diff options
authorHans-Joachim Lankenau <>2004-06-25 10:27:13 +0000
committerHans-Joachim Lankenau <>2004-06-25 10:27:13 +0000
commit06e6a4efe42a02b6616a1f832a988aa3a3c3581d (patch)
parent21aca59b7b8a9247787a75ec496ebdaf7ecd36d7 (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS mergebuild (1.25.34); FILE MERGED
2004/04/20 18:57:06 hjs RESYNC: (1.25-1.26); FILE MERGED 2003/11/11 19:17:13 ihi en -> en-US 2003/11/10 16:44:50 ihi #111234# Merge during build
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 593 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/source/scanner/sanedlg.src b/extensions/source/scanner/sanedlg.src
index d83023d60..2df379c5d 100644
--- a/extensions/source/scanner/sanedlg.src
+++ b/extensions/source/scanner/sanedlg.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: sanedlg.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.26 $
+ * $Revision: 1.27 $
- * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-12-17 18:20:44 $
+ * last change: $Author: hjs $ $Date: 2004-06-25 11:27:13 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -67,8 +67,7 @@ ModalDialog RID_SANE_DIALOG
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( THIRD_COLUMN + 60 , 268 ) ;
Moveable = TRUE ;
Closeable = TRUE ;
- Text = "Scanner" ;
- Text [ English ] = "Scanner" ;
+ Text [ de ] = "Scanner" ;
@@ -84,182 +83,37 @@ ModalDialog RID_SANE_DIALOG
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 55 , 22 ) ;
- Text = "Gerte-\n~information" ;
- Text [ English ] = "Device ~info" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "About\n Dev~ice" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Informao sobre\nDispositivos" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Enhets-\n~information" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Information\n om enheden" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Informazione\napparecchiatura" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Informacin sobre\n ~dispositivo" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Information sur le ~priphrique" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Info over\n~apparaat" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Informao sobre\nperifricos" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "设备\n信息(~I)";
- Text[ russian ] = " \n";
- Text[ polish ] = "Informacje\no ~urzdzeniu";
- Text[ japanese ] = "デバイス\n情報(~I)";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "設備說明資料(~I)";
- Text[ arabic ] = "\n";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Info over\n~apparaat";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "设备\n信息(~I)";
- Text[ greek ] = "\n";
- Text[ korean ] = "장치 정보(~I)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Cihaz hakknda";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Quant al\n d~ispositiu";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tietoja\n la~itteesta";
- Text[ thai ] = "เกี่ยวกับ~อุปกรณ์\n ";
- Text[ czech ] = "O\nzařízení";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Geräte-\n~information";
- Text[ hindi ] = "सा~धन\n के बारे में";
- Text[ slovak ] = "O\n Zar~iadení";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "~Eszköz\nnévjegye";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "V~izitka\n naprave";
+ Text [ de ] = "Gerte-\n~information" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "About\n Dev~ice" ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 55 , 22 ) ;
- Text = "~Vorschau\nerstellen" ;
- Text [ English ] = "Acquire\npre~view" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Create\nPreview" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Criar\nVisualizao" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "S~kapa\nfrhandsvisning" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Opret\neksempel" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Crea\nanteprima" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Crear\n~Previsualizacin" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Crer\nun aperu" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Voorbeeld\naanmaken" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Criar\n~previsualizao" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成预览";
- Text[ russian ] = "\n ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Utwrz\npodgld";
- Text[ japanese ] = "プレビュー\n作成";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "生成預覽";
- Text[ arabic ] = "\n";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorbeeld\naanmaken";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成预览";
- Text[ greek ] = "\n";
- Text[ korean ] = "미리 보기\n만들기";
- Text[ turkish ] = "nizleme\nolutur";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Crea\nPrevisualitza";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Luo\nesikatselu";
- Text[ thai ] = "สร้าง\nแสดงตัวอย่าง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vytvořit\nnáhled";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Vorschau\nerstellen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पूर्वदृश्य\nउत्पन्न करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vytvoriť\nNáhľad";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Előnézet\nlétrehozása";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Ustvari\npredogled";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Vorschau\nerstellen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Create\nPreview" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( PREVIEW_WIDTH + 10 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Vorschau" ;
- Text [ English ] = "Preview" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Previsualizar" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Preview" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Visualizar" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Frhandsvisning" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Eksempel" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Anteprima" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Previsualizacin" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Aperu" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Voorbeeld" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "预览";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Podgld";
