path: root/public/include/XMPCore
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38 files changed, 6540 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IArrayNode.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IArrayNode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd18976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IArrayNode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#ifndef __IArrayNode_h__
+#define __IArrayNode_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICompositeNode.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! \brief Version1 of the interface that represents an Array Node of XMP DOM.
+ //! \details Provides all the functions to get and set various properties of the array node.
+ //! \attention Support multi threading through locks but can be enabled/disabled by the client. By default
+ //! every object created does not support multi-threading.
+ //! \note The index of the array is 1-based.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC IArrayNode_v1
+ : public virtual ICompositeNode_v1
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates different kinds of array forms possible in XMP i.e, unordered, ordered and alternative.
+ //!
+ typedef enum {
+ //! unknown array form, should be used as invalid value.
+ kAFNone = 0,
+ //! Array contains entries which are unordered.
+ kAFUnordered = 1 << 0,
+ //! Array contains entries which are ordered.
+ kAFOrdered = 1 << 1,
+ //! Array contains entries which are ordered plus default value should be the top one.
+ kAFAlternative = 1 << 2,
+ //! Maximum value this enum can hold, should be treated as invalid value
+ kAFAll = kAllBits
+ } eArrayForm;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the type of array.
+ //! \return a value of type #eArrayForm indicating the type of array.
+ //!
+ virtual eArrayForm APICALL GetArrayForm() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the type of child nodes.
+ //! \return a value of type #eNodeType indicating the type of child nodes array can hold.
+ //! \note An empty array will return \#INode_v1::kNTAll indicating that right now it can hold any type of node.
+ //!
+ virtual eNodeType APICALL GetChildNodeType() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get the node at the specified index.
+ //! \param[in] index an object of type \#sizet indicating the index of the node client who is interested in.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const or non const \#INode object containing node.
+ //! \note In case no node exists at the given index an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //! \note The index of an array is 1-based.
+ //!
+ virtual spINode APICALL GetNodeAtIndex( sizet index ) = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcINode GetNodeAtIndex( sizet index ) const {
+ return const_cast< IArrayNode_v1 * >( this )->GetNodeAtIndex( index );
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get the node at the specified index as simple node, if possible.
+ //! \param[in] index An object of type \#sizet indicating the index of the node client is interested in.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const or non const \#ISimpleNode object containing node.
+ //! \note In case no node exists at the given index an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //! \note The index of an array is 1-based.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - a child exists at the given index but is not a simple node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcISimpleNode GetSimpleNodeAtIndex( sizet index ) const {
+ auto node = GetNodeAtIndex( index );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToSimpleNode();
+ return spcISimpleNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spISimpleNode GetSimpleNodeAtIndex( sizet index ) {
+ auto node = GetNodeAtIndex( index );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToSimpleNode();
+ return spISimpleNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get the node at the specified index as structure node, if possible.
+ //! \param[in] index An object of type \#sizet indicating the index of the node client is interested in.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const or non const \#IStructureNode object containing node.
+ //! \note In case no node exists at the given index an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //! \note The index of an array is 1-based.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - a child exists at the given index but is not a structure node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIStructureNode GetStructureNodeAtIndex( sizet index ) const {
+ auto node = GetNodeAtIndex( index );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToStructureNode();
+ return spcIStructureNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spIStructureNode GetStructureNodeAtIndex( sizet index ) {
+ auto node = GetNodeAtIndex( index );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToStructureNode();
+ return spIStructureNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get the node at the specified index as an array node, if possible.
+ //! \param[in] index an object of type \#sizet indicating the index of the node client is interested in.
+ //! \return a shared pointer to const or non const \#IArrayNode object containing node.
+ //! \note In case no node exists at the given index an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //! \note The index of an array is 1-based.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - a child exists at the given index but is not an array node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIArrayNode GetArrayNodeAtIndex( sizet index ) const {
+ auto node = GetNodeAtIndex( index );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToArrayNode();
+ return spcIArrayNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spIArrayNode GetArrayNodeAtIndex( sizet index ) {
+ auto node = GetNodeAtIndex( index );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToArrayNode();
+ return spIArrayNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Inserts a given node at the specified index.
+ //! \param[in] node Shared pointer to an object of \#INode containing the node to be inserted at the specified index.
+ //! \param[in] index An object of type sizet indicating the index where the node should
+ //! be inserted.
+ //! \note The index of an array is 1-based.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in following cases:
+ //! -# given node is invalid.
+ //! -# type of given node is not same as other child items of the array node.
+ //! -# given node is already a child of some other node.
+ //! -# given index is less than 1 or greater than current child count + 1.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL InsertNodeAtIndex( const spINode & node, sizet index ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Replaces an existing node with the given node at the specified index.
+ //! \param[in] node Shared pointer to an object of \#INode containing the node to be inserted at the specified index.
+ //! \param[in] index An object of type \#sizet indicating the index from where the node should be replaced.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to the node replaced with the new node.
+ //! \note The index of an array is 1-based.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in following cases:
+ //! -# Given node is invalid.
+ //! -# Type of given node is not same as other child items of the array node.
+ //! -# Given node is already a child of some other node.
+ //! -# Given index is less than 1 or greater than current child count.
+ //! -# No node exists at the requested index.
+ //!
+ virtual spINode APICALL ReplaceNodeAtIndex( const spINode & node, sizet index ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Remove the node at the specified index.
+ //! \param[in] index An object of type \#sizet indicating the index from where the node should be removed.
+ //! \note The index of an array is 1-based.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to \#INode object containing node which is removed from the tree.
+ //! \note In case no node exists at the given index an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //!
+ virtual spINode APICALL RemoveNodeAtIndex( sizet index ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IArrayNode interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pIArrayNode APICALL GetActualIArrayNode() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcIArrayNode GetActualIArrayNode() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IArrayNode_v1 * >( this )->GetActualIArrayNode();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Return the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return either a const or non const pointer to IArrayNode_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIArrayNode_I APICALL GetIArrayNode_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcIArrayNode_I GetIArrayNode_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IArrayNode_v1 * >( this )->GetIArrayNode_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer.
+ //! @details The raw pointer is of version 1 interface
+ //! where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIArrayNode MakeShared( pIArrayNode_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIArrayNode MakeShared( pcIArrayNode_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pIArrayNode_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! return The unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kIArrayNodeID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ // Factories to create the array node
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an unordered array node which is not part of any metadata document.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the array node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated, set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the array node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a \#IArrayNode object.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in the following cases:
+ //! -# nameSpace is NULL or its contents are empty.
+ //! -# name is NULL or its contents are empty.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIArrayNode CreateUnorderedArrayNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength );
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an ordered array node which is not part of any metadata document.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the array node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the array node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a \#IArrayNode object.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in the following cases:
+ //! -# nameSpace is NULL or its contents are empty.
+ //! -# name is NULL or its contents are empty.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIArrayNode CreateOrderedArrayNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength );
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an alternative array node which is not part of any metadata document.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the array node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the array node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a \#IArrayNode object.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in the following cases:
+ //! -# nameSpace is NULL or its contents are empty.
+ //! -# name is NULL or its contents are empty.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIArrayNode CreateAlternativeArrayNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength );
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~IArrayNode_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getArrayForm( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getChildNodeType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL getNodeAtIndex( sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual void APICALL insertNodeAtIndex( pINode_base node, sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL replaceNodeAtIndex( pINode_base node, sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL removeNodeAtIndex( sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // __IArrayNode_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IClientDOMParser.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IClientDOMParser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff27e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IClientDOMParser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IError.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IConfigurable.h"
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreErrorCodes.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! @brief Version 1 of the interface that supports parsing by the client supplied parser of the XMP Data Model.
+ //! @details Provides functions to parse the XMP Data Model.
+ //! Thread safety is controllable by the client.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC IClientDOMParser_v1
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Parse the contents present in the buffer taking into account the configuration parameters.
+ //! \param[in] buffer Pointer to a constant char buffer containing serialized XMP Data Model.
+ //! \param[in] bufferLength Number of characters in buffer. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] configurationParameters An object of type \#AdobeXMPCommon::IConfigurable containing all the configuration parameters requested by client
+ //! to be taken care of while parsing.
+ //! \param[in] proc A function pointer to be used by the parse operation to report back any encountered errors/warnings.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to \#INode object containing all the parsed XMP Data Model.
+ //!
+ virtual spINode APICALL Parse( const char * buffer, sizet bufferLength, pcIConfigurable configurationParameters, ReportErrorAndContinueFunctor proc ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates whether object supports case sensitive keys or not.
+ //! \return True in case object supports case sensitive keys, false otherwise.
+ //! \note Default implementation makes keys case insensitive.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL AreKeysCaseSensitive() const { return false; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Initialize the default configuration parameters.
+ //! @details The object needs to fill the default configuration parameters supported by it.
+ //! \param[in] configurationParameters an empty object of type \#AdobeXMPCommon::IConfigurable.
+ //! \note default implementation does not fill anything in the configuration parameters.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL Initialize( pIConfigurable configurationParameters ) {};
+ //!
+ //! @brief Validate the data type and value for a parameter.
+ //! \param[in] key An unsigned 64 bit integer value indicating the key.
+ //! \param[in] dataType A value of type \#AdobeXMPCommon::IConfigurable::eDataType indicating the type of value the parameter holds.
+ //! \param[in] dataValue A value of \#AdobeXMPCommon::IConfigurable::CombinedDataValue indicating the value the parameter holds.
+ //! \return An error code in case there is something wrong with the combination, otherwise returns \ p0-\#AdobeXMPCommon::eCECNone.
+ //! \note Default implementation validates all the keys + dataTypes + dataValue combinations.
+ //!
+ virtual eConfigurableErrorCode APICALL Validate( const uint64 & key, IConfigurable::eDataType dataType, const IConfigurable::CombinedDataValue & dataValue ) {
+ return kCECNone;
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Called by the library when the object is no longer required by it and client can free up the resources or memory associated with the object.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~IClientDOMParser_v1() {}
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL parse( const char * buffer, sizet bufferLength, pcIConfigurable configurationParameters, ReportErrorAndContinueABISafeProc proc, pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL areKeysCaseSensitive( pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual void APICALL initialize( pIConfigurable configurationParameters, pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL validate( const uint64 & key, uint32 dataType, const IConfigurable::CombinedDataValue & dataValue, pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) __NOTHROW__;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IClientDOMSerializer.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IClientDOMSerializer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06558cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IClientDOMSerializer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#ifndef IClientDOMSerializer_h__
+#define IClientDOMSerializer_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IError.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IConfigurable.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/XMPCommonErrorCodes.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! @brief Version 1 of the interface that supports serializing by the client supplied serializer of the XMP Data Model.
+ //! @details Provides functions to serialize the XMP Data Model.
+ //! Thread safety is controllable by the client.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC IClientDOMSerializer_v1
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Serialize the XMP Data Model taking into account the configuration parameters.
+ //! \param[in] node The node to be serialized.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpacePrefixMap An object of type \#INameSpacePrefixMap which contains preferred prefixes for namespaces.
+ //! \param[in] configurationParameters An object of type #AdobeXMPCommon::IConfigurable containing all the configuration parameters requested by client
+ //! to be taken care of while serializing.
+ //! \param[in] functor A function object to be used by the serializing operation to report back any encountered errors/warnings.
+ //! \param[out] string A shared pointer to an IUTF8String object which should be filled with the serialized form of XMP Data Model.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL Serialize( const spINode & node, const spcINameSpacePrefixMap & nameSpacePrefixMap, pcIConfigurable configurationParameters,
+ ReportErrorAndContinueFunctor functor, const spIUTF8String & string ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates whether object supports case sensitive keys or not.
+ //! \return True in case object supports case sensitive keys, false otherwise.
+ //! \note Default implementation makes keys case insensitive.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL AreKeysCaseSensitive() const { return false; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Initializes the default configuration parameters.
+ //! The object needs to fill the default configuration parameters supported by it.
+ //! \param[in] configurationParameters An empty object of type #AdobeXMPCommon::IConfigurable.
+ //! \note Default implementation does not fill anything in the configuration parameters.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL Initialize( pIConfigurable configurationParameters ) {};
+ //!
+ //! @brief Validate the data type and value for a parameter.
+ //! \param[in] key An unsigned 64 bit integer value indicating the key.
+ //! \param[in] dataType A value of type #AdobeXMPCommon::IConfigurable::eDataType indicating the type of value the parameter holds.
+ //! \param[in] dataValue A value of \#AdobeXMPCommon::IConfigurable::CombinedDataValue indicating the value the parameter holds.
+ //! \return An error code in case there is something wrong with the combination, otherwise returns \#AdobeXMPCommon::eCECNone.
+ //! \note Default implementation validates all the keys + dataTypes + dataValue combinations.
+ //!
+ virtual eConfigurableErrorCode APICALL Validate( const uint64 & key, IConfigurable::eDataType dataType, const IConfigurable::CombinedDataValue & dataValue ) {
+ return kCECNone;
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Called by the library when the object is no longer required by it and client can free up the resources or memory associated with the object.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~IClientDOMSerializer_v1() {}
+ virtual void APICALL serialize( pINode_base node, pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base nameSpacePrefixMap, pcIConfigurable configurationParameters, ReportErrorAndContinueABISafeProc proc, pIUTF8String_base string, pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL areKeysCaseSensitive( pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual void APICALL initialize( pIConfigurable configurationParameters, pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL validate( const uint64 & key, uint32 dataType, const IConfigurable::CombinedDataValue & dataValue, pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) __NOTHROW__;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // IClientDOMSerializer_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/ICompositeNode.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/ICompositeNode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4754ed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/ICompositeNode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+#ifndef __ICompositeNode_h__
+#define __ICompositeNode_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INode.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IVersionable.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! \brief Version1 of the interface that serves as a base interface to all composite types of nodes
+ //! in the XMP DOM ( like Arrays and Structures ).
+ //! \details Provides all the functions to get various properties of the composite node.
+ //! \attention Support multi threading through locks but can be enabled/disabled by the client. By default
+ //! every object created does not support multi-threading.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC ICompositeNode_v1
+ : public virtual INode_v1
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the node type specified by the path relative to the composite node.
+ //! \param[in] path Shared pointer to a const \#AdobeXMPCore::IPath object containing the relative path
+ //! from the node to the node client is interested in.
+ //! \return The type of the node.
+ //! \note In case no node exists at the given path a value \#eNodeType::kNTNone is returned.
+ //!
+ virtual eNodeType APICALL GetNodeTypeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get the node specified by the path relative to the composite node.
+ //! \param[in] path Shared pointer to a const \#AdobeXMPCore::IPath object containing the relative path
+ //! from the node to the node client is interested in.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to either a const or non const \#AdobeXMPCore::INode object containing node.
+ //! \note In case no node exists at the given path an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcINode GetNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) const {
+ return const_cast< ICompositeNode_v1 * >( this )->GetNodeAtPath( path );
+ }
+ virtual spINode APICALL GetNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) = 0;
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Appends a given node as the child of the node.
+ //! @details In case of array node it is appended at the last
+ //! and in case of structure node qualified name of the node to be inserted determines its position.
+ //! \param[in] node Shared pointer to an object of \#AdobeXMPCore::INode containing the node to be
+ //! appended as the last child.
+ //! \note This operation is not currently implemented for the ICompositeNode interface.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in following cases:
+ //! -# provided node is invalid.
+ //! -# type of given node is not same as other child items of the array node.
+ //! -# given node is already a child of some other node.
+ //! -# composite node already has a child node with the same qualified name in case of structure node.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL AppendNode( const spINode & node ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Inserts a given node at the path relative to the composite node.
+ //! \param[in] node Shared pointer to an object of \#AdobeXMPCore::INode containing the node to be
+ //! inserted at the specified relative path.
+ //! \param[in] path Shared pointer to a const \#AdobeXMPCore::IPath object containing the relative path.
+ //! \note All the hierarchy of nodes is created if not present.
+ //! \note This operation is not currently implemented for the ICompositeNode interface.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in following cases:
+ //! -# given node is invalid.
+ //! -# type of given node is not same as other child items of the array node.
+ //! -# given node is already a child of some other node.
+ //! -# given path is invalid or logically incorrect.
+ //! -# type of given node is not suitable for the destination location.
+ //! -# a node already exists at the specified path.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL InsertNodeAtPath( const spINode & node, const spcIPath & path ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Replaces an existing node with the given node at the path relative to the composite node..
+ //! \param[in] node Shared pointer to an object of \#AdobeXMPCore::INode.
+ //! \param[in] path Shared pointer to a const \#AdobeXMPCore::IPath object containing the relative path.
+ //! \return a Shared pointer to the node being replaced.
+ //! \note This operation is not currently implemented for the ICompositeNode interface.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in following cases:
+ //! -# given node is invalid.
+ //! -# type of given node is not same as other child items of the array node.
+ //! -# given node is already a child of some other node.
+ //! -# given index is less than 1 or greater than current child count.
+ //! -# type of given node is not suitable for the destination location.
+ //! -# no node exists at the specified path.
+ //!
+ virtual spINode APICALL ReplaceNodeAtPath( const spINode & node, const spcIPath & path ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Removes the node specified by the path relative to the composite node.
+ //! \param[in] path Shared pointer to a const \#AdobeXMPCore::IPath object containing the relative path
+ //! from the node to the node client is interested in.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to \#AdobeXMPCore::INode object containing node which is removed from the tree.
+ //! \note In case no node exists at the given path an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //!
+ virtual spINode APICALL RemoveNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get an iterator object to iterate over all the child nodes of the composite node.
+ //! \return a shared pointer to a const or non const \#INodeIterator object.
+ //!
+ virtual spINodeIterator APICALL Iterator() = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcINodeIterator Iterator() const {
+ return const_cast< ICompositeNode_v1 * >( this )->Iterator();
+ }
+ // @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the count of child nodes of the composite node.
+ //! \return an object of type \#AdobeXMPCommon::sizet containing the count of children of the node.
+ //!
+ virtual sizet APICALL ChildCount() const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ // Wrapper non virtual functions
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get a simple node specified by the path relative to the node.
+ //! \param[in] path Shared pointer to a const \#AdobeXMPCore::IPath object containing the relative path
+ //! from the node to the node client is interested in.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const or non const \#ISimpleNode object containing node.
+ //! \note In case no node exists at the given path an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - a node exists at the given path but is not a simple node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcISimpleNode GetSimpleNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) const {
+ auto node = GetNodeAtPath( path );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToSimpleNode();
+ return spcISimpleNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spISimpleNode GetSimpleNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) {
+ auto node = GetNodeAtPath( path );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToSimpleNode();
+ return spISimpleNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get a structure node specified by the path relative to the node.
+ //! \param[in] path Shared pointer to a const \#AdobeXMPCore::IPath object containing the relative path
+ //! from the node to the node client is interested in.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const or non const \#IStructureNode object containing node.
+ //! \note In case no node exists at the given path an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - a node exists at the given path but is not a structure node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIStructureNode GetStructureNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) const {
+ auto node = GetNodeAtPath( path );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToStructureNode();
+ return spcIStructureNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spIStructureNode GetStructureNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) {
+ auto node = GetNodeAtPath( path );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToStructureNode();
+ return spIStructureNode();
+ }
+ // !@}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get an array node specified by the path relative to the node.
+ //! \param[in] path Shared pointer to a const \#AdobeXMPCore::IPath object containing the relative path
+ //! from the node to the node client is interested in.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const or non const \#IArrayNode object containing node.
+ //! \note In case no node exists at the given path an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - a node exists at the given path but is not an array node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIArrayNode GetArrayNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) const {
+ auto node = GetNodeAtPath( path );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToArrayNode();
+ return spcIArrayNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spIArrayNode GetArrayNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) {
+ auto node = GetNodeAtPath( path );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToArrayNode();
+ return spIArrayNode();
+ }
+ // !@}
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to ICompositeNode interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pICompositeNode APICALL GetActualICompositeNode() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcICompositeNode GetActualICompositeNode() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< ICompositeNode_v1 * >( this )->GetActualICompositeNode();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to ICompositeNode_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pICompositeNode_I APICALL GetICompositeNode_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcICompositeNode_I GetICompositeNode_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< ICompositeNode_v1 * >( this )->GetICompositeNode_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer.
