path: root/scripting/workben/bindings
diff options
authorNoel Power <>2003-02-26 11:52:59 +0000
committerNoel Power <>2003-02-26 11:52:59 +0000
commit6e90891a06ac629418a77bff9b3e2641570a70d1 (patch)
treed74c6f024c58d95ae52a3d157dc0b084a5d68455 /scripting/workben/bindings
parentdc56ba3b948a9e2706e1d2e1f374f291e177776b (diff)
Checking in Neils modifications for EventBinding (after review) and test.
Diffstat (limited to 'scripting/workben/bindings')
2 files changed, 228 insertions, 244 deletions
diff --git a/scripting/workben/bindings/EventsBinding.xdl b/scripting/workben/bindings/EventsBinding.xdl
index 684b672772db..e8df4667fec5 100644
--- a/scripting/workben/bindings/EventsBinding.xdl
+++ b/scripting/workben/bindings/EventsBinding.xdl
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:location="application" script:macro-name="ScriptBindingLibrary.ScriptBinding.MenuCancelButton" script:language="StarBasic"/>
<dlg:button dlg:id="OK" dlg:tab-index="3" dlg:left="57" dlg:top="192" dlg:width="36" dlg:height="13" dlg:value="OK">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:location="application" script:macro-name="ScriptBindingLibrary.ScriptBinding.MenuOKButton" script:language="StarBasic"/>
+ <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:location="application" script:macro-name="ScriptBindingLibrary.ScriptBinding.EventOKButton" script:language="StarBasic"/>
<dlg:fixedline dlg:id="FixedLine4" dlg:tab-index="4" dlg:left="76" dlg:top="99" dlg:width="98" dlg:height="5"/>
<dlg:text dlg:id="Label4" dlg:tab-index="5" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="97" dlg:width="71" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Choose Event to assign to"/>
diff --git a/scripting/workben/bindings/ScriptBinding.xba b/scripting/workben/bindings/ScriptBinding.xba
index 9a4fe9721f69..d1e16353f2a1 100644
--- a/scripting/workben/bindings/ScriptBinding.xba
+++ b/scripting/workben/bindings/ScriptBinding.xba
@@ -64,12 +64,13 @@ private keyAllocationMap(6,25) as new
private AllKeyGroupsArray(6) as String
-&apos;Array to store all event bindings for the Applications
+&apos;Array of props to store all event bindings for the Applications
private allEventTypesApp( 14 ) as new
-&apos;Array to store all event types
-private allEventTypes( 14 ) as string
-&apos;Array to store textual description for all event types
-private allEventTypesAsText( 14 ) as string
+&apos;Array of props to store all event bindings for the Document
+private allEventTypesDoc( 14 ) as new
+&apos;Array of props to store all event types (Name) and textual description (Value)
+private allEventTypes( 14 ) as new
REM ------ Storage Refresh Function ------
@@ -232,9 +233,13 @@ Sub ExecuteEventBinding
+ &apos;Populate application event bindings array (from config xml file)
if not (ReadXMLToArray( &quot;Event&quot; )) then
Exit Sub
+ &apos;Populate document event bindings array (using Office API calls)
+ ReadEventsFromDoc()
bindingDialog = LoadDialog( &quot;ScriptBindingLibrary&quot;, &quot;EventsBinding&quot; )
@@ -287,7 +292,6 @@ end function
function GetDocumentType( bindingType as string ) as string
document = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
- &apos;msgbox document.dbg_supportedinterfaces
Dim errornumber As Integer
errornumber = 111
Error errornumber
@@ -433,7 +437,7 @@ function ReadXMLToArray( bindingType as string ) as boolean
elseif bindingType = &quot;Key&quot; then
processKeyXMLLine( lineCount, xmlline )
elseif bindingType = &quot;Event&quot; then
- evaluateForEvent( xmlline, lineCount )
+ evaluateForEvent( xmlline, lineCount )
MsgBox (&quot;Error: Couldn&apos;t determine file type&quot; + chr$(10) + chr$(10) + &quot;Action: Please reinstall Scripting Framework&quot;,0,&quot;Error&quot; )
end if
@@ -472,26 +476,110 @@ end sub
sub evaluateForEvent( xmlline as string, lineCount as integer )
dim eventName as String
&apos;if the xml line identifies a script or SB macro
- dim scriptProp as new
+ dim scriptName as string
+ dim lineNumber as integer
if instr( xmlline, &quot;event:language=&quot; + chr$(34) + &quot;Script&quot; ) &gt; 0 then
eventName = ExtractEventNameFromXMLLine( xmlline )
