path: root/sw/sdi/wrtapp.sdi
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 16:15:01 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 16:15:01 +0000
commit7b0b5cdfeed656b279bc32cd929630d5fc25878b (patch)
tree5b89fb8497d7329d26c43f109bb014c54ffb0e8c /sw/sdi/wrtapp.sdi
parentd791366863cf9659a01b171ce0e727bfe2f28cdf (diff)
initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/sdi/wrtapp.sdi')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/sdi/wrtapp.sdi b/sw/sdi/wrtapp.sdi
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..25aebdba00db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/sdi/wrtapp.sdi
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+ $Workfile: wrtapp.sdi $
+ $Header: /zpool/svn/migration/cvs_rep_09_09_08/code/sw/sdi/wrtapp.sdi,v 2000-09-18 17:14:31 hr Exp $
+ Beschreibung: IDL - File SwWriterApp - Shell fuer Sw3
+ (c) Copyright 1989 - 2000, Star Division GmbH, Hamburg
+interface StarWriter : Module
+ uuid ( "4BF0AA20-E6B9-101C-8A0E-040224007802" )
+ FN_ENVELOP // status(final|play)
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecOther ;
+ StateMethod = StateOther ;
+ ]
+ FN_LABEL // status(final|play)
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecOther ;
+ StateMethod = StateOther ;
+ ]
+ FN_BUSINESS_CARD // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecOther ;
+ StateMethod = StateOther ;
+ ]
+ SID_SW_DOCMAN_PATH // status()
+ [
+ // nur fuer Autopilot
+ ExecMethod = ExecOther ;
+ StateMethod = NoState ;
+ ]
+ SID_ATTR_METRIC // status(final|play)
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecOther ;
+ StateMethod = StateOther ;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecWizzard ;
+ StateMethod = NoState ;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecWizzard ;
+ StateMethod = NoState ;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecWizzard ;
+ StateMethod = NoState ;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecWizzard ;
+ StateMethod = NoState ;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecOptionsDialog ;
+ StateMethod = NoState ;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecOptionsDialog ;
+ StateMethod = NoState ;
+ ]*/
+ FN_QRY // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecDB ;
+ StateMethod = StateIsView ;
+ ]
+ FN_QRY_MERGE // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecDB ;
+ StateMethod = StateIsView ;
+ ]
+ SID_ATTR_UNDO_COUNT // ole(no) api(final/play)
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecOther ;
+ StateMethod = StateOther ;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecOther ;
+ StateMethod = StateOther ;
+ ]
+ //Extra/Optionen/Ansicht
+ //Wird zusammen zum Property ViewSettings
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ Export = FALSE;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ Export = FALSE;
+ ]
+ // alles ab hier kann weg (Export = FALSE;), wenn die vorangehenden funktionieren
+ SfxBoolItem Ruler FN_RULER // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ Export = FALSE;
+ Cachable;
+ ]
+ FN_VIEW_BOUNDS // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ Export = FALSE;
+ Cachable;
+ ]
+ FN_VIEW_GRAPHIC // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ Export = FALSE ;
+ ]
+ FN_VIEW_FIELDS // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ Export = FALSE;
+ ]
+ FN_VIEW_FIELDNAME // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ Cachable ;
