diff options
authorNoel Power <>2013-05-24 12:34:27 +0100
committerNoel Power <>2013-05-24 12:35:12 +0100
commiteb9bf904b58aede41b06a5c14335eec6565af202 (patch)
parentcd689259bc0fd9d490e490dd3c74b667e9686271 (diff)
Revert "improve cell style xls[x|m] import performance"
3 files changed, 16 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/inc/stylesbuffer.hxx b/sc/source/filter/inc/stylesbuffer.hxx
index 2195ab059470..77654c7b2af4 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/inc/stylesbuffer.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/inc/stylesbuffer.hxx
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
#include "stlsheet.hxx"
#include <editeng/svxenum.hxx>
#include <editeng/frmdir.hxx>
-#include "attarray.hxx"
-#include <list>
class ScMarkData;
namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
@@ -721,8 +719,6 @@ public:
inline const Protection& getProtection() const { return maProtection; }
void writeToMarkData( ::ScMarkData& rMarkData, sal_Int32 nNumFmtId );
- void applyPatternToAttrList( ::std::list<ScAttrEntry>& rAttrs, SCROW nRow1, SCROW nRow2,
- sal_uInt32 nForceScNumFmt );
/** Writes all formatting attributes to the passed property map. */
void writeToPropertyMap( PropertyMap& rPropMap ) const;
/** Writes all formatting attributes to the passed property set. */
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/oox/sheetdatabuffer.cxx b/sc/source/filter/oox/sheetdatabuffer.cxx
index 48b5e8ec709a..11a057d8ae29 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/oox/sheetdatabuffer.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/oox/sheetdatabuffer.cxx
@@ -361,50 +361,6 @@ void SheetDataBuffer::finalizeImport()
// write default formatting of remaining row range
maXfIdRowRangeList[ maXfIdRowRange.mnXfId ].push_back( maXfIdRowRange.maRowRange );
- typedef ::std::pair< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 > RowRange;
- struct RowRangeStyle
- {
- sal_Int32 mnStartRow;
- sal_Int32 mnEndRow;
- XfIdNumFmtKey mnNumFmt;
- };
- struct StyleRowRangeComp
- {
- bool operator() (const RowRangeStyle& lhs, const RowRangeStyle& rhs) const
- {
- return lhs.mnEndRow<rhs.mnStartRow;
- }
- };
- typedef ::std::set< RowRangeStyle, StyleRowRangeComp > RowStyles;
- typedef ::std::map< sal_Int32, RowStyles > ColStyles;
- ColStyles aStylesPerColumn;
- StylesBuffer& rStyles = getStyles();
- std::map< std::pair< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 >, ApiCellRangeList > rangeStyleListMap;
- for( XfIdRangeListMap::const_iterator aIt = maXfIdRangeLists.begin(), aEnd = maXfIdRangeLists.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
- addIfNotInMyMap( getStyles(), rangeStyleListMap, aIt->first.first, aIt->first.second, aIt->second );
- // gather all ranges that have the same style and apply them in bulk
- for ( std::map< std::pair< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 >, ApiCellRangeList >::iterator it = rangeStyleListMap.begin(), it_end = rangeStyleListMap.end(); it != it_end; ++it )
- {
- const ApiCellRangeList& rRanges( it->second );
- for ( ApiCellRangeList::const_iterator it_range = rRanges.begin(), it_rangeend = rRanges.end(); it_range!=it_rangeend; ++it_range )
- {
- RowRangeStyle aStyleRows;
- aStyleRows.mnNumFmt.first = it->first.first;
- aStyleRows.mnNumFmt.second = it->first.second;
- aStyleRows.mnStartRow = it_range->StartRow;
- aStyleRows.mnEndRow = it_range->EndRow;
- for ( sal_Int32 nCol = it_range->StartColumn; nCol <= it_range->EndColumn; ++nCol )
- aStylesPerColumn[ nCol ].insert( aStyleRows );
- }
- }