- Text[ japanese ] = "プレビュー";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "預覽";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Voorbeeld";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "预览";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "미리 보기";
- Text[ turkish ] = "nizleme";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Previsualitzaci";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Esikatselu";
- Text[ thai ] = "แสดงตัวอย่าง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Náhled";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Vorschau";
- Text[ hindi ] = "पूर्वदृश्य";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Náhľad";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Előnézet";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Predogled";
+ Text [ de ] = "Vorschau" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Preview" ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( PREVIEW_WIDTH + 10 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Scanbereich" ;
- Text [ English ] = "Scan area" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Scan area" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "rea de digitalizao" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Skanningsomrde" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Scanomrde" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Area di scansione" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "rea de escaneado" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Zone scanner" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Scanbereik" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "rea a digitalizar" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "扫描的区域";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Skanowany obszar";
- Text[ japanese ] = "スキャン範囲";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "掃描區域";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Scanbereik";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "扫描的区域";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "스캔 영역";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tarama alan";
- Text[ catalan ] = "rea a digitalitzar";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Skannausalue";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตรวจหาพื้นที่";
- Text[ czech ] = "Skenovat oblast";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Scanbereich";
- Text[ hindi ] = "स्कॉन क्षेत्र";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Skenovať oblasť";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Beolvasási terület";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Področje skeniranja";
+ Text [ de ] = "Scanbereich" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Scan area" ;
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "~Links:" ;
- Text [ English ] = "~Left:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Esquerda:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Left:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Esquerda:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Vnster:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Venstre:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "A ~sinistra:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "I~zquierda:" ;
- Text [ french ] = " gauche :" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Links:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左:";
- Text[ russian ] = ":";
- Text[ polish ] = "Z lewej:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "左:";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "左:";
- Text[ arabic ] = ":";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Links:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左:";
- Text[ greek ] = ":";
- Text[ korean ] = "왼쪽:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Sol:";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Esquerra:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Vasen:";
- Text[ thai ] = "ซ้าย:";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vlevo:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Links:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "बायाँ:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vľavo:";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Bal:";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Levo:";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Links:" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Left:" ;
@@ -273,38 +127,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SANE_DIALOG
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "~Oben:" ;
- Text [ English ] = "~Top:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Top:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Em ~cima:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "v~erst:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Top:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "In ~alto:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Arriba:" ;
- Text [ french ] = "En haut :" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Boven:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Em ~cima:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "上:";
- Text[ russian ] = ":";
- Text[ polish ] = "W grze:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "上:";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "上:";
- Text[ arabic ] = ":";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Boven:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "上:";
- Text[ greek ] = ":";
- Text[ korean ] = "위:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "st:";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Superior:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Ylreuna:";
- Text[ thai ] = "บน:";
