePath( strSysPath.pData, &strPath.pData );
+ }
+ /** Converts a File URL into a full qualified UNC path
+ @param urlPath[in] System dependent path of a file or a directory
+ @param strPath[out] On success it receives the full qualified UNC path
+ @return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
+ E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
+ @see normalizePath
+ */
+ static inline RC getNormalizedPathFromFileURL( const ::rtl::OUString& strPath, ::rtl::OUString& normPath )
+ {
+ return (RC) osl_getNormalizedPathFromFileURL( strPath.pData, &normPath.pData );
+ }
+ /** Converts a full qualified UNC path into a FileURL
+ @param dir[in] System dependent path of a file or a directory
+ @param strPath[out] On success it receives the full qualified UNC path
+ @return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
+ E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
+ @see normalizePath
+ @see getNormalizedPathFromFileURL
+ */
+ static inline RC getFileURLFromNormalizedPath( const ::rtl::OUString& normPath, ::rtl::OUString& strPath )
+ {
+ return (RC) osl_getFileURLFromNormalizedPath( normPath.pData, &strPath.pData );
+ }
+ /** Converts a full qualified UNC path into a system depended path
+ @param dir[in] Full qualified UNC path
+ @param strPath[out] On success it receives the System dependent path of a file or a directory
+ @return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
+ E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
+ @see normalizePath
+ @see getNormalizedPathFromFileURL
+ */
+ static inline RC getSystemPathFromNormalizedPath( const ::rtl::OUString& normPath, ::rtl::OUString& strPath )
+ {
+ return (RC)osl_getSystemPathFromNormalizedPath( normPath.pData, &strPath.pData );
+ }
+ /** Searches a full qualified UNC-Path/File
+ @param filePath[in] System dependent path / Normalized Path / File-URL or file or relative directory
+ @param searchPath[in] Paths, in which a given file has to be searched. These paths are only for the search of a
+ file or a relative path, otherwise it will be ignored. If it is set to NULL or while using the
+ search path the search failed the function searches for a matching file in all system directories and in the directories
+ listed in the PATH environment variable
+ @param strPath[out] On success it receives the full qualified UNC path
+ @return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
+ E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
+ E_NOTDIR Not a directory<br>
+ E_NOENT No such file or directory not found<br>
+ @see normalizePath
+ */
+ static inline RC searchNormalizedPath( const ::rtl::OUString& filePath, const ::rtl::OUString& searchPath, ::rtl::OUString& strPath )
+ {
+ return (RC) osl_searchNormalizedPath( filePath.pData, searchPath.pData, &strPath.pData );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** The VolumeDevice class
+ @see VolumeInfo
+class VolumeDevice : public FileBase
+ oslVolumeDeviceHandle _aHandle;
+ VolumeDevice() : _aHandle( NULL )
+ {
+ }
+ VolumeDevice( const VolumeDevice & rDevice )
+ {
+ _aHandle = rDevice._aHandle;
+ if ( _aHandle )
+ osl_acquireVolumeDeviceHandle( _aHandle );
+ }
+ ~VolumeDevice()
+ {
+ if ( _aHandle )
+ osl_releaseVolumeDeviceHandle( _aHandle );
+ }
+ inline VolumeDevice & operator =( const VolumeDevice & rDevice )
+ {
+ oslVolumeDeviceHandle newHandle = rDevice._aHandle;
+ if ( newHandle )
+ osl_acquireVolumeDeviceHandle( _aHandle );
+ if ( _aHandle )
+ osl_releaseVolumeDeviceHandle( _aHandle );
+ _aHandle = newHandle;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline RC automount()
+ {
+ return (RC)osl_automountVolumeDevice( _aHandle );
+ }
+ inline RC unmount()
+ {
+ return (RC)osl_unmountVolumeDevice( _aHandle );
