path: root/wizards/source/euro/Protect.xba
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/euro/Protect.xba')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 175 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/euro/Protect.xba b/wizards/source/euro/Protect.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a852e9c3..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/euro/Protect.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Protect" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
-Option Explicit
-Public PWIndex as Integer
-Function UnprotectSheetsWithPassWord(oSheets as Object, bDoUnProtect as Boolean)
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
-Dim iMsgResult as Integer
- PWIndex = -1
- If bDocHasProtectedSheets Then
- If Not bDoUnprotect Then
- &apos; At First query if sheets shall generally be unprotected
- iMsgResult = Msgbox(sMsgUNPROTECT,36,sMsgDLGTITLE)
- bDoUnProtect = iMsgResult = 6
- End If
- If bDoUnProtect Then
- MaxIndex = oSheets.Count-1
- For i = 0 To MaxIndex
- bDocHasProtectedSheets = Not UnprotectSheet(oSheets(i))
- If bDocHasProtectedSheets Then
- ReprotectSheets()
- Exit For
- End If
- Next i
- If PWIndex = -1 Then
- ReDim UnProtectList() as String
- Else
- ReDim Preserve UnProtectList(PWIndex) as String
- End If
- Else
- End If
- End If
- UnProtectSheetsWithPassword = bDocHasProtectedSheets
-End Function
-Function UnprotectSheet(oListSheet as Object)
-Dim ListSheetName as String
-Dim sStatustext as String
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim bOneSheetIsUnprotected as Boolean
- i = -1
- ListSheetName = oListSheet.Name
- If oListSheet.IsProtected Then
- oListSheet.Unprotect(&quot;&quot;)
- If oListSheet.IsProtected Then
- &apos; Sheet is protected by a Password
- bOneSheetIsUnProtected = UnprotectSheetWithDialog(oListSheet, ListSheetName)
- UnProtectSheet() = bOneSheetIsUnProtected
- Else
- &apos; The Sheet could be unprotected without a password
- AddSheettoUnprotectionlist(ListSheetName,&quot;&quot;)
- UnprotectSheet() = True
- End If
- Else
- UnprotectSheet() = True
- End If
-End Function
-Function UnprotectSheetWithDialog(oListSheet as Object, ListSheetName as String) as Boolean
-Dim PWIsCorrect as Boolean
-Dim QueryText as String
- oDocument.CurrentController.SetActiveSheet(oListSheet)
- QueryText = ReplaceString(sMsgPWPROTECT,&quot;&apos;&quot; &amp; ListSheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;, &quot;%1TableName%1&quot;)
- &apos;&quot;Please insert the password to unprotect the sheet &apos;&quot; &amp; ListSheetName&apos;&quot;
- Do
- ExecutePasswordDialog(QueryText)
- If bCancelProtection Then
- bCancelProtection = False
- UnprotectSheetWithDialog() = False
- exit Function
- End If
- oListSheet.Unprotect(Password)
- If oListSheet.IsProtected Then
- PWIsCorrect = False
- Msgbox (sMsgWRONGPW, 64, sMsgDLGTITLE)
- Else
- &apos; Sheet could be unprotected
- AddSheettoUnprotectionlist(ListSheetName,Password)
- PWIsCorrect = True
- End If
- Loop Until PWIsCorrect
- UnprotectSheetWithDialog() = True
-End Function
-Sub ExecutePasswordDialog(QueryText as String)
- With PasswordModel
- .Title = QueryText
- .hlnPassword.Label = sMsgPASSWORD
- .cmdCancel.Label = sMsgCANCEL
- .cmdHelp.Label = sHELP
- .cmdGoOn.Label = sMsgOK
- .cmdGoOn.DefaultButton = True
- End With
- DialogPassword.Execute
-End Sub
-Sub ReadPassword()
- Password = PasswordModel.txtPassword.Text
- DialogPassword.EndExecute
-End Sub
-Sub RejectPassword()
- bCancelProtection = True
- DialogPassword.EndExecute
-End Sub
-&apos; Reprotects the previousliy protected sheets
-&apos; The passwordinformation is stored in the List &apos;UnProtectList()&apos;
-Sub ReprotectSheets()
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim oProtectSheet as Object
-Dim ProtectList() as String
-Dim SheetName as String
-Dim SheetPassword as String
- If PWIndex &gt; -1 Then
- SetStatusLineText(sStsREPROTECT)
- For i = 0 To PWIndex
- ProtectList() = ArrayOutOfString(UnProtectList(i),&quot;;&quot;)
- SheetName = ProtectList(0)
- If Ubound(ProtectList()) &gt; 0 Then
- SheetPassWord = ProtectList(1)
- Else
- SheetPassword = &quot;&quot;
- End If
- oProtectSheet = oSheets.GetbyName(SheetName)
- If Not oProtectSheet.IsProtected Then
- oProtectSheet.Protect(SheetPassWord)
- End If
- Next i
- SetStatusLineText(&quot;&quot;)
- End If
- PWIndex = -1
- ReDim UnProtectList()
-End Sub
-&apos; Add a Sheet to the list of sheets that finally have to be
-&apos; unprotected
-Sub AddSheettoUnprotectionlist(ListSheetName as String, Password as String)
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
- MaxIndex = Ubound(UnProtectList())
- PWIndex = PWIndex + 1
- If PWIndex &gt; MaxIndex Then
- ReDim Preserve UnprotectList(MaxIndex + SBRANGEUBOUND)
- End If
- UnprotectList(PWIndex) = ListSheetName &amp; &quot;;&quot; &amp; Password
-End Sub
-Function CheckSheetProtection(oSheets as Object) as Boolean
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim bProtectedSheets as Boolean
- bProtectedSheets = False
- MaxIndex = oSheets.Count-1
- For i = 0 To MaxIndex
- bProtectedSheets = oSheets(i).IsProtected
- If bProtectedSheets Then
- CheckSheetProtection() = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next i
- CheckSheetProtection() = False
-End Function</script:module> \ No newline at end of file