path: root/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/TextConnectionHelper.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/TextConnectionHelper.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 546 deletions
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/TextConnectionHelper.cxx b/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/TextConnectionHelper.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d9429bab..000000000
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/TextConnectionHelper.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,546 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of
- *
- * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with If not, see
- * <>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
-#include "precompiled_dbaccess.hxx"
-#include "moduledbu.hxx"
-#include "TextConnectionHelper.hxx"
-#include "sqlmessage.hxx"
-#include "dbu_dlg.hrc"
-#include "dbu_resource.hrc"
-#include "AutoControls.hrc"
-#include <svl/itemset.hxx>
-#include <svl/stritem.hxx>
-#include <svl/eitem.hxx>
-#include <svl/intitem.hxx>
-#include "dsitems.hxx"
-#include "dbfindex.hxx"
-#include "dbaccess_helpid.hrc"
-#include "localresaccess.hxx"
-#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
-#include <vcl/mnemonic.hxx>
-#include <svl/cjkoptions.hxx>
-#include <jvmaccess/virtualmachine.hxx>
-#include "AdabasStat.hxx"
-#include <connectivity/CommonTools.hxx>
-#include "DriverSettings.hxx"
-#include "dbadmin.hxx"
-#include <comphelper/types.hxx>
-#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/XFolderPicker.hpp>
-#include <com/sun/star/task/XInteractionHandler.hpp>
-#include <svl/filenotation.hxx>
-#include <unotools/localfilehelper.hxx>
-#include <unotools/ucbhelper.hxx>
-#include <ucbhelper/commandenvironment.hxx>
-#include "finteraction.hxx"
-#include <connectivity/CommonTools.hxx>
-#include "DBSetupConnectionPages.hxx"
-#include "dbu_dlg.hrc"
-#include "dbaccess_helpid.hrc"
-#include <unotools/pathoptions.hxx>
-#include <svtools/roadmapwizard.hxx>
-namespace dbaui
- //========================================================================
- //= OTextConnectionPageSetup
- //========================================================================
- OTextConnectionHelper::OTextConnectionHelper( Window* pParent, const short _nAvailableSections )
- :Control( pParent, WB_DIALOGCONTROL )
- ,m_aFTExtensionHeader (this, ModuleRes(FT_AUTOEXTENSIONHEADER))
- ,m_aRBAccessTextFiles (this, ModuleRes(RB_AUTOACCESSCTEXTFILES))
- ,m_aRBAccessCSVFiles (this, ModuleRes(RB_AUTOACCESSCCSVFILES))
- ,m_aRBAccessOtherFiles (this, ModuleRes(RB_AUTOACCESSOTHERS))
- ,m_aETOwnExtension (this, ModuleRes(ET_AUTOOWNEXTENSION))
- ,m_aFTExtensionExample (this, ModuleRes(FT_AUTOOWNEXTENSIONAPPENDIX))
- ,m_aLineFormat (this, ModuleRes(FL_AUTOSEPARATOR2))
- ,m_aFieldSeparatorLabel (this, ModuleRes(FT_AUTOFIELDSEPARATOR))
- ,m_aFieldSeparator (this, ModuleRes(CM_AUTOFIELDSEPARATOR))
- ,m_aTextSeparatorLabel (this, ModuleRes(FT_AUTOTEXTSEPARATOR))
- ,m_aTextSeparator (this, ModuleRes(CM_AUTOTEXTSEPARATOR))
- ,m_aDecimalSeparatorLabel (this, ModuleRes(FT_AUTODECIMALSEPARATOR))
- ,m_aDecimalSeparator (this, ModuleRes(CM_AUTODECIMALSEPARATOR))
- ,m_aThousandsSeparatorLabel (this, ModuleRes(FT_AUTOTHOUSANDSSEPARATOR))
- ,m_aThousandsSeparator (this, ModuleRes(CM_AUTOTHOUSANDSSEPARATOR))
- ,m_aRowHeader (this, ModuleRes(CB_AUTOHEADER))
- ,m_aCharSetHeader (this, ModuleRes(FL_DATACONVERT))
- ,m_aCharSetLabel (this, ModuleRes(FT_CHARSET))
- ,m_aCharSet (this, ModuleRes(LB_CHARSET))
