AdobeXMPCore::IClientDOMParser_v1 Class Referenceabstract

Version 1 of the interface that supports parsing by the client supplied parser of the XMP Data Model. More...

#include <IClientDOMParser.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual spINode APICALL Parse (const char *buffer, sizet bufferLength, pcIConfigurable configurationParameters, ReportErrorAndContinueFunctor proc)=0
 Parse the contents present in the buffer taking into account the configuration parameters. More...
virtual bool APICALL AreKeysCaseSensitive () const
 Indicates whether object supports case sensitive keys or not. More...
virtual void APICALL Initialize (pIConfigurable configurationParameters)
 Initialize the default configuration parameters. More...
virtual eConfigurableErrorCode APICALL Validate (const uint64 &key, IConfigurable::eDataType dataType, const IConfigurable::CombinedDataValue &dataValue)
 Validate the data type and value for a parameter. More...
virtual void APICALL Release () const __NOTHROW__=0
 Called by the library when the object is no longer required by it and client can free up the resources or memory associated with the object. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~IClientDOMParser_v1 ()

Detailed Description

Version 1 of the interface that supports parsing by the client supplied parser of the XMP Data Model.

Provides functions to parse the XMP Data Model. Thread safety is controllable by the client.

Definition at line 22 of file IClientDOMParser.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual AdobeXMPCore::IClientDOMParser_v1::~IClientDOMParser_v1 ( )


Definition at line 73 of file IClientDOMParser.h.


73 {}

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool APICALL AdobeXMPCore::IClientDOMParser_v1::AreKeysCaseSensitive ( ) const

Indicates whether object supports case sensitive keys or not.

True in case object supports case sensitive keys, false otherwise.
Default implementation makes keys case insensitive.

Definition at line 42 of file IClientDOMParser.h.

42 { return false; }
virtual void APICALL AdobeXMPCore::IClientDOMParser_v1::Initialize ( pIConfigurable  configurationParameters)

Initialize the default configuration parameters.

The object needs to fill the default configuration parameters supported by it.

[in]configurationParametersan empty object of type #AdobeXMPCommon::IConfigurable.
default implementation does not fill anything in the configuration parameters.

Definition at line 50 of file IClientDOMParser.h.

50 {};
virtual spINode APICALL AdobeXMPCore::IClientDOMParser_v1::Parse ( const char *  buffer,
sizet  bufferLength,
pcIConfigurable  configurationParameters,
ReportErrorAndContinueFunctor  proc 
pure virtual

Parse the contents present in the buffer taking into account the configuration parameters.

[in]bufferPointer to a constant char buffer containing serialized XMP Data Model.
[in]bufferLengthNumber of characters in buffer. In case name is null terminated set it to #AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
[in]configurationParametersAn object of type #AdobeXMPCommon::IConfigurable containing all the configuration parameters requested by client to be taken care of while parsing.
[in]procA function pointer to be used by the parse operation to report back any encountered errors/warnings.
A shared pointer to #INode object containing all the parsed XMP Data Model.
virtual void APICALL AdobeXMPCore::IClientDOMParser_v1::Release ( ) const
pure virtual

Called by the library when the object is no longer required by it and client can free up the resources or memory associated with the object.

virtual eConfigurableErrorCode APICALL AdobeXMPCore::IClientDOMParser_v1::Validate ( const uint64 key,
IConfigurable::eDataType  dataType,
const IConfigurable::CombinedDataValue dataValue 

Validate the data type and value for a parameter.

[in]keyAn unsigned 64 bit integer value indicating the key.
[in]dataTypeA value of type #AdobeXMPCommon::IConfigurable::eDataType indicating the type of value the parameter holds.
[in]dataValueA value of #AdobeXMPCommon::IConfigurable::CombinedDataValue indicating the value the parameter holds.
An error code in case there is something wrong with the combination, otherwise returns \ p0-#AdobeXMPCommon::eCECNone.
Default implementation validates all the keys + dataTypes + dataValue combinations.

Definition at line 60 of file IClientDOMParser.h.

References __NOTHROW__, and AdobeXMPCommon::kCECNone.

60  {
61  return kCECNone;
62  }
Indicates no error.

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