path: root/wizards/source/tools/Misc.xba
diff options
authorMichael Stahl <>2012-01-28 20:52:45 +0100
committerMichael Stahl <>2012-01-28 20:52:45 +0100
commit2e626373db2412ac22e8c5c27a60d11cd29e875b (patch)
tree9e9f67205cd5b72f1031721273e1534a3a1e5b0f /wizards/source/tools/Misc.xba
parentf7ee7bbd5174b084f018c2ec94d8c70c98ee04da (diff)
replace obsolete "master" branch with README that points at new repoHEADmaster-deletedmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/tools/Misc.xba')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 821 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/tools/Misc.xba b/wizards/source/tools/Misc.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index faa0f802f..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/tools/Misc.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,821 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Misc" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
-Const SBSHARE = 0
-Const SBUSER = 1
-Dim Taskindex as Integer
-Dim oResSrv as Object
-Sub Main()
-Dim PropList(3,1)&apos; as String
- PropList(0,0) = &quot;URL&quot;
- PropList(0,1) = &quot;sdbc:odbc:Erica_Test_Unicode&quot;
- PropList(1,0) = &quot;User&quot;
- PropList(1,1) = &quot;extra&quot;
- PropList(2,0) = &quot;Password&quot;
- PropList(2,1) = &quot;extra&quot;
- PropList(3,0) = &quot;IsPasswordRequired&quot;
- PropList(3,1) = True
-End Sub
-Function RegisterNewDataSource(DSName as String, PropertyList(), Optional DriverProperties() as New
-Dim oDataSource as Object
-Dim oDBContext as Object
-Dim oPropInfo as Object
-Dim i as Integer
- oDBContext = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- oDataSource = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- For i = 0 To Ubound(PropertyList(), 1)
- sPropName = PropertyList(i,0)
- sPropValue = PropertyList(i,1)
- oDataSource.SetPropertyValue(sPropName,sPropValue)
- Next i
- If Not IsMissing(DriverProperties()) Then
- oDataSource.Info() = DriverProperties()
- End If
- oDBContext.RegisterObject(DSName, oDataSource)
- RegisterNewDataSource () = oDataSource
-End Function
-&apos; Connects to a registered Database
-Function ConnecttoDatabase(DSName as String, UserID as String, Password as String, Optional Propertylist(), Optional DriverProperties() as New
-Dim oDBContext as Object
-Dim oDBSource as Object
-&apos; On Local Error Goto NOCONNECTION
- oDBContext = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
- If oDBContext.HasbyName(DSName) Then
- oDBSource = oDBContext.GetByName(DSName)
- ConnectToDatabase = oDBSource.GetConnection(UserID, Password)
- Else
- If Not IsMissing(Namelist()) Then
- If Not IsMissing(DriverProperties()) Then
- RegisterNewDataSource(DSName, PropertyList(), DriverProperties())
- Else
- RegisterNewDataSource(DSName, PropertyList())
- End If
- oDBSource = oDBContext.GetByName(DSName)
- ConnectToDatabase = oDBSource.GetConnection(UserID, Password)
- Else
- Msgbox(&quot;DataSource &quot; &amp; DSName &amp; &quot; is not registered&quot; , 16, GetProductname())
- ConnectToDatabase() = NULL
- End If
- End If
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- Msgbox(Error$, 16, GetProductName())
- End If
-End Function
-Function GetStarOfficeLocale() as New
-Dim aLocLocale As New
-Dim sLocale as String
-Dim sLocaleList(1)
-Dim oMasterKey
- oMasterKey = GetRegistryKeyContent(&quot;org.openoffice.Setup/L10N/&quot;)
- sLocale = oMasterKey.getByName(&quot;ooLocale&quot;)
- sLocaleList() = ArrayoutofString(sLocale, &quot;-&quot;)
- aLocLocale.Language = sLocaleList(0)
- If Ubound(sLocaleList()) &gt; 0 Then
- aLocLocale.Country = sLocaleList(1)
- End If
- GetStarOfficeLocale() = aLocLocale
-End Function
-Function GetRegistryKeyContent(sKeyName as string, Optional bforUpdate as Boolean)
-Dim oConfigProvider as Object
-Dim aNodePath(0) as new
- oConfigProvider = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- aNodePath(0).Name = &quot;nodepath&quot;
- aNodePath(0).Value = sKeyName
- If IsMissing(bForUpdate) Then
- GetRegistryKeyContent() = oConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(&quot;;, aNodePath())
- Else
- If bForUpdate Then
- GetRegistryKeyContent() = oConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(&quot;;, aNodePath())
- Else
- GetRegistryKeyContent() = oConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(&quot;;, aNodePath())
- End If
- End If
-End Function
-Function GetProductname() as String
-Dim oProdNameAccess as Object
-Dim sVersion as String
-Dim sProdName as String
- oProdNameAccess = GetRegistryKeyContent(&quot;org.openoffice.Setup/Product&quot;)
- sProdName = oProdNameAccess.getByName(&quot;ooName&quot;)
- sVersion = oProdNameAccess.getByName(&quot;ooSetupVersion&quot;)
- GetProductName = sProdName &amp; sVersion
-End Function
-&apos; Opens a Document, checks beforehand, wether it has to be loaded
-&apos; or wether it is already on the desktop.
