path: root/wizards/source/tutorials
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/tutorials')
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 989 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/tutorials/Functions.xba b/wizards/source/tutorials/Functions.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index c1b464aca..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/tutorials/Functions.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Functions" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
-Dim DialogVisible As Boolean
-Dim TutorStep As Integer
-Dim TutorLastStep As Integer
-Dim myDialog As Object
-Dim myTutorial As Object
-Public TutorText() As String
-Dim documentTitle As String
-Dim exampleUse As Object
-Dim properties() As Object
-Dim docTYP As String
-&apos;public myWidth As Long
-Dim myHeight As Long
-Dim oTextField As Object
-Dim stepTitle As String
-Dim oOpenDialogFlag
-Dim imageStatus As String
-Sub LoadTutorialDialog(exampleToUse, documentTYP)
- Init()
- exampleUse = exampleToUse
- TutorText() = exampleUse.LoadText()
- properties() = exampleUse.GetProperties()
- If properties(3).Value = &quot;True&quot; Then
- Dim localisation(0) As new
- localisation(0).Name = &quot;Localisation&quot;
- localisation(0).Value = properties()
- myTutorial.execute(localisation())
- Else
- TutorStep = 0
- TutorLastStep = 0
- docTYP = documentTYP
- InitAction()
- ShowInfoMain()
- DialogVisible = True
- myDialog = LoadDialog(&quot;Tutorials&quot;,&quot;TutorialsDialog&quot;)
- SetTutorialDocumentPosSize()
- documentProps = ThisComponent.getDocumentProperties()
- myDialog.Title = &quot;Tutorials - &quot; &amp; documentProps.Title
- oTextField = myDialog.GetControl(&quot;myTextField&quot;)
- oTextField.setVisible(False)
- imageStatus = &quot;MIN&quot;
- setMaxMinImage(imageStatus)
- &apos;myWidth = myDialog.Size.Width
- myHeight = myDialog.Size.Height
- CheckForStepShowButtonStatus()
- CheckForStepNextButtonStatus()
- InitRoadMap()
- SetVisibleTrue()
- myDialog.model.myTextField.Label = stepTitle
- myDialog.model.myText.Label = GetStepText()&apos;TutorText(TutorStep)
- Do
- wait 1000
- Loop Until DialogVisible = False
- If( oOpenDialogFlag = True) Then
- Destroy()
- TutorialOpen.TutorialOpenMain()
- Else
- Destroy()
- End If
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub setMaxMinImage(param As String)
- On Local Error Goto NOIMAGE
- oCommandButton = myDialog.GetControl(&quot;CommandButton&quot;)
- templatePath = GetPathSettings(&quot;Template&quot;,false, 0)
- Dim bitmapPath As String
- iPos = InStr(templatePath,&quot;/&quot;)
- If(iPos &gt; 0) Then
- If(param = &quot;MAX&quot;) Then
- bitmapPath = templatePath &amp; &quot;../wizard/bitmap/maximize.bmp&quot;
- ElseIf(param = &quot;MIN&quot;) Then
- bitmapPath = templatePath &amp; &quot;../wizard/bitmap/minimize.bmp&quot;
- End If
- Else
- If(param = &quot;MAX&quot;) Then
- bitmapPath = templatePath &amp; &quot;..\wizard\bitmap\maximize.bmp&quot;
- ElseIf(param = &quot;MIN&quot;) Then
- bitmapPath = templatePath &amp; &quot;..\wizard\bitmap\minimize.bmp&quot;
- End If
- End If
- &apos;printdbgInfo oCommandButton.Model
- oCommandButton.Model.ImageUrl = bitmapPath
- Exit Sub
-End Sub
-Sub SetTutorialDocumentPosSize()
- activDesktopWindow = StarDesktop.activeFrame.ContainerWindow
- If(activDesktopWindow.posSize.Height &lt; 550) Then
- activDesktopWindow.setPosSize(0,0,0,550,8)
- End If
- If (activDesktopWindow.posSize.Width &lt; 750 ) Then
- activDesktopWindow.setPosSize(0,0,750,0,4)
- EndIf
-End Sub
-Sub InitRoadMap()
- RoadMapMain(Functions, myDialog)
- SetControlModelPosSize(0, 0, 85, 176)
- SetControlModelText(&quot;Steps&quot;)
- StepSize = Ubound(TutorText())
- Dim ItemsArray(StepSize) as String
- For i = 0 To StepSize
- stepcontent = TutorText(i)
- iPos = InStr(stepcontent,CHR(13))
- ItemName = Left(stepcontent, iPos)
