path: root/slideshow/qa
diff options
authorMichael Stahl <>2012-01-28 20:53:50 +0100
committerMichael Stahl <>2012-01-28 20:53:50 +0100
commit0e1042f42101dd2a7407a38d204de6f4de28890a (patch)
tree9e9f67205cd5b72f1031721273e1534a3a1e5b0f /slideshow/qa
parent8377f5594498d5378d67c8a3e06b5e14b0051fb4 (diff)
replace obsolete "master" branch with README that points at new repoHEADmaster-deletedmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'slideshow/qa')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 1653 deletions
diff --git a/slideshow/qa/debug/ b/slideshow/qa/debug/
deleted file mode 100644
index 559871fb8..000000000
--- a/slideshow/qa/debug/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# Output a PS file with a legend for the node state colors
-cat <<EOF | dot -Tps
-digraph State_Colors
- node0 [label="INVALID",style=filled,fillcolor="0.5,0.2,0.5"]
- node1 [label="UNRESOLVED",style=filled,fillcolor="0.0,1.0,1.0"]
- node2 [label="RESOLVED",style=filled,fillcolor="0.17328679513998632735430803036454,1.0,1.0"]
- node4 [label="ACTIVE",style=filled,fillcolor="0.34657359027997265470861606072909,1.0,1.0"]
- node8 [label="FROZEN",style=filled,fillcolor="0.51986038541995898206292409109363,1.0,1.0"]
- node16 [label="ENDED",style=filled,fillcolor="0.69314718055994530941723212145818,1.0,1.0"]
-EOF \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/slideshow/qa/debug/ b/slideshow/qa/debug/
deleted file mode 100644
index 82db0ba0d..000000000
--- a/slideshow/qa/debug/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Generate node tree from verbose logfile
-# =========
-# First of all, you need to recompile modules slideshow and canvas
-# with VERBOSE=t set in the environment, and debug=t defined at the
-# build tool command line. Then run your slideshow and redirect stdout
-# to a file.
-# Then, call ' trace-file >' to generate a
-# PostScript file for the AnimationNode tree generated during the show.
-# Since these easily get pretty huge, use only one page, and try to
-# limit the slide content (which have effects assigned, that is) to
-# the bare minimum (to reproduce your bug, or whatever you need this
-# for).
-# The generated output will have all nodes color-coded with their state
-# at the point when the tree was dumped (see for the color
-# codes)
-# When looking for the mechanics that generate the relevant output,
-# grep for the DEBUG_NODES_SHOWTREE macros in the slideshow source:
-# Each such place dumps the current node tree to the trace output. Thus,
-# if you need to check the tree state at other places or times, just add
-# Generate node tree
-egrep "Node connection|Node state" $1 | \
- sed -e '/Node state/ s/.*Node state.*: \(.*\)/\1/' \
- -e '/Node connection/ s/.*Node connection.*: \(n.*\)/\1/' | \
- \
-awk 'BEGIN { print "digraph Event_network {" }; { print } END { print "}" }' | \
- \
- \
-# fill a complete A1 page with graph output
-dot -Gratio=fill -Gsize=23,33 -Tps
-#dot -Gratio=fill -Gorientation=land -Tps
diff --git a/slideshow/qa/debug/readme.txt b/slideshow/qa/debug/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a3df5a93b..000000000
--- a/slideshow/qa/debug/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Recognized preprocessor switches
- - VERBOSE=t: enable extra verbose trace output (debug=t builds only)
- - TIMELOG=t: enable time logging (also for product builds)
-Debug tools overview
- Generates a number of tree graphs from a trace output file, showing
- the tree of AnimationNodes at various instances of the
- slideshow. Each node has a fill color corresponding to its current
- state, a legend for the color values can be obtained by the
- script.
- To generate output at other instances, use the DEBUG_NODES_SHOWTREE
- macro in animationnodefactory.cxx.
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/slideshow/qa/debug/ b/slideshow/qa/debug/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1dd05c6..000000000
--- a/slideshow/qa/debug/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if 0;
-# POD Documentation
-=head1 WHAT IT IS
-Extract move effect timings from a verbose trace log of the
-presentation engine. Generated is a gnuplot data file, which can be
-displayed issuing a 'gnuplot <filename>' or at a gnuplot prompt, via
-'load <filename>'.
-To generate such a verbose log file, rebuild module canvas and module
-slideshow with VERBOSE=t defined in the environment, and debug=t at
-the build tool command line. Then run the presentation, and redirect
-stdout to your log file.
-Call me like this: < trace-file > gnuplot-target
-The whole point in doing this is to detect jerks in shape movements,
-which manifest themselves clearly in the graphed gnuplot output. Note
-that there's some heuristic to recognize when one effect ends and
-another has started: If the time difference between two subsequent
-page flipping times is more than one second, a new effect is assumed
-and a new gnuplot data record is generated.
-Perl 5
-print "# Autogenerated by, do not change\n",
- "set ylabel \"position\"\n",
- "set xlabel \"time\"\n",
- "plot '-' index 0 using (\$1):(\$2) title \"Move effect position\" with lp\n",
- "#0\n";
-$state = 0;
-$last_time = 0;
-$record = 1;
-while( <> )
- if( $state == 0 && m|next position will be| )
- {
- ($posX) = m|.*\(([0-9]+.[0-9]+),|;
- ($posY) = m|.*,([0-9]+.[0-9]+)\)|;
- $state = 1;
- }
- elsif( $state == 1 && m|output pos is| )
- {
- $state = 2;
- }
- elsif( $state == 2 && m|flip done at| )
- {
- $state = 0;
- ($flippingTime) = m|.*at ([0-9]+.[0-9]+)|;
- if( $last_time != 0 )
- {
- if( $last_time + 1.0 < $flippingTime )
- {
- # new record
- print "\n\n#", $record, "\n";
- $record++;
- }
- }
- $last_time = $flippingTime;
- print $flippingTime, " ", $posX, " ", $posY, "\n";
- }
diff --git a/slideshow/qa/tools/ b/slideshow/qa/tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index 954f9659f..000000000
--- a/slideshow/qa/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,810 +0,0 @@
-eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if 0;
-use IO::File;
-use Cwd;
-use File::Spec;
-use File::Spec::Functions;
-use File::Temp;
-use File::Path;
-$TempDir = "";
-# all the XML package generation is a blatant rip from AF's
-# Open a file with the given name.