-&apos; If the parameter bDisposable is set to False then then returned document
-&apos; should not be disposed afterwards, because it is already opened.
-Function OpenDocument(DocPath as String, Args(), Optional bDisposable as Boolean)
-Dim oComponents as Object
-Dim oComponent as Object
- &apos; Search if one of the active Components ist the one that you search for
- oComponents = StarDesktop.Components.CreateEnumeration
- While oComponents.HasmoreElements
- oComponent = oComponents.NextElement
- If hasUnoInterfaces(oComponent,&quot;;) then
- If UCase(oComponent.URL) = UCase(DocPath) then
- OpenDocument() = oComponent
- If Not IsMissing(bDisposable) Then
- bDisposable = False
- End If
- Exit Function
- End If
- End If
- Wend
- If Not IsMissing(bDisposable) Then
- bDisposable = True
- End If
- OpenDocument() = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(DocPath,&quot;_default&quot;,0,Args())
-End Function
-Function TaskonDesktop(DocPath as String) as Boolean
-Dim oComponents as Object
-Dim oComponent as Object
- &apos; Search if one of the active Components ist the one that you search for
- oComponents = StarDesktop.Components.CreateEnumeration
- While oComponents.HasmoreElements
- oComponent = oComponents.NextElement
- If hasUnoInterfaces(oComponent,&quot;;) then
- If UCase(oComponent.URL) = UCase(DocPath) then
- TaskonDesktop = True
- Exit Function
- End If
- End If
- Wend
- TaskonDesktop = False
-End Function
-&apos; Retrieves a FileName out of a StarOffice-Document
-Function RetrieveFileName(LocDoc as Object)
-Dim LocURL as String
-Dim LocURLArray() as String
-Dim MaxArrIndex as integer
- LocURL = LocDoc.Url
- LocURLArray() = ArrayoutofString(LocURL,&quot;/&quot;,MaxArrIndex)
- RetrieveFileName = LocURLArray(MaxArrIndex)
-End Function
-&apos; Gets a special configured PathSetting
-Function GetPathSettings(sPathType as String, Optional bshowall as Boolean, Optional ListIndex as integer) as String
-Dim oSettings, oPathSettings as Object
-Dim sPath as String
-Dim PathList() as String
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
-Dim oPS as Object
- oPS = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- If Not IsMissing(bShowall) Then
- If bShowAll Then
- ShowPropertyValues(oPS)
- Exit Function
- End If
- End If
- sPath = oPS.getPropertyValue(sPathType)
- If Not IsMissing(ListIndex) Then
- &apos; Share and User-Directory
- If Instr(1,sPath,&quot;;&quot;) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- PathList = ArrayoutofString(sPath,&quot;;&quot;, MaxIndex)
- If ListIndex &lt;= MaxIndex Then
- sPath = PathList(ListIndex)
- Else
- Msgbox(&quot;String Cannot be analyzed!&quot; &amp; sPath , 16, GetProductName())
- End If
- End If
- End If
- If Instr(1, sPath, &quot;;&quot;) = 0 Then
- GetPathSettings = ConvertToUrl(sPath)
- Else
- GetPathSettings = sPath
- End If
-End Function
-&apos; Gets the fully qualified path to a subdirectory of the
-&apos; Template Directory, e. g. with the parameter &quot;wizard/bitmap&quot;
-&apos; The parameter must be passed over in Url-scription
-&apos; The return-Value is in Urlscription
-Function GetOfficeSubPath(sOfficePath as String, ByVal sSubDir as String)
-Dim sOfficeString as String
-Dim sOfficeList() as String
-Dim sOfficeDir as String
-Dim sBigDir as String
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
-Dim oUcb as Object
- oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- sOfficeString = GetPathSettings(sOfficePath)
- If Right(sSubDir,1) &lt;&gt; &quot;/&quot; Then
- sSubDir = sSubDir &amp; &quot;/&quot;
- End If
- sOfficeList() = ArrayoutofString(sOfficeString,&quot;;&quot;, MaxIndex)