- ItemsArray(i) = ItemName
- Next i
- InsertItemsLabels( ItemsArray())
- For i = 1 To StepSize
- SetItemEnabled( i, False)
- Next i
- SetItemEnabled( 0, True)
-End Sub
-Sub Destroy()
- &apos;myDialog.dispose
- wait 1000
- ShowInfoDialog.DisposeIDialog()
- thisComponent.CurrentController.Frame.close(True)
-End Sub
-Sub Init
- GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
- myTutorial = createUNOService(&quot;;)
- documentTitle = ThisComponent.getCurrentController.getFrame.Title
-End Sub
-Sub InitStep
- udProps = ThisComponent.DocumentProperties.UserDefinedProperties
- If udProps.PropertySetInfo.hasPropertyByName(&quot;CurrentStep&quot;) Then
- TutorStep = udProps.CurrentStep
- Else
- udProps.addProperty(&quot;CurrentStep&quot;, 0, TutorStep)
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub setStep
- ThisComponent.DocumentProperties.UserDefinedProperties.CurrentStep = TutorStep
-End Sub
-Sub InitAction()
- SetStepTitle()
- Dim property(6) As new
- property(0).Name = &quot;DocumentTYP&quot;
- property(0).Value = docTYP
- property(1).Name = &quot;MethodName&quot;
- property(1).Value = &quot;setDelay&quot;
- property(2).Name = &quot;Param&quot;
- property(2).Value = 0 &apos;key insert speed (Millis)
- property(3).Name = &quot;Param&quot;
- property(3).Value = 4 &apos;mouse animate speed (Millis)
- property(4).Name = &quot;Param&quot;
- property(4).Value = 2000 &apos;after mouse animate sleep (Millis)
- property(5).Name = &quot;Param&quot;
- property(5).Value = 10 &apos;mouse scroll speed (Millis)
- property(6).Name = &quot;Param&quot;
- property(6).Value = -1 &apos;mouse speed (step)
- myTutorial.setPropertyValues(property())
-End Sub
-Sub EndDialog
- oOpenDialogFlag = False
- If (myDialog.model.done.Label = &quot;Close&quot;) Then
- TutorialCloseMain()
- Else
- DialogVisible = False
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub NextStep
- GotoStep(TutorStep + 1)
-End Sub
-Sub GotoStep(StepIndex)
- If(StepIndex &lt;= Ubound(TutorText())) Then
- TutorStep = StepIndex
- If TutorStep &gt; TutorLastStep Then
- TutorLastStep = TutorStep
- End If
- If(TutorStep = Ubound(TutorText())) Then
- = False
- myDialog.model.done.Label = &quot;Done&quot;
- = &quot;Tutorials&quot;
- Else
- = True
- End If
- SetStepTitle()
- myDialog.model.myText.Label = GetStepText()
- CheckForStepShowButtonStatus()
- SetItemEnabled( TutorStep, True)
- &apos;setStep()
- End If
-End Sub
-Function GetStepText()
- Dim tempText As String
- tempText = TutorText(TutorStep)
- iPos = InStr(tempText,CHR(13))
- ResultString = Right(tempText, Len(tempText) - iPos - 1)
- GetStepText() = ResultString
-End Function
-Sub ItemChange(CurrentItemID, SelectitemID)
- GotoStep(SelectitemID)
-End Sub
-Sub SetDisableShowMeButton()
- = False
- TutorLastStep = TutorLastStep + 1
-End Sub
-Sub Minimize(aEvent)
- ActionItemsTextField = myDialog.GetControl(&quot;ActionItemsLabel&quot;)
- FixedLineVertikal = myDialog.GetControl(&quot;FixedLineVertikal&quot;)
- If myDialog.Size.Height = 35 Then
- myDialog.setPosSize(0,0,0,myHeight,8)
- oTextField.setVisible(False)
- ActionItemsTextField.setVisible(True)
- FixedLineVertikal.setVisible(True)
- RoadMap.SetVisibleRoadMap(True)
- Else
- myDialog.setPosSize(0,0,0,35,8)
- rmSelectedIndex = RoadMap.GetSelectedIndex() + 1
- gsTitle = GetStepTitle()
- oTextField.setText(rmSelectedIndex &amp; &quot;. &quot; &amp; gsTitle)
- oTextField.setVisible(True)
- ActionItemsTextField.setVisible(False)
- FixedLineVertikal.setVisible(False)
- RoadMap.SetVisibleRoadMap(False)
- End If
- If(imageStatus = &quot;MAX&quot;) Then
- imageStatus = &quot;MIN&quot;
- ElseIf(imageStatus = &quot;MIN&quot;) Then
- imageStatus = &quot;MAX&quot;
- End If
- setMaxMinImage(imageStatus)
-End Sub
-Sub SetStepTitle()
- stepcontent = TutorText(TutorStep)
- iPos = InStr(stepcontent,CHR(13))
- stepTitle = Left(stepcontent, iPos)
