path: root/wizards/source/schedule/OwnEvents.xba
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/schedule/OwnEvents.xba')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/schedule/OwnEvents.xba b/wizards/source/schedule/OwnEvents.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e05a3cd5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/schedule/OwnEvents.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="OwnEvents" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Sub Main
+ Call CalAutopilotTable()
+End Sub
+Sub CalSaveOwnData()
+ &apos; Sichert die Daten, die im lbOwnData Control eingegeben wurden.
+ &apos; Die Datei heißt Date.Dat und wird ins Unterverzeichnis Konfiguration
+ &apos; des Office3 Verzeichnis geschrieben.
+ Dim FileName$
+ Dim FileChannel%, Count%
+ FileName$ = GetPathSettings(&quot;Config&quot;, False)+ GetPathSeparator() + &quot;DATE.DAT&quot;
+ &apos; Falls die Datei neu geschrieben wird, muß sie vorher gelöscht werden
+ If Dir$(FileName$) = &quot;DATE.DAT&quot; Then
+ kill(FileName$)
+ End If
+ FileChannel% = FreeFile()
+ Open FileName$ For OUTPUT Access WRITE LOCK WRITE As FileChannel%
+ Write #FileChannel%, &quot;==========================================================&quot;
+ Write #FileChannel%, &quot;Don&apos;t edit this file,&quot;
+ Write #FileChannel%, &quot;Don&apos;t edit this file!&quot;
+ Write #FileChannel%, &quot;----------------------------------------------------------&quot;
+ Write #FileChannel%, &quot;It is not allowed to edit this file! Don&apos;t edit this file!&quot;
+ Write #FileChannel%, &quot;==========================================================&quot;
+ For Count%=0 To DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.ListCount()-1
+ Write #FileChannel%, DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.List(Count%)
+ Next
+ Close #FileChannel%
+End Sub
+Sub CalLoadOwnData()
+ &apos; Lädt die Daten der persönlichen Ereignisse und
+ &apos; schreibt diese dann in das Control lbOwnData.
+ Dim FileName$, tempStr$
+ Dim FileChannel%, Count%
+ FileName$ = GetPathSettings(&quot;Config&quot;, False)+ GetPathSeparator() + &quot;DATE.DAT&quot;
+ If Dir(FileName$) = &quot;DATE.DAT&quot; Then
+ FileChannel% = FreeFile()
+ Open FileName$ For INPUT Access READ LOCK READ As FileChannel%
+ &apos; Kommentare werden eingelesen
+ For Count% = 1 To 6
+ Line Input #FileChannel%, tempStr$
+ Next
+ &apos; Einfügen nach Reihenfolge sortiert.
+ While (not eof(#FileChannel%))
+ Input #FileChannel%, tempStr$
+ DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.AddItem(tempStr$)
+ Wend
+ Close #FileChannel%
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function CalIsDataCorrect%()
+ &apos; Verifiziert die Eingaben der persönlichen Ereignisseite
+ &apos; und setzt, wenn ein Feld mit unsinnigen, oder fehlerhaften,
+ Dim sEvent$, sEvMonth$, sEvDay$, sEvYear$
+ Dim nEvMonth%
+ sEvent$ = txtEvent.Text
+ sEvMonth$ = txtOwnEventMonth.Text
+ sEvDay$ = txtOwnEventDay.Text
+ sEvYear$ = txtOwnEventYear.Text
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = True
+ If &quot;&quot; = sEvent$ Then
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = SetFocusToControl(txtEvent)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If &quot;&quot; = sEvMonth$ Then
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = SetFocusToControl(txtOwnEventMonth)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If &quot;&quot; = sEvDay$ Then
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = SetFocusToControl(txtOwnEventDay)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ nEvMonth% = Val(sEvMonth$)
+ If 0 = nEvMonth% Then
+ nEvMonth% = CalGetIntOfShortMonthName%(sEvMonth$)
+ End If
+ If (nEvMonth% &lt; 1) Or (nEvMonth% &gt; 12) Then
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = SetFocusToControl(txtOwnEventMonth)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If chkEventOnce.Value And (sEvYear$ &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;) Then