-# First it is checked if the temporary directory, in which all files for
-# the document are gathered, is already present and create it if it is not.
-# Then create the path to the file inside the temporary directory.
-# Finally open the file and return a file handle to it.
-sub open_file
- my $filename = pop @_;
- # Create base directory of temporary directory tree if not alreay
- # present.
- if ($TempDir eq "")
- {
- $TempDir = File::Temp::tempdir (CLEANUP => 1);
- }
- # Create the path to the file.
- my $fullname = File::Spec->catfile ($TempDir, $filename);
- my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath ($fullname);
- mkpath (File::Spec->catpath ($volume,$directories,""));
- # Open the file and return a file handle to it.
- return new IO::File ($fullname, "w");
-# Zip the files in the directory tree into the given file.
-sub zip_dirtree
- my $filename = pop @_;
- my $cwd = getcwd;
- my $zip_name = $filename;
- # We are about to change the directory.
- # Therefore create an absolute pathname for the zip archive.
- # First transfer the drive from $cwd to $zip_name. This is a
- # workaround for a bug in file_name_is_absolute which thinks
- # the the path \bla is an absolute path under DOS.
- my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath ($zip_name);
- my ($volume_cwd,$directories_cwd,$file_cwd) = File::Spec->splitpath ($cwd);
- $volume = $volume_cwd if ($volume eq "");
- $zip_name = File::Spec->catpath ($volume,$directories,$file);
- # Add the current working directory to a relative path.
- if ( ! file_name_is_absolute ($zip_name))
- {
- $zip_name = File::Spec->catfile ($cwd, $zip_name);
- # Try everything to clean up the name.
- $zip_name = File::Spec->rel2abs ($filename);
- $zip_name = File::Spec->canonpath ($zip_name);
- # Remove .. directories from the middle of the path.
- while ($zip_name =~ /\/[^\/][^\.\/][^\/]*\/\.\.\//)
- {
- $zip_name = $` . "/" . $';
- }
- }
- # Just in case the zip program gets confused by an existing file with the
- # same name as the one to be written that file is removed first.
- if ( -e $filename)
- {
- if (unlink ($filename) == 0)
- {
- print "Existing file $filename could not be deleted.\n";
- print "Please close the application that uses it, then try again.\n";
- return;
- }
- }
- # Finally create the zip file. First change into the temporary directory
- # so that the resulting zip file contains only paths relative to it.
- print "zipping [$ZipCmd $ZipFlags $zip_name *]\n";
- chdir ($TempDir);
- system ("$ZipCmd $ZipFlags $zip_name *");
- chdir ($cwd);
-sub writeHeader
- print $OUT qq~<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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- <office:body>
- <office:presentation>
-sub writeSlideHeader
- my $titleText = pop @_;
- my $slideNum = pop @_;
- print $OUT " <draw:page draw:name=\"page1\" draw:style-name=\"dp1\" draw:master-page-name=\"Default\">\n";
- print $OUT " <office:forms form:automatic-focus=\"false\" form:apply-design-mode=\"false\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:rect draw:style-name=\"gr1\" draw:text-style-name=\"P1\" draw:id=\"id$slideNum\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"17.5cm\" svg:height=\"13cm\" svg:x=\"5cm\" svg:y=\"4cm\">\n";
- print $OUT " <text:p text:style-name=\"P2\">Slide: $slideNum</text:p>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:p text:style-name=\"P2\">Topic: $titleText</text:p>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:p text:id=\"textid$slideNum\" text:style-name=\"P2\">Some text to show text effects</text:p>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:rect>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:par presentation:node-type=\"timing-root\">\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:seq presentation:node-type=\"main-sequence\">\n";
-sub writeSlideFooter
- print $OUT " </anim:seq>\n";
- print $OUT " </anim:par>\n";
- print $OUT " <presentation:notes draw:style-name=\"dp1\">\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:page-thumbnail draw:style-name=\"gr1\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"14.851cm\" svg:height=\"11.138cm\" svg:x=\"3.068cm\" svg:y=\"2.257cm\" draw:page-number=\"1\" presentation:class=\"page\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:frame presentation:style-name=\"pr3\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"16.79cm\" svg:height=\"13.116cm\" svg:x=\"2.098cm\" svg:y=\"14.109cm\" presentation:class=\"notes\" presentation:placeholder=\"true\">\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:text-box/>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:frame>\n";
- print $OUT " </presentation:notes>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:page>\n";
-sub writeFooter
- print $OUT qq~ <presentation:settings presentation:full-screen="false"/>
- </office:presentation>
- </office:body>
-sub writeTransitionAnimation
- my $transitionSubtype = pop @_;
- my $transitionType = pop @_;
- my $slideNum = pop @_;
- print $OUT " <anim:par smil:begin=\"0s\" smil:fill=\"remove\">\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:set smil:begin=\"0s\" smil:dur=\"0.001s\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:targetElement=\"textid$slideNum\" smil:attributeName=\"visibility\" smil:to=\"visible\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:transitionFilter smil:dur=\"1s\" smil:targetElement=\"textid$slideNum\" smil:type=\"$transitionType\" smil:subtype=\"$transitionSubtype\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:set smil:begin=\"0.3s\" smil:dur=\"0.001s\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:targetElement=\"id$slideNum\" smil:attributeName=\"visibility\" smil:to=\"visible\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:transitionFilter smil:begin=\"0.3s\" smil:dur=\"1s\" smil:targetElement=\"id$slideNum\" smil:type=\"$transitionType\" smil:subtype=\"$transitionSubtype\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " </anim:par>\n";
-sub writePropertyAnimation
- my $propertyEnd = pop @_;
- my $propertyStart = pop @_;
- my $propertyName = pop @_;
- my $slideNum = pop @_;