- SetStepTitle() = stepTitle
-End Sub
-Function GetStepTitle()
- GetStepTitle() = stepTitle
-End Function
-Sub CheckForStepShowButtonStatus()
- If ((exampleUse.ContainsStepAction() = True And TutorStep = TutorLastStep) Or = &quot;Tutorials&quot;) Then
- = True
- Else
- = False
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub CheckForStepNextButtonStatus()
- If(TutorStep = Ubound(TutorText())) Then
- = False
- myDialog.model.done.Label = &quot;Done&quot;
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub Show(aEvent)
- &apos;ShowInfoMain()
- If( = &quot;Tutorials&quot;) Then
- oOpenDialogFlag = True
- DialogVisible = False
- Else
- SetMousePosition(aEvent)
- exampleUse.Action()
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub SetMousePosition(aEvent)
- MyPoints() = MousePoints(aEvent)
- Dim mousePosition(3) as new
- mousePosition(0).Name = &quot;DocumentTYP&quot;
- mousePosition(0).Value = docTYP
- mousePosition(1).Name = &quot;MethodName&quot;
- mousePosition(1).Value = &quot;setMousePosition&quot;
- mousePosition(2).Name = &quot;Param&quot;
- mousePosition(2).Value = MyPoints(0)
- mousePosition(3).Name = &quot;Param&quot;
- mousePosition(3).Value = MyPoints(1)
- myTutorial.setPropertyValues(mousePosition())
-End Sub
-Function MousePoints(aEvent)
- Dim position(1) As Integer
- position(0) = myDialog.getControl(&quot;show&quot;).AccessibleContext.LocationOnScreen.X + aEvent.Source.Model.PositionX
- position(1) = myDialog.getControl(&quot;show&quot;).AccessibleContext.LocationOnScreen.Y + aEvent.Source.Model.PositionY
- MousePoints = position()
-End Function
-Function CheckPath(path() As String)
- &apos;documentTitle = ThisComponent.getCurrentController.getFrame.Title
- sTitle = path(0)
- ResultString = Right(sTitle, 3)
- iPos = InStr(ResultString,&quot;#&quot;)
- ResultString = Right(ResultString, Len(ResultString) - iPos)
- ResultFrameString = InStr (sTitle, &quot;{D}FRAME#&quot;)
- If ResultFrameString &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- If Not (sTitle = (&quot;{D}FRAME#&quot; &amp; documentTitle &amp; &quot;#&quot; &amp; ResultString)) Then
- &apos;path(0) = &quot;{D}FRAME#&quot; &amp; documentTitle &amp; &quot;#&quot; &amp; ResultString
- path(0) = &quot;FRAME#&quot; &amp; documentTitle &amp; &quot;#&quot; &amp; ResultString
- sTitle = path(1)
- ResultString = Right(sTitle, 3)
- iPos = InStr(ResultString,&quot;#&quot;)
- ResultString = Right(ResultString, Len(ResultString) - iPos)
- path(1) = &quot;ROOT_PANE#&quot; &amp; documentTitle &amp; &quot;#&quot; &amp; ResultString
- Else
- &apos;path(0) = &quot;{D}FRAME#&quot; &amp; documentTitle &amp; &quot;#&quot; &amp; ResultString
- path(0) = &quot;FRAME#&quot; &amp; documentTitle &amp; &quot;#&quot; &amp; ResultString
- End If
- End If
-End Function
-Sub SetVisibleTutorialsDialog(param)
- myDialog.setVisible(param)
-End Sub
-Sub SetVisibleTrue()
- myDialog.setVisible(True)
-End Sub
-Sub SetVisibleFalse()
- myDialog.setVisible(False)
-End Sub
-Sub ExitTutorial()
- Dim aUrl As new
- oDoc = ThisComponent
- urlTransformer = createUNOService(&quot;;)
- aUrl.Complete = &quot;slot:5621&quot;
- urlTransformer.parseStrict(aUrl)
- xController = oDoc.getCurrentController()
- xDispatcher = xController.queryDispatch(aUrl, &quot;&quot;, 0)
- if NOT isNull(xDispatcher) then
- xDispatcher.dispatch(aUrl, DimArray())
- else
- msgBox &quot;Error! Cannot close document.&quot;
- End If
-End Sub
diff --git a/wizards/source/tutorials/RoadMap.xba b/wizards/source/tutorials/RoadMap.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index fa992cb13..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/tutorials/RoadMap.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="RoadMap" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
-Dim oControlModel
-Dim oDialogModel
-Dim CurrentItem
-Dim bLongString
-Dim oControl