+ }
+ inline rtl::OUString getMountPath()
+ {
+ rtl::OUString aPath;
+ osl_getVolumeDeviceMountPath( _aHandle, &aPath.pData );
+ return aPath;
+ }
+ friend class VolumeInfo;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The VolumeInfo class
@see Directory::getVolumeInfo
@@ -103,6 +375,7 @@ class VolumeInfo
oslVolumeInfo _aInfo;
sal_uInt32 _nMask;
rtl_uString *_strFileSystemName;
+ VolumeDevice _aDevice;
/** define copy c'tor and assginment operator privat
@@ -123,6 +396,7 @@ public:
rtl_fillMemory( &_aInfo.uValidFields, sizeof( oslVolumeInfo ) - sizeof( sal_uInt32 ), 0 );
_aInfo.pstrFileSystemName = &_strFileSystemName;
+ _aInfo.pDeviceHandle = &_aDevice._aHandle;
/** D'tor
@@ -217,6 +491,16 @@ public:
return _strFileSystemName;
+ /** @return the device handle of the volume if this information is valid,
+ otherwise returns NULL;
+ */
+ inline VolumeDevice getDeviceHandle() const
+ {
+ return _aDevice;
+ }
friend class Directory;
@@ -400,276 +684,6 @@ public:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** Base class for all filesystem specific objects
- @see Directory
- @see DirectoryItem
- @see File
- */
-class FileBase
- enum RC {
- E_None = osl_File_E_None,
- E_PERM = osl_File_E_PERM,
- E_NOENT = osl_File_E_NOENT,
- E_SRCH = osl_File_E_SRCH,
- E_INTR = osl_File_E_INTR,
- E_IO = osl_File_E_IO,
- E_NXIO = osl_File_E_NXIO,
- E_2BIG = osl_File_E_2BIG,
- E_NOEXEC = osl_File_E_NOEXEC,
- E_BADF = osl_File_E_BADF,
- E_CHILD = osl_File_E_CHILD,
- E_AGAIN = osl_File_E_AGAIN,
- E_NOMEM = osl_File_E_NOMEM,
- E_ACCES = osl_File_E_ACCES,
- E_FAULT = osl_File_E_FAULT,
- E_BUSY = osl_File_E_BUSY,
- E_EXIST = osl_File_E_EXIST,
- E_XDEV = osl_File_E_XDEV,
- E_NODEV = osl_File_E_NODEV,
- E_NOTDIR = osl_File_E_NOTDIR,
- E_ISDIR = osl_File_E_ISDIR,
- E_INVAL = osl_File_E_INVAL,
- E_NFILE = osl_File_E_NFILE,
- E_MFILE = osl_File_E_MFILE,
- E_NOTTY = osl_File_E_NOTTY,
- E_FBIG = osl_File_E_FBIG,
- E_NOSPC = osl_File_E_NOSPC,
- E_SPIPE = osl_File_E_SPIPE,
- E_ROFS = osl_File_E_ROFS,
- E_MLINK = osl_File_E_MLINK,
- E_PIPE = osl_File_E_PIPE,
- E_DOM = osl_File_E_DOM,
- E_RANGE = osl_File_E_RANGE,
- E_DEADLK = osl_File_E_DEADLK,
- E_NOLCK = osl_File_E_NOLCK,
- E_NOSYS = osl_File_E_NOSYS,
- E_LOOP = osl_File_E_LOOP,
- E_ILSEQ = osl_File_E_ILSEQ,
- E_NOLINK = osl_File_E_NOLINK,
- E_USERS = osl_File_E_USERS,
- E_invalidError = osl_File_E_invalidError /* unmapped error: always last entry in enum! */
- };
- /** Determines a valid unused canonical name for a requested name. Depending on file system and operation system
- the illegal characters are replaced by valid ones. If a file or directory with the requested name
- already exists a new name is generated following the common rules on the actual file system and
- operating system.
- @param strRequested [in] Requested name of a file or directory.
- @param strValid [out] On success receives a name which is unused and valid on the actual operating system and
- file system.
- @return osl_File_E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
- osl_File_E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
- @see osl_getFileStatus
- */
- static inline RC getCanonicalName( const ::rtl::OUString& strRequested, ::rtl::OUString& strValid )
- {
- return (RC) osl_getCanonicalName( strRequested.pData, &strValid.pData );
- }
- /** Converts a path relative to a given directory into an full qualified UNC path.
- @param strDirBase [in] Base directory to which the relative path is related to.
- @param strRelative[in] Path of a file or directory relative to the directory path
- specified by <code>strDirBase</code>.
- @param strAbsolute [out] On success it receives the full qualified UNC path of the
- requested relative path.