- print $OUT " <anim:par smil:begin=\"0s\" smil:dur=\"3s\" smil:fill=\"remove\">\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:set smil:begin=\"0s\" smil:dur=\"0.001s\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:targetElement=\"id$slideNum\" smil:attributeName=\"visibility\" smil:to=\"visible\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:animate smil:begin=\"0s\" smil:dur=\"1s\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:targetElement=\"id$slideNum\" smil:attributeName=\"$propertyName\" smil:values=\"$propertyStart;$propertyEnd\" smil:keyTimes=\"0;1\" presentation:additive=\"base\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:set smil:begin=\"0.6s\" smil:dur=\"0.001s\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:targetElement=\"textid$slideNum\" smil:attributeName=\"visibility\" smil:to=\"visible\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:animate smil:begin=\"0.6s\" smil:dur=\"1s\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:targetElement=\"textid$slideNum\" smil:attributeName=\"$propertyName\" smil:values=\"$propertyStart;$propertyEnd\" smil:keyTimes=\"0;1\" presentation:additive=\"base\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " </anim:par>\n";
-sub writeTransformAnimation
- my $propertyBy = pop @_;
- my $propertyName = pop @_;
- my $slideNum = pop @_;
- print $OUT " <anim:par smil:begin=\"0s\" smil:dur=\"3s\" smil:fill=\"remove\">\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:set smil:begin=\"0s\" smil:dur=\"0.001s\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:targetElement=\"id$slideNum\" smil:attributeName=\"visibility\" smil:to=\"visible\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:animateTransform smil:begin=\"0s\" smil:dur=\"1s\" smil:targetElement=\"id$slideNum\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:by=\"$propertyBy\" presentation:additive=\"base\" svg:type=\"$propertyName\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:set smil:begin=\"0.6s\" smil:dur=\"0.001s\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:targetElement=\"textid$slideNum\" smil:attributeName=\"visibility\" smil:to=\"visible\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:animateTransform smil:begin=\"0.6s\" smil:dur=\"1s\" smil:targetElement=\"textid$slideNum\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:by=\"$propertyBy\" presentation:additive=\"base\" svg:type=\"$propertyName\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " </anim:par>\n";
-sub writePathMotionAnimation
- my $slideNum = pop @_;
- print $OUT " <anim:par smil:begin=\"0s\" smil:dur=\"10s\" smil:fill=\"remove\">\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:set smil:begin=\"0s\" smil:dur=\"0.001s\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:targetElement=\"id$slideNum\" smil:attributeName=\"visibility\" smil:to=\"visible\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:animateMotion smil:dur=\"5s\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:targetElement=\"id$slideNum\" presentation:additive=\"base\" svg:path=\"m0.0 0.07658c0.0098-0.00493 0.00197-0.00985 0.00295-0.01478 0.00191 0.00 0.00383 0.00 0.00574 0.00-0.00005 0.00033-0.00011 0.00065-0.00016 0.00098-0.00034 0.00276-0.00060 0.00446-0.00077 0.00512-0.00021 0.00086-0.00031 0.00143-0.00031 0.00170 0.00 0.00200 0.00150 0.00369 0.00452 0.00507 0.00301 0.00138 0.00671 0.00206 0.01108 0.00206 0.00438 0.00 0.00816-0.00164 0.01134-0.00493 0.00319-0.00329 0.00478-0.00719 0.00478-0.01170 0.00-0.00514-0.00311-0.01022-0.00935-0.01525-0.00162-0.00129-0.00324-0.00258-0.00486-0.00387-0.00806-0.00651-0.01209-0.01290-0.01209-0.01917s0.0251-0.01148 0.00752-0.01561 0.01131-0.00620 0.01889-0.00620c0.0585 0.00 0.01276 0.00126 0.02072 0.00377-0.00102 0.00512-0.00203 0.01023-0.00305 0.01535-0.00191 0.00-0.00383 0.00-0.00574 0.00 0.00009-0.00052 0.00017-0.00103 0.00026-0.00155 0.00019-0.00195 0.00038-0.00389 0.00057-0.00584 0.00009-0.00062 0.00017-0.00124 0.00026-0.00186-0.00014-0.00183-0.00155-0.00337-0.00424-0.00462-0.00269-0.00126-0.00589-0.00189-0.00961-0.00189-0.00424 0.00-0.00782 0.00144-0.01075 0.00431-0.00293 0.00288-0.00439 0.00640-0.00439 0.01057 0.00 0.00510 0.00334 0.01035 0.01002 0.01576 0.00172 0.00138 0.00345 0.00275 0.00517 0.00413 0.00782 0.00631 0.01173 0.01277 0.01173 0.01938 0.00 0.00675-0.00272 0.01224-0.00816 0.01646-0.00545 0.00422-0.01256 0.00633-0.02134 0.00633-0.00538 0.00-0.01165-0.00105-0.01881-0.00315-0.00064-0.00019-0.00128-0.00038-0.00192-0.00057z\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:set smil:begin=\"3.6s\" smil:dur=\"0.001s\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:targetElement=\"textid$slideNum\" smil:attributeName=\"visibility\" smil:to=\"visible\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <anim:animateMotion smil:begin=\"3.6s\" smil:dur=\"5s\" smil:fill=\"hold\" smil:targetElement=\"textid$slideNum\" presentation:additive=\"base\" svg:path=\"m0.0 0.07658c0.0098-0.00493 0.00197-0.00985 0.00295-0.01478 0.00191 0.00 0.00383 0.00 0.00574 0.00-0.00005 0.00033-0.00011 0.00065-0.00016 0.00098-0.00034 0.00276-0.00060 0.00446-0.00077 0.00512-0.00021 0.00086-0.00031 0.00143-0.00031 0.00170 0.00 0.00200 0.00150 0.00369 0.00452 0.00507 0.00301 0.00138 0.00671 0.00206 0.01108 0.00206 0.00438 0.00 0.00816-0.00164 0.01134-0.00493 0.00319-0.00329 0.00478-0.00719 0.00478-0.01170 0.00-0.00514-0.00311-0.01022-0.00935-0.01525-0.00162-0.00129-0.00324-0.00258-0.00486-0.00387-0.00806-0.00651-0.01209-0.01290-0.01209-0.01917s0.0251-0.01148 0.00752-0.01561 0.01131-0.00620 0.01889-0.00620c0.0585 0.00 0.01276 0.00126 0.02072 0.00377-0.00102 0.00512-0.00203 0.01023-0.00305 0.01535-0.00191 0.00-0.00383 0.00-0.00574 0.00 0.00009-0.00052 0.00017-0.00103 0.00026-0.00155 0.00019-0.00195 0.00038-0.00389 0.00057-0.00584 0.00009-0.00062 0.00017-0.00124 0.00026-0.00186-0.00014-0.00183-0.00155-0.00337-0.00424-0.00462-0.00269-0.00126-0.00589-0.00189-0.00961-0.00189-0.00424 0.00-0.00782 0.00144-0.01075 0.00431-0.00293 0.00288-0.00439 0.00640-0.00439 0.01057 0.00 0.00510 0.00334 0.01035 0.01002 0.01576 0.00172 0.00138 0.00345 0.00275 0.00517 0.00413 0.00782 0.00631 0.01173 0.01277 0.01173 0.01938 0.00 0.00675-0.00272 0.01224-0.00816 0.01646-0.00545 0.00422-0.01256 0.00633-0.02134 0.00633-0.00538 0.00-0.01165-0.00105-0.01881-0.00315-0.00064-0.00019-0.00128-0.00038-0.00192-0.00057z\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " </anim:par>\n";
-sub writeManifest
- my $outFile = open_file("META-INF/manifest.xml");
- print $outFile qq~<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE manifest:manifest PUBLIC "-// Manifest 1.0//EN" "Manifest.dtd">
-<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0">
- <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation" manifest:full-path="/"/>
- <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" manifest:full-path="content.xml"/>
- $outFile->close;
-# Print usage information.