-Dim oEvent
-Dim oUseDialog As Object
-Dim oModulName As Object
-Sub RoadMapMain(ModulNameforItemChange, dialogtoUse)
- GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
- oUseDialog = dialogtoUse
- oModulName = ModulNameforItemChange
- oDialogModel = oUseDialog.Model
- oControlModel = oUseDialog.Model.CreateInstance(&quot;;)
- oDialogModel.insertByName(&quot;RoadMap&quot;, oControlModel)
- oControl = oUseDialog.getControl(&quot;RoadMap&quot;)
- oEvent = createUnoListener( &quot;CallBack_&quot;, &quot;; )
- oControl.addItemListener(oEvent)
- oControlModel.CurrentItemID = 0
- oControlModel.Complete = True
- oControlModel.Activated = True
-End Sub
-Sub SetVisibleRoadMap(param)
- oControl.SetVisible(param)
-End Sub
-Sub SetDialogModelSize(Width, Height)
- oDialogModel.Width = Width
- oDialogModel.Height = Height
-End Sub
-Sub SetControlModelPosSize(X, Y, Width, Height)
- oControlModel.PositionX = X
- oControlModel.PositionY = Y
- oControlModel.Width = Width
- oControlModel.Height = Height
-End Sub
-Sub SetControlModelText( ModelText As String)
- oControlModel.Text = ModelText
-End Sub
-Sub InsertItemsLabels( ItemLabelsArray() As String)
- For i = 0 To Ubound(ItemLabelsArray())
- oRoadmapItem = oControlModel.createInstance()
- oRoadmapItem.Label = ItemLabelsArray(i)
- oRoadmapItem.ID = i
- oControlModel.insertbyIndex(i, oRoadmapItem)
- Next i
-End Sub
-Sub SetItemEnabled( ItemIndex, param)
- oControlModel.getByIndex(ItemIndex).Enabled = param
- oControlModel.CurrentItemID = ItemIndex
-End Sub
-Sub AddImagetoControlModel( Url As String)
- oControlModel.ImageUrl = ConvertToUrl(Url)
-End Sub
-Function GetSelectedIndex()
- GetSelectedIndex() = oControlModel.CurrentItemID
-End Function
-Function GetControlModel()
- GetControlModel = oControlModel
-End Function
-Function GetDialogModel()
- GetDialogModel = oDialogModel
-End Function
-Sub Callback_itemStateChanged(aEvent)
- oModulName.ItemChange(oControlModel.CurrentItemID, aEvent.itemID)
-End Sub
-Sub SetComplete(param)
- oControlModel.Complete = param
-End Sub
-Sub SetActivated(param)
- oControlModel.Activated = param
-End Sub
-Sub RemoveItem(ItemIndex)
- If ItemIndex &gt; -1 Then
- oControlModel.removeByIndex(ItemIndex)
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub InsertItem(ItemLabel As String)
- oRoadmapItem = oControlModel.createInstance()
- oRoadmapItem.Label = ItemLabel
- oControlModel.insertbyIndex(oControlModel.CurrentItemID, oRoadmapItem)
-End Sub
-Sub ReplaceItem(ItemLabel As String)
- oRoadmapItem = oControlModel.createInstance()
- oRoadmapItem.Label = ItemLabel
- oControlModel.replacebyIndex(oControlModel.CurrentItemID, oRoadmapItem)
-End Sub
-Sub Callback_disposing(aEvent)
-End Sub
-Sub Property_propertyChange(aEvent)
-End Sub
-Sub Property_disposing(aEvent)
-End Sub
-</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/tutorials/ShowInfoDialog.xba b/wizards/source/tutorials/ShowInfoDialog.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index 61c2ed967..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/tutorials/ShowInfoDialog.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="ShowInfoDialog" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
-Dim oWnd As Object
-Dim oWnd2 As Object
-Dim oWnd3 As Object
-Dim oDoc as Object
-Sub ShowInfoMain
- prop() = GetShowInfoPropeties()
- Init(prop(0).Value, prop(1).Value, prop(2).Value, prop(3).Value, prop(4).Value, prop(5).Value, prop(6).Value, prop(7).Value, prop(8).Value)
-End Sub
-Sub Init(tFieldText As String, windowX, windowY, windowWidth, windowHeight, tFieldX, tFieldY, tFieldWidth, tFieldHeight)
- toolkit = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- Dim oWndDescr As new
- Dim oBounds As new
- oWndDescr.Type =
- oWndDescr.WindowServiceName = &quot;&quot;
- oWndDescr.ParentIndex = 0
- &apos;officeX = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.getContainerWindow().AccessibleContext.LocationOnScreen.X