- ,m_aFieldSeparatorList (ModuleRes(STR_AUTOFIELDSEPARATORLIST))
- ,m_aTextSeparatorList (ModuleRes(STR_AUTOTEXTSEPARATORLIST))
- ,m_aTextNone (ModuleRes(STR_AUTOTEXT_FIELD_SEP_NONE))
- ,m_nAvailableSections( _nAvailableSections )
- {
- DBG_CTOR(OTextConnectionHelper,NULL);
- xub_StrLen nCnt = m_aFieldSeparatorList.GetTokenCount( '\t' );
- xub_StrLen i;
- for( i = 0 ; i < nCnt ; i += 2 )
- m_aFieldSeparator.InsertEntry( m_aFieldSeparatorList.GetToken( i, '\t' ) );
- nCnt = m_aTextSeparatorList.GetTokenCount( '\t' );
- for( i=0 ; i<nCnt ; i+=2 )
- m_aTextSeparator.InsertEntry( m_aTextSeparatorList.GetToken( i, '\t' ) );
- m_aTextSeparator.InsertEntry(m_aTextNone);
- // set the modify handlers
- m_aFieldSeparator.SetUpdateDataHdl(getControlModifiedLink());
- m_aFieldSeparator.SetSelectHdl(getControlModifiedLink());
- m_aTextSeparator.SetUpdateDataHdl(getControlModifiedLink());
- m_aTextSeparator.SetSelectHdl(getControlModifiedLink());
- m_aCharSet.SetSelectHdl(getControlModifiedLink());
- m_aFieldSeparator.SetModifyHdl(getControlModifiedLink());
- m_aTextSeparator.SetModifyHdl(getControlModifiedLink());
- m_aDecimalSeparator.SetModifyHdl(getControlModifiedLink());
- m_aThousandsSeparator.SetModifyHdl(getControlModifiedLink());
- m_aETOwnExtension.SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, OTextConnectionHelper, OnEditModified));
- m_aRBAccessTextFiles.SetToggleHdl(LINK(this, OTextConnectionHelper, OnSetExtensionHdl));
- m_aRBAccessCSVFiles.SetToggleHdl(LINK(this, OTextConnectionHelper, OnSetExtensionHdl));
- m_aRBAccessOtherFiles.SetToggleHdl(LINK(this, OTextConnectionHelper, OnSetExtensionHdl));
- m_aRBAccessCSVFiles.Check(sal_True);
- struct SectionDescriptor
- {
- short nFlag;
- Window* pFirstControl;
- } aSections[] = {
- { TC_EXTENSION, &m_aFTExtensionHeader },
- { TC_SEPARATORS, &m_aLineFormat },
- { TC_HEADER, &m_aRowHeader },
- { TC_CHARSET, &m_aCharSetHeader },
- { 0, NULL }
- };
- for ( size_t section=0; section < SAL_N_ELEMENTS( aSections ) - 1; ++section )
- {
- if ( ( m_nAvailableSections & aSections[section].nFlag ) != 0 )
- {
- // the section is visible, no need to do anything here
- continue;
- }
- Window* pThisSection = aSections[section].pFirstControl;
- Window* pNextSection = aSections[section+1].pFirstControl;
- // hide all elements from this section
- Window* pControl = pThisSection;
- while ( ( pControl != pNextSection ) && pControl )
- {
- Window* pRealWindow = pControl->GetWindow( WINDOW_CLIENT );
- String sWindowText( pRealWindow->GetText() );
- (void)sWindowText;
- #endif
- pRealWindow->Hide();
- pControl = pControl->GetWindow( WINDOW_NEXT );
- }
- // move all controls in following sections up
- if ( !pNextSection )
- continue;
- const long nThisSectionStart = pThisSection->GetPosPixel().Y();
- const long nNextSectionStart = pNextSection->GetPosPixel().Y();
- const long nMoveOffset( nThisSectionStart - nNextSectionStart );
- while ( pControl )
- {
- Point aPos = pControl->GetPosPixel();
- aPos.Move( 0, nMoveOffset );
- pControl->SetPosPixel( aPos );
- pControl = pControl->GetWindow( WINDOW_NEXT );
- }
- }
- Rectangle aControlRectUnion;
- for ( Window* pControl = aSections[0].pFirstControl;
- pControl != NULL;
- pControl = pControl->GetWindow( WINDOW_NEXT )
- )
- {
- aControlRectUnion = aControlRectUnion.Union( Rectangle( pControl->GetPosPixel(), pControl->GetSizePixel() ) );
- }
- // need some adjustments to the positions, since the resource-specified
- // positions for the control were relative to *our* parent, while by now
- // the controls have |this| as parent.