- scriptProp.Name = ExtractEventScriptFromXMLLine( xmlline )
- scriptProp.Value = lineCount
+ scriptName = ExtractEventScriptFromXMLLine( xmlline )
+ lineNumber = lineCount
elseif instr( xmlline, &quot;event:language=&quot; + chr$(34) + &quot;StarBasic&quot; ) &gt; 0 then
- eventName = ExtractEventNameFromXMLLine( xmlline )
- scriptProp.Name = &quot;Allocated to Office function&quot;
- scriptProp.Value = 1
+ eventName = ExtractEventNameFromXMLLine( xmlline )
+ scriptName = &quot;Allocated to Office function&quot;
+ lineNumber = 1
end if
+ &apos;Need to sequence to find the corresponding index for the event type
for n = 0 to ubound( allEventTypesApp() )
- if ( eventName = allEventTypes( n ) ) then
- allEventTypesApp( n ).Value = scriptProp
+ if ( eventName = allEventTypes( n ).Name ) then
+ allEventTypesApp( n ).Name = scriptName
+ allEventTypesApp( n ).Value = lineNumber
end if
next n
end sub
+sub ReadEventsFromDoc()
+ On Error Goto ErrorHandler
+ eventSupplier = ThisComponent
+ for n = 0 to ubound( allEventTypes() )
+ scriptProps = eventSupplier.getEvents().getByName( allEventTypes( n ).Name )
+ if ( ubound( scriptProps ) &gt; 0 ) then
+ if ( scriptProps(0).Value = &quot;Script&quot; ) then
+ &apos;Script binding
+ allEventTypesDoc(n).Name = scriptProps(1).Value
+ allEventTypesDoc(n).value = 2
+ elseif( scriptProps(0).Value = &quot;StarBasic&quot; ) then
+ &apos;StarBasic macro
+ allEventTypesDoc(n).Name = &quot;Allocated to Office function&quot;
+ allEventTypesDoc(n).value = 1
+ end if
+ end if
+ next n
+ exit sub
+ &apos; eventProps is undefined if there are no event bindings in the doc
+ ErrorHandler:
+ reset
+end sub
+sub WriteEventsToDoc()
+ On Error Goto ErrorHandler
+ eventSupplier = ThisComponent
+ for n = 0 to ubound( allEventTypes() )
+ scriptName = allEventTypesDoc( n ).Name
+ eventName = allEventTypes( n ).Name
+ if( allEventTypesDoc( n ).Value &gt; 1 ) then &apos;script
+ &apos;add to doc
+ AddEventToDocViaAPI( scriptName, eventName )
+ elseif( allEventTypesDoc( n ).Value = 0 ) then &apos;blank (this will &quot;remove&quot; already blank entries)
+ &apos;remove from doc
+ RemoveEventFromDocViaAPI( eventName )
+ endif
+ &apos;Otherwise it is a StarBasic binding - leave alone
+ next n
+ exit sub
+ ErrorHandler:
+ reset
+ msgbox( &quot;Error calling UNO API for writing event bindings to the document&quot; )
+end sub
+sub RemoveEventFromDocViaAPI( event as string )
+ dim document as object
+ dim dispatcher as object
+ dim parser as object
+ dim url as new
+ document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
+ parser = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ dim args(0) as new
+ args(0).Name = &quot;&quot;
+ args(0).Value = event
+ url.Complete = &quot;script://ScriptFrmwrkHelper.removeEvent?language=Java+function=ScriptFrmwrkHelper.removeEvent+location=user&quot;
+ parser.parseStrict(url)
+ disp = document.queryDispatch(url,&quot;&quot;,0)
+ disp.dispatch(url,args())
+end sub
+sub AddEventToDocViaAPI( scriptName as string, eventName as string )
+ dim properties( 1 ) as new
+ properties( 0 ).Name = &quot;EventType&quot;
+ properties( 0 ).Value = &quot;Script&quot;
+ properties( 1 ).Name = &quot;URL&quot;
+ properties( 1 ).Value = scriptName
+ eventSupplier = ThisComponent
+ &apos;eventSupplier = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ nameReplace = eventSupplier.getEvents()
+ nameReplace.replaceByName( eventName, properties() )
+end sub
&apos; returns 0 for Fkey
@@ -640,50 +728,28 @@ sub UpdateConfig( a$ )
End Sub
-sub AddNewEventBindingDoc( scriptName as string, eventName as string )
- dim properties( 1 ) as new
- properties( 0 ).Name = &quot;EventType&quot;
- properties( 0 ).Value = &quot;Script&quot;
- properties( 1 ).Name = &quot;URL&quot;
- properties( 1 ).Value = scriptName
- eventSupplier = ThisComponent
- &apos;eventSupplier = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
- nameReplace = eventSupplier.getEvents()
- nameReplace.replaceByName( eventName, properties() )
-end sub
-sub AddNewEventBindingApp( scriptName as string, eventBinding as string )
- for n = 0 to ubound( allEventTypesApp() )
- if strcomp( allEventTypesApp( n ).Name, eventBinding, 1 ) = 0 then