+ //! @details The raw pointer is of version 1 interface
+ //! where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spICompositeNode MakeShared( pICompositeNode_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcICompositeNode MakeShared( pcICompositeNode_base ptr ) {
+ return const_cast< ICompositeNode_v1 * >( ptr )->MakeShared( ptr );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kICompositeNodeID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~ICompositeNode_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getNodeTypeAtPath( pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL getNodeAtPath( pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual void APICALL appendNode( pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual void APICALL insertNodeAtPath( pINode_base node, pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL replaceNodeAtPath( pINode_base node, pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL removeNodeAtPath( pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINodeIterator_base APICALL iterator( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( push )
+ #pragma warning( disable : 4250 )
+ class ICompositeNodeProxy
+ : public virtual ICompositeNode
+ , public virtual INodeProxy
+ {
+ private:
+ pICompositeNode mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ ICompositeNodeProxy( pICompositeNode ptr );
+ ~ICompositeNodeProxy() __NOTHROW__ ;
+ pICompositeNode APICALL GetActualICompositeNode() __NOTHROW__;
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pICompositeNode_I APICALL GetICompositeNode_I() __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual eNodeType APICALL GetNodeTypeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) const;
+ virtual spINode APICALL GetNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path );
+ virtual void APICALL AppendNode( const spINode & node );
+ virtual void APICALL InsertNodeAtPath( const spINode & node, const spcIPath & path );
+ virtual spINode APICALL ReplaceNodeAtPath( const spINode & node, const spcIPath & path );
+ virtual spINode APICALL RemoveNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path );
+ virtual spINodeIterator APICALL Iterator();
+ virtual sizet APICALL ChildCount() const __NOTHROW__;
+ protected:
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getNodeTypeAtPath( pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL getNodeAtPath( pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual void APICALL appendNode( pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual void APICALL insertNodeAtPath( pINode_base node, pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL replaceNodeAtPath( pINode_base node, pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL removeNodeAtPath( pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pINodeIterator_base APICALL iterator( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ };
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( pop )
+//! \endcond
+#endif // __ICompositeNode_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreConfigurationManager.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreConfigurationManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98b09a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreConfigurationManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#ifndef ICoreConfigurationManager_h__
+#define ICoreConfigurationManager_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IConfigurationManager.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! @brief Version1 of the interface that represents configuration settings controllable by the client.
+ //! \details Provides functions through which client can plug in its own memory allocators, error notifiers.
+ //! \attention Not Thread Safe as this functionality is generally used at the initialization phase.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC ICoreConfigurationManager_v1
+ : public virtual IConfigurationManager_v1
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to ICoreConfigurationManager interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pICoreConfigurationManager APICALL GetActualICoreConfigurationManager() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcICoreConfigurationManager GetActualICoreConfigurationManager() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< ICoreConfigurationManager_v1 * >( this )->GetActualICoreConfigurationManager();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to ICoreConfigurationManager_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pICoreConfigurationManager_I APICALL GetICoreConfigurationManager_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcICoreConfigurationManager_I GetICoreConfigurationManager_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< ICoreConfigurationManager_v1 * >( this )->GetICoreConfigurationManager_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer. The raw pointer is of version 1 interface
+ //! where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spICoreConfigurationManager MakeShared( pICoreConfigurationManager_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcICoreConfigurationManager MakeShared( pcICoreConfigurationManager_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pICoreConfigurationManager_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Return the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kICoreConfigurationManagerID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ // static factory functions
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the configuration manager object associated with XMPCore library..
+ //! \return A shared pointer to an object of \#ICoreConfigurationManager.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spICoreConfigurationManager GetCoreConfigurationManager();
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~ICoreConfigurationManager_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // ICoreConfigurationManager_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..234a685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#ifndef ICoreObjectFactory_h__
+#define ICoreObjectFactory_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IObjectFactory.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! @brief Version1 of a interface that represents a factory to create various artifacts of XMP DOM like array,
+ //! structure, path etc.
+ //!
+ //! @details Provides all the functions to create instances of various artifacts of XMP DOM and return them as shared pointers
+ //! to the clients. This is the interface through which clients of the library actually get access to all other interfaces.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC ICoreObjectFactory_v1
+ : public virtual IObjectFactory_v1
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an empty name space prefix map.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return A pointer to an empty \#INameSpacePrefixMap_v1 object.
+ //!
+ virtual pINameSpacePrefixMap_base APICALL CreateNameSpacePrefixMap( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Provides the default mapping of prefix string and nameSpace strings used by XMPCore.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return A pointer to const \#INameSpacePrefixMap_v1 object containing all the mappings used as default by the XMPCore.
+ //!
+ virtual pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base APICALL GetDefaultNameSpacePrefixMap( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates a normal property path segment.These are essentially all properties (simple, struct and arrays).
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return A pointer to const \#IPathSegment_v1.
+ //!
+ virtual pcIPathSegment_base APICALL CreatePropertyPathSegment( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an array index path segment that denotes a specific element of an array.
+ //! @details Such segments do not have an own name and inherits the namespace from the Array property itself.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] index An object of type \#AdobeXMP::sizet containting the index of the array element.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return A pointer to const \#IPathSegment_v1.
+ //! \attention Throws \#AdobeXMP::pcIError in case
+ //! - pointers to const char buffers are NULL,
+ //! - their content is empty.
+ //!
+ virtual pcIPathSegment_base APICALL CreateArrayIndexPathSegment( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates a Qualifier path segment, which behaves like a normal property
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return A pointer to const \#IPathSegment_v1.
+ //!
+ virtual pcIPathSegment_base APICALL CreateQualifierPathSegment( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates a path segment that selects a specific qualifier by its value.
+ //! For example a specific language in a alternative array of languages.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] value Pointer to a constant char buffer containing value of the language (xml:lang)
+ //! \param[in] valueLength Number of characters in value. In case value is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return A pointer to const \#IPathSegment_v1.
+ //!
+ virtual pcIPathSegment_base APICALL CreateQualifierSelectorPathSegment( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name,
+ sizet nameLength, const char * value, sizet valueLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an empty IPath object.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return A pointer to an empty \#IPath_v1 object
+ //!
+ virtual pIPath_base APICALL CreatePath( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates a path from a char buffer which contains the serialized path.
+ //! \param[in] path Pointer to a const char buffer containing serialized form of the path.
+ //! \param[in] pathLength Number of characters in the path. In case path in null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] map A pointer to a const \#IXMPNameSpacePrefixMap_v1 object which will contain the mapping for nameSpaces to prefixes.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return A pointer to a \#IPath_v1 object.
+ //!
+ virtual pIPath_base APICALL ParsePath( const char * path, sizet pathLength, pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base map, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates a simple property node which is not part of any metadata document.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the simple node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the simple node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] value Pointer to a constant char buffer containing value of the simple node.
+ //! \param[in] valueLength Number of characters in value. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return A pointer to a \#ISimpleNode_v1 object.
+ //!
+ virtual pISimpleNode_base APICALL CreateSimpleNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength,
+ const char * value, sizet valueLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an array node which is not part of any metadata document.
+ //! \param[in] arrayForm A value indicating the array type
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the array node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the array node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return A pointer to a \#IArrayNode_v1 object.
+ //!
+ virtual pIArrayNode_base APICALL CreateArrayNode( uint32 arrayForm, const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates a structure node which is not part of any metadata document.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the structure node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the structure node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return A pointer to a \#IStructureNode_v1 object.
+ virtual pIStructureNode_base APICALL CreateStructureNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an empty IMetadata object.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return a pointer to an empty \#IMetadata_v1 object.
+ //!
+ virtual pIMetadata_base APICALL CreateMetadata( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Provides the reference to the database of Serializers and Parsers available with the library.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return a pointer to \#IDOMImplementationRegistry_base object containing all the entries for serailizers and parsers.
+ //!
+ virtual pIDOMImplementationRegistry_base APICALL GetDOMImplementationRegistry( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Provides access to the configuration manager of the library.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return A pointer to \#ICoreConfigurationManager_base object.
+ //!
+ virtual pICoreConfigurationManager_base APICALL GetCoreConfigurationManager( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to ICoreObjectFactory interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pICoreObjectFactory APICALL GetActualICoreObjectFactory() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcICoreObjectFactory GetActualICoreObjectFactory() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< ICoreObjectFactory_v1 * >( this )->GetActualICoreObjectFactory();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to ICoreObjectFactory_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pICoreObjectFactory_I APICALL GetICoreObjectFactory_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcICoreObjectFactory_I GetICoreObjectFactory_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< ICoreObjectFactory_v1 * >( this )->GetICoreObjectFactory_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to base version to pointer to client interested version.
+ //! @details The raw pointer is of version 1 interface where as the returned pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return Pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static pICoreObjectFactory MakeCoreObjectFactory( pICoreObjectFactory_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static pcICoreObjectFactory MakeCoreObjectFactory( pcICoreObjectFactory_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeCoreObjectFactory( const_cast< pcICoreObjectFactory_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kICoreObjectFactoryID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets an object of ICoreObjectFactory.
+ //! \return A pointer to an ICoreObjectFactory object.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static pICoreObjectFactory GetCoreObjectFactory();
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Sets up the core object factory.
+ //! \param[in] coreObjectFactory A pointer to an \#ICoreObjectFactory_v1 object.
+ //! \note coreObjectFactory is an optional parameter and only required for clients who don't directly link with the library
+ //! but want to use its functionality.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static void SetupCoreObjectFactory();
+ #else
+ XMP_PRIVATE static void SetupCoreObjectFactory( pICoreObjectFactory_base coreObjectFactory );
+ #endif
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Destroy everything related to core object factory.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static void DestroyCoreObjectFactory();
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~ICoreObjectFactory_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // ICoreObjectFactory_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMImplementationRegistry.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMImplementationRegistry.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a732bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMImplementationRegistry.h
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#ifndef IDOMImplementationRegistry_h__
+#define IDOMImplementationRegistry_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/ISharedObject.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IVersionable.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! \brief Version1 of the interface that serves as a database/registry of all the parsers and
+ //! serializers available with the XMPCore library.
+ //! \details Provides all the functions to
+ //! -# get registered serializers and parsers from the database.
+ //! -# add client defined serializers and parsers to the database.
+ //! \attention Support multi threading if library is configured to support multi-threading by default.
+ //! \note By default following keys are registered by default with the database by the library:
+ //! -# rdf
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC IDOMImplementationRegistry_v1
+ : public virtual ISharedObject
+ , public virtual IVersionable
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets a parser corresponding to the key and returns to the client for usage.
+ //! \param[in] key Pointer to a const NULL terminated char buffer containing key of the parser in the database.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a \#IDOMParser object.
+ //! \note In case the key is not present in the database an invalid shared pointer will be returned.
+ //! \note key is case sensitive.
+ //!
+ virtual spIDOMParser APICALL GetParser( const char * key ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets a serializer corresponding to the key and returns to the client for usage.
+ //! \param[in] key Pointer to a const NULL terminated char buffer containing key of the serializer in the database.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a \#IDOMSerializer object.
+ //! \note In case the key is not present in the database an invalid shared pointer will be returned.
+ //! \note key is case sensitive.
+ //!
+ virtual spIDOMSerializer APICALL GetSerializer( const char * key ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Registers a parser with the database along with the key.
+ //! \param[in] key Pointer to a const NULL terminated char buffer containing key of the parser to be used while registering.
+ //! \param[in] parser A pointer to \#IClientDOMParser object to be registered with the database
+ //! \return True in case parser is successfully registered, false otherwise like in case key is already registered.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL RegisterParser( const char * key, pIClientDOMParser_base parser ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Registers a serializer with the database along with the key.
+ //! \param[in] key Pointer to a const NULL terminated char buffer containing key of the serializer to be used while registering.
+ //! \param[in] serializer A pointer to \#IClientDOMSerializer object to be registered with the database.
+ //! \return True in case serializer is successfully registered, false otherwise like in case key is already registered.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL RegisterSerializer( const char * key, pIClientDOMSerializer_base serializer ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Provides the reference to the database of Serializers and Parsers available with the library.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to \#IDOMImplementationRegistry object containing all the entries for serailizers and parsers.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIDOMImplementationRegistry GetDOMImplementationRegistry();
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IDOMImplementationRegistry interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pIDOMImplementationRegistry APICALL GetActualIDOMImplementationRegistry() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcIDOMImplementationRegistry GetActualIDOMImplementationRegistry() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IDOMImplementationRegistry_v1 * >( this )->GetActualIDOMImplementationRegistry();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IDOMImplementationRegistry_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIDOMImplementationRegistry_I APICALL GetIDOMImplementationRegistry_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcIDOMImplementationRegistry_I GetIDOMImplementationRegistry_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IDOMImplementationRegistry_v1 * >( this )->GetIDOMImplementationRegistry_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer. The raw pointer is of version 1 interface
+ //! where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIDOMImplementationRegistry MakeShared( pIDOMImplementationRegistry_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIDOMImplementationRegistry MakeShared( pcIDOMImplementationRegistry_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pIDOMImplementationRegistry_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kIDOMImplementationRegistryID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~IDOMImplementationRegistry_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ virtual pIDOMParser_base APICALL getParser( const char * key, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pIDOMSerializer_base APICALL getSerializer( const char * key, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL registerParser( const char * key, pIClientDOMParser_base parser, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL registerSerializer( const char * key, pIClientDOMSerializer_base serializer, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__= 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // IDOMImplementationRegistry_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMParser.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMParser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b33ff17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMParser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+#ifndef IDOMParser_h__
+#define IDOMParser_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/ISharedObject.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IVersionable.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IConfigurable.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! @brief Version 1 of the interface that supports parsing of the XMP Data Model.
+ //! @details Provides all functions to parse the buffer as well as to configure the parser.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC IDOMParser_v1
+ : public virtual IConfigurable
+ , public virtual ISharedObject
+ , public virtual IVersionable
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates various types of operations possible while parsing with some node as the context.
+ //!
+ typedef enum {
+ //! @brief Append all the nodes parsed from the buffer as the child of the context node.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - Context Node is invalid.
+ //! - Context Node is not array or structure node.
+ //! - Context Node is a structure node but a child node with the same qualified name is already present.
+ //! - Context Node is an array node but the type of any parsed node is not same as that of other existing nodes in the array.
+ //!
+ kATAppendAsChildren = 0,
+ //! @brief Replaces the children of the context node with nodes parsed from the buffer.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - Context Node is invalid.
+ //! - Context Node is not array or structure node.
+ //! - Context Node is a structure node but a child node with the same qualified name is not already present.
+ //! - Context Node is an array node but the type of all parsed nodes are not same.
+ //!
+ kATReplaceChildren = 1,
+ //! @brief Either append all the nodes parsed from the buffer as the child/children of the context node.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - Context Node is invalid.
+ //! - Context Node is not array or structure node.
+ //! - Context Node is an array node but the type of all parsed nodes are not same.
+ //! - If a structure node is the parsed node, it is appended if it already not present, otherwise it is replaced.
+ //! - If an array node is the parsed node, it is appended if it already not present, otherwise it is removed.
+ kATAppendOrReplaceChildren = 2,
+ //! @brief Treats all the parsed nodes as the siblings of the context node and place them before the context node, if possible.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - Context Node is invalid.
+ //! - parent of the Context Node is not an array node.
+ //! - The type of any parsed nodes is not same as that of other existing nodes in the array.
+ kATInsertBefore = 3,
+ //! @brief Treats all the parsed nodes as the siblings of the context node and place them after the context node, if possible.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - Context Node is invalid.
+ //! - parent of the Context Node is not an array node.
+ //! - The type of any parsed nodes is not same as that of other existing nodes in the array.
+ kATInsertAfter = 4,
+ //! @brief Replaces the context node and insert the node parsed from the buffer in its place.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - type of node returned after parsing in not of type which is compatible with the Context Node.
+ kATReplace = 5,
+ } eActionType;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Parses the buffer contents and creates an XMP DOM node.
+ //! \param[in] buffer Pointer to a constant char buffer containing serialized XMP Data Model.
+ //! \param[in] bufferLength Number of characters in buffer. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to an object of \#IMetadata containing all the information parsed from the buffer.
+ //!
+ virtual spIMetadata APICALL Parse( const char * buffer, sizet bufferLength ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Parse the buffer contents and populate the provided node .
+ //! \param[in] buffer Pointer to a constant char buffer containing serialized XMP Data Model.
+ //! \param[in] bufferLength Number of characters in buffer. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] actionType Value indicating how the parsed content and context node should be used.
+ //! \param[in,out] node The context node to be used base on the actionType.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL ParseWithSpecificAction( const char * buffer, sizet bufferLength, eActionType actionType, spINode & node ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Virtual copy constructor.
+ //! @details Creates an exact replica of the object.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to an object of \#IDOMParser which is the exact replica of the current serializer.
+ //!
+ virtual spIDOMParser APICALL Clone() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IDOMParser interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pIDOMParser APICALL GetActualIDOMParser() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcIDOMParser GetActualIDOMParser() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IDOMParser_v1 * >( this )->GetActualIDOMParser();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IDOMParser_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIDOMParser_I APICALL GetIDOMParser_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcIDOMParser_I GetIDOMParser_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IDOMParser_v1 * >( this )->GetIDOMParser_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer.
+ //! @details The raw pointer is of version 1 interface where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //!
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIDOMParser MakeShared( pIDOMParser_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIDOMParser MakeShared( pcIDOMParser_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pIDOMParser_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! return The unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kIDOMParserID; }
+ //!
+ //! return The version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~IDOMParser_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ virtual pIMetadata_base APICALL parse( const char * buffer, sizet bufferLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual void APICALL parseWithSpecificAction( const char * buffer, sizet bufferLength, uint32 actionType, pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pIDOMParser_base APICALL clone( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // IDOMParser_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMSerializer.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMSerializer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe4d9fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMSerializer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#ifndef IDOMSerializer_h__
+#define IDOMSerializer_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/ISharedObject.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IVersionable.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IConfigurable.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! @brief Version1 of the interface that represents an object that can serialize an XMP Data Model to a buffer.
+ //! Provides the functions to serialize the XMP Data Model.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC IDOMSerializer_v1
+ : public virtual IConfigurable
+ , public virtual ISharedObject
+ , public virtual IVersionable
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Serializes the given XMP Node into an IUTF8String object.
+ //! \param[in] node An object of type \#INode which needs to be serialized.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpacePrefixMap An object of type \#INameSpacePrefixMap which contains preferred prefixes for namespaces.
+ //! \return An object of \#AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String type containing the serialized form of the node.
+ //!
+ virtual spIUTF8String APICALL Serialize( const spINode & node, const spcINameSpacePrefixMap & nameSpacePrefixMap = spcINameSpacePrefixMap() ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Virtual copy constructor.
+ //! Creates an exact replica of the object.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to an object of \#IDOMSerializer which is the exact replica of the current serializer.
+ //!
+ virtual spIDOMSerializer APICALL Clone() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IDOMSerializer interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pIDOMSerializer APICALL GetActualIDOMSerializer() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcIDOMSerializer GetActualIDOMSerializer() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IDOMSerializer_v1 * >( this )->GetActualIDOMSerializer();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IDOMSerializer_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIDOMSerializer_I APICALL GetIDOMSerializer_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcIDOMSerializer_I GetIDOMSerializer_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IDOMSerializer_v1 * >( this )->GetIDOMSerializer_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer. The raw pointer is of version 1 interface
+ //! where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIDOMSerializer MakeShared( pIDOMSerializer_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIDOMSerializer MakeShared( pcIDOMSerializer_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pIDOMSerializer_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kIDOMSerializerID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~IDOMSerializer_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ virtual pIUTF8String_base APICALL serialize( pINode_base node, pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base map, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pIDOMSerializer_base APICALL clone( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // IDOMSerializer_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IMetadata.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IMetadata.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74015a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IMetadata.h
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+#ifndef __IMetadata_h__
+#define __IMetadata_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IStructureNode.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! \brief Version1 of the interface that represents the whole xmp metadata for an asset.
