path: root/wizards/source/tools/UCB.xba
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/tools/UCB.xba')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 294 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/tools/UCB.xba b/wizards/source/tools/UCB.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index 524afe60c..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/tools/UCB.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="UCB" script:language="StarBasic">&apos;Option explicit
-Public oDocument
-Public oDocInfo as object
-Dim CurDirMaxCount as Integer
-Dim sDirArray(SBMAXDIRCOUNT-1) as String
-Dim DirIndex As Integer
-Dim iDirCount as Integer
-Public bInterruptSearch as Boolean
-Public NoArgs()as New
-Sub Main()
-Dim LocsfileContent(0) as String
- LocsfileContent(0) = &quot;*&quot;
- ReadDirectories(&quot;file:///space&quot;, LocsfileContent(), True, False, false)
-End Sub
-&apos; ReadDirectories( sSourceDir, bRecursive, bCheckRealType, False, sFileContent(), sLocExtension)
-Function ReadDirectories(ByVal AnchorDir As String, bRecursive as Boolean, bcheckFileType as Boolean, bGetByTitle as Boolean, Optional sFileContent(), Optional sExtension as String)
-Dim i as integer
-Dim Status as Object
-Dim FileCountinDir as Integer
-Dim RealFileContent as String
-Dim FileName as string
-Dim oUcbObject as Object
-Dim DirContent()
-Dim CurIndex as Integer
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
-Dim StartUbound as Integer
-Dim FileExtension as String
- StartUbound = 5
- MaxIndex = StartUBound
-Dim sFileArray(StartUbound,1) as String
- CurIndex = -1
- &apos; Todo: Is the last separator valid?
- DirIndex = 0
- sDirArray(iDirIndex) = AnchorDir
- iDirCount = 1
- oDocInfo = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
- oUcbObject = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- If oUcbObject.Exists(AnchorDir) Then
- Do
- AnchorDir = sDirArray(DirIndex)
- On Local Error Resume Next
- DirContent() = oUcbObject.GetFolderContents(AnchorDir,True)
- DirIndex = DirIndex + 1
- On Local Error Goto 0
- If Ubound(DirContent()) &lt;&gt; -1 Then
- FileCountinDir = Ubound(DirContent())+ 1
- For i = 0 to FilecountinDir -1
- If bInterruptSearch = True Then
- Exit Do
- End If
- Filename = DirContent(i)
- If oUcbObject.IsFolder(FileName) Then
- If brecursive Then
- AddFoldertoList(FileName, DirIndex)
- End If
- Else
- If bcheckFileType Then
- RealFileContent = GetRealFileContent(FileName)
- Else
- RealFileContent = GetFileNameExtension(FileName)
- End If
- If RealFileContent &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
- &apos; Retrieve the Index in the Array, where a Filename is positioned
- If Not IsMissing(sFileContent()) Then
- If (FieldinArray(sFileContent(), Ubound(sFileContent), RealFileContent)) Then
- &apos; The extension of the current file passes the filter and is therefor admitted to the
- &apos; fileList
- If Not IsMissing(sExtension) Then
- If sExtension &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
- &apos; Consider that some Formats like old StarOffice Templates with the extension &quot;.vor&quot; can only be
- &apos; precisely identified by their mimetype and their extension
- FileExtension = GetFileNameExtension(FileName)
- If FileExtension = sExtension Then
- AddFileNameToList(sFileArray(), FileName, RealFileContent, bGetByTitle, CurIndex)
- End If
- Else
- AddFileNameToList(sFileArray(), FileName, RealFileContent, bGetByTitle, CurIndex)
- End If
- Else
- AddFileNameToList(sFileArray(), FileName, RealFileContent, bGetByTitle, CurIndex)
- End If
- End If
- Else
- AddFileNameToList(sFileArray(), FileName, RealFileContent, bGetByTitle, CurIndex)
- End If
- If CurIndex = MaxIndex Then
- MaxIndex = MaxIndex + StartUbound
- ReDim Preserve sFileArray(MaxIndex,1) as String
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- End If
- Loop Until DirIndex &gt;= iDirCount
- If CurIndex &gt; -1 Then
- ReDim Preserve sFileArray(CurIndex,1) as String
- Else
- ReDim sFileArray() as String
- End If
- Else
- Msgbox(&quot;Directory &apos;&quot; &amp; ConvertFromUrl(AnchorDir) &amp; &quot;&apos; does not exist!&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
- End If
- ReadDirectories() = sFileArray()
- Exit Function
- Msgbox(&quot;Sorry, Filesystem Problem&quot;)
- ReadDirectories() = sFileArray()
-End Function
-Sub AddFoldertoList(sDirURL as String, iDirIndex)
- iDirCount = iDirCount + 1
- If iDirCount = CurDirMaxCount Then
- CurDirMaxCount = CurDirMaxCount + SBMAXDIRCOUNT
- ReDim Preserve sDirArray(CurDirMaxCount) as String
- End If
- sDirArray(iDirCount-1) = sDirURL
-End Sub
-Sub AddFileNameToList(sFileArray(), FileName as String, FileContent as String, bGetByTitle as Boolean, CurIndex)
-Dim FileCount As Integer
- CurIndex = CurIndex + 1
- sFileArray(CurIndex,0) = FileName
- If bGetByTitle Then
- sFileArray(CurIndex,1) = RetrieveDocTitle(oDocInfo, FileName)