- // first, move ourself to the upper left of the area occupied by all controls
- SetPosPixel( aControlRectUnion.TopLeft() );
- // then, compensate in the control positions, by moving them the up/left
- for ( Window* pControl = aSections[0].pFirstControl;
- pControl != NULL;
- pControl = pControl->GetWindow( WINDOW_NEXT )
- )
- {
- Point aPos( pControl->GetPosPixel() );
- aPos.Move( -aControlRectUnion.Left(), -aControlRectUnion.Top() );
- pControl->SetPosPixel( aPos );
- // while we are here ... the controls should not have an own background
- // (this would not be needed when our outer dialog were also the parent
- // of the controls)
- pControl->SetBackground();
- }
- // now, change our own size so all controls fit
- SetSizePixel( aControlRectUnion.GetSize() );
- SetBackground();
- Show();
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- OTextConnectionHelper::~OTextConnectionHelper()
- {
- DBG_DTOR(OTextConnectionHelper,NULL);
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- IMPL_LINK(OTextConnectionHelper, OnControlModified, Control*, /*EMPTYARG*/)
- {
- callModifiedHdl();
- return 0L;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- IMPL_LINK(OTextConnectionHelper, OnEditModified, Edit*, /*_pEdit*/)
- {
- m_aGetExtensionHandler.Call(this);
- return 0L;
- }
- IMPL_LINK(OTextConnectionHelper, OnSetExtensionHdl, RadioButton*, /*_pRadioButton*/)
- {
- sal_Bool bDoEnable = m_aRBAccessOtherFiles.IsChecked();
- m_aETOwnExtension.Enable(bDoEnable);
- m_aFTExtensionExample.Enable(bDoEnable);
- m_aGetExtensionHandler.Call(this);
- return 0L;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void OTextConnectionHelper::fillControls(::std::vector< ISaveValueWrapper* >& _rControlList)
- {
- _rControlList.push_back(new OSaveValueWrapper<ComboBox>(&m_aFieldSeparator));
- _rControlList.push_back(new OSaveValueWrapper<ComboBox>(&m_aTextSeparator));
- _rControlList.push_back(new OSaveValueWrapper<ComboBox>(&m_aDecimalSeparator));
- _rControlList.push_back(new OSaveValueWrapper<ComboBox>(&m_aThousandsSeparator));
- _rControlList.push_back(new OSaveValueWrapper<CheckBox>(&m_aRowHeader));
- _rControlList.push_back(new OSaveValueWrapper<ListBox>(&m_aCharSet));
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void OTextConnectionHelper::fillWindows(::std::vector< ISaveValueWrapper* >& _rControlList)
- {
- _rControlList.push_back(new ODisableWrapper<FixedText>(&m_aFieldSeparatorLabel));
- _rControlList.push_back(new ODisableWrapper<FixedText>(&m_aTextSeparatorLabel));
- _rControlList.push_back(new ODisableWrapper<FixedText>(&m_aDecimalSeparatorLabel));
- _rControlList.push_back(new ODisableWrapper<FixedText>(&m_aThousandsSeparatorLabel));
- _rControlList.push_back(new ODisableWrapper<FixedLine>(&m_aCharSetHeader));
- _rControlList.push_back(new ODisableWrapper<FixedText>(&m_aCharSetLabel));
- _rControlList.push_back(new ODisableWrapper<ListBox>(&m_aCharSet));
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void OTextConnectionHelper::implInitControls(const SfxItemSet& _rSet, sal_Bool _bValid)
- {
- if ( !_bValid )
- return;
- SFX_ITEMSET_GET( _rSet, pDelItem, SfxStringItem, DSID_FIELDDELIMITER, sal_True );
- SFX_ITEMSET_GET( _rSet, pStrItem, SfxStringItem, DSID_TEXTDELIMITER, sal_True );
- SFX_ITEMSET_GET( _rSet, pDecdelItem, SfxStringItem, DSID_DECIMALDELIMITER, sal_True );
- SFX_ITEMSET_GET( _rSet, pThodelItem, SfxStringItem, DSID_THOUSANDSDELIMITER, sal_True );
- SFX_ITEMSET_GET( _rSet, pExtensionItem, SfxStringItem, DSID_TEXTFILEEXTENSION, sal_True );
- SFX_ITEMSET_GET( _rSet, pCharsetItem, SfxStringItem, DSID_CHARSET, sal_True );
- if ( ( m_nAvailableSections & TC_EXTENSION ) != 0 )
- {
- m_aOldExtension = pExtensionItem->GetValue();
- SetExtension( m_aOldExtension );
- }
- if ( ( m_nAvailableSections & TC_HEADER ) != 0 )
- {
- SFX_ITEMSET_GET( _rSet, pHdrItem, SfxBoolItem, DSID_TEXTFILEHEADER, sal_True );
- m_aRowHeader.Check( pHdrItem->GetValue() );
- }
- if ( ( m_nAvailableSections & TC_SEPARATORS ) != 0 )
- {