+ If (Val(sEvYear$) &lt;= 1582) Or (Val(sEvYear$) &gt;= 9957) Then
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = SetFocusToControl(txtOwnEventMonth)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ End If
+ If (Val (sEvDay$) &lt; 1) Or (Val (sEvDay$) &gt; CalMaxDayInMonth%(Val(sEvYear$), nEvMonth%)) Then
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = SetFocusToControl(txtOwnEventDay)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+End Function
+Function SetFocusToControl(oControl as Object)
+ Beep
+ oControl.SetFocus
+ SetFocusToControl = False
+End Function
+Function CalCreateDateFromInput&amp;()
+ &apos; Generiert aus den Eingabedaten der Ereignisseite
+ &apos; ein Datum im Dateserial Format,
+ Dim newDate&amp;, nMonth%
+ nMonth% = Val (txtOwnEventMonth.Text)
+ If 0 = nMonth% Then
+ nMonth% = CalGetIntOfShortMonthName% (txtOwnEventMonth.Text)
+ End If
+ newDate&amp; = DateSerial(0, nMonth%, Val(txtOwnEventDay.Text))
+ If chkEventOnce.Value Then
+ newDate&amp; = DateSerial(Val(txtOwnEventYear.Text), Month(newDate&amp;), Day(newDate&amp;))
+ End If
+ CalCreateDateFromInput&amp; = newDate&amp;
+End Function
+Function CalCreateDateStrOfInput$()
+Dim DateStr$
+Dim nMonth%
+ If Not CalIsDataCorrect%() Then
+ CalCreateDateStrOfInput$ = &quot;&quot;
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If Val(txtOwnEventDay.Text) &lt; 10 Then
+ DateStr$ = &quot; &quot;
+ End If
+ DateStr$ = DateStr$ + Trim(txtOwnEventDay.Text) + &quot;. &quot;
+ nMonth% = CalGetIntOfShortMonthName% (Trim(txtOwnEventMonth.Text))
+ DateStr$ = DateStr$ + cCalShortMonthNames$ (nMonth%)
+ If chkEventOnce.Value And txtOwnEventYear.Text &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ DateStr$ = DateStr$ + &quot; &quot; + Trim(txtOwnEventYear.Text)
+ Else
+ DateStr$ = DateStr$ + &quot; &quot;
+ End If
+ DateStr$ = DateStr$ + &quot; &quot; + Trim(txtEvent.Text)
+ CalCreateDateStrOfInput$ = DateStr$
+End Function
+Function CalGetDateWithoutYear&amp;(byval Pos%)
+ CalGetDateWithoutYear&amp; = DateSerial(0, CalGetMonthOfEvent(Pos%), CalGetDayOfEvent(Pos%))
+End Function
+Function CalExistDateInList%(byval newDate&amp;)
+ Dim Count%, lbActDate&amp;, lbActEvent$, Result%
+ Dim nEvYear%, nEvMonth%, nEvDay%
+ Result% = False
+ For Count%=0 To lbOwnData.ListCount()-1
+ nEvYear% = CalGetYearOfEvent(Count%)
+ nEvMonth% = CalGetMonthOfEvent(Count%)
+ nEvDay% = CalGetDayOfEvent(Count%)
+ lbActDate&amp; = DateSerial(nEvYear%, nEvMonth%, nEvDay%)
+ Result% = (lbactDate&amp; = newDate&amp;)
+ Next
+ CalExistDateInList% = Result%
+End Function
+Sub CalCmdInsertData()
+Dim DateStr$, newDate&amp;, Count%, Inserted%, Found%
+ Inserted% = False
+ DateStr$ = CalCreateDateStrOfInput$()
+ If DateStr$ = &quot;&quot; Then Exit Sub
+ &apos; Es ist noch garnichts vorhanden
+ If Not Inserted% And lbOwnData.ListCount()=0 Then
+ lbOwnData.AddItem(DateStr$)
+ Inserted% = True
+ End If
+ &apos; Doppeltes Datum
+ newDate&amp; = CalCreateDateFromInput&amp;()
+ If ((False = Inserted%) And (True = CalExistDateInList (newDate))) Then
+ &apos; gleiche jahre(auch keine Jahre sind gleiche jahre)-&gt;alt löschen neu rein
+ Count% = 0
+ While (DateSerial(CalGetYearOfEvent(Count%), CalGetMonthOfEvent(Count%), CalGetDayOfEvent(Count%))&lt;&gt;DateSerial(Year(newDate&amp;), Month(newDate&amp;), Day(newDate&amp;)))
+ Count% = Count + 1
+ Wend
+ &apos; beide Jahre gleich (auch: kein datum gesetzt) -&gt; alt löschen neu rein
+ If ((CalGetYearOfEvent(Count%)=0 And Not chkEventOnce.Value) Or (chkEventOnce.Value And Val(txtOwnEventYear.Text)=CalGetYearOfEvent%(Count%))) Then
+ lbOwnData.RemoveItem(Count%)
+ lbOwnData.AddItem(DateStr$, Count%)
+ Inserted% = True
+ End If
+ End If
+ &apos; Es existiert ein Datum mit Jahreszahl. Es wird dasselbe Datum
+ &apos; ohne Angabe der Jahreszahl angegeben.