- &apos;officeY = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.getContainerWindow().AccessibleContext.LocationOnScreen.Y
- &apos;officeWidth = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.getContainerWindow().getPosSize().Width
- &apos;officeHeight = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.getContainerWindow().getPosSize().Height
- officeWidth = thisComponent.CurrentController.Frame.getContainerWindow().getPosSize().Width
- officeHeight = thisComponent.CurrentController.Frame.getContainerWindow().getPosSize().Height
- &apos;dialogWidth = myTutoShowDialog.getPosSize().Width
- &apos;dialogHeight = myTutoShowDialog.getPosSize().Height
- X = officeWidth - windowWidth - windowX
- Y = officeHeight - windowHeight - windowY
- oBounds.X = X : oBounds.Y = Y
- oBounds.Width = windowWidth : oBounds.Height = windowHeight
- oWndDescr.Bounds = oBounds
- oWndDescr.Parent = thisComponent.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow
- with
- end with
- oWnd = toolkit.createWindow(oWndDescr)
- Dim oWndDescr3 As new
- Dim oBounds3 As new
- oWndDescr3.Type =
- oWndDescr3.WindowServiceName = &quot;fixedimage&quot; &apos;&quot;fixedtext&quot;
- oWndDescr3.ParentIndex = 0
- oBounds3.X = 0 : oBounds3.Y = 0
- oBounds3.Width = tFieldWidth : oBounds3.Height = tFieldHeight
- oWndDescr3.Bounds = oBounds3
- oWndDescr3.Parent = oWnd
- with
- end with
- oWnd3= toolkit.createWindow(oWndDescr3)
- &apos;oWnd2.Text = tFieldText
- &apos;printdbgInfo(oWnd3)
- setImage(oWnd3)
- &apos;oWnd3.Background = 16777215
-&apos; oWnd2.SetBackGround(16776960)
- oWnd.SetBackGround(16776960)
-&apos; oWnd.FontDescriptors(0).Name = &quot;Albany&quot;
-&apos; oWnd.FontDescriptors(0).StyleName = &quot;BOLD&quot;
- Dim oWndDescr2 As new
- Dim oBounds2 As new
- oWndDescr2.Type =
- oWndDescr2.WindowServiceName = &quot;fixedtext&quot;
- oWndDescr2.ParentIndex = 0
- oBounds2.X = tFieldX : oBounds2.Y = tFieldY
- oBounds2.Width = tFieldWidth : oBounds2.Height = tFieldHeight
- oWndDescr2.Bounds = oBounds2
- oWndDescr2.Parent = oWnd3
- with
- end with
- oWnd2= toolkit.createWindow(oWndDescr2)
- oWnd2.Text = tFieldText
- oWnd2.Background = 268435455
- &apos;printdbgInfo(oWnd2)
- &apos;printdbgInfo oWnd.getPosSize()
-End Sub
-Function GetShowInfoPropeties()
- stepText = GetStepTitle()
- Dim Properties(8) As new
- Properties(0).Name = &quot;ShowInfoDialogText&quot;
- Properties(0).Value = stepText &amp; &quot;Press [Esc] to abort.&quot;
- Properties(1).Name = &quot;WindowX&quot;
- Properties(1).Value = 20
- Properties(2).Name = &quot;WindowY&quot;
- Properties(2).Value = 40
- Properties(3).Name = &quot;WindowWidth&quot;
- Properties(3).Value = 190
- Properties(4).Name = &quot;WindowHeight&quot;
- Properties(4).Value = 50
- Properties(5).Name = &quot;TFieldX&quot;
- Properties(5).Value = 7
- Properties(6).Name = &quot;TFieldY&quot;
- Properties(6).Value = 8
- Properties(7).Name = &quot;TFieldWidth&quot;
- Properties(7).Value = 190
- Properties(8).Name = &quot;TFieldHeight&quot;
- Properties(8).Value = 50
- GetShowInfoPropeties = Properties()
-End Function
-Sub setShowInfoText()
- stepText = GetStepTitle()
- oWnd2.Text = stepText &amp; &quot;Press [Esc] to abort.&quot;
-End Sub
-Sub ShowON()
- setShowInfoText()
- oWnd.setVisible(True)
- oWnd3.setVisible(True)
- oWnd2.setVisible(True)
-End Sub
-Sub ShowOFF()
- &apos;On Local Error Goto NOPROPERTYSETINFO:
- oWnd.setVisible(False)
- oWnd2.setVisible(False)
- oWnd3.setVisible(False)
- &apos;oDoc.dispose()
- Exit Sub
-End Sub
-Sub DisposeIDialog()
- &apos;On Local Error Goto NOPROPERTYSETINFO:
- oWnd3.dispose
- oWnd2.dispose
- oWnd.dispose
- oDoc.dispose()
- Exit Sub
-End Sub
-sub setImage(whatever as Object)
- templatePath = GetPathSettings(&quot;Template&quot;,false, 0)
- Dim bitmapPath As String
- iPos = InStr(templatePath,&quot;/&quot;)