+ //! @details Provides all the functions to add or remove nodes to and from metadata.
+ //! \attention Support multi threading through locks but can be enabled/disabled by the client. By default
+ //! every object created does not support multi-threading.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC IMetadata_v1
+ : public virtual IStructureNode_v1
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the about URI string for the XMP metadata.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const \#AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String object containing URI string.
+ //! \note By default this is an empty string.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetAboutURI() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Sets the about URI string for the XMP metadata.
+ //! \param[in] uri Pointer to a constant char buffer containing uri string.
+ //! \param[in] uriLength Number of characters in uri. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL SetAboutURI( const char * uri, sizet uriLength ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Enables support for a particular feature.
+ //! \param[in] key A const char buffer containing key for the feature.
+ //! \param[in] keyLength Number of characters in key.
+ //! \note Following keys are supported:
+ //! - alias Enable support for aliases on the metadata object.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL EnableFeature( const char * key, sizet keyLength ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Disables support for a particular feature.
+ //! \param[in] key A const char buffer containing key for the feature.
+ //! \param[in] keyLength Number of characters in key.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL DisableFeature( const char * key, sizet keyLength ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IMetadata interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pIMetadata APICALL GetActualIMetadata() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcIMetadata GetActualIMetadata() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IMetadata_v1 * >( this )->GetActualIMetadata();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IMetadata_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIMetadata_I APICALL GetIMetadata_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcIMetadata_I GetIMetadata_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IMetadata_v1 * >( this )->GetIMetadata_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer. The raw pointer is of version 1 interface
+ //! where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIMetadata MakeShared( pIMetadata_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIMetadata MakeShared( pcIMetadata_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pIMetadata_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kIMetadataID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ // static factory functions
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an empty IMetadata object.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to an empty \#IMetadata object.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIMetadata CreateMetadata();
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~IMetadata_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ //! Hiding some functions from derived classes
+ using INode_v1::GetParent;
+ using INode_v1::GetNameSpace;
+ using INode_v1::SetNameSpace;
+ using INode_v1::GetName;
+ using INode_v1::SetName;
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getAboutURI( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // __IMetadata_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/INameSpacePrefixMap.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/INameSpacePrefixMap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa606a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/INameSpacePrefixMap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+#ifndef INameSpacePrefixMap_h__
+#define INameSpacePrefixMap_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/ISharedObject.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IVersionable.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IThreadSafe.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! \brief Version1 of the interface that represents map where each entry consists of prefix string
+ //! as the key and corresponding nameSpace string as its value.
+ //! \details Provides all the functions to get/set the entries inside the map.
+ //! \attention Supports Multi-threading at object level through locks.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC INameSpacePrefixMap_v1
+ : public virtual ISharedObject
+ , public virtual IVersionable
+ , public virtual IThreadSafe
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Adds a new pair of prefix string and its corresponding nameSpace string or replace an existing entry.
+ //! \param[in] prefix Pointer to a constant char buffer containing prefix string.
+ //! \param[in] prefixLength Number of characters in prefix. In case prefix is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing nameSpace string.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A bool type object containing true in case operation was successful, false otherwise.
+ //! \note Raises warning in case of
+ //! - prefix or nameSpace are null pointers
+ //! - prefixLength or nameSpaceLength is 0.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL Insert( const char * prefix, sizet prefixLength, const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Finds the prefix string in the map and removes an entry corresponding to it in the map.
+ //! \param[in] prefix Pointer to a const char buffer containing prefix string.
+ //! \param[in] prefixLength Number of characters in prefix. In case prefix is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A bool type object containing true in case entry was found and then deleted from the map, false otherwise.
+ //! \note Raises warning in case of
+ //! - prefix is null pointer, or
+ //! - prefixLength is 0.
+ //! \attention Throws AdobeXMPCommon::pcIError in case of failure in removing or searching process.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL RemovePrefix( const char * prefix, sizet prefixLength ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Finds the nameSpace string in the map and removes an entry corresponding to it in the map.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing nameSpace string.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A bool type object containing true in case entry was found and then deleted from the map, false otherwise.
+ //! \note Raises warning in case of
+ //! - nameSpace is null pointer, or
+ //! - nameSpaceLength is 0.
+ //! \attention Throws AdobeXMPCommon::pcIError in case of failure in removing or searching process.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL RemoveNameSpace( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Checks for the existence of a particular prefix in the map.
+ //! \param[in] prefix Pointer to a const char buffer containing prefix string.
+ //! \param[in] prefixLength Number of characters in prefix. In case prefix is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A bool type object containing true in case there is an entry present corresponding to the prefix string, otherwise false.
+ //! \note Raises warning in case of
+ //! - prefix is null pointer, or
+ //! - prefixLength is 0.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL IsPrefixPresent( const char * prefix, sizet prefixLength ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Checks for the existence of a particular nameSpace in the map.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing nameSpace string.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A bool type object containing true in case there is an entry present corresponding to the nameSpace string, otherwise false.
+ //! \note Raises warning in case of
+ //! - nameSpace is null pointer, or
+ //! - nameSpaceLength is 0.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL IsNameSpacePresent( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the nameSpace string corresponding to the prefix string.
+ //! \param[in] prefix Pointer to a const char buffer containing prefix string.
+ //! \param[in] prefixLength Number of characters in prefix. In case prefix is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const \#AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String object containing nameSpace string corresponding to
+ //! prefix string if a mapping exists, otherwise invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //! \note Raises warning in case of
+ //! - prefix is null pointer, or
+ //! - prefixLength is 0.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetNameSpace( const char * prefix, sizet prefixLength ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the prefix string corresponding to the nameSpace string.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing nameSpace string.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const \#AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String object containing prefix string corresponding to
+ //! nameSpace string if a mapping exists, otherwise invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //! \note Raises warning in case of
+ //! - nameSpace is null pointer, or
+ //! - nameSpaceLength is 0.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetPrefix( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief To get the total number of entries in the map.
+ //! \return An object of type \#AdobeXMPCommon::sizet containing the count of entries in the map.
+ //!
+ virtual sizet APICALL Size() const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief To check whether the map is empty or not.
+ //! \return True in case map is empty; false otherwise.
+ //!
+ bool IsEmpty() const __NOTHROW__;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Clear all the entries in the map.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL Clear() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! \brief Virtual Copy Constructor.
+ //! \details Makes an another object which is exact replica of the existing object.
+ // \return A shared pointer to INameSpacePrefixMap which is exact replica of the current object.
+ //!
+ virtual spINameSpacePrefixMap APICALL Clone() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to INameSpacePrefixMap interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pINameSpacePrefixMap APICALL GetActualINameSpacePrefixMap() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcINameSpacePrefixMap GetActualINameSpacePrefixMap() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< INameSpacePrefixMap_v1 * >( this )->GetActualINameSpacePrefixMap();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to INameSpacePrefixMap_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pINameSpacePrefixMap_I APICALL GetINameSpacePrefixMap_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcINameSpacePrefixMap_I GetINameSpacePrefixMap_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< INameSpacePrefixMap_v1 * >( this )->GetINameSpacePrefixMap_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer. The raw pointer is of version 1 interface
+ //! where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spINameSpacePrefixMap MakeShared( pINameSpacePrefixMap_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcINameSpacePrefixMap MakeShared( pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pINameSpacePrefixMap_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kINameSpacePrefixMapID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ // static factory functions
+ //!
+ //! @brief Provides the default mapping of prefix string and nameSpace strings used by XMPCore.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const INameSpacePrefixMap object containing all the mappings used
+ //! as default by the XMPCore.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcINameSpacePrefixMap GetDefaultNameSpacePrefixMap();
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an empty namespace - prefix map and returns it to the client as a shared pointer.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to an empty INameSpacePrefixMap object.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spINameSpacePrefixMap CreateNameSpacePrefixMap();
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~INameSpacePrefixMap_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ const uint32 kPrefixIsParameter = 0;
+ const uint32 kNameSpaceIsParameter = 1;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL insert( const char * prefix, sizet prefixLength, const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL remove( uint32 keyType, const char * key, sizet keyLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL isPresent( uint32 keyType, const char * key, sizet keyLength, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL get( uint32 keyType, const char * key, sizet keyLength, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINameSpacePrefixMap_base APICALL clone( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // INameSpacePrefixMap_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/INode.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/INode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59b64bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/INode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+#ifndef __INode_h__
+#define __INode_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/ISharedObject.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IVersionable.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IThreadSafe.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! \brief Version1 of the interface that serves as a base interface to all types of nodes in the XMP DOM.
+ //! \details Provides all the functions to get various properties of the node.
+ //! \attention Support multi threading through locks but can be enabled/disabled by the client. By default
+ //! every object created does not support multi-threading.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC INode_v1
+ : public virtual ISharedObject
+ , public virtual IVersionable
+ , public virtual IThreadSafe
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates various types of node available in XMP Data Model like simple, array and structure.
+ //!
+ typedef enum {
+ //! Indicates none, to be used as invalid type.
+ kNTNone = 0,
+ //! XMP Node is of Simple Node type (key value pair).
+ kNTSimple = 1,
+ //! XMP Node is of Array type. Indexing start from 1.
+ kNTArray = 1 << 1,
+ //! XMP Node is of structure type.
+ kNTStructure = 1 << 2,
+ //! XMP Node of any type
+ kNTAll = kAllBits
+ } eNodeType;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the node type of the node.
+ //! \return An object of type \#eNodeType indicating the type of the node.
+ //!
+ virtual eNodeType APICALL GetNodeType() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the node type of the node's parent.
+ //! \return An object of type \#eNodeType indicating the type of the node.
+ //! \note \#eNodeType::kNTNone is returned in case node has no parent.
+ //!
+ virtual eNodeType APICALL GetParentNodeType() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Gets the parent node of the node.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to INode interface.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to either a const or non const \#AdobeXMPCore::INode representing the parent of the node.
+ //! \note Returns an invalid shared pointer in case the node is a root node or it is not part of tree.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcINode GetParent() const {
+ return const_cast< INode_v1 * >( this )->GetParent();
+ }
+ virtual spINode APICALL GetParent() = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Changes the local name of the node.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \attention Error can be thrown in case
+ //! - name is NULL pointer or its contents are empty
+ //! - name is not valid XML property name.
+ //! - Sibling with the same combination of name and nameSpace is present.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL SetName( const char * name, sizet nameLength ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the local name of the node.
+ //! \return a shared pointer to const \#AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String representing the name of the node.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetName() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Changes the name space of the node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \attention Error can be thrown in case
+ //! - nameSpace is NULL pointer or its contents are empty
+ //! - Sibling with the same combination of name and nameSpace is present.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL SetNameSpace( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the name space of the node.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const \#AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String representing the name space of the node.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetNameSpace() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the path of the node from the root of the metadata.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to \#AdobeXMPCore::IPath representing the path of the node.
+ //!
+ virtual spIPath APICALL GetPath() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the count of the qualifiers attached with the node
+ //! \return An object of type \#AdobeXMPCommon::sizet containing the count of qualifiers attached with the node.
+ //!
+ virtual sizet APICALL QualifiersCount() const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! Get an iterator object to iterate over all the qualifier nodes attached to the composite node.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a const or non const \#INodeIterator object.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcINodeIterator QualifiersIterator() const {
+ return const_cast< INode_v1 * >( this )->QualifiersIterator();
+ }
+ virtual spINodeIterator APICALL QualifiersIterator() = 0;
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the type of the node's qualifier having specified namespace and name.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return An object of type \#eNodeType indicating the type of the node's qualifier.
+ //! \note In case no qualifier exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination then an \#eNodeType::kNTNode is returned.
+ //!
+ virtual eNodeType APICALL GetQualifierNodeType( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Gets the qualifier of the node having specified namespace and name.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to either a const or const qualifier node.
+ //! \note In case no qualifier exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination then an invalid shared pointer
+ //! is returned.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcINode GetQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const {
+ return const_cast< INode_v1 * >( this )->GetQualifier( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ virtual spINode APICALL GetQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) = 0;
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get the node's qualifier having specified name space and name as simple node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const or non const \#ISimpleNode object containing qualifier.
+ //! \note In case no qualifier exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination then an invalid shared pointer
+ //! is returned.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - a qualifier exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination but is not a simple node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcISimpleNode GetSimpleQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const {
+ auto node = GetQualifier( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToSimpleNode();
+ return spcISimpleNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spISimpleNode GetSimpleQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ auto node = GetQualifier( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToSimpleNode();
+ return spISimpleNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get the node's qualifier having specified name space and name as structure node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const or non const \#IStructureNode object containing qualifier.
+ //! \note In case no qualifier exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination then an invalid shared pointer
+ //! is returned.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - a qualifier exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination but is not a structure node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIStructureNode GetStructureQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const {
+ auto node = GetQualifier( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToStructureNode();
+ return spcIStructureNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spIStructureNode GetStructureQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ auto node = GetQualifier( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToStructureNode();
+ return spIStructureNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get the node's qualifier having specified name space and name as an array node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const or non const \#ISimpleNode object containing qualifier.
+ //! \note In case no qualifier exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination then an invalid shared pointer
+ //! is returned.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - a qualifier exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination but is not an array node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIArrayNode GetArrayQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const {
+ auto node = GetQualifier( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToArrayNode();
+ return spcIArrayNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spIArrayNode GetArrayQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ auto node = GetQualifier( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToArrayNode();
+ return spIArrayNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Inserts a given qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] node Shared pointer to an object of \#AdobeXMPCore::INode representing the qualifier node to be inserted.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in following cases:
+ //! - given qualifier node is invalid.
+ //! - given qualifier node is already a child of some other node.
+ //! - there exists a qualifier node with the same nameSpace and name combination.
+ //! - parent or any ancestor node is a qualifier node.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL InsertQualifier( const spINode & node ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Replaces a given qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] node Shared pointer to an object of \#AdobeXMPCore::INode representing the qualifier node to be inserted.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a qualifier node which is being replaced.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in following cases:
+ //! -# given qualifier node is invalid.
+ //! -# given qualifier node is already a child of some other node.
+ //! -# there exists no qualifier node with the same nameSpace and name combination.
+ //! \note Warning is raised in case the type of the old existing node is not same as that of new node.
+ //!
+ virtual spINode APICALL ReplaceQualifier( const spINode & node ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Removes the qualifier node with the specified nameSpace and name.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the qualifier node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to \#AdobeXMPCore::INode object representing qualifier node which is removed from the node.
+ //! \note In case no qualifier node exists at the given index an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //!
+ virtual spINode APICALL RemoveQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates whether the node is a direct child of an array node.
+ //! \return A bool value; true in case the node is a direct child of an array node, false otherwise.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL IsArrayItem() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates whether the node is a qualifier node.
+ //! \return A bool value; true in case the node is a qualifier node, false otherwise.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL IsQualifierNode() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the index of the node in case it is an array item.
+ //! \return The index of the node, in case it is an array item, otherwise returns 0.
+ //!
+ virtual sizet APICALL GetIndex() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates whether the node has any qualifiers associated with it.
+ //! \return A bool value; true in case the node has any qualifier associated with it, false otherwise.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL HasQualifiers() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns whether the node has any content or not.
+ //! return A bool value indicating the presence of contents in the node apart from qualifiers.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL HasContent() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns whether the node is empty.
+ //! return A bool value indicating whether the contents and qualifiers of a node are empty.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL IsEmpty() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the status about any change done to the node or its children or qualifiers.
+ //! returns a bool value indicating whether some changes have been performed on the node or its children or qualifiers.
+ //! for a simple node, true will be returned in scenarios like when the node's value or qualifiers are modified.
+ //! for an array node or a structure node, true will be returned in scenarios like when the node's children or the node's qualifiers are modified.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL HasChanged() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Acknowledges that changes for the node and its children and qualifiers have been taken care of.
+ //! for a simple node, changes that will be acknowledged in scenarios like when the node's value or node's qualifiers were modified.
+ //! for an array node or a structure node, changes will be acknowledged in scenarios like when the node's children were or the node's qualifiers were modified.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL AcknowledgeChanges() const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Clear the contents of the node.
+ //! \param[in] contents A bool value controlling whether contents of the node should be cleared or not.
+ //! \param[in] qualifiers A bool value controlling whether qualifiers of the node should be cleared or not.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL Clear( bool contents = true, bool qualifiers = true ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts Node to a simple node, if possible.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non const ISimpleNode object. An empty simple node is thrown in case actual node is not a simple node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcISimpleNode ConvertToSimpleNode() const {
+ return const_cast< INode_v1 * >( this )->ConvertToSimpleNode();
+ }
+ virtual spISimpleNode APICALL ConvertToSimpleNode() = 0;
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts Node to a structure node type, if possible.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non const IStructureNode object. An empty structure node is thrown in case actual node is not a structure node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIStructureNode ConvertToStructureNode() const {
+ return const_cast< INode_v1 * >( this )->ConvertToStructureNode();
+ }
+ virtual spIStructureNode APICALL ConvertToStructureNode() = 0;
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts Node to an array node type, if possible.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non const IArrayNode object. An empty array node is thrown in case actual node is not an array node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIArrayNode ConvertToArrayNode() const {
+ return const_cast< INode_v1 * >( this )->ConvertToArrayNode();
+ }
+ virtual spIArrayNode APICALL ConvertToArrayNode() = 0;
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts Node to a metadata node type, if possible.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non const IMetadata object. An empty metadata node is thrown in case actual node is not a metadata node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIMetadata ConvertToMetadata() const {
+ return const_cast< INode_v1 * >( this )->ConvertToMetadata();
+ }
+ virtual spIMetadata APICALL ConvertToMetadata() = 0;
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Virtual copy constructor
+ //! @details Clones the node creating an exact replica of the node which is not part of any metadata tree.
+ //! \param[in] ignoreEmptyNodes A bool value controlling whether to clone empty nodes or not.
+ //! \param[in] ignoreNodesWithOnlyQualifiers A bool value controlling whether presence of only qualifiers should mark
+ //! node as non empty.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to newly created replica of the node.
+ //!