-sub usage ()
- print <<END_OF_USAGE;
-usage: $0 <option>* [<output-file-name>]
-output-file-name defaults to alltransitions.odp.
-options: -a Generate _all_ combinations of type, subtype,
- direction, and mode
- -h Print this usage information.
-# Process the command line.
-sub process_command_line
- foreach (@ARGV)
- {
- if (/^-h/)
- {
- usage;
- exit 0;
- }
- }
- $global_gen_all=0;
- $global_output_name = "alltransitions.odp";
- my $j = 0;
- for (my $i=0; $i<=$#ARGV; $i++)
- {
- if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-a")
- {
- $global_gen_all=1;
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-/)
- {
- print "Unknown option $ARGV[$i]\n";
- usage;
- exit 1;
- }
- elsif ($#ARGV == $i )
- {
- $global_output_name = $ARGV[$i];
- }
- }
- print "output to $global_output_name\n";
-$transitionsRef = [
- ["barWipe",
- ["leftToRight",
- "topToBottom"]],
- ["blindsWipe",
- ["vertical",
- "horizontal"]],
- ["boxWipe",
- ["topLeft",
- "topRight",
- "bottomRight",
- "bottomLeft",
- "topCenter",
- "rightCenter",
- "bottomCenter",
- "leftCenter"]],
- ["fourBoxWipe",
- ["cornersIn",
- "cornersOut"]],
- ["barnDoorWipe",
- ["vertical",
- "horizontal",
- "diagonalBottomLeft",
- "diagonalTopLeft"]],
- ["bowTieWipe",
- ["vertical",
- "horizontal"]],
- ["miscDiagonalWipe",
- ["doubleBarnDoor",
- "doubleDiamond"]],
- ["veeWipe",
- ["down",
- "left",
- "up",
- "right"]],
- ["barnVeeWipe",
- ["top",
- "left",
- "up",
- "right"]],
- ["zigZagWipe",
- ["leftToRight",
- "topToBottom"]],
- ["barnZigZagWipe",
- ["vertical",
- "horizontal"]],
- ["irisWipe",
- ["rectangle",
- "diamond"]],
- ["triangleWipe",
- ["up",
- "right",
- "down",
- "left"]],
- ["arrowHeadWipe",
- ["up",
- "right",
- "down",
- "left"]],
- ["pentagonWipe",
- ["up",
- "down"]],
- ["hexagonWipe",
- ["horizontal",
- "vertical"]],
- ["ellipseWipe",
- ["circle",
- "horizontal",
- "vertical"]],
- ["eyeWipe",
- ["vertical",
- "horizontal"]],
- ["roundRectWipe",
- ["horizontal",
- "vertical"]],
- ["starWipe",
- ["fourPoint",
- "fivePoint",
- "sixPoint"]],
- ["miscShapeWipe",
- ["heart",
- "keyhole"]],
- ["clockWipe",
- ["clockwiseTwelve",
- "clockwiseThree",
- "clockwiseSix",
- "clockwiseNine"]],
- ["pinWheelWipe",
- ["oneBlade",
- "twoBladeVertical",
- "twoBladeHorizontal",
- "threeBlade",
- "fourBlade",
- "eightBlade"]],
- ["singleSweepWipe",
- ["clockwiseTop",
- "clockwiseRight",
- "clockwiseBottom",
- "clockwiseLeft",
- "clockwiseTopLeft",
- "counterClockwiseBottomLeft",
- "clockwiseBottomRight",
- "counterClockwiseTopRight"]],
- ["fanWipe",
- ["centerTop",
- "centerRight",
- "top",
- "right",
- "bottom",
- "left"]],
- ["doubleFanWipe",
- ["fanOutVertical",
- "fanOutHorizontal",
- "fanInVertical",
- "fanInHorizontal"]],
- ["doubleSweepWipe",
- ["parallelVertical",
- "parallelDiagonal",
- "oppositeVertical",
- "oppositeHorizontal",
- "parallelDiagonalTopLeft",
- "parallelDiagonalBottomLeft"]],
- ["saloonDoorWipe",
- ["top",
- "left",
- "bottom",
- "right"]],
- ["windshieldWipe",
- ["right",
- "up",
- "vertical",
- "horizontal"]],
- ["snakeWipe",
- ["topLeftHorizontal",
- "topLeftVertical",
- "topLeftDiagonal",
- "topRightDiagonal",
- "bottomRightDiagonal",
- "bottomLeftDiagonal"]],
- ["spiralWipe",
- ["topLeftClockwise",
- "topRightClockwise",
- "bottomRightClockwise",
- "bottomLeftClockwise",
- "topLeftCounterClockwise",
- "topRightCounterClockwise",
- "bottomRightCounterClockwise",
- "bottomLeftCounterClockwise"]],
- ["parallelSnakesWipe",
- ["verticalTopSame",
- "verticalBottomSame",
- "verticalTopLeftOpposite",
- "verticalBottomLeftOpposite",
- "horizontalLeftSame",
- "horizontalRightSame",
- "horizontalTopLeftOpposite",
- "horizontalTopRightOpposite",
- "diagonalBottomLeftOpposite",
- "diagonalTopLeftOpposite"]],
- ["boxSnakesWipe",
- ["twoBoxTop",
- "twoBoxLeft",
- "twoBoxRight",
- "fourBoxVertical",
- "fourBoxHorizontal"]],
- ["waterfallWipe",
- ["verticalLeft",
- "verticalRight",
- "horizontalLeft",
- "horizontalRight"]],
- ["pushWipe",
- ["fromLeft",
- "fromTop",
- "fromRight",
- "fromBottom",
- "fromBottomRight",
- "fromBottomLeft",
- "fromTopRight",
- "fromTopLeft",
- "combHorizontal",
- "combVertical"]],
- ["slideWipe",
- ["fromLeft",
- "fromTop",
- "fromRight",
- "fromBottom"]],
- ["fade",
- ["crossfade",
- "fadeToColor",
- "fadeFromColor",
- "fadeOverColor"]],
- ["randomBarWipe",
- ["vertical",
- "horizontal"]],
- ["checkerBoardWipe",
- ["down",
- "across"]],
- ["dissolve",
- ["default"]]
-$propertiesRef = [
- [ "value", "color", "#000000", "#FF0000" ],
- [ "string", "font-family", "Helvetica", "Times New Roman" ],
- [ "value", "font-size", "1pt", "1.5pt" ],
- [ "string", "font-style", "normal", "italic" ],
- [ "string", "text-underline", "none", "solid" ],
- [ "string", "font-weight", "normal", "bold" ],
- [ "value", "fill-color", "#000000", "#00FF00" ],
- [ "string", "fill", "none", "solid" ],
- [ "value", "height", "0.5*height", "height" ],
- [ "value", "stroke-color", "#000000", "#0000FF" ],
- [ "string", "stroke", "none", "solid" ],
- [ "value", "opacity", "0.0", "0.9" ],
- [ "value", "rotate", "0", "90" ],
- [ "value", "skewX", "0", "-1" ],
- [ "value", "skewY", "0", "-1" ],
- [ "string", "visibility", "hidden", "visible" ],
- [ "value", "width", "0.5*width", "width" ],
- [ "value", "x", "x-0.1", "x+0.1" ],
- [ "value", "y", "y-0.1", "y+0.1" ]
- ];
-$transformsRef = [
- ["translate", "0.5*width,0.5*height"],
- ["scale", "0.5*width,0.5*height"],
- ["rotate", "270"],
- ["skewX", "-1"],
- ["skewY", "1"]
-# Main
-# Provide default values for the zip command and it's flags.
-if ( ! defined $ZipCmd)
- $ZipCmd = "zip" unless defined $ZipCmd;
- $ZipFlags = "-r -q" unless defined $ZipFlags;
-$OUT = open_file( "content.xml" );
-writeSlideHeader($transitionNum, "Transition effects");
-foreach $transitionRef (@$transitionsRef)
- $transitionType = @$transitionRef[0];
- foreach $subtype (@{$transitionRef->[1]})
- {
- writeTransitionAnimation($transitionNum,
- $transitionType,
- $subtype);
- }
-writeSlideHeader(++$transitionNum, "Property effects");