- dim scriptProp as new
- scriptProp.Name = scriptName
- scriptProp.Value = numberOfLines
- allEventTypesApp( n ).Value = scriptProp
- exit for
- end if
- next n
- newline = &quot; &lt;event:event event:name=&quot; + chr$(34) + eventBinding + chr$(34)
- newline = newline + &quot; event:language=&quot; + chr$(34) + &quot;Script&quot; + chr$(34) + &quot; xlink:href=&quot; + chr$(34)
- newline = newline + scriptName + chr$(34) + &quot; xlink:type=&quot; + chr$(34) + &quot;simple&quot; + chr$(34) + &quot;/&gt;&quot;
+sub AddNewEventBinding( scriptName as string, eventPosition as integer, isApp as boolean )
+ event = allEventTypes( eventPosition ).Name
+ &apos;dim scriptProp as new
+ if isApp then
+ &apos;scriptProp.Name = scriptName
+ &apos;scriptProp.Value = numberOfLines
+ allEventTypesApp( eventPosition ).Name = scriptName
+ allEventTypesApp( eventPosition ).Value = numberOfLines
- &apos;msgbox ( &quot;numberOfLines is &quot; + numberOfLines )
- for n = 1 to numberOfLines
- if n = numberOfLines then
- &apos;msgbox ( &quot;Adding new line: &quot; + newline + &quot; &quot; + n)
- &apos;msgbox ( &quot;Adding last line: &lt;/event:events&gt;&quot;+ n )
- xmlFile( n ) = newline
- xmlFile( n + 1 ) = &quot;&lt;/event:events&gt;&quot;
- exit for
- else
- &apos;msgbox ( &quot;Adding line: &quot; + xmlFile( n )+ &quot; &quot; + n )
- xmlFile( n ) = xmlFile( n )
- end if
- next n
- numberOfLines = numberOfLines + 1
+ newline = &quot; &lt;event:event event:name=&quot; + chr$(34) + event + chr$(34)
+ newline = newline + &quot; event:language=&quot; + chr$(34) + &quot;Script&quot; + chr$(34) + &quot; xlink:href=&quot; + chr$(34)
+ newline = newline + scriptName + chr$(34) + &quot; xlink:type=&quot; + chr$(34) + &quot;simple&quot; + chr$(34) + &quot;/&gt;&quot;
+ xmlFile( numberOfLines ) = newline
+ xmlFile( numberOfLines + 1 ) = &quot;&lt;/event:events&gt;&quot;
+ numberOfLines = numberOfLines + 1
+ else
+ &apos;scriptProp.Name = scriptName
+ &apos;scriptProp.Value = 2
+ allEventTypesDoc( eventPosition ).Name = scriptName
+ allEventTypesDoc( eventPosition ).Value = 2
+ end if
end sub
REM ----- Array update functions -----
@@ -1032,57 +1098,39 @@ sub PopulateKeyBindingList( keyGroupIndex as Integer )
end sub
sub populateEventList( focusPosition as integer )
- on error goto ErrorHandler
allApps = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;AllAppsOption&quot; )
eventList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;EventList&quot; )
eventList.removeItems( 0, eventList.getItemCount() )
- &apos; use allEventTypes() to fill list box
- &apos; for each element compare with allEventTypesApp
- if allApps.state = true then &apos; Application event
- for n = 0 to ubound( allEventTypesAsText() )
- stringToAdd = &quot;&quot;
- scriptProp = allEventTypesApp( n ).Value
- &apos; If the line number is 1 then SB macro
- &apos; more than 1 it is the line number of the script
- if ( scriptProp.Value = 1 ) then
- stringToAdd = stringToAdd + &quot; [Allocated to Office function]&quot;
- elseif ( scriptProp.Value &gt; 1 ) then
- stringToAdd = stringToAdd + &quot; [&quot; + scriptProp.Name + &quot;]&quot;
- end if
- eventList.addItem( allEventTypesAsText( n ) + &quot; &quot; + stringToAdd, n )
- next n
- else &apos;Document event
- for n = 0 to ubound( allEventTypes() )
- displayLine = allEventTypesAsText( n )
- eventSupplier = ThisComponent
- scriptProps = eventSupplier.getEvents().getByName( allEventTypes( n ) )
- if ( UBOUND( scriptProps ) &gt; 0 ) then
- if ( UBOUND( scriptProps ) = 2 ) then
- &apos; Starbasic script
- displayLine = displayLine + &quot; [Allocated to Office function]&quot;
- else
- displayLine = displayLine + &quot; [&quot; + scriptProps(1).Value + &quot;]&quot;
- end if
- end if
- eventList.addItem( displayLine, n ) &apos;add doc event info later
- next n
+ dim isApp as boolean
+ if allApps.state = true then &apos; Application event
+ isApp = true
+ else
+ isApp = false
end if
- eventList.selectItemPos( focusPosition, true )
- Exit Sub
- &apos; eventProps is undefined if there are no event bindings in the doc
- ErrorHandler:
- reset
- for n = 0 to ubound( allEventTypesAsText() )
- eventList.addItem( allEventTypesAsText(n), n )