+ virtual spINode APICALL Clone( bool ignoreEmptyNodes = false, bool ignoreNodesWithOnlyQualifiers = false ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to INode interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pINode APICALL GetActualINode() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcINode GetActualINode() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< INode_v1 * >( this )->GetActualINode();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to INode_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pINode_I APICALL GetINode_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcINode_I GetINode_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< INode_v1 * >( this )->GetINode_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer. The raw pointer is of version 1 interface
+ //! where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spINode MakeShared( pINode_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcINode MakeShared( pcINode_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pINode_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kINodeID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~INode_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getParentNodeType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL getParent( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual void APICALL setName( const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getName( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual void APICALL setNameSpace( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getNameSpace( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pIPath_base APICALL getPath( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINodeIterator_base APICALL qualifiersIterator( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getQualifierNodeType( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL getQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual void APICALL insertQualifier( pINode_base base, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL replaceQualifier( pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL removeQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getNodeType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL isArrayItem( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL isQualifierNode( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual sizet APICALL getIndex( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL hasQualifiers( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL hasContent( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL isEmpty( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL hasChanged( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual void APICALL clear( uint32 contents, uint32 qualifiers, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL clone( uint32 igoreEmptyNodes, uint32 ignoreNodesWithOnlyQualifiers, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pISimpleNode_base APICALL convertToSimpleNode( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pIStructureNode_base APICALL convertToStructureNode( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pIArrayNode_base APICALL convertToArrayNode( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pIMetadata_base APICALL convertToMetadata( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //! @}
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+ namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class INodeProxy
+ : public virtual INode
+ {
+ private:
+ pINode mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ INodeProxy( pINode ptr );
+ ~INodeProxy() __NOTHROW__ ;
+ pINode APICALL GetActualINode() __NOTHROW__;
+ void APICALL Acquire() const __NOTHROW__;
+ void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__;
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pISharedObject_I APICALL GetISharedObject_I() __NOTHROW__;
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pINode_I APICALL GetINode_I() __NOTHROW__;
+ pvoid APICALL GetInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion );
+ virtual eNodeType APICALL GetParentNodeType() const;
+ virtual spINode APICALL GetParent();
+ virtual void APICALL SetName( const char * name, sizet nameLength );
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetName() const;
+ virtual void APICALL SetNameSpace( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength );
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetNameSpace() const;
+ virtual spIPath APICALL GetPath() const;
+ virtual sizet APICALL QualifiersCount() const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual spINodeIterator APICALL QualifiersIterator();
+ virtual eNodeType APICALL GetQualifierNodeType( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const;
+ virtual spINode APICALL GetQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength );
+ virtual void APICALL InsertQualifier( const spINode & node );
+ virtual spINode APICALL ReplaceQualifier( const spINode & node );
+ virtual spINode APICALL RemoveQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength );
+ virtual eNodeType APICALL GetNodeType() const;
+ virtual bool APICALL IsArrayItem() const;
+ virtual bool APICALL IsQualifierNode() const;
+ virtual sizet APICALL GetIndex() const;
+ virtual bool APICALL HasQualifiers() const;
+ virtual bool APICALL HasContent() const;
+ virtual bool APICALL IsEmpty() const;
+ virtual bool APICALL HasChanged() const;
+ virtual void APICALL AcknowledgeChanges() const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual void APICALL Clear( bool contents, bool qualifiers );
+ virtual spINode APICALL Clone( bool ignoreEmptyNodes, bool ignoreNodesWithOnlyQualifiers ) const;
+ virtual void APICALL EnableThreadSafety() const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual void APICALL DisableThreadSafety() const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual bool APICALL IsThreadSafe() const;
+ virtual AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pIThreadSafe_I APICALL GetIThreadSafe_I() __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual spISimpleNode APICALL ConvertToSimpleNode();
+ virtual spIStructureNode APICALL ConvertToStructureNode();
+ virtual spIArrayNode APICALL ConvertToArrayNode();
+ virtual spIMetadata APICALL ConvertToMetadata();
+ protected:
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL getParent( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual void APICALL setName( const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getName( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual void APICALL setNameSpace( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getNameSpace( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pIPath_base APICALL getPath( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pINodeIterator_base APICALL qualifiersIterator( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL getQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual void APICALL insertQualifier( pINode_base base, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL replaceQualifier( pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL removeQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getNodeType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL isArrayItem( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL isQualifierNode( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual sizet APICALL getIndex( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL hasQualifiers( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL hasContent( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL isEmpty( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL hasChanged( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual void APICALL clear( uint32 contents, uint32 qualifiers, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL clone( uint32 igoreEmptyNodes, uint32 ignoreNodesWithOnlyQualifiers, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL isThreadSafe() const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pISimpleNode_base APICALL convertToSimpleNode( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pIStructureNode_base APICALL convertToStructureNode( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pIArrayNode_base APICALL convertToArrayNode( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pIMetadata_base APICALL convertToMetadata( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getParentNodeType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getQualifierNodeType( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ pvoid APICALL getInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ };
+//! \endcond
+#endif // __INode_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/INodeIterator.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/INodeIterator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93bb194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/INodeIterator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#ifndef __INodeIterator_h__
+#define __INodeIterator_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/ISharedObject.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INode.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IVersionable.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! @brief Interface that represents an iterator over the mutable children of a XMP DOM Node.
+ //! \note Iterators are valid as long as their are no changes performed on the node. In case there are some
+ //! changes performed on the node then the behavior is undefined.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC INodeIterator_v1
+ : public virtual ISharedObject
+ , public virtual IVersionable
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the type of the node currently pointed by the iterator.
+ //! \return A value of type \#INode_v1::eNodeType indicating the type of the node currently pointed by the iterator.
+ //!
+ virtual INode_v1::eNodeType APICALL GetNodeType() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Gets the node currently pointed by the iterator.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a const or non const object of type \#INode.
+ //! \note In case iterator has gone beyond its limit, an invalid shared pointer is returned
+ //!
+ virtual spINode APICALL GetNode() = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcINode APICALL GetNode() const {
+ return const_cast< INodeIterator * >( this )->GetNode();
+ };
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Gets the iterator's currently pointed node as simple node, if possible.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a const or non const object of type \#ISimpleNode.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - iterator's currently pointed node is valid but is not a simple node.
+ //! \note In case iterator has gone beyond its limit, an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spISimpleNode GetSimpleNode() {
+ auto node = GetNode();
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToSimpleNode();
+ return spISimpleNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcISimpleNode GetSimpleNode() const {
+ return const_cast< INodeIterator * >( this )->GetSimpleNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the iterator's currently pointed node as structure node, if possible.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a const or non const object of type \#IStructureNode.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - iterator's currently pointed node is valid but is not a structure node.
+ //! \note In case iterator has gone beyond its limit, an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spIStructureNode GetStructureNode() {
+ auto node = GetNode();
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToStructureNode();
+ return spIStructureNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIStructureNode GetStructureNode() const {
+ return const_cast< INodeIterator * >( this )->GetStructureNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the iterator's currently pointed node as an array node, if possible.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a const or non const object of type \#IArrayNode.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - iterator's currently pointed node is valid but is not an array node.
+ //! \note In case iterator has gone beyond its limit, an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spIArrayNode GetArrayNode() {
+ auto node = GetNode();
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToArrayNode();
+ return spIArrayNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIArrayNode GetArrayNode() const {
+ return const_cast< INodeIterator * >( this )->GetArrayNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Advances iterator by one position.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a const or non object of type \#INodeIterator.
+ //! \note Returned shared pointer is invalid in case the current node is the last one.
+ //!
+ virtual spINodeIterator APICALL Next() = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcINodeIterator APICALL Next() const {
+ return const_cast< INodeIterator * >( this )->Next();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to INodeIterator interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pINodeIterator APICALL GetActualINodeIterator() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcINodeIterator GetActualINodeIterator() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< INodeIterator * >( this )->GetActualINodeIterator();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to INodeIterator_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pINodeIterator_I APICALL GetINodeIterator_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcINodeIterator_I GetINodeIterator_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< INodeIterator * >( this )->GetINodeIterator_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spINodeIterator MakeShared( pINodeIterator ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcINodeIterator MakeShared( pcINodeIterator ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pINodeIterator >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! return the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kINodeIteratorID; }
+ //!
+ //! return the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~INodeIterator_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getNodeType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL getNode( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINodeIterator_base APICALL next( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // __INodeIterator_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IPath.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IPath.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f55853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IPath.h
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+#ifndef __IPath_h__
+#define __IPath_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/ISharedObject.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IVersionable.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! @brief Version1 of the interface that provides an easy iterative description of a specific path into the XMP tree.
+ //! @details Path consists of multiple path segments in an order and each \#IPathSegment represents one segment
+ //! of the path into the XMP tree.
+ //! Provides all the functions to create path and get the various properties of a path.
+ //! \attention Do not support multi-threading.
+ //! \note Index in the path are 1-based.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC IPath_v1
+ : public virtual ISharedObject
+ , public virtual IVersionable
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Registers a map of namespace and prefix with the object.
+ //! This map will be used during serialization and parsing.
+ //! \param[in] map A shared pointer of an object \#AdobeXMPCore::INameSpacePrefixMap.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to the const map registered previously with the object.
+ //!
+ virtual spcINameSpacePrefixMap APICALL RegisterNameSpacePrefixMap( const spcINameSpacePrefixMap & map ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Serializes the IPath object to a utf8 string representation. This will produce either a long form of the path using
+ //! the full namespace strings or short form of the path using the prefix for the namespace.
+ //! \param[in] map A shared pointer to a const \#AdobeXMPCore::INameSpacePrefixMap object which can contain the
+ //! mapping for nameSpaces to prefixes. They will take precedence over the map registered with the object.
+ //! \return A shard pointer to \#AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String object containing serialized form of path.
+ //! \note In case map is not a valid shared pointer all the mappings will be picked from the map registered with the object.
+ //! If neither a map is registered nor it is provided in the arguments then it will serialize to long form of the path.
+ //! \attention Error will be thrown in case
+ //! - no prefix exists for a namespace used in the path.
+ //!
+ virtual spIUTF8String APICALL Serialize( const spcINameSpacePrefixMap & map = spcINameSpacePrefixMap() ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Appends a path segment to the path.
+ //! \param[in] segment A shared pointer to a const \#AdobeXMPCore::IPathSegment object.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - segment is not a valid shared pointer.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL AppendPathSegment( const spcIPathSegment & segment ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Removes a path segment from the path.
+ //! \param[in] index Indicates the index of the path segment to be removed.
+ //! \returns A shared pointer to the const path segment removed.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - index is out of bounds.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIPathSegment APICALL RemovePathSegment( sizet index ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the path segment at a particular index in the path
+ //! \param[in] index Indicates the index for the path segment in the path.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a const path segment.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! -index is out of bounds.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIPathSegment APICALL GetPathSegment( sizet index ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the number of the path segments in the path.
+ //! \return The count of the path segments in the path.
+ //!
+ virtual sizet APICALL Size() const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief To check whether path is empty or not.
+ //! \returns A bool object indicating true in case the path is empty (no path segment)
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE bool IsEmpty() const {
+ return Size() == 0;
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Clears the path by removing all the path segments from it
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL Clear() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets a new path having a selected range of path segments
+ //! \param[in] startingIndex Indicates the starting index of the path segment to be part of the returned path object. Default value is 1.
+ //! \param[in] countOfSegments Indicates the count of the path segments to be part of the returned path object starting from startingIndex.
+ //! Default value is \#AdobeXMPCommon::kMaxSize.
+ //! \note In case countOfSegments is more than the number of segments available in the path object starting from the starting index
+ //! then internally it is truncated to the number of path segments available.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - startingIndex is more than the count of segments in the object.
+ //!
+ virtual spIPath APICALL Clone( sizet startingIndex = 1, sizet countOfSegments = kMaxSize ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IPath interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pIPath APICALL GetActualIPath() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcIPath GetActualIPath() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IPath_v1 * >( this )->GetActualIPath();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IPath_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIPath_I APICALL GetIPath_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcIPath_I GetIPath_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IPath_v1 * >( this )->GetIPath_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer. The raw pointer is of version 1 interface
+ //! where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIPath MakeShared( pIPath_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIPath MakeShared( pcIPath_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pIPath_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kIPathID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ // static factory functions
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an empty IPath object.
+ //! \return a shared pointer to an empty IPath object
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIPath CreatePath();
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates a path from a char buffer which contains the serialized path.
+ //! \param[in] path Pointer to a const char buffer containing serialized form of the path.
+ //! \param[in] pathLength Number of characters in the path. In case path in null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] map A shared pointer to a const \#AdobeXMPCore::IXMPNameSpacePrefixMap object which will contain the
+ //! mapping from nameSpaces to prefixes.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a \#AdobeXMPCore::IPath object.
+ //! \note In case the serializedPath is NULL or the contents are empty then it will result in an empty path.
+ //! \note This operation is currently not implemented for the IPath interface.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - no mapping exists for a prefix to name space.
+ //! - path contains invalid data.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIPath ParsePath( const char * path, sizet pathLength, const spcINameSpacePrefixMap & map );
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~IPath_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ virtual pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base APICALL registerNameSpacePrefixMap( pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base map, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pIUTF8String_base APICALL serialize( pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base map, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual void APICALL appendPathSegment( pcIPathSegment_base segment, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pcIPathSegment_base APICALL removePathSegment( sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pcIPathSegment_base APICALL getPathSegment( sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pIPath_base APICALL clone( sizet startingIndex, sizet countOfSegemetns, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // __IPath_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IPathSegment.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IPathSegment.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dd9ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IPathSegment.h
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#ifndef __IPathSegment_h__
+#define __IPathSegment_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/ISharedObject.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IVersionable.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! @brief Version1 of the interface that represents one segment in a path to a node into the XMP tree.
+ //! @details Provides all the functions to access properties of the path segment and factory functions
+ //! to create various kinds of path segments.
+ //! \attention Not thread safe and not required as only read only access is provided to client.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC IPathSegment_v1
+ : public virtual ISharedObject
+ , public virtual IVersionable
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief This enumeration represents the types of a path segment.
+ //!
+ typedef enum {
+ //! None type
+ kPSTNone = 0,
+ //! Any property that consists of namespace and a localName
+ kPSTProperty = 1,
+ //! An array index which does not have a namespace or localName itself
+ kPSTArrayIndex = 1 << 1,
+ //! A qualifier of a property, also consists of namespace and localName
+ kPSTQualifier = 1 << 2,
+ //! Selects a specific qualifier by its value (e.g. specific language)
+ kPSTQualifierSelector = 1 << 3,
+ //! Represents all property types
+ kPSTAll = kAllBits
+ } ePathSegmentType;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the name space of the path segment.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const \#AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String object representing namespace of the path segment.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetNameSpace() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the name of the path segment.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const \#AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String object containing name of the path segment. In case
+ //! path segment has no name space, an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetName() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the type of the path segment.
+ //! \return An object of type \#ePathSegmentType representing type of the path segment.
+ //!
+ virtual ePathSegmentType APICALL GetType() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the index of the array type path segment.
+ //! \return An objet of type \#AdobeXMPCommon::sizet object representing index of the array type path segment. In case
+ //! path segment is not of type kPSTArrayIndex, it returns \#AdobeXMPCommon::kMaxSize.
+ //!
+ virtual sizet APICALL GetIndex() const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the value of the qualifier type path segment.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const \#AdobeXMP::IUTF8String object representing value of the qualifier type path segment.
+ //! In case path segment is not of type kPSTQualifier an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetValue() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IPathSegment interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pIPathSegment APICALL GetActualIPathSegment() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcIPathSegment GetActualIPathSegment() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IPathSegment_v1 * >( this )->GetActualIPathSegment();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IPathSegment_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIPathSegment_I APICALL GetIPathSegment_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcIPathSegment_I GetIPathSegment_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IPathSegment_v1 * >( this )->GetIPathSegment_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer.
+ //! @details The raw pointer is of version 1 interface
+ //! where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIPathSegment MakeShared( pIPathSegment_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIPathSegment MakeShared( pcIPathSegment_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pIPathSegment_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kIPathSegmentID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ // static factory functions
+ // Factories to create the specific segments
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates a normal property path segment.These are essentially all properties (simple, struct and arrays).
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const \#IPathSegment.
+ //! \attention Throws \#AdobeXMPCommon::pcIError in case
+ //! - pointers to const char buffers are NULL,
+ //! - their content is empty.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIPathSegment CreatePropertyPathSegment( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength );
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an array index path segment that denotes a specific element of an array.
+ //! @details Such segments do not have an own name and inherits the namespace from the Array property itself.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] index An object of type \#AdobeXMP::sizet containting the index of the array element.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const \#IPathSegment.
+ //! \attention Throws \#AdobeXMP::pcIError in case
+ //! - pointers to const char buffers are NULL,
+ //! - their content is empty.
+ //!
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIPathSegment CreateArrayIndexPathSegment( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, sizet index );
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates a Qualifier path segment, which behaves like a normal property
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const \#IPathSegment.
+ //! \attention Throws \#AdobeXMPCommon::pcIError in case
+ //! - pointers to const char buffers are NULL,
+ //! - their content is empty.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIPathSegment CreateQualifierPathSegment( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength );
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates a path segment that selects a specific qualifier by its value.
+ //! For example a specific language in a alternative array of languages.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the property.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] value Pointer to a constant char buffer containing value of the language (xml:lang)
+ //! \param[in] valueLength Number of characters in value. In case value is null terminated set it to \#AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const \#IPathSegment.
+ //! \attention Throws #AdobeXMPCommon::pcIError in case
+ //! - pointers to const char buffers are NULL,
+ //! - their content is empty.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIPathSegment CreateQualifierSelectorPathSegment( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name,
+ sizet nameLength, const char * value, sizet valueLength );
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~IPathSegment_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getNameSpace( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getName( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getValue( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // __IPathSegment_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/ISimpleNode.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/ISimpleNode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d154d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/ISimpleNode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#ifndef __ISimpleNode_h__
+#define __ISimpleNode_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INode.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! \brief Version1 of the interface that represents a Simple Property Node of XMP DOM.
+ //! \details Provides all the functions to get and set various properties of the simple node.
+ //! \attention Support multi threading through locks but can be enabled/disabled by the client. By default
+ //! every object created does not support multi-threading.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC ISimpleNode_v1
+ : public virtual INode_v1
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the value of the simple property node.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String object containing value string
+ //! of the simple property node.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetValue() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Changes the value string of the simple property node.
+ //! \param[in] value Pointer to a constant char buffer containing value of the simple node.
+ //! \param[in] valueLength Number of characters in value. In case name is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \note In case the value is null pointer or its contents are empty than the value is set to empty string.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL SetValue( const char * value, sizet valueLength ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates whether the simple property node is of URI type.
+ //! \return A bool value; true in case the simple node is of URI type, false otherwise.
+ //!
+ virtual bool APICALL IsURIType() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Controls whether the type of simple property node should be of IsURI type or not.
+ //! \param[in] isURI A bool value controlling the IsURI type of the simple property node
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL SetURIType( bool isURI ) = 0;
+ // Factories to create the simple node
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates a simple property node which is not part of any metadata document.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the simple node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the simple node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] value Pointer to a constant char buffer containing value of the simple node.
+ //! \param[in] valueLength Number of characters in value. In case name is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a AdobeXMPCore::ISimpleNode object.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - nameSpace or name are NULL pointers, or
+ //! - their contents are empty.
+ //! \note In case the value is a null pointer or its contents are empty than the value is set to empty string.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spISimpleNode CreateSimpleNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength,
+ const char * value = NULL, sizet valueLength = AdobeXMPCommon::npos );
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to ISimpleNode interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pISimpleNode APICALL GetActualISimpleNode() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcISimpleNode GetActualISimpleNode() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< ISimpleNode_v1 * >( this )->GetActualISimpleNode();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to ISimpleNode_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pISimpleNode_I APICALL GetISimpleNode_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcISimpleNode_I GetISimpleNode_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< ISimpleNode_v1 * >( this )->GetISimpleNode_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer. The raw pointer is of version 1 interface
+ //! where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spISimpleNode MakeShared( pISimpleNode_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcISimpleNode MakeShared( pcISimpleNode_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pISimpleNode_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kISimpleNodeID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~ISimpleNode_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getValue( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual void APICALL setValue( const char * value, sizet valueLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL isURIType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual void APICALL setURIType( uint32 isURI, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+#endif // __ISimpleNode_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IStructureNode.h b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IStructureNode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5df1f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/Interfaces/IStructureNode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+#ifndef IStructureNode_h__
+#define IStructureNode_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICompositeNode.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ //!
+ //! @brief Version1 of the interface that represents a structure Node of XMP DOM.
+ //! \details Provides all the functions to get and set various properties of the structure node.
+ //! \attention Support multi threading through locks but can be enabled/disabled by the client. By default
+ //! every object created does not support multi-threading.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC IStructureNode_v1
+ : public virtual ICompositeNode_v1
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Gets the type of the node's child having specified namespace and name.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the child node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the child node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return An object of type #eNodeType indicating the type of the node's child.
+ //! \note In case no child exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination then an eNodeType::kNTNone is returned.
+ //!
+ virtual eNodeType APICALL GetChildNodeType( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Gets the child of the node having specified namespace and name.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the child node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the child node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to either a const or const child node.