- Text[ czech ] = "Nahoře:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Oben:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "ऊपर:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Navrchu:";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Teteje:";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Zgoraj:";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Oben:" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Top:" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -318,38 +143,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SANE_DIALOG
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "~Rechts:" ;
- Text [ English ] = "~Right:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Right:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Direita:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Hger:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Hjre:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "A ~destra:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Derecha:" ;
- Text [ french ] = " droite :" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Rechts:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Direita:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右:";
- Text[ russian ] = ":";
- Text[ polish ] = "Z prawej:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "右:";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "右:";
- Text[ arabic ] = ":";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Rechts:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "右:";
- Text[ greek ] = ":";
- Text[ korean ] = "오른쪽:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Sa:";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Dreta:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Oikea:";
- Text[ thai ] = "ขวา:";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vpravo:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Rechts:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "दाहिना:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vpravo:";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Jobb:";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Desno:";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Rechts:" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Right:" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -363,37 +159,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SANE_DIALOG
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "~Unten:" ;
- Text [ English ] = "~Bottom:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Bottom:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Em ~baixo:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "~Underst:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Bund:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "In ~basso:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "~Abajo:" ;
- Text [ french ] = "En bas :" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Beneden:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Em ~baixo:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "下:";
- Text[ russian ] = ":";
- Text[ polish ] = "U dou:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "下:";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "下:";
- Text[ arabic ] = ":";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Beneden:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "下:";
- Text[ greek ] = ":";
- Text[ korean ] = "아래:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Alt:";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Inferior:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Alareuna:";
- Text[ thai ] = "ล่าง:";
- Text[ czech ] = "Dole:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "~Unten:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "नीचे:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Dole:";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Alja:";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Spodaj:";
+ Text [ de ] = "~Unten:" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Bottom:" ;
@@ -407,37 +174,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SANE_DIALOG
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Verwendetes ~Gert:" ;
- Text [ English ] = "~Scanning device:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Device used:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dispositivo usado:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "A~nvnd enhet:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Brugt enhed:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Apparecchiatura usata:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Dispositivo ~utilizado:" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Priphrique utilis :" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Gebruikte apparatuur:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "~Perifrico usado:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "使用的设备:";
- Text[ russian ] = " :";
- Text[ polish ] = "Uywane urzdzenie:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "使用中のデバイス:";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "使用的設備:";
- Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Gebruikte apparatuur:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "使用的设备:";
- Text[ greek ] = " :";
- Text[ korean ] = "사용한 장치:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Kullanlan cihaz:";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Dispositu utilitzat:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Kytetty laite:";
- Text[ thai ] = "อุปกรณ์ถูกใช้งาน:";
- Text[ czech ] = "Použité zařízení:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Verwendetes ~Gerät:";
- Text[ hindi ] = "उपयोग की हुयी साधन:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Použité zariadenie:";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Használatban lévő eszköz:";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Uporabljena naprava:";
+ Text [ de ] = "Verwendetes ~Gert:" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Device used:" ;
@@ -451,35 +189,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SANE_DIALOG
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 70 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Auflsung [~DPI]" ;