- &apos; Add the documenttitles to the Filearray
- Else
- sFileArray(CurIndex,1) = FileContent
- End If
-End Sub
-Function RetrieveDocTitle(oDocProps as Object, sFileName as String) As String
-Dim sDocTitle as String
- On Local Error Goto NOFILE
- oDocProps.loadFromMedium(sFileName, NoArgs())
- sDocTitle = oDocProps.Title
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- RetrieveDocTitle = &quot;&quot;
- End If
- If sDocTitle = &quot;&quot; Then
- sDocTitle = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sFilename, &quot;/&quot;)
- End If
- RetrieveDocTitle = sDocTitle
-End Function
-&apos; Retrieves The Filecontent of a Document by extracting the content
-&apos; from the Header of the document
-Function GetRealFileContent(FileName as String) As String
- On Local Error Goto NOFILE
- oTypeDetect = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- GetRealFileContent = oTypeDetect.queryTypeByURL(FileName)
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- GetRealFileContent = &quot;&quot;
- resume CLR_ERROR
- End If
-End Function
-Function CopyRecursively(SourceFilePath as String, SourceStemDir as String, TargetStemDir as String)
-Dim TargetDir as String
-Dim TargetFile as String
- TargetFile= ReplaceString(SourceFilePath, TargetStemDir, SourceStemDir)
- TargetFileName = FileNameoutofPath(TargetFile,&quot;/&quot;)
- TargetDir = DeleteStr(TargetFile, TargetFileName)
- CreateFolder(TargetDir)
- CopyRecursively() = TargetFile
-End Function
-&apos; Opens a help url referenced by a Help ID that is retrieved from the calling button tag
-Sub ShowHelperDialog(aEvent)
-Dim oSystemNode as Object
-Dim sSystem as String
-Dim oLanguageNode as Object
-Dim sLocale as String
-Dim sLocaleList() as String
-Dim sLanguage as String
-Dim sHelpUrl as String
-Dim sDocType as String
- HelpID = aEvent.Source.Model.Tag
- oLocDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
- sDocType = GetDocumentType(oLocDocument)
- oSystemNode = GetRegistryKeyContent(&quot;org.openoffice.Office.Common/Help&quot;)
- sSystem = oSystemNode.GetByName(&quot;System&quot;)
- oLanguageNode = GetRegistryKeyContent(&quot;org.openoffice.Setup/L10N/&quot;)
- sLocale = oLanguageNode.getByName(&quot;ooLocale&quot;)
- sLocaleList() = ArrayoutofString(sLocale, &quot;-&quot;)
- sLanguage = sLocaleList(0)
- sHelpUrl = &quot;; &amp; sDocType &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; HelpID &amp; &quot;?Language=&quot; &amp; sLanguage &amp; &quot;&amp;System=&quot; &amp; sSystem
- StarDesktop.LoadComponentfromUrl(sHelpUrl, &quot;OFFICE_HELP&quot;, 63, NoArgs())
-End Sub
-Sub SaveDataToFile(FilePath as String, DataList())
-Dim FileChannel as Integer
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim oFile as Object
-Dim oOutputStream as Object
-Dim oStreamString as Object
-Dim oUcb as Object
-Dim sCRLF as String
- sCRLF = CHR(13) &amp; CHR(10)
- oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- oOutputStream = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- If oUcb.Exists(FilePath) Then
- oUcb.Kill(FilePath)
- End If
- oFile = oUcb.OpenFileReadWrite(FilePath)
- oOutputStream.SetOutputStream(oFile.GetOutputStream)
- For i = 0 To Ubound(DataList())
- oOutputStream.WriteString(DataList(i) &amp; sCRLF)
- Next i
- oOutputStream.CloseOutput()
-End Sub
-Function LoadDataFromFile(FilePath as String, DataList()) as Boolean
-Dim oInputStream as Object
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim oUcb as Object
-Dim oFile as Object
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
- oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- If oUcb.Exists(FilePath) Then
- MaxIndex = 10
- oInputStream = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- oFile = oUcb.OpenFileReadWrite(FilePath)
- oInputStream.SetInputStream(oFile.GetInputStream)
- i = -1
- Redim Preserve DataList(MaxIndex)
- While Not oInputStream.IsEOF
- i = i + 1
- If i &gt; MaxIndex Then
- MaxIndex = MaxIndex + 10
- Redim Preserve DataList(MaxIndex)
- End If
- DataList(i) = oInputStream.ReadLine
- Wend
- If i &gt; -1 And i &lt;&gt; MaxIndex Then
- Redim Preserve DataList(i)
- End If
- LoadDataFromFile() = True
- oInputStream.CloseInput()
- Else
- LoadDataFromFile() = False
- End If
-End Function
-Function CreateFolder(sNewFolder) as Boolean
-Dim oUcb as Object
- oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- On Local Error Goto NOSPACEONDRIVE
- If Not oUcb.Exists(sNewFolder) Then
- oUcb.CreateFolder(sNewFolder)
- End If
- CreateFolder = True
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- If InitResources(&quot;&quot;, &quot;dbw&quot;) Then
- ErrMsg = GetResText(500)
- ErrMsg = ReplaceString(ErrMsg, chr(13), &quot;&lt;BR&gt;&quot;)
- ErrMsg = ReplaceString(ErrMsg, sNewFolder, &quot;%1&quot;)
- Msgbox(ErrMsg, 48, GetProductName())
- End If
- CreateFolder = False
- Resume GOON
- End If
-End Function