- // process row ranges for each column, don't overwrite any existing row entries for a column
for ( std::map< sal_Int32, std::vector< ValueRange > >::iterator it = maXfIdRowRangeList.begin(), it_end = maXfIdRowRangeList.end(); it != it_end; ++it )
ApiCellRangeList rangeList;
@@ -412,91 +368,27 @@ void SheetDataBuffer::finalizeImport()
// get all row ranges for id
for ( std::vector< ValueRange >::iterator rangeIter = it->second.begin(), rangeIter_end = it->second.end(); rangeIter != rangeIter_end; ++rangeIter )
- RowRangeStyle aStyleRows;
- aStyleRows.mnNumFmt.first = it->first;
- if ( aStyleRows.mnNumFmt.first == -1 ) // dud
- continue;
- aStyleRows.mnNumFmt.second = -1;
- aStyleRows.mnStartRow = rangeIter->mnFirst;
- aStyleRows.mnEndRow = rangeIter->mnLast;
- for ( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol <= rAddrConv.getMaxApiAddress().Column; ++nCol )
- {
- RowStyles& rRowStyles = aStylesPerColumn[ nCol ];
- // If the rowrange style includes rows already
- // allocated to a style then we need to split
- // the range style Rows into sections ( to
- // occupy only rows that have no style definition )
- // We dont want to set any rowstyle 'rows'
- // for rows where there is an existing 'style' )
- std::vector< RowRangeStyle > aRangeRowsSplits;
- RowStyles::iterator rows_it = rRowStyles.begin();
- RowStyles::iterator rows_end = rRowStyles.end();
- bool bAddRange = true;
- for ( ; rows_it != rows_end; ++rows_it )
- {
- const RowRangeStyle& r = *rows_it;
- // if row is completely within existing style, discard it
- if ( aStyleRows.mnStartRow >= r.mnStartRow && aStyleRows.mnEndRow <= r.mnEndRow )
- bAddRange = false;
- else if ( aStyleRows.mnStartRow <= r.mnStartRow )
- {
- // not intersecting at all?, if so finish as none left
- // to check ( row ranges are in ascending order
- if ( aStyleRows.mnEndRow < r.mnStartRow )
- break;
- else if ( aStyleRows.mnEndRow <= r.mnEndRow )
- {
- aStyleRows.mnEndRow = r.mnStartRow - 1;
- break;
- }
- if ( aStyleRows.mnStartRow < r.mnStartRow )
- {
- RowRangeStyle aSplit = aStyleRows;
- aSplit.mnEndRow = r.mnStartRow - 1;
- aRangeRowsSplits.push_back( aSplit );
- }
- }
- }
- std::vector< RowRangeStyle >::iterator splits_it = aRangeRowsSplits.begin();
- std::vector< RowRangeStyle >::iterator splits_end = aRangeRowsSplits.end();
- for ( ; splits_it != splits_end; ++splits_it )
- rRowStyles.insert( *splits_it );
- if ( bAddRange )
- rRowStyles.insert( aStyleRows );
- }
- }
- }
- ScDocument& rDoc = getScDocument();
- for ( ColStyles::iterator col = aStylesPerColumn.begin(), col_end = aStylesPerColumn.end(); col != col_end; ++col )
- {
- RowStyles& rRowStyles = col->second;
- std::list<ScAttrEntry> aAttrs;
- SCCOL nScCol = static_cast< SCCOL >( col->first );
- for ( RowStyles::iterator rRows = rRowStyles.begin(), rRows_end = rRowStyles.end(); rRows != rRows_end; ++rRows )
- {
- Xf* pXf = rStyles.getCellXf( rRows->mnNumFmt.first ).get();
- if ( pXf )
- pXf->applyPatternToAttrList( aAttrs, rRows->mnStartRow, rRows->mnEndRow, rRows->mnNumFmt.second );
+ CellRangeAddress aRange( getSheetIndex(), 0, rangeIter->mnFirst, rAddrConv.getMaxApiAddress().Column, rangeIter->mnLast );
+ rangeList.push_back( aRange );
- if (aAttrs.empty() || aAttrs.back().nRow != MAXROW)
+ ScRangeList aList;
+ for ( ApiCellRangeList::const_iterator itRange = rangeList.begin(), itRange_end = rangeList.end(); itRange!=itRange_end; ++itRange )
- ScAttrEntry aEntry;
- aEntry.nRow = MAXROW;
- aEntry.pPattern = rDoc.GetDefPattern();
- aAttrs.push_back(aEntry);
+ ScRange* pRange = new ScRange();
+ ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( *pRange, *itRange );
