path: root/odk/docs/tools.html
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authorJuergen Schmidt <>2003-01-14 11:07:55 +0000
committerJuergen Schmidt <>2003-01-14 11:07:55 +0000
commit3f148f03a04e13f36664ceaae60fed1ad0f152fe (patch)
tree7dde43065543a25003db1a69c61412d20870179c /odk/docs/tools.html
parent234644eeb731b3ff0a4822f11ddc76ba588aad9f (diff)
#99053# lingu review
Diffstat (limited to 'odk/docs/tools.html')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/odk/docs/tools.html b/odk/docs/tools.html
index d07458485e86..188d74cb1d0d 100644
--- a/odk/docs/tools.html
+++ b/odk/docs/tools.html
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
<font size="3"><a href="#autodoc">autodoc</a></font>
<td width=86%>
- Tool to generate javadoc like documentation for C/C++ and UNOIDL files.
+ Tool to generate javadoc-like documentation for C/C++ and UNOIDL files.
<td width=2%></td>
@@ -199,9 +199,9 @@
<a href="../index.html">SDK home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#tools">tools overview</a>
- <p>'idlc' is the UNOIDL compiler, a full featured compiler to check UNODL type definitions and
- transform valid type definitions into a binary type library format which is later used of all
- codemaker tools, and is used as a dynamic type library for UNO at runtime.<br>
+ <p>'idlc' is the UNOIDL compiler. It is a full featured compiler used to check UNODL type definitions and
+ transform valid type definitions into a binary type library format, which is later used by all
+ codemaker tools. It is also used as a dynamic type library for UNO at runtime.<br>
You can find a syntax description for UNOIDL <a href="notsupported.html">here</a>.</p>
@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@
<td width=15%><code>-I&lt;path&gt;</code></td>
<td width=85%>
- path specifies a directory where include files are located, that will be searched by the
- preprocessor. Multiple directories can be combined with ';'.
+ path specifies a directory where included files that will be searched by the
+ preprocessor are located. Multiple directories can be combined with ';'.
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
<td width=15%><code>-C</code></td>
<td width=85%>
- generate complete type information, including additional service information and documentation.
+ generates complete type information, including additional service information and documentation.
@@ -290,9 +290,9 @@
<a href="../index.html">SDK home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#tools">tools overview</a>
- <p>The cppumaker generates a C++ representation for idl types. The cppumaker works on a typelibrary
+ <p>The cppumaker generates a C++ representation for idl types. The cppumaker works on a typelibrary,
which is generated by the unoidl. It generates the output for all specified types and for all types
- the specified types depend on.</p>
+ the specified types depend on.</p>
<b><code>cppumaker [-options] file_1 ... file_n</code></b>
@@ -468,9 +468,9 @@
<a href="../index.html">SDK home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#tools">tools overview</a>
- <p>The rdbmaker generates subsets of the typelibrary. The rdbmaker works on a typelibrary which
- is generated by the unoidl. It generates a subset of the typelibrary which contains all specified
- types and all types the specified types depend on. This could be used to provide all types and
+ <p>The rdbmaker generates subsets of the typelibrary. The rdbmaker works on a typelibrary that
+ is generated by the unoidl. It generates a subset of the typelibrary, which contains all specified
+ types and all types the specified types depend on. This can be used to provide all types and
only the necessary types for a component.</p>
@@ -551,13 +551,13 @@
<a href="../index.html">SDK home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#tools">tools overview</a>
<p>'pkgchk' is a tool for easy deployment of UNO packages in an exisiting office installation.
- UNO packages are UNO components (single libraries or Jar files or more complex zip files which
+ UNO packages are UNO components (single libraries or Jar files or more complex zip files that
contains one or more libraries|Jar files, type libraries and configuration items) and
[PRODUCTNAME] libraries as zip package. More detailed information comes with the
developer documentation in the final release of the SDK.</p>
<p><b>Note:</b> This tool works only in the &lt;office&gt;/program directory and must be copied
together with the library ( (Unix), pkgchkXXX.dll (windows)) into this directory.
