path: root/public/include/XMPCommon/Interfaces/IError.h
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1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
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+//! @file IError.h
+#ifndef __IError_h__
+#define __IError_h__ 1
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// ================================================================================================
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/ISharedObject.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/Interfaces/BaseInterfaces/IVersionable.h"
+#include "XMPCommon/XMPCommonFwdDeclarations.h"
+namespace AdobeXMPCommon {
+ //!
+ //! @brief Version1 of the interface that represents an error/warning encountered during processing.
+ //! \details Provides all the functions to get required information regarding error scenario.
+ //! \attention Do Not support Multi-threading at object level.
+ //! \attention Multi-threading not required since clients will only be provided const objects.
+ //!
+ class XMP_PUBLIC IError_v1
+ : public virtual ISharedObject
+ , public virtual IVersionable
+ {
+ public:
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates various types of errors.
+ //!
+ typedef enum {
+ //! No severity, not to be used.
+ kESNone = 0,
+ //! Recovery is possible, client can choose to ignore and let library continue with the best possible way.
+ kESWarning = 1 << 0,
+ //! Recovery is not possible, an exception of type pcIError_base will be thrown aborting the API call.
+ kESOperationFatal = 1 << 1,
+ //! Recovery is not possible, an exception of type pcIError_base will be thrown, client should abort the process.
+ kESProcessFatal = 1 << 2,
+ // Add new severities here
+ //! Maximum value this enum can hold, should be treated as invalid value.
+ kESMaxValue = 1 << 31,
+ //! Union of all severities
+ kESAll = kAllBits,
+ } eErrorSeverity;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Indicates various types of error domains.
+ //!
+ typedef enum {
+ //! No Domain
+ kEDNone = 0,
+ //! Indicates error related to general conditions.
+ kEDGeneral = 1,
+ //! Indicates error related to memory allocation-deallocation conditions.
+ kEDMemoryManagement = 2,
+ //! Indicates error related to configurable APIs.
+ kEDConfigurable = 3,
+ //! Indicates error releated to multithreading.
+ kEDMultiThreading = 4,
+ //! Indicates error related to XMP Data Model Management.
+ kEDDataModel = 100,
+ //! Indicates error related to XMP Parsing.
+ kEDParser = 101,
+ //! Indicates error related to XMP Serializing.
+ kEDSerializer = 102,
+ //! Indicates error related to dealing with XMP in various file formats.
+ kEDXMPFiles = 200,
+ //! Indicates error related to Conflict Identification.
+ kEDConflictIdentification = 400,
+ //! Indicates error related to Conflict Resolution.
+ kEDConflictResolution = 500,
+ //! Indicates error related to 3 Way Merge.
+ kEDThreeWayMerge = 600,
+ //! Indicates error related to Generic Strategy Database
+ kEDGenericStrategyDatabase = 601,
+ //! Indicates error related to Asset Management.
+ kEDAssetManagement = 10000,
+ //! Maximum value this enum can hold, should be treated as invalid value.
+ kEDMaxValue = kMaxEnumValue
+ } eErrorDomain;
+ typedef uint32 eErrorCode;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the error code.
+ //! \return An object of type #eErrorCode indicating the error code.
+ //!
+ virtual eErrorCode APICALL GetCode() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the error domain.
+ //! \return An object of type #eErrorDomain indicating the error domain.
+ //!
+ virtual eErrorDomain APICALL GetDomain() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the error severity.
+ //! \return An object of type #eErrorSeverity indicating the severity of error.
+ //!
+ virtual eErrorSeverity APICALL GetSeverity() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the error message.
+ //! \details Error message contains a descriptive string, for debugging use only. It must not be shown to users
+ //! in a final product. It is written for developers, not users, and never localized.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String object containing message string.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetMessage() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the location of the error origin.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String object containing location as like file name
+ //! and line number.
+ //! \note For debugging use only.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetLocation() const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the value of a parameter at a particular index.
+ //! \details Based on each error condition various parameters are stored along with the error object. Clients can
+ //! one by one get access to each parameter that can be later used for debugging.
+ //! \param[in] index A value of \#AdobeXMPCommon::sizet indicating the index of the parameter client is
+ //! interested in retrieving.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to const \#AdobeXMPCommon::IUTF8String object containing some string.
+ //! \attention Throws \#AdobeXMPCommon::pcIError_base in case index is out of bounds.
+ //! \note For debugging use only.
+ //!
