path: root/wizards/source/depot/Internet.xba
diff options
authorMichael Stahl <>2012-01-28 20:52:45 +0100
committerMichael Stahl <>2012-01-28 20:52:45 +0100
commit2e626373db2412ac22e8c5c27a60d11cd29e875b (patch)
tree9e9f67205cd5b72f1031721273e1534a3a1e5b0f /wizards/source/depot/Internet.xba
parentf7ee7bbd5174b084f018c2ec94d8c70c98ee04da (diff)
replace obsolete "master" branch with README that points at new repoHEADmaster-deletedmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/depot/Internet.xba')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/depot/Internet.xba b/wizards/source/depot/Internet.xba
deleted file mode 100644
index f8b646d54..000000000
--- a/wizards/source/depot/Internet.xba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
-<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Internet" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
-Option Explicit
-Public sNewSheetName as String
-Function CheckHistoryControls()
-Dim bLocGoOn as Boolean
-Dim Firstdate as Date
-Dim LastDate as Date
- LastDate = CDateFromISO(StockRatesModel.txtEndDate.Date)
- FirstDate = CDateFromISO(StockRatesModel.txtStartDate.Date)
- bLocGoOn = FirstDate &lt;&gt; 0 And LastDate &lt;&gt; 0
- If bLocGoOn Then
- If FirstDate &gt;= LastDate Then
- Msgbox(sMsgStartDatebeforeEndDate,16, sProductname)
- bLocGoOn = False
- End If
- End If
- CheckHistoryControls = bLocGoon
-End Function
-Sub InsertCompanyHistory()
-Dim StockName as String
-Dim CurRow as Integer
-Dim sMsgInternetError as String
-Dim CurRate as Double
-Dim oCell as Object
-Dim sStockID as String
-Dim ChartSource as String
- If CheckHistoryControls() Then
- StartDate = CDateFromISO(StockRatesModel.txtStartDate.Date)
- EndDate = CDateFromISO(StockRatesModel.txtEndDate.Date)
- DlgStockRates.EndExecute()
- If StockRatesModel.optDaily.State = 1 Then
- sInterval = &quot;d&quot;
- iStep = 1
- ElseIf StockRatesModel.optWeekly.State = 1 Then
- sInterval = &quot;w&quot;
- iStep = 7
- StartDate = StartDate - WeekDay(StartDate) + 2
- EndDate = EndDate - WeekDay(EndDate) + 2
- End If
- iEndDay = Day(EndDate)
- iEndMonth = Month(EndDate)
- iEndYear = Year(EndDate)
- iStartDay = Day(StartDate)
- iStartMonth = Month(StartDate)
- iStartYear = Year(StartDate)
-&apos; oDocument.AddActionLock()
- UnprotectSheets(oSheets)
- InitializeStatusline(&quot;&quot;, 10, 1)
- oBackGroundSheet = oSheets.GetbyName(&quot;Background&quot;)
- StockName = DlgStockRates.GetControl(&quot;lstStockNames&quot;).GetSelectedItem()
- CurRow = GetStockRowIndex(Stockname)
- sStockID = oFirstSheet.GetCellByPosition(SBCOLUMNID1, CurRow).String
- ChartSource = ReplaceString(HistoryChartSource, sStockID, &quot;&lt;StockID&gt;&quot;)
- ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, iStartDay, &quot;&lt;StartDay&gt;&quot;)
- ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, cStr(iStartMonth-1), &quot;&lt;StartMonth&gt;&quot;)
- ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, iStartYear, &quot;&lt;StartYear&gt;&quot;)
- ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, iEndDay, &quot;&lt;EndDay&gt;&quot;)
- ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, cStr(iEndMonth-1), &quot;&lt;EndMonth&gt;&quot;)
- ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, iEndYear, &quot;&lt;EndYear&gt;&quot;)
- ChartSource = ReplaceString(ChartSource, sInterval, &quot;&lt;interval&gt;&quot;)
- oStatusLine.SetValue(2)
- If GetCurrentRate(ChartSource, CurRate, 1) Then
- oStatusLine.SetValue(8)
- UpdateValue(StockName, Today, CurRate)
- oStatusLine.SetValue(9)
- UpdateChart(StockName)
- oStatusLine.SetValue(10)
- Else
- sMsgInternetError = Stockname &amp; &quot;: &quot; &amp; sNoInternetDataAvailable &amp; chr(13) &amp; sCheckInternetSettings
- Msgbox(sMsgInternetError, 16, sProductname)
- End If
- ProtectSheets(oSheets)
- oStatusLine.End
- If oSheets.HasbyName(sNewSheetName) Then
- oController.ActiveSheet = oSheets.GetByName(sNewSheetName)
- End If
-&apos; oDocument.RemoveActionLock()
- End If
-End Sub
-Sub InternetUpdate()
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim StocksCount as Integer
-Dim iStartRow as Integer
-Dim sUrl as String
-Dim StockName as String
-Dim CurRate as Double
-Dim oCell as Object
-Dim sMsgInternetError as String
-Dim sStockID as String
-Dim ChartSource as String
-&apos; oDocument.AddActionLock()
- Initialize(True)
- UnprotectSheets(oSheets)
- StocksCount = GetStocksCount(iStartRow)
- InitializeStatusline(&quot;&quot;, StocksCount + 1, 1)
- Today = CDate(Date)
- For i = iStartRow + 1 To iStartRow + StocksCount
- StockName = oFirstSheet.GetCellbyPosition(SBCOLUMNNAME1, i).String
- sStockID = oFirstSheet.GetCellByPosition(SBCOLUMNID1, i).String
- ChartSource = ReplaceString(sCurChartSource, sStockID, &quot;&lt;StockID&gt;&quot;)
- If GetCurrentRate(ChartSource, CurRate, 0) Then
- InsertCurrentValue(CurRate, i, Now)
- Else
- sMsgInternetError = Stockname &amp; &quot;: &quot; &amp; sNoInternetDataAvailable &amp; chr(13) &amp; sCheckInternetSettings
- Msgbox(sMsgInternetError, 16, sProductname)
- End If
- oStatusline.SetValue(i - iStartRow + 1)
- Next
- ProtectSheets(oSheets)
- oStatusLine.End
-&apos; oDocument.RemoveActionLock
-End Sub
-Function GetCurrentRate(sUrl as String, fValue As Double, iValueRow as Integer) as Boolean
-Dim sFilter As String
-Dim sOptions As String
-Dim oLinkSheet As Object
-Dim sDate as String
- If oSheets.hasByName(&quot;Link&quot;) Then
- oLinkSheet = oSheets.getByName(&quot;Link&quot;)
- Else
- oLinkSheet = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oSheets.insertByName(&quot;Link&quot;, oLinkSheet)
- oLinkSheet.IsVisible = False
- End If
- sFilter = &quot;Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)&quot;
- sOptions = sCurSeparator &amp; &quot;,34,SYSTEM,1,1/10/2/10/3/10/4/10/5/10/6/10/7/10/8/10/9/10&quot;
- oLinkSheet.LinkMode =
-, &quot;&quot;, sFilter, sOptions, 1 )
- fValue = oLinkSheet.getCellByPosition(iValueCol, iValueRow).Value
- If fValue = 0 Then
- Dim sValue as String
- sValue = oLinkSheet.getCellByPosition(1, iValueRow).String
- sValue = ReplaceString(sValue, &quot;.&quot;,&quot;,&quot;)