+ &apos; use allEventTypes() to fill list box
+ &apos; for each element compare with allEventTypesApp
+ dim scriptName as string
+ dim lineNumber as integer
+ for n = 0 to ubound( allEventTypes() )
+ &apos; If the line number is 1 then SB macro
+ &apos; more than 1 it is the line number of the script
+ if isApp then
+ lineNumber = allEventTypesApp( n ).Value
+ scriptName = allEventTypesApp( n ).Name
+ else
+ lineNumber = allEventTypesDoc( n ).Value
+ scriptName = allEventTypesDoc( n ).Name
+ end if
+ stringToAdd = &quot;&quot;
+ if ( lineNumber &gt;= 1 ) then
+ stringToAdd = &quot; [&quot; + scriptName + &quot;]&quot;
+ end if
+ eventList.addItem( allEventTypes( n ).Value + &quot; &quot; + stringToAdd, n )
next n
- eventList.selectItemPos( focusPosition, true )
+ eventList.selectItemPos( focusPosition, true )
end sub
@@ -1125,92 +1173,53 @@ end sub
sub createAllEventTypes()
- allEventTypes( 0 ) = &quot;OnStartApp&quot;
- allEventTypes( 1 ) = &quot;OnCloseApp&quot;
- allEventTypes( 2 ) = &quot;OnNew&quot;
- allEventTypes( 3 ) = &quot;OnLoad&quot;
- allEventTypes( 4 ) = &quot;OnSaveAs&quot;
- allEventTypes( 5 ) = &quot;OnSaveAsDone&quot;
- allEventTypes( 6 ) = &quot;OnSave&quot;
- allEventTypes( 7 ) = &quot;OnSaveDone&quot;
- allEventTypes( 8 ) = &quot;OnPrepareUnload&quot;
- allEventTypes( 9 ) = &quot;OnUnload&quot;
- allEventTypes( 10 ) = &quot;OnFocus&quot;
- allEventTypes( 11 ) = &quot;OnUnfocus&quot;
- allEventTypes( 12 ) = &quot;OnPrint&quot;
- allEventTypes( 13 ) = &quot;OnError&quot;
- allEventTypes( 14 ) = &quot;OnNewMail&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(0) = &quot;Start Application&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(1) = &quot;Close Application&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(2) = &quot;Create Document&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(3) = &quot;Open Document&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(4) = &quot;Save Document As&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(5) = &quot;Document has been saved as&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(6) = &quot;Save Document&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(7) = &quot;Document has been saved&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(8) = &quot;Close Document&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(9) = &quot;Close Document&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(10) = &quot;Activate document&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(11) = &quot;DeActivate document&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(12) = &quot;Print Document&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(13) = &quot;JavaScript Error&quot;
- allEventTypesAsText(14) = &quot;Message received&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 0 ).Name = &quot;OnStartApp&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 0 ).Value = &quot;Start Application&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 1 ).Name = &quot;OnCloseApp&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 1 ).Value = &quot;Close Application&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 2 ).Name = &quot;OnNew&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 2 ).Value = &quot;Create Document&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 3 ).Name = &quot;OnLoad&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 3 ).Value = &quot;Open Document&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 4 ).Name = &quot;OnSaveAs&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 4 ).Value = &quot;Save Document As&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 5 ).Name = &quot;OnSaveAsDone&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 5 ).Value = &quot;Document has been saved as&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 6 ).Name = &quot;OnSave&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 6 ).Value = &quot;Save Document&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 7 ).Name = &quot;OnSaveDone&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 7 ).Value = &quot;Document has been