+ virtual spcIUTF8String APICALL GetParameter( sizet index ) const = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Get the count of parameters.
+ //! \return An object of type \#AdobeXMPCommon::sizet containing the count of paramaters associated with the error object.
+ //!
+ virtual sizet APICALL GetParametersCount() const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Get the next error in the chain.
+ //! \return A pointer to const/non-const \#AdobeXMPCommon::IError object which is the next error in the chain.
+ //! \note Return an invalid shared pointer in case it is the last error object in the chain.
+ //!
+ virtual spIError APICALL GetNextError() = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE spcIError GetNextError() const {
+ return const_cast< IError_v1 * >( this )->GetNextError();
+ }
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Set the next error in the chain.
+ //! \param[in] error A pointer to \#AdobeXMP::IError object which will be the next error in the chain.
+ //! \return A pointer to \#AdobeXMPCommon::IError object which is the current next error in the chain.
+ //! \note Return an invalid pointer in case there is no current next error in the chain.
+ //!
+ virtual spIError APICALL SetNextError( const spIError & error ) = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Set the error message.
+ //! \param[in] message Pointer to a constant char buffer containing message. It can be null terminated or not.
+ //! NULL pointer will be treated as empty message string.
+ //! \param[in] len A value of \#AdobeXMPCommon::sizet indicating the length in case message is not null
+ //! terminated. In case message is null terminated it can be set to its default value ( npos ).
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL SetMessage( const char * message, sizet len = npos ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Set the location of origin of error.
+ //! \param[in] fileName Pointer to a null terminated char buffer containing the file name from which the error
+ //! originated. NULL pointer will be treated as empty fileName.
+ //! \param[in] lineNumber A value of \#AdobeXMPCommon::sizet indicating the line in source file from which the error
+ //! originated.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL SetLocation( const char * fileName, sizet lineNumber ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Appends a parameter to the list of parameters.
+ //! \param[in] parameter Pointer to a constant char buffer containing parameter. It can be null terminated or not.
+ //! NULL pointer will be treated as empty message string.
+ //! \param[in] len A value of AdobeXMPCommon::sizet indicating the length in case parameter is not null
+ //! terminated. In case parameter is null terminated it can be set to its default value ( npos ).
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL AppendParameter( const char * parameter, sizet len = npos ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Appends an address as a string to the list of parameters.
+ //! \param[in] addressParameter A value of void * type containing the address of the location to be used as parameter.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL AppendParameter( void * addressParameter ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Appends a 32 bit unsigned integer value as a string to the list of parameters.
+ //! \param[in] integerValue A value of AdobeXMPCommon::uint32 type containing the integral value to be used as parameter.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL AppendParameter( const uint32 & integerValue ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Appends a 64 bit unsigned integer value as a string to the list of parameters.
+ //! \param[in] integerValue A value of AdobeXMPCommon::uint64 type containing the integral value to be used as parameter.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL AppendParameter( const uint64 & integerValue ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Appends a 32 bit integer value as a string to the list of parameters.
+ //! \param[in] integerValue A value of AdobeXMPCommon::int32 type containing the integral value to be used as parameter.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL AppendParameter( const int32 & integerValue ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Appends a 64 bit integer value as a string to the list of parameters.
+ //! \param[in] integerValue A value of AdobeXMPCommon::uint64 type containing the integral value to be used as parameter.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL AppendParameter( const int64 & integerValue ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Appends a floating value as a string to the list of parameters.
+ //! \param[in] floatValue A value of float type containing the floating value to be used as parameter.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL AppendParameter( const float & floatValue ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Appends a double floating value as a string to the list of parameters.
+ //! \param[in] doubleValue A value of double type containing the floating value to be used as parameter.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL AppendParameter( const double & doubleValue ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Appends a boolean value as a string to the list of parameters.
+ //! \param[in] booleanValue A value of bool type containing the boolean value to be used as parameter.
+ //!
+ virtual void APICALL AppendParameter( bool booleanValue ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ //!
+ //! @brief Creates an error object.
+ //! \param[in] objFactory A pointer to IObjectFactory object.
+ //! \param[in] errDomain A value of #eErrorDomain indicating the error domain.
+ //! \param[in] errCode A value of #eErrorCode indicating the error code.
+ //! \param[in] errSeverity A value of #eErrorSeverity indicating the severity of the error.
+ //! \return A shared pointer to an object of IError_v1.
+ //!