- Text [ English ] = "Resolution [~DPI]:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Resolution [~DPI]" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Resoluo [~DPI]:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Upplsning [~DPI]:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Oplsning [~DPI]:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Risoluzione [~DPI]:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Resolucin [~DPI]:" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Rsolution [~DPI]" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Resolutie [~DPI]:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Resoluo [~DPI]:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分辨率[~DPI]";
- Text[ russian ] = " [DPI]:";
- Text[ polish ] = "Rozdzielczo [~DPI]:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "解像度 [~DPI]";
- Text[ greek ] = " [~DPI]:";
- Text[ korean ] = "해상도[DPI](~D):";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "解析度 [~DPI]";
- Text[ arabic ] = " [~DPI]";
- Text[ turkish ] = "znrlk [~DPI]";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Resoluci [~DPI]";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Tarkkuus [~DPI]";
- Text[ thai ] = "ความละเอียด [~DPI]";
- Text[ czech ] = "Rozlišení [DPI]";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Auflösung [~DPI]";
- Text[ hindi ] = "रसल्यूशन [~DPI]";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Rozlíšenie [~DPI]";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Felbontás [~DPI]";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Ločljivost [~DPI]";
+ Text [ de ] = "Auflsung [~DPI]" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Resolution [~DPI]" ;
@@ -491,37 +202,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SANE_DIALOG
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 120 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Er~weiterte Optionen anzeigen" ;
- Text [ English ] = "Sho~w advanced options" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Mostrar opes a~vanadas" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Show advanced options" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Mostrar opes a~vanadas" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Vi~sa utkade alternativ" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Vis avancerede funktioner" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Mostra opzioni avanzate" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Mostrar otras ~opciones" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Afficher les options avances" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "~Verdere opties weergeven" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "显示高级选项";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Poka opcje zaawansowane";
- Text[ japanese ] = "詳細オプションの表示";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "顯示進階選項";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "~Verdere opties weergeven";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "显示高级选项";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "확장된 옵션 표시";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Gelimi seenekleri grntle";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Mostra les opcions avanades";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Nyt lisasetukset";
- Text[ thai ] = "แสดงตัวเลือกขั้นสูง";
- Text[ czech ] = "Zobrazit pokročilé volby";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Er~weiterte Optionen anzeigen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "उच्च विकल्प दिखाओ";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zobraziť expertné voľby";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Speciális beállítások megjelenítése";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Pokaži dodatne možnosti";
+ Text [ de ] = "Er~weiterte Optionen anzeigen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Show advanced options" ;
@@ -533,38 +215,9 @@ ModalDialog RID_SANE_DIALOG
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 130 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Optionen:" ;
- Text [ English ] = "Options:" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Opes:" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Options:" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Opes:" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Alternativ:" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Indstillinger:" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Opzioni:" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Opciones:" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Options :" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Opties:" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项:";
- Text[ russian ] = ":";
- Text[ polish ] = "Opcje:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "オプション:";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選項:";
- Text[ arabic ] = ":";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Opties:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项:";
- Text[ greek ] = ":";
- Text[ korean ] = "옵션:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Seenekler:";
- Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Opcions:";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Asetukset:";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตัวเลือก:";
- Text[ czech ] = "Volby:";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "‮אפשרויות:‬";
- Text[ hindi ] = "विकल्प:";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Nastavenia:";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Beállítások:";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Možnosti:";
+ Text [ de ] = "Optionen:" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Options:" ;
+ Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
@@ -619,37 +272,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SANE_DIALOG
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 90 , 8 ) ;
- Text = "Vektorelement" ;