- if(iPos &gt; 0) Then
- bitmapPath = templatePath &amp; &quot;../wizard/bitmap/tutorial_background.gif&quot;
- Else
- bitmapPath = templatePath &amp; &quot;..\wizard\bitmap\tutorial_background.gif&quot;
- End If
- dim props(0) as new
- props(0).Name = &quot;Hidden&quot;
- props(0).Value = true
- oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromUrl(&quot;private:factory/swriter&quot;,&quot;_blank&quot;,0,props())
- oShape = addControlToDefaultForm(&quot;ImageButton&quot;, 1000, 1000, 2000, 1000)
- imgControl = oShape.getControl()
- &apos;imgControl.ImageUrl=&quot;file:///D:/Program%20Files/src680_m11_qwizards1_49_TEST/share/gallery/tutoItem.gif&quot;
- imgControl.ImageUrl = bitmapPath
- imgControl.addConsumer(whatever)
- imgControl.startProduction()
-end sub
-Function createControlShape(cKind As String) As Object
- Dim oControlShape As Object
- Dim oControl As Object
- oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oControl = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;; &amp; cKind)
- oControl.setPropertyValue(&quot;DefaultControl&quot;, &quot;; &amp; cKind)
- oControlShape.setControl(oControl)
- createControlShape() = oControlShape
-End Function
-Function createControlShapeWithDefaultControl(cKind As String) As Object
- Dim oControlShape As Object
- Dim oControl As Object
- oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oControl = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;; &amp; cKind)
- oControlShape.setControl(oControl)
- createControlShapeWithDefaultControl() = oControlShape
-End Function
-Function createUNOControlShape(cKind As String, defControl As String) As Object
- Dim oControlShape As Object
- Dim oControl As Object
- oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oControl = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;; &amp; cKind)
- oControl.setPropertyValue(&quot;DefaultControl&quot;, &quot;; &amp; defControl)
- oControlShape.setControl(oControl)
- createUNOControlShape() = oControlShape
-End Function
-Function addShape(oShape As Object) As Boolean
- Dim vSize As New
- Dim oDrawPage As Object
- Dim oForms As Object
- Dim oForm As Object
- oDrawPage = oDoc.getDrawPage()
- oForms = oDrawPage.getForms()
- if oForms.Count = 0 then
- oForm = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oForms.insertByIndex(0, oForm)
- end if
- vSize.Height = 2000 : vSize.Width = 2000
- oShape.Size = vSize
- oDrawPage.add(oShape)
- addShape() = true
-End Function
-sub addControl(cKind as String)
- Dim oDrawPage As Object
- Dim oForm As Object, oForms As Object
- Dim oControl As Object, oControlShape As Object
- Dim aSz As Variant
- Dim oText As Object
- oDrawPage = oDoc.DrawPage
- oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oControl = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;; + cKind)
- oForm = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oforms = oDrawPage.Forms
- if oforms.count = 0 then
- oforms.insertbyindex(0,oForm)
- end if
- oControlShape.Control = oControl
- oDrawPage.add(oControlShape)
-End sub
-Function addControlToDefaultForm(cKind as String, x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer, height As Integer) As Object
- Dim oDrawPage As Object
- Dim oControl As Object, oControlShape As Object
- Dim pos As New
- Dim size As New
- pos.X = x
- pos.Y = y
- size.Width = width
- size.Height = height
- oDrawPage = oDoc.DrawPage
- oControlShape = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oControl = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;; + cKind)
- oControlShape.Control = oControl
- oControlShape.Position = pos
- oControlShape.Size = size
- oDrawPage.add(oControlShape)
- addControlToDefaultForm() = oControlShape
-End Function
-Function addShapeToDrawDoc(oPage as Object, nPosX, nPosY as Integer, oType As String) As Object
- Dim aPoint As New
- Dim aSize As New