saved&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 8 ).Name = &quot;OnPrepareUnload&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 8 ).Value = &quot;Close Document&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 9 ).Name = &quot;OnUnload&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 9 ).Value = &quot;Close Document&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 10 ).Name = &quot;OnFocus&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 10 ).Value = &quot;Activate document&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 11 ).Name = &quot;OnUnfocus&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 11 ).Value = &quot;DeActivate document&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 12 ).Name = &quot;OnPrint&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 12 ).Value = &quot;Print Document&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 13 ).Name = &quot;OnError&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 13 ).Value = &quot;JavaScript Error&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 14 ).Name = &quot;OnNewMail&quot;
+ allEventTypes( 14 ).Value = &quot;Message received&quot;
end sub
sub createAllEventBindings()
- dim props as new
- props.Name = &quot;&quot;
- props.Value = 0
+ &apos;dim props as new
+ &apos;props.Name = &quot;&quot; &apos;Name = script name
+ &apos;props.Value = 0 &apos;Value = 0 for empty, 1 for macro, linenumber for script
&apos; Creates all types of event bindings for both Application and Document
&apos; Initially both arrays have no bindings allocated to the events
- allEventTypesApp( 0 ).Name = &quot;OnStartApp&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 0 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 1 ).Name = &quot;OnCloseApp&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 1 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 2 ).Name = &quot;OnNew&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 2 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 3 ).Name = &quot;OnLoad&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 3 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 4 ).Name = &quot;OnSaveAs&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 4 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 5 ).Name = &quot;OnSaveAsDone&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 5 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 6 ).Name = &quot;OnSave&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 6 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 7 ).Name = &quot;OnSaveDone&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 7 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 8 ).Name = &quot;OnPrepareLoad&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 8 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 9 ).Name = &quot;OnUnload&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 9 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 10 ).Name = &quot;OnFocus&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 10 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 11 ).Name = &quot;OnUnfocus&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 11 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 12 ).Name = &quot;OnPrint&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 12 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 13 ).Name = &quot;OnError&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 13 ).Value = props
- allEventTypesApp( 14 ).Name = &quot;OnNewMail&quot;
- allEventTypesApp( 14 ).Value = props
+ &apos; The value for Doc is only Script/macro name (no need for line number)
+ for n = 0 to ubound( allEventTypes() )
+ allEventTypesApp( n ).Name = &quot;&quot;
+ allEventTypesApp( n ).Value = 0
+ allEventTypesDoc( n ).Name = &quot;&quot;
+ allEventTypesDoc( n ).Value = 0
+ next n
end sub
@@ -1271,7 +1280,6 @@ function ExtractEventNameFromXMLLine( xmlline as string )
idEnd = instr( xmlline, chr$(34)+&quot; event:language&quot; )
idLength = idEnd - idStart
event = mid( xmlline, idStart, idLength )
- &apos;msgbox ( &quot;event: &quot; + event )
ExtractEventNameFromXMLLine() = event
end function
