path: root/include/vcl/jsdialog
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2024-05-03jsdialog: support for LinkButton as an independent widgetTomaž Vajngerl1-0/+5
2023-07-13jsdialog: formatted spin fieldSzymon Kłos1-0/+5
2023-07-12jsdialog: calendar widgetSzymon Kłos1-0/+4
2023-04-06jsdialog: implemented mouse events for drawingareaSzymon Kłos1-0/+15
2023-04-05jsdialog: dump menu for menubuttonSzymon Kłos1-0/+5
2023-04-02Avoid conversions between OUString and OString in VCLMike Kaganski1-7/+7
2023-03-22jsdialog: double click for drawing areaSzymon Kłos1-0/+5
2023-03-21jsdialog: add wrapper for ScrolledWindowSzymon Kłos1-0/+10
2022-12-16jsdialog: enter/leave tab page handlersSzymon Kłos1-0/+10
2022-05-01jsdialog: handle formulabar as textinputSzymon Kłos1-0/+24
2022-04-15jsdialog: close popup correctlySzymon Kłos1-1/+1
2022-01-24jsdialog: use string identifiersSzymon Kłos1-2/+3
2021-07-28jsdialog: handle popover closeSzymon Kłos1-0/+2
2021-05-21add Toggleable as a separate thing to a ButtonCaolán McNamara1-1/+1
2021-02-08jsdialog autofilter: show submenu on demadSzymon Kłos1-0/+1
2021-01-14jsdialog: execute IconView actionsSzymon Kłos1-1/+8
2021-01-12jsdialog: make Data field dialog workingSzymon Kłos1-0/+2
2020-12-28jsdialog: handle value change for spinfieldsSzymon Kłos1-0/+5
2020-11-30autofilter: fix submenu popup for onlineSzymon Kłos1-0/+2
2020-11-25jsdialog: execute checkbox actionSzymon Kłos1-0/+2
2020-11-25jsdialog: implement TreeViewSzymon Kłos1-0/+6
2020-07-16jsdialog: weld text viewSzymon Kłos1-0/+2
2020-07-15jsdialog: move executor code to vclSzymon Kłos2-21/+39
2020-07-03jsdialog: get widget depending on viewshellSzymon Kłos1-1/+1
2020-06-23most of jsdialogbuilder is not used outside vclCaolán McNamara2-208/+21
2020-06-23jsdialog: use Idle timer to send updatesSzymon Kłos1-3/+14
2020-06-23Add license header to jsdialogbuilderSzymon Kłos1-0/+11
2020-06-23jsdialog: weld SpinButton and CheckButtonSzymon Kłos1-0/+23
2020-06-22jsdialog: use for message dialogs on mobileSzymon Kłos1-0/+14
2020-06-22jsdialog: send JSON on selection changeSzymon Kłos1-0/+1
2020-06-22jsdialog: handle nested tab pagesSzymon Kłos1-0/+5
2020-06-20jsdialog: remember weld instancesSzymon Kłos1-2/+5
2020-06-20jsdialog: execute actions using weld wrapperSzymon Kłos1-1/+2
2020-06-19jsdialog: Remember builder connected with LOK window idSzymon Kłos1-0/+139