- Dim oShape As Object
- Dim servNames As Variant
- aPoint.x = nPosX
- aPoint.y = nPosY
- aSize.Width = 2000
- aSize.Height = 1000
- oShape = oDoc.createInstance(&quot;;+oType+&quot;Shape&quot;)
- oShape.Size = aSize
- oShape.Position = aPoint
- if oShape.getPropertySetInfo().hasPropertyByName(&quot;FillColor&quot;) then
- oShape.FillColor = RGB(128, 255, 0)
- End If
- oPage.add(oShape)
- addShapeToDrawDoc() = oShape
-End Function
-</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialClose.xba b/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialClose.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index 2438243b8..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialClose.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="TutorialClose" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
-Dim myCloseDialog As Object
-Sub TutorialCloseMain
- myCloseDialog = LoadDialog(&quot;Tutorials&quot;,&quot;TutorialCloseDialog&quot;)
- myCloseDialog.Execute()
-End Sub
-Sub CloseYes(aEvent)
- myCloseDialog.EndExecute()
- DialogVisible = False
-End Sub
-</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialCloseDialog.xdl b/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialCloseDialog.xdl
deleted file mode 100644
index edc1dae7e..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialCloseDialog.xdl
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-<!DOCTYPE dlg:window PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "dialog.dtd">
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- </dlg:styles>
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- <dlg:button dlg:id="yesButton" dlg:tab-index="1" dlg:left="24" dlg:top="20" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="14" dlg:value="Yes">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="noButton" dlg:tab-index="0" dlg:left="76" dlg:top="20" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="14" dlg:value="No" dlg:button-type="cancel"/>
- <dlg:text dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="Label1" dlg:tab-index="2" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="6" dlg:width="120" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Do you want to close this Tutorial?." dlg:align="center"/>
- </dlg:bulletinboard>
-</dlg:window> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialCreator.xba b/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialCreator.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index 7169b4e2e..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialCreator.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="TutorialCreator" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
-Sub TutorialCreatorMain
- GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
- myTutorial = createUNOService(&quot;;)
- myTutorial.trigger(&quot;StartTutorialCreator&quot;)
-End Sub
-</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialOpen.xba b/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialOpen.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index a64a72507..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialOpen.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="TutorialOpen" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
-Dim myOpenDialog As Object
-Dim oListBox As Object
-Dim files As Object
-Dim oUcb As Object
-Dim oListener As Object
-Sub TutorialOpenMain
- GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
- myOpenDialog = LoadDialog(&quot;Tutorials&quot;,&quot;TutorialOpenDialog&quot;)
- init()
- myOpenDialog.Execute()
-End Sub
-Sub Init
- On Local Error Goto NOFILE
- myOpenDialog.Title = &quot;Tutorials&quot;
- oListBox = myOpenDialog.GetControl(&quot;ListBox&quot;)
- templatePath = GetPathSettings(&quot;Template&quot;,false, 0)
- Dim tutorialPath As String
- iPos = InStr(templatePath,&quot;/&quot;)