-foreach $propertyRef (@$propertiesRef)
- $propertyType = @$propertyRef[0];
- if( $propertyType eq "value" )
- {
- writePropertyAnimation( $transitionNum, @$propertyRef[1], @$propertyRef[2], @$propertyRef[3] );
- }
- elsif( $propertyType eq "string" )
- {
- }
- else
- {
- die "Unexpected case";
- }
-writeSlideHeader(++$transitionNum, "Transformation effects");
-foreach $transformRef (@$transformsRef)
- writeTransformAnimation( $transitionNum, @$transformRef[0], @$transformRef[1] );
-writeSlideHeader(++$transitionNum, "Path motion effects");
- print $OUT qq~
- <draw:page draw:name="page1" draw:style-name="dp1" draw:master-page-name="Default">
- <office:forms form:automatic-focus="false" form:apply-design-mode="false"/>
- <draw:rect draw:style-name="gr1" draw:text-style-name="P1" draw:id="id10000" draw:layer="layout" svg:width="17.5cm" svg:height="13cm" svg:x="5cm" svg:y="4cm">
- <text:p text:style-name="P2">Slide: 4</text:p>
- <text:p text:style-name="P2">Topic: Misc effects</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid10001" text:style-name="P2">Some text to show accelerate effects</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid10002" text:style-name="P2">Some text to show decelerate effects</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid10003" text:style-name="P2">Some text to show additive effects</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid10004" text:style-name="P2">Some text to show autoreverse effects</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid10005" text:style-name="P2">Some text to show key value effects</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid10006" text:style-name="P2">Some text to show discrete key value effects</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid10007" text:style-name="P2">Some text to show formula effects</text:p>
- </draw:rect>
- <anim:par presentation:node-type="timing-root">
- <anim:seq presentation:node-type="main-sequence">
- <anim:par smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="remove">
- <anim:set smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="0.001s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10001" smil:attributeName="visibility" smil:to="visible"/>
- <anim:animate smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="10s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10001" smil:accelerate="0.5" smil:attributeName="x" smil:by="0.3" presentation:additive="base"/>
- </anim:par>
- <anim:par smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="remove">
- <anim:set smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="0.001s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10002" smil:attributeName="visibility" smil:to="visible"/>
- <anim:animate smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="10s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10002" smil:decelerate="0.5" smil:attributeName="x" smil:by="0.3" presentation:additive="base"/>
- </anim:par>
- <anim:par smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="remove">
- <anim:set smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="0.001s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10003" smil:attributeName="visibility" smil:to="visible"/>
- <anim:animate smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="3s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10003" smil:attributeName="x" smil:to="0.3" presentation:additive="sum"/>
- <anim:animate smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="6s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10003" smil:attributeName="x" smil:to="0.3" presentation:additive="sum"/>
- </anim:par>
- <anim:par smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="remove">
- <anim:set smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="0.001s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10004" smil:attributeName="visibility" smil:to="visible"/>
- <anim:animate smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="5s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10004" smil:attributeName="y" smil:from="0.3" smil:to="0.8" smil:autoReverse="true" presentation:additive="base"/>
- </anim:par>
- <anim:par smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="remove">
- <anim:set smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="0.001s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10005" smil:attributeName="visibility" smil:to="visible"/>
- <anim:animateTransform smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="10s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10005" smil:values="0.5,0.5;0.8,0.5;0.8,0.8;0.5,0.5" smil:keyTimes="0;0.3;0.6;1" presentation:additive="base" svg:type="translate"/>
- </anim:par>
- <anim:par smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="remove">
- <anim:set smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="0.001s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10006" smil:attributeName="visibility" smil:to="visible"/>
- <anim:animateTransform smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="10s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10006" smil:values="0.5,0.5;0.8,0.5;0.8,0.8;0.5,0.5" smil:keyTimes="0;0.3;0.6;1" smil:calcMode="discrete" presentation:additive="base" svg:type="translate"/>
- </anim:par>
- <anim:par smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="remove">
- <anim:set smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="0.001s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10007" smil:attributeName="visibility" smil:to="visible"/>
- <anim:animate smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="3s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid10007" smil:attributeName="y" smil:values="0;1" smil:keyTimes="0;1" anim:formula="y+0.3*height*sin(5*pi*\$)" presentation:additive="base"/>
- </anim:par>
-# iterate, single paragraphs, word, lines, sentences, characters
- print $OUT qq~
- <draw:page draw:name="page1" draw:style-name="dp1" draw:master-page-name="Default">