+ //! \note In case no child exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination then an invalid shared pointer
+ //! is returned.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcINode GetNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const {
+ return const_cast< IStructureNode_v1 * >( this )->GetNode( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ virtual spINode APICALL GetNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) = 0;
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Gets the node's child having specified name space and name as simple node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the child node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the child node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const or non const ISimpleNode object containing child.
+ //! \note In case no child exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination then an invalid shared pointer
+ //! is returned.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - a child exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination but is not a simple node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcISimpleNode GetSimpleNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const {
+ auto node = GetNode( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToSimpleNode();
+ return spcISimpleNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spISimpleNode GetSimpleNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ auto node = GetNode( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToSimpleNode();
+ return spISimpleNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Gets the node's child having specified name space and name as structure node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the child node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the child node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const or non const IStructureNode object containing child.
+ //! \note In case no child exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination then an invalid shared pointer
+ //! is returned.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - a child exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination but is not a structure node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIStructureNode GetStructureNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const {
+ auto node = GetNode( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToStructureNode();
+ return spcIStructureNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spIStructureNode GetStructureNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ auto node = GetNode( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToStructureNode();
+ return spIStructureNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Gets the node's child having specified name space and name as an array node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the child node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the child node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const or non const ISimpleNode object containing child.
+ //! \note In case no child exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination then an invalid shared pointer
+ //! is returned.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in case
+ //! - a child exists with the specified nameSpace and name combination but is not an array node.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIArrayNode GetArrayNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const {
+ auto node = GetNode( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToArrayNode();
+ return spcIArrayNode();
+ }
+ XMP_PRIVATE spIArrayNode GetArrayNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ auto node = GetNode( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ if ( node ) return node->ConvertToArrayNode();
+ return spIArrayNode();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Inserts a given node.
+ //! \param[in] node Shared pointer to an object of AdobeXMPCore::INode containing the node to be inserted.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in following cases:
+ //! -# given node is invalid.
+ //! -# given node is already a child of some other node.
+ //! -# there exists a node with the same nameSpace and name combination.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL InsertNode( const spINode & node ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Replaces a given node.
+ //! \param[in] node Shared pointer to an object of AdobeXMPCore::INode.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to the node being replaced.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in following cases:
+ //! -# given node is invalid.
+ //! -# given node is already a child of some other node.
+ //! -# there exists no node with the same nameSpace and name combination.
+ //! \note Type of the old existing node may/may not be same as that of new node.
+ //!
+ virtual spINode APICALL ReplaceNode( const spINode & node ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Removes the node with the specified nameSpace and name.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the child node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the child node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to AdobeXMPCore::INode object containing node which is removed from the tree.
+ //! \note In case no node exists with the given nameSpace and name combination an invalid shared pointer is returned.
+ //!
+ virtual spINode APICALL RemoveNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the actual raw pointer from the shared pointer, which can be a shared pointer of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IStructureNode interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pIStructureNode APICALL GetActualIStructureNode() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcIStructureNode GetActualIStructureNode() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IStructureNode_v1 * >( this )->GetActualIStructureNode();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Returns the pointer to internal interfaces.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IStructureNode_I interface.
+ //!
+ virtual AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIStructureNode_I APICALL GetIStructureNode_I() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE AdobeXMPCore_Int::pcIStructureNode_I GetIStructureNode_I() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IStructureNode_v1 * >( this )->GetIStructureNode_I();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Converts raw pointer to shared pointer. The raw pointer is of version 1 interface
+ //! where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client is interested in.
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIStructureNode MakeShared( pIStructureNode_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIStructureNode MakeShared( pcIStructureNode_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pIStructureNode_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kIStructureNodeID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ // Factories to create the structure node
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates a structure node which is not part of any metadata document.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpace Pointer to a constant char buffer containing name space URI of the structure node.
+ //! \param[in] nameSpaceLength Number of characters in nameSpace. In case nameSpace is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \param[in] name Pointer to a constant char buffer containing local name of the structure node.
+ //! \param[in] nameLength Number of characters in name. In case name is null terminated set it to AdobeXMPCommon::npos.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to a AdobeXMPCore::IStructureNode object.
+ //! \attention Error is thrown in the following cases:
+ //! -# nameSpace is NULL or its contents are empty.
+ //! -# name is NULL or its contents are empty.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIStructureNode CreateStructureNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength );
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~IStructureNode_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getChildNodeType( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL getNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual void APICALL insertNode( pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL replaceNode( pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL removeNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( push )
+ #pragma warning( disable : 4250 )
+ class IStructureNodeProxy
+ : public virtual IStructureNode
+ , public virtual ICompositeNodeProxy
+ {
+ private:
+ pIStructureNode mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ IStructureNodeProxy( pIStructureNode ptr );
+ ~IStructureNodeProxy() __NOTHROW__ ;
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIStructureNode_I APICALL GetIStructureNode_I() __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pIStructureNode APICALL GetActualIStructureNode() __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual eNodeType APICALL GetChildNodeType( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const;
+ virtual spINode APICALL GetNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength );
+ virtual void APICALL InsertNode( const spINode & node );
+ virtual spINode APICALL ReplaceNode( const spINode & node );
+ virtual spINode APICALL RemoveNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength );
+ protected:
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getChildNodeType( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL getNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual void APICALL insertNode( pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL replaceNode( pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL removeNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__;
+ };
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( pop )
+//! \endcond
+#endif // IStructureNode_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/XMPCoreDefines.h b/public/include/XMPCore/XMPCoreDefines.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbe9af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/XMPCoreDefines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#ifndef XMPCoreDefines_h__
+#define XMPCoreDefines_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+// =================================================================================================
+// XMPCoreDefines.h - Common Defines for XMP Core component
+// ================================================================
+// This header defines common definitions to be used in XMP Core component.
+// =================================================================================================
+// =================================================================================================
+// All Platform Settings
+// ===========================
+#include "XMPCommon/XMPCommonDefines.h"
+// =================================================================================================
+// Macintosh Specific Settings
+// ===========================
+#if XMP_MacBuild
+// =================================================================================================
+// IOS Specific Settings
+// ===========================
+#if XMP_iOSBuild
+// =================================================================================================
+// Windows Specific Settings
+// =========================
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+// =================================================================================================
+// UNIX Specific Settings
+// ======================
+#if XMP_UNIXBuild
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ namespace AdobeXMPCore {};
+#endif // XMPCoreDefines_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/XMPCoreErrorCodes.h b/public/include/XMPCore/XMPCoreErrorCodes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63c2f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/XMPCoreErrorCodes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#ifndef XMPCoreErrorCodes_h__
+#define XMPCoreErrorCodes_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreDefines.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/XMPCommonErrorCodes.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ typedef enum {
+ //! Indicates no error.
+ kDMECNone = 0,
+ //! Indicates that IXMPNameSpacePrefixMap has an entry missing.
+ kDMECNameSpacePrefixMapEntryMissing = 1,
+ //! Indicates that a different type of node is present than one user is expecting
+ kDMECDifferentNodeTypePresent = 2,
+ //! Indicates that node is already a child of another parent.
+ kDMECNodeAlreadyAChild = 3,
+ //! Indicates a node with the same qualified name or index already exists.
+ kDMECNodeAlreadyExists = 4,
+ //! Indicates no such node exists.
+ kDMECNoSuchNodeExists = 5,
+ //! Indicates current array element type is not same as that of other child items
+ kDMECArrayItemTypeDifferent = 6,
+ //! Indicates invalid path segment inside a path.
+ kDMECInvalidPathSegment = 7,
+ //! Indicates Bad schema parameter
+ kDMECBadSchema = 101,
+ //! Indicates Bad XPath parameter
+ kDMECBadXPath = 102,
+ //! Indicates Bad options parameter
+ kDMECBadOptions = 103,
+ //! Indicates Bad iteration position
+ kDMECBadIterPosition = 104,
+ //! Indicates Unicode error
+ kDMECBadUnicode = 105,
+ //! Indicates XMP format error
+ kDMECValidationError = 106,
+ //! Indicates Empty iterator
+ kDMECEmptyIterator = 107,
+ //! Maximum value this enum can hold, should be treated as invalid value.
+ kDMECMaxValue = kMaxEnumValue
+ } eDataModelErrorCode;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates various errors encountered during parsing.
+ //!
+ typedef enum {
+ //! Indicates no error.
+ kPECNone = 0,
+ //! Indicates XML parsing error.
+ kPECBadXML = 1,
+ //! RDF format error
+ kPECBadRDF = 2,
+ //! XMP format error
+ kPECBadXMP = 3,
+ //! Context Node is invalid
+ kPECInvalidContextNode = 4,
+ //! Context Node is not a composite node
+ kPECContextNodeIsNonComposite = 5,
+ //! Parent of Context Node is not an array node
+ kPECContextNodeParentIsNonArray = 6,
+ //! Maximum value this enum can hold, should be treated as invalid value.
+ kPECMaxValue = kMaxEnumValue
+ } eParserErrorCode;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates various errors encountered during serialization.
+ //!
+ typedef enum {
+ //! Indicates no error.
+ kSECNone = 0,
+ //! Indicates serialization failed to achieve size requirement.
+ kSECSizeExceed = 1,
+ //! Indicates un registered namespace encountered during serialization.
+ kSECUnRegisteredNameSpace = 2,
+ //! Maximum value this enum can hold, should be treated as invalid value.
+ kSECMaxValue = kMaxEnumValue
+ } eSerializerErrorCode;
+#endif // XMPCoreErrorCodes_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h b/public/include/XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65a38cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/XMPCoreFwdDeclarations.h
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#ifndef XMPCoreFwdDeclarations_h__
+#define XMPCoreFwdDeclarations_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreDefines.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/XMPCommonFwdDeclarations.h"
+#include "XMPCore/XMPCoreLatestInterfaceVersions.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ using namespace AdobeXMPCommon;
+ // INameSpacePrefixMap
+ class INameSpacePrefixMap_v1;
+ typedef INameSpacePrefixMap_v1 INameSpacePrefixMap_base;
+ typedef INameSpacePrefixMap_v1 * pINameSpacePrefixMap_base;
+ typedef const INameSpacePrefixMap_v1 * pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( INameSpacePrefixMap, INAMESPACEPREFIXMAP_VERSION ) INameSpacePrefixMap;
+ typedef INameSpacePrefixMap * pINameSpacePrefixMap;
+ typedef const INameSpacePrefixMap * pcINameSpacePrefixMap;
+ typedef shared_ptr< INameSpacePrefixMap > spINameSpacePrefixMap;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const INameSpacePrefixMap > spcINameSpacePrefixMap;
+ static const uint64 kINameSpacePrefixMapID ( 0x634e5350724d6170 /* cNSPrMap */ );
+ // IPathSegment
+ class IPathSegment_v1;
+ typedef IPathSegment_v1 IPathSegment_base;
+ typedef IPathSegment_v1 * pIPathSegment_base;
+ typedef const IPathSegment_v1 * pcIPathSegment_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( IPathSegment, IPATHSEGMENT_VERSION ) IPathSegment;
+ typedef IPathSegment * pIPathSegment;
+ typedef const IPathSegment * pcIPathSegment;
+ typedef shared_ptr< IPathSegment > spIPathSegment;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const IPathSegment > spcIPathSegment;
+ static const uint64 kIPathSegmentID ( 0x6350617468536567 /* cPathSeg */ );
+ // IPath
+ class IPath_v1;
+ typedef IPath_v1 IPath_base;
+ typedef IPath_v1 * pIPath_base;
+ typedef const IPath_v1 * pcIPath_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( IPath, IPATH_VERSION ) IPath;
+ typedef IPath * pIPath;
+ typedef const IPath * pcIPath;
+ typedef shared_ptr< IPath > spIPath;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const IPath > spcIPath;
+ static const uint64 kIPathID ( 0x6350617468202020 /* cPath */ );
+ // INode
+ class INode_v1;
+ typedef INode_v1 INode_base;
+ typedef INode_v1 * pINode_base;
+ typedef const INode_v1 * pcINode_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( INode, INODE_VERSION ) INode;
+ typedef INode * pINode;
+ typedef const INode * pcINode;
+ typedef shared_ptr< INode > spINode;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const INode > spcINode;
+ static const uint64 kINodeID ( 0x634e6f6465202020 /* cNode */ );
+ // ISimpleNode
+ class ISimpleNode_v1;
+ typedef ISimpleNode_v1 ISimpleNode_base;
+ typedef ISimpleNode_v1 * pISimpleNode_base;
+ typedef const ISimpleNode_v1 * pcISimpleNode_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( ISimpleNode, ISIMPLENODE_VERSION ) ISimpleNode;
+ typedef ISimpleNode * pISimpleNode;
+ typedef const ISimpleNode * pcISimpleNode;
+ typedef shared_ptr< ISimpleNode > spISimpleNode;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const ISimpleNode > spcISimpleNode;
+ static const uint64 kISimpleNodeID ( 0x63536d6c4e6f6465 /* cSmlNode */ );
+ // ICompositeNode
+ class ICompositeNode_v1;
+ typedef ICompositeNode_v1 ICompositeNode_base;
+ typedef ICompositeNode_v1 * pICompositeNode_base;
+ typedef const ICompositeNode_v1 * pcICompositeNode_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( ICompositeNode, ICOMPOSITENODE_VERSION ) ICompositeNode;
+ typedef ICompositeNode * pICompositeNode;
+ typedef const ICompositeNode * pcICompositeNode;
+ typedef shared_ptr< ICompositeNode > spICompositeNode;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const ICompositeNode > spcICompositeNode;
+ static const uint64 kICompositeNodeID ( 0x63436d704e6f6465 /* cCmpNode */ );
+ // IStructureNode
+ class IStructureNode_v1;
+ typedef IStructureNode_v1 IStructureNode_base;
+ typedef IStructureNode_v1 * pIStructureNode_base;
+ typedef const IStructureNode_v1 * pcIStructureNode_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( IStructureNode, ISTRUCTURENODE_VERSION ) IStructureNode;
+ typedef IStructureNode * pIStructureNode;
+ typedef const IStructureNode * pcIStructureNode;
+ typedef shared_ptr< IStructureNode > spIStructureNode;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const IStructureNode > spcIStructureNode;
+ static const uint64 kIStructureNodeID ( 0x635374724e6f6465 /* cStrNode */ );
+ // IArrayNode
+ class IArrayNode_v1;
+ typedef IArrayNode_v1 IArrayNode_base;
+ typedef IArrayNode_v1 * pIArrayNode_base;
+ typedef const IArrayNode_v1 * pcIArrayNode_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( IArrayNode, IARRAYNODE_VERSION ) IArrayNode;
+ typedef IArrayNode * pIArrayNode;
+ typedef const IArrayNode * pcIArrayNode;
+ typedef shared_ptr< IArrayNode > spIArrayNode;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const IArrayNode > spcIArrayNode;
+ static const uint64 kIArrayNodeID ( 0x634172724e6f6465 /* cArrNode */ );
+ // INodeIterator
+ class INodeIterator_v1;
+ typedef INodeIterator_v1 INodeIterator_base;
+ typedef INodeIterator_v1 * pINodeIterator_base;
+ typedef const INodeIterator_v1 * pcINodeIterator_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS(INodeIterator, INODEITERATOR_VERSION) INodeIterator;
+ typedef INodeIterator * pINodeIterator;
+ typedef const INodeIterator * pcINodeIterator;
+ typedef shared_ptr< INodeIterator > spINodeIterator;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const INodeIterator > spcINodeIterator;
+ static const uint64 kINodeIteratorID (0x634e6f6465497420 /* cNodeIt */);
+ // IMetadata
+ class IMetadata_v1;
+ typedef IMetadata_v1 IMetadata_base;
+ typedef IMetadata_v1 * pIMetadata_base;
+ typedef const IMetadata_v1 * pcIMetadata_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( IMetadata, IMETADATA_VERSION ) IMetadata;
+ typedef IMetadata * pIMetadata;
+ typedef const IMetadata * pcIMetadata;
+ typedef shared_ptr< IMetadata > spIMetadata;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const IMetadata > spcIMetadata;
+ static const uint64 kIMetadataID ( 0x634d657461646174 /* cMetadat */ );
+ // IClientDOMParser
+ class IClientDOMParser_v1;
+ typedef IClientDOMParser_v1 IClientDOMParser_base;
+ typedef IClientDOMParser_v1 * pIClientDOMParser_base;
+ typedef const IClientDOMParser_v1 * pcIClientDOMParser_base;
+ typedef IClientDOMParser * pIClientDOMParser;
+ typedef const IClientDOMParser * pcIClientDOMParser;
+ // IClientDOMSerializer
+ class IClientDOMSerializer_v1;
+ typedef IClientDOMSerializer_v1 IClientDOMSerializer_base;
+ typedef IClientDOMSerializer_v1 * pIClientDOMSerializer_base;
+ typedef const IClientDOMSerializer_v1 * pcIClientDOMSerializer_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( IClientDOMSerializer, ICLIENTDOMSERIALIZER_VERSION ) IClientDOMSerializer;
+ typedef IClientDOMSerializer * pIClientDOMSerializer;
+ typedef const IClientDOMSerializer * pcIClientDOMSerializer;
+ // IDOMParser
+ class IDOMParser_v1;
+ typedef IDOMParser_v1 IDOMParser_base;
+ typedef IDOMParser_v1 * pIDOMParser_base;
+ typedef const IDOMParser_v1 * pcIDOMParser_base;
+ typedef IDOMParser * pIDOMParser;
+ typedef const IDOMParser * pcIDOMParser;
+ typedef shared_ptr< IDOMParser > spIDOMParser;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const IDOMParser > spcIDOMParser;
+ static const uint64 kIDOMParserID ( 0x63444f4d50727372 /* cDOMPrsr */ );
+ // IDOMSerializer
+ class IDOMSerializer_v1;
+ typedef IDOMSerializer_v1 IDOMSerializer_base;
+ typedef IDOMSerializer_v1 * pIDOMSerializer_base;
+ typedef const IDOMSerializer_v1 * pcIDOMSerializer_base;
+ typedef IDOMSerializer * pIDOMSerializer;
+ typedef const IDOMSerializer * pcIDOMSerializer;
+ typedef shared_ptr< IDOMSerializer > spIDOMSerializer;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const IDOMSerializer > spcIDOMSerializer;
+ static const uint64 kIDOMSerializerID ( 0x63444f4d53726c7a /* cDOMSrlz */ );
+ // IDOMImplementationRegistry
+ class IDOMImplementationRegistry_v1;
+ typedef IDOMImplementationRegistry_v1 IDOMImplementationRegistry_base;
+ typedef IDOMImplementationRegistry_v1 * pIDOMImplementationRegistry_base;
+ typedef const IDOMImplementationRegistry_v1 * pcIDOMImplementationRegistry_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( IDOMImplementationRegistry, IDOMIMPLEMENTATIONREGISTRY_VERSION) IDOMImplementationRegistry;
+ typedef IDOMImplementationRegistry * pIDOMImplementationRegistry;
+ typedef const IDOMImplementationRegistry * pcIDOMImplementationRegistry;
+ typedef shared_ptr< IDOMImplementationRegistry > spIDOMImplementationRegistry;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const IDOMImplementationRegistry > spcIDOMImplementationRegistry;
+ static const uint64 kIDOMImplementationRegistryID ( 0x63444f4d52677374 /* cDOMRgst */ );
+ // ICoreObjectFactory
+ class ICoreObjectFactory_v1;
+ typedef ICoreObjectFactory_v1 ICoreObjectFactory_base;
+ typedef ICoreObjectFactory_v1 * pICoreObjectFactory_base;
+ typedef const ICoreObjectFactory_v1 * pcICoreObjectFactory_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( ICoreObjectFactory, ICOREOBJECTFACTORY_VERSION ) ICoreObjectFactory;
+ typedef ICoreObjectFactory * pICoreObjectFactory;
+ typedef const ICoreObjectFactory * pcICoreObjectFactory;
+ static const uint64 kICoreObjectFactoryID ( 0x634f626a46616374 /* cObjFact */ );
+ // ICoreConfigurationManager
+ class ICoreConfigurationManager_v1;
+ typedef ICoreConfigurationManager_v1 ICoreConfigurationManager_base;
+ typedef ICoreConfigurationManager_v1 * pICoreConfigurationManager_base;
+ typedef const ICoreConfigurationManager_v1 * pcICoreConfigurationManager_base;
+ typedef BASE_CLASS( ICoreConfigurationManager, ICORECONFIGURATIONMANAGER_VERSION ) ICoreConfigurationManager;
+ typedef ICoreConfigurationManager * pICoreConfigurationManager;
+ typedef const ICoreConfigurationManager * pcICoreConfigurationManager;
+ typedef shared_ptr< ICoreConfigurationManager > spICoreConfigurationManager;
+ typedef shared_ptr< const ICoreConfigurationManager > spcICoreConfigurationManager;
+ static const uint64 kICoreConfigurationManagerID ( 0x63436f6e664d6772 /* cConfMgr */ );
+namespace AdobeXMPCore_Int {
+ // INameSpacePrefixMap_I
+ class INameSpacePrefixMap_I;
+ typedef INameSpacePrefixMap_I * pINameSpacePrefixMap_I;
+ typedef const INameSpacePrefixMap_I * pcINameSpacePrefixMap_I;
+ // IPathSegment_I
+ class IPathSegment_I;
+ typedef IPathSegment_I * pIPathSegment_I;
+ typedef const IPathSegment_I * pcIPathSegment_I;
+ // IPath_I
+ class IPath_I;
+ typedef IPath_I * pIPath_I;
+ typedef const IPath_I * pcIPath_I;
+ // INode_I
+ class INode_I;
+ typedef INode_I * pINode_I;
+ typedef const INode_I * pcINode_I;
+ // ISimpleNode_I
+ class ISimpleNode_I;
+ typedef ISimpleNode_I * pISimpleNode_I;
+ typedef const ISimpleNode_I * pcISimpleNode_I;
+ // ICompositeNode_I
+ class ICompositeNode_I;
+ typedef ICompositeNode_I * pICompositeNode_I;
+ typedef const ICompositeNode_I * pcICompositeNode_I;
+ // IStructureNode_I
+ class IStructureNode_I;
+ typedef IStructureNode_I * pIStructureNode_I;
+ typedef const IStructureNode_I * pcIStructureNode_I;
+ // IArrayNode_I
+ class IArrayNode_I;
+ typedef IArrayNode_I * pIArrayNode_I;
+ typedef const IArrayNode_I * pcIArrayNode_I;
+ // INodeIterator_I
+ class INodeIterator_I;
+ typedef INodeIterator_I * pINodeIterator_I;
+ typedef const INodeIterator_I * pcINodeIterator_I;
+ // IMetadata_I
+ class IMetadata_I;
+ typedef IMetadata_I * pIMetadata_I;
+ typedef const IMetadata_I * pcIMetadata_I;
+ // IClientDOMParser_I
+ class IClientDOMParser_I;
+ typedef IClientDOMParser_I * pIClientDOMParser_I;
+ typedef const IClientDOMParser_I * pcIClientDOMParser_I;
+ // IClientDOMSerializer_I
+ class IClientDOMSerializer_I;
+ typedef IClientDOMSerializer_I * pIClientDOMSerializer_I;
+ typedef const IClientDOMSerializer_I * pcIClientDOMSerializer_I;
+ // IDOMParser_I
+ class IDOMParser_I;
+ typedef IDOMParser_I * pIDOMParser_I;
+ typedef const IDOMParser_I * pcIDOMParser_I;
+ // IDOMSerializer_I
+ class IDOMSerializer_I;
+ typedef IDOMSerializer_I * pIDOMSerializer_I;
+ typedef const IDOMSerializer_I * pcIDOMSerializer_I;
+ // IDOMImplementationRegistry_I
+ class IDOMImplementationRegistry_I;
+ typedef IDOMImplementationRegistry_I * pIDOMImplementationRegistry_I;
+ typedef const IDOMImplementationRegistry_I * pcIDOMImplementationRegistry_I;
+ // ICoreObjectFactory_I
+ class ICoreObjectFactory_I;
+ typedef ICoreObjectFactory_I * pICoreObjectFactory_I;
+ typedef const ICoreObjectFactory_I * pcICoreObjectFactory_I;
+ // ICoreConfigurationManager_I
+ class ICoreConfigurationManager_I;
+ typedef ICoreConfigurationManager_I * pICoreConfigurationManager_I;
+ typedef const ICoreConfigurationManager_I * pcICoreConfigurationManager_I;
+#endif // XMPCoreFwdDeclarations_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/XMPCoreLatestInterfaceVersions.h b/public/include/XMPCore/XMPCoreLatestInterfaceVersions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5b54bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/XMPCoreLatestInterfaceVersions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#ifndef XMPCoreLatestInterfaceVersions_h__
+#define XMPCoreLatestInterfaceVersions_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+//! @brief Macro to include a client file through with client can control the interface versions he wants to stick with
+//! if not the latest ones.