@@ -1473,41 +1481,24 @@ sub EventListListener()
eventPos = eventList.getSelectedItemPos()
allApps = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;AllAppsOption&quot; )
+ dim binding as integer
if allApps.state = true then
- &apos;if the name is blank then the event is unassigned or assigned to a macro
- binding = allEventTypesApp( eventPos ).Value.Value
- if ( binding &gt; 1 ) then
- bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = true
- else
- bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = false
- end if
+ binding = allEventTypesApp( eventPos ).Value
- event = allEventTypes( eventPos )
- &apos;if doc bindings
- &apos;sequence through doc bindings using api
- &apos;when find matching event - see if script or macro
- dim prop as new
- eventSupplier = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
- scriptProps = eventSupplier.getEvents().getByName( event )
- &apos;msgbox (&quot;listener scriptprops has &quot; + UBOUND( scriptProps ) + &quot;elems&quot;)
- if ( UBOUND( scriptProps ) &gt;= 0 ) then
- if ( UBOUND( scriptProps ) = 2 ) then
- &apos; Starbasic script
- bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = false
- else
- bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = true
- end if
- else
- bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = false
- end if
- end if
+ binding = allEventTypesDoc( eventPos ).Value
+ endif
+ if ( binding &gt; 1 ) then
+ bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = true
+ else
+ bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = false
+ end if
exit sub
- &apos;msgbox ( &quot;EventListListener: ErrorHandler called&quot; )
bindingDialog.Model.Delete.enabled = false
end sub
@@ -1653,16 +1644,16 @@ sub EventNewButton()
scriptURI = getScriptURI( selectedScript )
eventList = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;EventList&quot; )
eventPosition = eventList.getSelectedItemPos()
- event = allEventTypes( eventPosition )
- &apos;msgbox ( &quot;script is: &quot; + scriptLogical + &quot; and event is &quot; + event )
allApps = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;AllAppsOption&quot; )
+ dim isApp as boolean
if allApps.state = true then &apos;Application
- AddNewEventBindingApp( scriptURI, event )
+ isApp = true
else &apos;Document
- AddNewEventBindingDoc( scriptURI, event )
+ isApp = false
end if
+ AddNewEventBinding( scriptURI, eventPosition, isApp )
populateEventList( eventPosition )
end sub
@@ -1675,39 +1666,32 @@ sub EventDeleteButton()
allApps = bindingDialog.getControl( &quot;AllAppsOption&quot; )
if allApps.state = true then &apos;Application
- eventProp = allEventTypesApp( eventPosition ).Value
- linePosition = eventProp.Value
- eventProp.Name = &quot;&quot;
- eventProp.Value = 0
- allEventTypesApp( eventPosition ).Value = eventProp
+ linePosition = allEventTypesApp( eventPosition ).Value
+ &apos;dim eventProp as new
+ &apos;eventProp.Name = &quot;&quot;
+ &apos;eventProp.Value = 0
+ allEventTypesApp( eventPosition ).Name = &quot;&quot;
+ allEventTypesApp( eventPosition ).Value = 0
RemoveBinding( linePosition )
else &apos;Document
- DeleteEvent( allEventTypes( eventPosition ) )
+ &apos;DeleteEvent( allEventTypes( eventPosition ) )
+ allEventTypesDoc( eventPosition ).Name = &quot;&quot;
+ allEventTypesDoc( eventPosition ).Value = 0
end if
PopulateEventList( eventPosition )
end sub
-sub HelpOKButton()
- helpDialog.endExecute()
+sub EventOKButton
+ WriteEventsToDoc()
+ WriteXMLFromArray()
+ bindingDialog.endExecute()
end sub
-sub DeleteEvent( event as String )
- dim document as object
- dim dispatcher as object
- dim parser as object
- dim url as new
- document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
- parser = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- dim args(0) as new
- args(0).Name = &quot;&quot;
- args(0).Value = event
- url.Complete = &quot;script://ScriptFrmwrkHelper.removeEvent?language=Java+function=ScriptFrmwrkHelper.removeEvent+location=user&quot;
- parser.parseStrict(url)
- disp = document.queryDispatch(url,&quot;&quot;,0)
- disp.dispatch(url,args())
-end sub
+sub HelpOKButton()
+ helpDialog.endExecute()
+end sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file