+ newDate&amp; = CalCreateDateFromInput&amp;()
+ newDate&amp; = Dateserial(0, Month(newDate&amp;), Day(newDate&amp;))
+ If Not Inserted% And Not chkEventOnce.Value Then
+ Dim temp&amp;
+ Count% = 0
+ While (Not Found%) And (Count% &lt; lbOwnData.ListCount())
+ temp&amp; = CalGetDateWithoutYear%(Count%)
+ If (temp&amp; = newDate&amp;) Then
+ Found% = True
+ Else
+ Count% = Count% + 1
+ End If
+ Wend
+ If Found% Then
+ If (CalGetYearOfEvent%(Count%)&lt;&gt;0) Then
+ lbOwnData.AddItem(DateStr$, Count%)
+ Inserted% = True
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ &apos; Das einzufügende Datum besitzt eine Jahreszahl, es gibt bereits
+ &apos; das Datum in der Liste, jedoch ohne Datum.
+ newDate&amp; = CalCreateDateFromInput&amp;()
+ newDate&amp; = Dateserial(0, Month(newDate&amp;), Day(newDate&amp;))
+ If Not Inserted% And chkEventOnce.Value Then
+ Found% = False
+ Count% = 0
+ While (Not Found%) And (Count% &lt; lbOwnData.ListCount)
+ If (CalGetDateWithoutYear(Count%) = newDate&amp;) Then
+ Found% = True
+ Else
+ Count% = Count% + 1
+ End If
+ Wend
+ If Found% Then
+ Count% = Count% + 1
+ lbOwnData.AddItem(DateStr$, Count%)
+ Inserted% = True
+ End If
+ End If
+ &apos; Das Datum ist noch nicht vorhanden.
+ newDate&amp; = CalCreateDateFromInput&amp;()
+ newDate&amp; = Dateserial(0, Month(newDate&amp;), Day(newDate&amp;))
+ &apos; newDate&amp; = Dateserial(0, Month(newDate&amp;), Day(newDate&amp;))
+ If (Inserted%=False And CalExistDateInList(newDate)=False) Then
+ Found% = False
+ Count% = 0
+ While (Count% &lt; lbOwnData.ListCount() And Found% = False)
+ If (newDate&amp; &gt; CalGetDateWithoutYear&amp;(Count%)) Then
+ Count% = Count% + 1
+ Else
+ Found% = True
+ End If
+ Wend
+ lbOwnData.AddItem(DateStr$, Count%)
+ Inserted% = True
+ End If
+ &apos; Flag zum Speichern der neuen Daten.
+ If Inserted% = True Then
+ CalOwnDataChanged% = True
+ End If
+ &apos; Nachdem die Daten übernommen worden sind, werden sie aus
+ &apos; der Eingabe gelöscht
+ Call CalClearInputMask()
+End Sub
+Sub CalUpdateNewEventFrame()
+ Dim bEnable as Boolean
+ Dim Result%, actPos%, Count%
+ Dim sSelData$
+ Result% = CalCountSelected%(DlgBuffer.lbOwnData, actPos%)
+ If Result% = 1 Then
+ &apos; Daten unten anzeigen
+ sSelData$ = lbOwnData.List (actPos%)
+ txtEvent.Text = Trim (Mid$ (sSelData$, 16))
+ txtOwnEventDay.Text = Trim (Left$ (sSelData$, 2))
+ txtOwnEventMonth.Text = Str$ (Mid$ (sSelData$, 5, 3))
+ bEnable = Val (Trim (Mid$ (sSelData$, 10, 4))) &gt; 0
+ If bEnable Then
+ txtOwnEventYear.Text = Trim (Mid$ (sSelData$, 10, 4))
+ Else
+ txtOwnEventYear.Text = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+ chkEventOnce.Value = bEnable
+ lblEventYear.Enabled = bEnable
+ txtownEventYear.Enabled = bEnable
+ SpinOwnEventYear.Enabled = bEnable
+ Else
+ Call CalClearInputMask()
+ End If
+ cmdDelete.Enabled = (1 &lt;= Result%)
+End Sub
+Function CalGetYearOfEvent%(byval Pos%)
+ CalGetYearOfEvent% = Val(Mid$(lbOwnData.List(Pos%), 10, 4))
+End Function
+Function CalGetDayOfEvent%(byval Pos%)
+ CalGetDayOfEvent% = Val(Mid$(lbOwnData.List(Pos%), 1, 2))
+End Function
+Function CalGetMonthOfEvent%(byval Pos%)
+ &apos; Liefert den Monat eines Ereignisses aus dem
+ &apos; Control lbOwnData als Zahl.
+ Dim sMonth$
+ sMonth$ = Mid$ (lbOwnData.List(Pos%), 5, 3)
+ CalGetMonthOfEvent% = CalGetIntOfShortMonthName% (sMonth$)
+End Function
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file