+ aList.push_back( pRange );
+ ScMarkData aMark;
+ aMark.MarkFromRangeList( aList, false );
- size_t nAttrSize = aAttrs.size();
- ScAttrEntry* pData = new ScAttrEntry[nAttrSize];
- std::list<ScAttrEntry>::const_iterator itr = aAttrs.begin(), itrEnd = aAttrs.end();
- for (size_t i = 0; itr != itrEnd; ++itr, ++i)
- pData[i] = *itr;
- rDoc.SetAttrEntries(nScCol, getSheetIndex(), pData, static_cast<SCSIZE>(nAttrSize));
+ getStyles().writeCellXfToMarkData( aMark, it->first, -1 );
+ std::map< std::pair< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 >, ApiCellRangeList > rangeStyleListMap;
+ // gather all ranges that have the same style and apply them in bulk
+ for( XfIdRangeListMap::const_iterator aIt = maXfIdRangeLists.begin(), aEnd = maXfIdRangeLists.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
+ addIfNotInMyMap( getStyles(), rangeStyleListMap, aIt->first.first, aIt->first.second, aIt->second );
+ for ( std::map< std::pair< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 >, ApiCellRangeList >::iterator it = rangeStyleListMap.begin(), it_end = rangeStyleListMap.end(); it != it_end; ++it )
+ writeXfIdRangeListProperties( it->first.first, it->first.second, it->second );
// merge all cached merged ranges and update right/bottom cell borders
for( MergedRangeList::iterator aIt = maMergedRanges.begin(), aEnd = maMergedRanges.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
applyCellMerging( aIt->maRange );
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/oox/stylesbuffer.cxx b/sc/source/filter/oox/stylesbuffer.cxx
index bc990fb85c0e..0d0467d5139b 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/oox/stylesbuffer.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/oox/stylesbuffer.cxx
@@ -2281,70 +2281,6 @@ FontRef Xf::getFont() const
return getStyles().getFont( maModel.mnFontId );
-void Xf::applyPatternToAttrList( ::std::list<ScAttrEntry>& rAttrs, SCROW nRow1, SCROW nRow2,
- sal_uInt32 nNumFmtId )
- createPattern();
- ScPatternAttr& rPat = *mpPattern;
- ScDocument& rDoc = getScDocument();
- if ( isCellXf() )
- {
- StylesBuffer& rStyles = getStyles();
- rStyles.createCellStyle( maModel.mnStyleXfId );
- mpStyleSheet = rStyles.getCellStyleSheet( maModel.mnStyleXfId );
- if ( mpStyleSheet )
- {
- //rDoc.ApplySelectionStyle( static_cast<ScStyleSheet&>(*mpStyleSheet), rMarkData );
- rPat.SetStyleSheet(mpStyleSheet, false);
- }
- else
- {
- ScStyleSheetPool* pStylePool = rDoc.GetStyleSheetPool();
- if (pStylePool)
- {
- ScStyleSheet* pStyleSheet = static_cast<ScStyleSheet*>(
- pStylePool->Find(
- if (pStyleSheet)
- rPat.SetStyleSheet( pStyleSheet, false );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( nNumFmtId >= 0 )
- {
- ScPatternAttr aNumPat(rDoc.GetPool());
- getStyles().writeNumFmtToItemSet( aNumPat.GetItemSet(), nNumFmtId );
- rPat.GetItemSet().Put(aNumPat.GetItemSet());
- }
- if (rPat.GetStyleName())
- {
- // Check for a gap between the last entry and this one.
- bool bHasGap = false;
- if (rAttrs.empty() && nRow1 > 0)
- // First attribute range doesn't start at row 0.
- bHasGap = true;
- if (!rAttrs.empty() && rAttrs.back().nRow + 1 < nRow1)
- bHasGap = true;
- if (bHasGap)
- {
- // Fill this gap with the default pattern.
- ScAttrEntry aEntry;
- aEntry.nRow = nRow1 - 1;
- aEntry.pPattern = rDoc.GetDefPattern();
- rAttrs.push_back(aEntry);
- }
- ScAttrEntry aEntry;
- aEntry.nRow = nRow2;
- aEntry.pPattern = static_cast<const ScPatternAttr*>(&rDoc.GetPool()->Put(rPat));
- rAttrs.push_back(aEntry);
- }
void Xf::writeToMarkData( ::ScMarkData& rMarkData, sal_Int32 nNumFmtId )