- if(iPos &gt; 0) Then
- tutorialPath = templatePath &amp; &quot;/tutorials&quot;
- Else
- tutorialPath = templatePath &amp; &quot;\tutorials&quot;
- End If
- oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- files = oUcb.getFolderContents(tutorialPath,true)
- size = Ubound( files() )
- Dim tempFiles(size) As String
- tempCount = 0
- For iCount = 0 To size
- completPath = files(iCount)
- oDocInfo = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
- oDocInfo.Read(completPath)
- sDocTitle = oDocInfo.Title
- if(not isNull(sDocTitle) And len(sDocTitle) &gt; 0) Then
- oListbox.additem(sDocTitle,0)
- tempFiles(tempCount) = completPath
- tempCount = tempCount + 1
- End If
- Next iCount
- &apos;printdbgInfo oListbox
- size = oListbox.ItemCount - 1
- Dim tempFiles2(size) As String
- For iCount = 0 To size
- tempFiles2(iCount) = tempFiles(iCount)
- Next iCount
- files() = tempFiles2()
- Exit Sub
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- Msgbox &quot;No file found error!&quot; &amp; CHR(13) &amp; &quot;Path: ...\share\template\...\tutorials\&quot;
- myOpenDialog.model.Open.enabled = False
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub ItemSelected(oEvent)
- On Local Error Goto NOFILE
- completPath = files(Ubound(files()) - oEvent.Selected)
- oTextField = myOpenDialog.GetControl(&quot;Label&quot;) &apos;TextField
- oTextField.setText(&quot;&quot;)
- Dim NoArgs() as new
- oDocInfo = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
- oDocInfo.Read(completPath)
- sDocDescription = oDocInfo.Description
- if(not isNull(sDocTitle) And len(sDocDescription) &gt; 0) Then
- oTextField.setText(sDocDescription)
- Else
- oTextField.setText(&quot;Not Description!!!.&quot;)
- End If
- Exit Sub
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- Msgbox &quot;Open file error!&quot;
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub OpenTutorial(aEvent)
- completPath = files(Ubound(files()) - oListBox.getSelectedItemPos())
- Dim Args(2) as new
- Args(1).Name = &quot;MacroExecutionMode&quot;
- Args(1).Value =
- Args(2).Name = &quot;AsTemplate&quot;
- Args(2).Value = true
- StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(completPath,&quot;_default&quot;,0, Args())
- myOpenDialog.endExecute()
-End Sub
-Sub Cancel(aEvent)
- myOpenDialog.endExecute()
-End Sub
-</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialOpenDialog.xdl b/wizards/source/tutorials/TutorialOpenDialog.xdl
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- <dlg:button dlg:id="show" dlg:tab-index="1" dlg:left="142" dlg:top="180" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="14" dlg:value="Show me">
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- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="next" dlg:tab-index="0" dlg:left="89" dlg:top="180" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="14" dlg:value="Next &gt;&gt;">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:text dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="myTextField" dlg:tab-index="5" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="6" dlg:width="192" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Current Step (in Road Map)"/>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="done" dlg:tab-index="2" dlg:left="195" dlg:top="180" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="14" dlg:value="Close">
- <script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:macro-name=";location=application" script:language="Script"/>
- </dlg:button>
- <dlg:text dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="ActionItemsLabel" dlg:tab-index="8" dlg:left="91" dlg:top="8" dlg:width="45" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Action Items"/>
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--- a/wizards/source/tutorials/delzip
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