+ #endif
+ #define IPATH_VERSION 1
+ #define INODE_VERSION 1
+#endif // XMPCoreLatestInterfaceVersions_h__
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/IArrayNode.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IArrayNode.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12fd0da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IArrayNode.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class IArrayNodeProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::IArrayNodeProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IArrayNode.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( push )
+ #pragma warning( disable : 4250 )
+ class IArrayNodeProxy
+ : public virtual IArrayNode
+ , public virtual ICompositeNodeProxy
+ {
+ private:
+ pIArrayNode mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ IArrayNodeProxy( pIArrayNode ptr )
+ : mRawPtr( ptr )
+ , ICompositeNodeProxy( ptr )
+ , INodeProxy( ptr ) {}
+ ~IArrayNodeProxy() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ pIArrayNode APICALL GetActualIArrayNode() __NOTHROW__ { return mRawPtr; }
+ void APICALL Acquire() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pISharedObject_I APICALL GetISharedObject_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetISharedObject_I();
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIArrayNode_I APICALL GetIArrayNode_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetIArrayNode_I();
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL GetInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IVersionable, pvoid, pvoid, uint64, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IVersionable::getInterfacePointer, interfaceID, interfaceVersion );
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL getInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getInterfacePointer( interfaceID, interfaceVersion, error );
+ }
+ virtual eArrayForm APICALL GetArrayForm() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< IArrayNode_v1, eArrayForm, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IArrayNode_v1::getArrayForm );
+ }
+ virtual eNodeType APICALL GetChildNodeType() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< IArrayNode_v1, eNodeType, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IArrayNode_v1::getChildNodeType );
+ }
+ virtual spINode APICALL GetNodeAtIndex( sizet index ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IArrayNode_v1, pINode_base, INode, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &IArrayNode_v1::getNodeAtIndex, index );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL InsertNodeAtIndex( const spINode & node, sizet index ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningVoid< IArrayNode_v1, pINode_base, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &IArrayNode_v1::insertNodeAtIndex, node ? node->GetActualINode() : NULL, index );
+ }
+ virtual spINode APICALL RemoveNodeAtIndex( sizet index ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IArrayNode_v1, pINode_base, INode, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &IArrayNode_v1::removeNodeAtIndex, index );
+ }
+ virtual spINode APICALL ReplaceNodeAtIndex( const spINode & node, sizet index ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IArrayNode_v1, pINode_base, INode, pINode_base, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &IArrayNode_v1::replaceNodeAtIndex, node ? node->GetActualINode() :NULL, index );
+ }
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getArrayForm( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getArrayForm( error );
+ }
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL getNodeAtIndex( sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getNodeAtIndex( index, error );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL insertNodeAtIndex( pINode_base node, sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->insertNodeAtIndex( node, index, error );
+ }
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL removeNodeAtIndex( sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->removeNodeAtIndex( index, error );
+ }
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL replaceNodeAtIndex( pINode_base node, sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->replaceNodeAtIndex( node, index, error );
+ }
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getChildNodeType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getChildNodeType( error );
+ }
+ };
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( pop )
+ spIArrayNode IArrayNode_v1::MakeShared( pIArrayNode_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spIArrayNode();
+ pIArrayNode p = IArrayNode::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ? ptr->GetInterfacePointer< IArrayNode >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< IArrayNode >( new IArrayNodeProxy( p ) );
+ }
+ spIArrayNode IArrayNode_v1::CreateUnorderedArrayNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pIArrayNode_base, IArrayNode, uint32, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::CreateArrayNode, static_cast< uint32 >( IArrayNode::kAFUnordered ),
+ nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ spIArrayNode IArrayNode_v1::CreateOrderedArrayNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pIArrayNode_base, IArrayNode, uint32, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::CreateArrayNode, static_cast< uint32 >( IArrayNode::kAFOrdered ),
+ nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ spIArrayNode IArrayNode_v1::CreateAlternativeArrayNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pIArrayNode_base, IArrayNode, uint32, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::CreateArrayNode, static_cast< uint32 >( IArrayNode::kAFAlternative ),
+ nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/IClientDOMParser.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IClientDOMParser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c476782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IClientDOMParser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IClientDOMParser.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INode.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ pINode_base APICALL IClientDOMParser_v1::parse( const char * buffer, sizet bufferLength, pcIConfigurable configurationParameters, ReportErrorAndContinueABISafeProc proc, pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 0;
+ error = NULL;
+ try {
+ auto node = Parse( buffer, bufferLength, configurationParameters, proc );
+ if ( node ) {
+ node->Acquire();
+ return node->GetActualINode();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ } catch ( spcIError err ) {
+ error = err->GetActualIError();
+ error->Acquire();
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 1;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL IClientDOMParser_v1::areKeysCaseSensitive( pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 0;
+ error = NULL;
+ try {
+ return AreKeysCaseSensitive() ? 1 : 0;
+ } catch ( spcIError err ) {
+ error = err->GetActualIError();
+ error->Acquire();
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void APICALL IClientDOMParser_v1::initialize( pIConfigurable configurationParameters, pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 0;
+ error = NULL;
+ try {
+ Initialize( configurationParameters );
+ } catch ( spcIError err ) {
+ error = err->GetActualIError();
+ error->Acquire();
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL IClientDOMParser_v1::validate( const uint64 & key, uint32 dataType, const IConfigurable::CombinedDataValue & dataValue, pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 0;
+ error = NULL;
+ try {
+ return static_cast< uint32 >( Validate( key, static_cast< IConfigurable::eDataType >( dataType ), dataValue ) );
+ } catch ( spcIError err ) {
+ error = err->GetActualIError();
+ error->Acquire();
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/IClientDOMSerializer.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IClientDOMSerializer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1f9f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IClientDOMSerializer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IClientDOMSerializer.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INode.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IUTF8String.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INameSpacePrefixMap.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ void APICALL IClientDOMSerializer_v1::serialize( pINode_base node, pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base map, pcIConfigurable configurationParameters, ReportErrorAndContinueABISafeProc proc, pIUTF8String_base string, pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownErrorThrown ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ unknownErrorThrown = 0;
+ error = NULL;
+ try {
+ Serialize( INode::MakeShared( node ), INameSpacePrefixMap::MakeShared( map ), configurationParameters, proc, IUTF8String::MakeShared( string ) );
+ } catch ( spcIError err ) {
+ error = err->GetActualIError();
+ error->Acquire();
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ unknownErrorThrown = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL IClientDOMSerializer_v1::areKeysCaseSensitive( pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 0;
+ error = NULL;
+ try {
+ return AreKeysCaseSensitive() ? 1 : 0;
+ } catch ( spcIError err ) {
+ error = err->GetActualIError();
+ error->Acquire();
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void APICALL IClientDOMSerializer_v1::initialize( pIConfigurable configurationParameters, pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 0;
+ error = NULL;
+ try {
+ Initialize( configurationParameters );
+ } catch ( spcIError err ) {
+ error = err->GetActualIError();
+ error->Acquire();
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL IClientDOMSerializer_v1::validate( const uint64 & key, uint32 dataType, const IConfigurable::CombinedDataValue & dataValue, pcIError_base & error, uint32 & unknownExceptionCaught ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 0;
+ error = NULL;
+ try {
+ return static_cast< uint32 >( Validate( key, static_cast< IConfigurable::eDataType >( dataType ), dataValue ) );
+ } catch ( spcIError err ) {
+ error = err->GetActualIError();
+ error->Acquire();
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ unknownExceptionCaught = 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/ICompositeNode.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/ICompositeNode.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..603501b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/ICompositeNode.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class ICompositeNodeProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::ICompositeNodeProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICompositeNode.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IPath.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INodeIterator.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ ICompositeNodeProxy::ICompositeNodeProxy( pICompositeNode ptr )
+ : mRawPtr( ptr )
+ , INodeProxy( ptr ) {}
+ ICompositeNodeProxy::~ICompositeNodeProxy() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ pICompositeNode APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::GetActualICompositeNode() __NOTHROW__ { return mRawPtr; }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pICompositeNode_I APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::GetICompositeNode_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetICompositeNode_I();
+ }
+ INode_v1::eNodeType APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::GetNodeTypeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< ICompositeNode_v1, eNodeType, uint32, pcIPath_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &ICompositeNode_v1::getNodeTypeAtPath, path ? path->GetActualIPath() : NULL );
+ }
+ spINode APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::GetNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICompositeNode_v1, pINode_base, INode, pcIPath_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &ICompositeNode_v1::getNodeAtPath, path ? path->GetActualIPath() : NULL );
+ }
+ void APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::AppendNode( const spINode & node ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningVoid< ICompositeNode_v1, pINode_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &ICompositeNode_v1::appendNode, node ? node->GetActualINode() : NULL );
+ }
+ void APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::InsertNodeAtPath( const spINode & node, const spcIPath & path ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningVoid< ICompositeNode_v1, pINode_base, pcIPath_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &ICompositeNode_v1::insertNodeAtPath, node ? node->GetActualINode() : NULL, path ? path->GetActualIPath() : NULL );
+ }
+ spINode APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::ReplaceNodeAtPath( const spINode & node, const spcIPath & path ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICompositeNode_v1, pINode_base, INode, pINode_base, pcIPath_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &ICompositeNode_v1::replaceNodeAtPath, node ? node->GetActualINode() : NULL, path ? path->GetActualIPath() : NULL );
+ }
+ spINode APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::RemoveNodeAtPath( const spcIPath & path ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICompositeNode_v1, pINode_base, INode, pcIPath_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &ICompositeNode_v1::removeNodeAtPath, path ? path->GetActualIPath() : NULL );
+ }
+ spINodeIterator APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::Iterator() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICompositeNode_v1, pINodeIterator_base, INodeIterator >(
+ mRawPtr, &ICompositeNode_v1::iterator );
+ }
+ sizet APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::ChildCount() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->ChildCount();
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::getNodeTypeAtPath( pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getNodeTypeAtPath( path, error );
+ }
+ pINode_base APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::getNodeAtPath( pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getNodeAtPath( path, error );
+ }
+ void APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::appendNode( pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->appendNode( node, error );
+ }
+ void APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::insertNodeAtPath( pINode_base node, pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->insertNodeAtPath( node, path, error );
+ }
+ pINode_base APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::replaceNodeAtPath( pINode_base node, pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->replaceNodeAtPath( node, path, error );
+ }
+ pINode_base APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::removeNodeAtPath( pcIPath_base path, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->removeNodeAtPath( path, error );
+ }
+ pINodeIterator_base APICALL ICompositeNodeProxy::iterator( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->iterator( error );
+ }
+ spICompositeNode ICompositeNode_v1::MakeShared( pICompositeNode_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spICompositeNode();
+ pICompositeNode p = ICompositeNode::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ?