- For i = 0 To MaxIndex
- sOfficeDir = ConvertToUrl(sOfficeList(i))
- If Right(sOfficeDir,1) &lt;&gt; &quot;/&quot; Then
- sOfficeDir = sOfficeDir &amp; &quot;/&quot;
- End If
- sBigDir = sOfficeDir &amp; sSubDir
- If oUcb.Exists(sBigDir) Then
- GetOfficeSubPath() = sBigDir
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next i
- ShowNoOfficePathError()
- GetOfficeSubPath = &quot;&quot;
-End Function
-Sub ShowNoOfficePathError()
-Dim ProductName as String
-Dim sError as String
-Dim bResObjectexists as Boolean
-Dim oLocResSrv as Object
- bResObjectexists = not IsNull(oResSrv)
- If bResObjectexists Then
- oLocResSrv = oResSrv
- End If
- If InitResources(&quot;Tools&quot;, &quot;com&quot;) Then
- ProductName = GetProductName()
- sError = GetResText(1006)
- sError = ReplaceString(sError, ProductName, &quot;%PRODUCTNAME&quot;)
- sError = ReplaceString(sError, chr(13), &quot;&lt;BR&gt;&quot;)
- MsgBox(sError, 16, ProductName)
- End If
- If bResObjectexists Then
- oResSrv = oLocResSrv
- End If
-End Sub
-Function InitResources(Description, ShortDescription as String) as boolean
-Dim xResource as Object
-Dim aArgs(0) as String
- On Error Goto ErrorOcurred
- aArgs(0) = ShortDescription
- oConfigProvider = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- xResource = getProcessServiceManager().createInstanceWithArguments( &quot;org.libreoffice.resource.ResourceIndexAccess&quot;, aArgs() )
- If (IsNull(xResource)) then
- InitResources = FALSE
- MsgBox(&quot;could not initialize ResourceIndexAccess&quot;)
- Else
- InitResources = TRUE
- oResSrv = xResource.getByName( &quot;String&quot; )
- End If
- Exit Function
- Dim nSolarVer
- InitResources = FALSE
- nSolarVer = GetSolarVersion()
- MsgBox(&quot;Resource file missing (&quot; &amp; ShortDescription &amp; trim(str(nSolarVer)) + &quot;*.res)&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
- Resume CLERROR
-End Function
-Function GetResText( nID as integer ) As string
- On Error Goto ErrorOcurred
- If Not IsNull(oResSrv) Then
- GetResText = oResSrv.getByIndex( nID )
- Else
- GetResText = &quot;&quot;
- End If
- Exit Function
- GetResText = &quot;&quot;
- MsgBox(&quot;Resource with ID =&quot; + str( nID ) + &quot; not found!&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
- Resume CLERROR
-End Function
-Function CutPathView(sDocUrl as String, Optional PathLen as Integer)
-Dim sViewPath as String
-Dim FileName as String
-Dim iFileLen as Integer
- sViewPath = ConvertfromURL(sDocURL)
- iViewPathLen = Len(sViewPath)
- If iViewPathLen &gt; 60 Then
- FileName = FileNameoutofPath(sViewPath, &quot;/&quot;)
- iFileLen = Len(FileName)
- If iFileLen &lt; 44 Then
- sViewPath = Left(sViewPath,57-iFileLen-10) &amp; &quot;...&quot; &amp; Right(sViewPath,iFileLen + 10)
- Else
- sViewPath = Left(sViewPath,27) &amp; &quot; ... &quot; &amp; Right(sViewPath,28)
- End If
- End If
- CutPathView = sViewPath
-End Function
-&apos; Deletes the content of all cells that are softformatted according
-&apos; to the &apos;InputStyleName&apos;
-Sub DeleteInputCells(oSheet as Object, InputStyleName as String)
-Dim oRanges as Object
-Dim oRange as Object
- oRanges = oSheet.CellFormatRanges.createEnumeration
- While oRanges.hasMoreElements
- oRange = oRanges.NextElement
- If Instr(1,oRange.CellStyle, InputStyleName) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- Call ReplaceRangeValues(oRange, &quot;&quot;)
- End If
- Wend
-End Sub
-&apos; Inserts a certain String to all cells of a Range that ist passed over
-&apos; either as an object or as the RangeName