- <office:forms form:automatic-focus="false" form:apply-design-mode="false"/>
- <draw:rect draw:style-name="gr1" draw:text-style-name="P1" draw:id="id20000" draw:layer="layout" svg:width="17.5cm" svg:height="13cm" svg:x="5cm" svg:y="4cm">
- <text:p text:style-name="P2">Slide: 5</text:p>
- <text:p text:style-name="P2">Topic: Text effects</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid20001" text:style-name="P2">Some text to show iterated single paragraph</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid20002" text:style-name="P2">Some text to show iterated word-by-word effects</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid20003" text:style-name="P2">Some text to show iterated letter-by-letter effects</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid20004" text:style-name="P2">Some more text</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid20005" text:style-name="P2">Some more text</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid20006" text:style-name="P2">Some more text</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid20007" text:style-name="P2">Some more text</text:p>
- <text:p text:id="textid20008" text:style-name="P2">Some more text</text:p>
- </draw:rect>
- <anim:par presentation:node-type="timing-root">
- <anim:seq presentation:node-type="main-sequence">
- <anim:par smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="remove">
- <anim:iterate smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="id20000" anim:iterate-type="by-paragraph" anim:iterate-interval="0.2s">
- <anim:set smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="0.001s" smil:fill="hold" smil:attributeName="visibility" smil:to="visible"/>
- <anim:animate smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="2s" smil:fill="hold" smil:decelerate="0.5" smil:attributeName="x" smil:from="1.0" smil:to="x" presentation:additive="base"/>
- </anim:iterate>
- </anim:par>
- <anim:par smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="remove">
- <anim:set smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="0.001s" smil:targetElement="id20000" smil:fill="hold" smil:attributeName="visibility" smil:to="visible"/>
- <anim:iterate smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid20002" anim:iterate-type="by-word" anim:iterate-interval="0.2s">
- <anim:set smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="0.001s" smil:fill="hold" smil:attributeName="visibility" smil:to="visible"/>
- <anim:animate smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="2s" smil:fill="hold" smil:decelerate="0.5" smil:attributeName="x" smil:from="1.0" smil:to="x" presentation:additive="base"/>
- </anim:iterate>
- </anim:par>
- <anim:par smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="remove">
- <anim:set smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="0.001s" smil:targetElement="id20000" smil:fill="hold" smil:attributeName="visibility" smil:to="visible"/>
- <anim:iterate smil:begin="0s" smil:fill="hold" smil:targetElement="textid20003" anim:iterate-type="by-letter" anim:iterate-interval="0.2s">
- <anim:set smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="0.001s" smil:fill="hold" smil:attributeName="visibility" smil:to="visible"/>
- <anim:animate smil:begin="0s" smil:dur="2s" smil:fill="hold" smil:decelerate="0.5" smil:attributeName="x" smil:from="1.0" smil:to="x" presentation:additive="base"/>
- </anim:iterate>
- </anim:par>
-zip_dirtree ($global_output_name);
diff --git a/slideshow/qa/tools/ b/slideshow/qa/tools/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ba637774..000000000
--- a/slideshow/qa/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
-eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if 0;
-use IO::File;
-use Cwd;
-use File::Spec;
-use File::Spec::Functions;
-use File::Temp;
-use File::Path;
-$TempDir = "";
-# all the XML package generation is a blatant rip from AF's
-# Open a file with the given name.
-# First it is checked if the temporary directory, in which all files for
-# the document are gathered, is already present and create it if it is not.
-# Then create the path to the file inside the temporary directory.
-# Finally open the file and return a file handle to it.
-sub open_file
- my $filename = pop @_;
- # Create base directory of temporary directory tree if not alreay
- # present.
- if ($TempDir eq "")
- {
- $TempDir = File::Temp::tempdir (CLEANUP => 1);
- }
- # Create the path to the file.
- my $fullname = File::Spec->catfile ($TempDir, $filename);
- my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath ($fullname);
- mkpath (File::Spec->catpath ($volume,$directories,""));
- # Open the file and return a file handle to it.
- return new IO::File ($fullname, "w");
-# Zip the files in the directory tree into the given file.
-sub zip_dirtree
- my $filename = pop @_;
- my $cwd = getcwd;
- my $zip_name = $filename;
- # We are about to change the directory.
- # Therefore create an absolute pathname for the zip archive.
- # First transfer the drive from $cwd to $zip_name. This is a
- # workaround for a bug in file_name_is_absolute which thinks
- # the the path \bla is an absolute path under DOS.
- my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath ($zip_name);
- my ($volume_cwd,$directories_cwd,$file_cwd) = File::Spec->splitpath ($cwd);
- $volume = $volume_cwd if ($volume eq "");
- $zip_name = File::Spec->catpath ($volume,$directories,$file);
- # Add the current working directory to a relative path.
- if ( ! file_name_is_absolute ($zip_name))
- {
- $zip_name = File::Spec->catfile ($cwd, $zip_name);
- # Try everything to clean up the name.
- $zip_name = File::Spec->rel2abs ($filename);
- $zip_name = File::Spec->canonpath ($zip_name);
- # Remove .. directories from the middle of the path.
- while ($zip_name =~ /\/[^\/][^\.\/][^\/]*\/\.\.\//)
- {
- $zip_name = $` . "/" . $';
- }
- }
- # Just in case the zip program gets confused by an existing file with the
- # same name as the one to be written that file is removed first.