- fValue = Val(sValue)
- End If
- GetCurrentRate = fValue &lt;&gt; 0
-End Function
-Sub UpdateValue(ByVal sName As String, fDate As Double, fValue As Double )
-Dim oSheet As Object
-Dim iColumn As Long
-Dim iRow As Long
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim oCell As Object
-Dim LastDate as Date
-Dim bLeaveLoop as Boolean
-Dim RemoveCount as Integer
-Dim iLastRow as Integer
-Dim iLastLinkRow as Integer
-Dim dDate as Date
-Dim CurDate as Date
-Dim oLinkSheet as Object
-Dim StartIndex as Integer
-Dim iCellValue as Long
- &apos; Insert Sheet with Company - Chart
- sName = CheckNewSheetname(oSheets, sName)
- If NOT oSheets.hasByName(sName) Then
- oSheets.CopybyName(&quot;Background&quot;, sName, oSheets.Count)
- oSheet = oSheets.getByName(sName)
- iMaxRow = iCurRow
- oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(SBDATECOLUMN, iCurRow)
- oCell.Value = fDate
- End If
- sNewSheetName = sName
- oLinkSheet = oSheets.GetByName(&quot;Link&quot;)
- oSheet = oSheets.getByName(sName)
- iLastRow = GetLastUsedRow(oSheet)- 2
- iLastLinkRow = GetLastUsedRow(oLinkSheet)
- iCurRow = iLastRow
- bLeaveLoop = False
- RemoveCount = 0
- &apos; Delete all Cells in Date Area
- Do
- oCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(SBDATECOLUMN,iCurRow)
- If oCell.CellStyle = sColumnHeader Then
- bLeaveLoop = True
- StartIndex = iCurRow
- iCurRow = iCurRow + 1
- Else
- RemoveCount = RemoveCount + 1
- iCurRow = iCurRow - 1
- End If
- Loop Until bLeaveLoop
- If RemoveCount &gt; 1 Then
- oSheet.Rows.RemoveByIndex(iCurRow, RemoveCount-1)
- End If
- For i = 1 To iLastLinkRow
- oCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(SBDATECOLUMN,iCurRow)
- iCellValue = oLinkSheet.GetCellByPosition(0,i).Value
- If iCellValue &gt; 0 Then
- oCell.SetValue(oLinkSheet.GetCellByPosition(0,i).Value)
- Else
- oCell.SetValue(StringToDate(oLinkSheet.GetCellByPosition(0,i).String)
- End If
- oCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(SBVALUECOLUMN,iCurRow)
- oCell.SetValue(oLinkSheet.GetCellByPosition(4,i).Value)
- If i &lt; iLastLinkRow Then
- iCurRow = iCurRow + 1
- oSheet.Rows.InsertByIndex(iCurRow,1)
- End If
- Next i
- iMaxRow = iCurRow
-End Sub
-Function StringToDate(DateString as String) as Date
-Dim ShortMonths(11)
-Dim DateList() as String
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
-Dim i as Integer
- ShortMonths(0) = &quot;Jan&quot;
- ShortMonths(1) = &quot;Feb&quot;
- ShortMonths(2) = &quot;Mar&quot;
- ShortMonths(3) = &quot;Apr&quot;
- ShortMonths(4) = &quot;May&quot;
- ShortMonths(5) = &quot;Jun&quot;
- ShortMonths(6) = &quot;Jul&quot;
- ShortMonths(7) = &quot;Aug&quot;
- ShortMonths(8) = &quot;Sep&quot;
- ShortMonths(9) = &quot;Oct&quot;
- ShortMonths(10) = &quot;Nov&quot;
- ShortMonths(11) = &quot;Dec&quot;
- For i = 0 To 11
- DateString = ReplaceString(DateString,CStr(i+1),ShortMonths(i))
- Next i
- DateString = ReplaceString(DateString, &quot;.&quot;, &quot;-&quot;)
- StringToDate = CDate(DateString)
-End Function
-Sub UpdateChart(sName As String)
-Dim oSheet As Object
-Dim oCell As Object, oCursor As Object