-Sub ChangeValueofRange(oSheet as Object, Range, ReplaceValue, Optional StyleName as String)
-Dim oCellRange as Object
- If Vartype(Range) = 8 Then
- &apos; Get the Range out of the Rangename
- oCellRange = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(Range)
- Else
- &apos; The range is passed over as an object
- Set oCellRange = Range
- End If
- If IsMissing(StyleName) Then
- ReplaceRangeValues(oCellRange, ReplaceValue)
- Else
- If Instr(1,oCellRange.CellStyle,StyleName) Then
- ReplaceRangeValues(oCellRange, ReplaceValue)
- End If
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub ReplaceRangeValues(oRange as Object, ReplaceValue)
-Dim oRangeAddress as Object
-Dim ColCount as Integer
-Dim RowCount as Integer
-Dim i as Integer
- oRangeAddress = oRange.RangeAddress
- ColCount = oRangeAddress.EndColumn - oRangeAddress.StartColumn
- RowCount = oRangeAddress.EndRow - oRangeAddress.StartRow
- Dim FillArray(RowCount) as Variant
- Dim sLine(ColCount) as Variant
- For i = 0 To ColCount
- sLine(i) = ReplaceValue
- Next i
- For i = 0 To RowCount
- FillArray(i) = sLine()
- Next i
- oRange.DataArray = FillArray()
-End Sub
-&apos; Returns the Value of the first cell of a Range
-Function GetValueofCellbyName(oSheet as Object, sCellName as String)
-Dim oCell as Object
- oCell = GetCellByName(oSheet, sCellName)
- GetValueofCellbyName = oCell.Value
-End Function
-Function DuplicateRow(oSheet as Object, RangeName as String)
-Dim oRange as Object
-Dim oCell as Object
-Dim oCellAddress as New
-Dim oRangeAddress as New
- oRange = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(RangeName)
- oRangeAddress = oRange.RangeAddress
- oCell = oSheet.GetCellByPosition(oRangeAddress.StartColumn,oRangeAddress.StartRow)
- oCellAddress = oCell.CellAddress
- oSheet.Rows.InsertByIndex(oCellAddress.Row,1)
- oRangeAddress = oRange.RangeAddress
- oSheet.CopyRange(oCellAddress, oRangeAddress)
- DuplicateRow = oRangeAddress.StartRow-1
-End Function
-&apos; Returns the String of the first cell of a Range
-Function GetStringofCellbyName(oSheet as Object, sCellName as String)
-Dim oCell as Object
- oCell = GetCellByName(oSheet, sCellName)
- GetStringofCellbyName = oCell.String
-End Function
-&apos; Returns a named Cell
-Function GetCellByName(oSheet as Object, sCellName as String) as Object
-Dim oCellRange as Object
-Dim oCellAddress as Object
- oCellRange = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(sCellName)
- oCellAddress = oCellRange.RangeAddress
- GetCellByName = oSheet.GetCellByPosition(oCellAddress.StartColumn,oCellAddress.StartRow)
-End Function
-&apos; Changes the numeric Value of a cell by transmitting the String of the numeric Value
-Sub ChangeCellValue(oCell as Object, ValueString as String)
-Dim CellValue
- oCell.Formula = &quot;=Value(&quot; &amp; &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; &amp; ValueString &amp; &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; &amp; &quot;)&quot;
- CellValue = oCell.Value
- oCell.Formula = &quot;&quot;
- oCell.Value = CellValue
-End Sub
-Function GetDocumentType(oDocument)
-&apos; ShowSupportedServiceNames(oDocument)
- If oDocument.SupportsService(&quot;;) Then
- GetDocumentType() = &quot;scalc&quot;
- ElseIf oDocument.SupportsService(&quot;;) Then
- GetDocumentType() = &quot;swriter&quot;
- ElseIf oDocument.SupportsService(&quot;;) Then
- GetDocumentType() = &quot;sdraw&quot;
- ElseIf oDocument.SupportsService(&quot;;) Then
- GetDocumentType() = &quot;simpress&quot;
- ElseIf oDocument.SupportsService(&quot;;) Then
- GetDocumentType() = &quot;smath&quot;
- End If