- @return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
- E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
- E_NOMEM not enough memory for allocating structures <br>
- E_NOTDIR Not a directory<br>
- E_ACCES Permission denied<br>
- E_NOENT No such file or directory<br>
- E_NAMETOOLONG File name too long<p>
- These errorcodes can (eventually) be returned:<p>
- E_OVERFLOW Value too large for defined data type<p>
- E_FAULT Bad address<br>
- E_INTR function call was interrupted<br>
- E_LOOP Too many symbolic links encountered<br>
- E_MULTIHOP Multihop attempted<br>
- E_NOLINK Link has been severed<p>
- @see getStatus
- */
- static inline RC getAbsolutePath( const ::rtl::OUString& strDirBase, const ::rtl::OUString& strRelative, ::rtl::OUString& strAbsolute )
- {
- return (RC) osl_getAbsolutePath( strDirBase.pData, strRelative.pData, &strAbsolute.pData );
- }
- /** Converts a system dependent path into a full qualified UNC path
- @param strSysPath[in] System dependent path of a file or a directory
- @param strPath[out] On success it receives the full qualified UNC path
- @return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
- E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
- @see getCanonicalName
- */
- static inline RC normalizePath( const ::rtl::OUString& strSysPath, ::rtl::OUString& strPath )
- {
- return (RC) osl_normalizePath( strSysPath.pData, &strPath.pData );
- }
- /** Converts a File URL into a full qualified UNC path
- @param urlPath[in] System dependent path of a file or a directory
- @param strPath[out] On success it receives the full qualified UNC path
- @return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
- E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
- @see normalizePath
- */
- static inline RC getNormalizedPathFromFileURL( const ::rtl::OUString& strPath, ::rtl::OUString& normPath )
- {
- return (RC) osl_getNormalizedPathFromFileURL( strPath.pData, &normPath.pData );
- }
- /** Converts a full qualified UNC path into a FileURL
- @param dir[in] System dependent path of a file or a directory
- @param strPath[out] On success it receives the full qualified UNC path
- @return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
- E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
- @see normalizePath
- @see getNormalizedPathFromFileURL
- */
- static inline RC getFileURLFromNormalizedPath( const ::rtl::OUString& normPath, ::rtl::OUString& strPath )
- {
- return (RC) osl_getFileURLFromNormalizedPath( normPath.pData, &strPath.pData );
- }
- /** Converts a full qualified UNC path into a system depended path
- @param dir[in] Full qualified UNC path
- @param strPath[out] On success it receives the System dependent path of a file or a directory
- @return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
- E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
- @see normalizePath
- @see getNormalizedPathFromFileURL
- */
- static inline RC getSystemPathFromNormalizedPath( const ::rtl::OUString& normPath, ::rtl::OUString& strPath )
- {
- return (RC)osl_getSystemPathFromNormalizedPath( normPath.pData, &strPath.pData );
- }
- /** Searches a full qualified UNC-Path/File
- @param filePath[in] System dependent path / Normalized Path / File-URL or file or relative directory
- @param searchPath[in] Paths, in which a given file has to be searched. These paths are only for the search of a
- file or a relative path, otherwise it will be ignored. If it is set to NULL or while using the
- search path the search failed the function searches for a matching file in all system directories and in the directories
- listed in the PATH environment variable
- @param strPath[out] On success it receives the full qualified UNC path
- @return E_None on success otherwise one of the following errorcodes:<p>
- E_INVAL the format of the parameters was not valid<br>
- E_NOTDIR Not a directory<br>
- E_NOENT No such file or directory not found<br>
- @see normalizePath
- */
- static inline RC searchNormalizedPath( const ::rtl::OUString& filePath, const ::rtl::OUString& searchPath, ::rtl::OUString& strPath )
- {
- return (RC) osl_searchNormalizedPath( filePath.pData, searchPath.pData, &strPath.pData );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-/** The VolumeDevice class
- @see VolumeInfo
-class VolumeDevice : public FileBase
- oslVolumeDeviceHandle _aHandle;
- VolumeDevice() : _aHandle( NULL )
- {
- }
- VolumeDevice( const VolumeDevice & rDevice )
- {
- _aHandle = rDevice._aHandle;
- if ( _aHandle )
- osl_acquireVolumeDeviceHandle( _aHandle );
- }
- ~VolumeDevice()
- {
- if ( _aHandle )
- osl_releaseVolumeDeviceHandle( _aHandle );
- }
- inline VolumeDevice & operator =( const VolumeDevice & rDevice )
- {
- oslVolumeDeviceHandle newHandle = rDevice._aHandle;
- if ( newHandle )
- osl_acquireVolumeDeviceHandle( _aHandle );
- if ( _aHandle )
- osl_releaseVolumeDeviceHandle( _aHandle );
- _aHandle = newHandle;
- return *this;
- }
- inline RC automount()
- {
- return (RC)osl_automountVolumeDevice( _aHandle );
- }
- inline RC unmount()
- {
- return (RC)osl_unmountVolumeDevice( _aHandle );
- }
- inline rtl::OUString getMountPath()
- {
- rtl::OUString aPath;
- osl_getVolumeDeviceMountPath( _aHandle, &aPath.pData );
- return aPath;
- }
- friend class VolumeInfo;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** The file class object provides access to file contents and attributes
@see Directory