- if ( -e $filename)
- {
- if (unlink ($filename) == 0)
- {
- print "Existing file $filename could not be deleted.\n";
- print "Please close the application that uses it, then try again.\n";
- return;
- }
- }
- # Finally create the zip file. First change into the temporary directory
- # so that the resulting zip file contains only paths relative to it.
- print "zipping [$ZipCmd $ZipFlags $zip_name *]\n";
- chdir ($TempDir);
- system ("$ZipCmd $ZipFlags $zip_name *");
- chdir ($cwd);
-sub writeHeader
- print $OUT qq~<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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- <office:scripts/>
- <office:automatic-styles>
-sub writeSlideStyles
- my $mode = pop @_;
- my $direction = pop @_;
- my $transitionSubType = pop @_;
- my $transitionType = pop @_;
- my $slideNum = pop @_;
- print $OUT " <style:style style:name=\"dp",$slideNum,"\" style:family=\"drawing-page\">\n";
- print $OUT " <style:drawing-page-properties presentation:transition-type=\"automatic\" presentation:duration=\"PT00H00M01S\" presentation:background-visible=\"true\" presentation:background-objects-visible=\"true\" draw:fill=\"solid\" draw:fill-color=\"#ff",$slideNum % 2 ? "ff99" : "cc99","\" smil:type=\"",$transitionType,"\" smil:subtype=\"",$transitionSubType,"\" ",$direction == 0 ? "" : "smil:direction=\"reverse\" ",$mode == 0 ? "" : "smil:mode=\"out\"","/>\n";
- print $OUT " </style:style>\n";
-sub writeIntermediate
- print $OUT qq~ <style:style style:name="gr1" style:family="graphic">
- <style:graphic-properties style:protect="size"/>
- </style:style>
- <style:style style:name="pr1" style:family="presentation" style:parent-style-name="Default-title">
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- </style:style>
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- </text:list-level-style-bullet>
- </text:list-style>
- </office:automatic-styles>
- <office:body>
- <office:presentation>
-sub writeSlide
- my $mode = pop @_;
- my $direction = pop @_;
- my $transitionSubtype = pop @_;
- my $transitionType = pop @_;
- my $slideNum = pop @_;
- print $OUT " <draw:page draw:name=\"page",$slideNum,"\" draw:style-name=\"dp",$slideNum,"\" draw:master-page-name=\"Default\" presentation:presentation-page-layout-name=\"AL1T19\">";
- print $OUT " <draw:frame presentation:style-name=\"pr1\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"25.199cm\" svg:height=\"3.256cm\" svg:x=\"1.4cm\" svg:y=\"0.962cm\" presentation:class=\"title\">\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:text-box>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:p text:style-name=\"P1\">Transition “",$slideNum-1,"”</text:p>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:text-box>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:frame>\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:frame presentation:style-name=\"pr2\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"25.199cm\" svg:height=\"13.609cm\" svg:x=\"1.4cm\" svg:y=\"4.914cm\" presentation:class=\"outline\">\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:text-box>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list text:style-name=\"L2\">\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:p text:style-name=\"P2\">Transition: ",$transitionType,"</text:p>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list text:style-name=\"L2\">\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:p text:style-name=\"P3\">Subtype: ",$transitionSubtype,"</text:p>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list text:style-name=\"L2\">\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:p text:style-name=\"P3\">Direction: ",$direction == 0 ? "forward" : "reverse","</text:p>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list text:style-name=\"L2\">\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:p text:style-name=\"P3\">Mode: ",$mode == 0 ? "in" : "out","</text:p>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list-item>\n";
- print $OUT " </text:list>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:text-box>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:frame>\n";
- print $OUT " <presentation:notes draw:style-name=\"dp2\">\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:page-thumbnail draw:style-name=\"gr1\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"14.851cm\" svg:height=\"11.138cm\" svg:x=\"3.068cm\" svg:y=\"2.257cm\" draw:page-number=\"1\" presentation:class=\"page\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:frame presentation:style-name=\"pr3\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"16.79cm\" svg:height=\"13.116cm\" svg:x=\"2.098cm\" svg:y=\"14.109cm\" presentation:class=\"notes\" presentation:placeholder=\"true\">\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:text-box/>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:frame>\n";
- print $OUT " </presentation:notes>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:page>\n";
-sub writeFooter
- print $OUT qq~ <presentation:settings presentation:full-screen="false"/>
- </office:presentation>
- </office:body>
-sub writeManifest
- my $outFile = open_file("META-INF/manifest.xml");
- print $outFile qq~<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE manifest:manifest PUBLIC "-// Manifest 1.0//EN" "Manifest.dtd">
-<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0">
- <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation" manifest:full-path="/"/>
- <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" manifest:full-path="content.xml"/>
- $outFile->close;
-$transitionsRef = [
- ["barWipe",
- ["leftToRight",
- "topToBottom"]],
- ["blindsWipe",
- ["vertical",
- "horizontal"]],
- ["boxWipe",
- ["topLeft",
- "topRight",
- "bottomRight",