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- GetDocumentType = &quot;&quot;
- Resume GOON
- End If
-End Function
-Function GetNumberFormatType(oDocFormats, oFormatObject as Object) as Integer
-Dim ThisFormatKey as Long
-Dim oObjectFormat as Object
- On Local Error Goto NOFORMAT
- ThisFormatKey = oFormatObject.NumberFormat
- oObjectFormat = oDocFormats.GetByKey(ThisFormatKey)
- GetNumberFormatType = oObjectFormat.Type
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- Msgbox(&quot;Numberformat of Object is not available!&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
- GetNumberFormatType = 0
- End If
- On Local Error Goto 0
-End Function
-Sub ProtectSheets(Optional oSheets as Object)
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim oDocSheets as Object
- If IsMissing(oSheets) Then
- oDocSheets = StarDesktop.CurrentFrame.Controller.Model.Sheets
- Else
- Set oDocSheets = oSheets
- End If
- For i = 0 To oDocSheets.Count-1
- oDocSheets(i).Protect(&quot;&quot;)
- Next i
-End Sub
-Sub UnprotectSheets(Optional oSheets as Object)
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim oDocSheets as Object
- If IsMissing(oSheets) Then
- oDocSheets = StarDesktop.CurrentFrame.Controller.Model.Sheets
- Else
- Set oDocSheets = oSheets
- End If
- For i = 0 To oDocSheets.Count-1
- oDocSheets(i).Unprotect(&quot;&quot;)
- Next i
-End Sub
-Function GetRowIndex(oSheet as Object, RowName as String)
-Dim oRange as Object
- oRange = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(RowName)
- GetRowIndex = oRange.RangeAddress.StartRow
-End Function
-Function GetColumnIndex(oSheet as Object, ColName as String)
-Dim oRange as Object
- oRange = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(ColName)
- GetColumnIndex = oRange.RangeAddress.StartColumn
-End Function
-Function CopySheetbyName(oSheets as Object, OldName as String, NewName as String, DestPos as Integer) as Object
-Dim oSheet as Object
-Dim Count as Integer
-Dim BasicSheetName as String
- BasicSheetName = NewName
- &apos; Copy the last table. Assumption: The last table is the template
- On Local Error Goto RENAMESHEET
- oSheets.CopybyName(OldName, NewName, DestPos)
- oSheet = oSheets(DestPos)
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- &apos; Test if renaming failed
- Count = 2
- Do While oSheet.Name &lt;&gt; NewName
- NewName = BasicSheetName &amp; &quot;_&quot; &amp; Count
- oSheet.Name = NewName
- Count = Count + 1
- Loop
- Resume CL_ERROR
- End If
- CopySheetbyName = oSheet
-End Function
-&apos; Dis-or enables a Window and adjusts the mousepointer accordingly
-Sub ToggleWindow(bDoEnable as Boolean)
-Dim oWindow as Object
- oWindow = StarDesktop.CurrentFrame.ComponentWindow
- oWindow.Enable = bDoEnable
-End Sub
-Function CheckNewSheetname(oSheets as Object, Sheetname as String, Optional oLocale) as String
-Dim nStartFlags as Long
-Dim nContFlags as Long
-Dim oCharService as Object
-Dim iSheetNameLength as Integer
-Dim iResultPos as Integer
-Dim WrongChar as String
-Dim oResult as Object
- nStartFlags = +
- nContFlags = nStartFlags
- oCharService = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
- iSheetNameLength = Len(SheetName)
- If IsMissing(oLocale) Then
- oLocale = ThisComponent.CharLocale
- End If
- Do
- oResult =oCharService.parsePredefinedToken(, SheetName, 0, oLocale, nStartFlags, &quot;&quot;, nContFlags, &quot; &quot;)
- iResultPos = oResult.EndPos
- If iResultPos &lt; iSheetNameLength Then
- WrongChar = Mid(SheetName, iResultPos+1,1)
- SheetName = ReplaceString(SheetName,&quot;_&quot;, WrongChar)
- End If
- Loop Until iResultPos = iSheetNameLength
- CheckNewSheetname = SheetName
-End Function
-Sub AddNewSheetName(oSheets as Object, ByVal SheetName as String)
-Dim Count as Integer
-Dim bSheetIsThere as Boolean
-Dim iSheetNameLength as Integer
- iSheetNameLength = Len(SheetName)
- Count = 2
- Do
- bSheetIsThere = oSheets.HasByName(SheetName)
- If bSheetIsThere Then
- SheetName = Right(SheetName,iSheetNameLength) &amp; &quot;_&quot; &amp; Count
- Count = Count + 1
- End If
- Loop Until Not bSheetIsThere
- AddNewSheetname = SheetName
-End Sub
-Function GetSheetIndex(oSheets, sName) as Integer
-Dim i as Integer
- For i = 0 To oSheets.Count-1
- If oSheets(i).Name = sName Then
- GetSheetIndex = i
- exit Function
- End If
- Next i
- GetSheetIndex = -1
-End Function
-Function GetLastUsedRow(oSheet as Object) as Integer
-Dim oCell As Object
-Dim oCursor As Object
-Dim aAddress As Variant
- oCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(0, 0)
- oCursor = oSheet.createCursorByRange(oCell)
- oCursor.GotoEndOfUsedArea(True)
- aAddress = oCursor.RangeAddress
- GetLastUsedRow = aAddress.EndRow
-End Function
-&apos; Note To set a one lined frame you have to set the inner width to 0
-&apos; In the API all Units that refer to pt-Heights are &quot;1/100mm&quot;
-&apos; The convert factor from 1pt to 1/100 mm is approximately 35
-Function ModifyBorderLineWidth(ByVal oStyleBorder, iInnerLineWidth as Integer, iOuterLineWidth as Integer)
-Dim aBorder as New
- aBorder = oStyleBorder
- aBorder.InnerLineWidth = iInnerLineWidth
- aBorder.OuterLineWidth = iOuterLineWidth
- ModifyBorderLineWidth = aBorder
-End Function
-Sub AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument as Object, EventName as String, SubPath as String)
-Dim PropValue(1) as new
- PropValue(0).Name = &quot;EventType&quot;
- PropValue(0).Value = &quot;StarBasic&quot;
- PropValue(1).Name = &quot;Script&quot;
- PropValue(1).Value = &quot;macro:///&quot; &amp; SubPath
- oDocument.Events.ReplaceByName(EventName, PropValue())
-End Sub
-Function ModifyPropertyValue(oContent() as New, TargetProperties() as New
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim a as Integer
- MaxIndex = Ubound(oContent())
- bDoReplace = False
- For i = 0 To MaxIndex
- a = GetPropertyValueIndex(oContent(i).Name, TargetProperties())
- If a &lt;&gt; -1 Then
- If Vartype(TargetProperties(a).Value) &lt;&gt; 9 Then
- If TargetProperties(a).Value &lt;&gt; oContent(i).Value Then
- oContent(i).Value = TargetProperties(a).Value
- bDoReplace = True
- End If
- Else
- If Not EqualUnoObjects(TargetProperties(a).Value, oContent(i).Value) Then
- oContent(i).Value = TargetProperties(a).Value
- bDoReplace = True
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- ModifyPropertyValue() = bDoReplace
-End Function
-Function GetPropertyValueIndex(SearchName as String, TargetProperties() as New ) as Integer
-Dim i as Integer
- For i = 0 To Ubound(TargetProperties())
- If Searchname = TargetProperties(i).Name Then
- GetPropertyValueIndex = i
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next i
- GetPropertyValueIndex() = -1
-End Function
-Sub DispatchSlot(SlotID as Integer)
-Dim oArg() as new
-Dim oUrl as new
-Dim oTrans as Object
-Dim oDisp as Object
- oTrans = createUNOService(&quot;;)
- oUrl.Complete = &quot;slot:&quot; &amp; CStr(SlotID)
- oTrans.parsestrict(oUrl)
- oDisp = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.queryDispatch(oUrl, &quot;_self&quot;, 0)
- oDisp.dispatch(oUrl, oArg())
-End Sub
-&apos;returns the type of the office application
-&apos;FatOffice = 0, WebTop = 1
-&apos;This routine has to be changed if the Product Name is being changed!