- Text [ English ] = "Element of vector" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Vector element" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Elemento vetorial" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Vektorelement" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Vektorelement" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Elemento vettoriale" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Elemento vectorial" ;
- Text [ french ] = "lment vectoriel" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Vectorelement" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Elemento vectorial" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "矢量图件";
- Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Element wektorowy";
- Text[ japanese ] = "ベクタ要素";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向量圖件";
- Text[ arabic ] = " Vector";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Vectorelement";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "矢量图件";
- Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "벡터 요소";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Vektr esi";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Element vectorial";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Vektorielementti";
- Text[ thai ] = "องค์ประกอบเวคเตอร์";
- Text[ czech ] = "Vektorový element";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Vektorelement";
- Text[ hindi ] = "वेक्टर वस्तु";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Vektorový element";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Vektorelem";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Vektorski element";
+ Text [ de ] = "Vektorelement" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Vector element" ;
@@ -663,37 +287,8 @@ ModalDialog RID_SANE_DIALOG
Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 130 , 14 ) ;
- Text = "Setzen" ;
- Text [ English ] = "Set" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Set" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Definir" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Definiera" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Definer" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Imposta" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Definir" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Dfinir" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Overnemen" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Definir" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "设定";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Ustaw";
- Text[ japanese ] = "設定";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "設定";
- Text[ arabic ] = "";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Overnemen";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "设定";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "설정";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tanmla";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Defineix";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Mrit";
- Text[ thai ] = "ตั้งค่า";
- Text[ czech ] = "Nastavit";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Setzen";
- Text[ hindi ] = "सेट्ट करो";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Nastaviť";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Halmaz";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Nastavi";
+ Text [ de ] = "Setzen" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Set" ;
@@ -703,171 +298,27 @@ ModalDialog RID_SANE_DIALOG
File = "minus.bmp" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Scanner" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Scanner" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Skanner" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Scanner" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Scanner" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Escner" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Scanner" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Scanner" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Digitalizador" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "扫描机";
- Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Skaner";
- Text[ japanese ] = "スキャナー";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "掃描儀";
- Text[ arabic ] = " ";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Scanner";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "扫描机";
- Text[ greek ] = "";
- Text[ korean ] = "스캐너";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tarayc";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Escner";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Skanneri";
- Text[ thai ] = "เครื่องตรวจหา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Skener";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Scanner";
- Text[ hindi ] = "स्कॉनर";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Skener";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Lapolvasó";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Skener";
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Scanner" ;
- Text = "Gert: %s\nHersteller: %s\nModell: %s\nTyp: %s" ;
- Text [ English ] = "Device: %s\nVendor: %s\nModel: %s\nType: %s" ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "Device: %s\nVendor: %s\nModel: %s\nType: %s" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dispositivo: %s\nFabricante: %s\nModelo: %s\nTipo: %s" ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Enhet: %s\nTillverkare: %s\nModell: %s\nTyp: %s" ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Enhed: %s\nForhandler: %s\nModel: %s\nType: %s" ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Apparecchiatura: %s\nProduttore: %s\nModello: %s\nTipo: %s" ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Dispositivo: %s\nFabricante: %s\nModelo: %s\nTipo: %s" ;
- Text [ french ] = "Priphrique : %s\nFabricant : %s\nModle : %s\nType : %s" ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Apparaat: %s\nProducent: %s\nModel: %s\nType: %s" ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Perifrico: %s\nFabricante: %s\nModelo: %s\nTipo: %s" ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "设备: %s\n制造商: %s\n型号: %s\n类型: %s";
- Text[ russian ] = ": %s\n: %s\n: %s\n: %s";
- Text[ polish ] = "Urzdzenie: %s\nProducent: %s\nModel: %s\nTyp: %s";