- SetSeparator( m_aFieldSeparator, m_aFieldSeparatorList, pDelItem->GetValue() );
- SetSeparator( m_aTextSeparator, m_aTextSeparatorList, pStrItem->GetValue() );
- m_aDecimalSeparator.SetText( pDecdelItem->GetValue() );
- m_aThousandsSeparator.SetText( pThodelItem->GetValue() );
- }
- if ( ( m_nAvailableSections & TC_CHARSET ) != 0 )
- {
- m_aCharSet.SelectEntryByIanaName( pCharsetItem->GetValue() );
- }
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sal_Bool OTextConnectionHelper::prepareLeave()
- {
- LocalResourceAccess aStringResAccess(PAGE_TEXT, RSC_TABPAGE);
- // for accessing the strings which are local to our own resource block
- String sExtension = GetExtension();
- String aErrorText;
- Control* pErrorWin = NULL;
- String aDelText(m_aFieldSeparator.GetText());
- if(!aDelText.Len())
- { // Kein FeldTrenner
- aErrorText = String(ModuleRes(STR_AUTODELIMITER_MISSING));
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#1",m_aFieldSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- pErrorWin = &m_aFieldSeparator;
- }
- else if (!m_aDecimalSeparator.GetText().Len())
- { // kein Decimaltrenner
- aErrorText = String(ModuleRes(STR_AUTODELIMITER_MISSING));
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#1",m_aDecimalSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- pErrorWin = &m_aDecimalSeparator;
- }
- else if (m_aTextSeparator.GetText() == m_aFieldSeparator.GetText())
- { // Feld und TextTrenner duerfen nicht gleich sein
- aErrorText = String(ModuleRes(STR_AUTODELIMITER_MUST_DIFFER));
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#1",m_aTextSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#2",m_aFieldSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- pErrorWin = &m_aTextSeparator;
- }
- else if (m_aDecimalSeparator.GetText() == m_aThousandsSeparator.GetText())
- { // Tausender und DecimalTrenner duerfen nicht gleich sein
- aErrorText = String(ModuleRes(STR_AUTODELIMITER_MUST_DIFFER));
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#1",m_aDecimalSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#2",m_aThousandsSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- pErrorWin = &m_aDecimalSeparator;
- }
- else if (m_aFieldSeparator.GetText() == m_aThousandsSeparator.GetText())
- { // Tausender und FeldTrenner duerfen nicht gleich sein
- aErrorText = String(ModuleRes(STR_AUTODELIMITER_MUST_DIFFER));
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#1",m_aFieldSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#2",m_aThousandsSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- pErrorWin = &m_aFieldSeparator;
- }
- else if (m_aFieldSeparator.GetText() == m_aDecimalSeparator.GetText())
- { // Zehner und FeldTrenner duerfen nicht gleich sein
- aErrorText = String(ModuleRes(STR_AUTODELIMITER_MUST_DIFFER));
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#1",m_aFieldSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#2",m_aDecimalSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- pErrorWin = &m_aFieldSeparator;
- }
- else if (m_aTextSeparator.GetText() == m_aThousandsSeparator.GetText())
- { // Tausender und TextTrenner duerfen nicht gleich sein
- aErrorText = String(ModuleRes(STR_AUTODELIMITER_MUST_DIFFER));
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#1",m_aTextSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#2",m_aThousandsSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- pErrorWin = &m_aTextSeparator;
- }
- else if (m_aTextSeparator.GetText() == m_aDecimalSeparator.GetText())
- { // Zehner und TextTrenner duerfen nicht gleich sein
- aErrorText = String(ModuleRes(STR_AUTODELIMITER_MUST_DIFFER));
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#1",m_aTextSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#2",m_aDecimalSeparatorLabel.GetText());
- pErrorWin = &m_aTextSeparator;
- }
- else if ((sExtension.Search('*') != STRING_NOTFOUND) || (sExtension.Search('?') != STRING_NOTFOUND))
- {
- aErrorText = String(ModuleRes(STR_AUTONO_WILDCARDS));
- aErrorText.SearchAndReplaceAscii("#1",sExtension);