-Function IsFatOffice() As Boolean
- If sProductname = &quot;&quot; Then
- sProductname = GetProductname()
- End If
- IsFatOffice = TRUE
- &apos;The following line has to include the current productname
- If Instr(1,sProductname,&quot;WebTop&quot;,1) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- IsFatOffice = FALSE
- End If
-End Function
-Function GetLocale(sLanguage as String, sCountry as String)
-Dim oLocale as New
- oLocale.Language = sLanguage
- oLocale.Country = sCountry
- GetLocale = oLocale
-End Function
-Sub ToggleDesignMode(oDocument as Object)
-Dim aSwitchMode as new
- aSwitchMode.Complete = &quot;.uno:SwitchControlDesignMode&quot;
- aTransformer = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- aTransformer.parseStrict(aSwitchMode)
- oFrame = oDocument.currentController.Frame
- oDispatch = oFrame.queryDispatch(aSwitchMode, oFrame.Name, 63)
- Dim aEmptyArgs() as New
- oDispatch.dispatch(aSwitchMode, aEmptyArgs())
- Erase aSwitchMode
-End Sub
-Function isHighContrast(oPeer as Object)
- Dim UIColor as Long
- Dim myRed as Integer
- Dim myGreen as Integer
- Dim myBlue as Integer
- Dim myLuminance as Double
- UIColor = oPeer.getProperty( &quot;DisplayBackgroundColor&quot; )
- myRed = Red (UIColor)
- myGreen = Green (UIColor)
- myBlue = Blue (UIColor)
- myLuminance = (( myBlue*28 + myGreen*151 + myRed*77 ) / 256 )
- isHighContrast = false
- If myLuminance &lt;= 25 Then isHighContrast = true
-End Function
-Function CreateNewDocument(sType as String, Optional sAddMsg as String) as Object
-Dim NoArgs() as new
-Dim oDocument as Object
-Dim sUrl as String
-Dim ErrMsg as String
- sUrl = &quot;private:factory/&quot; &amp; sType
- oDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(sUrl,&quot;_default&quot;,0, NoArgs())
- If (Err &lt;&gt; 0) OR IsNull(oDocument) Then
- If InitResources(&quot;&quot;, &quot;com&quot;) Then
- Select Case sType
- Case &quot;swriter&quot;
- ErrMsg = GetResText(1001)
- Case &quot;scalc&quot;
- ErrMsg = GetResText(1002)
- Case &quot;simpress&quot;
- ErrMsg = GetResText(1003)
- Case &quot;sdraw&quot;
- ErrMsg = GetResText(1004)
- Case &quot;smath&quot;
- ErrMsg = GetResText(1005)
- Case Else
- ErrMsg = &quot;Invalid Document Type!&quot;
- End Select
- ErrMsg = ReplaceString(ErrMsg, chr(13), &quot;&lt;BR&gt;&quot;)
- If Not IsMissing(sAddMsg) Then
- ErrMsg = ErrMsg &amp; chr(13) &amp; sAddMsg
- End If
- Msgbox(ErrMsg, 48, GetProductName())
- End If
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- Resume GOON
- End If
- End If
- CreateNewDocument = oDocument
-End Function
-&apos; This Sub has been used in order to ensure that after disposing a document
-&apos; from the backing window it is returned to the backing window, so the
-&apos; office won&apos;t be closed
-Sub DisposeDocument(oDocument as Object)
-Dim dispatcher as Object
-Dim parser as Object
-Dim disp as Object
-Dim url as new
-Dim NoArgs() as New
-Dim oFrame as Object
- If Not IsNull(oDocument) Then
- oDocument.setModified(false)
- parser = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- url.Complete = &quot;.uno:CloseDoc&quot;
- parser.parseStrict(url)
- oFrame = oDocument.CurrentController.Frame
- disp = oFrame.queryDispatch(url,&quot;_self&quot;,
- disp.dispatch(url, NoArgs())
- End If
-End Sub
-&apos;Function to calculate if the year is a leap year
-Function CalIsLeapYear(ByVal iYear as Integer) as Boolean
- CalIsLeapYear = ((iYear Mod 4 = 0) And ((iYear Mod 100 &lt;&gt; 0) Or (iYear Mod 400 = 0)))
-End Function