- Probably later office versions comes directly with this tool. <b>Unix</b>
+ Later office versions will probably come directly with this tool. <b>Unix</b>
users additionally have to create a link in the &lt;office&gt;/program directory;
move into the &lt;office&gt;/program directory and use the following command:
<code>'ln -s soffice pkgchk'</code></p>
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@
<td width=15%><code>-c&lt;locationUrls&gt;</code></td>
<td width=85%>
the location of a component (DLL, Class name, or an url of a jar file) or a list of urls
- separated by ';'s. Note, if a list of urls is specified, the components must all need the
+ separated by ';'s. Note that, if a list of urls is specified, the components must all need the
same loader.
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@
<a href="../index.html">SDK home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#tools">tools overview</a>
<p>'regview' is a tool to show the contents of a registry file. The tool dumps the hierarchical
- structure and the values of the nodes to stdout in a human readable form.</p>
+ structure and the values of the nodes to stdout in a readable form.</p>
<b><code>regview &lt;registryfile&gt; [&lt;keyName&gt;]</code></b>
@@ -825,9 +825,9 @@
<td width=15%><code>&lt;keyName&gt;</code></td>
<td width=85%>
- the name of a registry key. The name must be full qualified, for example, '/' means the root key
+ the name of a registry key. The name must be fully qualified; for example, '/' means the root key
and '/UCR/com/sun/star/uno/XInterface' shows the type specification of the XInterface type.
- If no key is specified the tool dumps the whole content of the registry file.
+ If no key is specified, the tool dumps the whole content of the registry file.
@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@
... <br>
- So, the variable &lt;libraryName&gt;_XML2CMPTYPES contains a list of the types,
+ The variable &lt;libraryName&gt;_XML2CMPTYPES contains a list of the types
used by that library.
@@ -917,10 +917,10 @@
<b><code>xml2cmp -ix &lt;sourcedirectory&gt; &lt;outputdirectory&gt; [&lt;tagname1&gt;
[&lt;tagname2&gt; ...]]</code></b>
- <p>This version parses all .xml files which are found in <code>&lt;sourcedirectory&gt;</code> or its
+ <p>This version parses all .xml files that are found in <code>&lt;sourcedirectory&gt;</code> or its
subdirectories. It produces the .html output of all parsed .xml files (as in version 1 above). Also,
- it produces a file, named xmlindex.html. This is an HTML file which contains tables alphabetically
- ordered on the left side, which allows assigning, from one 'XML-tags' contents to another (of all
+ it produces a file named xmlindex.html. This is an HTML file which contains tables alphabetically
+ ordered on the left side, which allows assigning from one 'XML-tags' content to another (of all
original parsed .xml files). The following tables are produced („Module“ refers to a library):
@@ -964,7 +964,7 @@
<a href="../index.html">SDK home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#tools">tools overview</a>
- <p>The UNO-starter is for running a component or service process, providing a runtime environment.
+ <p>The UNO-starter is for running a component or service process, and providing a runtime environment.