- pErrorWin = &m_aETOwnExtension;
- }
- else
- return sal_True;
- ErrorBox(NULL, WB_OK, MnemonicGenerator::EraseAllMnemonicChars( aErrorText)).Execute();
- pErrorWin->GrabFocus();
- return 0;
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sal_Bool OTextConnectionHelper::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet, const sal_Bool _bChangedSomething )
- {
- sal_Bool bChangedSomething = _bChangedSomething;
- if ( ( m_nAvailableSections & TC_EXTENSION ) != 0 )
- {
- String sExtension = GetExtension();
- if( !m_aOldExtension.Equals( sExtension ) )
- {
- rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( DSID_TEXTFILEEXTENSION, sExtension ) );
- bChangedSomething = sal_True;
- }
- }
- if ( ( m_nAvailableSections & TC_HEADER ) != 0 )
- {
- if( (m_aRowHeader.GetState() != m_aRowHeader.GetSavedValue()) )
- {
- rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(DSID_TEXTFILEHEADER, m_aRowHeader.IsChecked()));
- bChangedSomething = sal_True;
- }
- }
- if ( ( m_nAvailableSections & TC_SEPARATORS ) != 0 )
- {
- if( m_aFieldSeparator.GetText() != m_aFieldSeparator.GetSavedValue() )
- {
- rSet.Put( SfxStringItem(DSID_FIELDDELIMITER, GetSeparator( m_aFieldSeparator, m_aFieldSeparatorList) ) );
- bChangedSomething = sal_True;
- }
- if( m_aTextSeparator.GetText() != m_aTextSeparator.GetSavedValue() )
- {
- rSet.Put( SfxStringItem(DSID_TEXTDELIMITER, GetSeparator( m_aTextSeparator, m_aTextSeparatorList) ) );
- bChangedSomething = sal_True;
- }
- if( m_aDecimalSeparator.GetText() != m_aDecimalSeparator.GetSavedValue() )
- {
- rSet.Put( SfxStringItem(DSID_DECIMALDELIMITER, m_aDecimalSeparator.GetText().Copy(0, 1) ) );
- bChangedSomething = sal_True;
- }
- if( m_aThousandsSeparator.GetText() != m_aThousandsSeparator.GetSavedValue() )
- {
- rSet.Put( SfxStringItem(DSID_THOUSANDSDELIMITER, m_aThousandsSeparator.GetText().Copy(0,1) ) );
- bChangedSomething = sal_True;
- }
- }
- if ( ( m_nAvailableSections & TC_CHARSET ) != 0 )
- {
- if ( m_aCharSet.StoreSelectedCharSet( rSet, DSID_CHARSET ) )
- bChangedSomething = sal_True;
- }
- return bChangedSomething;
- }
- void OTextConnectionHelper::SetExtension(const String& _rVal)
- {
- if (_rVal.EqualsAscii("txt"))
- m_aRBAccessTextFiles.Check(sal_True);
- else if (_rVal.EqualsAscii( "csv" ))
- m_aRBAccessCSVFiles.Check(sal_True);
- else
- {
- m_aRBAccessOtherFiles.Check(sal_True);
- m_aFTExtensionExample.SetText(_rVal);
- }
- }
- String OTextConnectionHelper::GetExtension()
- {
- String sExtension;
- if (m_aRBAccessTextFiles.IsChecked())
- sExtension = String::CreateFromAscii("txt");
- else if (m_aRBAccessCSVFiles.IsChecked())
- sExtension = String::CreateFromAscii("csv");
- else
- {
- sExtension = m_aETOwnExtension.GetText();
- if ( sExtension.GetToken(0,'.').Equals('*') )
- sExtension.Erase(0,2);
- }
- return sExtension;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- String OTextConnectionHelper::GetSeparator( const ComboBox& rBox, const String& rList )
- {
- sal_Unicode nTok = '\t';
- xub_StrLen nPos(rBox.GetEntryPos( rBox.GetText() ));
- return rBox.GetText().Copy(0);
- if ( !( &m_aTextSeparator == &rBox && nPos == (rBox.GetEntryCount()-1) ) )
- return String(
- static_cast< sal_Unicode >(
- rList.GetToken(((nPos*2)+1), nTok ).ToInt32()));
- // somewhat strange ... translates for instance an "32" into " "
- return String();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void OTextConnectionHelper::SetSeparator( ComboBox& rBox, const String& rList, const String& rVal )
- {
- char nTok = '\t';
- xub_StrLen nCnt(rList.GetTokenCount( nTok ));
- xub_StrLen i;
- for( i=0 ; i<nCnt ; i+=2 )
- {
- String sTVal(
- static_cast< sal_Unicode >(
- rList.GetToken( (i+1), nTok ).ToInt32()));
- if( sTVal == rVal )
- {
- rBox.SetText( rList.GetToken( i, nTok ) );
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( i >= nCnt )
- {
- if ( &m_aTextSeparator == &rBox && !rVal.Len() )
- rBox.SetText(m_aTextNone);
- else
- rBox.SetText( rVal.Copy(0, 1) );
- }
- }
-} // namespace dbaui
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */