diff options
authorJoachim Lingner <>2002-09-13 05:27:23 +0000
committerJoachim Lingner <>2002-09-13 05:27:23 +0000
commit7276db2ef320ee081cd115092131203e126f993d (patch)
parent1c6a5c8f389a128065b561dc074766659abdad44 (diff)
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/test/ole/ScriptTest.html b/extensions/test/ole/ScriptTest.html
index 9c1ee8497..d285d9c35 100644
--- a/extensions/test/ole/ScriptTest.html
+++ b/extensions/test/ole/ScriptTest.html
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ for(i in _ret)
Log.print( bOk, "methodXInterface");
ret= oletest.methodXEventListeners( arEventListener);
_ret= new VBArray(ret).toArray();
@@ -321,6 +322,7 @@ for(i in _ret)
Log.print( bOk, "methodXInterface");
oletest.testout_methodByte( outVal );
@@ -399,7 +401,6 @@ Log.print( outVal[0].AttrAny2 == "Property Any", "testout_methodXInterface");
outVal[0]= 100;
oletest.testinout_methodByte( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 101, "testinout_methodByte");
@@ -504,7 +505,6 @@ Log.print( obj == ret, "methodAnyTest1");
i= 100;
oletest.AttrAny2= i;
ret= oletest.AttrAny2;
@@ -553,7 +553,6 @@ oletest.AttrStruct= astruct;
var ret= oletest.AttrStruct;
Log.print( ret.Attributes == 127 && ret.Handle == 255 && ret.Name == "OleTest_Property", "AttrStruct");
// The function returns the struct. Since structs are passed by value the returned struct
// will be wrapped in another IDispatch object
astruct.Attributes= 1;
@@ -564,6 +563,15 @@ Log.print( ret.Attributes == 1 && ret.Handle == 2 && ret.Name == "Property", "me
+// Test Identity from COM objects in UNO
+var listener1= new XEventListener_Impl();
+ret= oletest.isSame(listener1);
+Log.print2( ret, "Ok Testing identity of COM objects<br>","Failed Testing identity of COM objects<br>");
+var oletest2= oletest.getThis();
+ret= oletest === oletest2;
+Log.print2(ret, "Ok Testing identity of UNO objects<br>","Failed Testing identity of UNO objects<br>");
@@ -648,9 +656,6 @@ Function runVBTest( Log)
document.writeln("VB Script<br>")
-'Set factory= CreateObject("", "")
-Set factory= CreateObject("")
-Set oletest= factory.createInstance("oletest.OleTest")
Dim arrInt
arrInt= Array(1,2,3,-4,-5, 0)
@@ -683,14 +688,12 @@ Next
Dim arrXEvent(2)
For i= 0 To 2
Set arrXEvent(i)= new VBEventListener
- arrXEvent(i).Init
Dim arrXEvent2(2,1)
For i= 0 To 1
For j= 0 To 2
Set arrXEvent2(j,i)= new VBEventListener
- arrXEvent2(j,i).Init
@@ -934,8 +937,101 @@ Log.print outVal = "I am a string in an any", "testout_methodAny"
oletest.testout_methodSequence outVal
Log.print isEqualVBAr(outVal, Array( 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)), "testout_methodSequence"
+oletest.testout_methodSequence2 outVal
+count= UBound( outVal) - LBound( outVal) + 1
+ret= False
+If count = 10 Then
+ For Each ar In outVal
+ ret= isEqualVBAr(ar, Array( 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9))
+ If ret = false Then
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next
+End If
+Log.print ret, "testout_methodSequence2"
+outVal= Empty
+outVal2= Empty
+oletest.testout_methodMulParams1 outVal, outVal2
+ret= false
+If outVal = 999 AND outVal2 = 1111 Then
+ ret= true
+End If
+Log.print ret, "testout_methodMulParams1"
+outVal= Empty
+outVal2= Empty
+outVal3= Empty
+oletest.testout_methodMulParams2 outVal, outVal2, outVal3
+ret = false
+If outVal = 1111 AND outVal2 = 1222 AND outVal3 = " another string" Then
+ ret= true
+End If
+Log.print ret, "testout_methodMulParams2"
+document.writeln("missing: testout_methodMulParams3 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testout_methodMulParams4 <br>")
+outVal= Empty
+oletest.testout_methodXInterface outVal
+ret= false
+If outVal Is oletest Then
+ ret= true
+End If
+Log.print ret, "testout_methodXInterface"
+Set outVal= Nothing
+document.writeln("missing: testout_methodXInterface <br>")
+outVal= 1
+oletest.testinout_methodByte outVal
+ret= false
+If outVal = 2 Then
+ ret= true
+End if
+Log.print ret, "testinout_methodByte"
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodFloat <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodDouble <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodBool <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodShort <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodUShort <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodLong <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodULong <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodChar <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodString <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodAny <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodSequence <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodSequence2 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodXInterface <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: methodAnyTest1 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: methodAnyTest1 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: methodAnyTest1 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: methodAnyTest1 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: methodAnyTest1 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: AttrAny2 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: methodAnyTest1 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: methodAnyTest1 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: methodAnyTest1 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: methodAnyTest1 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: methodAnyTest1 <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: retMethodStruct <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: AttrStruct <br>")