+ Export = FALSE;
+ ]
+ FN_VIEW_MARKS // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ Cachable ;
+ Export = FALSE;
+ ]
+ FN_VIEW_META_CHARS // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ Cachable ;
+ Export = FALSE;
+ ]
+ FN_VIEW_TABLEGRID // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ ]
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ ]
+ FN_VLINEAL // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ Export = FALSE;
+ ]
+ FN_HSCROLLBAR // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ Export = FALSE;
+ ]
+ FN_VSCROLLBAR // status()
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ Export = FALSE;
+ ]
+ FN_SHADOWCURSOR // status(final|play)
+ [
+ ExecMethod = ExecViewOptions ;
+ StateMethod = StateViewOptions ;
+ ]
+} //end interface Application
+shell SwModule
+ import StarWriter[Automation];
+ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ Revision 1.136 2000/05/26 07:06:20 os
+ old SW Basic API Slots removed
+ Revision 1.135 2000/05/10 12:00:10 os
+ Basic API removed
+ Revision 1.134 1999/11/30 10:19:58 jp
+ Task #70259#: more entries into to the popup menus
+ Revision 1.133 1999/09/28 13:17:11 os
+ #67382# separate dialog for business cards
+ Revision 1.132 1999/06/22 15:36:04 JP
+ Bug #43028#: disableflag for edit in mailbody
+ Rev 1.131 22 Jun 1999 17:36:04 JP
+ Bug #43028#: disableflag for edit in mailbody
+ Rev 1.130 23 Mar 1999 12:15:22 MA
+ #63806# ConfigName und HelpText entfernt
+ Rev 1.129 17 Feb 1999 15:06:42 OS
+ #61890# Methoden fuer alte Optionsdialoge geloescht
+ Rev 1.128 26 Nov 1998 15:19:08 MA
+ #59896# Raster usw jetzt an der Application
+ Rev 1.127 12 Nov 1998 17:29:00 MA
+ #58677# Disable Flag
+ Rev 1.126 26 Jan 1998 09:12:10 OS
+ neu: WebViewSettings
+ Rev 1.125 22 Dec 1997 17:18:54 MA
+ ShadowCursor
+ Rev 1.124 03 Nov 1997 16:09:42 JP
+ neu: Optionen/-Page/Basic-Schnittst. fuer ShadowCursor
+ Rev 1.123 28 Aug 1997 12:52:34 MBA
+ Neue Interface-Namen
+ Rev 1.122 11 Jun 1997 14:57:44 OS
+ SpellOnline und HideSpell nicht mehr mit Exportverbot #40529#
+ Rev 1.121 09 Jun 1997 14:27:20 MA
+ chg: Browse-Flag nur noch am Doc
+ Rev 1.120 06 Jun 1997 12:42:38 MA
+ chg: versteckte Absaetze ausblenden
+ Rev 1.119 30 May 1997 15:36:46 OS
+ Rev 1.118 28 May 1997 08:13:48 OS
+ SID_ATTR_METRIC am SwModule ausfuehren fr #40192#
+ Rev 1.117 16 Feb 1997 15:23:38 OM
+ DB-Manager an Ofa verschoben
+ Rev 1.116 30 Jan 1997 11:01:00 OS
+ Rev 1.115 27 Jan 1997 16:38:38 OS
+ HtmlMode entfernt
+ Rev 1.114 04 Dec 1996 14:01:32 OS
+ neue Ids fuer Optionendialoge
+ Rev 1.113 26 Nov 1996 19:43:42 OS
+ GetDocManPath mit SID_SW_DOCMAN_PATH
+ Rev 1.112 22 Nov 1996 13:03:46 OS
+ neue Ids fuer Wizards
+ Rev 1.111 01 Nov 1996 17:59:38 MA
+ Umstellung zum Module
+ Rev 1.110 27 Sep 1996 13:58:28 OS
+ +StateMethod fuer FN_LABEL
+ Rev 1.109 21 Sep 1996 17:36:42 OS
+ Sot-Umstellung beendet
+ Rev 1.108 18 Sep 1996 10:37:14 OM
+ Slots entfernt
+ Rev 1.107 17 Sep 1996 18:17:48 OS
+ EditOptionsDialog noch nicht in swriter.idl
+ Rev 1.106 16 Sep 1996 10:26:50 MBA
+ Erste Anpassungen an swriter.idl
+ Rev 1.105 10 Sep 1996 16:39:44 OS
+ Slotvereinheitlichung zu, 1.
+ Rev 1.104 31 Aug 1996 17:13:02 OS
+ neue Optionendialoge
+ Rev 1.103 20 Aug 1996 17:28:38 HJS
+ eu...
+ Rev 1.102 13 Aug 1996 12:35:16 OS
+ neu: InternetDialog
+ Rev 1.101 06 Aug 1996 11:09:56 OM
+ Hyperlinkleiste auf bei Readonly-Doks
+ Rev 1.100 29 Jul 1996 11:09:18 OS
+ Rev 1.99 25 Jul 1996 15:26:28 OS