- Text[ japanese ] = "デバイス: %s\n製造元: %s\nモデル: %s\nタイプ: %s";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "設備:%s\n製造商:%s\n型號:%s\n類型:%s";
- Text[ arabic ] = ": \n%s: \n%s: %s\n: %s";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Apparaat: %s\nProducent: %s\nModel: %s\nType: %s";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "设备: %s\n制造商: %s\n型号: %s\n类型: %s";
- Text[ greek ] = ": %s\n: %s\n: %s\n: %s";
- Text[ korean ] = "장치: %s\n제조업체: %s\n모델: %s\n유형: %s";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Cihaz: %s\nretici: %s\nModel: %s\nTip: %s";
- Text[ catalan ] = "Dispositiu: %s\nProvedor: %s\nModel: %s\nTipus: %s";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Laite: %s\nToimittaja: %s\nMalli: %s\nTyyppi: %s";
- Text[ thai ] = "อุปกรณ์: %s\nผู้ขาย: %s\nรุ่น: %s\nชนิด: %s";
- Text[ czech ] = "Zařízení: %s\nDodavatel: %s\nModel: %s\nTyp: %s";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Gerät: %s\nHersteller: %s\nModell: %s\nTyp: %s";
- Text[ hindi ] = "साधन: %s\nVendor: %s\nModel: %s\nवर्ग: %s";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zariadenie: %s\nDodávateľ: %s\nModel: %s\nTyp: %s";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Eszköz: %s\nGyártó: %s\nModell: %s\nTípus: %s";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Naprava: %s\nDobavitelj: %s\nModel: %s\nTip: %s";
+ Text [ de ] = "Gert: %s\nHersteller: %s\nModell: %s\nTyp: %s" ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "Device: %s\nVendor: %s\nModel: %s\nType: %s" ;
- Text = "Whrend des Scans ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." ;
- Text [ English ] = "An error occured during scanning." ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Surgiu um erro durante a digitalizao." ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "An error occurred while scanning." ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ocorreu um erro durante a digitalizao." ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Ett fel uppstod nr du skannade." ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Der opstod en fejl under scanning." ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Durante la scansione si verificato un errore." ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "Se ha producido un error durante el escaneado." ;
- Text [ french ] = "Une erreur s'est produite durant la lecture au scanner." ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Tijdens het scannen is er een fout opgetreden." ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在扫描时发生错误。";
- Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wystpi bd podczas skanowania.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "スキャン中にエラー発生。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在掃描時發生一個錯誤。";
- Text[ arabic ] = " .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het scannen is er een fout opgetreden.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在扫描时发生错误。";
- Text[ greek ] = " .";
- Text[ korean ] = "스캔할 때 오류가 발생했습니다.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tarama srasnda hata olutu.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error en escanejar.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Skannauksessa on ilmennyt virhe.";
- Text[ thai ] = "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะตรวจหา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Došlo k chybě během skenování.";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Während des Scans ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "स्कॉनिंग करने के समय गलती घटित हुआ ।";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Počas skenovania došlo k chybe";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Hiba történt a lapolvasás közben.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Med skeniranjem je nastala napaka.";
+ Text [ de ] = "Whrend des Scans ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "An error occurred while scanning." ;
- Text = "Das Gert ist nicht auf die Erzeugung einer Vorschau eingerichtet. Statt dessen wird als Vorschau ein normaler Scan verwendet. Dieser kann deutlich lnger dauern." ;
- Text [ English ] = "The device does not offer a preview option. Therefore the preview will be acquired by a normal scan which can consume considerable time." ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "O aparelho no oferece a possibilidade da previsualizao. Por esta razo, ser usada uma digitalizao normal como previsualizao. Isto poder levar algum tempo." ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "The device does not offer a preview option. Therefore, a normal scan will be used as a preview instead. This may take a considerable amount of time." ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "O aparelho no oferece a possibilidade de visualizao. Por esta razo, ser usada uma digitalizao normal como visualizao. Isto poder levar algum tempo." ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Enheten r inte instlld fr att skapa en frhandsvisning. I stllet anvnds en vanlig skanning som frhandsvisning. Detta kan ta betydligt lngre tid." ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Enheden er ikke indstillet til at kunne oprette eksempler. Istedet bruges et almindelig scan som eksempel. Dette kan komme til at vare betydelig lngere tid." ;
- Text [ italian ] = "L'apparecchiatura non impostata per la creazione di un'anteprima. Al suo posto viene usata come anteprima una normale scansione. Ci pu richiedere molto pi tempo." ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "El dispositivo no est preparado para ofrecer opcin de previsualizacin. En lugar de esta se utilizar un escaneado normal, que puede tardar considerablemente ms." ;
- Text [ french ] = "Le priphrique utilis ne permet pas de crer un aperu. Il permet uniquement une digitalisation normale en guise d'aperu, ce qui peut durer nettement plus longtemps." ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Het apparaat is niet ingesteld op het maken van een voorbeeld. In plaats daarvan wordt gebruik gemaakt van een normale scan als voorbeeld. Dit kan beduidend langer duren." ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个设备没有预览功能。采用普通扫描方式预览可能需要较长的时间。";