Raising a component might look like this </p>
<p><code>[c:\] uno.exe -c MyComponent -l mycomp.dll -r myregistry.rdb -- foo bar </code> </p>
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@
<p><b>Service <a href="common/ref/com/sun/star/bridge/UnoUrlResolver.html"></a></b></p>
- <p>You can easily connect to a server started with the -u (url) option by using this service giving
+ <p>You can easily connect to a server started with the -u (url) option by using this service, giving
the same url to resolve. The service provides you an instance from remote.</p>
@@ -1077,10 +1077,10 @@
<a href="../index.html">SDK home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#tools">tools overview</a>
- <p>The autodoc tool is for creating javadoc-like documentation from C++ and UNOIDL source code.</p>
- <p>There are some conventions to follow, when documenting C++- or UNOIDL-sourcecode. See at &nbsp;
+ <p>The autodoc tool is used for creating javadoc-like documentation from C++ and UNOIDL source code.</p>
+ <p>There are some conventions to follow when documenting C++- or UNOIDL-sourcecode. See &nbsp;
(( REFERENCE to commenting guides for C++ and IDL )). &nbsp;<br>
- If you don't know those, but know Javadoc: For simple C++ &nbsp;sourcecode documentation,
+ If you are not familiar with these, but do know Javadoc: For simple C++ &nbsp;sourcecode documentation,
using javadoc-style comments will work.<br>
@@ -1096,10 +1096,10 @@
<td width="15%"><code>-v &lt;VerboseNr&gt;</code></td>
<td width="85%">
- &lt;VerboseNr&gt; == 5 displays the parsed source code tokens, so you can locate, which piece
+ &lt;VerboseNr&gt; == 5 displays the parsed source code tokens, so you can locate which piece
caused an parsing error.<br>
&lt;VerboseNr&gt; == 2 &nbsp;displays not only the parsed source code, but also the comments.<br><br>
- This option has to be the first one, if it is used.<br>
+ This option must be the first one, if it is used.<br>
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@
<td valign="Top"><code>-html &lt;OutputDirectory&gt;</code></td>
<td valign="Top">
- Specifies the root directory, where the HTML output is created.<br>
+ Specifies the root directory where the HTML output is created.<br>
Autodoc does not remove old files there, though it overwrites them.<br>
@@ -1126,11 +1126,11 @@
<td width="15%"><code>-p &lt;ProjectName&gt; &lt;ProjectDirectory&gt;</code></td>
<td width="85%">
- This option can be used, to divide large code bases into different projects.<br>
+ This option can be used to divide large code bases into different projects.<br>
&lt;ProjectName&gt; gives a user-defined name for the project.<br>
&lt;ProjectDirectory&gt; is the root to which all paths, given with the following
options -t, -d and -f, are relative. <br>
- This option can be omitted, then there are no projects and all paths in the
+ This option can be omitted when there are no projects and all paths in the
following options are relative to the working directory.<br> <br>
The "{ ... }*"&nbsp; around the options -p,-t,-d,-f &nbsp;indicates, that
this whole block of options can be repeated, each block starting with a new -p .<br>
@@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@
<td valign="Top"><code>-t &lt;SourceTree&gt;</code></td>
<td valign="Top">
- Specifies to parse all files in th directory &lt;SourceTree&gt; and it's subdirectories, where the
+ Specifies that all files in the directory &lt;SourceTree&gt; and it's subdirectories are parsed, where the
file ending matches the option -lg.<br>
There can be given multiple directories after one -t option.<br>
All relative paths &nbsp;are relative to the project-rootdirectory, given with the -p option.<br>
@@ -1148,9 +1148,9 @@
<td valign="Top"><code>-d &lt;SourceDirectory&gt;</code></td>
<td valign="Top">
- Specifies to parse all files in th directory &lt;SourceDirectory&gt;, but
- NOT it's subdirectories, where the file ending matches the option -lg.<br>
- There can be given multiple directories after one -d option.<br>
+ Specifies that all files in th directory &lt;SourceDirectory&gt;, but
+ NOT it's subdirectories, are parsed, where the file ending matches the option -lg.<br>
+ There can be multiple directories given after one -d option.<br>
All relative paths &nbsp;are relative to the project-rootdirectory, given
with the -p option.<br>
@@ -1158,8 +1158,8 @@
<td valign="Top"><code>-f &lt;SourceFile&gt;</code></td>
<td valign="Top">
- Specifies to parse the given file. The ending does not have to match the -lg option.<br>
- There can be given multiple files after one -f option.<br>
+ Parses the given file. The ending does not have to match the -lg option.<br>
+ There can be multiple files given after one -f option.<br>
All relative paths &nbsp;are relative to the project-rootdirectory, given with the -p option.
@@ -1191,9 +1191,7 @@
<td colspan="3">
- <p align=center><font size=2><b>Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems,
- Inc., 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA.</b></font>
- </p>
+ <p align=center><font size=2><b>Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.</b></font>