+ static spIError CreateError( pIObjectFactory objFactory, eErrorDomain errDomain,
+ eErrorCode errCode, eErrorSeverity errSeverity );
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Return the actual raw pointer from the pointer available to client, which can be of a proxy class.
+ //! \return Either a const or non const pointer to IError interface.
+ //!
+ virtual pIError APICALL GetActualIError() __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ XMP_PRIVATE pcIError GetActualIError() const __NOTHROW__ {
+ return const_cast< IError_v1 * >( this )->GetActualIError();
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @{
+ //! @brief Convert raw pointer to shared pointer.
+ //! @details The raw pointer is of version 1 interface where as the returned shared pointer depends on the version client who is interested in.
+ //!
+ //! \return Shared pointer to const or non constant IError interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spIError MakeShared( pIError_base ptr );
+ XMP_PRIVATE static spcIError MakeShared( pcIError_base ptr ) {
+ return MakeShared( const_cast< pIError_base >( ptr ) );
+ }
+ //!
+ //! @}
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //! \return 64 bit unsigned integer representing the unique ID assigned to the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint64 GetInterfaceID() { return kIErrorID; }
+ //!
+ //! @brief Returns the version of the interface.
+ //! \return 32 bit unsigned integer representing the version of the interface.
+ //!
+ XMP_PRIVATE static uint32 GetInterfaceVersion() { return 1; }
+ //! \endcond
+ protected:
+ //!
+ //! Destructor
+ //!
+ virtual ~IError_v1() __NOTHROW__ {}
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getCode( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getDomain( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual uint32 APICALL getSeverity( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getMessage( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getLocation( pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pcIUTF8String_base APICALL getParameter( sizet index, pcIError_base & error ) const __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pIError_base APICALL getNextError( pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ virtual pIError_base APICALL setNextError( pIError_base nextError, pcIError_base & error ) __NOTHROW__ = 0;
+ #endif
+ //! \endcond
+ };
+ //!
+ //! @brief A function pointer to report back errors and warnings to the library encountered during the serialization operation.
+ //! @details Based on the error condition library can return 0 or non zero to indicate that a particular warning can be ignored
+ //! and operation can continue.
+ //! \param[in] errorDomain An unsigned 32 bit integer indicating the domain of the error.
+ //! \param[in] errorCode An unsigned 32 bit integer indicating the code of the error.
+ //! \param[in] errorSeverity An unsigned 32 bit integer indicating the severity of the error.
+ //! \param[out] error A reference to a pointer to const IError object which will be filled with the error object in case of any error.
+ //! \return non zero value indicating that process can continue ignoring the warning, otherwise return 0 to indicate it should stop immediately.
+ //!
+ typedef uint32( *ReportErrorAndContinueABISafeProc )( uint32 errorDomain, uint32 errorCode, uint32 errorSeverity, const char * message, pcIError_base & error );
+ //!
+ //! @brief A Function object used by the client to report back and warnings to the library encountered during the serialization operation.
+ //! @details Based on the error condition library can return 0 or non zero to indicate that a particular warning can be ignored
+ //! and operation can continue.
+ //!
+ class ReportErrorAndContinueFunctor {
+ public:
+ ReportErrorAndContinueFunctor( ReportErrorAndContinueABISafeProc safeProc )
+ : mSafeProc( safeProc ) {}
+ //!
+ //! \param[in] errorDomain A value of \#IError_v1::eErrorDomain indicating the domain of the error.
+ //! \param[in] errorCode A value of \#IError_v1::eErrorCode indicating the code of the error.
+ //! \param[in] errorSeverity A value of \#IError_v1::eErrorSeverity indicating the severity of the error.
+ //! \param[in] message Pointer to a constant char buffer containing message.
+ //! \return true value indicating that process can continue ignoring the warning, otherwise return false to indicate it should stop immediately.
+ //!
+ bool operator()( IError_v1::eErrorDomain errorDomain, IError_v1::eErrorCode errorCode, IError_v1::eErrorSeverity errorSeverity, const char * message ) {
+ pcIError_base error( NULL );
+ auto retValue = mSafeProc( static_cast< uint32 >( errorDomain ), static_cast< uint32 >( errorCode ), static_cast< uint32 >( errorSeverity ), message, error );
+ if ( error )
+ throw IError_v1::MakeShared( error );
+ return retValue != 0 ? true : false;
+ }
+ protected:
+ ReportErrorAndContinueABISafeProc mSafeProc;
+ };
+#endif // __IError_h__