+ ptr->GetInterfacePointer< ICompositeNode >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< ICompositeNode >( new ICompositeNodeProxy( p ) );
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/ICoreConfigurationManager.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/ICoreConfigurationManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af4f74c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/ICoreConfigurationManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class ICoreConfigurationManagerProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::ICoreConfigurationManagerProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreConfigurationManager.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( push )
+ #pragma warning( disable : 4250 )
+ class ICoreConfigurationManagerProxy
+ : public virtual ICoreConfigurationManager
+ , public virtual IConfigurationManagerProxy
+ {
+ private:
+ pICoreConfigurationManager mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ ICoreConfigurationManagerProxy( pICoreConfigurationManager ptr )
+ : IConfigurationManagerProxy( ptr )
+ , mRawPtr( ptr ) {}
+ ~ICoreConfigurationManagerProxy() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ pICoreConfigurationManager APICALL GetActualICoreConfigurationManager() __NOTHROW__ { return mRawPtr; }
+ void APICALL Acquire() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pISharedObject_I APICALL GetISharedObject_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetISharedObject_I();
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pICoreConfigurationManager_I APICALL GetICoreConfigurationManager_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetICoreConfigurationManager_I();
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL GetInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IVersionable, pvoid, pvoid, uint64, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IVersionable::getInterfacePointer, interfaceID, interfaceVersion );
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL getInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getInterfacePointer( interfaceID, interfaceVersion, error );
+ }
+ };
+ spICoreConfigurationManager ICoreConfigurationManager_v1::MakeShared( pICoreConfigurationManager_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spICoreConfigurationManager();
+ pICoreConfigurationManager p = ICoreConfigurationManager::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ? ptr->GetInterfacePointer< ICoreConfigurationManager >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< ICoreConfigurationManager >( new ICoreConfigurationManagerProxy( p ) );
+ }
+ spICoreConfigurationManager ICoreConfigurationManager_v1::GetCoreConfigurationManager() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pICoreConfigurationManager_base, ICoreConfigurationManager >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreConfigurationManager );
+ }
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( pop )
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/ICoreObjectFactory.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/ICoreObjectFactory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7e12e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/ICoreObjectFactory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+ extern "C" AdobeXMPCore::pICoreObjectFactory_base WXMPMeta_GetXMPDOMFactoryInstance_1();
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ pICoreObjectFactory ICoreObjectFactory_v1::MakeCoreObjectFactory( pICoreObjectFactory_base ptr ) {
+ if ( ICoreObjectFactory::GetInterfaceVersion() == 1 )
+ return ptr;
+ else
+ return ptr->GetInterfacePointer< ICoreObjectFactory >();
+ }
+ static pICoreObjectFactory ManageCoreObjectFactory( bool destroy = false ) {
+ static pICoreObjectFactory sCoreObjectFactoryPtr( NULL );
+ if ( destroy && sCoreObjectFactoryPtr ) {
+ sCoreObjectFactoryPtr = NULL;
+ return sCoreObjectFactoryPtr;
+ }
+ if ( !sCoreObjectFactoryPtr ) {
+ if ( ICoreObjectFactory::GetInterfaceVersion() != 1 )
+ sCoreObjectFactoryPtr = WXMPMeta_GetXMPDOMFactoryInstance_1()->GetInterfacePointer< ICoreObjectFactory >();
+ else
+ sCoreObjectFactoryPtr = WXMPMeta_GetXMPDOMFactoryInstance_1();
+ }
+ return sCoreObjectFactoryPtr;
+ }
+ void ICoreObjectFactory_v1::SetupCoreObjectFactory() {
+ ManageCoreObjectFactory();
+ }
+ static pICoreObjectFactory ManageCoreObjectFactory( bool destroy = false, pICoreObjectFactory_base coreObjectFactory = NULL ) {
+ static pICoreObjectFactory sCoreObjectFactoryPtr( NULL );
+ if ( destroy && sCoreObjectFactoryPtr ) {
+ sCoreObjectFactoryPtr = NULL;
+ return sCoreObjectFactoryPtr;
+ }
+ if ( !sCoreObjectFactoryPtr && coreObjectFactory ) {
+ if ( ICoreObjectFactory::GetInterfaceVersion() != 1 )
+ sCoreObjectFactoryPtr = coreObjectFactory->GetInterfacePointer< ICoreObjectFactory >();
+ else
+ sCoreObjectFactoryPtr = coreObjectFactory;
+ }
+ return sCoreObjectFactoryPtr;
+ }
+ void ICoreObjectFactory_v1::SetupCoreObjectFactory( pICoreObjectFactory_base coreObjectFactory ) {
+ ManageCoreObjectFactory( false, coreObjectFactory );
+ }
+ pICoreObjectFactory ICoreObjectFactory_v1::GetCoreObjectFactory() {
+ return ManageCoreObjectFactory();
+ }
+ void ICoreObjectFactory_v1::DestroyCoreObjectFactory() {
+ ManageCoreObjectFactory( true );
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/IDOMImplementationRegistry.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IDOMImplementationRegistry.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35934e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IDOMImplementationRegistry.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class IDOMImplementationRegistryProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::IDOMImplementationRegistryProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMImplementationRegistry.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMParser.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMSerializer.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class IDOMImplementationRegistryProxy
+ : public virtual IDOMImplementationRegistry
+ {
+ private:
+ pIDOMImplementationRegistry mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ IDOMImplementationRegistryProxy( pIDOMImplementationRegistry ptr )
+ : mRawPtr( ptr )
+ {
+ mRawPtr->Acquire();
+ }
+ ~IDOMImplementationRegistryProxy() __NOTHROW__ { mRawPtr->Release(); }
+ pIDOMImplementationRegistry APICALL GetActualIDOMImplementationRegistry() __NOTHROW__ { return mRawPtr; }
+ void APICALL Acquire() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pISharedObject_I APICALL GetISharedObject_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetISharedObject_I();
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIDOMImplementationRegistry_I APICALL GetIDOMImplementationRegistry_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetIDOMImplementationRegistry_I();
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL GetInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IVersionable, pvoid, pvoid, uint64, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IVersionable::getInterfacePointer, interfaceID, interfaceVersion );
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL getInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getInterfacePointer( interfaceID, interfaceVersion, error );
+ }
+ virtual spIDOMParser APICALL GetParser( const char * key ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IDOMImplementationRegistry, pIDOMParser_base, IDOMParser, const char * >(
+ mRawPtr, &IDOMImplementationRegistry::getParser, key );
+ }
+ virtual spIDOMSerializer APICALL GetSerializer( const char * key ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IDOMImplementationRegistry, pIDOMSerializer_base, IDOMSerializer, const char * >(
+ mRawPtr, &IDOMImplementationRegistry::getSerializer, key );
+ }
+ virtual bool APICALL RegisterParser( const char * key, pIClientDOMParser_base parser ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IDOMImplementationRegistry, bool, uint32, const char *, pIClientDOMParser_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &IDOMImplementationRegistry::registerParser, key, parser );
+ }
+ virtual bool APICALL RegisterSerializer( const char * key, pIClientDOMSerializer_base serializer ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IDOMImplementationRegistry, bool, uint32, const char *, pIClientDOMSerializer_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &IDOMImplementationRegistry::registerSerializer, key, serializer );
+ }
+ virtual pIDOMParser_base APICALL getParser( const char * key, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getParser( key, error );
+ }
+ virtual pIDOMSerializer_base APICALL getSerializer( const char * key, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getSerializer( key, error );
+ }
+ virtual uint32 APICALL registerParser( const char * key, pIClientDOMParser_base parser, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->registerParser( key, parser, error );
+ }
+ virtual uint32 APICALL registerSerializer( const char * key, pIClientDOMSerializer_base serializer, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->registerSerializer( key, serializer, error );
+ }
+ };
+ spIDOMImplementationRegistry IDOMImplementationRegistry_v1::GetDOMImplementationRegistry() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pIDOMImplementationRegistry_base, IDOMImplementationRegistry >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::GetDOMImplementationRegistry );
+ }
+ spIDOMImplementationRegistry IDOMImplementationRegistry_v1::MakeShared( pIDOMImplementationRegistry_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spIDOMImplementationRegistry();
+ pIDOMImplementationRegistry p = IDOMImplementationRegistry::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ? ptr->GetInterfacePointer< IDOMImplementationRegistry >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< IDOMImplementationRegistry >( new IDOMImplementationRegistryProxy( p ) );
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/IDOMParser.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IDOMParser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a077a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IDOMParser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class IDOMParserProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::IDOMParserProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMParser.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IMetadata.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( push )
+ #pragma warning( disable : 4250 )
+ class IDOMParserProxy
+ : public virtual IDOMParser
+ , public virtual IConfigurableProxy
+ {
+ private:
+ pIDOMParser mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ IDOMParserProxy( pIDOMParser ptr )
+ : IConfigurableProxy( ptr )
+ , mRawPtr( ptr )
+ {
+ mRawPtr->Acquire();
+ }
+ ~IDOMParserProxy() __NOTHROW__ { mRawPtr->Release(); }
+ pIDOMParser APICALL GetActualIDOMParser() __NOTHROW__ { return mRawPtr; }
+ void APICALL Acquire() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pISharedObject_I APICALL GetISharedObject_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetISharedObject_I();
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIDOMParser_I APICALL GetIDOMParser_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetIDOMParser_I();
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL GetInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IVersionable, pvoid, pvoid, uint64, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IVersionable::getInterfacePointer, interfaceID, interfaceVersion );
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL getInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getInterfacePointer( interfaceID, interfaceVersion, error );
+ }
+ virtual spIDOMParser APICALL Clone() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IDOMParser, pIDOMParser_base, IDOMParser >(
+ mRawPtr, &IDOMParser::clone );
+ }
+ virtual spIMetadata APICALL Parse( const char * buffer, sizet bufferLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IDOMParser, pIMetadata_base, IMetadata, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &IDOMParser::parse, buffer, bufferLength );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL ParseWithSpecificAction( const char * buffer, sizet bufferLength, eActionType actionType, spINode & node ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningVoid< IDOMParser, const char *, sizet, uint32, pINode_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &IDOMParser::parseWithSpecificAction, buffer, bufferLength, static_cast< uint32 >( actionType ), node ? node->GetActualINode() : NULL );
+ }
+ virtual pIDOMParser_base APICALL clone( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->clone( error );
+ }
+ virtual pIMetadata_base APICALL parse( const char * buffer, sizet bufferLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->parse( buffer, bufferLength, error );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL parseWithSpecificAction( const char * buffer, sizet bufferLength, uint32 actionType, pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->parseWithSpecificAction( buffer, bufferLength, actionType, node, error );
+ }
+ };
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( pop )
+ spIDOMParser IDOMParser_v1::MakeShared( pIDOMParser_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spIDOMParser();
+ pIDOMParser p = IDOMParser::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ? ptr->GetInterfacePointer< IDOMParser >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< IDOMParser >( new IDOMParserProxy( p ) );
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/IDOMSerializer.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IDOMSerializer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..481477a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IDOMSerializer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class IDOMSerializerProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::IDOMSerializerProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IDOMSerializer.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IUTF8String.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INode.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INameSpacePrefixMap.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( push )
+ #pragma warning( disable : 4250 )
+ class IDOMSerializerProxy
+ : public virtual IDOMSerializer
+ , public virtual IConfigurableProxy
+ {
+ private:
+ pIDOMSerializer mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ IDOMSerializerProxy( pIDOMSerializer ptr )
+ : IConfigurableProxy( ptr )
+ , mRawPtr( ptr )
+ {
+ mRawPtr->Acquire();
+ }
+ ~IDOMSerializerProxy() __NOTHROW__ { mRawPtr->Release(); }
+ pIDOMSerializer APICALL GetActualIDOMSerializer() __NOTHROW__ { return mRawPtr; }
+ void APICALL Acquire() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pISharedObject_I APICALL GetISharedObject_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetISharedObject_I();
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIDOMSerializer_I APICALL GetIDOMSerializer_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetIDOMSerializer_I();
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL GetInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IVersionable, pvoid, pvoid, uint64, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IVersionable::getInterfacePointer, interfaceID, interfaceVersion );
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL getInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getInterfacePointer( interfaceID, interfaceVersion, error );
+ }
+ virtual spIDOMSerializer APICALL Clone() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IDOMSerializer, pIDOMSerializer_base, IDOMSerializer >(
+ mRawPtr, &IDOMSerializer_v1::clone );
+ }
+ virtual spIUTF8String APICALL Serialize( const spINode & node, const spcINameSpacePrefixMap & map ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IDOMSerializer, pIUTF8String_base, IUTF8String, pINode_base, pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &IDOMSerializer_v1::serialize, node ? node->GetActualINode() : NULL , map ? map->GetActualINameSpacePrefixMap() : NULL );
+ }
+ virtual pIDOMSerializer_base APICALL clone( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->clone( error );
+ }
+ virtual pIUTF8String_base APICALL serialize( pINode_base node, pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base map, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->serialize( node, map, error );
+ }
+ };
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( pop )
+ spIDOMSerializer IDOMSerializer_v1::MakeShared( pIDOMSerializer_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spIDOMSerializer();
+ pIDOMSerializer p = ptr->GetInterfacePointer< IDOMSerializer >();
+ return shared_ptr< IDOMSerializer >( new IDOMSerializerProxy( p ) );
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/IMetadata.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IMetadata.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b4eef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IMetadata.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class IMetadataProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::IMetadataProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IMetadata.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IUTF8String.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( push )
+ #pragma warning( disable : 4250 )
+ class IMetadataProxy
+ : public virtual IMetadata
+ , public virtual IStructureNodeProxy
+ {
+ private:
+ pIMetadata mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ IMetadataProxy( pIMetadata ptr )
+ : mRawPtr( ptr )
+ , IStructureNodeProxy( ptr )
+ , ICompositeNodeProxy( ptr )
+ , INodeProxy( ptr ) {}
+ ~IMetadataProxy() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ pIMetadata APICALL GetActualIMetadata() __NOTHROW__ { return mRawPtr; }
+ void APICALL Acquire() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pISharedObject_I APICALL GetISharedObject_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetISharedObject_I();
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIMetadata_I APICALL GetIMetadata_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetIMetadata_I();
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL GetInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IVersionable, pvoid, pvoid, uint64, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IVersionable::getInterfacePointer, interfaceID, interfaceVersion );
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL getInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getInterfacePointer( interfaceID, interfaceVersion, error );
+ }
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetAboutURI() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IMetadata_v1, pcIUTF8String_base, const IUTF8String >(
+ mRawPtr, &IMetadata_v1::getAboutURI );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL SetAboutURI( const char * uri, sizet uriLength ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ mRawPtr->SetAboutURI( uri, uriLength );
+ }
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getAboutURI( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getAboutURI( error );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL EnableFeature( const char * key, sizet keyLength ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->EnableFeature( key, keyLength );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL DisableFeature( const char * key, sizet keyLength ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->DisableFeature( key, keyLength );
+ }
+ };
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( pop )
+ spIMetadata IMetadata_v1::MakeShared( pIMetadata_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spIMetadata();
+ pIMetadata p = IMetadata::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ? ptr->GetInterfacePointer< IMetadata >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< IMetadata >( new IMetadataProxy( p ) );
+ }
+ spIMetadata IMetadata_v1::CreateMetadata() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pIMetadata, IMetadata >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::CreateMetadata );
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/INameSpacePrefixMap.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/INameSpacePrefixMap.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dee5b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/INameSpacePrefixMap.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class INameSpacePrefixMapProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::INameSpacePrefixMapProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INameSpacePrefixMap.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IUTF8String.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ bool INameSpacePrefixMap::IsEmpty() const __NOTHROW__{
+ return this->Size() == 0;
+ }
+ class INameSpacePrefixMapProxy
+ : public virtual INameSpacePrefixMap
+ {
+ private:
+ pINameSpacePrefixMap mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ INameSpacePrefixMapProxy( pINameSpacePrefixMap ptr )
+ : mRawPtr( ptr )
+ {
+ mRawPtr->Acquire();
+ }
+ ~INameSpacePrefixMapProxy() __NOTHROW__ { mRawPtr->Release(); }
+ pINameSpacePrefixMap APICALL GetActualINameSpacePrefixMap() __NOTHROW__ { return mRawPtr; }
+ void APICALL Acquire() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pISharedObject_I APICALL GetISharedObject_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetISharedObject_I();
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pINameSpacePrefixMap_I APICALL GetINameSpacePrefixMap_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetINameSpacePrefixMap_I();
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL GetInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IVersionable, pvoid, pvoid, uint64, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IVersionable::getInterfacePointer, interfaceID, interfaceVersion );
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL getInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getInterfacePointer( interfaceID, interfaceVersion, error );
+ }
+ virtual bool APICALL Insert( const char * prefix, sizet prefixLength, const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< INameSpacePrefixMap_v1, bool, uint32, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INameSpacePrefixMap_v1::insert, prefix, prefixLength, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength );
+ }
+ virtual uint32 APICALL insert( const char * prefix, sizet prefixLength, const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->insert( prefix, prefixLength, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, error );
+ }
+ virtual bool APICALL RemovePrefix( const char * prefix, sizet prefixLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< INameSpacePrefixMap_v1, bool, uint32, uint32, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INameSpacePrefixMap_v1::remove, kPrefixIsParameter, prefix, prefixLength );
+ }
+ virtual bool APICALL RemoveNameSpace( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< INameSpacePrefixMap_v1, bool, uint32, uint32, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INameSpacePrefixMap_v1::remove, kNameSpaceIsParameter, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength );
+ }
+ virtual bool APICALL IsPrefixPresent( const char * prefix, sizet prefixLength ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INameSpacePrefixMap_v1, bool, uint32, uint32, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INameSpacePrefixMap_v1::isPresent, kPrefixIsParameter, prefix, prefixLength );
+ }
+ virtual bool APICALL IsNameSpacePresent( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INameSpacePrefixMap_v1, bool, uint32, uint32, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INameSpacePrefixMap_v1::isPresent, kNameSpaceIsParameter, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength );
+ }
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetNameSpace( const char * prefix, sizet prefixLength ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INameSpacePrefixMap_v1, pcIUTF8String_base, const IUTF8String, uint32, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INameSpacePrefixMap_v1::get, kPrefixIsParameter, prefix, prefixLength );
+ }
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetPrefix( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INameSpacePrefixMap_v1, pcIUTF8String_base, const IUTF8String, uint32, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INameSpacePrefixMap_v1::get, kNameSpaceIsParameter, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength );
+ }
+ virtual sizet APICALL Size() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->Size();
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL Clear() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->Clear();
+ }
+ virtual spINameSpacePrefixMap APICALL Clone() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INameSpacePrefixMap_v1, pINameSpacePrefixMap_base, INameSpacePrefixMap >(
+ mRawPtr, &INameSpacePrefixMap_v1::clone );
+ }
+ virtual pINameSpacePrefixMap_base APICALL clone( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->clone( error );
+ }
+ virtual uint32 APICALL remove( uint32 keyType, const char * key, sizet keyLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->remove( keyType, key, keyLength, error );
+ }
+ virtual uint32 APICALL isPresent( uint32 keyType, const char * key, sizet keyLength, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->isPresent( keyType, key, keyLength, error );
+ }
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL get( uint32 keyType, const char * key, sizet keyLength, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->get( keyType, key, keyLength, error );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL EnableThreadSafety() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->EnableThreadSafety();
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL DisableThreadSafety() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->DisableThreadSafety();
+ }
+ virtual bool APICALL IsThreadSafe() const {
+ return mRawPtr->isThreadSafe() != 0;
+ }
+ virtual uint32 APICALL isThreadSafe( ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->isThreadSafe();
+ }
+ virtual AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pIThreadSafe_I APICALL GetIThreadSafe_I() __NOTHROW__ override {
+ return mRawPtr->GetIThreadSafe_I();
+ }
+ };
+ spINameSpacePrefixMap INameSpacePrefixMap_v1::MakeShared( pINameSpacePrefixMap_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spINameSpacePrefixMap();
+ pINameSpacePrefixMap p = INameSpacePrefixMap::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ?