-Dim oChartRange As Object
-Dim oEmbeddedChart As Object, oCharts As Object
-Dim oChart As Object, oDiagram As Object
-Dim oYAxis As Object, oXAxis As Object
-Dim fMin As Double, fMax As Double
-Dim nDateFormat As Long
-Dim aPos As Variant
-Dim aSize As Variant
-Dim oContainerChart as Object
-Dim mRangeAddresses(0) as New
- mRangeAddresses(0).Sheet = GetSheetIndex(oSheets, sNewSheetName)
- mRangeAddresses(0).StartColumn = SBDATECOLUMN
- mRangeAddresses(0).StartRow = SBSTARTROW-1
- mRangeAddresses(0).EndColumn = SBVALUECOLUMN
- mRangeAddresses(0).EndRow = iMaxRow
- oSheet = oDocument.Sheets.getByName(sNewSheetName)
- oCharts = oSheet.Charts
- If Not oCharts.hasElements Then
- oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(2,2).SetString(sName)
- oChartRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(SBDATECOLUMN,6,5,SBSTARTROW-3)
- aPos = oChartRange.Position
- aSize = oChartRange.Size
- Dim oRectangleShape As New
- oRectangleShape.X = aPos.X
- oRectangleShape.Y = aPos.Y
- oRectangleShape.Width = aSize.Width
- oRectangleShape.Height = aSize.Height
- oCharts.addNewByName(sName, oRectangleShape, mRangeAddresses(), True, False)
- oContainerChart = oCharts.getByName(sName)
- oChart = oContainerChart.EmbeddedObject
- oChart.Title.String = &quot;&quot;
- oChart.HasLegend = False
- oChart.diagram = oChart.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oDiagram = oChart.Diagram
- oDiagram.DataRowSource =
- oChart.Area.LineStyle =
- oXAxis = oDiagram.XAxis
- oXAxis.TextBreak = False
- nDateFormat = oXAxis.NumberFormats.getStandardFormat(, oDocLocale)
- oYAxis = oDiagram.getYAxis()
- oYAxis.AutoOrigin = True
- Else
- oChart = oCharts(0)
- oChart.Ranges = mRangeAddresses()
- oChart.HasRowHeaders = False
- oEmbeddedChart = oChart.EmbeddedObject
- oDiagram = oEmbeddedChart.Diagram
- oXAxis = oDiagram.XAxis
- End If
- oXAxis.AutoStepMain = False
- oXAxis.AutoStepHelp = False
- oXAxis.StepMain = iStep
- oXAxis.StepHelp = iStep
- fMin = oSheet.getCellByPosition(SBDATECOLUMN,SBSTARTROW).Value
- fMax = oSheet.getCellByPosition(SBDATECOLUMN,iMaxRow).Value
- oXAxis.Min = fMin
- oXAxis.Max = fMax
- oXAxis.AutoMin = False
- oXAxis.AutoMax = False
-End Sub
-Sub CalculateChartafterSplit(SheetName, NewNumber, OldNumber, NoteText, SplitDate)
-Dim oSheet as Object
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim oValueCell as Object
-Dim oDateCell as Object
-Dim bLeaveLoop as Boolean
- If oSheets.HasbyName(SheetName) Then
- oSheet = oSheets.GetbyName(SheetName)
- i = 0
- bLeaveLoop = False
- Do
- oValueCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(SBVALUECOLUMN, SBSTARTROW + i)
- If oValueCell.CellStyle = CurrCellStyle Then
- SplitCellValue(oSheet, OldNumber, NewNumber, SBVALUECOLUMN, SBSTARTROW + i, &quot;&quot;)
- i = i + 1
- Else
- bLeaveLoop = True
- End If
- Loop Until bLeaveLoop
- oDateCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(SBDATECOLUMN, SBSTARTROW + i-1)
- oDateCell.Annotation.SetString(NoteText)
- End If
-End Sub
-</script:module> \ No newline at end of file