path: root/sc/source/ui/undo/undostyl.cxx
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-04-10Automated conversion of VclPtr construction to use Instance template.Michael Meeks1-1/+1
2015-04-10Fix OutputDevice members / stack allocation: slideshow, starmath, sd, sc.Michael Meeks1-3/+3
2015-03-26const_cast: convert some C-style casts and remove some redundant onesStephan Bergmann1-1/+1
2014-10-23Fraction: Revert "fdo#81356: convert Fraction to boost::rational<long> - wip"Jan Holesovsky1-1/+1
2014-10-23Fraction: Revert "fdo#84854 it seems long is not enough on 32 bit"Jan Holesovsky1-1/+1
2014-10-16fdo#84854 it seems long is not enough on 32 bitDavid Tardon1-1/+1
2014-10-09fdo#81356: convert Fraction to boost::rational<long> - wipJuan Picca1-1/+1
2014-09-06How the hell did this survive 14 years? Kill it!Markus Mohrhard1-1/+1
2014-06-25remove whitespaceMarkus Mohrhard1-2/+0
2014-06-24new compilerplugin returnbyrefNoel Grandin1-10/+10
2014-04-23sc: sal_Bool->boolNoel Grandin1-4/+4
2014-04-06whitespace cleanup in scMarkus Mohrhard1-8/+0
2014-03-03Remove visual noise from scAlexander Wilms1-4/+4
2014-02-23Remove unneccessary commentsAlexander Wilms1-4/+4
2014-02-18sal_Bool->boolNoel Grandin1-1/+1
2013-10-08convert sc/source/ui/undo/*.cxx from String to OUStringNoel Grandin1-3/+3
2013-10-04convert sc/.../undostyl.hxx from String to OUStringNoel Grandin1-6/+6
2013-07-07module svl: all String and some bool and related clean-upNorbert Thiebaud1-2/+2
2013-04-07mass removal of rtl:: prefixes for O(U)String*Luboš Luňák1-2/+2
2012-12-04re-base on ALv2 code. Includes:Michael Meeks1-23/+14
2012-10-12mark lcl_ functions static or rename them if they are not local at allLuboš Luňák1-1/+1
2012-06-09Remove superfluous include commentsThomas Arnhold1-5/+0
2012-05-14convert GetComment family to rtl::OUStringCaolán McNamara1-2/+2
2011-11-27remove include of pch header from scNorbert Thiebaud1-2/+0
2011-05-27Replace DBG_* with OSL_* in sc/source/uiJacek Wolszczak1-2/+2
2011-03-10Merge commit 'ooo/DEV300_m101' into integration/dev300_m101Kohei Yoshida1-12/+12
2011-01-18Remove dead code: "//static" and "//virtual"Thomas Arnhold1-1/+0
2011-01-17removetooltypes01: #i112600# remove tooltypes from scMikhail Voytenko1-12/+12
2010-10-13Add vim/emacs modelines to all source filesSebastian Spaeth1-0/+2
2010-06-23unoawt2: #i112622# convert cell style names to pointers after creating a styleNiklas Nebel1-0/+4
2010-02-12changefileheader2: #i109125#: change source file copyright notice from Sun Mi...Jens-Heiner Rechtien1-4/+1
2009-10-16#i103496#: split svtools; improve ConfitItemsMathias Bauer1-1/+1
2008-04-10INTEGRATION: CWS changefileheader (1.8.24); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-23/+18
2008-03-12INTEGRATION: CWS impresstables2 (1.7.40); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-3/+3
2007-02-27INTEGRATION: CWS calcwarnings (1.6.110); FILE MERGEDVladimir Glazounov1-6/+6
2006-07-21INTEGRATION: CWS pchfix01 (1.5.214); FILE MERGEDKurt Zenker1-6/+5
2005-09-08INTEGRATION: CWS ooo19126 (1.4.328); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-47/+21
2004-09-20INTEGRATION: CWS calc21 (1.3.122); FILE MERGEDRüdiger Timm1-15/+24
2004-06-04INTEGRATION: CWS rowlimit (1.2.328); FILE MERGEDOliver Bolte1-3/+3
2001-08-20#90292# DocStyleChanged: ForgetLastPatternNiklas Nebel1-2/+8
2000-09-18initial importJens-Heiner Rechtien1-0/+327