BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
STABLE-0-0-19+Clean up the paths pushed to the APIFridrich Štrba12 years
libvisio-0.0Some other ideas about handling the themingFridrich Štrba11 years
mastertdf126292 Correclty displaying Text Background for VSD 6 and 11 formatBartosz Kosiorek13 days
tag-libvisio-0.0.19Bump version to 0.0.19Fridrich Štrba12 years
zf.comSVG generation fixesJi???­ Posp?­??il8 years
libvisio-0.1.7commit 0dd9d58e8f...David Tardon5 years
libvisio-0.1.6commit 85529f5490...David Tardon7 years
libvisio-0.1.5commit c64906f57f...Fridrich Štrba9 years
libvisio-0.1.4commit c5e856cfad...Fridrich Štrba9 years
libvisio-0.1.3commit 3b6d0b1c7c...David Tardon9 years
libvisio-0.1.2commit e600236729...David Tardon9 years
libvisio-0.1.1commit 0478fce679...David Tardon10 years
libvisio-0.1.0commit e199cfa989...David Tardon11 years
libvisio-0.0.31commit 27a9dd758a...Fridrich Štrba11 years
libvisio-0.0.30commit 0c2293c7b1...Fridrich Štrba11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2014-02-04Some other ideas about handling the theminglibvisio-0.0Fridrich Štrba9-12/+129
2014-02-03Astyle actionFridrich Štrba20-208/+208
2014-02-03Allow equal identing of functionsFridrich Štrba1-0/+1
2014-02-03add options file for astyleDavid Tardon1-0/+11
2014-02-03Parse the quick-style pointersFridrich Štrba3-4/+74
2014-02-03Little changes to theme parsingFridrich Štrba2-0/+61
2013-10-17fdo#70480 do not crash reading malformed zipDavid Tardon1-0/+2
2013-09-21WaE: ... should be initialized in the member init. listDavid Tardon2-0/+33
2013-09-03add cgit/gitweb URLsDavid Tardon1-3/+4
2013-09-03set up git-reviewDavid Tardon1-0/+7