+document.writeln("missing: methodStruct2 <br>")
+' Test Identity from COM objects in UNO
+Dim listener1
+Set listener1= new VBEventListener
+call oletest.setObject( listener1)
+ret= oletest.isSame(listener1)
+Log.print2 ret, "Ok Testing identity of COM objects <br>","Failed Testing identity of COM objects<br>"
+' Test identity of UNO objects
+set oletest2= oletest.getThis()
+ret= oletest Is oletest2
+Log.print2 ret, "Ok Testing identity of UNO objects<br>","Failed Testing identity of UNO objects<br>"
-document.writeln("<p>###carry on here<p>")
End Function
@@ -964,12 +1060,12 @@ Class VBEventListener
Dim Bridge_ImplementedInterfaces(0)
Dim bDisposingCalled
Function disposing( source)
bDisposingCalled= true
End Function
- Sub Init
+ Sub Class_Initialize()
bDisposingCalled= false
Bridge_ImplementedInterfaces(0)= ""
End Sub
@@ -1021,17 +1117,7 @@ sub callBasic(id)
select case id
// Out Parameter
- case 150
- dim rOut
- oletest.testout_methodByte rOut
- MsgBox rOut
-// void testout_methodFloat( [out] float rOut);
-// void testout_methodDouble( [out] double rOut);
-// void testout_methodBool( [out] boolean rOut);
-// void testout_methodShort( [out] short rOut);
-// void testout_methodUShort( [out] unsigned short rOut);
-// void testout_methodLong( [out] long rOut);
-// void testout_methodULong( [out] unsigned long rOut);
// In Out Parameter --------------------------------------------------
@@ -1308,25 +1394,32 @@ var oletest= factory.createInstance("oletest.OleTest");
Log= new Logger();
function Logger()
this.print= logger_print;
+ this.print2= logger_print2;
this.summarize= logger_summarize;
this.bAllOk= true;
function logger_print( bool, method)
+ this.print2(bool, "Ok &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + arFunctions[method] + "<br>",
+ "Failed &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + arFunctions[method] + "<br>");
+function logger_print2( bool, okString, failedString)
if( bool)
- document.writeln( "Ok &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + arFunctions[method] + "<br>");
+ document.writeln( okString);
- document.writeln( "Failed &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + arFunctions[method] + "<br>");
+ document.writeln( failedString);
this.bAllOk= this.bAllOk && false;
@@ -1343,67 +1436,7 @@ function logger_summarize()
-<div id=out> </div>
-<!-- Insert HTML here -->
-<h2> Visual Basic Tests </h2>
-IN/Out parameter <br>
-Template: <b> void method(type ) </b> <br>
-<button onclick='callBasic(100)'>byte</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(101)'>double</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(102)'>boolean</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(103)'>short</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(104)'>u short</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(105)'>long</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(106)'>u long</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(107)'>string</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(108)'>char</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(109)'>any</button> <br>
-Simple out parameter<br>
-<button onclick='callBasic(150)'>byte</button>
-<!--<button onclick='callBasic(151)'>double</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(152)'>boolean</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(153)'>short</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(155)'>long</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(157)'>string</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(158)'>char</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(159)'>any</button> <br>
-Tests Array/Sequence conversion with <b>Attributes</b>. All params are of type Sequence and
- the element type of the Sequence is written on the buttons. <br>
-<button onclick='callBasic( 200)'>byte </Button>
-<button onclick='callBasic( 201)'>double</Button>
-<button onclick='callBasic( 202)'>boolean</Button>
-<button onclick='callBasic( 203)'>short</Button>
-<button onclick='callBasic( 204)'>unsigned short</Button>
-<button onclick='callBasic( 205)'>long</Button>
-<button onclick='callBasic( 206)'>unsigned long</Button>
-<button onclick='callBasic( 207)'>string</Button>
-<button onclick='callBasic( 208)'>char</Button>
-<button onclick='callBasic( 209)'>any</Button>
-<button onclick='callBasic( 210)'>sequence&ltlong&gt </Button> <br>
-In Out parameter <br>
-<button onclick='callBasic( 300)'>byte</Button>
-Structs <br>
-<button onclick='callBasic(400)'>methodStruct</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(401)'>return Struct</button>
-<button onclick='callBasic(402)'>struct attribute</button>