+ ptr->GetInterfacePointer< INameSpacePrefixMap >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< INameSpacePrefixMap >( new INameSpacePrefixMapProxy( p ) );
+ }
+ spINameSpacePrefixMap INameSpacePrefixMap_v1::CreateNameSpacePrefixMap() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pINameSpacePrefixMap_base, INameSpacePrefixMap >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::CreateNameSpacePrefixMap );
+ }
+ spcINameSpacePrefixMap INameSpacePrefixMap_v1::GetDefaultNameSpacePrefixMap() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base, const INameSpacePrefixMap >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::GetDefaultNameSpacePrefixMap );
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/INode.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/INode.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d0126c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/INode.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class INodeProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::INodeProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INode.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IUTF8String.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IPath.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ISimpleNode.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INodeIterator.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IArrayNode.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IMetadata.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ INodeProxy::INodeProxy( pINode ptr ) : mRawPtr( ptr ) {
+ mRawPtr->Acquire();
+ }
+ INodeProxy::~INodeProxy() __NOTHROW__ {
+ mRawPtr->Release();
+ }
+ pINode APICALL INodeProxy::GetActualINode() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr;
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::Acquire() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::Release() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pISharedObject_I APICALL INodeProxy::GetISharedObject_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetISharedObject_I();
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pINode_I APICALL INodeProxy::GetINode_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetINode_I();
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL INodeProxy::getInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getInterfacePointer( interfaceID, interfaceVersion, error );
+ }
+ spINode APICALL INodeProxy::GetParent() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pINode_base, INode >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::getParent );
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::SetName( const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningVoid< INode_v1, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::setName, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ spcIUTF8String APICALL INodeProxy::GetName() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pcIUTF8String_base, const IUTF8String >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::getName );
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::SetNameSpace( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningVoid< INode_v1, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::setNameSpace, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength );
+ }
+ spcIUTF8String APICALL INodeProxy::GetNameSpace() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pcIUTF8String_base, const IUTF8String >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::getNameSpace );
+ }
+ spIPath APICALL INodeProxy::GetPath() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pIPath_base, IPath >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::getPath );
+ }
+ sizet APICALL INodeProxy::QualifiersCount() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->QualifiersCount();
+ }
+ spINodeIterator APICALL INodeProxy::QualifiersIterator() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pINodeIterator_base, INodeIterator >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::qualifiersIterator );
+ }
+ spINode APICALL INodeProxy::GetQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pINode_base, INode, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::getQualifier, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::InsertQualifier( const spINode & node ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningVoid< INode_v1, pINode_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::insertQualifier, node ? node->GetActualINode() : NULL );
+ }
+ spINode APICALL INodeProxy::ReplaceQualifier( const spINode & node ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pINode_base, INode, pINode_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::replaceQualifier, node ? node->GetActualINode() : NULL );
+ }
+ spINode APICALL INodeProxy::RemoveQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pINode_base, INode, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::removeQualifier, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ INode_v1::eNodeType APICALL INodeProxy::GetNodeType() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INode_v1, eNodeType, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::getNodeType );
+ }
+ bool APICALL INodeProxy::IsArrayItem() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INode_v1, bool, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::isArrayItem );
+ }
+ bool APICALL INodeProxy::IsQualifierNode() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INode_v1, bool, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::isQualifierNode );
+ }
+ sizet APICALL INodeProxy::GetIndex() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INode_v1, sizet, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::getIndex );
+ }
+ bool APICALL INodeProxy::HasQualifiers() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INode_v1, bool, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::hasQualifiers );
+ }
+ bool APICALL INodeProxy::HasContent() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INode_v1, bool, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::hasContent );
+ }
+ bool APICALL INodeProxy::IsEmpty() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INode_v1, bool, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::isEmpty );
+ }
+ bool APICALL INodeProxy::HasChanged() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INode_v1, bool, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::hasChanged );
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::AcknowledgeChanges() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->AcknowledgeChanges( );
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::Clear( bool contents, bool qualifiers ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningVoid< INode_v1, uint32, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::clear, static_cast< uint32 >( contents ), static_cast< uint32 >( qualifiers ) );
+ }
+ spINode APICALL INodeProxy::Clone( bool ignoreEmptyNodes, bool ignoreNodesWithOnlyQualifiers ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pINode_base, INode, uint32, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::clone, static_cast< uint32 >( ignoreEmptyNodes ), static_cast< uint32 >( ignoreNodesWithOnlyQualifiers ) );
+ }
+ pINode_base APICALL INodeProxy::getParent( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getParent( error );
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::setName( const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->setName( name, nameLength, error );
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCommon::pcIUTF8String_base APICALL INodeProxy::getName( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getName( error );
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::setNameSpace( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->setNameSpace( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, error );
+ }
+ pcIUTF8String_base APICALL INodeProxy::getNameSpace( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getNameSpace( error );
+ }
+ pIPath_base APICALL INodeProxy::getPath( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getPath( error );
+ }
+ pINodeIterator_base APICALL INodeProxy::qualifiersIterator( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->qualifiersIterator( error );
+ }
+ pINode_base APICALL INodeProxy::getQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getQualifier( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength, error );
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::insertQualifier( pINode_base base, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->insertQualifier( base, error );
+ }
+ pINode_base APICALL INodeProxy::replaceQualifier( pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->replaceQualifier( node, error );
+ }
+ pINode_base APICALL INodeProxy::removeQualifier( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->removeQualifier( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength, error );
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL INodeProxy::getNodeType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getNodeType( error );
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL INodeProxy::isArrayItem( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->isArrayItem( error );
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL INodeProxy::isQualifierNode( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->isQualifierNode( error );
+ }
+ sizet APICALL INodeProxy::getIndex( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getIndex( error );
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL INodeProxy::hasQualifiers( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->hasQualifiers( error );
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL INodeProxy::hasContent( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->hasContent( error );
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL INodeProxy::isEmpty( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->isEmpty( error );
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL INodeProxy::hasChanged( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->hasChanged( error );
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::clear( uint32 contents, uint32 qualifiers, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->clear( contents, qualifiers, error );
+ }
+ pINode_base APICALL INodeProxy::clone( uint32 igoreEmptyNodes, uint32 ignoreNodesWithOnlyQualifiers, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->clone( igoreEmptyNodes, ignoreNodesWithOnlyQualifiers, error );
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::EnableThreadSafety() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->EnableThreadSafety( );
+ }
+ void APICALL INodeProxy::DisableThreadSafety() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->DisableThreadSafety( );
+ }
+ bool APICALL INodeProxy::IsThreadSafe() const {
+ return mRawPtr->isThreadSafe() != 0;
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL INodeProxy::isThreadSafe() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->isThreadSafe();
+ }
+ spISimpleNode APICALL INodeProxy::ConvertToSimpleNode() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pISimpleNode_base, ISimpleNode >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::convertToSimpleNode );
+ }
+ spIStructureNode APICALL INodeProxy::ConvertToStructureNode() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pIStructureNode_base, IStructureNode >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::convertToStructureNode );
+ }
+ spIArrayNode APICALL INodeProxy::ConvertToArrayNode() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pIArrayNode_base, IArrayNode >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::convertToArrayNode );
+ }
+ spIMetadata APICALL INodeProxy::ConvertToMetadata() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INode_v1, pIMetadata_base, IMetadata >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::convertToMetadata );
+ }
+ pISimpleNode_base APICALL INodeProxy::convertToSimpleNode( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->convertToSimpleNode( error );
+ }
+ pIStructureNode_base APICALL INodeProxy::convertToStructureNode( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->convertToStructureNode( error ); }
+ pIArrayNode_base APICALL INodeProxy::convertToArrayNode( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->convertToArrayNode( error );
+ }
+ pIMetadata_base APICALL INodeProxy::convertToMetadata( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->convertToMetadata( error );
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL INodeProxy::getParentNodeType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getParentNodeType( error );
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL INodeProxy::getQualifierNodeType( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getQualifierNodeType( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength, error );
+ }
+ INode_v1::eNodeType APICALL INodeProxy::GetParentNodeType() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INode_v1, eNodeType, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::getParentNodeType );
+ }
+ INode_v1::eNodeType APICALL INodeProxy::GetQualifierNodeType( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INode_v1, eNodeType, uint32, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &INode_v1::getQualifierNodeType, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pIThreadSafe_I APICALL INodeProxy::GetIThreadSafe_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetIThreadSafe_I( );
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL INodeProxy::GetInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IVersionable, pvoid, pvoid, uint64, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IVersionable::getInterfacePointer, interfaceID, interfaceVersion );
+ }
+ spINode INode_v1::MakeShared( pINode_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spINode();
+ pINode p = INode::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ? ptr->GetInterfacePointer< INode >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< INode >( new INodeProxy( p ) );
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/INodeIterator.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/INodeIterator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f43a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/INodeIterator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class INodeIteratorProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::INodeIteratorProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INodeIterator.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class INodeIteratorProxy
+ : public virtual INodeIterator
+ {
+ private:
+ pINodeIterator mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ INodeIteratorProxy( pINodeIterator ptr )
+ : mRawPtr( ptr )
+ {
+ mRawPtr->Acquire();
+ }
+ ~INodeIteratorProxy() __NOTHROW__ { mRawPtr->Release(); }
+ pINodeIterator APICALL GetActualINodeIterator() __NOTHROW__ { return mRawPtr; }
+ void APICALL Acquire() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pISharedObject_I APICALL GetISharedObject_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetISharedObject_I();
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pINodeIterator_I APICALL GetINodeIterator_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetINodeIterator_I();
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL getInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getInterfacePointer( interfaceID, interfaceVersion, error );
+ }
+ virtual spINode APICALL GetNode() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INodeIterator_v1, pINode_base, INode >(
+ mRawPtr, &INodeIterator_v1::getNode );
+ }
+ virtual INode_v1::eNodeType APICALL GetNodeType() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< INodeIterator_v1, INode_v1::eNodeType, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &INodeIterator_v1::getNodeType );
+ }
+ virtual spINodeIterator APICALL Next() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< INodeIterator_v1, pINodeIterator, INodeIterator >(
+ mRawPtr, &INodeIterator_v1::next );
+ }
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getNodeType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getNodeType( error );
+ }
+ virtual pINode_base APICALL getNode( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getNode( error );
+ }
+ virtual pINodeIterator_base APICALL next( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->next( error );
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL GetInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IVersionable, pvoid, pvoid, uint64, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IVersionable::getInterfacePointer, interfaceID, interfaceVersion );
+ }
+ };
+ spINodeIterator INodeIterator_v1::MakeShared( pINodeIterator_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spINodeIterator();
+ //return shared_ptr< INodeIterator >( new INodeIteratorProxy( ptr ) );
+ pINodeIterator p = INodeIterator::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ? ptr->GetInterfacePointer< INodeIterator >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< INodeIterator >( new INodeIteratorProxy( p ) );
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/IPath.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IPath.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0b99c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IPath.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class IPathProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::IPathProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IPath.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/INameSpacePrefixMap.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IUTF8String.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IPathSegment.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class IPathProxy
+ : public virtual IPath
+ {
+ private:
+ pIPath mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ IPathProxy( pIPath ptr )
+ : mRawPtr( ptr )
+ {
+ mRawPtr->Acquire();
+ }
+ ~IPathProxy() __NOTHROW__ { mRawPtr->Release(); }
+ pIPath APICALL GetActualIPath() __NOTHROW__ { return mRawPtr; }
+ void APICALL Acquire() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pISharedObject_I APICALL GetISharedObject_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetISharedObject_I();
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIPath_I APICALL GetIPath_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetIPath_I();
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL GetInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IVersionable, pvoid, pvoid, uint64, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IVersionable::getInterfacePointer, interfaceID, interfaceVersion );
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL getInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getInterfacePointer( interfaceID, interfaceVersion, error );
+ }
+ virtual spcINameSpacePrefixMap APICALL RegisterNameSpacePrefixMap( const spcINameSpacePrefixMap & map ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IPath_v1, pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base, const INameSpacePrefixMap, pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &IPath_v1::registerNameSpacePrefixMap, map ? map->GetActualINameSpacePrefixMap() : NULL );
+ }
+ virtual pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base APICALL registerNameSpacePrefixMap( pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base map, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->registerNameSpacePrefixMap( map, error );
+ }
+ virtual spIUTF8String APICALL Serialize( const spcINameSpacePrefixMap & map ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IPath_v1, pIUTF8String_base, IUTF8String, pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &IPath_v1::serialize, map ? map->GetActualINameSpacePrefixMap() : NULL );
+ }
+ virtual pIUTF8String_base APICALL serialize( pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base map, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->serialize( map, error );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL AppendPathSegment( const spcIPathSegment & segment ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningVoid< IPath_v1, pcIPathSegment_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &IPath_v1::appendPathSegment, segment ? segment->GetActualIPathSegment() : NULL );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL appendPathSegment( pcIPathSegment_base segment, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->appendPathSegment( segment, error );
+ }
+ virtual spcIPathSegment APICALL RemovePathSegment( sizet index ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IPath_v1, pcIPathSegment_base, const IPathSegment, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &IPath_v1::removePathSegment, index );
+ }
+ virtual pcIPathSegment_base APICALL removePathSegment( sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->removePathSegment( index, error );
+ }
+ virtual spcIPathSegment APICALL GetPathSegment( sizet index ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IPath_v1, pcIPathSegment_base, const IPathSegment, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &IPath_v1::getPathSegment, index );
+ }
+ virtual pcIPathSegment_base APICALL getPathSegment( sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getPathSegment( index, error );
+ }
+ virtual sizet APICALL Size() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->Size( );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL Clear() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->Clear( );
+ }
+ virtual spIPath APICALL Clone( sizet startingIndex, sizet countOfSegments ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IPath_v1, pIPath_base, IPath, sizet, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &IPath_v1::clone, startingIndex, countOfSegments );
+ }
+ virtual pIPath_base APICALL clone( sizet startingIndex, sizet countOfSegemetns, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->clone( startingIndex, countOfSegemetns, error );
+ }
+ };
+ spIPath IPath_v1::MakeShared( pIPath_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spIPath();
+ pIPath p = IPath::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ? ptr->GetInterfacePointer< IPath >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< IPath >( new IPathProxy( p ) );
+ }
+ spIPath IPath_v1::CreatePath() {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pIPath_base, IPath >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::CreatePath );
+ }
+ spIPath IPath_v1::ParsePath( const char * path, sizet pathLength, const spcINameSpacePrefixMap & map ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pIPath_base, IPath, const char *, sizet, pcINameSpacePrefixMap_base >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::ParsePath, path, pathLength, map ? map->GetActualINameSpacePrefixMap() : NULL );
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/IPathSegment.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IPathSegment.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4228492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IPathSegment.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class IPathSegmentProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::IPathSegmentProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IPathSegment.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IUTF8String.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IError.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class IPathSegmentProxy
+ : public virtual IPathSegment
+ {
+ private:
+ pIPathSegment mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ IPathSegmentProxy( pIPathSegment ptr )
+ : mRawPtr( ptr )
+ {
+ mRawPtr->Acquire();
+ }
+ ~IPathSegmentProxy() __NOTHROW__ { mRawPtr->Release(); }
+ pIPathSegment APICALL GetActualIPathSegment() __NOTHROW__ { return mRawPtr; }
+ void APICALL Acquire() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ void APICALL Release() const __NOTHROW__ { assert( false ); }
+ AdobeXMPCommon_Int::pISharedObject_I APICALL GetISharedObject_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetISharedObject_I();
+ }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIPathSegment_I APICALL GetIPathSegment_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetIPathSegment_I();
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL GetInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion ) {
+ return CallSafeFunction< IVersionable, pvoid, pvoid, uint64, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IVersionable::getInterfacePointer, interfaceID, interfaceVersion );
+ }
+ pvoid APICALL getInterfacePointer( uint64 interfaceID, uint32 interfaceVersion, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getInterfacePointer( interfaceID, interfaceVersion, error );
+ }
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetNameSpace() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IPathSegment_v1, pcIUTF8String_base, const IUTF8String >(
+ mRawPtr, &IPathSegment_v1::getNameSpace );
+ }
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getNameSpace( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getNameSpace( error );
+ }
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetName() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IPathSegment_v1, pcIUTF8String_base, const IUTF8String >(
+ mRawPtr, &IPathSegment_v1::getName );
+ }
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getName( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getName( error );
+ }
+ virtual ePathSegmentType APICALL GetType() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< IPathSegment_v1, ePathSegmentType, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &IPathSegment_v1::getType );
+ }
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getType( error );
+ }
+ virtual sizet APICALL GetIndex() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetIndex();
+ }
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetValue() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IPathSegment_v1, pcIUTF8String_base, const IUTF8String >(
+ mRawPtr, &IPathSegment_v1::getValue );
+ }
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getValue( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getValue( error );
+ }
+ };
+ spIPathSegment IPathSegment_v1::MakeShared( pIPathSegment_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spIPathSegment();
+ pIPathSegment p = IPathSegment::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ?
+ ptr->GetInterfacePointer< IPathSegment >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< IPathSegment >( new IPathSegmentProxy( p ) );
+ }
+ spcIPathSegment IPathSegment_v1::CreatePropertyPathSegment( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pcIPathSegment_base, const IPathSegment, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::CreatePropertyPathSegment, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ spcIPathSegment IPathSegment_v1::CreateArrayIndexPathSegment( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, sizet index ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pcIPathSegment_base, const IPathSegment, const char *, sizet, sizet >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::CreateArrayIndexPathSegment, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, index );
+ }
+ spcIPathSegment IPathSegment_v1::CreateQualifierPathSegment( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pcIPathSegment_base, const IPathSegment, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::CreateQualifierPathSegment, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ spcIPathSegment IPathSegment_v1::CreateQualifierSelectorPathSegment( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength,
+ const char * value, sizet valueLength )
+ {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pcIPathSegment_base, const IPathSegment, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::CreateQualifierSelectorPathSegment, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength, value, valueLength );
+ }
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/ISimpleNode.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/ISimpleNode.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..170192f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/ISimpleNode.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class ISimpleNodeProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::ISimpleNodeProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ISimpleNode.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/IUTF8String.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( push )
+ #pragma warning( disable : 4250 )
+ class ISimpleNodeProxy
+ : public virtual ISimpleNode
+ , public virtual INodeProxy
+ {
+ private:
+ pISimpleNode mRawPtr;
+ public:
+ ISimpleNodeProxy( pISimpleNode ptr )
+ : mRawPtr( ptr )
+ , INodeProxy( ptr ) {}
+ ~ISimpleNodeProxy() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ pISimpleNode APICALL GetActualISimpleNode() __NOTHROW__ { return mRawPtr; }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pISimpleNode_I APICALL GetISimpleNode_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetISimpleNode_I();
+ }
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetValue() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ISimpleNode_v1, pcIUTF8String_base, const IUTF8String >(
+ mRawPtr, &ISimpleNode_v1::getValue );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL SetValue( const char * value, sizet valueLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningVoid< ISimpleNode_v1, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &ISimpleNode_v1::setValue, value, valueLength );
+ }
+ virtual bool APICALL IsURIType() const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< ISimpleNode_v1, bool, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &ISimpleNode_v1::isURIType );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL SetURIType( bool isURI ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningVoid< ISimpleNode_v1, uint32 >(
+ mRawPtr, &ISimpleNode_v1::setURIType, isURI ? 1 : 0 );
+ }
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getValue( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getValue( error );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL setValue( const char * value, sizet valueLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->setValue( value, valueLength, error );
+ }
+ virtual uint32 APICALL isURIType( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->isURIType( error );
+ }
+ virtual void APICALL setURIType( uint32 isURI, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->setURIType( isURI, error );
+ }
+ };
+ spISimpleNode ISimpleNode_v1::CreateSimpleNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, const char * value, sizet valueLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pISimpleNode_base, ISimpleNode, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::CreateSimpleNode, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength, value, valueLength );
+ }
+ spISimpleNode ISimpleNode_v1::MakeShared( pISimpleNode_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spISimpleNode();
+ pISimpleNode p = ISimpleNode::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ? ptr->GetInterfacePointer< ISimpleNode >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< ISimpleNode >( new ISimpleNodeProxy( p ) );
+ }
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning( pop )
diff --git a/public/include/XMPCore/source/IStructureNode.cpp b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IStructureNode.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32aa76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/include/XMPCore/source/IStructureNode.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ class IStructureNodeProxy;
+#define FRIEND_CLASS_DECLARATION() friend class AdobeXMPCore::IStructureNodeProxy;
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/IStructureNode.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Utilities/TWrapperFunctions.h"
+#include "XMPCore/Interfaces/ICoreObjectFactory.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+namespace AdobeXMPCore {
+ IStructureNodeProxy::IStructureNodeProxy( pIStructureNode ptr ) : mRawPtr( ptr )
+ , ICompositeNodeProxy( ptr )
+ , INodeProxy( ptr ) { }
+ IStructureNodeProxy::~IStructureNodeProxy() __NOTHROW__ { }
+ AdobeXMPCore_Int::pIStructureNode_I APICALL IStructureNodeProxy::GetIStructureNode_I() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr->GetIStructureNode_I();
+ }
+ INode_v1::eNodeType APICALL IStructureNodeProxy::GetChildNodeType( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) const {
+ return CallConstSafeFunction< IStructureNode_v1, eNodeType, uint32, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &IStructureNode_v1::getChildNodeType, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ spINode APICALL IStructureNodeProxy::GetNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IStructureNode_v1, pINode_base, INode, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &IStructureNode_v1::getNode, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ void APICALL IStructureNodeProxy::InsertNode( const spINode & node ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningVoid< IStructureNode_v1, pINode_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &IStructureNode_v1::insertNode, node ? node->GetActualINode() : NULL );
+ }
+ spINode APICALL IStructureNodeProxy::ReplaceNode( const spINode & node ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IStructureNode_v1, pINode_base, INode, pINode_base >(
+ mRawPtr, &IStructureNode_v1::replaceNode, node ? node->GetActualINode() : NULL );
+ }
+ spINode APICALL IStructureNodeProxy::RemoveNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< IStructureNode_v1, pINode_base, INode, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ mRawPtr, &IStructureNode_v1::removeNode, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }
+ uint32 APICALL IStructureNodeProxy::getChildNodeType( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getChildNodeType( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength, error );
+ }
+ pINode_base APICALL IStructureNodeProxy::getNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->getNode( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength, error );
+ }
+ void APICALL IStructureNodeProxy::insertNode( pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->insertNode( node, error );
+ }
+ pINode_base APICALL IStructureNodeProxy::replaceNode( pINode_base node, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->replaceNode( node, error );
+ }
+ pINode_base APICALL IStructureNodeProxy::removeNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ {
+ assert( false );
+ return mRawPtr->removeNode( nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength, error );
+ }
+ pIStructureNode APICALL IStructureNodeProxy::GetActualIStructureNode() __NOTHROW__ {
+ return mRawPtr;
+ }
+ spIStructureNode IStructureNode_v1::MakeShared( pIStructureNode_base ptr ) {
+ if ( !ptr ) return spIStructureNode();
+ pIStructureNode p = IStructureNode::GetInterfaceVersion() > 1 ? ptr->GetInterfacePointer< IStructureNode >() : ptr;
+ return shared_ptr< IStructureNode >( new IStructureNodeProxy( p ) );
+ }
+ spIStructureNode IStructureNode_v1::CreateStructureNode( const char * nameSpace, sizet nameSpaceLength, const char * name, sizet nameLength ) {
+ return CallSafeFunctionReturningPointer< ICoreObjectFactory, pIStructureNode_base, IStructureNode, const char *, sizet, const char *, sizet >(
+ ICoreObjectFactory::GetCoreObjectFactory(), &ICoreObjectFactory::CreateStructureNode, nameSpace, nameSpaceLength, name, nameLength );
+ }