- "bottomLeft",
- "topCenter",
- "rightCenter",
- "bottomCenter",
- "leftCenter"]],
- ["fourBoxWipe",
- ["cornersIn",
- "cornersOut"]],
- ["barnDoorWipe",
- ["vertical",
- "horizontal",
- "diagonalBottomLeft",
- "diagonalTopLeft"]],
- ["bowTieWipe",
- ["vertical",
- "horizontal"]],
- ["miscDiagonalWipe",
- ["doubleBarnDoor",
- "doubleDiamond"]],
- ["veeWipe",
- ["down",
- "left",
- "up",
- "right"]],
- ["barnVeeWipe",
- ["top",
- "left",
- "up",
- "right"]],
- ["zigZagWipe",
- ["leftToRight",
- "topToBottom"]],
- ["barnZigZagWipe",
- ["vertical",
- "horizontal"]],
- ["irisWipe",
- ["rectangle",
- "diamond"]],
- ["triangleWipe",
- ["up",
- "right",
- "down",
- "left"]],
- ["arrowHeadWipe",
- ["up",
- "right",
- "down",
- "left"]],
- ["pentagonWipe",
- ["up",
- "down"]],
- ["hexagonWipe",
- ["horizontal",
- "vertical"]],
- ["ellipseWipe",
- ["circle",
- "horizontal",
- "vertical"]],
- ["eyeWipe",
- ["vertical",
- "horizontal"]],
- ["roundRectWipe",
- ["horizontal",
- "vertical"]],
- ["starWipe",
- ["fourPoint",
- "fivePoint",
- "sixPoint"]],
- ["miscShapeWipe",
- ["heart",
- "keyhole"]],
- ["clockWipe",
- ["clockwiseTwelve",
- "clockwiseThree",
- "clockwiseSix",
- "clockwiseNine"]],
- ["pinWheelWipe",
- ["oneBlade",
- "twoBladeVertical",
- "twoBladeHorizontal",
- "threeBlade",
- "fourBlade",
- "eightBlade"]],
- ["singleSweepWipe",
- ["clockwiseTop",
- "clockwiseRight",
- "clockwiseBottom",
- "clockwiseLeft",
- "clockwiseTopLeft",
- "counterClockwiseBottomLeft",
- "clockwiseBottomRight",
- "counterClockwiseTopRight"]],
- ["fanWipe",
- ["centerTop",
- "centerRight",
- "top",
- "right",
- "bottom",
- "left"]],
- ["doubleFanWipe",
- ["fanOutVertical",
- "fanOutHorizontal",
- "fanInVertical",
- "fanInHorizontal"]],
- ["doubleSweepWipe",
- ["parallelVertical",
- "parallelDiagonal",
- "oppositeVertical",
- "oppositeHorizontal",
- "parallelDiagonalTopLeft",
- "parallelDiagonalBottomLeft"]],
- ["saloonDoorWipe",
- ["top",
- "left",
- "bottom",
- "right"]],
- ["windshieldWipe",
- ["right",
- "up",
- "vertical",
- "horizontal"]],
- ["snakeWipe",
- ["topLeftHorizontal",
- "topLeftVertical",
- "topLeftDiagonal",
- "topRightDiagonal",
- "bottomRightDiagonal",
- "bottomLeftDiagonal"]],
- ["spiralWipe",
- ["topLeftClockwise",
- "topRightClockwise",
- "bottomRightClockwise",
- "bottomLeftClockwise",
- "topLeftCounterClockwise",
- "topRightCounterClockwise",
- "bottomRightCounterClockwise",
- "bottomLeftCounterClockwise"]],
- ["parallelSnakesWipe",
- ["verticalTopSame",
- "verticalBottomSame",
- "verticalTopLeftOpposite",
- "verticalBottomLeftOpposite",
- "horizontalLeftSame",
- "horizontalRightSame",
- "horizontalTopLeftOpposite",
- "horizontalTopRightOpposite",
- "diagonalBottomLeftOpposite",
- "diagonalTopLeftOpposite"]],
- ["boxSnakesWipe",
- ["twoBoxTop",
- "twoBoxLeft",
- "twoBoxRight",
- "fourBoxVertical",
- "fourBoxHorizontal"]],
- ["waterfallWipe",
- ["verticalLeft",
- "verticalRight",
- "horizontalLeft",
- "horizontalRight"]],
- ["pushWipe",
- ["fromLeft",
- "fromTop",
- "fromRight",
- "fromBottom",
- "fromBottomRight",
- "fromBottomLeft",
- "fromTopRight",
- "fromTopLeft",
- "combHorizontal",
- "combVertical"]],
- ["slideWipe",
- ["fromLeft",
- "fromTop",
- "fromRight",
- "fromBottom",
- "fromBottomRight",
- "fromBottomLeft",
- "fromTopRight",
- "fromTopLeft"]],
- ["fade",
- ["crossfade",
- "fadeToColor",
- "fadeFromColor",
- "fadeOverColor"]],
- ["randomBarWipe",
- ["vertical",
- "horizontal"]],
- ["checkerBoardWipe",
- ["down",
- "across"]],
- ["dissolve",
- ["default"]]
-# Print usage information.
-sub usage ()
- print <<END_OF_USAGE;
-usage: $0 <option>* [<output-file-name>]
-output-file-name defaults to alltransitions.odp.
-options: -a Generate _all_ combinations of type, subtype,
- direction, and mode
- -h Print this usage information.
-# Process the command line.
-sub process_command_line
- foreach (@ARGV)
- {
- if (/^-h/)
- {
- usage;
- exit 0;
- }
- }
- $global_gen_all=0;
- $global_output_name = "alltransitions.odp";
- my $j = 0;
- for (my $i=0; $i<=$#ARGV; $i++)
- {
- if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-a")
- {
- $global_gen_all=1;
- }
- elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-/)
- {
- print "Unknown option $ARGV[$i]\n";
- usage;
- exit 1;
- }
- elsif ($#ARGV == $i )
- {
- $global_output_name = $ARGV[$i];
- }
- }
- print "output to $global_output_name\n";
-# Main
-# Provide default values for the zip command and it's flags.
-if ( ! defined $ZipCmd)
- $ZipCmd = "zip" unless defined $ZipCmd;
- $ZipFlags = "-r -q" unless defined $ZipFlags;
-$OUT = open_file( "content.xml" );
-foreach $transitionRef (@$transitionsRef)
- $transitionType = @$transitionRef[0];
- foreach $subtype (@{$transitionRef->[1]})
- {
- if( $global_gen_all != 0 )
- {
- writeSlideStyles($slideNum++,
- $transitionType,
- $subtype,
- 0, 0);
- writeSlideStyles($slideNum++,
- $transitionType,
- $subtype,
- 1, 0);
- writeSlideStyles($slideNum++,
- $transitionType,
- $subtype,
- 0, 1);
- writeSlideStyles($slideNum++,
- $transitionType,
- $subtype,
- 1, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- writeSlideStyles($slideNum++,
- $transitionType,
- $subtype,
- 0, 0);
- }
- }
-foreach $transitionRef (@$transitionsRef)
- $transitionType = @$transitionRef[0];
- foreach $subtype (@{$transitionRef->[1]})
- {
- if( $global_gen_all != 0 )
- {
- writeSlide($slideNum++,
- $transitionType,
- $subtype,
- 0, 0);
- writeSlide($slideNum++,
- $transitionType,
- $subtype,
- 1, 0);
- writeSlide($slideNum++,
- $transitionType,
- $subtype,
- 0, 1);
- writeSlide($slideNum++,
- $transitionType,
- $subtype,
- 1, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- writeSlide($slideNum++,
- $transitionType,
- $subtype,
- 0, 0);
- }
- }
-zip_dirtree ($global_output_name);