- Text[ russian ] = " . , .";
- Text[ polish ] = "To urzdzenie nie oferuje opcji podgldu. Dlatego zamiast podgldu zostanie uyty zwyky zeskanowany obraz. Operacja ta moe troch duej potrwa.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "このデバイスはプレビューの作成には適していません。かわりにプレビューとして普通のスキャンが使用されますが時間が少しかかります。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "這個設備沒有設定預視功能。因此採用普通的掃描方式預覽會需要較長的時間。";
- Text[ arabic ] = " . ǡ . .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Het apparaat is niet ingesteld op het maken van een voorbeeld. In plaats daarvan wordt gebruik gemaakt van een normale scan als voorbeeld. Dit kan beduidend langer duren.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个设备没有预览功能。采用普通扫描方式预览可能需要较长的时间。";
- Text[ greek ] = " . . .";
- Text[ korean ] = "장치는 미리 보기 옵션을 제공하지 않습니다. 그 대신 일반 스캔이 미리 보기로 사용됩니다. 이 작동은 시간이 더 걸릴 수 있습니다.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Cihaz nizleme ilevine desteklemiyor. Bunun yerine nizleme olarak normal bir tarama grnts kullanlacak. Bu ilem daha fazla zaman alabilir.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "El dispositiu no ofereix l'opci de previsualitzaci i, per tant, es procedir a un escanejat normal. Aix pot trigar fora temps.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "Laitteessa ei ole esikatselutoimintoa. Tavallista skannausta kytetn esikatseluskannauksen sijasta. Tavallinen skannaus saattaa kest huomattavan kauan.";
- Text[ thai ] = "อุปกรณ์ไม่มีตัวเลือกแสดงภาพตัวอย่าง เนื่องจากจะใช้ตรวจหาแบบปกติแทนการแสดงตัวอย่าง ซึ่งใช้เวลามากในการพิจารณา";
- Text[ czech ] = "Toto zařízení nenabízí možnost náhledu, tudíž bude pro náhled použito normální skenování, což může zabrat delší dobu.";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Das Gerät ist nicht auf die Erzeugung einer Vorschau eingerichtet. Statt dessen wird als Vorschau ein normaler Scan verwendet. Dieser kann deutlich länger dauern.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "साधन में पूर्वदृश्य विकल्प प्रस्ताव नहीं है । इसलिए, पूर्वदृश्य के बदले में सामान्य स्कॉन को उपयोग किया जायेगा । यह शायद अधिक समय ले सकता है ।";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Zariadenie neumožňuje náhľad. Preto bude ako náhľad použitý naskenovaný obraz. To môže chvíľu trvať.";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "Az eszköz nem rendelkezik előnézet lehetőséggel. Ezért egy normál beolvasás lesz az előnézet alapja. Ez eltarthat egy darabig.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Naprava ne omogoča predogleda. Zaradi tega bo za predogled uporabljeno normalno skeniranje, kar pa lahko vzame precej časa.";
+ Text [ de ] = "Das Gert ist nicht auf die Erzeugung einer Vorschau eingerichtet. Statt dessen wird als Vorschau ein normaler Scan verwendet. Dieser kann deutlich lnger dauern." ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "The device does not offer a preview option. Therefore, a normal scan will be used as a preview instead. This may take a considerable amount of time." ;
- Text = "Das SANE Interface konnte nicht initialisiert werden. Es kann kein Scanvorgang stattfinden." ;
- Text [ English ] = "The SANE interface could not be initialized. Scanning is not possible." ;
- Text [ portuguese ] = "Impossvel inicializar a interface SANE. Impossvel iniciar o processo de digitalizao." ;
- Text [ english_us ] = "The SANE interface could not be initialized. Scanning is not possible." ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A interface SANE no pde ser inicializada. No foi possvel iniciar o processo de digitalizao." ;
- Text [ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att initiera SANE-grnssnittet. Det r inte mjligt att skanna." ;
- Text [ danish ] = "Det var ikke muligt at initialisere SANE-grnsefladen. Scanning er ikke mulig." ;
- Text [ italian ] = "Non stato possibile inizializzare l'interfaccia SANE. Non possibile eseguire lo scanning." ;
- Text [ spanish ] = "La interfaz SANE no se pudo inicializar. No se puede realizar ningn proceso de digitalizacin." ;
- Text [ french ] = "L'interface SANE n'a pas pu tre initialise. Impossible de scanner." ;
- Text [ dutch ] = "Het SANE interface kan niet worden genitialiseerd. Scannen is niet mogelijk." ;
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法初始化 SANE 界面。无法执行扫描作业。";
- Text[ russian ] = " SANE. .";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nie udao si zainicjowa interfejsu SANE. Skanowanie nie jest moliwe.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "この SANE インターフェイスは初期化できませんでした。スキャン処理は実行できません。";
- Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法初始化 SANE 界面。無法執行掃描作業。";
- Text[ arabic ] = " SANE. .";
- Text[ dutch ] = "Het SANE interface kan niet worden genitialiseerd. Scannen is niet mogelijk.";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法初始化 SANE 界面。无法执行扫描作业。";
- Text[ greek ] = " SANE. .";
- Text[ korean ] = "SANE 인터페이스를 초기화하지 못해 스캔 과정을 진행할 수 없습니다.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "SANE arabirimi balatlamad. Tarama ilemi yrtlemez.";
- Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar la interfcie SANE. L'escanejat no s possible.";
- Text[ finnish ] = "SANE-liittym ei voitu alustaa. Skannausta ei voida suorittaa.";
- Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถเริ่มส่วนต่อประสาน SANE การตรวจหาไม่สามารถเป็นไปได้";
- Text[ czech ] = "Nelze inicializovat rozhraní SANE. Skenování není dostupné.";
- Text[ hebrew ] = "Das SANE Interface konnte nicht initialisiert werden. Es kann kein Scanvorgang stattfinden.";
- Text[ hindi ] = "SANE इन्टरफेस को इनिश्यलैज़ नहीं कर सकते है । स्कॉनिंग संभव नहीं है ।";
- Text[ slovak ] = "Nedá sa inicializovať rozhranie SANE. Skenovanie nie je dostupné.";
- Text[ hungarian ] = "A SANE-illesztőfelület beállítása sikertelen. A lapolvasás nem lehetséges.";
- Text[ slovenian ] = "Ni mogoče inicializirati vmesnika SANE. Skeniranje ni mogoče.";
+ Text [ de ] = "Das SANE Interface konnte nicht initialisiert werden. Es kann kein Scanvorgang stattfinden." ;
+ Text [ en-US ] = "The SANE interface could not be initialized. Scanning is not possible." ;